Advent with the Angels

When you hear my name, many of you relax
instantly and take a deep breath. I have said
that I am your brother, your friend, and that is
still as true as when I walked upon the Earth.

Just listen: Can you hear the sounds of your
world ? The music, the humming, the voices,
the noises, the harmonies and also the beating
of your heart ? Those sounds keep you alive,
for indeed you were made through sound.

You were made with intention and birthed
into being through the power of sound.

Now I am telling you that you also have the
power to create through sound and intention.
I use creating in the sense of manifesting, of
bringing into this reality. The world is quite
complex, and you do not need to know all its
intricacies to understand that you yourself can
influence what comes into your reality.

To make this as easy as possible, you need to let
go of everything that stands in the way, all
blockages and patterns of belief, including
many beliefs founded on religion.

Most of all, you need to let go any sense of
revenge or anger towards your fellow humans -
this will increase your ability to create in the
very moment.

Therefore, I have recommended forgiveness, to
free yourself from any energies that can - and
will - lower your frequency.

You need a stable, high frequency to turn
around and create your reality anew in every
This means that you have to free yourself of
anything that stands in the way.

Forgiveness is a kind of letting go, love in
action, saying that there is nothing to forgive
because whatever has happened is already let
go with love and has been waved good-bye.

I realize that you did not receive clear teachings
about how to forgive, especially when
something painful happens and you feel
justified to let loose your anger and judgment
upon another. Just think for a moment:
Who will suffer under this experience - you or
them ? In most cases it is you who suffer, and it
makes you re-live this instant again and again.

Instead, I have brought into this reality the
possibility for each person to choose to forgive.
It means, that whatever anybody else did to
you, you don’t have to suffer because of it

Instead, you can simply exert your power to
forgive and decide for yourself that you don’t
hold onto any negative thoughts and feelings
from this experience. You just say to yourself:
“I now let this go !”

And so it is, and so it happens. You will feel a
relief in your whole being, maybe a deeper
breath, or a relaxation in your shoulders - or
you may just feel how light your body has
suddenly become.

It is such a powerful tool to start over again.
If you don’t manage to do it, you can always
call on me and ask me to help you to bring
forgiveness into this experience. Even by asking
for my assistance you have already set the
wheels in motion and you will feel forgiveness
envelop you.

Maybe you need to ask a few times until you
have really released everything, but then you
will feel shiny and new again.
Also, whether you need to forgive yourself or
need somebody else to forgive you, you can
always call me in to create the right
environment for forgiveness to take place.

You hear me talk about forgiveness so often
because truly, next to love it is one of the most
powerful tools you have to live a happy life.
I love you beyond words and wish you a
blessed and bright and holy time on this Earth.

We are all in this together - I always stand by
your side.

With all my Love,
Your friend and brother - Jesus

What is Advent with the Angels?

Messages for you from Angels and Archangels

24 December

Jesus Christ

When you hear my name, many of you relax
instantly and take a deep breath. I have said
that I am your brother, your friend, and that is
still as true as when I walked upon the Earth.

Just listen: Can you hear the sounds of your
world ? The music, the humming, the voices,
the noises, the harmonies and also the beating
of your heart ? Those sounds keep you alive,
for indeed you were made through sound.

You were made with intention and birthed
into being through the power of sound.

Now I am telling you that you also have the
power to create through sound and intention.
I use creating in the sense of manifesting, of
bringing into this reality. The world is quite
complex, and you do not need to know all its
intricacies to understand that you yourself can
influence what comes into your reality.

To make this as easy as possible, you need to let
go of everything that stands in the way, all
blockages and patterns of belief, including
many beliefs founded on religion.

Most of all, you need to let go any sense of
revenge or anger towards your fellow humans -
this will increase your ability to create in the
very moment.

Therefore, I have recommended forgiveness, to
free yourself from any energies that can - and
will - lower your frequency.

You need a stable, high frequency to turn
around and create your reality anew in every
This means that you have to free yourself of
anything that stands in the way.

Forgiveness is a kind of letting go, love in
action, saying that there is nothing to forgive
because whatever has happened is already let
go with love and has been waved good-bye.

I realize that you did not receive clear teachings
about how to forgive, especially when
something painful happens and you feel
justified to let loose your anger and judgment
upon another. Just think for a moment:
Who will suffer under this experience - you or
them ? In most cases it is you who suffer, and it
makes you re-live this instant again and again.

Instead, I have brought into this reality the
possibility for each person to choose to forgive.
It means, that whatever anybody else did to
you, you don’t have to suffer because of it

Instead, you can simply exert your power to
forgive and decide for yourself that you don’t
hold onto any negative thoughts and feelings
from this experience. You just say to yourself:
“I now let this go !”

And so it is, and so it happens. You will feel a
relief in your whole being, maybe a deeper
breath, or a relaxation in your shoulders - or
you may just feel how light your body has
suddenly become.

It is such a powerful tool to start over again.
If you don’t manage to do it, you can always
call on me and ask me to help you to bring
forgiveness into this experience. Even by asking
for my assistance you have already set the
wheels in motion and you will feel forgiveness
envelop you.

Maybe you need to ask a few times until you
have really released everything, but then you
will feel shiny and new again.
Also, whether you need to forgive yourself or
need somebody else to forgive you, you can
always call me in to create the right
environment for forgiveness to take place.

You hear me talk about forgiveness so often
because truly, next to love it is one of the most
powerful tools you have to live a happy life.
I love you beyond words and wish you a
blessed and bright and holy time on this Earth.

We are all in this together - I always stand by
your side.

With all my Love,
Your friend and brother - Jesus