The Floral Hustle

In this week’s minisode of The Floral Hustle, Jen dives deep into the importance of consistency in building a six-figure floral business. Discover how small, consistent actions—whether in social media, client follow-ups, or even planning your week—can lead to massive results over time. Jen shares real-world examples of how inconsistent efforts in areas like social media posting can hinder growth and outlines how to build strategies that work.
Key Takeaways:
  1. Consistency is Key: Sporadic efforts, especially on social media, won’t yield the results you're aiming for. Consistently showing up is essential for success.
  2. Develop a Social Media Plan: Posting randomly won’t cut it. Jen shares insights on creating content pillars to make your social media strategy manageable and effective.
  3. Client Follow-ups: Having a consistent communication plan with clients is crucial for business growth. Learn how to set up a follow-up process that helps you close more clients.
  4. Weekly Planning: Organizing your tasks and to-do lists can make your week more productive and help you stay on track with both personal and professional goals.
  5. Keep Promises to Yourself: One of the most critical elements of consistency is sticking to the promises you make to yourself. Whether it’s fitness goals or business objectives, following through will help you become the entrepreneur you aspire to be.
Actionable Tips:
  • Set up content pillars for your social media to post consistently and stay in front of your audience.
  • Create a weekly plan to organize both business tasks and personal commitments.
  • Establish a client follow-up system to ensure steady communication and higher booking rates.

What is The Floral Hustle?

Are you ready to grow your floral business not only in profits but in creativity and fulfillment? Listen as Jeni Becht a wedding and event designer of over 25 years shares all the juicy details of growing and evolving her floral business into one of passion, purpose, and financial freedom. She shares all the secrets with actionable tips and strategies so you can wake up inspired and on a path to profitability while feeling lighter and more aligned in work and life. Join Jeni in building your business while ditching the overwhelm, avoiding burnout, and feeling fulfilled in work and life.

  📍 Hello, flower friends. It's Jen, the florist life and business coach. And October is an exciting one. We are dedicating the episodes for the month of October to having a six figure business, a 100 K business. And our episodes are going to be dedicated to this, but I have a challenge coming up. I'm so excited that I'm going to be hosting a five day challenge, October 21st through the 25th, where I am teaching you the five.

Fundamentals and how to scale to a hundred thousand dollar business. Head to the floral hustle. com forward slash one zero zero K or 100 K. This is going to be huge. This is going to help propel your business forward is going to lay out a path. And I have a really exciting opportunity that I'm going to be starting on November 1st that I can't wait to tell you about as well.

Hello, flower friends. This is Jen and you are listening to the floral hustle podcast on this week's minisode. And for the month of October, we're talking all things having a 100 K business. And so today we are going to talk about the power of consistency and how small actions can lead to big results. I think one One of the big things that I see when I'm looking at someone who is wanting to be coached, wanting to bring their business to the next level is they are doing things so sporadically that really any results are not going to be substantial or really show through because we were not showing up enough to get any results.

And then they're frustrated by, you know, I'm, I'm doing all these things because mentally when you think you should be doing something and then you do it once and you didn't like doing it or you're unhappy doing it or whatever. You're kind of stuck in this mental game of, of feeling like you're doing more than you actually are.

So, really, that's, that's not going to help you grow. And it's going to leave you frustrated. If you're doing things sporadically, and you're doing things that without a plan, without really, you know, going in with a habit, or um, Um, you know, this, this well laid out, like, okay, I know if I do this on repeat, it's going to help me get to this.

And so social media is probably one of the biggest, uh, sporadic and inconsistent things in most people's business. You can't realistically expect. If you post one time on social media in two weeks to garner big results, you're going to be de prioritized in the algorithm. You're going to not be in front of your target audience, potentially, because if you're de prioritized, that post, that post already is maybe seen by 3 percent of people who follow you.

And then now Instagram is basically thinking that you don't care. about showing up and being consistent. So it's deprioritizing that even more. So like you're not getting in front of the people that you want to get it in front of. And this, other than time, and potentially if you're paying someone to do this, that is your investment.

And time, even though it is free, it's still a cost. Like time is a currency. And if you are a mother or if you are somebody who has a daughter, day job and you're balancing multiple things like that currency means a lot. You deserve results, but you need to put in the effort to get the results that you deserve.

So how can you be consistent? Let's just say on social media. Building a plan or a strategy is, is huge. So if you go into marketing your business with a plan or strategy, like you know what you need to do. There's half the time I see people wandering around because they have no idea what to post. They have no idea how to, You grow their business using social media.

I have multiple episodes about content pillars about posting on social media, about social media and growing your social media in general. So please, I will put one of them in the episode notes. That's a really good one. You need a plan. If you have content pillars, you just pick something in relation to those content pillars.

Every day. And make it super easy for you to stay kind of on track because I know that once every every, you know, if I'm posting five days a week and I have five content pillars, I have to pick a content pillar every day and I post within that content pillar. So that should be easy peasy. And something that is totally doable for you if you decide that, for one, this is important, you have a plan going into it, and you also know that this is not going to be an overnight success, but I know with small actions, in the end, I will grow my social media in the end.

I will get in front of my ideal audience in the end, all of those things. So you need to be consistent. Social media is a big part of that. Client follow ups. That's another one. Like if you are inconsistent about client communication, when you respond to them, when you do. a lot of things with them, you're going to have the results commensurate with that.

So it, you need to have this journey or this plan with this client that just, this is what you do with them. It's easy. It feels good. It, you know, that if you follow this plan, It's going to help you close more, more clients. So do you have a client follow up plan? Because if you don't, we should, we shouldn't be wondering why we're, we're here not making the money that we want to because the clients are the largest part of the equation because they are the people who are paying you.

So you need to consistently show up for them to get the results that you're looking for. Another thing that I think People consistently don't show up for that. You need a plan to is making yourself organized for your week and organizing your to do list task list. So that's actually digestible. I often will see people like have this really super long to do list and it's so overwhelming that it's debilitating and nothing happens.

If, if you're not working on your to do list, you're not moving your goals forward. You're not doing all of these things. So how can we figure out attacking that to do list, having a game plan for a week so we're not floundering? Because if you go through and you have no plan, Wednesday or Thursday can get here pretty fast without accomplishing anything on our to do list.

So I do a thing called Sunday night prep where I'm preparing my week. I'm preparing what my, I'm preparing when I'm going to go to CrossFit. I'm preparing when I'm going to bring the kids to karate. I'm preparing when Bodhi goes to Jiu Jitsu. I'm laying out my week, like everything, going through the process of making sure everybody in the family is on the same page.

And then from there, I know that This week is going to be successful because I've set my week up for success. You have to have a plan to be able to be consistent. So we don't just organically show up being consistent without some real fundamental base work on how this is going to be successful. And that is easier said than done because it does take intention to do that.

You need to sit down, you need to like plan your week out, and Um, I will also put the Sunday night prep episode in the show notes because that is a game changer on getting everybody on the same page, getting your family or your household to start supporting you in a way that's going to support you being a six figure business owner.

And it's going to give you the path to know that this is what I need to do to show up for myself, to show up for my business and you can miraculously start showing up for yourself more in this planning because that fitness goal that you have, or that health goal that you have, or that goal of creating space for yourself, of creating opportunity for yourself, all of that is so much more clearly laid out.

It's not subjective anymore. It's like, there it is. Okay, that day I can go to CrossFit, that day I can go to yoga, that day I can go for a walk, uh, that day I can do this, that day, like you schedule it and one of the biggest thing is about, about being consistent is that you keep the promises to yourself.

So, going into this, are you committed to keeping the promises to yourself? So, if your ass is going to go for a walk today, you're committed to it. It's not a subjective, hey, I'm going to try. I'm going on a walk today. I'm going to get my ass off whatever, the couch. Doing whatever and I'm gonna get myself to get to the gym to get to the yoga class to get to Outside so I can walk around the block like building a plan that this is what I want my life to be like I like that future version kind of exercise that I've gone through before is Whenever I'm struggling, like what would the future version of me that I'm aspiring to be do?

What would that first future version of you do? If the future version of you, you're totally okay with them sitting on the couch eating Doritos and not doing any of the things, like that future version of you is going to very much be true. That first future version of you talks to yourself different.

Like I am unstoppable. I am relentless. I deserve success. Money is abundant and it will flow freely and I deserve it. You deserve success. So get off your ass and go get it. These few things are critical in your success as a six figure entrepreneur. As a, honestly as a human. Like my success as the, the version of the person that I want to be has drastically changed because my standards have changed.

I never would have thought that, um, I, with my health journey over the last like year and a half, I have lost 35 pounds. I feel so much better. My neck and back pain is so much more minimal. I, My stress level is so much more down because I just take care of myself. So take care of yourself. You deserve it.

And If you want a foundation of how to make all of this work, like head to my free challenge. It's a five day free challenge, five day to 100 K. And it is going to be October 21st to the 25th at 11 a or 1 PM central standard time. Uh, and it's going to be recorded. So if you're, you know, working a day job, I get it, I get you.

And that's why I'm hooking you up with the replay. So please, Head to the floral hustle. com forward slash one zero zero K to sign up. It is going to be so much fun. We're going to be on zoom together so I can see your shining face and it's going to be fun and it's going to really help you propel your business forward.

So I hope to see you there. Thank you so much for listening flower friend and you have 📍 an amazing flower filled day.