The Easeful Uplevel

Today we share an intimate conversation about all things money! We talk about our money blocks, goals and standards. We discuss ethical money standards and our plans for leveling up without burn out.

  • Setting big financial goals can bring up various emotions and considerations, including concerns about sustainability, alignment, and ethics.
  • Quantum leaps in personal and business growth can be exciting, but it's important to allow for integration and rest during plateaus.
  • Maintaining alignment, ethics, and a client-centered approach is crucial in achieving easeful financial success.
  • It's important to find a balance between pushing for growth and enjoying the journey, allowing for both quantum leaps and periods of rest and integration.


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What is The Easeful Uplevel?

Introducing the Easeful Uplevel Podcast- where we talk about entrepreneurship, spirituality and living a life in harmony in tune with your natural talents. This podcast is inspired by conversations we’ve been having our entire life as childhood friends and now as entrepreneurs. We are dreamers and we love to achieve big, but refuse to burn out while doing it. This is our journey on the Easeful Uplevel, we hope you come along for the ride & we can't wait to cheer on your own big dreams.

Allison (00:00.775)
Here we go

Erin (00:03.449)
I was craving some like bestie work time and I was like we're like so ahead in our schedule like Let's just

Allison (00:05.627)

I know I need to finalize. Let me make sure like the intro and outro are where they need to be for this week's. But I'm so excited. Oh, are you frozen? Oh no, hello. There we go. Oh, okay, there we go. Yes, you're frozen for a second.

Erin (00:19.195)
Thank you so much for doing that. It was so awesome. I love that interview. It was so good. You good? Can you hear me? Oh, I know. We had like a moment where everything glitched on my end too. Sorry about that.

Allison (00:32.046)
Let's see. Let me make sure. Oh, girl. I had actually right before this, I had like a really beautiful coaching session with this one woman. Actually, I was on her podcast. She's interesting. So she runs this group called the Neuro Spicy Academy. So it's definitely like, yeah, it's geared towards like ADHD, autism, and like a few other kind of spicy mixy people in there. She's got bright pink hair. She's fun. And she's got like...

Erin (00:36.98)

Erin (00:50.186)
Ooh, I love that! What a great name.

Erin (00:57.668)

Allison (01:02.274)
222,000 followers on TikTok. Anyway, she had some interesting things to say, because she had interviewed me on her podcast and loved it a while ago. Am I doing a whole year ago? And we interface every so often. But I was like, let me do a deep dive with her. It's been a little bit. But I took, my gosh, four pages of notes. And she helped me uncover a few blocks that I didn't realize that I had. So I was like.

Erin (01:07.973)
That makes sense.

Erin (01:29.492)
What? Oh my gosh, that's awesome.

Allison (01:32.298)
Like she was asking me, you know, she was saying like, she said, I know that I'm scaling my business to $300,000 months. That's my big goal in the next five to 10 years is $300,000 months. And she was like, her goal. And I was like, whoa girl. And it was interesting cause she was like, she was like, what's yours? And I was like.

Erin (01:47.727)
Wait, you goal or her goal? Oh, okay.

Allison (02:00.278)
that's interesting. I was like, you know what? I don't really know. It was like at one point I had thoughts like that, but yeah, I was like, that's interesting. Cause I, I like don't always, I don't, I don't know that it's good, bad or neither, right? Of not setting those types of goals. But I just thought that was interesting. But she's like, is that possibility open to you? And I was like.

Erin (02:04.134)

Erin (02:19.703)

Allison (02:43.482)
Oh, I

Allison (02:53.886)
because I actually did feel like I was a bit closed to that because it sounded scary. So not that I'm going to go pursuing making 300K a month right now, but I just thought that was a really interesting observation. There's a handful of things, or even in terms of like, I don't know, I've manifested my dream house, right? But she's like, will this be the dream house for now? Or are you going to be in the same dream house in five or 10 years? I was like, oh, I don't know.

Erin (02:58.811)

Allison (03:19.894)
Like, I just thought it was interesting in terms of the dreaming and the visioning piece. I was like, that's really interesting because I've done I've been doing less of that. But part of me is now integrating like how much of that is the wisdom of letting the universe delight me in some ways. Right. And then how much of it is aspects of. Like me being scared of the expansion. Which is interesting. So anyway, is there something that I'm going to ponder and like reflect on? I thought that was.

Erin (03:34.348)

Erin (03:41.241)

What is it?

Allison (03:47.667)
It definitely was like, I don't know, it was scratching some kind of itch where I was like, that's interesting. That's something to explore. Right.

Erin (03:53.043)
Yeah, for sure. I think...

Erin (03:58.915)
I feel like for me, it's more so like, the money aspect I know will come. So for me, it's like not as exciting of a goal, if that makes sense. And I don't think I'm making excuses because yeah, I want the money to come in. I have a lot of big plans for it when it does. Like, and I think it will come in within the next like few months, honestly. Like, I don't see.

Allison (04:11.414)

Erin (04:27.735)
I'm like getting kind of like, sorry. That kind of set me like on a dizzy moment because I literally just saw it like come in and I was like, oh, hello. Like it's that strong. Like I don't feel like it's out of reach but I feel like my job right now, which is why I wanted to like spend our session this way, is like literally to embody the service that I am and that I provide.

Allison (04:37.548)

Erin (04:54.967)
and also create the avenue for which it comes in. And like not necessarily in a way that feels like you're holding onto it so tightly, but like I know that for example, with what we have going on, with this easeful up level experience that we are creating, that is such a powerful portal for people.

Allison (05:00.811)

Erin (05:21.847)
And I know that my number one job is to build that. And then once, honestly, I truly feel like once that is built, then that is the funnel for which all this abundance comes in. And so to me, it feels like if I were to just skip through that part and just go straight for the money goal, like,

Allison (05:33.92)

Erin (05:43.555)
I'm not really necessarily tapping into the full like creation potential. Like that feels very limiting to me. What, like my brain like expands and opens and gets excited. And I see like so much more energy coming in whenever I'm just focused in on this, like this community, this moment, the safe haven that we're building for people.

Allison (05:58.859)

Allison (06:05.675)
Mmm. Girl.

Erin (06:07.239)
to be here at a $300,000 per month experience. Like that's like how my brain functions best and what I feel like the reward. I think a lot of people, I mean I'm very rewarded, but like I need to feel valued from money as a currency. Like I need to feel that validation. That's why from day one I've always like charged for almost everything except for the work that you and I do together. But I also was kind of just like.

Allison (06:12.121)

Erin (06:37.207)
I did this exercise with myself too, because I've been like, let me call in abundance, let me call in money. And I'm like, no, it's a given. Like the money's already there. I just need to create the thing, or do the thing.

Allison (06:47.654)
Well, this is the thing too. Well, I'm so glad that I'm talking to you because this is very grounding too, because I do love talking to other people and their mindsets and like getting a peek into their world. And I think there's aspects of what you're saying that are going to help me and unlock me in ways of like, am I playing small? But yeah, because it was interesting when she brought it up, I was kind of like, oh, or even like goals or asking if I had monetary goals right now. The thing was, I was like, I'm not worried about it,

Erin (07:04.192)
Like I love that.

Erin (07:16.248)

Allison (07:16.988)
life that I've ever been like, I'm really not worried about it. Truly, I'm not worried about it. I've spent like 34 years being worried about it. But now I'm not worried about it, which I think is a whole other vibe, first of all, right, like energetically to not be worried about it. So because like I had a call like a

Erin (07:20.899)
See you.

Erin (07:27.499)
Yeah, I do too.

Allison (07:34.406)
you know, what someone could call a sales call this morning. But to me, it was like a coffee chat and it was amazing. And it was like, the person was like, oh my gosh, this is so magical and I'm so motivated. And then I like, didn't pitch them on the call, although I was like, I'd love to work with you. But I was like, let me think about things and send you like a, an idea of something to work with. And it was just like so casual and so easy.

Erin (07:39.355)

Erin (07:51.078)

Allison (07:54.802)
Yeah, I'm just like not worried about it. But I think it is interesting of like when someone says like the 300,000, like my mind goes in a few different places because energy is the highest currency higher than money to me. And so in some ways I would rather have health, energy, other things than like.

Erin (08:06.7)

Allison (08:11.582)
Not that it can't, like you could have that money and have all the energy and the health, but it has to be done in a way that's aligned and feel ethical. Like there's a lot of layers to it, where it's like the money bottom line is like of my least concern. I'm like, what kind of lifestyle am I living in? Am I helping people? And like, and is the community good? And it looks like all of those other questions to me. But I think that makes sense of like with us too, like building, we wanna make sure that the foundation is really good. So it's less about extracting money from people and it's more about.

Erin (08:11.874)

Erin (08:30.)

Allison (08:40.854)
let's create this beautiful container and experience to invite them into. And then of course the money comes as like the secondary, but it's not the primary like, let's get money. It's just like, let's, you know, who are we speaking to and who are we helping? And then of course they're gonna like exchange their money in, you know, in terms of for our energy, right? It's just like this energetic exchange at the end of the day where everybody gets served.

Erin (08:51.395)

Erin (09:02.759)
Because if you say like, yeah, because energy is a high currency, like you want to serve that first because people will feel that. That's what's going to like motivate them to spend the money. It's interesting because I think the same way, Allison, and I don't like on the, like I have stipulations for how the money comes in. Like I have expectations for this money. I don't just want any money. And I think I.

I felt the way it is to just make money for the sake of money. And it's not exciting. It's not fun. It doesn't give me a dopamine rush. It's just like, OK. But for example, I have a $5,000 check coming in. It's coming in 23 days. But I just got paid $3,000 to do something I really, really love. And this $3,000 to me, energetically, is so much more exciting than this $5,000 that came from work I don't love.

And so it's like, when you feel the feeling, it's like, I want this feeling over here. And I can get up to the 5,000. Actually, the entire package was 5,000, whatever. But like, it feels like a 10, right? Versus like, the five that it is feels like a three. And this three feels like a five.

Allison (10:00.15)

Allison (10:04.782)

Allison (10:14.631)
Yeah. Dude, that's how I feel. Like.

The person today that I closed is like a budding entrepreneur, just very aligned. And we just had the most just like truly divine, beautiful conversation. Beautiful, right? And so, and like, and I ended up striking a deal with her. I was like, fine, we're gonna do, cause like, you know, sometimes when you're starting out, you don't have a ton of money. I'm like, I am going to make my price your price, which they were actually very close. It was like $15 less than what mine is, but I was like, fine, let's make it your price of like what she charges.

Erin (10:49.487)
Yeah, interesting.

Allison (10:50.276)
hour. So I'm like, so and we're gonna find you let's we're not gonna get overwhelmed. We're gonna find one client that's going to sign with you for one hour session to pay for your coaching for the month, we're gonna meet once a month for six months. And it was like, yeah, and it's a little bit different than my usual package. But every so often, I intuitively are like, no, this is this is what needs to happen here with this client. It's going to be really fun. And I'm honestly more excited about that. Like you said, then I have another contract coming in. That's a bit

Erin (11:02.285)
Love that.

Allison (11:19.254)
bigger, right, but energetically slightly different. And it's just, yeah, that's so interesting. So who knows?

Erin (11:24.995)
It's fascinating. Yeah, it's like you don't even want to make money the other way once you experience it. And so that's where I feel like.

I love all the money teachings, and I think there's so much, I love it when people are like, oh, let's put a big number out there and see how you feel. But I also feel like that number can feel really icky if it's not the right way. So I love how you're like, I have, so what you told me is you have standards for how you make this money. You're not necessarily blocking it, but you have standards on how you wanna do it. And I...

Allison (11:49.686)
Yeah. Yes. Yeah.

Allison (11:59.538)
It's interesting that you say that. Yeah, no, seriously, because when someone said $300,000 months, to me, a red flag went up. I was like, that's red flag money. And maybe it's only based on, and it's not to say, I'm sure there's plenty of people who are ethically pulling that in a beautiful way, or companies that are like, you know, pulling like multimillion dollar months and treating their employees well and not like being shady. So I know there's good ways to do it,

Erin (12:08.627)

Allison (12:28.882)
I think I've seen people do it both ways. I've seen people pull a lot of money and be a little sketch about it, the way that they're doing it, or they're not delivering to people the way that they're supposed to, or they're using yucky marketing that make people feel worse about themselves and get them no closer to a solution. This is like a lot of things with like the weight loss industry actually. One of our...

Erin (12:43.009)

Erin (12:49.143)
Yeah. So, yeah.

Allison (12:49.938)
our guests, right? Gretchen Spetz, who feels very passionate about this. We often talk about it's like a multi-billion dollar, probably trillion dollar, I don't even know, industry, right? And most diets are built to fail, right? Or to keep people cycling. Or you are kind of leveraging people's desperation and discomfort and health concerns. There's all of these really pressing important things to people. Or yeah, they're just going through something emotional.

and you can get people to buy products that don't work or don't do anything. And these companies that are marketing a lot of this stuff, know it doesn't do anything. There's certain supplements or whatever, I'm sure you've seen lots of things that are marketed out there that don't actually do the thing that they say that they do. Maybe they don't hurt you, but they're not actually doing anything. It's just marketing, good marketing. So there's stuff like that too, where, and sometimes honestly, if you wanted to do things the sleazy way, maybe initially.

Erin (13:36.641)
Yeah, all the time.

Allison (13:43.914)
you might be able to do it with some success, but I do think karma comes hard for those people in those companies though. Like, I don't know if like, for all you know, you could go to jail for some of that kind of stuff if you're like, if it's fraudulent, right? So, and it's interesting, I've seen like other small business owners too, get in trouble with various, you know, the FDA or no. Yeah, the FDA, there's been like various places where I've seen like people.

Erin (13:49.642)

Allison (14:09.762)
who haven't been ethical about things where eventually their bill comes to. So again, I think the having standards of like it being client centered, like it's both and me centered as well. How is my energy? How am I feeling? Is this sustainable? Is this aligned with my purpose? Are we clicking? And then are they getting what they came for? And if, and is it the best money they've ever spent too, where like they really do energetically feel like they're getting what they came for.

Erin (14:19.815)

Allison (14:38.146)
and that our marketing is clear for that, like all of that kind of stuff. It's like all the stipulations, right? Of like, we want clean money over here, okay?

Erin (14:45.995)
Yeah, I think there's probably more examples of money being made in the low vibrational way versus examples of money being made in the high vibration ways. So that's probably why our brains go there first. And then there's also the reality of, in the current system that we have built,

making that much would feel like there's systems that aren't there, right? So it would feel like a stretch or it would feel like too much. So then it helps you to think about, OK, there's that factor. And so how would I build it differently to get there? Or is there any changes I can make now that will help me more easily scale? I think there's a few different ways when you get to that big number.

Allison (15:19.502)
Mm-hmm. Yeah.

Erin (15:43.287)
why it feels. And then I also think like there's not a lot of changes that can be made. I think there's a lot of.

a lot of false narrative around when you make that much money, you have to hire staff, or you have to hire these sorts of people to support you. You have to spend it in certain ways. And like, I think our brains go there too, which can sometimes feel a little daunting and scary. So, I think there's an element of that, but also like, I think, I don't know.

Allison (16:08.364)

Erin (16:16.119)
I'm just kind of going through it in my own head. In real time, yeah, there's a different way when you put that dollar out there that your brain goes. And so that also might be feeling a little sticky. Oh man, so if I did that now, wow.

Allison (16:16.589)

Allison (16:31.594)
Yeah. Well.

Yeah, well, and honestly, I do think it's cool, though. It's like an it's a magnifying. I do like the exercise, though, because it does. Sometimes when you do those, yeah, it makes you like you get to watch where your brain goes, because that's what I was kind of doing in real time. I was like, well, my brain is the story that my brain is telling me is that exact thing. I'd have to hire an entire staff. I'd have to have a budget like a pretty big budget, you know, to make that kind of money. You're going to be spending a certain amount of money. And I think there's truth to some of that stuff. But there's also then

Erin (16:42.115)
I do too.

Erin (16:47.524)

Erin (16:59.547)

Allison (17:05.366)
There's always non-conventional ways that work better too. And so I'm always like, but there also might be a secret option number three. Maybe it is an e-book that goes viral. And I don't have to have any of that stuff. So it is really interesting. But I will say, this is where I do like to talk sometimes with some of my clients too who are working on quote unquote quantum leaping with various things energetically or even financially.

Erin (17:08.461)

Erin (17:17.503)

Allison (17:33.83)
And it's interesting because I think sometimes the quantum leaps in terms of someone has like a breakthrough and then they like change their behavior, their mindset, all of the stuff and then all of a sudden there's like, they have the results are showing up. Also they're making way more money or they're like something where they're like, oh my gosh, I just like quantum leaps in my business or my personal life or something where I'm calling in something different.

Sometimes I think it goes smoothly and it's great and like they've been building up to it and it's like, it feels like a quantum leap but really they've been like trudging, they've been getting there for a while. But I do think there is something to be said of like if people skip too many steps sometimes or sometimes you get like, you'll interface with someone who will give you an opportunity that you're not fully prepped for. They'll like hand it to you and run and then they're like, good luck maintaining it. I do think.

Erin (18:09.768)

Erin (18:19.643)
It's like ding dong hitch.

Allison (18:21.97)
I think there is something to be said of like sometimes when you skip some fundamental steps of like, well, how do I manage a team or how do I like where it's okay to take the time to get there. Like it's okay to build the foundation and for not everything to be a quantum leap and to just consistently show up and to like evolve and grow at like a grounded pace too. Like I think there's a time and space for both of those things, but this like pressure to be quantum leaping all the time is actually really ungrounding. Like I like a good quantum leap. And then I like what I always tell people is like,

Erin (18:47.445)

Allison (18:51.41)
I love a good plateau after a quantum leap because if you're like now operating in a very different way, like financially or with your schedule or something, like it's gonna take some integration time where there's gonna be moments where your brain is like, what is this? I've been doing things one way for 20 years and now we're doing this now and you're gonna have to like allow for like some mindset freakouts.

for a second of like, is this sustainable? Is this gonna work? Like you have to like let it integrate too. So like, can we just normalize plateaus at times, right? Where you're like, you're still at a much higher level than you were, you know, a few months ago or a year ago, but you're already like looking to the next milestone. But it's like, it can all be easeful, I guess is all I'm saying. If you feel like you're stuck on this like fast moving train and it's like too much success too fast, too can be ungrounding. And I just think there's like something beautiful for just allowing yourself the space.

space to just like, you know.

Erin (19:42.531)
I feel like you should rename the plateau because it's really more so like your moment to enjoy and integrate. So self-care consulting needs to rebrand that because I do think energetically, we need to build in these moments for my word of the.

Allison (19:47.655)
Yeah, it sounds I know.

Allison (19:56.292)

Erin (20:04.215)
word of the year to luxuriate. Because if we're not enjoying the abundance that we create on every level, then what sort of gratitude are we giving the universe for providing it and providing it ourselves? For example, I'll just share this current month, I put zero expectations on my revenue.

Allison (20:05.088)
a dream. Yeah.

Erin (20:26.959)
because I'm just enjoying the abundance that's coming in. I'm enjoying the lifestyle. I'm taking two weeks off at the end of the month to go see you and to go see my parents and things. And my calendar is still fully booked, but I'm also just like not putting a revenue goal on this month because I wanted to enjoy this new beginning that I'm ushering in.

and give it the proper space to breathe without putting these hard and fast expectations. So I knew that if I did that, that I would ultimately be unsatisfied and it would take away from my ability to be able to luxuriate. So I think there's mind games that you play with yourself too in terms of like...

Allison (21:06.55)
Yeah. So. Yeah.

Erin (21:12.995)
What you do in the overflow is when you wake up in the morning and we're planning our day and we're saying how we wanna feel, you can do that with your month and your year as well, but then there's actions and behaviors that you can take in order to manufacture and give that result. And sometimes it is just literally removing expectations.

Allison (21:36.556)

So it's like more of like, it's like enjoyment than, cause you're right, plateau has this negative connotation, but I do think it's interesting in terms of like the whole teaching of like the sacred rest, right? Like, okay, you push to this point and you're here and like you're allowed to rest. But I do think people think that it's a backsliding moment, like energetically they're like, I got to here and now I'm dipping down. Which is why I like the idea of this plateau is that you are maintaining this next new level. It's like a moment of maintenance or integration or like camping. It's like, I got up to this level.

Erin (21:40.483)
Yeah, it's like enjoyment.

Erin (21:47.704)

Erin (21:56.633)

Erin (22:02.243)

Allison (22:07.696)
I'm glamping right now to use your luxuriate word of like, okay, I just walked like halfway up this mountain and like, let me just sit here and like look around because like, I don't have to keep going to the peak when like, if you look around all the plants and the animals and everything that are like hopping around right here are pretty epic too. And like also let me rest my legs, you know, for a hot second before I go up to the peak, right?

So, but you're right that I think there is like the semantics of it all. But it's, I think it's just one other way though that people make themselves wrong, right? If they're like, if they have a big leap and then they expect almost like another immediate leap. And I do think too, maybe divine timing or it's even subconsciously you knowing that you need to like breathe for a second. Like sometimes people are like, why am I not trying to call in more clients right now or trying to do that? And I'm like, well, maybe you're not meant to.

Erin (22:38.726)

Erin (22:42.279)

Allison (22:56.042)
Maybe you don't want to. Maybe you need to breathe for a hot second or build one more system so that like the next jump feels like, oh, I'm ready for it. It doesn't feel so scary, right? Anyways, the mindset work of all of this. Yep. Money mindset.

Erin (22:56.207)

Erin (23:02.956)
easier. Yeah.

Mm-hmm. Girl, we can't help it. This is the money episode. How the money comes in. Girl, we can't help but spit fire when we get out here. So I think also, Allison, just to break the third wall here, I think it also, this is, I'm just gonna stop this.

Allison (23:27.474)