Clydesdale Media Podcast

We catch up with Jason Grubb to talk about his win at Legends, the move to a split Games, PEDs in the masters division and what unique ideas can we come up with to support the masters division, and so much more!

What is Clydesdale Media Podcast?

We cover the sport of CrossFit from all angles. We talk with athletes, coaches and celebrities that compete and surround in the sport of CrossFit at all levels. We also bring you Breaking News, Human Interest Stories and report on the Methodology of CrossFit. We also use the methodology to make ourselves the fittest we can be.

what is going on everybody welcome

To the Clydesdale Media Podcast,

our interview series.

My name is Scott Switz from

the Clydesdale.

I have with me today, Jamie Latimer.

And soon we'll have Jason Grubb with us.

He's having a delivery come

to his house just as we

were getting started.

He just needs a minute or

two and he'll be hopping on with us.


We're here.

We're going to talk some master stuff.

So before we, before Jason hops on,

it was announced where

masters is finally where

it's going to be.

Um, Birmingham, Alabama,

Labor Day weekend.

What are your thoughts?

I mean, you know, my thoughts,

I think that same as the teens is crazy,


Again, they, you know,

they were obviously

scrambling here at the end,

having to sign something

before the open started and

they had to take what they could get.

And at least it's out before

the open and we have the

information and we can do

with it as we please at this point.


Well, first of all,

I want to thank everybody

in the chat for welcoming me back.

This is kind of a test run.

Jamie is my crutch.

She's going to help me get

through this interview.

We're going to see how it goes.

And that'll kind of depend

on the schedule going forward.

The biggest disappointment

for me and our team is that

we have been diving deep

into teen and masters

coverage this off season.

And we're really geared up

to kind of cover both this off season.

And I feel like,

I feel like CrossFit and

legends and the powers that

be didn't really think

about the media aspect of

having these two events on

the same weekend.



Not only media,

but like I said this on our

Thursday night,

it's the biggest shared

pool of viewership, spectatorship,


You're cutting probably that

in half for both venues,

both live stream.

You're making people choose

which one they're going to cover.

It's crazy to me.

If you have a media team like you,

Which one do you choose to go to?

I mean,

that's going to be the case for coaches,

families, things like that too.

Which one do you go to?

What if you have a teen and

a mom that both compete?


most third-party media companies are

not big enough to split

between the two events.


You might have a couple that can do that.

We may try to do that,

but we're going to see how

it falls because it's going

to be rough that these two

major events that

everybody's saying is they

are the CrossFit Games.

Like Bob even said on an

interview recently, Bob with Legends,

that he didn't care if

Legends was in the name.

Like, it is the CrossFit Games to them.

And so...

You have these CrossFit

games that won't be able to

be covered by everybody.

It's going to be a master cluster.

I don't know.

We'll see.

Oh, Corey, I hope you go.

I hope you get on a team, Corey.

I hope you're there.

I'm not too tall to be your crutch.

We're like the same height.

Right here on my shoulder.

saying that a male is your

height is yeah and I'm sure

you might have like a half

inch I mean gory I don't

know about that I think

you're pretty much the same height but um

It just was the biggest blow to me,

probably this whole offseason,

was finding out they were

on the same weekend.

You've also talked to me about,

and we want to talk to Jason about this,

but there's been some

announcements about the kit.

The apparel kit and maybe

falling short of what you

would get in the past.

And I said to you,

that sucks because that's

what legitimizes a master's

athlete as an elite athlete.


Post on Instagram in your games gear.

it automatically gives you a

legitimate legitimization

that you can't get anywhere else.

You don't have the name that

Matt Frazier has or rich

froning or those guys.


So you need these things to

help you market yourself.


I mean, it's,

we say this all the time

it's not like all about the

money the money isn't there

in the team or in the

masters as it is for for

individuals it's not I mean

it's nothing to shake a

stick at like it's pretty

decent especially in the 35

39 but that's like one

person is going to win a

decent amount of money so the

There's tons of athletes.

You hear this all the time.

And I know people say it's

not the right mindset.

But there's a big subset of

athletes that are just

trying to make it to the semis,

just trying to get to the games.

There's a lot of people who aren't like,

I'm going and winning the games.

That's a very, very few.

Maybe your top 10 are saying that.

Maybe a top 20 say it.

But I think in their heart of hearts,

they know they're just

going to try to podium, try to be top 10.

there's a big big big chunk

of people who are just

trying to get there and

they're trying to get there

for this kit and somewhat

the notoriety but like that

that is probably three

grand worth of stuff six

pairs of shoes six outfits

uh a duffel bag a backpack

oh an entire like weren't

like you get a sweatshirt a

zip up hoodie a whole warm-up set um

Nice jacket.

It's an insane amount of stuff.

So much gear that, from my understanding,

is being pulled.

And, oh, there he is.

Can I throw him in?

I had to stage.

There he is.

Hey, guys.

Well, well, well,

the joys of home ownership, huh?

So great.


Getting, I think we have,

I think we just received

8,000 pounds of rock to move.

So yeah, I got a job to do.

It'll be fun.

Thank God you crossed it.

Thank God at CrossFit is correct.

And I like to take on these

big old huge projects from

time to time that are just

totally overwhelming at the

wrong time of year.

So that's what I've decided to do.

And yeah,

it all has to do with water

management around this place.

Did you know in Birmingham,

Alabama gets more rain than Seattle,


I did not know that.

I did not know.


No one knows that.

Uh, it doesn't rain all the time,

but when it rains, it's insane.

Um, got it.

So we are,

are we back up to a mountain and

there's a mountain of,

there's still water that

just kind of runs off that

mountain for days,

creates like small rivers in our yard.

So we're creating a French drain and we're,

it's love fun facts that Jason grew up.

Um, so yeah, we are, uh,

We're learning.

And so anyway, it's a big old project.

I rented an excavator.

I've never used an excavator.

So I've bitten off a big chunk here.



that is awesome because you have

nothing else else to do

with your life with everything.

I'm not that big.

It's, it's, it's crazy.

It's crazy.

When the guy was like, Hey,

I'm running 10 minutes late.

I'm like, Oh man.


Cause I have like two podcasts and a media,

whatever Thursdays are my

days to get things done.


it's a rest day from training or

recovery day,

which I'll still do something later, but,

um, it frees me up in the mornings,

but then that's when deliveries happen.

Podcasts happen, all kinds of fun things.

But, um,

Scott, you're doing better?

I'm doing better.

I'll say that.


Today is test day for me.

I have Jamie on with me as a crutch,

so she can help me with

this lift and see where we're at,

if I can get back to doing

full interviews or not.



Well, welcome back.

I hope it goes perfectly.

Well, that never happens.

So if that happened,

God would be involved.


But I wanted to, last time we had you on,

we had a few technical

issues and you had to like

split pretty early.

So I wanted to clean up a

couple of things.

First of all, everybody,

we have Jason Grubb with us,

four-time CrossFit Games champion.

And won every off-season

competition this year that he entered.

So on a roll,

I want to talk to you about 10 years ago,

you made a transformation.

what were you doing before

that transformation and

what was the catalyst that

got you to make that change?

Man, I wish it was,

I wish it was more inspirational.

Uh, but I, prior to CrossFit,

I was a wedding

photographer and I had been

doing that for, uh, a,

seven or eight years.

Prior to that,

I played poker for two years

in Las Vegas and flew from

Colorado to Las Vegas every

week to go play poker.

So I did that.

That was fairly sedentary.

Wedding photography was

certainly hard work on the

day of wedding photography,

but it was a lot of time

behind a computer, a lot of time.

So really in my 20s and 30s,

my I i would try to stay

somewhat I was just trying

not to to be unfit I was

trying not like my family

is generally overweight my

um and fairly unhealthy and

addicted to everything so I

was trying to avoid all of

those things but it was

slowly succumbing into

those things like I was drinking

three or four beers a day, a night.

This is kind of what we did

in the cul-de-sac.

Everyone would go out in the

cul-de-sac in the

neighborhood at night and

just grab a beer out of anyone's fridge.

This was part of my routine for 10 years.

I was chewing tobacco at the time,

which was a habit I picked

up playing poker.

I was 38 when I started

CrossFit and I was trying

to run consistently.

I was in a place where

Maybe for like six months,

I was running like four or

five miles three times a week.

And really feeling like I

was really cooking.

I was doing well.


it's starting to get cold outside.

It was late November of 2013.

It's getting cold out and I

hate running in the cold.

I just hate it.

My sister-in-law had been

doing CrossFit for years.

I knew that.

She's like, Jason, for years, she's like,

Jason, you would love it.

It'd be great.

She was eating paleo and

doing all the things.

I was like, I'm not into that.

No thanks.

I didn't know what CrossFit

was really at the time.

But I just knew that, you know, I'm fine.

I'm running.

I'm fine.

I know what I'm doing.

And I didn't know what I was doing,


But she invited me.

Finally, in like November,

we're having dinner and she's like, look,


my my gym has like you get a free a

free month.

I get a free month if you sign up,

if you want to just come try it out,

if you like it, we both get a free month.

And I was like, OK.

fine, I'll go try it out.

And I'm not super excited about this.

I was like, I probably was like,

I was probably like three

beers deep when she,

when I committed to this thing,

like I wasn't sober.

Um, and I immediately had regrets.

I was nervous the whole day.

I think I went on a,

a Wednesday night before Thanksgiving.

I think that's the night I went and I was,

I didn't want to go.

Um, I was nervous.


I went to the gym.

It was in a warehouse area.

I didn't even know where the

front door was.

I walked in.

I didn't know what to do.

Just walk in,

and there's this big

warehouse with a gym.

She came and saw me, thank God,

and rescued me from just

being super confused.

And there was a class with

five people in it.

It was really simple, fun.

We did a couple of things

that I knew how to do.

like the workout had

handstand pushups and like,

you don't walk into

CrossFit and just do handstand pushups.

So I was like, well, I could do handstand.

And they're like, really?

I'm like, yeah, I could do handstands.

Like I was a gymnast until I

was 16 years old and from like 12 to 16.

And I had just been able to

keep doing handstands my whole life,

like a party trick.

So I kicked up to a

handstand and they were just floored.

They thought I was amazing.

And that was probably enough

to stroke my ego in that

moment that like,

Oh, handstands are cool here?

Because I never thought I

would have a reason to do a

handstand except to win a

bet at a party or something.

Party trick, yeah.

Yeah, it's a party trick.

It's, you know,

like I was on a beach in

Cancun photographing a wedding and I,

you know,

me and the groomsmen had a

handstand contest.

Of course I won.

But yeah, I...

i enjoyed the I enjoyed the

gym you know I enjoyed the

workout so I didn't end up

joining that gym it was

just a little bit too far

away uh from my house to

drive so I tried another

gym on the following monday

because now I'm in now I'm

kind of intrigued like this

is interesting so I go to

that first class and it the

class was great um

There was a 9 a.m.


There's a bunch of

40-year-old men and women in the class.

Some of them are more

overweight than I am.

Some of them are less, whatever.

It doesn't matter.

But we're all around this age group.

And we start this work.

It's like power cleans and

burpees or something.

And I die.

It just kills me.

And I see these guys all around me like...

destroying older than me

lots of gray hair they're

killing this workout and

I've got my hands on my

knees and that was enough to like

caused me to feel a huge

amount of confusion.

How are they all doing this?

This is crazy.

How are they all this fit?

This is no big deal for them, and I can't,

and I'm dying.

Even next to me was a pregnant woman,

and she murdered the workout,

and I'm dying.

I was just so confused.

I have to figure this out.

And I gave him my credit card.

I'm like, here, sign me.

I don't care what it costs.

I didn't ask.

I was like, just sign me up.

They're like, well, you get a free week.

I'm like, fine.

Here's my credit card.

Charge me next Monday.

I'll see you tomorrow.

I'm here.

And I went six days a week

for nine months straight.

Not optimal as well because

that's a good way to get hurt.

But that was it, Scott.

I got sort of like

bamboozled into going to a

class and then kind of

enjoying it and then going

to another class and being

like just confused at how

everyone was so good at

this and how terrible I was.

And for whatever reason,

if I always feel – if I

feel that kind of feeling –

Like I'm all in, I got to figure this out.

And I'm also that kind of person.

I inherited a wonderfully

addictive personality that

I can hone as a superpower

or for good or for evil.

It could be a good thing or a bad thing.

So the good thing is that if

I am all in on something,

I mean,

every ounce of my energy and

passion and thought process

goes towards figuring that out.

And that's kind of what the

first year of CrossFit was,

like figuring this out and

then eventually becoming

one of the fittest people

in that gym and then

opening my own gym and then

eventually finding my way

into the competitive CrossFit world.

So I'm glad you said

addictive personality.

I started CrossFit over 500 pounds.

So to get,

and I got down to two 60 in like

the first couple of years,

I kept it off for like seven years, um,

before injury hit me,

I replaced one addiction

with another addiction.

And what that did is it gave

me an imbalance in my life

that I wasn't the best husband.

I wasn't the best father during that time.

And I probably went like at

my age and half after

carrying that much weight

should not have been doing

two a days for fun, but I was right.


Of course.

And then, and it all breaks down.

Did you experience any of

that in the switch from

your one addiction to the other?

Oh, yeah.

I mean,

by going to CrossFit six days a week,

within two weeks, I had hurt myself.

Pulling a rower.

I was trying to beat this other guy.

I was racing so hard.

I tore a little bit of...

connective tissue between

one of my ribs from pulling

the rower like a maniac.


I had a rotator cuff issue from

gymnastics that flared up.


and that's often when you start doing

some activity things,

old things start to flare up,

but the addiction to CrossFit, um,

it started to over time, um,

Of course, it replaced my job.

I really wanted an exit from

wedding photography anyway,

but it made sense to open a gym.

After one year, I was like, well,

I'm curious about opening a gym.

How do you do that?

It can't be that hard.

That is a false statement.

There's nothing harder than

owning and operating a CrossFit gym.

It is the hardest thing I've ever done.

So I did that for four years.

But that, it just became everything.

So now I'm a CrossFitter.

Now I own a CrossFit gym.

Now I'm a competitive

CrossFit athlete with a CrossFit gym.

I ended up selling my gym.

But when you make this behavior change,

like to being super fit, it has these –

This domino effect.

It changed the way I ate.


I stopped drinking four beers a day.

Not for the first two years.

I still drank four beers a day.

My brain... I mean,

I knew that drinking three

or four beers... I still drink IPAs,

but maybe I cut down to three.

But I knew that wasn't good.

I would watch the open

announcement in 2015 or

2016 while drinking an IPA.

You're like, oh,

I can't wait to do this workout tomorrow.

And it was just...

It was an addiction that I

had to take time to break that addiction.

Chewing tobacco.

I didn't quit chewing

tobacco until I qualified

for the CrossFit Games in 2018.

And the thought occurred to

me one night that a

CrossFit Games athlete

doesn't chew tobacco.


there's probably a bunch of CrossFit

Games athletes that chew tobacco.

But in my mind,

a CrossFit Games athlete

doesn't chew tobacco.

So I just threw the can away.

And it wasn't like this epiphany.

I still had all of the

feelings of quitting an addiction.

It sucked.

Like that week was terrible.

And the following week was less terrible.

And the next week was a

little less terrible.

I mean,

now I use – these are little coffee


If I would have had these

that first week of tobacco –

I replace chewing tobacco

with a coffee pouch,

and these are amazing.

But they're non-addictive,

so I can go a day or two

having just forgotten that these exist.

And I'm like, oh, that's right.

Ooh, let me have one of these.

These are fun.

But I've been shedding addictions...

that have stuck with me over

the past 10 years of CrossFit,

like little by little addictions have,

have come off.

Like I, I also pick up new things.

Like my new thing over the

past year is that I have a

small bowl of ice cream every night.

Like, and if I had,

if I don't have ice cream in the house,

I will almost drive like 30

minutes round trip to the

store to get ice cream.

It's not much,

it's a little bowl of ice

cream with a little chocolate on it.

But it replaced the behavior

of having a drink every night.

And so like, OK, yeah,

now I got an ice cream thing.

Thankfully, I build that into my macros.

I have room for that.

In 3,000 calories a day,

I save about 400 calories

of my daily intake for that

very necessary bowl of ice cream.

I haven't solved any of this, Scott.

I've just tried to manage my

way around this addictive nature.

It's built in.

And so I also have to be

careful with things.

I don't want to introduce new addictions.

So I'm going to jump to...

You have really become the

face of the Masters Division.

And to go from...

a guy who is just confused

and getting beat by

pregnant women in the

workout to the face of an

entire division is a huge leap.

What do you feel your

responsibility is with that?

Oh, that's a good question.

Um, the, it, it, it, well,

I didn't plan for this.


first of all,

but it wasn't completely accidental.

Um, I mean,

I started the process of

sharing my thoughts and

feelings on YouTube in like 2019, 2019,


Um, and it, you know, to crickets,

you know,

one or two people out there

would watch a YouTube video is awesome.

Um, and like, wow, 30 watch this time.

That was great.

Um, and it has picked up steam over time.

I feel the responsibility now is to, um,

to provide a positive and

optimistic and realistic

viewpoint of what masters

can do above age 35.

I've adopted the tagline,

your best days are ahead of you.

Because that's been,

that was something that

when I was in my mid

thirties and I was toying

with weight gain,

like I was nervous that I

wouldn't be able to control weight gain

control my, my health,

that my DNA was just like, I was,

I was destined to be old and unhealthy.

And, and that maybe it might,

I was past my prime at 30, maybe 35.

I really felt that.

And I, it, it never came together.

I started CrossFit.

My body started changing.

I started, you know,

doing well in competition,

all that kind of stuff.

But it was really over the

past couple of years that I

realized this idea that

your best days are ahead of you.

is can be a reality and that

my life has gotten better as I age.

And I mean,

we even use these little

phrases as masters athletes, like, man,

I can't wait till I'm 50.

Who says that?


That's just like,

I can't wait to level up to 50.

I can't wait to get out of

this age division.

This 45 to 49 is getting really tough.

I can't wait to jump to 50.

And then, you know,

a couple of years into 50,

I can't wait till I'm 55.

These are new thoughts.


For one second,

you're in probably the most

consistent division for top

five men in all of the Masters divisions.


So it isn't easy.


No, these guys are ridiculous.

They're unrelenting.

They won't slow down.

And most of them follow me.

I don't really get a break.

Like when I turn 50...

There's a few guys that turn 50 with me.

It's not like, oh, I'm free.

Now I'm 50 and they're back here.

Some of them come with me.

And then the next year, more of them come.

So that's the detriment of

this age group is that they

were all aging up together.

It's not like we're going to

shed any of these guys.

But I feel like there's a

responsibility to continue

to inspire everyday

athletes or just even guys

that haven't started

CrossFit that you can at

any age start this and make

a dramatic impact on your life,

huge impact on your life.

So part of that audience is

like the person that was

fit at 20 but thinks that

their life is done.

No, their best days can be ahead of them.


the responsibility is to continue to

inspire the everyday gym

warriors that maybe wanna be competitive,

that there is still room for that,

that we can still at our age,

do crazy things on the

competition floor and be a part of that.

I get really excited,

not just about winning.

I have set a high bar for myself,

for sure.

But it's not just winning,

but just getting out on the floor.

Event one,

I'm giddy with excitement that

I'm with all of these guys,

and we're going to go out

there and do some stuff.

We're going to go snatch and

do clean and jerks,

or we're going to go

deadlift and rope climb, pull some stuff.

I get so excited for those moments.

where we have an opportunity

at our age to battle.

So there's some sport in there.

I don't know what that is.

But I want to inspire guys

and support them to help

them experience that as I have.

At the same time,

the other responsibility is

to try to have a good pulse

and a beat on what people

are feeling in the master's age group.


I wish I had consistent conversations

with Dave Castro.

Like, I don't.

I should.

In fact, at the Legends Championship,

he came up to me.

He's like, Jason, we should talk more.

And I was like, yes, we should talk more.

That was the extent of the conversation.

What I should have done was like,

give me your contact

information so we can talk more.

Like, let me text you or something.

But I want to be ready if

CrossFit ever does want to

have conversations with me more directly.

And I'm pretty close with the Legends guys,

with Bob and Joe over the

Legends Championship, the founders.

We might text a couple of

times a week on certain weeks.

So I have this ability to

provide feedback to those

guys from what I'm hearing

from Masters athletes.

I want to be able to represent,

in a sense,

our age groups, our division fairly.

And so if something needs to

be criticized publicly,

I want to try to do that.

If something needs to be praised publicly,

I want to be able to do that as well,

or supported publicly.

When it first got announced

that the games were going

to break off the age group divisions,

I was public that I was sad.

I was bummed about that.

And honestly,

it was part of change is hard.

I wasn't sure there weren't

a lot of details,

but I was trying to be as

transparent as I could be

because I feel like what

I'm feeling is probably

what the community is

feeling as well to an extent.


And as we hear about Legends

and that partnership and

then we hear more about

what all can go into that,

Bob and Joe kind of can

give me a little bit of

more detail that sometimes

I can't always share.

It gives me hope and

optimism that then I can

share that hope and

optimism with everyone.

with the group and lead us

into the future of what the

Masters division can look

like in this sport.

So I think all of those

things are part of my responsibilities.

Not sugarcoat anything and

also just not be a huge pessimist.

There are,

there are voices out there

because there's not a lot

of voices coming from CrossFit HQ.


There's not a big, you know,

when Glassman was there,

he led with his voice, with his passion.


whether he was the best CEO or the best

or the directions he led, whatever,

not even judging that,

but he was somebody who

stood at a speaker and

spoke to the community, right?

There's no one at HQ that

does that right now.

I don't think.

I mean, Dave does get on once a week.

I love his things he puts on YouTube.

Thank God there's something.

But there's not a loud voice

at HQ sharing.

But there are voices out

there that fill that void.

And some of those voices can

be pretty freaking

pessimistic and really crap on CrossFit.

And so I don't want to be that guy.

I want to be a voice that...

that is positive in every

way that I can be.

Um, and,

and also if I'm disappointed or upset,

I often,

I sometimes share that stuff too.

You know,

every time someone says every 45

year old masters athlete is

on performance enhancing drugs,

someone says that all the time.

And every time he says that

I'm going to post online that that is BS.

Not everyone is,

I don't know anyone who is,

and I'm certainly not anyway.

Um, so is that a fair answer?

Yeah, fair answer,

but I'm going to give you a follow-up,

and then I'm going to turn

it over to Jamie to kind of

finish this up and move

into games talk for this coming season.


I'm trying to find a way to

ask this in a way that makes sense.

You are the face of the CrossFit Masters,

but you and like my friend

Rudy have elevated

yourselves through very

hard work and a lot of

accomplishments into a way

that you're getting

sponsorships that some of

the other divisions aren't doing, right?

And so...

You're asked a lot of times

when big news breaks to

come on show and give your opinion.

But in some ways,

because of your hard work,

you've elevated yourself a

little bit further than

other athletes have.

Do you feel you can still

represent all athletes?

Because like my friend Jamie here,

one master, one MFC, one legends.

She doesn't have the

sponsorship deals that you have.



I'll tell you what the

sponsorship athletes do.


The sponsorship stuff.

It's really funny because it's, it's not,

it's not because the, so the, uh, it's a,

it's a weird,

it's like a chicken before

the egg kind of thing.


That was actually one of my

questions was like, what,

what came first?

You're like,

so you went to the games in 2018,

your YouTube channel started in 2019.

Did you winning the CrossFit

games get you attention or

did it take the crop?

Did it take your hard work

in social media presence

and constant videos to get

a big following for some

sponsors and notice,

or was it the wind at the

games that got you there?

That is yes, yes.

I'm going to answer yes, all of that.

The combination of the wins,

the wins by themselves

don't create an audience.

Every year at the games, every year I won,

as a Masters athlete,

I'd bump up by a very

decent amount of followers.

And that was really cool.

Those first few days after the games,

just seeing all these new followers,

it was really, really fun.

But the YouTube channel

required consistency,

posting about every week or

every other week,

even when there was crickets.

And I have a video out there

now that has done over a million views.

And it had maybe 6,000 or

8,000 views for six months.

And then something happened

in the algorithm.

And the algorithm just

started showing anybody who

searched for CrossFit, my video.

And I started getting into

the 100,000 views, then 200, then 400,

then 800, surpassing a million views.

after a couple of years but

it was like so this old

evergreen content started

to catch on on the youtube

algorithm um and build

followers and and all of

that stuff so we're almost

30k on instagram almost 30k

on on youtube and these

aren't brooke wells numbers

for sure right danny

spiegel's got a couple more

followers than I do so her

brand deals are going to be

huge compared to what I'm

capable of getting but

being a four times champion

or having won everything

for the last three or four years

is helpful on the resume to

legitimize my voice and

what I'm talking about.

I know what I'm doing on the

competition floor,

but also having a channel

that is very transparent, I think,

and sharing consistently

with the community,

whether it's behind the

scenes of me traveling in

an RV or building a sauna

or a day in the life of

training or just one workout.

All of those transparencies, I think,

help build a community,

build the audience.

And it literally wasn't until

the end of 2023 into, I'm sorry,

the end of 2022 into 2023,

where sponsors sort of

exploded a little bit for me.

And by exploded, we're talking, you know,

six or eight sponsors.

You know, one of my favorite brands,


they started sponsoring me

towards the early parts of 2023,

maybe 2022, I can't remember,

somewhere around there.

So shout out to them,

because they were one of

the first ones that

committed to a master's athlete

receiving sponsorship money

on a monthly basis for a

product that I loved.

It's a win-win.

That was one of the first ones.

At the end of 2022,

I did a YouTube video on my

2022 earnings revealed.

It was like, yeah,

I made $10,000 at the CrossFit Games.

And people are shocked.

Oh, you guys get $10K.


didn't Justin Medeiros win $300,000

that year?

Yes, we get $10K.

Hey, there's 14 Masters divisions.

That's a lot of cash to dish out.

$10K, thank you.

I'll take it.

This is how much I won at

Legends that year.

Here's the sponsorship money that year.

And it was all, maybe it was $20,000.

I think YouTube revenue was even in there,


So this is not a full-time job there.

It doesn't even pay a mortgage.

It doesn't pay for my truck.

OK, it pays for my truck,

which I'm trying to sell,

if someone's interested.

But then in 2023,

some sponsors just started

knocking on my door.

It was really interesting.

And I think it has to do

with the size of the

audience and that people

are starting to realize,

having tested and seen results,

that sponsoring masters

athletes are doing work

where they can get their

product in front of masters age groups.

is profitable.

We're a demographic that spends money.

So if Jason Grubb says that

these grips are great,

I'm going to give them a shot.

Or if Jason Grubb loves

these shoes or the barbell

apparel clothing, like, hey,

let's see how that goes.

Masters athletes can spend money.

And my argument has always

been that the disposable

income is in the master's age category.

Dude, we fund the games.

We fund...

there's more signups of

masters athletes in the open than,

than other divisions.

Obviously we're a huge

revenue source for crossover,

a huge revenue source for all the brands,

but they're dumping all of

their advertising into 20

year olds who are beautiful.

No doubt men and women's fine.

But if they give us a shot,

I think they're going to

see a decent return.

And again,

we have to think like Jason Grubb,

I've got 30,000,

followers on Instagram or

30,000 subscribers on YouTube.

That's not a huge amount,

but it's enough that

sponsors will spend some money there.

So to answer the question, yes,

it does take so much work

to intentionally build an

audience on your social platforms.

And it's work and luck.

I got lucky that some videos took off.

I think the luck was there

because I was very

consistent in posting regularly.

Those early videos are tough.

And even sometimes my existing videos,

I'll watch one and I'll be like, oh,

I forgot to cut that out.

All right, well, it's out there now.

It's got a few thousand views.

I'm not changing it.

So it also doesn't have to be perfect.

For those that are thinking

about doing this,

just doing it is the win.

And then you get better and

you find out what people like.

But perfection is not perfect.

that's not necessary

especially in youtube

almost the more

professional the more

edited the videos the less

well they did if I just

grab a gopro and document

my day boom we crush it so

it does take all that

consistent effort to grow that following

And also have like, okay,

I've also won a bunch of things.

So that's helpful.

Like I'm good at this stuff,

good at two things.

And that's where sponsorships have come.


what's fun about that is I have some

options with sponsors.

Like I can,

I've had to turn some sponsors

down because I don't,

didn't work out it didn't it

wasn't the right fit like I

don't say yes to everyone I

like money trust me I want

I want if someone's

offering me a little bit of

money I want to say yes

this is amazing this thing

but sometimes I'll get a

product to be like oh shoot

I do not like this thing um

and so I'll never sign with

somebody that I don't

actually work with but uh

but yeah that's you know

jamie that's it it's it

requires both and before I

had an audience

yeah I was I i was trying to

figure out crack that nut

how do you do this how do

you figure this out and it

wasn't like building an

audience hoping to get

sponsors I was building an

audience because I felt

like I had something to say

and I wanted to I wanted to

give that a go um and I was

honored when 200 people

watched a youtube video I

was blown away with that I

was like 200 people looked

at this this is amazing so I just

just kept doing it the

audience ended up just

growing on its own still

growing every day um and

sponsors I mean it did it

did come together but yeah

all of the work created the

situation where I was lucky

enough to have something of

value for sponsors I gotta

have enough eyeballs and I

have to be a legit athlete

like of course rudy should

be sponsored rudy should

have a huge audience um

but he also has to get out there.

I want to know more about Rudy.

Jamie, I want to know more about you.

If there's any content that needs more,

I know I'm coming, is more athletes.

Do it.

Put your stuff out there.

All right, Scott.

I did documentaries on Rudy

and Jamie last year.

They're sitting out on

YouTube for everybody to

get to know them.

But, and that's the hard thing, right?

YouTube is a 20-something place to live.

It is.

And 75% of our audience is 25 to 55.



I know.

I know all the demographics.

I'm not sure why 25 year

olds are watching my videos.

I know what they're doing,

but they like it.

But you know what, Scott?

It's funny because those documentaries,

they live there, right?

I was thinking about that

video that had a million

views now at this point.

Man, it just sat there.

It sat there for a while.

And then and then all of a

sudden it became a suggested video.

And again,

I don't there's this element where, like,

you do all this work, it's out there.

Now, continue to post it.

This is one thing that I

don't do often enough.

If I've got some gold out there,

like there's some videos where I'm like,

people should look at,

they should watch this.

This was really good.

I don't have,

but I should have a

consistent posting schedule

of my evergreen content to remind people

hey this is out there hey if

you want to know my entire

rv adventure I've got an

entire playlist of all my

rv stuff um people like god

can we see a full tour of

the rv I'm like bro just

search youtube I did that

but they don't know so you

have to constantly remind

them and then maybe youtube

will find favor with you

like the gods you know like

they just shine on you

Yeah, last year, Jamie,

this is how we kind of got

met and got together.

She let me live with her for


Oh, wow.


We did the whole weekend, start to finish,

and it was a rollercoaster ride.


A big one.

It is one of the most

favorite things I've ever

done in this space.

That's amazing.

I mean, how fun is that as an experience,

both for you, Scott, and for you, Jamie,


With quarterfinals,

I don't know what the

rollercoaster elements were.

You'll have to tell me.

But if it was the one that

had shuttle runs, I mean,

that was a rollercoaster in

and of itself.

I almost died in that workout.

I almost died.

We went hours debating

whether you should redo an event.




yeah right like no I'm done

I'm done then it was no I

really should I need to

take this shot and then no

I'm done I like literally

back and forth yeah what

with like an hour left you

went I'm going for it yeah

which which one did you do

uh the row thruster one I

tried to redo but halfway

through I was like this isn't worth it

I've done that and it's not

like I was not in

contention well you had to

be top 30 so I guess I was

like questioning where I

would be yeah um I don't

know it's just like the

blind like I think scott

hadn't quite understood the

nuances of blind

leaderboard waiting to see

where you're at how

stressful that kind of

stuff is um yeah it's just just like and

setting up the floor and

having other athletes in the gym.

And just like that kind of

stuff was kind of a behind

the scenes that he, he was,

I opened it too.

I learned so much.

But Jamie is so open and she, so I,

I did the same thing with Rudy for semis.

And so Rudy is very much

like in his own space,

headphones in doing his thing.

Jamie will talk to me right

up until go time.




And that's what's really fun.

I think, well, I'll just say,

I was at Mayhem last year

doing quarterfinals and semifinals.

I just happened to be

traveling through the area.

it's funny because there was

a lot of behind the scenes

going on there.

But you didn't, the videos,

they didn't show all the

preparation that goes in the,

it goes into it really goes into it.

Showing the performance is one thing.

And that's, it's really fun.

But what goes in behind the

scenes when you're on, I mean, you've,

they've got a fork, not a forklift,

but one of those like X, I don't know.

It's some machine that goes up.



Yeah, and so you have to have those.

So if you're going to measure,

unless someone's going to

climb the rope to measure 15 feet,

you need a way to measure

15 feet on a rope climb, right?


So, I mean, I used to have like someone,

okay, you climb the rope.

I don't want to burn an

extra rope climb by climbing the rope,


So you have someone else

that can climb a rope.

Drop a tape from up there

and hang with one hand and

a tape while you're filming.

It's chaos, man.

It's chaos doing these.

It's the stress.

it's double the stress

because the workout is

stressful enough but all

the setup all the

preparation having two

cameras talking to the

camera starting both making

sure everything goes well

because if you lose that

video that's it you're done

all the work is done your

whole year so um fun fun to

capture that stuff behind

the scenes that's this is

the unseen stuff that um it

makes me think like I'll

have to do that this year like uh

Like literally get into the

details of the behind the

scenes and then to show

parts of the workout.

The workout,

we've seen Jason work out

plenty of times.

How did you set up the floor?

What are you measuring with?

You know, these are all very,

very important issues.


it can be 15 minutes or more of floor

layout, setup, measuring, showing,

and you're like no longer

warm or ready to go.

Yeah, I'm cold.

Yeah, totally.


I mean, you cue up the music.

Someone's got to handle the music.

Like you can't just work out, you know,

in the quiet.

So, and then you have someone that's like,

someone's checking the

camera every once in a

while and make sure the camera,

both the GoPro and the

iPhone are still recording.



It just makes me stress thinking about it.

I know.

And I've done this 10 years.

The one that blew me away is

so that you guys use me time, we time.

Sometimes, yeah.

So to line up the gym clock

to the we time clock.

So stupid.

They would argue for 10

minutes on the process to

get it lined up.



I don't even use WeTime because of that.

I did an online competition,

the Zelos Games, a couple of years ago.

And it was just me.

I had to record all my own stuff.

And I used the WeTime app.

So I had to kind of estimate

the main clock or with my watch.

But no, I like to see a clock.

Look, I manage my workouts by the clock,

particularly in those types of events.

So I have to see what my

pacing is with that clock in my view.

It doesn't always work

because sometimes the

camera needs to be facing a

certain way and the clock

needs to be a certain direction.

So there's times when I'll have two clocks,

like one in front of me, one behind me,

one in view of the camera.

And it'll be like, three, two, one, click.

shit we messed it up oh

sorry for my language we

goofed up we messed up the

we messed up the clocks

reset the clocks um because

the clocks have to be

dialed in but it's it's

stuff like this that it

like it makes or breaks

your qualifier um and

historically when there's

only 10 athletes going to

the games that you got to

thread that needle so tight

just to get to the games

now that we've got a larger field

Yes, there's still stress.

And no, you can't mess up a video.

You can't have a workout thrown out.

You can't have any of that.

But there's just a teeny

little bit less stress.

Like maybe I don't have to

have a clock in front of me.

I don't have to win the qualifiers.

I just need to be top 40.

I think I should be able to do that.


Fingers crossed.

We'll see.

We'll make something fun out of it.

But yeah, back to that social media thing.

And how do you get YouTube

to pay attention?

One, YouTube is super fickle.

I think about another

podcast that is on YouTube that I see,

and it feels like this

podcast should just be exploding.

It should be exploding, but it's not.

Even some of the largest

podcasts out there...

that I, in the CrossFit space, you know,

on YouTube, they're getting, you know,

sub 1000 views on a, on a particular,

like I'm a big athlete, you know,

Tia's on there and there's, you know,

sub 1000 views.

And it's really curious.

It's just curious what YouTube decides.

And if I ever figure that out, um,

I'll call you Scott and I'll let you know,

I'll let you know the inside track.

If I crack that nut,

me and Mr. Beast are going

to figure it out.

I would appreciate that.

So I see you're sitting

there in your Noble

CrossFit Games sweatshirt.

One of my biggest

contentions with this split was the kit.

Because that is sort of a

major thing that a big

chunk of the athletes who

try to make it to the Games

are going to get this athlete kit.

And look exactly like the regular athletes,

the elites that are out

there on the floor.

Um, we,

Bob announced when you talked with

him that it's a completely different, uh,

sponsor Northern spirit is

the gear sponsor.


so right off the bat and maybe I am

just a negative Nancy.

Maybe it's because I've never been there.


i already feel like this is

going the route that I

expected when I heard the

announcement and I'm

frustrated sad disappointed

like so we're just gonna

get a couple shirts and

shorts and here you go and

you're not definitely not

gonna look like the elites

like they get displayed

august first you get

displayed at the end of

august it's gonna look like

a different different floor

you guys aren't gonna look

as professional um what

I think that was a giant

draw to get some of the top

athletes there.

And now I worry that some of

these people are not going to sign up.

And then it's like,

am I truly the fittest

40-year-old in the world?

Maybe not.

A few people probably didn't go.


It's a good question and a good point.

And it is disappointing that

it's not a unified title sponsor.

That would be cool.

And that would create unification in...

the overall sport,

that the adaptive teenagers

and masters are wearing the same gear,

GORUCK, as the individual athletes.

That would be super smart.

That'd be a smart way to

keep the brand intact.

It would also be really

smart to have the age group

or the non-individual

athletes have our games all

prior to the games so that

they can feature footage

at the games and show like, hey,

here's the champions or here's some.

During the breaks,

you just have on the screen

something from the Pitt

Teen Throwdown or have

something from the Adaptive

Championship or our championship,


And I say Pitt Teen Throwdown.

I don't mean to say the

Teenage CrossFit Games.

Let's just call it what it is.

It is the Teenage CrossFit Games,

our Masters CrossFit Games.

So it'd be great to do that.

Another way that they could

unify that is if they had

one of the open announcements this year,

include all the divisions

in one age group

announcement or one announcement.

So you've got an individual there,

a couple of individuals,

a couple of age groups,

a couple of adaptive

athletes to show this sport

is well-rounded.

Like, hey...


I don't know why they're not doing that.

What are they thinking?

It's just it's like a softball.

Like, here's how to say, hey,

we're splitting these off

to enhance the sport.

And here's how we're all still unified,

still together.

So, OK, that's not what it is.

But it is year one.

And my hope is that in year one,

we have a transition year.

And we do have a clothing sponsor,

which is great.

We have a clothing sponsor.

I'd never heard of Northern Spirit.

But someone from Europe, United Kingdom,

he sent me a message on Instagram.

He's like, dude, their stuff is great.

You may not have heard of them,

but their stuff is great.

It does sound like a tool company, Corey.

It's great.

It's a good brand.

The gear is great.

So that's good to know.

And yeah, our athlete package...

won't be what it was historically.


this is going to come across interesting.

I do have this sweatshirt.

This is from 2022.

I do like this old sweatshirt.

I mean, I've been there five times,

and I have five times worth of gear.

I don't have anything from

2018 or 2019 anymore.

I've given all that away,

or I've worn through all of it.

But every year,

I just get nine more pairs

of Noble shoes.

I get nine more pairs.


I don't even like those shoes.

So I give all of those away

because I don't use them.

What I'm saying is I'm okay

with not getting all of that.

The first year was great.

And so that is where you are

attracting those athletes.

Like, hey,

you get this thing on the first.

You get that experience.

What I think they will

create at the Games this year is that...

The experience of the locker room.

I know that Bob and Joe have, you know,

got a lot of thoughts in

creating that locker room

experience that you had

with Noble at the games,

even Reebok at the games where you go in,

you get escorted,

you get your all of your stuff.

And that's really cool.

And I will miss games.

I loved going through games.

I loved going through the

games and getting all the swag.

I don't have it with me.

Yeti water bottles.

There was some pretty epic stuff there.

It was great.

Those were really cool things,

and they were really nice.

Like it wasn't something

like it didn't take away

from the competition.

What I, I would get all of them.

Like, this is amazing.

Super cool.

I would do like a swag video.

That was a YouTube play.

I'll be just transparent.

I really do a swag video,

try to be the first one to

show off what they gave us.

And I got to use that to my

advantage masters because

we got them before the individuals got,

so I could reveal all the goods.

um but as far as the

athletes go um I think we

could still draw I think we

could draw the biggest

athletes in the world

because this is the games

the fact that there's a

field of 40 may reveal new

athletes that we that were

just under the radar that

were under the radar maybe

they don't qualify well but

they compete in person like

like maniacs that was me

like I didn't qualify well

I've never qualified well

until like last year but

then when you get me in person and I can

crush some souls out there.

So there may be some unique

opportunities like that.

But I also think, Jamie,

this is year one and I'm

cutting some slack to everyone involved.

I think about like Bob and Joe,

like why Birmingham?

Why Labor Day weekend?

They had six months to figure this out.

So should CrossFit have

maybe contacted them 18 months ago?

Well, yeah.

Come on.

CrossFit is like, hey, real quick,

can you guys throw the games next year?

We're going to do this instead.

What do you think?

We want to do this,

and you guys have a year to

figure this out.

In a better world or better situation,

CrossFit –

CrossFit gets way ahead of this.

And now I know Bob and Joe

are already working on next year.

And I know that Bob wants

our games to be prior to

the individual games.

So I think they're gonna do

everything they can.

So one thing we do know is

that there is going to be a year two.

That's great to know.

You know what I mean?

Like despite how year one goes,

I think year one can be,

I hope we knock it out of

the park as masters athletes.

I hope we have record signups in the open,

record signups in quarterfinals,

that the games are super funded.

And it's just a big F you to

the world that says, Hey,

the masters are done.

No, no,

we will step up to the plate and

make sure that our event is, is,

is amazing.


And that's going to take

some of our dollars.

So we're going to do that.

And hopefully that creates

momentum into year two, three, four,


And this can blossom into

something that has its own legs, its own,

like, yeah, we don't need noble,

but whoever, whoever wants to sponsor us,


we get those bigger packages because

we've proven that,

We spend money.

We can draw a crowd when we

have the right setup,

the right situation.

And all that kind of comes together.

But, you know, while this is a step back,

it's... I was almost

thinking of it in this way.

It's a step back in the same

way that giving birth is a step back.

Like, it takes a toll on the body.

But then you come back

stronger and better.


we're doing something new in this space.

Year one is going to have

lots of questions.

But hopefully what we do in

year one helps propel year two, three,

four, five.

And yeah, in...

In 2025, 2026,

maybe we're walking out of

there with $4,000 worth of gear,

every single athlete, Jamie,

because that's what we were at the games.

So that's my hope.

And I think that's the drive, I think,

that the guys at Legends have.

They have that level of passion.

They just need now,

they need the community to step up.

And if we step up as Masters athletes,

that's what funds their future.

with the games.

And again,

let's CrossFit and let's

whoever's running CrossFit,

as far as the board goes

and the private equity,

that the masters are

actually a big deal in this whole thing.

We actually have a really big voice.

We have really big checks to

write in this space.

Private equity always feels

like this giant,

just black void out there

that shadows over CrossFit.

And maybe they are,

and maybe they'll sell in

the next couple of years.

Who knows?

And who knows what a new owner would do?

But as far as the sport goes...

I think we're in a position

now where this is where we

invest our time, we invest our energy,

we invest our dollars.

And because of that,

we can see this become

better if we go for it.

And the test, I'll just say this.

This is the last thing I'm going to say.

I know I've gone long on

this particular answer.

I know Bob loves to program the games.

And I know that he's already

programmed it.

He texted me a few weeks ago.

He's like, the games have been programmed.

I'm like, bro,

who gets to say that besides

like Adrian Bosman or Dave Cash?

Who has ever said that in the history?

I've written the games workouts.

Now he's collaborated with Bosman,

but they've walked in.

They know what semifinals are.

They know what the games are.

Bob is never going to tell a soul,

obviously, because I'd love to tease him.

I love to tease him like, hey,

tell me some stuff.

Never cracking that lock.

they know how to test athletes.

And so whoever wants to be

crowned the fittest in

their division will be

tested as such at this games.

And so if they don't show up,

they can't be tested.

That's it.

Whoever shows up gets to be

called the fittest on the

planet in this age group,

because these tests will be no joke.

These guys know how to,

they know how to do some damage.

I mean, Scott, you watch this.

I mean, you know, yeah, Jamie, I mean,

you know, legends are,

We know what those tests are like.

They're very good and

they're very appropriate

for our sex and our age.

They know how to program

some stuff that really tests us.

You make me want to go down so many paths.

I know.

Open up a lot of cans there, don't I?

I'm going to hit you with.

Five or six quick hitter

games questions for this

year to get your opinion.

And it comes from pretty

much your interview with Bob.


This year.

Games are indoors.



Yeah, it's fine.

It's fine.

The only place that, I mean...

Legends had an outdoor pool,

but generally was indoors.

MFC was all indoors.

The games has some outdoor events.

And I mean,

I love an outdoor event because

I think I have an advantage.

If it's hot,

I love hot work.

I love being in the heat.

I love it.

But Bob didn't say that they

will all be indoors.

He did mention something

about there's some nice

trails around town.

There's some things like that.

He teased some of that stuff.

I don't even know what

trails are around here.

so if 90 are indoors if

there's a 5k trail run that

they somehow figure out how

to do something like that

that would be sick um now

that's also weather

dependent that puts them in

a bind so I could see year

one they could be like hey

you know what let's not we

have so many athletes let's

just control this

environment but indoors is

fine and it's in birmingham

we're all going to get super sweaty.

The humidity will be, will be a factor.

Um, but Madison has humidity.

Madison has heat.

Madison makes me sweaty too.

I got to change my clothes

after a games workout.

Um, so no big deal, but indoors is also,

it's just safe.

Like we're not going to have

any weather delays.

There's no issues.

They got a lot of people to get through.

And I hate,

I hate when we have weather

delays that mess things up

because that happens every

year at the games or change

a workout or change a workout.



I'm ready for legless rope climbs.

Don't change it.

Three fields of play.


That's awesome.

We can have longer workouts.

I think one of our experiences at Legends,

they had a lot of athletes there.

We were working out.

They were running Legends

from 8 in the morning until 9, 30,

10 o'clock at night.

That was a lot with two fields of play.

Had to keep the workouts

under certain time caps.

I think the longest may have

been a 60-minute time cap out at Legends.

I can't remember.

But three huge floors.

give us more time again I'm

talking selfishly give me

more time and I i love it

the more time on the field

the better um but also fast

workouts are great too you

know heavy lifts are great

three three floors allows

for all the athletes to get

a full experience and have

what did bob say eight plus

events hell yeah that's

awesome every year at the

games for the past few years

You always felt like they were really,

really tightening it up

with either less events, shorter events,

10 males,

10 females on the field at one time,

really, really squeezing us together.

I'm okay with all of that,

but if you give us nine events, oh,

it's awesome.

10 events, 12, you know,

and Legends has done that in the past.

They always have four days

of competition and

sometimes two to three events in a day.

It's just amazing.

Love it.


Bob talked about wanting to be

centrally located for European athletes,

for South American athletes, um,

and not going with his home

state of California.


I know you live in Birmingham.

What do you,

do you think the Masters

community as a whole is happy?

It's centrally located.

Um, yeah.

Wow, that's a good question.

I mean,

centrally located to me feels like Denver,

but that's where I lived.

But Denver is isolated.

It's far from anything.

What's fun about Birmingham

in a centrally located perspective,

it's pretty close to Florida.

It's very close to Tennessee.

I mean, I think we border Tennessee.

I think.

No, I know we border from Tennessee.

We're a drive for quite a few athletes,

but a very easy flight.

A lot of people flew to Madison.

You'd fly to Chicago and

then drive to Madison.

Or if you flew to Madison,

it was a huge pain.

Birmingham has a ton of flights.

I've got direct flights to

Denver all day long if I ever need one,

which is where I was from.

But Atlanta is the largest airport.

I don't know.

It's top five in the world or something.

It's two hours away.

So for international flights,

Atlanta is the hub and it's

just that's a super smart

strategic place to be.

And there's probably a

flight every hour from

Birmingham to Atlanta and back and forth.

So it's great for everyone

except Australia, right?

I don't we don't have a lot

of not a lot of countries in the east,

but Australia.

Shout out to Kane Hayes down there,

who is aging up into my division.

He's going to travel for like 39 hours.

And good, good,

because he's a formidable foe.

Give that guy as much travel as possible.

Not really, Kane, if you're listening.

But I think it's very easy to fly to.

Very easy to fly to.

And the town itself is easy to navigate.

There's a ton within range of...

of uh of the j whatever the

convention center where

it's at yeah the bjcc I

live um I live 20 20 miles

away so it's a 25 minute

drive on the highway for me

to get there um anybody who

wants to come to town

there's going to be tons of

airbnbs or whatever vrbo is

available compared to madison

or Masters Fitness

Collective in Fort Wayne, Indiana,

there's no Airbnbs.

You have to find a hotel

that has a kitchen, which we did.

We all like to cook our own food.

I'm lucky enough to sleep in my own bed.


I've traveled to the games for three

years in an RV, so I slept in my own bed.

I just don't know how lucky

I got on this one.

But centrally located,

from a flying perspective,



a flight over the pond to Atlanta is

super simple.

So I want,

I want all the European competitors.

I can't wait to see all

those guys again and gals.

So then this is the biggest

blow I think to Jamie and I,

and that is teams and

masters on the same day.


It's a bummer.

We were really gearing up.

We have a whole team channel

on our YouTube.

And, um,

we wanted to cover both with

full team and we're not

going to be able to now.


Bob said, not going to happen again.

Joe said in the statement to me,

we're going to wait and see.

I mean,

I think Joe said in a separate

podcast that they really

wanted to try to do

something together because

they're pretty tight as teams.

That would be something that

would be really interesting

if they were to somehow

find a venue that was large

enough to accommodate both teams.

wow I mean talk about like

viewership uh the ability

to have everything

consolidated um you know

the leverage in the numbers

would just be amazing so if

they are somehow able to

collaborate and make that

something in the future of

course your team is going

to be working double time

on one weekend but at least

not separated right um

separation is tough and and

yeah I mean it is um that it

If all these were broadcast,

if the teens and the

masters were broadcast and

we had these huge broadcast teams,

it could be one of those

amazing weekends to watch.

I don't think budget's going

to allow for that in year one.

Um, but yeah, that is, it is,

it's unfortunate.

And, you know,

I think there was lots of

questions on why Bob chose that weekend,

knowing that the team, uh,

championship is that weekend as well.

And they just didn't have options.

There was just no time and

no options on year one,

but I do believe that in year two,

they will do everything

they can to try to find the

right fit there.


so if it's together that's

awesome two separate

weekends even better all of

those happening prior to

the big event uh would be

you know phenomenal yeah

and bummer for your I mean

yeah for those coaches that

have the coach masters and teens

Yeah, that's hard.

It's a bummer.

If you need to submit a master's coach,

if you have an athlete

that's their first time there,

tell them to reach out to me.

I can offer some assistance.

Anything that I can do to

help somebody with their

first games experience.

I've never had a coach there

that helps me strategize.

I've always done that on my own.

But I'm happy to help show

someone the ropes.

We all talk behind the scenes anyway.

It's a funny thing.

Once you get there,

I'm not always strategizing

with the guys in my age group,

but I am strategizing with

everyone outside of my age group, right?

I want to know when someone

walks off the field,

this was the best event.

In 2021,

we had a workout that started off

with 20 ring muscle-ups.

was our age group 20 ring

muscle ups into like this

this sprint and then we did

snatches into a sprint and

then rowing into a sprint

but the first thing was 20

ring muscle ups and I was

preparing for that I was

thinking I'll break it up

into like 12 and 8 or 14 6

or I you know something but

it was windy and the straps

are super long so it's

super risky to come down so

I was preparing uh rick my

co-host on my podcast he

had just come off the field

in the 50 plus division

he's like yeah I went 15 unbroken

was like rick went 15

unbroken okay and I know my

capacity compared to rick

if rick could go 15

unbroken I think I can go

for 20. and I went out

there and I gambled big

time and went 20. i mean my

last rep was like I mean

it's one of those last

muscles where you catch it

and if you don't I mean you're just

If I don't get this muscle up,

it's going to take me

another two minutes to finish one more.

And luckily I got through 20,

but it's those little

things that you learn at the games.

Like you watch,

you're trying to find the

TV that's on the field before you.

So you see what it's,

what does this workout

doing to the teenagers?



So they're pulling.


They're not slowing down here.

You learn all of this kind

of fun stuff in person.

So masters athletes,

this would be my advice to coaches.

If you have a masters

athlete and a teenager,

you've got to go with the teenager.

The Masters athlete can fend

for themselves.

Like, we'll be okay.

We'll all support each other.

You don't send a team by themselves.

Like, go be with your team.

Wouldn't you say?

I would agree with you completely.

The trick is that some

Masters athletes are team coaches.

Oh, I know.

I know.

In those situations, you're hosed.

Just hosed, man.

And then you're not

competing as the Master.

That's how it goes.

It's the year that you don't get to go,


You have a huge contingent

of... It was evident at Legends.

Your Boulder athlete has grown.

You have a ton of athletes.

I take it you have no teen athletes.

It's typically an older crowd?

Yeah, it is Masters training.

Straight up Masters training.

Now, interestingly...

it would be great for teenagers too.


the needs of masters athletes and

teenagers are very similar.

So for example,

like we need to do smart volume.

We need to be careful with our volume.

Um, and teenagers actually do too.

The 17, 18 year olds,

maybe not quite as much.

They've got a lot of natural

healing remedies just

flowing through their veins all day long,

but 14, 15 year olds, um,

know that they it's we're

very similar I actually

have um one of our boulder

athletes his son is a 14

year old looking to go to

the games and he does the

exact work his dad does

which is athlete training

and this kid is crushing it

um because it makes sense

14 15 year olds and 40 year

olds should have pretty

similar training the 14 15

year olds shouldn't be

doing what 25 year olds are

doing and neither should 40

year olds so it

I don't think we'll ever

cross that bridge and call

it the Boulder Athlete Masters and 14,

15-year-old training program.

But it would be fun.

But yeah,

there's a good amount of Boulder

athletes out there.

One of the things that was

fun about Legends was

having that contingent.

I think we had 14 or 15

athletes out there.

We all collaborated.

It was really fun.

Like, oh, hey, someone's going.

So we all go down and watch

someone and cheer them on, right?

If we could,

unless someone's warming up or whatever.

But yeah, we had a lot of fun with that.

You can really support each

other when you have a solid team.

So that's another factor.

And we'll adopt somebody if they need one,

even if they don't follow

the programming.

Come on over.

We'll help you.

And then, you know,

get up on the podium next to me is fine.

Here's my last question.

I mean, there's a lot on my notes,

but we're going to finish

it up with this because

we're going to have you

back on throughout the season.

Happy to.

Happy to.

When it was announced, the team piece.

One, Lana has been in the chat.

Lana, you get in your 70 plus as a trial.

I could not be more stoked for that.

Super excited.

Let people know what's possible.

But with the team thing,

if I'm an individual athlete

and it's year one and I

already know it's going to

be clunky why add more

burden to my plate in year

one yeah I think it's a

great idea yes year one true

So that's a good question.

It's year one for this

experience of the games,

for the collaboration, right?

But it's not their first

rodeo running a large event

with a team or with a team

event at the same time.

They did this at Legends in

a constricted field, right?

Field of play, very constricted.

And the teams had a great event.

I mean, they all loved it.

They didn't have enough events.

They only had two days worth of events.

And so that was, I think,

part of their feedback.

I know the team event at the

games will have three days

of competition.

But I think it was a

necessary... I think it was brilliant,

first of all.

It was brilliant to take on

additional competitors,

which will bring more human

beings to the event,

more fans to watch the

teams and the individuals,

more overall athletes,

more revenue that can help

support the event.

And honestly, the more people, the more...

buzz around that whole thing,

the better it is for the

future of the Masters games.

If there is social media,

when there are still

pictures and there's a

crowd behind somebody,

that looks better than at

the games when there's a

person in some empty stands.

where the games venue was

too big to make the masters

look special this will be a

nice concise event with a

ton of human beings a lot

like legends in phoenix

where when every event I

mean it looks like it's a

packed house and you

actually did have to kind

of shuffle your way through

to see someone there and

that's a that's a fun

experience for the athletes

to look out there and see like

All these people watching,

I'm doing my PR clean and jerk,

and there is someone I know

eight feet standing in

front of me while I'm doing this thing.

Hopefully, I'm not spittling on them.

So it is an increased workload, Scott.

And so your point is,

why take on this additional workload?

And I think, one,

they have some experience doing it.

I think they'll be okay.


It draws more revenue and

all those extra people.

And they're just willing to, you know,

put in all the extra

overtime for that trade-off, right?

More athletes, more people, more revenue,

more attention in that area instead of,

however many, 400 plus athletes.

We'll have 600 plus athletes

and potentially families

and friends and all the people.

Not to mention Birmingham is

a thriving CrossFit community.

It's crazy how big CrossFit

is in this huge metro area

compared to any place I've been.

I'm constantly surprised at how big it is.

So I think we'll have a lot

of local viewership down here as well.

People can drive from Nashville, Cookville,

I mean, anywhere in Tennessee in two,

three hours.

It's close.

draw from atlanta as well um

anyway I think yeah I think

they bite it off the team

competition they've got

some experience with it I

think they can do it really

well I have no idea what

it's going to look like to

have this simultaneous

competition happening the

games and the team's

community event I don't

know how all that will

shake out what that'll end

up looking like um

You know, maybe different shirts.

I don't know.

But I'm not overly worried about it.

I just love the idea that, like,

last night we did a podcast

with Bob Ruano.

He's a six-time games athlete.

He's 54 this year.

He's Mr. Consistency.

Awesome, energetic dude.

And he's like, you know, I'm 54.

I'm a little bit beat up.

I don't think I'm going to

do the individual this year.

And then Teams shows up.

He's like,

but I think I may do it for

Teams because that sounds like fun.

So you have this...

an extra group of people that, yeah,

I mean, when I'm 49,

I'll probably still try to

go for it again at the games, yada, yada.

But there is this temptation like, oh,

a team event for one year?

Take all that pressure off?

Man, that sounds like fun.

So there's a lot of,

all those positives go along with it.

And then

It could be this teaser.

What if there was a CrossFit

Masters team event?

I mean, a games team Masters division.

If that was something that

showed up in the next few

years and you had to

qualify as a team for Masters games,

that would be a pretty cool

addition to expand

everything that we have

available to us as Masters.

You know,

I can age up into 50 and once I'm 53,

it's like, hey,

I'm going team for two years.

You know,

like I'm done with individuals

until I'm 55.

That could be an interesting

way to promote longevity in

the sport and keep people engaged,

you know?


thank you for that perspective

because it does give me a

different outlook on it.


the pro that I see is it's also a

feeder system.

Those people right on the

cusp of making the games

and experience on a competition floor.

But the one con I see is we

can't get the elite team stuff right.

you know?


A lot of logistics.

I would say that the masters out,

there were more people in

the stands for the masters

than for the teams.




From a spectator perspective, it's yeah.

It's weird at the games.

You'd see that the place

clear out if there wasn't like, I mean,

when froning was on teams, uh,

That was it.

He drew his own audience.

But it really cleared out for teams.

And so from a spectator perspective,

you're right.

There's so much going on.

You can't keep track of it.

It's too broad in the sport

to know what's going on.

The final team event, you're like, OK,

yeah, I want to watch that.

That could be fun.

But it's just so funny

because the experience of

being on a team is night

and day compared to being an individual.

It's so much fun to be on a team.

So, yeah,

I don't know how they navigate

that bridge between, like, no one,

without saying it like this,

but people don't watch teams very much.

But the experience of being

on a team is so great.

Maybe it stays a community event forever.

I'm not sure.

But I just know that, like,

I'm doing my first team

event at Wadapalooza,

California this year.

I can't wait to be on a team.

It's going to be so much fun.

I've got a couple of beefcakes on my team.

These are like some legit

athletes that reached out to me,

and they wanted me to help

round out their age group.

I'm like, OK, I'm the old guy.

um yeah we'll go out there

and have some fun as long

as we don't swim in the

pacific ocean I'll be good

to go but I i think the

teams yeah I think there's

a ton of there's a ton of

fun being on a team but

yeah that spectator

experience is it's tough

the logistics of running a

team events as well I think

the games gets a little

creative overly creative

with their team events

sometimes like synchronized double unders

Bob and Joe won't do that.

They've got judges that need

to manage a four-person team.

Got to keep that stuff simple.



do you have anything to finish up with?

No, I'm good.

Y'all are great.

This was fun.

As always, we love having you on.

We love your perspective.

We'll continue to do this

through the season for sure.

And before we go tonight,

Jamie and I will be back

with Thursday Night

CrossFit Talk with a

special guest co-host.

Carolyn Prevost is going to

be my crutch tonight

filling in for me there.

And then tomorrow, Cheryl Nassau and I,

my nutrition coach,

and I are going to talk

about everything I went through,

where I am with my recovery,

and all that tomorrow.

So with that, stay tuned.

Check us out.

Jason, good luck on the season,

and we'll stay in touch.

With that,

we will see everybody next time.

Thanks, guys.

on CrossFit, our Clydesdale Media Podcast.