Not Just a Pretty Face

The boys are back in town! After enjoying a work trip to the US and UK, the Not Just A Pretty Face Podcast returns. BJ and Chris talk all things NBA, NRL and travel horror stories. For the loyal followers, the poddy will now return to its weekly format.

What is Not Just a Pretty Face?

Two very attractive men who have the perfect heads for radio discussing all things sport, card collecting and a lot of nonsense. At least we are having fun whilst doing it.

Produced by Media8.

Speaker 0 (0s): This is a pod fire production, not just a pretty face a podcast by two blokes who trust me both. Have a good head for radio.

Speaker 2 (23s): Hello everyone. We're back. We're live this week from a toilet cubicle at the new castle Tavern, just being frequent and visited by two of the young

Speaker 3 (33s): Say that you can't start. Why

Speaker 2 (34s): Can't you start? Well,

Speaker 3 (36s): Number one, what's with the new start. I know I've been long away for a long we'll come back. Well, thanks.

Speaker 2 (42s): So welcome back to my opening Batson partner, Mr. Bilston. How are Christopher?

Speaker 3 (47s): Good mate. A bit thrown

Speaker 2 (50s): A bit thrown. You

Speaker 3 (51s): Like that? Yeah. It's

Speaker 2 (52s): I just drew you out.

Speaker 3 (52s): Yeah. Well I think it's because I realized that you would stolen that intro,

Speaker 2 (57s): Which we don't use anymore. We don't mention. Yeah,

Speaker 3 (1m 1s): I'm good.

Speaker 2 (1m 2s): Very good. We could play Cal PGA's theme music, but we could go into that a little bit later already.

Speaker 3 (1m 6s): Let's just,

Speaker 2 (1m 7s): Let's just not, we're not leaving it, but news just in Knight's players, Bradman best and, and Natali have both been stood down from the NL for failing to meet team standards. They're can have fucking two players this week.

Speaker 3 (1m 20s): What are the team standards?

Speaker 2 (1m 21s): Well, obviously they couldn't fit in the cubicle. What do you reckon?

Speaker 3 (1m 25s): I, yeah, I dunno where to go with that

Speaker 2 (1m 29s): Mate. Four weeks. We've been four weeks off.

Speaker 3 (1m 32s): Yeah. I dunno if people still remember it. So we still relevant.

Speaker 2 (1m 35s): We are a hundred percent relevant. Cause you just don't have a pretty face. That's what it's all about.

Speaker 3 (1m 40s): Yeah. Yeah. I'm still fucking ugly. So I guess

Speaker 2 (1m 42s): Nothing's a little bit, bit, both, a little bit more obese.

Speaker 3 (1m 46s): Well, someone said today, I look like I've lost weight. Wow. He goes, you must be the only person that's gone to America and lost weight. I think it's just, I've got a haircut and of shave

Speaker 2 (1m 56s): You. Haven't got a hat on and you've got a sliming triple XL on.

Speaker 3 (1m 59s): Yeah, I think it's just the shaving and I've fucking got food

Speaker 2 (2m 2s): Stains, food stains. Like you normally do

Speaker 3 (2m 4s): Shout out to Noy kitchen, fucking delicious.

Speaker 2 (2m 6s): Don know, see at Arun. How good was that? You're good. Oh, it was expensive today. We took too many people with

Speaker 3 (2m 13s): And you had a couple of plates.

Speaker 2 (2m 14s): Oh, we did have a couple of plates.

Speaker 3 (2m 16s): I had one, one that too

Speaker 2 (2m 18s): Two. And you had a like bento. I had

Speaker 3 (2m 20s): A bento box. Yeah. And, but the other one was those NAMI beans.

Speaker 2 (2m 24s): Oh, fucking Don understand it. They're healthy

Speaker 3 (2m 26s): Ass.

Speaker 2 (2m 26s): Why would you

Speaker 3 (2m 27s): They're fucking delicious.

Speaker 2 (2m 28s): Why would you anyway? What, what you been up to champion?

Speaker 3 (2m 30s): Nah, nothing real quiet. Haven't much.

Speaker 2 (2m 33s): Fuck. How many weeks? It's five weeks.

Speaker 3 (2m 35s): I dunno. I was,

Speaker 2 (2m 36s): I was glad we do this weekly every five weeks.

Speaker 3 (2m 38s): I just, it was just hard to, to do it was in, in America, but

Speaker 2 (2m 43s): We're back now. The consistency stay

Speaker 3 (2m 45s): Well, will it?

Speaker 2 (2m 46s): It will. Of course it will.

Speaker 3 (2m 47s): Oh yeah.

Speaker 2 (2m 48s): I'm going of the most consistent humans. We

Speaker 3 (2m 50s): Are. I'm going on holidays.

Speaker 2 (2m 52s): Holidays. That

Speaker 3 (2m 52s): What called? Oh, sorry. Work trip.

Speaker 2 (2m 54s): I'll tell you what though. Was a work trip. Wasn't it?

Speaker 3 (2m 56s): It was fuck.

Speaker 2 (2m 56s): We got some stuff done.

Speaker 3 (2m 58s): I fucking, my legs are so sore still.

Speaker 2 (3m 1s): What do you reckon the record was? I'm think I know we did 25,000 steps.

Speaker 3 (3m 5s): 1, 2 30, 3000. Yeah.

Speaker 2 (3m 7s): That's a long

Speaker 3 (3m 7s): Steps. Yeah. I don't think we, we planned it. Well, that's

Speaker 2 (3m 11s): That's a half marathon.

Speaker 3 (3m 13s): Yeah. But walking over 23, it

Speaker 2 (3m 15s): Doesn't matter.

Speaker 3 (3m 16s): It does.

Speaker 2 (3m 17s): No, it still fucking away.

Speaker 3 (3m 19s): And he like, I don't know what, on what day we did all the most steps, but

Speaker 2 (3m 23s): Yeah. Was that chafe day?

Speaker 3 (3m 25s): No, I dunno. Dunno what you talking about, but maybe like the wrestling day, like, oh yeah. Like late. It was late,

Speaker 2 (3m 30s): Later. No, you were doing doubles doing.

Speaker 3 (3m 32s): Yeah. But doing like, you know,

Speaker 2 (3m 33s): Dancing

Speaker 3 (3m 34s): 700 steps to get 40 steps forward.

Speaker 2 (3m 39s): That was a

Speaker 3 (3m 39s): Fun night. Shout out the double margaritas at

Speaker 2 (3m 42s): Madison garden garden.

Speaker 3 (3m 44s): They get ya.

Speaker 2 (3m 45s): Yeah. Yeah. You weren't in good shape. Or even you even actually abused blowing apart, which was even funny.

Speaker 3 (3m 50s): But you knew you got a couple divorced.

Speaker 2 (3m 52s): I helped them, whatever it's called marriage gardens, my friend marriages. Anyway, we did go over there for a big work trip and it was a long time we got feels like a long time ago. Actually. We got to go and see the summer league

Speaker 3 (4m 5s): Summer league was awesome. Yes. Vegas is not my cup of tea, which is, I thought a bit of a surprise. Really? I thought I'd like it.

Speaker 2 (4m 12s): I think we did it wrong.

Speaker 3 (4m 14s): Well, it wasn't,

Speaker 2 (4m 15s): I don't think we did Vegas as such. Cause I think obviously we were there for a bit of work and the basketball and stuff and, but I think we did it wrong. I think we needed to stay in like a proper hotel in the middle of town. And where's

Speaker 3 (4m 27s): The middle of town. Like the

Speaker 2 (4m 28s): Strip, the Cosmo and stuff like that. I reckon.

Speaker 3 (4m 30s): Yeah. Well

Speaker 2 (4m 32s): Where egg slut was? What a great name for a breakfast place. Egg slut.

Speaker 3 (4m 37s): Yeah.

Speaker 2 (4m 38s): It was good food too. It was, it wasn't too bad, but interesting. But one of the most interesting things we did in Vegas was we were there for origin and the blues lost.

Speaker 3 (4m 48s): Yep.

Speaker 2 (4m 48s): Bit devastating. Yeah.

Speaker 3 (4m 49s): That felt, that feels like,

Speaker 2 (4m 51s): Especially when you get up at for three 30 in the morning to go and watch ANL game in a shitty little pub, backend of Vegas, somewhere with blokes, from manpower or whatever that was called thunder down under,

Speaker 3 (5m 2s): Under, down under.

Speaker 2 (5m 3s): And wonder

Speaker 3 (5m 4s): If they're listening.

Speaker 2 (5m 5s): Oh they could do you hooked them up?

Speaker 3 (5m 7s): Yeah. I reckon we spooked this podcast to

Speaker 2 (5m 12s): A lot of Americans,

Speaker 3 (5m 12s): A lot of people

Speaker 2 (5m 14s): And they're have any idea what we about

Speaker 3 (5m 16s): One bloke. I hope he's listening that we met coming out of Vegas, Raider stadium.

Speaker 2 (5m 24s): Oh,

Speaker 3 (5m 25s): That's right. He goes, I love sports podcast. Like, alright, we've got one. Have,

Speaker 2 (5m 29s): Have we not heard we're

Speaker 3 (5m 30s): On one? And then he is like, what's the name? And we type, he goes, oh, I'll type it in for you typed it into

Speaker 2 (5m 36s): Apple. Yeah. Yeah. You found us

Speaker 3 (5m 38s): And found us. He's like that is that you guys like? Yeah, we've

Speaker 2 (5m 41s): Got, I'm listed on the way home.

Speaker 3 (5m 43s): We've gotta have one subscriber. Surely I dunno.

Speaker 2 (5m 46s): Oh, we'll have to check that. We'll get an update on that one next week. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But yeah. So then we went from Vegas. We went up to Utah. That surprised me. How beautiful that park.

Speaker 3 (5m 55s): Yeah. Well park city.

Speaker 2 (5m 56s): Yeah. Park city was park. City

Speaker 3 (5m 58s): Was good. Even the did a bit of tourist. We rode the scooters up. The,

Speaker 2 (6m 3s): We did rode the scooters around everywhere. Did bit tourist, lot scooters. It was good fun though. Wasn't it? Yeah. Yeah. I liked Utah. And then we got to go to Coffing cards. That was fun. Yep. It was something that we always wanted to sort of have a look at in the us. That's

Speaker 3 (6m 15s): Where I think we did the most card shopping

Speaker 2 (6m 17s): In coffee and cards.

Speaker 3 (6m 19s): No, in, in Utah, in Utah, like

Speaker 2 (6m 21s): Yeah. Remember the last one we went into, they said, oh you got, you must be the Aussie guys going around spending money and all the card shops

Speaker 3 (6m 26s): Like yeah. So we went to,

Speaker 2 (6m 28s): We didn't drop that much crave

Speaker 3 (6m 30s): Crave was the last time we went to that was coming back from Lehigh. Yep. And there was the other one

Speaker 2 (6m 36s): With that lovely lady.

Speaker 3 (6m 37s): Yeah. And the old had that old school vibe and just heaps of cards.

Speaker 2 (6m 40s): Yeah. Don't remember we got some good stuff though. Got some nice cheap cards at a lot of these places.

Speaker 3 (6m 45s): Yeah, it was

Speaker 2 (6m 45s): Real good. So that was good. Fun. And then we went from Utah, we went up to New York city.

Speaker 3 (6m 49s): Yep.

Speaker 2 (6m 50s): I love New York city. New

Speaker 3 (6m 51s): York's good.

Speaker 2 (6m 52s): Still was one of the best things that happened on the tour was where flying about to land in New York city. And the pilot comes on and Christopher's sitting two seats behind me. He doesn't like flying anyway.

Speaker 3 (7m 4s): So just reiterate what you're at the front of the plane and I'm slumming an economy.

Speaker 2 (7m 8s): No, I was in economy as well. Yeah, but that's okay. Anyway. And then actually it was premium economy, but let's not go. And then the pilot comes, goes, sorry, everyone. We're about to run out fuel. And then he comes back on about a minute alone and goes, I think he realized what he'd said. And then he goes, oh, there's a big storm front coming over New York city. If we, if we don't stop for some fuel, we won't have enough to last the hour and a half. Everything. This guy is just digging this fucking big hole for himself and I've looked and just go, oh fuck. I gotta turn around and have a look.

Shit's scared. Ya you weren't too bad though. I wasn't. I'll give you that.

Speaker 3 (7m 42s): Think number one, thanks for letting the seven listeners know that I have an irrational fear of flying,

Speaker 2 (7m 49s): But when do you think pilot comes? I think goes, we're gonna run out fuel

Speaker 3 (7m 53s): Poor, poor management from bloke. But the, I was, I wasn't too bad cuz obviously running out a he's not gonna let that happen. No he's gonna land. He's

Speaker 2 (8m 4s): Gonna land in the park

Speaker 3 (8m 4s): Somewhere. But the funny thing I thought was, oh yeah, we've landed in, in Philly. In Philly. If anyone wants to get off, they can,

Speaker 2 (8m 11s): You can't have your

Speaker 3 (8m 12s): Bags. You can't have your bags. They will go through to new. And but, and a few people got off.

Speaker 2 (8m 19s): Yeah. They jumped up with you.

Speaker 3 (8m 20s): So they must have just had hand luggage. That's the only, excuse.

Speaker 2 (8m 23s): Still never seen it. I've flown all around the world over my 49 years of breathing and have never seen that happen.

Speaker 3 (8m 29s): I forget what airline that was as well. Is that Delta Delta.

Speaker 2 (8m 32s): Yeah, but it was, yeah. It's like something random blokes. Just even if we're on the ground for about 25 minutes, then he goes, oh fuck. I might as well get off. Then he gets off. It wasn't even straightaway.

Speaker 3 (8m 41s): Yeah. There's a few little things that like airlines are just different. Like domestic internal airlines are just different. Obviously each country you go to, I thought like I used one in Poland called lot. They were fucking awesome. Oh were they? But in America you can be on your phone the whole time. Mm

Speaker 2 (8m 58s): It's bizarre ISN

Speaker 3 (8m 59s): It. Yeah. There was like one bloke who was having an argument with his mate on the phone from when we were boarding and he was still blown. Like still having blowing argument. Yeah. Why we were waiting for an Uber in Vegas. So the fight has lasted the flight from lax and we had to get on a train to go different to do a different terminal in Vegas. Yeah. And then walk and then to the, to

Speaker 2 (9m 26s): The, are you still blown

Speaker 3 (9m 27s): Up still having this fight, obviously

Speaker 2 (9m 29s): Get involved, find out what was about.

Speaker 3 (9m 31s): Yeah. So he took this bird to, to eat for food and his mate was trying to tune it, so

Speaker 2 (9m 38s): Oh, so he cut

Speaker 3 (9m 39s): Grass. Well, yeah, I guess, but it just came. It was just, it was just for food. It was just for fucking hung up mate.

Speaker 2 (9m 46s): Just give it a rest.

Speaker 3 (9m 47s): Just,

Speaker 2 (9m 48s): And then we went from, we had a good time in New York city actually. That was probably the only two days we had off. When we were tourists. We did the big bus tour and did bit of walking around stuff.

Speaker 3 (9m 57s): Sunburnt.

Speaker 2 (9m 58s): Yeah, that's right. He nearly died of heat exhaustion, but, and then we went to WW raw. That was a heap of fun. That was good. Yeah. It was just interesting to see how the whole thing happens. And the fact we got to go to Madison square garden and stuff. So that was pretty cool. And then we drove or sorry, I'll rephrase it. You drove, I drove down to Atlantic city and Atlantic city was the shittest place I've ever been. Yeah. All goes close.

Speaker 3 (10m 21s): Hell hole,

Speaker 2 (10m 22s): Hell hole, shit hole. But where the national thieves. Yeah.

Speaker 3 (10m 27s): Thieves stole me fucking pokeys winnings

Speaker 2 (10m 30s): Dogs.

Speaker 3 (10m 30s): 33%. I'll never forget that.

Speaker 2 (10m 32s): Yeah. So Christopher won on the pokeys and then they taxed him before he even got his payout. So if you ever go to Atlantic city, make sure you win less than $1,200 at each turn and cash it in and walk away. Yep. Cause otherwise they tax you. Yeah. Which is, I still find bizarre. And then few days at the national, which was just bizarre, like it was just,

Speaker 3 (10m 53s): Yeah, it was a lot to take in obviously

Speaker 2 (10m 55s): Sitting back and looking. It was, it was pretty fucking awesome.

Speaker 3 (10m 59s): Yeah. And it's yeah know, I know a lot of people say, oh, the hobby's dead. The bubbles burst, blah, blah, blah. It didn't feel like that.

Speaker 2 (11m 7s): There's no way there

Speaker 3 (11m 8s): Was a bubble

Speaker 2 (11m 9s): Looking at what happened down there.

Speaker 3 (11m 11s): I don't think, I don't think we know how big it's gonna get. No,

Speaker 2 (11m 14s): But even if it stayed this big.

Speaker 3 (11m 17s): Yeah,

Speaker 2 (11m 17s): No man. It's it's

Speaker 3 (11m 19s): I read an interesting stat. Cause obviously now everyone's gone back to where they're from. Yeah. They're like looking at the numbers and blah, blah, blah, 53% of the people that attended the national was their first year.

Speaker 2 (11m 31s): Oh wow. That's interesting.

Speaker 3 (11m 33s): And that means that over 50,000 people was their first time to the national.

Speaker 2 (11m 39s): How many went?

Speaker 3 (11m 40s): Well, that's a hundred thousand I guess hundred

Speaker 2 (11m 42s): Wow.

Speaker 3 (11m 43s): Hundred, 6,000. So that's huge. Isn't it? Yeah.

Speaker 2 (11m 48s): Would you do it again?

Speaker 3 (11m 50s): Yeah. Oh, I, I wanna go every year. Yeah. Agree. Yeah.

Speaker 2 (11m 54s): What'd you do it different.

Speaker 3 (11m 55s): Yeah. A hundred percent. What you do? Well, I wouldn't go to New York beforehand and walk 25,000 steps a day for three days. Yeah.

Speaker 2 (12m 4s): So you'd go there, then go for a holiday.

Speaker 3 (12m 7s): Yeah. Or I'd be rested. Well rested before we got there.

Speaker 2 (12m 11s): Yeah. Or maybe have a couple days in Chicago. Cause is next year. Yeah. Couple days in Chicago before the show. Yeah. That's probably what makes sense.

Speaker 3 (12m 19s): Yeah. Or yeah, just, yeah, just do it a little bit differently

Speaker 2 (12m 21s): The time. But even at the show, would you do that different? Cause we covered it pretty well. I don't reckon I don't. We saw

Speaker 3 (12m 28s): Saw it all. No, no, no. A hundred percent. Oh there's things you could do. You could plan out like if you could do it strategically, you know, you could look at the stall numbers and stuff like that and work out. Okay.

Speaker 2 (12m 41s): We're gonna do that. Those four rows today. Yeah. Good. That way.

Speaker 3 (12m 45s): I liked the idea the first day we were there all day. Were we? Well the first night? Yeah,

Speaker 2 (12m 49s): We did the five hours that night.

Speaker 3 (12m 51s): Yeah. That was just that. And then we did

Speaker 2 (12m 53s): And we planned to go half day, half

Speaker 3 (12m 55s): Day, half day, half day, and then just shit happens,

Speaker 2 (12m 56s): You know? Yeah. And then you get stuck at three o'clock and fucking well stay. Yeah.

Speaker 3 (12m 60s): Yeah. Yeah.

Speaker 2 (13m 1s): And the trade night was interesting.

Speaker 3 (13m 3s): Trade night was wild.

Speaker 2 (13m 5s): Yeah. The amount the line of people to get in there was absolutely

Speaker 3 (13m 8s): Insane. And you did the dodgy and snuck, snuck us in.

Speaker 2 (13m 11s): I, I pass P P

Speaker 3 (13m 12s): Mate. That's not how it worked.

Speaker 2 (13m 15s): That's alright. I just walked in the door. No one stopped me.

Speaker 3 (13m 17s): Yeah. And then the, like that was the biggest trade day that we went to. But then there was other ones,

Speaker 2 (13m 23s): Random popups

Speaker 3 (13m 24s): Isn't there. Yeah. Like the ballet casino. Yeah. And the, the footage of that was loose.

Speaker 2 (13m 29s): Oh really?

Speaker 3 (13m 30s): There was just people on the floor. Like they were the collector two tray diet, but at the entrance to the casino. So they basically just took over the entrance to the casino and they're just everyone

Speaker 2 (13m 41s): On just doing trades.

Speaker 3 (13m 42s): Yeah. So for people don't know, this trade night was just in one room and there was, you know what, 40 tables maybe. Yeah.

Speaker 2 (13m 51s): 40 table.

Speaker 3 (13m 53s): And then they got filled pretty quickly. And what, what? Eight to 10 people at each table. Yep. Literally everyone had one of those suitcases full of

Speaker 2 (14m 2s): Cars. Desire on backpacks.

Speaker 3 (14m 3s): Yeah. And you just literally opened your case and people walk past go, what are you looking for? I'll trade you. This trade you that. But obviously there's more people than spots at the table. So everyone just camped out on the floor

Speaker 2 (14m 15s): And literally had 'em spread out. Didn't

Speaker 3 (14m 17s): It? Yeah. It was like, yeah. Like it was so bizarre. I reckon that's where we did your or you picked up some really good stuff.

Speaker 2 (14m 23s): Yeah. Yeah. I did some good jokes. Got rid of some shit I didn't need,

Speaker 3 (14m 27s): I think people know us well enough now to know that we like random shit.

Speaker 2 (14m 31s): A hundred percent Chevy chase

Speaker 3 (14m 33s): Say yeah. What did you got? Like a, you know, an Andre, the giant card. That's right. Yeah. A will Ferrell card.

Speaker 2 (14m 39s): Yeah. I got my, yeah. My Chevy Chevy chase auto.

Speaker 3 (14m 42s): No that wasn't. Was that there? No, that was at the actual

Speaker 2 (14m 45s): Show. Oh it was too. Yeah. No, I got the ah, yeah, I got will. I got

Speaker 3 (14m 51s): You're Justin Bieber.

Speaker 2 (14m 52s): Yeah. A couple BES. Yeah. My Bieber rookie card

Speaker 3 (14m 55s): And your Drake. Yeah. With

Speaker 2 (14m 56s): Drake. Yeah. So really just random shit. Yeah. Random.

Speaker 3 (14m 59s): And you got that. You picked up that giddy auto. That was just some kid. That's another interesting thing. Like another reason why I don't think the hobby or the bubble hasn't burst so many kids

Speaker 2 (15m 9s): And they come up to you again

Speaker 3 (15m 10s): And they fucking hustle. What

Speaker 2 (15m 12s): Do you collect? Yeah. Yeah. What

Speaker 3 (15m 13s): Are you after? No, there's no, they don't care. They're they're hustlers.

Speaker 2 (15m 17s): That's great. I

Speaker 3 (15m 17s): Love it. I was thinking as well. You should probably take the boys.

Speaker 2 (15m 21s): Oh my head will happen.

Speaker 3 (15m 22s): Good learning. Like, cause we say, you know, they're

Speaker 2 (15m 25s): Good hustle

Speaker 3 (15m 26s): As a hustler. Yeah.

Speaker 2 (15m 27s): Yeah.

Speaker 3 (15m 27s): I reckon they'd be

Speaker 2 (15m 29s): 30 or 40 of, of them. Yeah, exactly.

Speaker 3 (15m 32s): Of

Speaker 2 (15m 32s): Kids that man. And it's a great way for 'em to learn math. It's a great way for 'em to learn how to actually talk to other humans. So they'll go up to great men and say, what do you collect? What do you got? I've got this giddy. Do you want it? It's like, yeah, I like that. What do you want? Yeah.

Speaker 3 (15m 43s): Even it's just a different way to be involved in the sport. I think you learn a lot about the sport and certain players in the hobby.

Speaker 2 (15m 52s): So this week we're going to hobby hangout. It'll be really bizarre. Cause last in February, when we had the hobby hangout in Melbourne, there was a thousand people going, fuck, how big is this? Like it's manic. Obviously we just come from a hundred thousand people. Do you think it's gonna be much different?

Speaker 3 (16m 7s): Oh, so it's I don't even think that you can classify them as the same thing.

Speaker 2 (16m 12s): Like one's more of just a little popup, isn't it? Yeah.

Speaker 3 (16m 14s): Well, there was more, there was more people at the trade night.

Speaker 2 (16m 18s): Yeah. Than there been.

Speaker 3 (16m 20s): So it was like, like even that card show in rock Hampton. Yeah.

Speaker 2 (16m 24s): They're gonna 16,000 people. It's cap capric

Speaker 3 (16m 28s): Capric com. Yeah. So it was like a ComicCon but for the what up north Northampton. I don't know where the where's the capric come from

Speaker 2 (16m 36s): Capric coast cap, corner, coast, whatever that's

Speaker 3 (16m 39s): Called. Yeah. So there's gonna be what? 16,000 people there that's in one

Speaker 2 (16m 42s): Day. Yeah. Over two

Speaker 3 (16m 43s): Days. Two days. So what's the venue. Where's the like

Speaker 2 (16m 45s): The must be a stadium

Speaker 3 (16m 46s): Or something. Yeah. Entertainment

Speaker 2 (16m 48s): Has to be somewhere big. But yeah. So then we, we went from Atlantic city, went back to New York. Yeah. And then you had to go on to, to the UK. Yep. That day I had not my own in New York city. Yeah. So yeah. To London, you've gone to London on a big jet plane. Yep. In economy.

Speaker 3 (17m 5s): Yeah. In economy. How

Speaker 2 (17m 6s): Was that?

Speaker 3 (17m 7s): Well, not good. Had a

Speaker 2 (17m 8s): Little with fat people next year.

Speaker 3 (17m 11s): No,

Speaker 2 (17m 12s): You're right. With kids screaming.

Speaker 3 (17m 13s): She's only kids screaming. Yeah. Kids screaming for sure. I was on the aisle at least, but had an issue before I even got on the plane. Why? So I used my sibling discount, sibling discount or whatever to get cheap flights. But because it wasn't a corners flight, it was a different process. And I don't think we knew that. Oops. Yeah. So,

Speaker 2 (17m 32s): So you weren't actually booked

Speaker 3 (17m 33s): On no, my name was on the list I was on. I was in the back end, but it wasn't on the flight. There's there's words for it. Airline words.

Speaker 2 (17m 43s): Standby.

Speaker 3 (17m 43s): No. Well not ever, not just wasn't on just wasn't on it. Yeah. No, I was on standby for everything. Oh, okay. But for this one, I, I was just, yeah, I was on the list, but not on the official list. And I was like, well, how'd I get on like, oh, your sister's gotta approve this thing or oh really? Yeah. And looked at my phone, looked at the time. It was like, fuck, it's four o'clock or four 30 in the morning. Yeah. In the morning ring it. Yeah. A hundred percent. Hey Dale. But if phone was off and to me, that means she's flying.

Speaker 2 (18m 10s): Oh really?

Speaker 3 (18m 11s): Because she's a hostee so

Speaker 2 (18m 12s): Yeah. So during a hubby,

Speaker 3 (18m 15s): No, I was just, like I said to the bloke, like she's flying, what can I do? And it was like, oh, you might know the, the, the details fill in this form. And he gave me a link to this form. Had to fill in my name, her name. Oh, sorry, my name and my details. And then her name, what airline she worked for and then her staff number.

Speaker 2 (18m 35s): Did you have that from before? Fuck

Speaker 3 (18m 36s): Millions that I have that absolutely. No idea. Did

Speaker 2 (18m 41s): You make it up?

Speaker 3 (18m 42s): Yeah. No. What I did was just use the, what is it? The freaking booking number or reference number? Yeah. Did that and it worked.

Speaker 2 (18m 53s): Oh, good.

Speaker 3 (18m 54s): Say, and then I was just like, ah, like shocked that it worked and I was doing it in front of the checking chick. Yeah. And I was like, oh, can you check if I'm on the list and she refreshed it. I was on the list somehow.

Speaker 2 (19m 7s): Yeah. Good's that?

Speaker 3 (19m 8s): Yeah. I was still full economy, but it was only six hours. I watched a movie. I watched a movie and had a little, little Kip.

Speaker 2 (19m 14s): Yeah. Well what'd you watch?

Speaker 3 (19m 16s): I watched some crap movies. I'll tell you. I watched the, the Batman, which is

Speaker 2 (19m 20s): Good. Oh, was

Speaker 3 (19m 21s): That good? I hadn't seen it before. I haven't watched it, but I watched that in business class.

Speaker 2 (19m 25s): Oh no, I

Speaker 3 (19m 26s): Haven't even talked. So to get into business, you need to wear a collared shirt. That's

Speaker 2 (19m 30s): Right.

Speaker 3 (19m 30s): Yep. I didn't know that.

Speaker 2 (19m 33s): So you bought one?

Speaker 3 (19m 33s): Yeah. Had to buy one. This is at nine o'clock on a Sunday night at Brisbane airport.

Speaker 2 (19m 38s): Anything open?

Speaker 3 (19m 39s): Yeah. The Billabong shop. Oh wow. So I've bought a $99 for wine shirt.

Speaker 2 (19m 46s): Fucking

Speaker 3 (19m 47s): Debacle.

Speaker 2 (19m 48s): Get on, need you to take a clip on collar.

Speaker 3 (19m 50s): Get on. And NA one's in collared shirts

Speaker 2 (19m 53s): Because are they in jammies? They're

Speaker 3 (19m 55s): All in this fucking jam. This is the first time I'd flown business in corners.

Speaker 2 (19m 59s): Love the corner's jars. Nah. And

Speaker 3 (20m 0s): I walked in like what the fuck's going on here? Is this? Yeah. Is this a cold? Like what's going on? Am I gonna have to drink the Koolaid?

Speaker 2 (20m 8s): Did you get the jammies?

Speaker 3 (20m 9s): Yeah. Not a, not straight straight. Cause I was comfortable.

Speaker 2 (20m 13s): Yeah. You were dressed prepared in your college shirt?

Speaker 3 (20m 16s): Yeah. Fucking Hawaiian shirt.

Speaker 2 (20m 19s): Oh, that's funny. So you then flying, you flown to London, fly

Speaker 3 (20m 23s): To London.

Speaker 2 (20m 24s): So you're over there for 10 days. Aren't you?

Speaker 3 (20m 26s): Yeah. So I got on chain of Birmingham earlier. The next morning.

Speaker 2 (20m 31s): You just start with double tree.

Speaker 3 (20m 33s): Yeah, the yeah, go

Speaker 2 (20m 34s): To the cookies.

Speaker 3 (20m 35s): They're good.

Speaker 2 (20m 35s): They awesome. Was it warm?

Speaker 3 (20m 37s): Yeah. Is they come out of a drawer though?

Speaker 2 (20m 39s): Yeah. That's a little oven. It's a little warm oven. Okay. So we were talking in New York. He saying, I dunno where I'm gonna stay. I said, mate, stay at the double tree. Why they give you cookies when you get there? There. And

Speaker 3 (20m 47s): That was enough for me.

Speaker 2 (20m 48s): How good's that? But they're actually like warm C chip cookies. Oh, that's so good.

Speaker 3 (20m 53s): Another debacle fucking

Speaker 2 (20m 55s): Sparks at the hotel. No

Speaker 3 (20m 56s): Sparks has giving me a bum steer.

Speaker 2 (20m 58s): It's Adam Holyoke actually Creek cup.

Speaker 3 (20m 60s): Yeah. Yeah. Ex test cookie

Speaker 2 (21m 2s): He's.

Speaker 3 (21m 3s): He's like, oh, we'll get the train from. King's cross up to Birmingham.

Speaker 2 (21m 7s): Nice.

Speaker 3 (21m 7s): So when you said that, stay at the double tree, I've looked it up. Fuck. It's just around the corner. It's

Speaker 2 (21m 13s): Two minute walk.

Speaker 3 (21m 14s): Yeah. Beautiful living. This is how, this is how it's done. Love it. When a plan comes together and get there, I'm in, I'm checked into me hotel. I'm messaged Adam. I'm like, what time are we leaving from King's cross. And he is like, oh yeah, it's not from, King's cross it's at another train station. Like, are you fucking

Speaker 2 (21m 33s): Serious?

Speaker 3 (21m 35s): It was just the next one. It was like an extra 500 meters or something. So that was all good. But yeah. So I've had to be up in Birmingham for nine o'clock

Speaker 2 (21m 46s): In the morning. Yeah. Was that three, two hour, one hour,

Speaker 3 (21m 50s): An hour and a half on the express.

Speaker 2 (21m 51s): Yeah.

Speaker 3 (21m 52s): But had obviously had to get to,

Speaker 2 (21m 55s): Was it Houston station or something? Yeah.

Speaker 3 (21m 57s): Houston road or Houston station. Yeah. It's just the next one. So it was all, but yeah. Had had the first meeting was at nine o'clock in the morning. So obviously had to get there for, I got there. I think I got there at eight 30. So I had to leave at like seven. So I was up at six. Yeah. Up a bit early. I didn't know where I was the first morning when I woke up. Cause you Birmingham I've been in so many different cities on

Speaker 2 (22m 24s): And different times though. Yeah.

Speaker 3 (22m 26s): So I was a bit Sheed got to the thing. I, and it was fucking hot, like eight 30 in the morning.

Speaker 2 (22m 33s): Yeah. It's the middle of summer in Birmingham may.

Speaker 3 (22m 34s): Yeah. But it's England summers last two hours.

Speaker 2 (22m 37s): Yeah. Yeah. Very cool.

Speaker 3 (22m 38s): So it was like 26.

Speaker 2 (22m 41s): Well, Vegas was like four.

Speaker 3 (22m 43s): Oh yeah. But it's a different

Speaker 2 (22m 44s): Heat. Yeah. A hundred percent

Speaker 3 (22m 45s): Desert heat. I, I can deal with. And Vegas is equipped with, to handle the heat because they, everywhere is AC to 18 degrees.

Speaker 2 (22m 53s): Indeed.

Speaker 3 (22m 54s): Even indoor sports stadiums. So anyway, I've gone through walking through the main city of Birmingham. Got me two suitcases. I I've just fucked. Don't wanna be there. Like, you know, just, yeah. I'm sweating debacle. Anyway. Walk into the hotel. Obviously the room's not ready cause I was checked

Speaker 2 (23m 11s): In cause it's early in the morning. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Speaker 3 (23m 14s): And I had like 10 minutes before I had to be no 15 minutes before I had to be somewhere. I

Speaker 2 (23m 19s): Walked in for your first event.

Speaker 3 (23m 20s): For the first event. Yeah. Yeah. So I walked in and met one of the guys, the organizers of the tour. He see me in the

Speaker 2 (23m 28s): Reception,

Speaker 3 (23m 28s): The reception of the hotel. He's like, oh how are you mate? Blah, blah, blah. Like, yeah, good. Just come straight from America. And I'm just checking in and he goes, oh yeah, get yourself some sleep. And we'll, I'll see you tonight or something like, no, I may have, I've booked into this thing in 15 minutes. And he is like, fuck you, like, you look like you need a sleep. I go, mate. I haven't had a good sleep for three weeks.

Speaker 2 (23m 52s): Exactly. I'm right.

Speaker 3 (23m 53s): I'll be right. I'll be sweet.

Speaker 2 (23m 54s): Anyway, you need

Speaker 3 (23m 55s): Some coffee. Yeah. So I got changed and went to the first thing and then it was a,

Speaker 2 (23m 60s): So you were there for 10 days

Speaker 3 (24m 1s): Full on events

Speaker 2 (24m 2s): And you were there for all the events and stuff. And then you got to go to the con games.

Speaker 3 (24m 6s): Yeah. Mate

Speaker 2 (24m 7s): Got the, as a guest.

Speaker 3 (24m 8s): Yeah. Yeah. You got these absolute cracker of seats for one 90 athletics. Yeah. Hundred meter final for men and women was there. I don't know if anyone hasn't seen it, but if you get time, have a look. The last few laps of the women's 10,000 meters. Yeah.

Speaker 2 (24m 23s): It was a good,

Speaker 3 (24m 24s): Oh man. Fucking awesome. Oh really? She stadium blew

Speaker 2 (24m 27s): Up. Who was a,

Speaker 3 (24m 29s): A Scottish chick. Yeah. She, the, she, there was a breakaway pack of her and two Kenyans and it was just like, you know, she's

Speaker 2 (24m 37s): Gone.

Speaker 3 (24m 37s): History would suggest that Kenyan's not losing these long, long distance. Yeah. And she dismantled them really? Yeah. And the last chick she overtook with like 200 to go.

Speaker 2 (24m 49s): And so she was on her own, out the front.

Speaker 3 (24m 51s): Oh no. It was like neck and neck for like the last 200. And she, she actually, she took her on the band. So I

Speaker 2 (24m 56s): Went off.

Speaker 3 (24m 57s): Oh mate, fuck. Everyone was standing up. Really go berserk. And it was cool. Cuz she'd beat her. Her mum had won the gold medal in that event in 1986.

Speaker 2 (25m 6s): Oh awesome. Yeah. So they're both now gold medalist. That's that's

Speaker 3 (25m 10s): Huge. Yeah. Yeah. It was good. What else was there? The men's high jump. So saw Brandon Stark. Yep. He got a silver

Speaker 2 (25m 20s): That's the brother in it. Of the cricketer.

Speaker 3 (25m 22s): Yeah, the cricketer. Yeah. He's also named after. Oh, he's got the same name as a character from game of Thrones.

Speaker 2 (25m 30s): Okay. Thanks for the trivia

Speaker 3 (25m 32s): Start. Yeah. Yeah. It's good

Speaker 2 (25m 34s): Show. Good trivia.

Speaker 3 (25m 37s): And yeah. So that was a good night mate. They sell, they just do things differently and it's what do you mean? Well, they serve bottles of wine. You can buy bottles of wine

Speaker 2 (25m 45s): At

Speaker 3 (25m 45s): The stadium at the stadium.

Speaker 2 (25m 46s): Wow. Yeah. That's interesting. Like a full bottle of

Speaker 3 (25m 49s): Wine, full bottle of wine.

Speaker 2 (25m 50s): So you just sit there with your glass and took it in

Speaker 3 (25m 52s): Full bottles of Prosecco.

Speaker 2 (25m 54s): Do you get like a bucket of ice or anything

Speaker 3 (25m 56s): That I dunno was drinking them so quickly. I wasn't. Nah, but

Speaker 2 (26m 2s): You just, so you were there as a guest of the local government.

Speaker 3 (26m 6s): Yeah.

Speaker 2 (26m 7s): Everything that would happen?

Speaker 3 (26m 9s): No. What were they called? West Midland's growth company.

Speaker 2 (26m 16s): There you go. So hang on. Let's let's

Speaker 3 (26m 18s): Shout, shout out.

Speaker 2 (26m 19s): Let's roll back 12 months. Yeah. Right. So 12 months ago.

Speaker 3 (26m 22s): 12 months ago. Yep.

Speaker 2 (26m 24s): Did you ever think that you would've just been to the us for four weeks gone, gone to the Commonwealth games? The guest of the west Midlands

Speaker 3 (26m 33s): West he's it's been weird.

Speaker 2 (26m 36s): Yeah. The whole thing's been a spinner though.

Speaker 3 (26m 37s): Yeah. I think 12 months ago. Was I here? Was I working here?

Speaker 2 (26m 40s): No, not yet. No. You were getting close.

Speaker 3 (26m 42s): Yeah. Yeah. You

Speaker 2 (26m 44s): Were dealing with the,

Speaker 3 (26m 44s): The seed had been planned. I was, I was being in cars. Courageous, but

Speaker 2 (26m 47s): Yeah. You were selling meat cards. I mean

Speaker 3 (26m 49s): Probably no. Yeah. It's a bit of a spin

Speaker 2 (26m 52s): Out. So then you come home. How'd you feel when you get home

Speaker 3 (26m 54s): Dog

Speaker 2 (26m 55s): Shit. You come home to the wonderful news that if we had an license Brony, you'd be playing for us. What the fuck up? That

Speaker 3 (27m 2s): Was, that was funny. That was really funny. I had a couple of people reach out to me and speak about that and was just like, what are you talking about? Like that's not really him.

Speaker 2 (27m 10s): So I got up one morning and I was very excited that LeBron James' son Brony had actually shared my post on Instagram, told my sons, they were all excited for me. Then we realized I'd actually tagged the wrong person. I attacked a fan account.

Speaker 3 (27m 23s): Have you tagged him?

Speaker 2 (27m 25s): I have, yeah. He's ignored me. Yeah. I'm going after him now.

Speaker 3 (27m 27s): I'd wonder if he would even handle

Speaker 2 (27m 29s): That. I wouldn't expect so

Speaker 3 (27m 30s): I'd hope not,

Speaker 2 (27m 31s): But at least the fan account shared it. Acknowledged it. Yeah. So it also got announced in the last week that the gold coast tropics BL bid is live. Thanks to Erin from channel nine here on the gold coast. Yep. Broke the news when she wasn't supposed to. And she promised she wouldn't, she broke the promise. What I'm calling out

Speaker 3 (27m 48s): A journalist is, is lied.

Speaker 2 (27m 51s): And then I saw her on Sunday at the NRL and she said, well, I could have sent another camera crew to the meeting you had with the mayor. And I said, well, I was actually expecting one after what you did to me last night. But anyway,

Speaker 3 (28m 2s): That's all actually had brick wall was at the table next to the mayor while he had breakfast. It's not really having breakfast with,

Speaker 2 (28m 10s): Hang on. I was at the table

Speaker 3 (28m 13s): At a table

Speaker 2 (28m 14s): Next to the mayor while he was having breakfast. And I was having B you just watching him like a stalker?

Speaker 3 (28m 19s): No, no, but we're at the hotel. We stayed at the same hotel.

Speaker 2 (28m 22s): You hung out with him with the beer and all those guys when you were over there, didn't you?

Speaker 3 (28m 26s): Yeah. So we're part of the, I dunno what the name of it. Gold

Speaker 2 (28m 30s): Coast city council,

Speaker 3 (28m 30s): City council delegation games. Yep. So yeah. So it was with the team name,

Speaker 2 (28m 39s): Drop

Speaker 3 (28m 40s): Name drop I'm well allowed to

Speaker 2 (28m 41s): Drop anyone's name.

Speaker 3 (28m 43s): Corey.

Speaker 2 (28m 43s): Yeah. Big shout out to Cory bill. Great human being. In fact, he got us on the tour.

Speaker 3 (28m 48s): He actually spoke at one of the, one of the events that we yeah. That was really good. And it was interesting. So it was him and two other blokes and they're all same sort of role in different cities.

Speaker 2 (29m 0s): Oh wow. That'd be interesting.

Speaker 3 (29m 2s): And they all played videos of their cities.

Speaker 2 (29m 6s): Oh cool. What the gold

Speaker 3 (29m 7s): Coast would like no bias whatsoever, but ours chat on the other ones.

Speaker 2 (29m 11s): So that'll be a nice little intro video we can use for the gold coast. Ts.

Speaker 3 (29m 15s): He, I, I said that to him as well after it was like, mate, your video was way better than any of these. He's like, yeah. We spent eight months on that. Awesome.

Speaker 2 (29m 23s): We'll steal that with pride to put gold coast tropics

Speaker 3 (29m 26s): In it. Well, yeah. Yeah. It was good. So yeah. It'd be definitely worth using the same person. Yeah, for sure. Or whatever. But yeah. So we went to different forums about

Speaker 2 (29m 37s): E-sports mainly

Speaker 3 (29m 38s): E-sports low carbon energy legacy was the big buzzword from the com games. Yep. Just

Speaker 2 (29m 46s): And you gotta remember Birmingham five years ago was a shit hole.

Speaker 3 (29m 49s): Well,

Speaker 2 (29m 50s): And like Birmingham back, I lived there for a long time, for 10 years in the UK from 96 to oh five and Birmingham was a shit hole.

Speaker 3 (29m 58s): Yeah. I know it's got,

Speaker 2 (29m 59s): That's got that. The dark country they call or the black country. Black country. Yeah. Cause of the

Speaker 3 (30m 3s): Coal they've been using that and that word a lot. And I was like, what the fuck are

Speaker 2 (30m 6s): They talking about? They can't say that anymore. Not these, they

Speaker 3 (30m 9s): Call me like, oh, outta black country. I was just like, what's going

Speaker 2 (30m 11s): On? You know it's cause of the coal one, the coal

Speaker 3 (30m 13s): Ones. Yeah. I knew that. Yeah. Yeah. I figured that out at the end, a couple days in, but yeah. So went to like low carbon chats, did some excursions to innovation hubs and energy villages. They were call energy something.

Speaker 2 (30m 34s): So do you reckon you're gonna, they will open an office up over there.

Speaker 3 (30m 37s): I can definitely see the synergy. Yeah, for sure. So I went to, did a couple of tour. I did a tour of borough uni, so they're big, they're one of the biggest sports universities in the world.

Speaker 2 (30m 47s): You went to the NFL thing.

Speaker 3 (30m 48s): So that's the, they

Speaker 2 (30m 49s): Had the

Speaker 3 (30m 50s): Dell academy. Wow. It's in the process of, I don't think it's officially opened or they're doing it's the first season. Yeah. So they used to be based out of Wembley. Okay. At the Tom facility. And apparently those facilities were awesome. I didn't actually get to see that didn't have enough time in London. Yeah. But I said I'd be back. And then yeah. eSports was the main reason. So it was they, so it's a weird one. It wasn't actually part of the Commonwealth games,

Speaker 2 (31m 19s): The eSports

Speaker 3 (31m 21s): ESports. It was called the a sports Commonwealth challenge or something.

Speaker 2 (31m 25s): Cause it was an exhibition sport. Yeah.

Speaker 3 (31m 27s): It's yeah, it was exhibition, but yeah. So there was a full day of forum on, on eSports specifically. Yep. And then two days of competitions. Okay. So watched the Aussies, we got bronze in the men's and the women's

Speaker 2 (31m 44s): Oh really?

Speaker 3 (31m 45s): Rocket

Speaker 2 (31m 46s): League rocket league. That's the soccer ball in cars. Isn't it? Yeah,

Speaker 3 (31m 48s): Yeah. Yeah. So it's teams of three

Speaker 2 (31m 51s): And you play with each other.

Speaker 3 (31m 52s): Yeah. Yeah. So there's like,

Speaker 2 (31m 54s): Like actual you're playing as a team against another team.

Speaker 3 (31m 56s): Yeah, yeah. Yeah. So like there's three Aussie girls playing against three. Yeah. English girls

Speaker 2 (32m 3s): Let's roll back that 12 months again.

Speaker 3 (32m 4s): No, it's funny because eSports, I was not part of, but so yeah. My in

Speaker 2 (32m 9s): The gambling gambling space,

Speaker 3 (32m 11s): I was around when we first started gambling on eSports. So to say that I'm still involved in eSports is probably a bit funny cuz like it was, you know, when you

Speaker 2 (32m 20s): Were looking at, from a different angle back then.

Speaker 3 (32m 22s): Yeah, exactly. Yeah. But looking at it, part of it, traditional sports it's e-sports to sort of look down on cause

Speaker 2 (32m 32s): Passes

Speaker 3 (32m 32s): A sport. Well, cause you have different teams like, so you'd have your domestic team that would focus on league and AFL. Yeah. You have your international teams that would be NBA, NFL, blah, blah, blah. And then you would have

Speaker 2 (32m 43s): The losers of eSports

Speaker 3 (32m 45s): Shout out to, to frosty.

Speaker 2 (32m 48s): So frosty is the eSport

Speaker 3 (32m 50s): Gambling. SHA Sammy, Jenna was one of the, the pioneers of that. Who else was involved in that? Snake was involved. You met

Speaker 2 (32m 59s): Snake. I met snake. Great man. Interesting man.

Speaker 3 (33m 2s): Yeah. So he'll probably he's he'll be down in, I think I'm catch Melbourne

Speaker 2 (33m 5s): In Melbourne.

Speaker 3 (33m 6s): Yeah. Yeah. Awesome. All these boys are still in Melbourne I think. Yeah. Yeah. But yeah, we'll go that eSports place. I mentioned it to them was like, come, come along.

Speaker 2 (33m 13s): I mean they'll walk in there as Kings. The pioneers are gambling in e-sports

Speaker 3 (33m 16s): Yeah. I dunno.

Speaker 2 (33m 18s): Can we call him pioneers as we walk in? Yeah. We'll all shout out to the pioneers. Call them,

Speaker 3 (33m 22s): Call 'em whatever you want.

Speaker 2 (33m 24s): So now you're back to reality.

Speaker 3 (33m 27s): Yeah.

Speaker 2 (33m 28s): While you're away, obviously NRLS a big topic that we always speak about and then not just a pretty face podcast. Yeah. Do you just see much? You just follow it much?

Speaker 3 (33m 37s): Well, origin I watch with you. Yeah. That's it.

Speaker 2 (33m 40s): Oh really? So did you hear that or you obviously heard that the Titans let go. One of their former legends, former captain, former New Zealand captain.

Speaker 3 (33m 50s): Oh Kevin Proctor

Speaker 2 (33m 53s): For vaping in a toilet. Yep.

Speaker 3 (33m 56s): Typically that's so

Speaker 2 (33m 58s): Isn't,

Speaker 3 (33m 59s): He's dubbed himself in

Speaker 2 (34m 1s): By putting it on his own story.

Speaker 3 (34m 2s): He's instar. Yeah.

Speaker 2 (34m 3s): Yeah. And then yesterday or the day before might have been on the weekend, probably would've broke in the last sort of 48 hours night superstar, Kalin, PGA looks said to be stripped of his captaincy. After a video of merge, him being kicked out of a toilet cubicle with teammate Kurtman men, the video came light on Monday morning, sparking PGA's dad. This is one of the best things. Andre who's actually his manager to say the 24 year old was being sick in the toilet. And his mate went in to help him while out celebrating an exciting house purchase.

Speaker 3 (34m 34s): Yeah.

Speaker 2 (34m 34s): The day before

Speaker 3 (34m 35s): He needs to that Andre bloke needs to, well,

Speaker 2 (34m 39s): Is that in? Well or should he shut the fuck

Speaker 3 (34m 40s): Up? Does he have accreditation to be a manager? He does. He needs to be stripped of that.

Speaker 2 (34m 45s): He, you might have to get Pinocchio out again and we're believing that fairytale. We are Fox leaves, James hoop suggested. But the big thing here that cracks me up is that the week before, a few days before Paul got ruled out for the rest of the season, cause had too many concussions. So wouldn't, they just blame the concussion as opposed to the booze. But anyway, that's just

Speaker 3 (35m 8s): Funny. What are you gonna say? I was cast and went into a cubic with my mate cause I was cast. Well, it's a funny one. Don't they have, if he's he's out with head knocks, surely there's a booze band. Yeah.

Speaker 2 (35m 20s): They have to be, there's always a booze band getting better. Right? Yeah. It's really interesting though. He goes newly signed football manager at Newcastle Peter Pawell front the media on Tuesday. Peter

Speaker 3 (35m 30s): Car is that he's the guy, Peter par. He was at north Queensland. He apparently he's a good operator.

Speaker 2 (35m 35s): Oh well he's gonna one nice thing to start. Fucking need to be. And then Phil Rothfield come out and said, I think it's really, really bad. Look know the Knight are really concerned about the PR side off the culture side of it. Blah blah blah.

Speaker 3 (35m 47s): Can we veto Phil Rothfield

Speaker 2 (35m 49s): Yeah, no PS announced captain

Speaker 3 (35m 51s): As well. Like who gives a

Speaker 2 (35m 52s): Fuck mate? You look at the idiots seriously. And you, you look at how this is all put together and concussion common sense tells you, you shouldn't be on boo simple.

Speaker 3 (36m 4s): Well,

Speaker 2 (36m 4s): Yeah, the fact

Speaker 3 (36m 5s): You're in where

Speaker 2 (36m 6s): They on boo, where

Speaker 3 (36m 7s): They on boo.

Speaker 2 (36m 8s): I mean, but the fact dad's come out

Speaker 3 (36m 10s): Old enough to know what's well, we can assume what's going on. Well,

Speaker 2 (36m 14s): There's two there's this is the funny part about this. There's actually two sides of this story. Yeah. Story one is they had little bag and they were sniffing lots of white powder. Yep. Or story number two is that they're actually having sexual contact with each other. Which one I put to you? Which one would you prefer to come out? If

Speaker 3 (36m 33s): You're the club? I was the club. Yeah.

Speaker 2 (36m 35s): If you're looking after the, the team.

Speaker 3 (36m 37s): Oh it's it's, it's definitely that they're in, you know that they're in a

Speaker 2 (36m 41s): Relationship

Speaker 3 (36m 41s): Hundred percent. Which one do I care about? Neither. Neither. No.

Speaker 2 (36m 47s): A hundred percent mate. I agree.

Speaker 3 (36m 49s): Like obviously if the drugs is the worst one, because it's obviously against thel standards or whatever you wanna call it, it's against water as well. I guess I stop performance enhancing, but it's still,

Speaker 2 (37m 4s): It's still a

Speaker 3 (37m 4s): Drug. Yeah. It's still a drug and obviously,

Speaker 2 (37m 6s): But then the cops again,

Speaker 3 (37m 6s): Obviously for the community side of it as well, it's not a good look, you know, that's it. Well,

Speaker 2 (37m 12s): As we, as we announced on the opening of the podcast, there's two more Newcastle players have just been stood down, you know, is what the fuck they've done.

Speaker 3 (37m 18s): Yeah. What's

Speaker 2 (37m 19s): Cleverer got a fine and a breach notice for something really trivial that he did on the field. Like, which is when him and Wallace got into that blue.

Speaker 3 (37m 27s): Didn't he? Yeah. Didn't know, but didn't didn't he get in trouble? Cause he was, he was blue and with the, the trainer. Oh, was he? I think he said something to the trainer.

Speaker 2 (37m 35s): Oh, okay. But you look at all these idiots seriously,

Speaker 3 (37m 38s): But, but if you look at it, what back to the Titans and then the nights, where are they on the ladder?

Speaker 2 (37m 44s): A hundred percent.

Speaker 3 (37m 45s): So it's

Speaker 2 (37m 45s): Would you ever see this at Melbourne?

Speaker 3 (37m 49s): Well, you did. You did.

Speaker 2 (37m 51s): That's a really good point that yeah, from the best player in the game,

Speaker 3 (37m 53s): They just handled it differently. I guess

Speaker 2 (37m 55s): They did. It was funny. I don't know if you saw this when you were away,

Speaker 3 (37m 57s): They had one.

Speaker 2 (37m 59s): Did you hear about the cheese calling the cheat?

Speaker 3 (38m 1s): Yeah. You got suspended. I was here for that.

Speaker 2 (38m 2s): Oh. But, but, but he is, come out later about his training. They made him train on his own. Yeah. Cause his biggest thing is talking to people. Yeah. Yeah. So they actually made him during that two weeks, he had off train every day on his own. He fucking hated it. He would've. And the, the thing there is, it was like, yeah, I learned my lessons. I shouldn't have done that. That was pretty stupid. But yeah. It shows you like

Speaker 3 (38m 21s): Scandal

Speaker 2 (38m 21s): Things differently nights Titans. Good. Very good point. Yeah. Where are they then? Obviously we, we sponsor part of the Titans.

Speaker 3 (38m 31s): Yep. Well we do the NL side. We sponsor the

Speaker 2 (38m 34s): NRL and you look at it and go, they've had a really shit year and they come out and smash manly, which I was,

Speaker 3 (38m 40s): That's

Speaker 2 (38m 41s): Pretty devastated about on the weekend.

Speaker 3 (38m 42s): Waiting, waiting for this, waiting for this all year.

Speaker 2 (38m 46s): The only game I,

Speaker 3 (38m 47s): My box to the

Speaker 2 (38m 49s): I've used the box. I've used the tickets.

Speaker 3 (38m 52s): You took the boys.

Speaker 2 (38m 53s): I took my back stuff for his birthday. Yep. And Carl is a good mate of mine, their manly fan. So they come and use the tickets and Jace was there and all pile people. And man, we played shit house.

Speaker 3 (39m 3s): Yeah. That's pretty disappointing.

Speaker 2 (39m 5s): It was just devastating.

Speaker 3 (39m 7s): Did, did I miss the sharks? Did

Speaker 2 (39m 9s): You didn miss the sharks

Speaker 3 (39m 10s): At times? Yeah you did. Did you go? No. Who went well?

Speaker 2 (39m 14s): We're away. Yeah. Shit bug next game. Newcastle. They won't have any players. Bullshit. Yeah. So

Speaker 3 (39m 21s): That's last, last,

Speaker 2 (39m 22s): Last game of our season. They play the dragons this week away and then they come back and

Speaker 3 (39m 28s): Who will be playing

Speaker 2 (39m 29s): Knight.

Speaker 3 (39m 30s): Yeah. Yeah. I know that. Oh,

Speaker 2 (39m 31s): Who, who I actually play? He'll be on the fan. Well, that's the interesting part because you look at, that was one of the best games Titans played all year, right? This last week. Yeah. We look at the team announcement today. Yeah. Obviously Jared wall's friend of the show was our first ever guest and only ever guest on the show. Yeah.

Speaker 3 (39m 47s): That was a good secondment call. The most famous person

Speaker 2 (39m 51s): And we didn't ring anyway. Yeah. But then yeah, look at that and they've dropped him again.

Speaker 3 (39m 55s): Well, he was never supposed to play

Speaker 2 (39m 57s): On the weekend,

Speaker 3 (39m 58s): But then he was a late call up cuz Tina, Tina

Speaker 2 (40m 0s): Had a baby. Yep. But the guys like got the first pass away for the try. He's had some cracking tackles. He's the only ball playing forward that they have and they suck him again. I think he's on the nose.

Speaker 3 (40m 13s): Well, he's definitely on the nose because they didn't offer him or they offered him. They lowballed him. But

Speaker 2 (40m 18s): Even to another club, his old man walks in the box on Saturday night or Sunday afternoon and goes, it's gonna be really interesting. He's gonna go. He's gonna be one of the only players ever to get the spoon with the Titans and win the title with the bears. So he'll have a car winners cup. Yeah, yeah. And a spoon. Well

Speaker 3 (40m 33s): I think, I mean at this point and I think they've, they've come out and said this as well. It's just, they're experimenting. Like cuz Toby

Speaker 2 (40m 42s): Said, well like car P was no,

Speaker 3 (40m 43s): But even like Toby Sexton, he said last night, he's not injured. I think I knew do that. Yeah.

Speaker 2 (40m 50s): He's playing for tweet.

Speaker 3 (40m 51s): But Dave was like, oh how's your injury.

Speaker 2 (40m 54s): Yeah.

Speaker 3 (40m 54s): Good one Dave. But so yeah. They're giving Tanner boy who played pretty well from what I saw, I was, he did,

Speaker 2 (41m 2s): He had a cracker

Speaker 3 (41m 2s): Actually. Oh OOS on the couch. This is Saturday or

Speaker 2 (41m 5s): Sunday. Yeah. Sunday. Haven't

Speaker 3 (41m 6s): What day of the week it is. Yeah. But I snooze out, but the bits I saw Tanner played pretty well. He did. So I guess they're trying to work out where

Speaker 2 (41m 14s): Karen's gonna fit.

Speaker 3 (41m 15s): Who fits well ki fits in at number six.

Speaker 2 (41m 18s): Yeah. That's

Speaker 3 (41m 19s): So

Speaker 2 (41m 19s): Who's your seven.

Speaker 3 (41m 21s): Well, I think that's what they're trying to work out.

Speaker 2 (41m 23s): Where's AJ play

Speaker 3 (41m 24s): Fullback.

Speaker 2 (41m 26s): Where's he? Jalen?

Speaker 3 (41m 29s): I don't think he fits into the team. Really?

Speaker 2 (41m 31s): Jack ditch him.

Speaker 3 (41m 33s): Well, like, I don't know. Like I know he is the young, but can, but

Speaker 2 (41m 37s): He come out the other week saying he used to play center all the time. He used to be a center

Speaker 3 (41m 42s): As a kid. Yeah. But

Speaker 2 (41m 43s): That's when he's only a kid.

Speaker 3 (41m 45s): I mean I know, but growing up that's when people were more, more the same size. Yeah. So he could get away with it. Yeah. I don't think you could get away with any, like, I, I love him as a player yesterday. Yeah. But I love him as a player. But if you've got, you know, Latrell, Tommy,

Speaker 2 (42m 1s): One of us running at him, like he's, he's 70

Speaker 3 (42m 3s): Kilos. Joseph Manu. They're just going run. Drew. I'd imagine. But you need a squad that competes like for spots. So you need the depth.

Speaker 2 (42m 16s): So as the coach get sacked,

Speaker 3 (42m 18s): Oh

Speaker 2 (42m 19s): Someone's gotta take the blame. It wasn't. But I don't like it. Wasn't Jim Dimmick's fault. Who was

Speaker 3 (42m 24s): An assistant? No, but I don't think like it's like we knew this was coming.

Speaker 2 (42m 28s): Yeah.

Speaker 3 (42m 29s): Everyone could see it. Yeah. So if they've, if they go through a year of pain.

Speaker 2 (42m 34s): Yeah. But they also were supposed to make the finals. They'll talk top four at one stage.

Speaker 3 (42m 38s): They obviously had to do that. They had to that. Yeah. But

Speaker 2 (42m 42s): Playing. But did you think that'd be coming last

Speaker 3 (42m 45s): Well, playing the, I don't know. We saw the first few weeks run the tape back show number one. Yeah. I think we both said they've got an inexperienced spine spine. It's gonna be really interesting.

Speaker 2 (42m 58s): And it has been,

Speaker 3 (42m 59s): But they, and they said this at the start, like we are backing the youth. So it's not gonna happen overnight,

Speaker 2 (43m 4s): But surely someone's gotta go. Is it Mitchell or is it the coach? Like I dunno. That's my, that's my thoughts on it. Anyway.

Speaker 3 (43m 12s): You think someone has to go,

Speaker 2 (43m 13s): Someone's gotta, someone's gonna take responsibility for, for the fans. Cause, but

Speaker 3 (43m 16s): He's, he's taking responsibility,

Speaker 2 (43m 18s): So oh, sorry. We fucked up.

Speaker 3 (43m 20s): Yeah. That's yeah. That's where you've gotta make your call.

Speaker 2 (43m 22s): Is it? Someone's gonna be

Speaker 3 (43m 23s): Sacked. Someone's gotta be

Speaker 2 (43m 24s): SED a hundred percent. That's why I

Speaker 3 (43m 26s): Can they get away with we sack the assistant.

Speaker 2 (43m 29s): No, everyone knows Jim. Not the fault of this.

Speaker 3 (43m 33s): Wasn't either the defensive coach.

Speaker 2 (43m 36s): He was one, one of the codes. I'm not sure. I think

Speaker 3 (43m 38s): It, his offensive

Speaker 2 (43m 38s): Coach. So reckon that's why they did it.

Speaker 3 (43m 40s): Well, I think. Yeah, but they probably did it too early for that, for to remember

Speaker 2 (43m 45s): Like, but they do have a new conditioning coach coming in. That's gonna make a bit of a difference. Put some fitness into the boys, but I dunno. We'll see what happens next year, I suppose. Yeah.

Speaker 3 (43m 55s): Yeah. It's a tough one. Like if, yeah, if I

Speaker 2 (43m 58s): Was I'm more looking forward to this week, the a then a w starts. Yep. And they're all doubleheaders now for the rest of the season.

Speaker 3 (44m 5s): They're all doubleheaders

Speaker 2 (44m 6s): Yes. That means that when we go and see the Titans nights, we'll see the women play as well.

Speaker 3 (44m 10s): We will see Titans nights. I

Speaker 2 (44m 12s): Don't know.

Speaker 3 (44m 13s): That's cool. Cause Millie Boyle went to the Knight.

Speaker 2 (44m 15s): Yeah. And the new seven for the Titans is the old hooker from old hooker coming. The number nine, the

Speaker 3 (44m 27s): Number nine. I knew what you meant. I think it's interesting. Cause we both had a fucking great time watching the women's

Speaker 2 (44m 36s): Teams. Oh man. They're snapping each other in half. It was great

Speaker 3 (44m 39s): That Bron we were. Were

Speaker 2 (44m 40s): You there? Yeah. The Broncos times. Broncos times. Yeah. That was

Speaker 3 (44m 42s): Awesome. Yeah. That was a fucking sick

Speaker 2 (44m 44s): Game. And even the women's grand final was excellent. Like that was great. Seeing the, I hate the rooster, but that was great guys saying the rooster win that. And obviously we had our guests on from the NL. W we should actually get her back on next week or so see how they're going for the start of the season. Yeah. Yeah. That'd be good. We'll hook that up. Okay. So now we've been missing the tips. I know I was behind by a couple,

Speaker 3 (45m 6s): A couple. Yeah. I think.

Speaker 2 (45m 7s): Or four? No, I was about three or four. So what are you sitting on for?

Speaker 3 (45m 12s): How many tips? Fuck

Speaker 2 (45m 13s): Let around 23.

Speaker 3 (45m 17s): I always struggled to get these up 110 total points. I got five out of eight last

Speaker 2 (45m 23s): Week. I got six out eight I 103. So I can still make

Speaker 3 (45m 26s): It yeah. A hundred percent you can

Speaker 2 (45m 27s): Saw. So let's look at what we do.

Speaker 3 (45m 29s): You want me to go through the big news of who's in this week?

Speaker 2 (45m 33s): Big news before I make my educated decisions.

Speaker 3 (45m 37s): Yeah. Latres been named despite injury or looking like he got injured during training. Okay. But he came out and said, Ferrari's just in the garage. Well, be sweet. That's what he said. So I like Latrell

Speaker 2 (45m 51s): On that note. South Sydney. They're playing Penrith. South Sydney, dollar 62 favorites. Fuck. Well, Penrith's got heap players out so clearly he's not playing he's out for,

Speaker 3 (46m 4s): Oh, we, I couldn't tell you who's in and

Speaker 2 (46m 6s): Who's there. So I reckon it's a south Sydney win that one. I like point. Okay. What's next? We've got north Queensland. New Zealand.

Speaker 3 (46m 14s): Oh, can I just go through who's

Speaker 2 (46m 15s): Alpha

Speaker 3 (46m 16s): EMR? No. Jerome Hughes is back for storm.

Speaker 2 (46m 20s): Yeah.

Speaker 3 (46m 21s): Mitch. Moses has been named.

Speaker 2 (46m 23s): Yeah.

Speaker 3 (46m 24s): Graham and Ilias to strengthen south tar pane is back to reinforce Raiders. Kenny Milo returns for the tigers. Molan and Tracy. Both named for the sharks.

Speaker 2 (46m 38s): That's good. That'll help Nick

Speaker 3 (46m 39s): And Edward's eyes returns for Panthers.

Speaker 2 (46m 42s): Okay.

Speaker 3 (46m 43s): Tina provides boost for Titans. So they were their headlines from the headliners news around 23.

Speaker 2 (46m 52s): I'm still going for his house.

Speaker 3 (46m 53s): Sweet. Oh, I think I'm I'm gonna go. Penworth

Speaker 2 (46m 56s): All north Queensland, New Zealand, New Zealand got up last week. We're back at Mount smart back in. I they've had three from four or back in Mount smart.

Speaker 3 (47m 4s): Just fucking give him every game.

Speaker 2 (47m 5s): They should have left him there. The rest of the season I reckon.

Speaker 3 (47m 8s): And all next year in the next two years,

Speaker 2 (47m 11s): Every game they play at home, maybe good for the game. North Queensland are a dollar home favorite at home. They're not gonna get beat.

Speaker 3 (47m 18s): No. Well, not thought

Speaker 2 (47m 20s): The Bronx and the storm in Brisbane. No mate.

Speaker 3 (47m 24s): That's Friday night.

Speaker 2 (47m 25s): But the big thing here for me is, is he playing and

Speaker 3 (47m 30s): Who is he? Who's is

Speaker 2 (47m 31s): He, oh, is he's he playing? There's only one fucking player in the Melbourne team nowadays.

Speaker 3 (47m 36s): Ah, monster. Yeah.

Speaker 2 (47m 37s): If, if Munster plays there win. If Munster doesn't play, they lose.

Speaker 3 (47m 40s): Oh, OME he's his back. So

Speaker 2 (47m 42s): Still needs monster. He's playing fullback. He plays sort of a five 80 full Backish roll at the moment. But yeah. Stormed by heaps.

Speaker 3 (47m 52s): I wouldn't say heaps, but yeah.

Speaker 2 (47m 54s): Parama versus the dogs

Speaker 3 (47m 56s): Fucked

Speaker 2 (47m 57s): Paramatta on a roll backwards.

Speaker 3 (47m 59s): Love it. Tay with dog shit on the weekend,

Speaker 2 (48m 1s): They were so bad. They weren't as bad as the bulldog

Speaker 3 (48m 3s): And they didn't have a lot of balls. So they must have been bugged in the first. I think it was the first half I watched, but fuck, they look bad.

Speaker 2 (48m 10s): Here we go. I already owe you one carton from earlier in the season. Two cartons, sorry, two cartons around the season and, and, and this one's at Brooky.

Speaker 3 (48m 17s): Ugh.

Speaker 2 (48m 19s): Yeah. And it's on a Saturday, Saturday afternoon. Oh, it's gotta be manly. All over. Shark sharks are painted dollar 27.

Speaker 3 (48m 28s): Funny fit jam.

Speaker 2 (48m 30s): So I'll tell you what if the sharks Peters. Yeah. Yeah. I'll double. What are you? Yeah. Yeah. So it'll be four cartons. Yeah. Yeah. And I'm gonna become a sharks fan for the rest of the season

Speaker 3 (48m 41s): And it's manly win.

Speaker 2 (48m 42s): And if manly win, we're back to square. We're back to square. That's good bet

Speaker 3 (48m 47s): For you. I'll lose two cases that are owed to me.

Speaker 2 (48m 52s): Well, that's the same thing. Two verse two. Are we on?

Speaker 3 (48m 57s): Yeah.

Speaker 2 (48m 57s): Understand. And then yeah. I'll become a Sharkies fan for the rest of the year. Sydney ROS verse west tigers. Remember the tigers are just having fun nowadays and Kamal that's their whole thing I was gonna make. 'em have some fun, but yeah. Now the rooster will win that by shit. Then are they there? Behind the tigers are behind the Titans now, which is good. The dragons versus Titans. Can they do two in a row? No. Is hunt plan?

Speaker 3 (49m 25s): Well, that's that? Yeah.

Speaker 2 (49m 27s): Hunts the months.

Speaker 3 (49m 29s): I dunno if you watch the game, but he did a 40, 20 and a 2040 in the same game.

Speaker 2 (49m 34s): Is that a first ever?

Speaker 3 (49m 35s): Oh, D I dunno how many

Speaker 2 (49m 37s): People I saw one of him where he just popped out and then just like, was like a, a snap kick. Yeah. And it was a cracker.

Speaker 3 (49m 44s): You say he worth the money. He's on. I

Speaker 2 (49m 46s): Hate him.

Speaker 3 (49m 47s): I know you hate him. Hate him

Speaker 2 (49m 48s): With a passion. Cause he footballer on the planet. He was, he's not the worst. No he was. And then like, we used to love when he played Queensland. Cause he was shithouse worst

Speaker 3 (49m 57s): Football on the planet. But how he, he dropped.

Speaker 2 (49m 59s): What did he have in the off season? Kick off. He dropped. Yeah. That's what I mean. But what did he have in the off season? They actually made him one of the best plays in the league. I don't know was

Speaker 3 (50m 7s): They're looking toss, resign

Speaker 2 (50m 9s): Him. And while they ask

Speaker 3 (50m 11s): Him, I don't know, it was one point something.

Speaker 2 (50m 13s): No, he's not worth me

Speaker 3 (50m 15s): By he's on a million bucks now.

Speaker 2 (50m 16s): He's not

Speaker 3 (50m 17s): Worth me. He's on more probably I think.

Speaker 2 (50m 18s): Do you reckon he's worth me bucks? He's their best player.

Speaker 3 (50m 22s): Well, so that's, that's the,

Speaker 2 (50m 24s): He's the RQ, I suppose.

Speaker 3 (50m 25s): Let's go back to this point. Let's just get these outta the way.

Speaker 2 (50m 27s): Hey, I'm going Titans, Titans, Newcastle, camber.

Speaker 3 (50m 31s): I'm going. Dragon's no way I'm going Titan.

Speaker 2 (50m 33s): Newcastle, Canberra.

Speaker 3 (50m 35s): Camra back

Speaker 2 (50m 38s): And Newcastle building four players. Okay. So just to go over that, I'm on south.

Speaker 3 (50m 45s): Yeah. I'm on Panthers.

Speaker 2 (50m 47s): North Queensland. Yep. Melbourne. Yep. Para yep. Aley.

Speaker 3 (50m 51s): No, I'm on sharks.

Speaker 2 (50m 52s): Sydney. Yep. Titans

Speaker 3 (50m 54s): Dragons.

Speaker 2 (50m 55s): Camera. Camera. Oh, so I can get three back.

Speaker 3 (50m 58s): So yeah, three.

Speaker 2 (50m 59s): Oh, it's gonna be tight actually. Probably not. And you've been watching the AFL at all.

Speaker 3 (51m 5s): No. I've bits and pieces.

Speaker 2 (51m 6s): We have the pleasure this week of watching your boys ever run round. Yeah. Hey against Richmond. I'm

Speaker 3 (51m 10s): Not, I'm not excited about that. Actually.

Speaker 2 (51m 13s): How you going on the, the total points here?

Speaker 3 (51m 16s): I do. I couldn't tell you.

Speaker 2 (51m 17s): Oh, you're not betting.

Speaker 3 (51m 18s): I have. I did.

Speaker 2 (51m 20s): Do you not put your tips in? I

Speaker 3 (51m 21s): Did round one.

Speaker 2 (51m 22s): That's it? He's letting the run. Yeah. You coming last still?

Speaker 3 (51m 25s): No, I think Rob did the same. Oh, the on come second. Last

Speaker 2 (51m 30s): Lions against Melbourne. That'll be a good game of footy reckon. It's

Speaker 3 (51m 34s): That game is worth

Speaker 2 (51m 35s): At the

Speaker 3 (51m 36s): GABA fucking millions.

Speaker 2 (51m 37s): Why?

Speaker 3 (51m 38s): So?

Speaker 2 (51m 39s): Four first, third.

Speaker 3 (51m 41s): Yeah, four first, third. The loser goes down to sixth. Plays Richmond away first week.

Speaker 2 (51m 47s): So who's the last round of the AFL.

Speaker 3 (51m 49s): I'm pretty sure.

Speaker 2 (51m 50s): Yeah. It would be actually cause hang on. It is yeah. Then qualifying finals.

Speaker 3 (51m 56s): Yeah. So,

Speaker 2 (51m 57s): So if a loser goes to six yeah. Or something like that. Yeah.

Speaker 3 (52m 0s): And then winner gets,

Speaker 2 (52m 2s): So winner stays in the fall.

Speaker 3 (52m 4s): Yeah. So he gets a home final or gets an early easier game and then a home free or something.

Speaker 2 (52m 10s): Wow. I'm picking Brisbane at home.

Speaker 3 (52m 13s): Yeah. So Rob reckons, they lose

Speaker 2 (52m 16s): Really?

Speaker 3 (52m 17s): Yeah. He reckons they been, yeah,

Speaker 2 (52m 18s): They've been against Mel. Melbourne's playing good footy though.

Speaker 3 (52m 21s): Yeah. I don't know. Biggest

Speaker 2 (52m 23s): Disappointment of the season, which is the GWS giants against Freeman.

Speaker 3 (52m 28s): So I was gonna who'd you go in Brisbane? I in Brisbane, I'll go the opposite to you. Really?

Speaker 2 (52m 32s): I'll go in Brisbane. I'm going Frio.

Speaker 3 (52m 34s): I'll go Melbourne.

Speaker 2 (52m 35s): So Frio is coming sixth.

Speaker 3 (52m 37s): Yeah. They have to win. Oh, they have to win. But yeah. Frio

Speaker 2 (52m 42s): North Melbourne versus gold coast. It's 12th. I'm go. Gold coast. Gold coast G long west coast.

Speaker 3 (52m 48s): Long. Can't take west coast.

Speaker 2 (52m 50s): No. So long sitting on top of the ladder,

Speaker 3 (52m 52s): Their pants and

Speaker 2 (52m 54s): Your boys verse Richmond.

Speaker 3 (52m 57s): Oh, I'm gonna back him.

Speaker 2 (52m 58s): You got,

Speaker 3 (52m 59s): But

Speaker 2 (52m 59s): Yeah. I'm going against you. That's fine. Port Adelaide. Port's 11th. Adelaide's 14th. So doesn't mean shit. That game

Speaker 3 (53m 8s): Port.

Speaker 2 (53m 9s): Yeah. Hawks Western bulldogs can the bulldog they're coming ninth.

Speaker 3 (53m 13s): They need to win. So

Speaker 2 (53m 14s): That's they get in? Yeah.

Speaker 3 (53m 16s): Yeah. So that's why I had this discussion with Liam on the week, during the week or yesterday. Cause the

Speaker 2 (53m 22s): Week's just today is Tuesday champ.

Speaker 3 (53m 24s): Yeah. But so everyone was blown that Carlton Helen, everyone was laughing cuz Melbourne kicked their goal in the last 15 seconds. Yeah. And that fucked Carlton and I was looked at the like, they're still coming eighth. So, but yeah, the thought is that they'll lose against Colinwood cuz Colin would've been on that huge role. Yeah.

Speaker 2 (53m 44s): Yeah. Which the SW smashed.

Speaker 3 (53m 46s): Yeah. So that yeah. Carlton will lose and then doggies will beat Hawks or shit.

Speaker 2 (53m 52s): Is that not Carlton out? Yeah.

Speaker 3 (53m 54s): Wow. Yeah. It looks like it would.

Speaker 2 (53m 56s): Yeah. So we're gonna Western bulldogs there and then you got Carlton Collingwood. That's a massive game then. So that's as big as the Brisbane game. Yeah. Wow. So and Colin, well

Speaker 3 (54m 6s): That, I think if doggy win they'll obviously

Speaker 2 (54m 11s): Go over Carlton,

Speaker 3 (54m 12s): Go over Carlton and then Carlton would have to win.

Speaker 2 (54m 14s): Just getting the eight. Yeah.

Speaker 3 (54m 15s): But then Colin would, would

Speaker 2 (54m 16s): Colin would drop to six or seven then? Yeah. Wow.

Speaker 3 (54m 19s): Yeah, yeah. Yeah.

Speaker 2 (54m 20s): So I'm gonna pick Carlton

Speaker 3 (54m 22s): And co well, yeah, fuck a draw. I'm tipping. The draw. God can't can't tippy the team. I'm tipping the

Speaker 2 (54m 31s): Draw and then saints first the swans, the swans are on a roll. However

Speaker 3 (54m 36s): I'll beat saints.

Speaker 2 (54m 36s): It's that time of year it scares me. Makes me nervous. We do some silly things and it's not letting me push submit, obviously done something wrong. Yeah. No idea. Anyway, so we're all cheering for the swans and the, well, hopefully win this weekend, which will keep us in second place. Which means we play fourth.

Speaker 3 (55m 6s): Yeah. Which, which could be Melbourne or Brisbane. Couldn't it?

Speaker 2 (55m 10s): Yeah. Which then yeah, I think it's no, it's one verse four, two verse three. And then the loser of that plays the winner of the bottom half of the ladder and then you get another chance or something like that. Yeah. It's all very fucking confusing.

Speaker 3 (55m 23s): Yeah. Too confusing for us. So going back to Ben hunt, I think we heard, heard this on the radio the other night, the other day. So how fucked is the dragons recruitment?

Speaker 2 (55m 35s): One of the worst

Speaker 3 (55m 37s): When you look at, I saw a video of MC oh

Speaker 2 (55m 39s): This was yesterday. Well this is last night. The thing

Speaker 3 (55m 41s): Yeah. I watched, I saw a video of macock MC

Speaker 2 (55m 45s): Macock.

Speaker 3 (55m 46s): Yeah. Trying to make a tackle. And there was just no effort, but I, it just got me thinking on the lineup. So look at,

Speaker 2 (55m 57s): This is the pension line for the,

Speaker 3 (55m 59s): Yeah. So MCC, Josh McGuire still gets a run. How's he get around? I don't know how old he's

Speaker 2 (56m 5s): Dog. It doesn't

Speaker 3 (56m 7s): Matter. He's only 32. I thought he was a lot older, so yeah. It's a bit. But then bird Moses by

Speaker 2 (56m 19s): Yeah.

Speaker 3 (56m 22s): Aaron Woods.

Speaker 2 (56m 23s): He's gotta be 35.

Speaker 3 (56m 25s): Yeah. It's just like,

Speaker 2 (56m 28s): Like all the leftovers, wouldn't it?

Speaker 3 (56m 29s): Yeah. But there'd be a lot of money. Money tied up. Like if you look at all right. So Ben H if he's on 1.3 million a year, one, one point, whatever. Yeah. And then you've got a lot of money tied up. You'd imagine with these older guys as well, like looking at the team, you could tell they're not winning a comp like, so this is just brings up. If the, if they're paying Ben hunt, one point whatever,

Speaker 2 (56m 54s): And you remember the base salary cap for 20, 20 twos, 9.1, one 8 million. So he's taking a big chunk of that.

Speaker 3 (57m 1s): Yeah. But it's just, are they in the market to buy a big name player?

Speaker 2 (57m 8s): The money is what you mean.

Speaker 3 (57m 9s): Yeah, exactly. Because they've tied up one point. Are they just not better off investing in youth?

Speaker 2 (57m 17s): Well, you look at what happened with the Titans.

Speaker 3 (57m 21s): Yeah. Yeah. I know. I know. I dunno. I dunno the answer.

Speaker 2 (57m 26s): Yeah. It's a, that's an interesting one. Well, you look here. The playing squad, Jack birds on five 50 next year, Deb. Be's on seven 50.

Speaker 3 (57m 38s): Well, you can fucking tackle that play.

Speaker 2 (57m 40s): Yeah. I suppose. Yeah. Ben hunt 1.1. They're saying here, 1.1.

Speaker 3 (57m 44s): Yeah.

Speaker 2 (57m 44s): Zach Lomax 700. Yeah. France. The 500 TA Sims. They paid him six 50 this year. That's interesting.

Speaker 3 (57m 54s): Yeah.

Speaker 2 (57m 56s): Jayden 600 Moses. Suly five 50. So that's cheap. I think Moses Suly is worth more money.

Speaker 3 (58m 4s): Oh, easy.

Speaker 2 (58m 5s): Yeah.

Speaker 3 (58m 6s): On his day,

Speaker 2 (58m 7s): Aaron Wood has got a player option for next.

Speaker 3 (58m 9s): Yeah. Which is how much is he on? Does it

Speaker 2 (58m 11s): Say no, it doesn't say, but yeah. It's interesting that they're how

Speaker 3 (58m 15s): Much McCullick and McGuire

Speaker 2 (58m 17s): On. I don't say it's only got a few 'em in there, but it's yeah, no, it's the whole salary cup thing and yeah, the dragons, I think the sharks next year are gonna go. Alright. Cause I think they keep their call. Yeah,

Speaker 3 (58m 30s): I can I go,

Speaker 2 (58m 30s): Right. I dunno what sea's gonna do losing foreign. That's gonna be interesting to see who they bring in. I think you look at mate where roosters with the cheese. That's gonna be interesting.

Speaker 3 (58m 45s): Yeah. So that was interesting to hear how that pan S signing.

Speaker 2 (58m 50s): Yeah. Cuz he wasn't gonna get any minutes. So robo speaks to the other coach and says, look, you got something for him. It's interesting. Isn't it? The way.

Speaker 3 (58m 56s): Yeah. Yeah. I, I dunno how their relationship is, but for him to, I didn't think the coaches just spoke to each other like that.

Speaker 2 (59m 5s): Yeah. Well maybe they're mates. You never know. You never know. Anyway mate, what's the weirdest thing you've seen in sport the last few weeks it been away.

Speaker 3 (59m 15s): Oh fuck. Oh.

Speaker 2 (59m 18s): Other

Speaker 3 (59m 18s): Than the number of grown adults that had wrestling belts at their wrestling

Speaker 2 (59m 23s): That's bang. That's so true.

Speaker 3 (59m 26s): That was pretty fucking bizarre.

Speaker 2 (59m 27s): It is so

Speaker 3 (59m 28s): True. I don't know if they're all real or fake,

Speaker 2 (59m 31s): But they were 400 bucks.

Speaker 3 (59m 32s): The real ones are 400 us. Yeah. They're

Speaker 2 (59m 34s): 400 us one us. Yeah. 400

Speaker 3 (59m 36s): Us. So there's fuck

Speaker 2 (59m 38s): There. Would've been thousands of them there I reckon. And that one guy he's walking, he's got one round, his belly and one on each shoulder. Yeah. So he is just strutting through and he's got his,

Speaker 3 (59m 46s): Yeah, it's a, it was bizarre. I wasn't expecting it.

Speaker 2 (59m 50s): A, there was a lot of things that night, like the amount of t-shirts that got sold, the amount of headbands, the amount of all that sort of stuff was just

Speaker 3 (59m 55s): Insane. Well, even the, I think it was just the matter, the food options of Madison square

Speaker 2 (59m 59s): Garden were amazing.

Speaker 3 (1h 0m 2s): They were

Speaker 2 (1h 0m 4s): The margarita

Speaker 3 (1h 0m 4s): Options. Margaritas. How, how weird the stadium was. I had, obviously I, I dunno, but I hadn't done my research on the, the setup of the seats and stuff. So my brother-in-law

Speaker 2 (1h 0m 15s): We're on a bridge.

Speaker 3 (1h 0m 16s): Yeah. So my brother-in-law and sister, they went and they loved it. They went to a basketball game. They said, oh yeah, we, we got our own TV and they just bought general admission. Oh

Speaker 2 (1h 0m 26s): Wow.

Speaker 3 (1h 0m 28s): So

Speaker 2 (1h 0m 29s): They must been a different section.

Speaker 3 (1h 0m 31s): Yeah. So yeah, they weren't on the bridge. So we had the, the bridge, which is literally a bridge, a glass bridge with how many rows? 2, 3, 3

Speaker 2 (1h 0m 40s): Or four. Yeah.

Speaker 3 (1h 0m 41s): And then like

Speaker 2 (1h 0m 42s): Stand up area behind it

Speaker 3 (1h 0m 43s): Seats. No, they weren't

Speaker 2 (1h 0m 44s): Stand. No. But then behind that again, there was like, it was all just very, I think it was bizarre.

Speaker 3 (1h 0m 50s): Yeah. And the, obviously the ring was a lot smaller than I thought it would. I don't know what I expected.

Speaker 2 (1h 0m 55s): It was, it was good though. It was a great experience. Fucking

Speaker 3 (1h 0m 58s): Good night. Yeah.

Speaker 2 (1h 0m 59s): So couple more things before

Speaker 3 (1h 1m 1s): Was the biggest thing you've seen his sports in the last

Speaker 2 (1h 1m 3s): Few weeks, mate. The weirdest thing I think is two grown men in a toilet cubicle after

Speaker 3 (1h 1m 9s): That's the weirdest thing.

Speaker 2 (1h 1m 10s): That's one of the weirdest things. I just don't fucking understand these rugby league players. Oh, it's spin me out.

Speaker 3 (1h 1m 15s): I think the weird part is his dad saying he was out celebrating a real estate purchase

Speaker 2 (1h 1m 20s): Purchase

Speaker 3 (1h 1m 21s): And his mate was holding his hair back or whatever, like fucking case on

Speaker 2 (1h 1m 24s): That's weird, but actually on the, on the, on the court, all that sort of stuff. My summer league, just some of the, like the most bizarre thing was sitting on one side of the court and jam Moran, just sitting on the other side or Zion and, and Scotty Pippin while his son was playing for the Lakers. I just found that really bizarre. I think we mentioned

Speaker 3 (1h 1m 45s): That, that the ax, it, it felt like the access to the players and that

Speaker 2 (1h 1m 51s): Was yeah. Was really close.

Speaker 3 (1h 1m 52s): Was a lot more on in summer league. Yep. But that was a university stadium. Yeah. It

Speaker 2 (1h 1m 58s): Was pretty,

Speaker 3 (1h 2m 1s): There was two venues. So one of them was just a gym,

Speaker 2 (1h 2m 4s): Obviously where the high school or local yeah. Couple,

Speaker 3 (1h 2m 7s): Couple hundred people that was sweet. And then you'd no walk, you know, 10 meters out of the gym and you're in this arena arena. I don't know how many it sits, but it was,

Speaker 2 (1h 2m 17s): Yeah. I was in this 18,000 or 19,000 something.

Speaker 3 (1h 2m 20s): Yeah. That was cool.

Speaker 2 (1h 2m 21s): So that was, that was all good. But then talking basketball on the gold coast, obviously we we're bidding for the gold coast. Tropics NBL license. Have to give a massive shout out to the gold coast rollers in the NBL one. Yeah. The boys have done amazing. I watched watched it on the, on my phone actually on Saturday night. Yeah. And they went by a point in overtime. Yeah. That was pretty great. Great game of basketball. And, and the lads have done a sensational job.

Speaker 3 (1h 2m 46s): So they've got the semi this

Speaker 2 (1h 2m 47s): Week. They've got the semi this weekend. We're gonna be away. So we're gonna miss it, but we will watch it on, on the phone. But yeah. Massive shout out to the gold coast rollers. You're doing basketball, proud on the gold coast boys. And I can see a few of those guys, especially a couple of the young blokes playing for the go coast tropics in the next couple of years. Yeah. Hopefully flying looks like Brony.

Speaker 3 (1h 3m 5s): Hopefully

Speaker 2 (1h 3m 6s): If he ever comes.

Speaker 3 (1h 3m 7s): Yeah. Wow. That's say he is getting looked at by a couple's teams now.

Speaker 2 (1h 3m 11s): Yeah. Well they were saying, I was talking to one of, one of his management team the other day and they said that he more than likely not gonna come. Yeah. They think that he'll go straight into the draft,

Speaker 3 (1h 3m 22s): Straight into the draft.

Speaker 2 (1h 3m 22s): Yeah. Just so his old man can play with him.

Speaker 3 (1h 3m 25s): Do the one you in college though.

Speaker 2 (1h 3m 27s): I don't they're lower the age. Remember?

Speaker 3 (1h 3m 30s): Yeah.

Speaker 2 (1h 3m 30s): Lower the age to 18. I think so. Which means they can come straight high school. I'm not sure, but that's what they were saying. It probably won't happen. He may go on a G league, but you never know. And a massive, she MACU maker. He, he just signed a deal in the NBA. He

Speaker 3 (1h 3m 46s): Signed one of those 10 day.

Speaker 2 (1h 3m 48s): Yeah. The 10 day ones where they can play for him for, I think up to 10 games in a row or something. It was really bizarre the way they do that. But then if they stay, they can actually get extended, et cetera. And

Speaker 3 (1h 3m 58s): That's, that's probably another weird thing that I'd

Speaker 2 (1h 4m 1s): The different types of just

Speaker 3 (1h 4m 2s): The way the contract.

Speaker 2 (1h 4m 3s): Yeah. Yeah. But Mac maker, he's the guy that was on that basketball show and where he was the number one kid outta high school Aussie kid Aussie Sudanese, and was unbelievable. And then went through the whole black lives matter piece and got pushed down to a hundred and never actually made the NBA. So the fact that he's over there at summer league, we got to see him and yeah. To watch you do get an NBA contract now I think sensational. So that's, that's massive for Australian basketball.

Speaker 3 (1h 4m 28s): Yeah. It was good to see Jack White, obviously get a deal. Yep. Watch Tim play over there. Luke Travis Luke deal. But he's gone coming back to the B

Speaker 2 (1h 4m 38s): Yeah. He's come back to, I love that. Oh man. That's awesome.

Speaker 3 (1h 4m 41s): I love that. They've signed him, but obviously he probably won't get a lot of game time. Yeah.

Speaker 2 (1h 4m 46s): So send him back here, toughen him up a bit more, getting him a bit baring place for the cabs next year.

Speaker 3 (1h 4m 50s): Yeah. So I know the BL teams currently finalizing their teams. Yep. For this getting

Speaker 2 (1h 4m 56s): Ready for summer

Speaker 3 (1h 4m 57s): Blitz, haven't even talked about the top deal that the BL have done

Speaker 2 (1h 5m 0s): Mate. There was sensational your card deal. So

Speaker 3 (1h 5m 3s): Huge news. I know we got a little sneak peek.

Speaker 2 (1h 5m 5s): We did. Yeah. Jeremy might have mentioned that when we're away. The commission.

Speaker 3 (1h 5m 8s): Yeah. Vegas. Yeah. So we knew that was coming, but that was really good. I'm excited because I don't know if you read the press release, I'm sure you didn't read the press release.

Speaker 2 (1h 5m 19s): I don't read

Speaker 3 (1h 5m 20s): You can't but they had said that tops are releasing multiple products. And so it's the, for the NBL. It's the first, so it's the first announcement the tops have done a new license on

Speaker 2 (1h 5m 34s): New because it's 25 years since I've had cards.

Speaker 3 (1h 5m 36s): Yeah. So in the, so I think they're gonna do multiple releases and this could be the testing ground. Amazing. Your, you know, your, your, the thing you like to say is Australia's a good testing ground cuz no one else really pays attention

Speaker 2 (1h 5m 51s): A hundred percent. Yeah. They can test stuff and,

Speaker 3 (1h 5m 52s): But people will pay attention cuz it's tops.

Speaker 2 (1h 5m 55s): I think. Well also cuz there's so many NBA players that either played in the B or are currently over there now that are Australian that are gonna come back and play coast

Speaker 3 (1h 6m 5s): Tropics. I think the B as a whole is more aware of the

Speaker 2 (1h 6m 8s): Yeah. NBA,

Speaker 3 (1h 6m 9s): NBA. Sorry is more aware of the B cuz the players have done well. So

Speaker 2 (1h 6m 15s): Guys like Josh

Speaker 3 (1h 6m 16s): Giddy. Yeah. But Getty,

Speaker 2 (1h 6m 17s): Daniel me

Speaker 3 (1h 6m 18s): Ball came, came across RJ Hampton and, and obviously the, the ex NBA players own bits and pieces of they do clubs. So obviously everyone's more aware of it. So I think the collectors will be more aware of it as well. It'll be interesting to see who like who the rookies are. Yep. Because obviously rookies are a big part of the collecting space. So you know, who are the rookies to chase? Yeah. Is it a, a Luke Travis rookie?

Is he a rookie? I don't know how

Speaker 2 (1h 6m 51s): Friends of his last year or does she

Speaker 3 (1h 6m 53s): Yeah. Yeah. But I really hope that they, they, I know they will. They'll they'll do it well, but they'll release. I hope in my eyes as a massive tops Chrome fan, they'll be obviously the tops flagship, they call it. I think they'll be tops, finest hope.

Speaker 2 (1h 7m 11s): Well, they they're gonna start and practice for what they're gonna do in the B a in two years time. So fanatics obviously own tops and they're gonna start bringing that back. So I reckon, well

Speaker 3 (1h 7m 21s): They've already said that they're gonna bring back tops Chrome.

Speaker 2 (1h 7m 23s): Yep. So, and the thing there is like, they can practice here as you mentioned and if they fuck it up, not that many people see it,

Speaker 3 (1h 7m 29s): But I think they will. So I think that, I think they're gonna have to do it well

Speaker 2 (1h 7m 33s): Hope so for one of our major sponsors local card shop, they they're now opened up in Brisbane and soon to open a popup shop here at Arun. And I know they're excited about all this new stuff that's coming out. And obviously the old stuff, like he's desert storm cards that he sells every week, which is still scary. But yeah. But I may looking forward to seeing that that product come out.

Speaker 3 (1h 7m 54s): Yeah. For sure.

Speaker 2 (1h 7m 55s): Products, products. So there's a lot, lot of stuff happening here locally and, and abroad with the NBA draw comes out this Friday, which is very exciting for next year. We'll be able to find out when we're going on our tour to the us

Speaker 3 (1h 8m 8s): Fine. Who, yeah. What games we see

Speaker 2 (1h 8m 10s): Indeed. Yeah. Fun indeed. So that's that happens this weekend. Yeah. And then some Monday that'll be announced the next week on the, on the podcast, we'll mention where we're gonna be and you can come and crystal will sign autographs. I, in the us, I would, if anyone wants one more than likely more than likely, and I'll tell you why we're gonna have a new voice of the NJ APF podcast in the next couple of weeks, we met this gentleman at a bar in New York city and he has the best radio voice I've ever heard in my life. He

Speaker 4 (1h 8m 38s): Actually does

Speaker 2 (1h 8m 39s): Voiceovers. He does voiceovers. He did or does, oh, he's going to, he's gonna be actually our new intro man for not just a pretty face podcast. And he reached back out to me yesterday and I've, I've kinda hooked him up for some voiceover work at, along the pod platform. So you hear the adults of American times and you'll know exactly who he is. We'll dos better than my voice. Indeed. Mate, indeed. Well look us up on all the socials, NJ P F underscore podcast. They get it right.

Fuck fine. Yeah. I think its just type in NJ and we are our beautiful mugs come up in our, mainly in Shockey

Speaker 4 (1h 9m 15s): Jerseys, GC, tropics,

Speaker 2 (1h 9m 17s): GC If you can sign up and see how we go there, we are pushing for this license pretty hard. So we'd really love everyone's support on that follow GC underscore tropics on all the socials and myself at BJ CCA and Chris at NJ podcast. See ya. Thank you. Thank you. Now. Thank you.

Speaker 4 (1h 9m 36s): I was for talking to the

Speaker 2 (1h 9m 37s): Listeners, but I was thanking you. No thanks. Thanks. Thanks for your time. Cheer. Thanks for have effort. Thanks cheer brother.

Speaker 4 (1h 9m 45s): Some things in life are bad. They going really make you made other things. Just make you swear and curse. You know yet.

Speaker 2 (1h 9m 54s): No.

Speaker 4 (1h 9m 55s): When you chew your last whistle back, ramble, give a whistle here we

Speaker 2 (1h 10m 0s): Are ready.

Speaker 4 (1h 10m 1s): And this will help things turn out for the best it. Here we go. Always look on the side of light.

Speaker 2 (1h 10m 12s): Thanks everyone. Have a cracker of.