A Year and a Day: Divorce Without Destruction

Do you think your spouse is hiding money from you during your divorce proceeding? You might need a forensic accountant like Robert Nordlander! Forensic accountants are experts in financial records and statements, and an attorney can hire them to testify about things like your former spouse's all-cash lifestyle, unusual spending, and unexplained purchases in court. In this episode, find out how to achieve the best possible financial outcome for yourself during your divorce.

Need help from Robert? Contact him by visiting www.nordlandercpa.com.

While the information presented is intended to provide you with general information to navigate divorce without destruction, this podcast is not legal advice. This information is specific to the law in North Carolina. If you have any questions before taking action, consult an attorney who is licensed in your state.

If you are in need of legal assistance in North Carolina, contact us at Gailor Hunt by visiting www.divorceistough.com.

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What is A Year and a Day: Divorce Without Destruction?

A board-certified family law attorney, Jaime Davis and her guests provide information and tips for getting through a separation and divorce without destroying family relationships or finances. From marriage therapists and financial planners to private investigators and parenting coordinators, learn how to navigate divorce without destruction.


ROBERT: Welcome to a year in a day. I'm Jamie

Davis, board certified family law attorney at

Gaylor Hunt. On this show, I talk with lawyers,

psychologists, and other experts with the goal

of helping you navigate divorce without destruction.

In this episode, I'm talking with forensic accountant

Robert Nordlander. In addition to providing services

for white collar crime investigations, bankruptcy

proceedings, and employment tax disputes, nordlander

CPA Plc ensures that clients achieve the best financial outcomes in divorce proceedings. So today we're

talking about how income and assets are accounted

for, mitigating unpaid tax liabilities, and when

you might need to hire a forensic accountant for

your divorce. Thanks for joining me, Robert.

JAMIE: Thank you. It's a pleasure to be here.

ROBERT: So what is a forensic accountant?

JAMIE: A forensic accountant is an individual

who looks at financial records and financial statements

and is available to testify about them in court. And that's really what it is. Forensic

really means court. So you think about when you

go to a crime scene, you get the blood, you got

the gun, you got the bullets and everything else.

There's a forensic analysis that goes on and talks

about the report, whose blood it was, and they

can testify to that in court because they're qualified to testify about that. It's

the same thing with accounting and financial statements

and accounting records is that there's a professional

that the judge allows. The judge is the gatekeeper

to testify to certain aspects of the accounting

records, and usually it's to help the judge and

to help the jury understand what's going on.

ROBERT: How are your skills different from a typical


JAMIE: Well, I would like to say that the CPA,

for the most part, is an individual who can audit

tax returns and understand financial statements.

And there is a certain skill set to that. But

there's also a little niche that if you understand

how to prepare documents for the average person

to understand, like a jury or a judge or an attorney

or maybe a defendant or your client, you should

be able to talk about where the money come from,

where the money go to. It's more of a granular

level type of accounting where we talk about particular

transactions in detail. CPAs are usually our auditors

in many ways, there are auditors, and they will go in and look at the

big picture of a financial statement and give

an opinion about whether or not this financial

statement is correct or not. So people can invest

in the company or lend out money to the company

with some reliance on the financial statements that they are correct? Right. A

financial accountant does not do that. They go

into the granular level. How does this person steal money and what do

they do with it? That type of thing.

ROBERT: Got you. So let's talk a little bit about

how this might apply to a divorce case. How can

a forensic accountant be helpful in a family law


JAMIE: There are really two ways. Number one is

the way that if you look at the typical divorce

is going to be when a spouse one spouse is hiding

money from the other and they go through a divorce

proceedings. Typically it's the male earning the

money and the female is maybe the housewife or

did not earn as much money, that type of thing.

And in many cases it is the husband that's self employed. And so there

is a dispute about how much money one spouse makes

because they're supposed to in court show all

the income and assets and liabilities, what's this marriage have and the income

that each spouse has to figure out the alimony

and the child support. And a forensic accountant

would come in and take a look at that and say,

yes, this financial statement appears to be correct

or not correct. And many times it is the female

in the relationship that will hire a forensic

accountant because they believe that their husband

is not turning over all the records that are supposed

to do so. And so if there's smoke, there's probably

fire. And so when that happens, I would get involved

and look at the financial statements and look

at the records and look at the bank statements

and kind of get an idea to the attorney that's

representing the spouse. This is what I see. This

is where you may want to go down the road. There's

maybe something there or not there. And at the

end of the day, the second thing is that once

that conversation is had, then does that forensic

accountant, is he or she needed to testify in

court about the findings for the lawyer? But almost

always a forensic accountant is hired by an attorney

to assist them and through this process.

ROBERT: So are there certain red flags that a

person should look for if they think their spouse

might be hiding money?

JAMIE: Yes, there is. One of them is a cash lifestyle

where one spouse always has cash, but yet the

other spouse doesn't have any because of the control

issue is what it is. Unusual spending would be

another one, for example. And this quite happens

quite often. I'll look through some financial

documents and I'll ask, hey, this jewelry store

for $3,000, what was that for? What? Jewelry store


ROBERT: Right. The wife didn't get the gift, right?

JAMIE: Yeah, she didn't get the gift. Yeah. And

they're like, oh, okay. So there's probably another

person in this picture that has received some

of the marital benefits or assets that the wife

did not get. So that's another thing. It's unusual

expenditures type of thing.


JAMIE: But cash lifestyle and unusual expenditures,

usually those are the two main ones that I see

in a divorce proceedings.

ROBERT: So other than finding hidden money or

assets, are there other ways that a forensic accountant

can be helpful in a divorce case?

JAMIE: There is many forensic accountants. Some

of them have the skill set of taxes and as well

as trying to figure out, okay, if you're going

to split the assets, what is the best way to split

it to where it's equitable tax wise? Because not all assets have the

same equity. When it comes to taxes, for example,

the equity in a house is tax free, but the equity

in an IRA, what's in the IRA would not be. So

if you start splitting up the house, I get the house and he gets the IRA. Well, when it comes to taxes,

that IRA is not really $100,000. By the time you

pay tax on it, it's probably $70,000. But this

house equity, $100,000, equals $100,000. So you

have to make some type of considerations that

if one spouse gets one asset versus the other,

are you taking the taxes into consideration? That's

really the biggest thing that I see, is to make

sure that both parties are getting a fair shake,


ROBERT: Just making sure it's apples to apples

and that it truly is an equitable distribution.

JAMIE: Correct. Another thing is that there's

times where a forensic accountant can look at

some assets and also help out finding the income that is not necessarily on

a financial statement or on a bank statement.

I'll give you an example. A CPA and attorney should

be able to get access to some tax records because the IRS is a huge vacuum of information.

And if you can get access to tax records that

maybe show you where the hidden bank accounts

are at, or maybe there's an extra house out there

or some type of mortgage interest or some other

activity out there that was not known at the time,

that somehow is hidden from the marital bank statements.

ROBERT: So an issue that I've seen in my cases,

and it sounds like a forensic accountant might

be helpful here, too, is that if you have a small

business owner and let's say my client is not

the business owner, and she really can't get a

handle on her expenses because a lot of the expenses

are being paid through the business, Some of the

personal expenses. Is that something a forensic

accountant can help with as well?

JAMIE: Yeah, they can separate out what is truly

a personal expense versus a business expense,

because you're right, and many times these small

business operators will. I'll give you a small example. The cell phones, the family cell phone is always

paid by the company. They shouldn't be doing it,

but they do it. But yet when it comes to the cell

phone bill, when it starts separating the assets

and income, the expenses, we got to start splitting some of that stuff out, saying,

yes, this is really what the true cost is. Or

maybe example, the business is paying for the

child education, right. But it's not going through

the marital checking account per se. And then

you have to start splitting some of that stuff

up. So like you said before, it's trying to find

apples and apples and oranges and oranges to compare

it to make sure that when there is a split, that

all the information is known and everything has

been split properly.

ROBERT: So through asset and income tracing you

can find hidden assets or income. How does that

process work?

JAMIE: Well, the first thing you have to do is

number one, from a practical standpoint, what

we do is what do you have now at your disposal,

which is the bank statements and typically the

credit cards. What cars do you have, what houses

do you have? A lot of these known things. And what we'll do is it's, for instance, accountant. We'll look through

that and then we'll start pulling threads about,

okay, money went over here. That doesn't look

normal, let's go down that road. Maybe there's

another bank account. And I've seen this plenty

of times where I get the documents and I look

at it going, okay, there's some money that transferred

to a savings account. Really? Yes, there's a money

transfer. So we got to go down that road to get that savings account information to

find out what's going on. That's really the big

thing. Or if there is a car, but I don't see any

car payments coming out of that checking account.

How is the car payments being made? So you go back and say, okay, how do we figure that out? And in

many times it can be a slow process because as

a forensic accountant, I do not have access to

records. I can only look at what I receive and

it either has to come from one of the spouses

or the attorney has to go back to court and demand

more records for me to look at. And it's really

just pulling the various threads and getting a

big picture. It's sort of like you do a puzzle,

you get the edges first, right? You start separating out colors and things of that nature and kind of put

the pieces of the puzzle together. It's kind of

the same way where you start looking at various

things that just don't fit or things that fit

in a certain category. Like, okay, we'll look

at that and we'll go down that road sooner later


ROBERT: So it sounds like as long as there is

a paper trail and folks are using accounts that

have statements, there is a way to trace and follow

the money. But cash is probably a lot harder.

I mean, how do you deal with it if there are just

a lot of cash transactions? Is it really possible

to track that stuff down?

JAMIE: It is very difficult, to be honest with

you. If one spouse is taking money out of the

ATM machine and going out to the strip club, there's

no way to know about this stuff type of stuff.

Only the large purchases of cash like buying a

car or buying maybe expensive piece of jewelry

or buying a motorcycle or buying a boat. Can you

really know where the money went to? There are

occasions where cash has been taken out, and then

later on you find there's a safety deposit box

somewhere, and then the cash is stored there.

But most of the time, people who take out cash

out of a checking account are spending it somehow,

some way, going out to eat, buying stuff, maybe

taking a trip somewhere, and it's really gone.

It's not invested somewhere to where you can say,

oh, he bought this or she bought that, and now

we can sell it. There's probably nothing sellable

to actually get back.

ROBERT: So more likely than not, it's just gone.

JAMIE: It's gone. Right. And I'll give an example.

If someone is in the construction business, they

take out cash out of the bank account every now

and then. As a forensic accountant, I would say,

okay, who are you paying, the contractor or what

are you buying the stuff from? And he'll say,

oh, I bought some wood at the local Lowe's. There's

no way that I would know if that's true or not.

It's just not. That's just the way it works. Cash

is in many ways, it's untraceable, and it can

be difficult.

ROBERT: Yeah, I have to have that tough talk with

my clients sometime when they tell me that their

husband has a mainly cash business and they want

to be able to try to track that down. And I'm

like, well, if there's not a document to prove

it, I don't know that we're going to be able to

do that.

JAMIE: Well, that is true, but on the revenue

side of things, let's just talk about the revenue

side of things. If you have a small business owner,

like a bar or a restaurant, right. There should

be some type of receipts that give you a general

idea of the volume of dollars that are coming

into the business even though it's not deposited.

Okay. Now, the expenses for a restaurant, there

may be a few things here and there, but for the

most part, we are coming away from a cash society

and into the debit card world to where I have

cash in my pocket, but not as much as I did five years ago. It's a lot easier to just tap

that machine and be done with it, which makes

my life as a prince account a lot easier. It really


ROBERT: So many things large and small, as you

know, are contested when spouses begin dividing

up their property. How do you differentiate between

marital and nonmarital assets?

JAMIE: Well, for the most part, attorneys would

probably say, and I'm not a lawyer. You're the

lawyer. I'm not the lawyer that whatever the marriage

received or earned or the assets that were purchased

during the marriage is the marriage assets, whether

it's in his name or her name. Let's just face

it, it's all one big pot. What I have seen is

there are times where and then we consider that

marital property. What I have seen would consider non marital property is property

that was brought into the marriage beforehand.

Like, maybe you had a small business that you

own, or maybe you had a car or a house or a vacation

house and that type of thing before you got into

the marriage. I think the courts, and I'm not

a lawyer, would say that'd be non marital property,

which means that was there before the marriage

happened. So therefore there's going to be some

type of consideration that it was there beforehand. So it's not really part of

the split.

ROBERT: Yeah. We run into issues a lot where someone

has come into the marriage with a certain amount

of money, and they make the mistake of putting

it in a jointly titled bank account, and money

is going in and out of the bank account. And then

as the lawyer, we need to figure out, okay, is

any of this premarital separate money left in

this account, or is it now all marital because

of all the ins and outs and the transactions that

have occurred?

JAMIE: Do you use the first in, first out method

on that? $1,000 is marital, but anything after

that, so whatever's blast is maybe still the guy's

money from 20 years ago.

ROBERT: It depends on the case. I've heard it

both ways. Sometimes we use first in, first out.

Sometimes we use last in, first out. I really

don't know that there is a general consensus on

which one is right per se.

JAMIE: That's the reason why you make the big

bucks and the lawyers make and the judges make

the big bucks determination. Because every lawyer

says, well, it depends, right? That's the answer.

It depends.

ROBERT: It's all gray.

JAMIE: Yeah.

ROBERT: Well, after you have provided your findings

to an attorney in a divorce case, what happens


JAMIE: In my situations that I've experienced, once I look at the documents,

I can give the attorney who really, frankly, is my client, even though their client pays the bill, I give

them my assessment and where they may need to

look further, because many times I don't get everything.

It's just part of the job. I understand. People

say, oh, you got everything. No, I look through

it. I'm missing half of it because months may

be missing, the counts may be missing. So I have

to go back and forth, back and forth, back and

forth. And then after a while, you get a pretty

good idea of the picture, and I give an opinion

about the attorney. Listen, this is what I'm seeing.

It's reasonable or not reasonable, or there could

be some something down the road down here. Is

this where you want to go? And they'll talk to

the client to figure out it's kind of like choosing

on a venture whether or not they want to spend

more money to go down that road. That may lead

to the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow,

or it could be a dead end. I don't know the answer

to that. And it's just a matter of risk mitigation.

What do you want to do? I've had a situation where

there was millions of dollars involved, and there

was money was just missing, and it was going overseas.

Well, finding money overseas is just difficult,

especially if you're a lawyer in a state court

system, and now you got money over in Swiss banks.

Well, there may be some money out there. How are

we going to get this thing done? And so do we

need to bring in even more professionals who are

specializing in international marital assets?

So that type of thing is what I would recommend

to them. And at the end of the day, if I have

enough evidence to prove that one spouse is not

being fully honest, then most of the time it settles

out of court. But if it needs to happen, then

I can testify in court about what I found and

that the judge can make the determination, then

I'm glad you.

ROBERT: Brought up the offshore accounts. I have

clients often tell me that they think that their

spouse has an account, an offshore account somewhere.

If they suspect that, as the lawyer, what should

I do?

JAMIE: Well, first of all, I'd ask, why do you

think that is, and where is the source of that?

Where do you think the money came from? Did it

come from his business operations? Did it come

from his employment? Did it come from old family

money? Where do you think? In many cases, there

is some type of offshore account. There is some

type of wire. There's something out there that

goes from point A to point B that at least we

can point to and say, okay, that's where you think

the most money is. I would ask the client, do

you have any assets offshore? Do you have any

family that's overseas? Why would he be doing

this? And we would kind of dig down a little bit

to figure out, is there really money out there?

In some cases, you got these multimillionaire

billionaire cases. Yeah, there's probably money out there. And then you'll have to bring in

some type of professional to get international assets. There's a whole new

podcast on that one. But the point being is that

you got to find out if there's any reasonableness

other than just a hunch. Got you. I've seen it

once or twice. He's got money overseas. When I

look at the account, he transferred $5,000 to his mama out in Pakistan. All right. Do you really think

that you want to spend more money trying to chase

down this $5,000 that really, frankly, you get

half, right? So it's $2,500. I don't think it's

worth your while. Sometimes you'd have to cut

your losses and just go on in life. That's just

the way it is sometime in law.

ROBERT: Yeah, that's a great point. And you mentioned

doing the cost benefit of hiring a forensic accountant

to assist with your case. What is the typical

cost for a forensic accountant?

JAMIE: My rates are $300 an hour. It depends on

the level of complexity, and it depends on what you're really looking for. For the most

part, when I'm hired, it's really a peace of mind

for the spouse to think, I think he's got money

out there. And I'll tell him, Listen, I don't

know the answer yes or no. All I can do is look

at the documents. But if you give me 10 hours,

$3,000 10 hours, I will look at what you got,

and I'll tell you what my assessment is, and then

you can decide whether or not you want to go further

down the road. But I'm not going to sell you something

on things that's not true. So I can get it. With

my experience, I can look for 10 hours, look at

someone's documents, and say whether or not there's

something out there, if it's reasonable or unreasonable,

and then get some good guidance, and then they

can determine whether or not they want to go down

this road and hire me to go down further. But

for a couple of $1,000, in my mind, it gives them

peace of mind, because now they know, all right,

I had a forensic expert look at it. They don't

see anything. I'm going to go forward in life

versus spending six months of agony going, I know

he's got money out there. I know he's got money

out you know how it is. People lose sleep over

this stuff and they'll spend themselves in circles. And I was like, Melissa, for $3,000, at the

end of the day, you can have an answer and rest at night knowing that you

did the best you could, and this is where it's at versus worrying about it and threatening over


ROBERT: That's a great point. If you could only

share one piece of advice with someone going through

a divorce, what would it be.

JAMIE: Going through? Divorce can be very contentious.

The biggest thing that I see is hire an attorney

that understand your situation. Also understand

that there is a value to a good attorney and a

good prince accountant, because, listen, if you're

splitting $20,000 worth of assets, it's not really

worth the hassle of trying to split this stuff

up. But let's assume that there's a split and

there's a half a million dollars at play or a million dollars at play. Well, the

way I look at it, I tell them, listen, my clients,

I tell them, listen, at the end of the day, you're

going to be worth, let's say, a million dollars.

Would you rather be worth $980,000 and really know you had a full, complete picture of everything than

just take the million? And sometimes they take

the million, sometimes like, no, you know what?

There may be other millions out there. I'll spend

the extra $20,000 to figure this thing out, but

just realize that there's a cost benefit to all

this. And if someone is going through divorce,

I hate it for them. But the biggest thing I can

tell them is to go hire a good attorney, go hire

a good friends accountant who has some tax background

in my opinion, because they can actually help

because many times in these divorces, maybe go

a little bit off tangent here. Many times in divorces

there is financial problems, which is one of the

problems of divorce, right? It's financial problems.

And if there is a financial problem going on, there's probably some tax problems. And if there's some tax problems going

on, the IRS is going to step in and say, both

of you owe taxes, not just one or the other, even though one earned

the money and earned the taxes, but yet the other

one's now liable for it, which causes a lot of

pain because the IRS doesn't care what your divorce

agreement is. They want their pound of flesh and

they're going to go after both parties and so

making sure that that party that you're representing

doesn't come back six months later and get bitten

in the rear end because we didn't look at all

sides of divorce to make sure this client's okay, whether it's finally split up.

ROBERT: So that is a question I get a lot. Is

there any recourse if you're the spouse who didn't

run the business, didn't really have any knowledge

about what was going on with the taxes, is there

anything that person can do?

JAMIE: Yes there is in my opinion, hired professional to do it. If we're talking

about $5,000, I wouldn't worry too much about

it. It's not going to be worth a while. But if

you're talking 5100 thousand dollars bills, it's going to be worth the while. And CPAs or enrolled agents

or attorneys who are qualified in this can help

out the rules by the IRS. This is kind of interesting.

What makes the IRS so dangerous is because congress

creates the law. And then congress says, all right,

IRS, you have the authority to enforce the tax law, collect the taxes, and, by the way, you

can make your own rules up while you do it, which

causes a headache, because if they screw up, well,

we got to deal with it, because they can make

their own rules. So you have to figure out what

the rules they abide by. But they can change it.

They want to change it, but it's caveat. Whatever

it's necessary to do the job, we can do it. Okay,

fine. And so there are some rules out there called

the innocent spouse or injured spouse that can

assist in this situation to where you have to

articulate once again, it's not a set formula,

but you have to persuade the IRS that you are

truly innocent. You didn't know what's going on.

It wasn't household help. It wasn't your business.

Maybe there's some type of abuse, physical abuse

that you add to really a three ring binder to

prove that you really were a victim in all this

and kind of persuade the IRS to let the debt go

by. Now, what happens in that situation is that

the other spouse is going to be notified that

you are doing this because what you're doing is

you're taking one bill instead of splitting among

two parties. Now you're taking the one bill and

claim it's only one person's fault. Well, that

one person also has a right to come in and say,

no, it's a joint liability. So just realize that

there is a lot of persuasion, a lot of back and forth. Now, there is some secrecy where

if there's an injured spouse or an innocent spouse and there's some abuse,

they're not going to turn over the names and addresses

of the injured spouse, of course, but there's

going to be a conversation a professional will

have to articulate why this debt should not be

paid by this one spouse. So there is remedies

out there.

ROBERT: In your experience, how often are people

successful pursuing innocent or injured spouse


JAMIE: Not very good. And the reason why I say

that is because you can't just put your head in the sand and say, oh, I'm an innocent spouse. I'll give an

example. Let's assume your spouse makes $200,000 a year on their package, right? And the wife it's

typical. The wife is to stay at home, takes care

of the kids, may have a small job here and there,

but she knows that that tax return says she signed.

The tax return says 50. Well, the IRS is going

to step in going, there is no way you're living

in this house with this car, with this lifestyle

and making 50. It's not reasonable for you to

be this way. You got to know something. Then the

burden of proof is back on us as professionals

to sit there and say, well, she was forced to

sign it because of Duress or whatever else it

is, but is it reasonable for someone to live that

lifestyle and not know about the income? That's

really what it comes down to. And so that's another

thing too. And you also have to prove that you

signed the tax return, or maybe the tax return was falsified. That's not my signature. Well, then

as a professional, I have to sit there and say, listen, this is how her signature looks like. This is not

her signature. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah,

blah. We kind of paint the whole picture. It's

not really just one or two things. It's really

the big picture that they'll look into. But a

lot of times I hate to say this, but spouses put

their head in the sand. Isn't that a fight? I

want to fight today. I'll sign it. And they go

on and they do it for many years and then. The

IRS steps in and says, oh, you owe us a lot of

money. And the spouse says, well, it's not really

my money. Yeah, but you knew, or you had to know.

A reasonable person had to know. We have to go

back to the education. Or you have a fifth grade

education, don't speak English, or you have a doctor's degree in accounting. You have a doctor's degree in accounting.

Forget it. But if you're fifth grade mail order bride, right, you probably have

more of a leg to stand on. So they'll look at

the education level as well of the individual.

ROBERT: So really it sounds like it's just a totality

of the circumstances and whether or not it's reasonable

that you didn't know.

JAMIE: Correct. But they don't just take a look at one or two things and look at the big picture.

ROBERT: Got you. Well, Robert, if one of our listeners

is looking for help from you and their divorce,

what's the best way to get in touch with you?

JAMIE: I have a website, it's called Nordlanderscpa.com

that they can go to. I will let them know that

if they are going through a divorce, their first

conversation should be with their attorney, and

then the attorney then have a conversation with

me afterwards with their attorney. I do not have

attorney client privilege when someone talks to

me, but if I'm hired by the attorney, I would

have attorney client privilege. So anything that's

said, anything that's discovered that may be against

that spouse, at least we are covered to where

they don't say something to me that ultimately

I end up being a witness to. So the best thing

to do is they can go to Northlanderscpa.com, find

out information about me. My address and phone

number and emails are on that website. But the first conversation need to have is with attorney first

and request a forensic accountant. And then if

they want to talk to me, we can talk. But typically

I'm hired by the attorney because of that privilege.

ROBERT: Well, thank you, Robert, for joining me.

This has been great.

JAMIE: Well, thank you, Jamie. I appreciate it.

It's good being with you.

ROBERT: Thanks, Robert, for joining us, and thank

you for listening. If you like this episode, be

sure to follow the show wherever you get your

podcast so you don't miss the next one. While

the information presented is intended to provide

you with general information to navigate divorce

without destruction, this podcast is not legal

advice. This information is specific to the law

in North Carolina. If you have any questions before taking action, consult an attorney who is licensed in your stateroom.