Gucci Row

Lock in as hosts Kevin and Will weigh in on the current stand-off between James Harden and Daryl Morey, debate who the best point guard of all time is, and analyze the Hall of Fame cases for many current and retired players waiting for a spot in Springfield. Find out who we think won't end up wearing the orange jacket, how some snubs have a better case than those already inducted, and our other perspectives on how legends are viewed on this week's episode of Gucci Row.  

What is Gucci Row?

A show about basketball

Speaker 1 0:02
Welcome to Gucci row on the rebel HD two. I'm your host, Kevin Kelley. co host

Speaker 2 0:07
will desk. Gucci row like they say up at UNLV thanks for

Speaker 1 0:11
tuning in to our courtside conversations covering all things NBA

Unknown Speaker 0:15
rebels Young Money nothing you could sell me

Speaker 1 0:34
What's up ya Gucci ro episode 10 finally back in the studio, man well, how are we doing? Well,

Unknown Speaker 0:39
good. How are you?

Speaker 1 0:40
Good you know school back and swing. It feels good. i My classes are pretty chill so far. Yeah, how about you things going? Well,

Unknown Speaker 0:50
I'm getting back on the sword things like you know,

Speaker 1 0:53
I saw you got some some big news had the cover story for you.

Speaker 3 0:58
I had the lead story for the sport and Tribune. Elsa Gondo Little League team that won the World Series started writing for them recently.

Speaker 1 1:07
Yeah, you mentioned you're gonna be doing the beat for UNLV football and basketball for them to

Speaker 3 1:12
that is true. Yes, I'll be covering basketball and football. And I also cover sports betting throughout the city. So tough.

Speaker 1 1:19
So yes. If y'all want to find more words from we'll look on sporting Tribune. He's definitely there. Appreciate that. And then yeah, I for me, I got some homework to do. I just got a job with the Golden Knights big time. And I'm not a hockey guy by any stretch of the imagination. So I'm gonna have to do my due diligence there. I'll show you the ropes on the Knights fan. So for sure, it looks like I'll have to be converted. So. But to get into the basketball talk, we're gonna start with a little bit of a drama going around the league and then into some more like, discussions about where people fit all time. And in the context of Hall of Fame. We'll start out I guess with probably less, less fun stuff from my perspective. First thing is just more drama we've had between James Harden and Daryl Morey since the last time we talked. I know like recently we discussed how their relationship became fractured. And that came to bright light with hardens comments in China if you want to get into a little bit of that.

Speaker 3 2:29
Well, yeah harden in front of a camp full of I believe it was like middle schoolers China kids nonetheless, he decided to express his frustrations with the 70 Sixers organization and Daryl Morey completely an English nonetheless. And then non English speaking country, which I mean, I thought that was genuinely hilarious.

Speaker 1 2:51
Is like as much of a power play as you could try and wage he Yeah, he basically he said, and I quote, Daryl Morey is a liar and I will never be part of an organization that he is part of. Let me say that again. Daryl Morey is a liar. And I will never be a part of the organization. He's a part of that. That wasn't me repeating it he

Speaker 3 3:11
and that's a pretty pointed quote right now imagine him giving that quote in like a gym to a gym full of 10 year olds. Yeah. The video China and unless you don't speak a lick of English, it was an insane understand what he's saying at all. It really was at no fault of their own just because he chooses that platform. Like, that's insane to me.

Speaker 1 3:32
Do you think that's just random timing? Like he just was that upset and felt the need to do it there? Is there any strategy and

Speaker 3 3:38
I think he knows that it's gonna get out there but well, better can't there's there couldn't have been much strategy involved because

Speaker 1 3:44
I say that because like I saw Andre Iguodala talking about how, you know, there's some history between Daryl Morey and China. Oh, yeah, now that you say that, and China's not the biggest fan of Maury. So

Unknown Speaker 3:58
I don't know if that's a little too tinfoil.

Speaker 1 4:02
It's definitely getting out there. But um, yet, it just for context, Daryl Morey, those who don't know is the president of basketball operations in Philadelphia. And he was there in Houston when Harden was there, too. But this year, apparently they came to an agreement that harden would take his player option, and then he would be traded expeditiously upon doing that, and that was, you know, at the beginning of the summer, they went the whole summer. There's been no progress on that front from has been reported. And here we are with him taking it out publicly. Sam amic of the athletic reported that he just had no interest in playing in Philly and did not plan and taking part in training camp. And we've all seen what harden is willing to do when he thinks he's getting the short end of the stick. He's coming into training camp.

Speaker 3 4:53
I mean, if the agreement was that you're going to train the guy if he resigns, I don't know how you can expect him not to be uncooperative when the season coming around, he's still on the roster. So I mean, it seems like more he knew what he was getting into. I've seen theories that more he did want to trade him but he just can't find a partner. So he's kind of just like, it's like sunken cost fallacy at this point,

Speaker 1 5:13
right? And it's kinda like if you're in if you're Daryl Morey in that spot, and you've guaranteed you take this option, and we will move you, but then you get just bad offers, like, Do you think he's like obligated to take a worse offer? Or do you think it's smart business to just hold? No, I

Speaker 3 5:30
don't think he's obligated at all. I think the games the game if you want out. I mean, I think it's slimy that he promised him that he was going to trade him when that's obviously not his intention. His intention is that you're going to farm the best offer. Yeah, but I don't think harden should be like, blindsided, unless he's like, I think this is like too trustworthy or something. And I can't really find the word for that. But like,

Speaker 1 5:53
yeah, no, I hear you, I think to is important to point out like, the bowl, I read this, Bobby marks was talking about how there's language in the CBA. That states that I guess any player who withholds his service for more than 30 days upon the start of the last year of their contract, is deemed to not have completed that contract. And subsequently, they cannot be signed to any professional team, the next season, NBA or in China or anywhere else, like if he doesn't show up and report and offer his services within 30 days of the beginning of the year. That's how that works. So I think, obviously, that puts a lot more pressure on Hardin to show up, whether he's in the fat suit or not, and just go through the motions, which again, we know he's capable of doing.

Speaker 3 6:45
I think at that point, the searchers will just like shut them down and say, Listen, I mean, I don't think I don't think Daryl Morey is in a position at this point where he's like begging James Harden to come back and play for them. I think he just can't get something that's worth it and won't make him look like an incompetent GM. Yeah,

Speaker 1 7:01
no, that's fair. Because I feel like Philly is in a tough, he's in a tough spot there. Because like, they could easily get flip him for a little less and still be a very competitive, probably contending roster, just the way that they're built. But that that, again, is pretty bad business, if you do that, just because you don't want to hold out and try and get the value out of it. So I guess the question is, is hard and wrong. Like, ultimately, if Maury gave him the explicit understanding that he would not begin the upcoming season in Philly? And I guess my take is I don't think he's wrong. No, I don't,

Speaker 3 7:42
I wouldn't say he's wrong. But that doesn't necessarily mean he's gonna like get a favorable outcome and this and that it's like deserve, like, the game to the game? Yeah, I think in all you got to be smarter than what he was. And he put his trust and to a GM. And if you do that, as a player, you can get burned any opera, and

Speaker 1 7:59
especially, right, especially like, I just thought of, in this this free agency market, it was not the strongest that we've seen by any means. So if he definitely would have been a decent chance to go out and try and feel the contract, but he didn't. And so he got fined $100,000, from the NBA for that statement, and the Players Association is appealing. So beyond the situation, how do you feel about the fine itself? Do you think 100k is warranted?

Speaker 3 8:30
I don't really blanket the fines in the NBA. I mean, sure. Those are the rules. If you know what you're gonna you know, what you say is gonna break the rules and you get fined. I don't really have much sympathy. Regardless if I agree with what you say or not

Speaker 1 8:42
No, sure. I only asked because I'm not even I think you were trying to or maybe thinking that I was going to justify it. I'm on the other end. I don't, I don't know any other any other job where you could go out and publicly, like, bash your employer and boss and say that they're liars. And you do not want to be there and show up with no with no issues to your job in

Speaker 3 9:09
the real world. They just be like, oh, yeah, and we're gonna do that because he's $100 million asset.

Speaker 1 9:15
Right. And it's not even like, sure in the real world, but also like in many entertainment industries, that'll happen like the the, like protect stability that some players have is crazy to me. For sure. So I guess the next one you know, there's been a lot of talk about best point guard ever this is one that's been interested, interesting to me for a while because, I mean, people are just now starting to swing stuff into there with magic, but I mean, I've been having that conversation for a while now. But yeah, so my thing is like to add context, Steph was on Gilbert Arenas, his podcast and got asked, Are you the point best point guard of all time and he just said yes. Which I didn't expect to see. Obviously he got into the nuance of it a bit and said that, you know, magic was you know the is the best passer of all time and all these things but I guess Yeah, instead of the typical like Mike first bronze stuff that you hear around this time I liked it. That's a conversation that's been getting more interest. Do you think I'm gonna I want to know where you stand on things. Do you think stuff is better than magic all time if we consider all things

Speaker 3 10:33
who else will probably surprise you send some more. But now, I don't think he's better than magical time. I think if you compare the two skill sets, I think he might be the better player. But magic is probably well, he's a top five most accomplished basketball player of all time. First off, he played in nine NBA Finals. He won what five rings?

Speaker 1 10:55
Yeah, like the guy MVP, three MVP finals. MVPs.

Speaker 3 11:01
But I think one thing that is often forgotten in the magic conversation. He was when Larry Bird was in the league magic was never better than Larry Bird until Larry birds back gave out. So I think that's like, not that like apply as much of this conversation. But I feel like Larry Bird is also forgotten in those conversations. And I saw another point from Gilbert Arenas that says if you're going to say magic was the best point guard of all time, right? As a six nine guy who playing like the wing as point in his career and was like, really operating out of the post to like, if you're gonna say he's a point guard. Is LeBron a point guard? Yeah. Brian's point guard. LeBron is clearly the best point guard ever right?

Speaker 1 11:40
Sure. I think that that's a good point. Like Steven, I was discussing it. And he took the stance of stuff. But he also said that Jordan texted him, and basically said, although greatest of anything is always a debate, I beg to differ on greatest point guard of all time, magic is easily the best point guard of all time, stuff is very close, but not in front of magic. He, I guess went on to say And slowly

Speaker 3 12:06
but it's not very easily, but it's very close. It's funny to me. Yeah.

Speaker 1 12:11
But yeah, he went on to say, which I think is interesting. You must define point guard to have to really have a serious, which is correct. Yep. And if you define point guard as primarily a passing role, Johnson excels where curry does not. And I mean that I don't even know how you could disagree with I certainly disagree. But I guess the question is, can a point guard really just be measured primarily by his passing? And I say absolutely not.

Speaker 3 12:36
No, because there is even in the like scope of passing even if you say that curry isn't the traditional point guard because he's not. Chris Paul is more of a floor general than he is like an actual, like, elite skilled. Yeah, he's a pan passer like, but Chris Paul is probably one of the best point guards will not probably he is one of the best point guards of all time because of how he sees the court and how he like manipulates defenses. That has nothing to do with your actual passing ability. But it's still crucial to being a point guard.

Speaker 1 13:05
Sure. Like I think we could both agree that CPA is a far better facilitator and Pastor than stuff ever has been met. And that's true, but he's still like, but he's nowhere near the point guard because I think that the scope of point guard extends way beyond just Are you a good passer Can you set up an offense like, especially because of guys like Steph. And before him too, but point guards that have been able to fill it up and aren't much of past first guys has really expanded the roll, and especially the three point line has made it so you have a whole new role as a guard, like you have to be able to score from out there. So I think that's kind of just like an outdated way of looking at point guard. And yeah, if you want to look at it that way, like sure it's magic, by far. I mean, he's clearly a better passer. I think he's clearly the better defender. Like he,

Speaker 3 13:57
I think we'll also need like not to interrupt, but I think we'll also need the context of history going forward after stuffs career, because as I bring up Byrd to say, like a few months ago to say magics career looks better in hindsight than it did in the moment, because in the moment magic was, he was racking up these accolades, right, but he was never better than bird. Jordan comes along. By the time he's like really in a position to compete with Jordan. He has to leave leagues he gets diagnosed with AIDS. Yeah. Magic retired at 31. Yeah, he's had five championships nine awesome or nine appearances in the finals. Whenever all star games he had double digits, I'm sure. 12 and he retired at 31. Steph is what 34 right now. Like, it's when you look at that. It's hard to say, Okay, well, if magic did play, he probably even doubles those accolades. Right, like all right, whatever.

Speaker 1 14:48
Yeah, no, that's fair. And yeah, I mean, she's third all time and triple doubles. Like yeah, the amount of what he did in his limited spin is sure I definitely worth like valuing

Speaker 3 15:03
and it's almost like people don't even bring that up like in the modern context like you'll you'll hear the old heads bring it up because they lived it but you don't really hear people like discuss matters career and like a Barry Sanders context where like he retired. Yeah, in the midst of his prime but it's the same deal.

Speaker 1 15:19
Yeah, I think that's fair. That's kind of just how it goes to like, as time goes on, like, people's careers like the real like legends, obviously, you remember all the accolades and all the moments and stuff, but when it comes down to like, yeah, like gaps or like Asterix says that should be included in conversations like a lot of those three dozen

Speaker 3 15:40
Asterix, as I always say this. History does not remember Asterix, they're a waste of time. Nobody. Like if you go and read like the NBA Finals from the 1970s You're reading those results. Are you really gonna go look back at like the Mickey Mouse injuries that happened in the third round of those playoffs? Not nobody cares, right? Historical context.

Speaker 1 15:59
I wonder that. That brings up like, a really interesting question to me is like, what's the threshold for when people stop caring about asterixis? Because like, I'm sure people cheating still recognize No, I'm saying like, as time goes, like, like, for example, I think, um, I think we could all agree that the Warriors if healthy, win the 2019 finals over the raptors, pretty, pretty hard

Speaker 3 16:24
to see. But that's part of the thing. Part of the thing about winning championships is staying healthy. Sure. No, I

Speaker 1 16:29
agree. But I'm saying all right, maybe that's not we'll go with 2020. The, which obviously, this is an AI showcase. But my The point I'm trying to get at is like for any reason that we put an asterix next to some accomplishment, how long or what makes us decide how long to care about that before we say that. It's just a championship.

Speaker 3 16:51
Now one thing I will say about 2020. And I don't think it's like discounts a championship at all, before I say this. First off, every championship is aren't. But I will say I do think that one has an asterisk that has the potential to be remembered throughout history because of how unique circumstances were. Yeah, they suspended the season for three months. And then they and during those three months, nobody has any idea if the NBA is coming back, right? Like, there's talks about it, but nobody, players aren't preparing. Players are sitting at home wondering what's going on with the world, like everyone else was. And then May June comes around, they say pack your bags, we're going to Disney. And we're going to call this the championship. Like functionally, you can call them champion shore, but it deserves an asterick. Because it's fundamentally different than any other postseason in the history of sports.

Speaker 1 17:40
Sure, I don't think it takes anything away from like,

Speaker 3 17:43
and also not to interrupt. It goes to my point about Asterix Asterix are not always a negative thing, even if they aren't remembered. Sometimes they just denote different differences in circumstance. Well, that's

Speaker 1 17:55
what I was gonna mention is like, like, when you think of the year later, like the NBA season 2019 2020. Like, yeah, that's definitely gonna come to mind for you know, as time goes on, it's not going to just go away. But I don't think and I think for that reason, and Asterix is warranted. But when people when you'd like, take away from what the water the Lakers did, that's where I take issue with it. Because it's like, sure, there were all these different circumstances. And like you said, like, every team had to go. But yes, every team lived in the same bubble. Every team, you know, had the same fishing and hotel rooms and little barber shop, like they all did the same thing. So I agree. But I think that in context of that year itself, there's no reason to, like, make it any special. But yeah, obviously,

Speaker 3 18:49
I don't think like it should not count as like a ring for the players, right? Like, I don't think I don't like put a word that I don't like say LeBron has like three and a half rings, like whatever. Sure. If you want to call it a ring, call it a ring. That's fine. But if you're going to tell the story of the season, and you're going to tell accurately, you need to convey that this playoffs were played three months later at a resort in Disney World. Yeah.

Speaker 1 19:11
So yeah, that's fair. And I guess just to like, Fine, wrap that conversation up, I think. I think as time goes on, it'll shift more towards stuff. Not because of like, as we mentioned, I think accomplishments, all the accolades. You could probably put magic still, but just in terms of like, how the game has been impacted and like yeah, just influence on the generation. I think that that stuff maybe matters more than people give it credit for.

Speaker 3 19:49
And these opinions shift with time to and 510 years it might be stuff and not 25 years, people might see how the game shifts back and go magic. That's something you see with like Bill Russell, and we'll conversations Like, Bill was racking up, like, Bill, Bill was always better than will. If you go back and like the 50s and 60s and reboot the media and the press for saying it was always Bill overwhelming. 70s 80s 90s comes around wilts status is kinda like mythologized, right. And now you're like, Okay, well, it was like the best player of all time you see these numbers? Well, who was better than Well, I was

Speaker 1 20:22
gonna say to that's a really good point. And it brings me up to like, do you think that that like, change in scope has to do with like, the Showtime Laker era and like, how individualized it came became to like, be a fan of someone like magic or someone like they're a board bird. And then obviously, Jordan, like, takes that to a whole nother level. But like, people, the value of an individual over like team success, I think really changed and that's why willscot valued so much more.

Speaker 3 20:56
I think I agree with that point to an extent but what I think Jordan did and like those players did, was they made Gowdy stat lines more appreciated back in like, like the Bill Russell era, Bill was always thought about thought as the better player and not because he was winning, because he was a defensive force. And you couldn't score on the Celtics, you couldn't there was no doing it. He even shut down well, when the time came, but the problem is, like it's just history like, that doesn't get remembered as often.

Speaker 1 21:26
Yeah, it's just tough to say I guess how much value of that was from winning versus like you said individual defense and dominance in the paint. So yeah, I don't know that there's like a good answer to that. But that um, sort of balance of what people appreciate I think definitely influences like whether they'd say yeah, like you said Bill, or will or stuff for magic. So I think that's something interesting to follow as time goes on for sure. The next one too is I want to get into a little bit of Hall of Fame cases for people that are you know, on the waiting list essentially there was a an article in the athletic by Mike for klonoff that I thought was really interesting and had a lot of people around the basketball world talking and it was just about like the the case for guys that have that are like I said waiting to get in and as he notes like secrecy and a lack of like clear guidelines or criteria kind of define the Basketball Hall of Fame and there's an obviously like with any sport there's never going to be a benchmark of like hit this one number of staff you're going to be in but it seems in basketball like that is elevated there's no real like indicators. But so he brings up an example of Chauncey Billups who has been Hall of Fame eligible since 2018. has five All Star appearances, three all NBA appearances, a ring and a Finals MVP, and he's not in the Hall of Fame. But Tim Hardaway senior has five All Star appearances, five all NBA, no Finals appearances, and no Finals MVP, and he's in. So yeah, and then we're going to break down some of the more some of the specific cases but I think it's interesting how I thought I saw someone mentioned that it's also based on like, year like, for some reason the NBA doesn't want to just induct like two people so they like fill it out based on how busy the year is. But yeah, I don't know if I really liked that at all. But to be fair, like I've mentioned earlier, the Basketball Hall of Fame is kinda like the Wild West and is not nearly as like restrictive

Speaker 3 23:46
minimal one thing about the Hall of Fame too is it doesn't just count MBA accounts college FIBA like, I don't know, like all that stuff. So yeah, like a player like Dirk. Like, he also gets those German accomplishments in like, I'm trying to think of a player that was just great in college and it was like, kinda like, like Bill Walton say, Bill Waltons NBA career doesn't get him in the Hall of Fame. But Bill Walton is also the second best college basketball player of all time renowned, honestly. So

Speaker 1 24:13
yeah, no, definitely matters. And I guess we'll get into a couple of those. We'll start with them. So here's a list. He kind of teared them. One of them is called active locks, which he's got a list of Yiannis Steph, Anthony Davis, KD Joellen bead Draymond, James Harden Dwight Howard, LeBron Nicola Yogesh Kawhi, Dame CP clay and Ross you know, I think those are all called locks for a reason. I don't know if we need to really get into any of those. Those guys will be all in the Hall of Fame. So I guess to get into another one he's got is called retired locks, which is just just Carmelo Anthony and Vince Carter mellow There really needs to be no discussion. He's a lock. He is top 10 all time in scoring Second Team USA scoring three gold medals. Not to mention, like you said, College where he had probably well, I don't know maybe one of the most impressive years of any freshman ever when he took Syracuse to the finals.

Speaker 3 25:20
He's also been incredible team USA is probably the greatest international player for USA in history. As far as statistics and accolades go over Kobe that Tober LeBron, that's over.

Speaker 1 25:31
He said to Katie on the and scoring, agreed. And then so again, like I said, there's no discussion there. He's in Vince is a little more interesting. He's in but he's made all NBA twice, eighth time all star, but he's 20th in scoring, and also he had a rookie of the year and a gold medal. And so 20th all time scoring on I mentioned, the top 47 players in scoring are all in the Hall of Fame. That's besides Damar who's DeMar DeRozan who's we could discuss but probably on his way. But so that says that brings me to like how important our moments or like titles like Vince Carter is probably the best in game and contest Dunker of all time has some of the best moments in terms of like, when he jumped over that guy for Tilak I'm gonna say

Speaker 3 26:23
like, that's moments are incredibly important. Yeah, because I think that dunk specifically for Vince Carter is such an important part of like basketball lexicon that it does help us Hall of Fame case, because it's one of the most iconic plays in sports history.

Speaker 1 26:36
I agree. And I think that especially in basketball, they tend to take those things into account. The next one is retired, but in the mix, which is LaMarcus Aldridge and Santee Billups Chauncey is again an interesting case as I mentioned earlier, I think he should already be in but yeah, and then the Marcus was a five time all NBA seven time all star and had more total points and average more points than Hardaway who's already in. So yeah, I guess those do you think both of them get in eventually?

Speaker 3 27:08
I don't know if all good gets in. I think one thing that helps Hardaway is that he has like big name recognizability, or whatever the word is. Brainfart. But but he was, even though he wasn't very accomplished, he was one of those like quintessential players of the 90s. Whereas you might think of LaMarcus Aldridge is more accomplished, but like the 2000s and 2010s You can tell the story of basketball in those decades without LaMarcus Aldridge unfortunately, now that's true.

Speaker 1 27:35
I agree with that. But no, I agree with all those points. But also I think that the Basketball Hall of Fame is so loose that he's going to be maybe not in the first ballot, but eventually given their dog they have gotten so the active they have enacted the one called active near locks, which is Jimmy Butler DeMar DeRozan, Luca Paul, George Rudy go bear and Kyrie Irving. I thought Luca including that was really interesting. Not that it's wrong, but he's only 24 years old I

Speaker 3 28:05
disagree with I don't think he's nearly a lock yet. I think he's gonna I think that obviously like

Speaker 1 28:10
he's already got this is the thing that well,

Unknown Speaker 28:13
yeah, his international career is crazy. Beyond

Speaker 1 28:15
that he's already got for all NBA first team appearances for he's got a top five and MVP voting twice. He's got a Euro basket gold, MVP and league ACB Europa League, and in the early League Final Four. Yeah, it's insane to have that resume. 24 But I guess the interesting the more interesting thing to me is that Jason Tatum didn't make that one he's in the next one down which is called active in the mix. Because he's got you know, three all NBA appearances at 25. But yeah, I guess who do you think Luca has that much better of a chance than Tatum to get in?

Unknown Speaker 28:57
In the scope of their career? Yeah, but I don't look I still don't look at Lukas. I mean, I get it.

Unknown Speaker 29:03
I think he should be in the mix.

Speaker 3 29:04
I think yeah, I think he's just too young. I think it's too early to call it 24 year old the hall the other people in those are still also things that can happen that like like if Luca come down is horrible for the rest of his career, like people are gonna remember,

Speaker 1 29:19
I was just gonna mention like, was we're skipping here but down to one of the groups is active and could see it, which has Blake Griffin, who I'm not going to say was anywhere near a Luca AHRC early in his career, but you know, he,

Unknown Speaker 29:33
I don't think is getting in. No, no,

Speaker 1 29:36
I agree. And that's my point. You were mentioning what if Lucas comes out and get like Blake had five times all NBA six times all star and then basically got hurt fell off.

Speaker 3 29:46
And he didn't even get hurt that early. He got her in early 30s which is like if you compare it like magic magic iron is really 30

Speaker 1 29:52
Yeah. So like, Yeah, I think anyone who has AIDS but anyone who says that young you definitely have to say I take a grain of salt with it. But and then yeah, the the last. The last one was called active and on track. And this one has been out a bio. DEVIN BOOKER SGA Jaren Jackson Jr, Donovan Mitchell, Jama rant cat and Trey young. And I guess just to wrap it up, who do you think is the least likely of those to make it and who do you think is the most likely?

Speaker 3 30:25
I think I missed a few names there but I'd probably go Cat Cat I agree.

Speaker 1 30:29
is the least he's you know, he's only 27 Still but yeah, he had an early all NBA parents and it seems like his career arc has flattened out but I could agree with that. And then who's the most likely? Most likely to make it?

Unknown Speaker 30:45
Probably book,

Speaker 1 30:46
I think book SGA or Jaren who just want to dp ally and it's like 24. But um, yeah, I'll say I'll say SGA as my pic there. And that's all we got for time here. This week on episode 10 of Gucci. Well, I appreciate y'all for tapping in as always. I'm your host, Kevin Kelly. Will this part. Appreciate you? That's a wrap for Gucci row this week. Thanks for tuning in on the rebel HD two with your hosts Kevin Kelley

Speaker 2 31:14
and well desperate. He wrote like they say up at UNLV you can find

Speaker 1 31:18
us on Instagram at one Kev Kelly and Wilderness Park. We'll see you next time on The rebel HD two

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