Hypnotherapy Reflections: From Training to Practice

Join us as we explore the inspiring journey of Terrie Evans, a newly trained solution-focused hypnotherapist from CPHT Birmingham. In this episode, Terrie shares her transition from account management to hypnotherapy, the transformative impact of her training, and her passion for helping others. Learn how she balances her thriving practice, Rise and Renew Hypnotherapy, with her personal life and how hypnotherapy has profoundly changed her perspective and approach to wellbeing. Get ready for an enlightening conversation!

What is Hypnotherapy Reflections: From Training to Practice?

Welcome to "Hypnotherapy Reflections: From Training to Practice!" Join us as we dive into inspiring stories of individuals who chose to train with CPHT as solution-focused hypnotherapists and transformed their lives. Discover how their specialised training empowered them to become successful practitioners, profoundly impacting their clients and communities. Each episode features candid interviews, valuable insights, and practical tips from seasoned hypnotherapists who share their journey, challenges, and triumphs. Whether considering this rewarding career or seeking motivation to elevate your practice, "Hypnotherapy Reflections" offers the inspiration and knowledge you need. Subscribe now and embark on a journey of transformation and success in the world of solution-focused hypnotherapy!

Gary Johannes:

So hello, Terry. So welcome yeah. Welcome to hypnotherapy reflections. So from training to being in practice. So today, guys, we've got and we're really thrilled to have Terry Evans from us, who she's reasonably new to the world of solution focused hypnotherapy, and trained at CPhT in Birmingham.

Gary Johannes:

So Terry brings a wealth of personal experience to the hypnotherapy she delivers. And today, we're gonna explore her journey, the unique insights to both personal and for those gained from CPhD, which makes a powerful impact into her solution focused hypnotherapy and how it's been powerful to everybody she sees. So get ready for an inspiring conversation, highlighting the transformation and the power of hypnotherapy and solution focused hypnotherapy and how CPhD can train you like her. So, Terry, say hello and introduce yourself on who you are, what you do, where you're from.

Terrie Evans:

Okay. So, my name is Terry Evans. My practice is called Rise and Renew Hypnotherapy. I'm based in the Neaton in Warwickshire. And, you know, I can offer face to face sessions.

Terrie Evans:

I'm just out in the middle of renovating my therapy room.

Gary Johannes:

Oh, wow. That must be, fun. Was it all hard work?

Terrie Evans:

Well, I didn't really have to do a lot. I just had to project manage it, really. Quite lucky. My dad's a builder. So

Gary Johannes:

Oh, right.

Terrie Evans:

He's helped renovate my garage. And, yeah, just sort of called on, you know, family members for favors. So

Gary Johannes:

Yeah. Yeah. So you're working from home, but it's like a conversion area area so you can work from without disturbing the family in

Terrie Evans:

there. Yeah. So I I've got a therapy room. Actually, I've got, like, an office in my house. Mhmm.

Terrie Evans:

We were kinda sort of realizing that, you know, when clients are here sometimes, people have to sort of tiptoe around. So I'm I'm it's almost just going to be a relaxation room. Uh-huh. I'm not gonna have an office in there. It's just gonna be a room with 2 chairs and

Gary Johannes:

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Brilliant. So as you know, I've talked to a number of people who've graduated through CPhD and found out about their story.

Gary Johannes:

So I normally ask 20 questions and, just see how you do and how, you know, your take on the questions. So question one is what motivates you to pursue training as a hypnotherapist?

Terrie Evans:

Well, I suppose I've always been really quite passionate about helping people. I think the pandemic really gave me time to pause and reflect on the direction that my life was going. I felt not very fulfilled in what I was doing. My children were grown up, had a little bit more time on my hands. So, yeah, I I had a bit of a reevaluation, and I looked into sort of doing some volunteering, which I did, and I really enjoyed it.

Gary Johannes:


Terrie Evans:

Obviously, during the hypnotherapy training, I now understand why I found that rewarding Yeah. Which we I'm sure we'll touch on.

Gary Johannes:

Yeah. Yeah.

Terrie Evans:

And on the back of that, I just really wanted to understand the people that I was helping. So I did a counseling course.

Gary Johannes:


Terrie Evans:

And I just started to explore the modalities, then it kinda opened up a whole new world for me. So so yeah. And I think prior to even sort of thinking about hypnotherapy, I'd kind of really worked on myself. I'd read a book called Professor Steven Peters, which is The Chimp Paradox.

Gary Johannes:

Oh, yes.

Terrie Evans:

Yeah. And I think, you know, just sort of, you know, listening to these audiobooks really made me sort of you know, put me in a in a real better much better place. And and then, obviously, as the hypnotherapy training came on, I realized that everything I'd sort of taught myself, was part of what these hypnotherapy sessions were. But I've I've obviously gone the long way around about doing it. But this was a more short, constructive, and more manageable way to teach people what I'd taught myself.

Terrie Evans:


Gary Johannes:

Yeah. Yeah. Oh, wow. So, I mean, that you you seem to you know, that pause we might have had in the pandemic gave you a lot of time to contemplate where everything fitted, and you looked at different things from, volunteering, a little bit of counseling, which I know you enjoyed. And then you went on to do solution focused hypnotherapy, which is what you now practice from

Terrie Evans:

Mhmm. Your

Gary Johannes:

understanding. What did you do before that? So what what was so rudely interrupted by the pandemic? What

Terrie Evans:

what what were you doing? So, I mean, I I still am an account manager. I work for a copper tube manufacturer. So, I do that in the daytime, and I do my solution focused hypnotherapy in the evenings. I'd always worked in sales since leaving school.

Terrie Evans:

Mhmm. I did media sales, recruitment, account management. I guess I'd always been a a people person. And I'd I kinda guessed I felt like I wasn't like a typical salesperson. I always had the person's best interest at heart.

Terrie Evans:

And I think that's why, you know, I'm I've been in my role for 14 years, and I've got some great relationships

Gary Johannes:


Terrie Evans:

With my customers. And the great thing is with the hypnotherapy or the solution focused hypnotherapy is that I'm able to utilize my skills every day. It's improved my relationship with my work colleagues, my customers, and I'm just a better, more focused person, and I'm able to take on so much more. So Brilliant. Yeah.

Gary Johannes:

But do you think that that sales role where you was interacting with people a lot and had to learn how to interact with people and understand their positioning to be good at sales, helped you sort of be better at understanding when you get someone come to you with whatever challenges they're suffering with? It helps you sort of understand quickly?

Terrie Evans:

Yeah. Definitely. Part of my role as an account manager is I'm the sort of in between person of, you know, the company and the customer. And sometimes you've gotta have uncomfortable conversations, and you've gotta listen to them. So, yeah, it definitely, even though you would think it wouldn't be, you know, relevant, it really was.

Gary Johannes:

Yeah. That listening skill was so vital. And I think a lot of professions don't realize how much they use that skill to help them with their profession. So that's excellent. That's really good to know.

Gary Johannes:

So so you'd already done some volunteering within the well-being world, and you've looked at counseling and started some counseling course. What you know, how did you discover CPhD, and what made you choose the CPhD process, that solution focus process compared to all the other courses out there?

Terrie Evans:

Okay. So I was in the middle of my counselling, so level 2 to level 3. So I had a bit of a gap. And I think because I was enjoying, you know, understanding more on sort of mental health and the therapies that were out there, I really wanted to expand my learning and look at, you know, different therapies that were available. And because there's so many.

Terrie Evans:

People think, oh, therapy is just counselling. It isn't. There is so many, and, you know, you might have a really bad experience with 1 therapy or one therapist. You know, don't be put off because there's a therapy out there for everybody. Yep.

Terrie Evans:

And I just wanted something to support my studies. I guess with hypnotherapy, I had, like everybody else, all those misconceptions that it was our, you know, pocket watch, you know, making people do stupid things. But, you know, it's not like that at all. You know, once I started looking into it, I was really intrigued, you know, understanding it was so much more, especially with all the whole the neuroscience. Yeah.

Terrie Evans:

And I think just sort of witnessing how hypnotherapy throughout the training was able to unlock your potential to sort of heal and transform, yourself and, obviously, the people that you were working with was just really, really sort of motivating. And again, you know, my mind was blown when I started, you know, looking into it and and, you know, really helped me understand my own struggles that I've had over the years with anxiety, limiting beliefs, even the bad habits that I've picked up.

Gary Johannes:

And I think most of us have suffered in whether we know it or not with different levels of stress, anxiety, and and all the other things will go with it. Was this any part of the course when you were learning CPhT, the solution focused process where you sort of went, wow. That's really that's that that's really made me wanna be a solution focused hypnotherapist.

Terrie Evans:

I'd say it was probably the first the first weekend of the training. I'm quite a practical person, so we obviously got to practice from the start. And my mom had recently gone through, an operation on her knees, and she was really, really struggling with the pain management. And we were only practicing the relaxation, and she didn't feel pain for 2 days after the relaxation. And I was like, what is this?

Terrie Evans:

This is med this is crazy.

Gary Johannes:


Terrie Evans:

So yeah. So and again, you know, just seeing the clients progress. I know family can be quite biased sometimes. So Yes. And I started working with people that I didn't know, you know, that that made a a huge difference.

Gary Johannes:

So when you're, you know, working with clients and you're seeing in that change, how's that shaped your approach compared to doing, some of the other techniques you've learned?

Terrie Evans:

I think it's I think what really helps with the training, is just the understanding that, you know, we're all very, very different, and each client will bring you something new.

Gary Johannes:


Terrie Evans:

Things that you probably wouldn't have thought about.

Gary Johannes:


Terrie Evans:

And sometimes when the client brings something, it's not actually what the problem can be as well. So you've gotta keep a really open mind and be really flexible with your approach because you don't know you don't know where it's gonna lead. And I think the training sort of, you know, really helped me not pigeonhole people so much.

Gary Johannes:

Yeah. Yeah. Absolutely. Because that's easy trap to fall into, our bond shoe fits all. One of the things about the Australian we deliver, it's very modern.

Gary Johannes:

It's very fast paced as in, you know, if something new comes along, we'll look at it and see if that research fits with us. How do you or how do you plan to stay really current in the world of therapy and solution focused therapy?

Terrie Evans:

So the great thing about when you finish your training, is that you are obviously encouraged and, you know, meant to sort of look at doing CPDs, which is condition con continuous personal development.

Gary Johannes:


Terrie Evans:

And I've actually done quite a few of the these already in the last in the last few months. Yeah. So I did the menopause one Yeah. Which was really interesting because, obviously, you know, I'm I'm 45.

Gary Johannes:

Are you really? I'm just

Terrie Evans:

I am. I am.

Gary Johannes:

I actually didn't know that. I thought you'd be 60. So

Terrie Evans:

Oh, thank you. Yeah. So what you know, going through sort of, you know, recognizing changes. So that was really helpful because, you know, there's things that you probably don't even think about.

Gary Johannes:


Terrie Evans:

I've I've done the weight management, walking therapy. The one that really sort of got me was the neuroscience.

Gary Johannes:

Oh, yeah. I absolutely loved it.

Terrie Evans:

Yeah. And just kinda just reading, particularly about the nervous system and just on the vagus nerve. I've even joined a neuroscience academy, which

Gary Johannes:

is Oh, wow. Oh, yes.

Terrie Evans:

Gave me the tip.

Gary Johannes:

Yeah. So you've joined that, have you?

Terrie Evans:

I have. And I'm gonna there's a course starting in September that I'm gonna do. Yeah. Just wanna just dive right in.

Gary Johannes:

It is. So well, you you've probably got the same sort of condition that I do. Once you start learning this stuff, it's like, I just need to know more. So I've done every course to it as you know. You know?

Gary Johannes:

So, unfortunately, it's a side effect of it's so fascinating. You just keep going.

Terrie Evans:

Yeah. Absolutely.

Gary Johannes:

You know?

Terrie Evans:

And and supervision as well. You know? You you can have one to ones. I actually have I go to group supervision. So, you know, just having that opportunity to to speak to other people and share your knowledge and information is really, really helpful.

Gary Johannes:

Yeah. Absolutely. And I've been part of something bigger than yourself that that have helps as well. So all that sounds amazing, but you mentioned you've got a family. Yeah.

Gary Johannes:

And how do you then maintain that work life balance? Because you've got a a a you're still an account manager, because you

Terrie Evans:


Gary Johannes:

Love that job. You're a therapist, a hypotherapist, you're a mom, and your your partner. How do you manage all that?

Terrie Evans:

Well, I've got a very supportive partner. Yeah. But I'll be really honest. This doing the course and doing the the the hypnotherapy practicing actually is my work life balance because it doesn't feel like work. Right.

Terrie Evans:

I'm helping others. When you understand why helping others, what it can do for you in terms of, you know, releasing those positive feelings, those chemicals. Mhmm. You enjoy what you do. Yeah.

Terrie Evans:

It just just doesn't feel like work at all. I think I'm just really able to really prioritize a lot of stuff. I'm able to make better judgments and decisions.

Gary Johannes:

Wow. That's just to be careful.

Terrie Evans:

Really I'm really organized as well. I never used to be Really?

Gary Johannes:

That's changed.

Terrie Evans:

That was terrible.

Gary Johannes:

I I remember because when you first started on the course, I came in for at least one weekend at the early stages, and somebody asked me about that. And I said, I haven't been at work for 13 years. And I don't think anybody believed me, including you.

Terrie Evans:


Gary Johannes:

But, actually, doing what we do just makes you feel amazing. It's never hard. So Absolutely. You know, that's that's nice to hear that you're feeling that. You know?

Gary Johannes:

That means you're, from my point of view, really embracing the you know, you're you're walking your talk.

Terrie Evans:

Yeah. And

Gary Johannes:

that's always great to hear. So that's really nice. That's great. So you can do that.

Terrie Evans:

Yeah. And I think it's recognizing as well when things are getting a little bit too much. You know? I'm not I'm not a superhuman, and I'm actually not gonna be the same person every day, you know, going back to sort of doing the menopause, CPD. You know, as a as a woman, you know, each you know, the person I am today and the person I am next week are gonna be 2 different people, but the course and the training has really given me that awareness.

Gary Johannes:


Terrie Evans:

So yeah. And apart from that, just a lot of walking, a lot of reading, being out in nature, really appreciating the moments rather than seeing them as being a chore. So it's almost flipping flipping your thought through a process and how you view things.

Gary Johannes:

That's excellent. So I'm always love to hear success stories. So from being in practice, do you have any standout moments or things that surprised your unexpected outcome you've had with your clients? Or something which you specialize in helping people with? Because some of us, you know, particularly specialize

Terrie Evans:

Mhmm. To

Gary Johannes:

get going. Is there anything that stands out for you?

Terrie Evans:

Yeah. I mean, I'm quite early days, really, in my practice. So, you know, I'm seeing people for various various different things. But when I very, very first qualified, I had somebody come to me for smoking.

Gary Johannes:


Terrie Evans:

And they'd actually posted that they were looking for a hypnotherapist.

Gary Johannes:


Terrie Evans:

And I just messaged them, and I felt really brave doing that.

Gary Johannes:


Terrie Evans:

And I just reached out and I just said, look. You know, I'm recently qualified. I'd really like to work with you. And they said, yeah. So that was great.

Terrie Evans:

They actually disclosed that they actually had ADHD as well. And they were almost adamant that it wasn't gonna work for that reason. They'd had hypnotherapy before, and it hadn't worked. But they were really determined to do it. And, yeah, we did it.

Terrie Evans:

And, I I mean, I was really nervous because I thought, god, this is gonna go one way or the other.

Gary Johannes:


Terrie Evans:

I did actually bump into them outside of my practice a few months after, and they instantly came over to me, told me how much I'd changed their life and how grateful they were, and that they had recommended me to others as well. So

Gary Johannes:

How gratifying was that?

Terrie Evans:

It was amazing. Absolutely amazing.

Gary Johannes:

You it's hard to to put it into a box, isn't it, and say I felt like this, because it's just you have pride in the work you do, but you've changed that person's life. Yeah. And they they acknowledge it. Oh, it's it's special. So that's

Terrie Evans:

And it wasn't it wasn't just the smoking either. You know? They they actually went on and did loads of other things as well, which was really beneficial to the health. It, you know, had such a knock on effect in a positive way.

Gary Johannes:

So so that's amazing. So how do you look after you? I mean, you've mentioned going out in nature, and, you know, there's lots of surveys to say being in open space is really good for your well-being, physical and mental. Is there anything in particular that you make sure you do to look after you?

Terrie Evans:

Yeah. I'm actually really comfortable saying no to people. And I don't feel guilty or anxious about that either. So Wow. I know when to take a step back.

Terrie Evans:

But, yeah, again, just sort of like what you just said about the walk in therapies really helped me understand the science behind sort of movement and being outside.

Gary Johannes:


Terrie Evans:


Gary Johannes:

Well, that's good. So one of the big things which I get asked a lot by people who have just started training or thinking about training is but what if people just are skeptics all the time or quite often family are quite skeptical when you go, oh, I'm gonna go and become a hypnotherapist. How do you deal with that?

Terrie Evans:

Well, firstly, I let them I let them speak, and I appreciate that, you know, that's how they perceive things, you know, probably based on, you know, what they've seen on TV shows and stuff like that. And then I just blow them away with the neuroscience.

Gary Johannes:

Yeah. So so you use what you your knowledge rather than, you know, with fact?

Terrie Evans:

Yeah. Facts. People like

Gary Johannes:

that. Changes their perception, doesn't it?

Terrie Evans:

Yeah. And a lot of people think that they can't be hypnotized.

Gary Johannes:


Terrie Evans:

But then obviously, when you go for the neuroscience, you understand why people don't wanna be. It's because Yes. They're not yeah. So, yeah, it's just blow them away with the neuroscience, and they're they're almost like, wow. You know?

Terrie Evans:

Yeah. Never thought of it like that.

Gary Johannes:

And because you can give clear understanding.

Terrie Evans:


Gary Johannes:

And I think that's changed a lot in in the last couple of years when you talk about hypnotherapy, if you can tell people exactly what it is. Unfortunately, not a lot of modalities. Can you tell people what it is? Because there's no science behind it. This really helps.

Gary Johannes:

So that's really helpful. And I'm I'm pleased you you've got that confidence to do that. That's so good. Yeah. What have you got from it?

Gary Johannes:

From training as a hypnotherapist with CPhD, what have you got personally? What's it done for you?

Terrie Evans:

Oh god. I think I've just been able to become the person that I always wanted to become. I'm able to deal with things better, you know, with my kids. My daughter moved to the other side of the world last year, and that was hard. Yeah.

Terrie Evans:

Totally. I recognize you know, when I when I start to miss her, I can feel those anxious feelings rising in me.

Gary Johannes:


Terrie Evans:

I can't stop life happening.

Gary Johannes:


Terrie Evans:

But I can change how I react to things. So, yeah, just just being able to deal with things much better. And I've actually given up alcohol as well.

Gary Johannes:

Have you?

Terrie Evans:


Gary Johannes:

Wow. How how's that helped?

Terrie Evans:

Massively. I think when you start to understand what the damage it can do and and obviously how limiting it can be, I was just like, yeah. I don't I don't need that in my life. So it's been I I gave it well. I kinda sort of changed my attitude towards it or what you know, for a good while, But definitely since I started this course, and then January, I just I haven't I haven't had one since January.

Gary Johannes:

And it and is it a case of that you'll never have 1 or you've chosen not to drink?

Terrie Evans:

I've just chosen not to drink. I'm not gonna say I'm never gonna drink again. No. But I just feel like while I want to put my all into this

Gary Johannes:


Terrie Evans:

In order for me to absorb the information and retain it, and be confident in understanding it. It's just something that's just gonna hold me back. I've actually got a hen weekend coming up this weekend, so that'll be interesting.

Gary Johannes:

Yeah. Well, we'll see. But, again, it's a choice, isn't it? And I think that's what I'm you know, is you're going, I don't need to drink.

Terrie Evans:

Mhmm. I

Gary Johannes:

don't need that coping mechanism as we understand it is, so I'm not going to.

Terrie Evans:


Gary Johannes:

Not I can't. I'm choosing not to.

Terrie Evans:

Just choosing. You're

Gary Johannes:

you've got so much from this. Do you think it's changed the way you parent and the way you are within relationship?

Terrie Evans:

Oh, absolutely. You know, I've got I've got older children. And, you know, when they become adults, you know, you have to respect their views and how they feel. And, yeah, there's been times when, you know, I wanna react in a certain way or old Terry would have reacted in a certain way, and I haven't. I took a step back.

Terrie Evans:

And I definitely feel like, yeah, it's massively helped my relationship with my children and and definitely my partner as well. You know? We understand each other. We talk more.

Gary Johannes:

Do you think it's impacted them?

Terrie Evans:

Yes. Yes. Definitely. My partner is you know, if he talks to people, he even sort of shares stuff that I've shared with him. So

Gary Johannes:

Yeah. Yeah. Oh, wow. That's so good.

Terrie Evans:


Gary Johannes:

So, I mean, what types of support while you was doing the course? You know, how accessible was that support? Were the instructors there as well and the mentors there to support you if you needed it, guidance available?

Terrie Evans:

I think what was really good is that we had different tutors. Wasn't just the same person teaching you all the time, and they've all got different, you know, styles of the teaching.

Gary Johannes:


Terrie Evans:

And that was good. I also missed a weekend because I went away, and I was able to go to another training school. So Yeah. That was great, meeting other

Gary Johannes:

Yeah. Yeah.

Terrie Evans:

Teachers that you probably wouldn't have met before. And then just your peer groups as well. You know, I've made some really good friends. Yeah. Yeah.

Terrie Evans:

And even after when you, do your supervision, or you do the CPDs, I've picked up other hypnotherapists that have trained through the school.

Gary Johannes:


Terrie Evans:

And we've created our own little WhatsApp groups to support each other.

Gary Johannes:


Terrie Evans:

Yeah. So it's a it's a great community.

Gary Johannes:

So when you do your supervision, you're able to link in with people who have been doing it for a lot longer, and they but they, obviously, obviously have knowledge you don't. But Mhmm. You're also seeing people they haven't seen. I've been doing it 13 years, and sometimes somebody will come in a door and I've never seen something like that before.

Terrie Evans:


Gary Johannes:

So I'm still going to my supervision group and going, wow. This is interesting. Has anybody else worked with this? So I can get support. So I don't ever feel, like, I'm on my own.

Gary Johannes:

So that's fantastic.

Terrie Evans:

Yeah. I really enjoy the group. Supervision.

Gary Johannes:

That's good. So that you know, you looked at when you was doing the course, you had different people lecturing you continually. All of those people would have been qualified hypnotherapists, but there was also working hypnotherapists. So one of the things that CPhD massively, dictate is that everybody who lectures have to be on the cold face themselves on a daily basis. Do you think that added any value that they were seeing people all the time?

Terrie Evans:

Yeah. You know, I think, you know, we all learn from experiences. So they were able to, you know, bring things to life, you know, problems that they might have faced with clients, and just sharing those experiences, you know, was really helpful. Definitely.

Gary Johannes:

Yeah. So their their their backstories is also good. And you've mentioned supervision. You've mentioned CPD. So there's lots of support for you out there.

Gary Johannes:

Yeah. And you've gone off and started or you're looking to do a neuroscience course, so you're getting a little bit geeky like the rest of us. So you know, if you was to pick one highlight from your training, what would it be?

Terrie Evans:

Highlight from my training? Oh god. It's so hard to answer that question, Gary, because it was everything. But I think for me, it was learning about the brain. You know?

Terrie Evans:

If I'd known that years ago Yeah. Why don't they teach it at school?

Gary Johannes:

It's it I think nearly everybody says that. Nearly everybody, and I've been saying it for years. Yeah. No. It's like, we we get clients.

Gary Johannes:

I don't know if you've had any clients turn around and go, well, why has no one ever told me that before? Mhmm. And it's just like, wow. So it's the way the way it works is pretty sexy.

Terrie Evans:

Yeah. It is. And it's like in every interaction I have, with people, I'm like, where's that coming from? Oh, primitive brain.

Gary Johannes:

Yeah. Yeah. It's worse when your kids then go, oh, you're in a primitive brain than

Terrie Evans:

I. Yeah.

Gary Johannes:

Puts you worse in there. So what what did you find or what do you find most rewarding about being a solution focused hypnotherapy? Just your work, doing that hypnotherapist work.

Terrie Evans:

I really like the fact that you are helping people find the answers within. We, as human beings, have kind of been conditioned to look externally for things that make us happy. You know, nice car, nice house, you know, clothes, shopping. You know, don't get me wrong. It's nice to have those things, but I know it sounds like a bit of a cliche, but, you know, it it is within you.

Terrie Evans:

And I think what I love about this particular type of therapy is that we help people find that within themselves.

Gary Johannes:


Terrie Evans:

And when you get that moment of, wow. Yeah. You know, I'm attending. It's amazing.

Gary Johannes:

Do you have a you see that can you see the when you're sitting opposite a client in their who's working, and they've come up with their own answer. Do you see it before they say it? It's all like you could just see it click into place and then go, oh, wow. I'll do this.

Terrie Evans:

Yeah. And I think it's you know, we're not looking for massive things to do. It's these little tiny baby steps. And it could be something really simple like I don't know. I was working with a client who was it was about weight management, and his was just going to the shop, excuse me, for an effort to buy some milk.

Terrie Evans:

So he would, you know, have breakfast every day.

Gary Johannes:

Yeah. And it makes a huge

Terrie Evans:

impact to his week. Yeah.

Gary Johannes:

Because we know that the release of dopamine and things like that would encourage him to do one other thing as well and all of a sudden. So Mhmm. That's brilliant. So what advice would you give somebody who's considering a hypnotherapy career, looking at training?

Terrie Evans:

Oh, I think it's sorry. You have to excuse me. So Yeah.

Gary Johannes:

Yeah. You I

Terrie Evans:

have a coughing fit.

Gary Johannes:

That's right. You have a coughing fit.

Terrie Evans:

I suppose in a way, it's understanding that it's not just about the training. You've gotta market yourself as well. So, you know, understand that, you know, you'll do the training, and that's amazing. But, you know, be prepared that you're gonna have to probably make some lifestyle changes as well, which will be for the better. Mhmm.

Terrie Evans:

And you'll want to make those changes.

Gary Johannes:

Yeah. Absolutely. What information did you want before you made that decision if you were given advice to yourself now?

Terrie Evans:

I'm so sorry. Typical. Sorry. Could you repeat that question again, Gary?

Gary Johannes:

What advice would you give to yourself? So if you were now sitting there thinking, I wanna do a hypnotherapy course, what advice would you wish somebody gave you?

Terrie Evans:

Well, I would definitely make sure that you research the school that you approach. I actually narrowed it down to 2.

Gary Johannes:


Terrie Evans:

And I spoke to you. The other one didn't even call me back. So That's just It is a shame.

Gary Johannes:

Not that bad.

Terrie Evans:

But there's lot there's lots of schools out there. Yeah. And, yeah, do your research

Gary Johannes:


Terrie Evans:

And, you know, look at the reviews. Mhmm. Even get in touch with people that have, you know, trained with the with the school. Definitely.

Gary Johannes:

Well, that's really good. So that's the last question. And I know I told you all the questions, but I did have one where I held back, which I'll ask you now.

Terrie Evans:

It's just

Gary Johannes:

a a sneak attack question. Just a little like that. So if you could have a hypnotherapy session with any historical figure, who would it be and why?

Terrie Evans:

Oh god. As in I would be giving them hypnotherapy.

Gary Johannes:


Terrie Evans:

Oh, goodness me. I really have no idea.

Gary Johannes:

You've gotta pick someone.

Terrie Evans:

I know. Oh god. Who would've who would've pick? Princess Diana.

Gary Johannes:

Wow. Why?

Terrie Evans:

Because I think she had a real tough time.

Gary Johannes:


Terrie Evans:

And, you know, it would be nice to sort of, you know, help her understand, you know, what she what she had inside her and whatever else or, I guess. Yeah.

Gary Johannes:


Terrie Evans:

So yeah.

Gary Johannes:

Wow. That's fantastic. So to finish this very short, very, informative little video, make sure we all know how to get a hold of you. So the name of your business and the where what your website is, any socials, any way we anybody listening who chooses to find you and and use you, how would they do that?

Terrie Evans:

So it's actually quite, fitting, really. So my website's just actually been finished, and I've not launched it yet. So this is, exciting. So my website is riseandrenewhypnotherapy.co.uk. My Facebook page is just riseandrenewhypnotherapy.

Terrie Evans:

Instagram is rise_and underscore renew_hympotherapy, and then LinkedIn is rise and renew hypnotherapy. But if you find any of those, there'll be links to them all. So

Gary Johannes:

Yeah. Oh, that's fantastic. Thank you so much for sharing that insight into you and and, what you find so valuable and how you help so many people, and helping yourself and everybody close to you. So that's fantastic. Thank you very much.

Terrie Evans:

Thank you, Gary.

Gary Johannes:

No problem. Bye bye.

Terrie Evans:

Bye bye.