The BLC Connection

In our “foreth” episode Bryan, Karen and Micah find themselves in “The Golf Capital of Tennessee” and talk about…

-The growth of fiber throughout Cumberland County with District Office Manager Tommy Brown and Business Sales Representative Rosa Smith.
-Why do I need the Ben Lomand Home App and what does it do?
-The latest in the Connection Magazine and area events in May.
-Phobia trivia with Micah and much more!

What is The BLC Connection?

The BLC Connection Podcast is a fun and informative show from Ben Lomand Connect that answers your questions about the internet, Wi-Fi, home security and more, and brings you information on the stories and events in “Ben Lomand Country.” Bryan, Karen and Micah take you behind the scenes of Ben Lomand Connect, where the cooperative connects Middle Tennessee with the latest in communications technology and with businesses that are making a difference in our service territory. The BLC Connection Podcast also offers tips for business marketing and residential/workplace technology.

Bryan Kell:
Welcome to the BLC Connection Podcast.

I'm Bryan Kell.

Karen Wilson:
I'm Karen Wilson.

Micah Lawrence:
And I'm Micah Lawrence.

All Hosts:
Let's get connected.

Bryan Kell:
Welcome back to the BLC Connection Podcast, episode number four —
The Search for Spock.

And we have found ourselves inside Cumberland County.

Micah and Karen, welcome to the golf capital of Tennessee.

Karen Wilson:
Thank you. I love Crossville.

Micah Lawrence:
Super excited.

Bryan Kell:
We got a good meal on the way down.

And, you know, it's fitting that we are in the golf capital of

It's the first day of the Masters that we're recording this on.

So a big day for golf.

And so, and we're even going to talk about another type of golf
maybe a little bit later on.

In this episode, a lot going on as we broadcast kind of live to
tape from the Crossville office.

We want to say that in this episode, Karen, we're going to have
some stuff on The Connection Magazine and events in May.

Karen Wilson:
Yes, lots of information coming up on The Connection Magazine,
wonderful businesses in the Crossville area and Bon Air area

that are spotlighted in the magazine.

So we'll get into that.

Bryan Kell:
Also, Micah, we're going to talk about why do folks need the Ben
Lomand app?

Micah Lawrence:
Absolutely. We've talked about the GigaSpires, so now we get to
talk about the companion app that goes along with it.

Bryan Kell:
All right. So we'll be taking a deep dove into those things.

But up next, we're taking you inside Cumberland County with
district manager Tommy Brown and business sales representative

LaRosa Smith.

All that and so much more coming up here on the BLC Connection

We are once again here at the Crossville office here at Ben
Lomand Connect, and we are joined now at this time by a

district manager for Crossville and Cumberland County, Tommy
Brown and ace Business Sales Representative Rosa Smith.

Welcome in the BLC Connection podcast, gang.

Micah Lawrence:
Thanks, Bryan.

Bryan Kell:
All right. First of all, Tommy, you're up, okay.

Tommy Brown:

Bryan Kell:
So, you know, you've been now district manager here in Crossville
about a year.

Getting close to it. Talk about maybe what you've learned as
district manager over the past 365 days or so.

Tommy Brown:
Okay. I've learned that Crossville is the fourth largest landmass
county in the state of Tennessee.

Bryan Kell:
It's a big one.

Tommy Brown:
And it ranks 22nd in population in the state of Tennessee.

And from everything I've seen so far, it's not doing anything
but continuing to grow.

And I also have seen that we have come upon some a lot of
underserved areas in the county, and our plans are to serve them

in the near future.

Bryan Kell:
Yeah, well, and you talk about growth, and you talk about
Cumberland County.

There's been a lot of growth in personnel here at the Cumberland
County Crossville office, staff, contractors.

Talk about how things are ramping up and have been over the past
year over here.

Tommy Brown:
Okay. We've been including myself since last year, we've hired
one other I&R tech,

and the coming year we're going to get to hire another CSR and
another I&R tech.

And we've put in the grant...

Bryan Kell:
For folks that — I&R we can throw around stuff — install and

Just want to in case anybody is curious.

Tommy Brown:
And from all the grants that we're doing up here this year, we
have 45 contractors working up here,

working on grants.

28 of them are aerial crews, 11 buried, four splicers and two

So we've got 45 contractors working up here, working on grant

Bryan Kell:
It's crazy busy up here, isn't it?

It really is.

Micah Lawrence:
All right. So, Rosa, we know you're a longtime Cumberland County

Talk about the changes of growth that you're seeing throughout
the business and residential communities, plus the old VolFirst

days until let's say, today.

Rosa Smith:
So, yeah, I'm a longtime Cumberland County resident.

I love Cumberland County.

VolFirst initially came to Crossville with a focus to provide
services to businesses within the city limits of Crossville.

At that time, we offered analog dial tone lines through copper
hardwired PBX systems, and believe it or not, dial

up services.

And residential customers would come in was so excited about
coming in and getting their disc to connect to dial up.

Within a couple of years we started including DSL connections,
2.0 megs to 5.0 megs, and these were

offered to business customers within that city limits.

Business customers began to grow with Ben Lomand.

Y'all remember "A Field of Dreams," what was the most popular
saying in Field of Dreams?

Bryan Kell:
"If you build it, he will come."

Rosa Smith:
Yes. Ben Lomand Connect started offering fiber to the home.

So with that, of course, we started to reach out to residential
areas at that time, and also


In 2020, the world changed as we all know.

The horrible pandemic of COVID-19 came.

This affected how businesses and residential customers operated

Technology was needed.

Ben Lomand Fiber made it possible for businesses and residential
customers to continue to operate.

Ben Lomand businesses and residential customers continue to
increase, with Cumberland County being the highest number of

business customers.

Micah Lawrence:
So Rosa, you know, we've talked about before on here about how
fiber in our area is

kind of uncommon through like bigger cities and things like

And, you know, people say, "Oh, you're given gig/gig." What's
been your experience with talking to these businesses?

You know, when you say, "Hey, we only offer one speed.

It's gig/gig." And, you know, $57.95.

What do you hearing them say from that?

Rosa Smith:
With businesses, they're shocked that Cumberland County can
provide such support, such high speed and the

technology that they need to be able to operate at such a great

Micah Lawrence:
Sure. What kind of business are you seeing utilize these fast
speeds and you know, who's saying, you know, I need as much

bandwidth as you can give me?

Rosa Smith:
Believe it or not, your small mom and pop businesses are needing
the high technology just as much as your higher

school systems, medical practices, real estate agents.

They're all needing that technology to be able to continue to

Micah Lawrence:

Bryan Kell:
Once again, we're glad to be here in the Crossville office doing
this BLC Connection Podcast here in Cumberland County, and Tommy

Brown and Rosa Smith have joined us.

Tommy, you talked about growth, and you can't talk about growth
in Cumberland County without talking about the grants that Ben

Lomand has been fortunate to be able to be a part of, and ones
that we are still putting in for.

So talk about, give us an update for folks that are listening
that are curious around the area.

What's the latest on grants with Cumberland County?

Tommy Brown:
Well, as you well know, we've currently received five grants, one
of those being Sunset Ridge.

And we have a 95% penetration in that area.

We're doing Highway 127, which is the first ECD grant, and we've
hooked up to remotes

there already, and we have a 73% take rate and a 67% take rate
in the two remotes that we've hooked up.

Bryan Kell:
Just so in case people are curious, the ECD grant, that's the
state grant, economic development grant on that side.

Tommy Brown:
Correct. We've also got three other remotes in the first grant
that we're in the process of hooking up.

And then the second ECD grant, we're in the process of setting
three vaults in that area

and also some of the CS25 is going to have 1,152 fibers leaving

26 is going to have 936, and CS39 is going to have 936.

So we're setting vaults at all three of these locations because
if you go sometimes if you go above 750, they want you to

sort of vault instead of a remote.

And now when you're setting a vault, it's going to be an 8x12
structure, eight foot wide and 12 foot long.

And it has everything like the remote in the cross connect tab,
but it's all inside it.

So it gives you a better sense of having more equipment and
stuff to work with inside.

Bryan Kell:
It's way more fibers going into it.

Tommy Brown:
Way more fibers going into it.

Micah Lawrence:
And correct me if I'm wrong with vaults and remotes, you know,
vaults are more temperature controlled.

You know, able to house more equipment.

Of course, with more equipment means more heat.

Tommy Brown:
It does.

Micah Lawrence:
So there is a big difference between a vault and a remote.

Tommy Brown:
You're right, the remotes run off of a single fan to keep them
cool and the actual vaults will run off of a huge fan that's

located on the back.

And like you say, it does keep better air conditioning and
better heating during the summer and the winter.

Bryan Kell:
In the last podcast, both board president Roger Bynum and vice

of the board Cain Rogers spoke about how important Cumberland
County is to Ben Lomand and being able to cover as much as we

can. I daresay that we are probably still applying for grants to
help with that.

Do you want to kind of give us a little bit of maybe of a tease
as far as just how how much we're looking to try to cover in

Cumberland County?

Tommy Brown:
Correct. We have put in for one ECD grant and a Reconnect grant
for this coming year.

And they're fairly large.

Bryan Kell:
Sizable, okay.

Tommy Brown:
And actually they sort of somewhat overlap.

The Reconnect and the ECD grants that we put in for.

So if, you know, if we don't per se get one, we can get the

And so that is something we have put in for.

Micah Lawrence:
So Rosa, we're learning that fiber is being built out great in
Cumberland County.

We know that you have a lot of businesses that you have to deal

What are some of the biggest questions that businesses, business
customers, ask and how can BLC help with with these questions?

How can we answer that?

Rosa Smith:
So one of the questions that I get a lot is "Is Ben Lomand
Connect a local company?" So you go out and business

customers are actually looking for someone to do service with
that's going to have that local support.

And so, I'm really excited to say to them that absolutely the
corporate office is located in McMinnville, Tennessee.

Another question I get a lot is "What services can Ben Lomand
offer me?" What all can we

do? Can we include everything in one bill?

Can we provide all the services that they need?

So I totally let them know.

Ben Lomand specializes in fiber optic services that can deliver
voice, data, TV service.

We offer security cameras and also managed services.

Micah Lawrence:
Oh, I like that managed IT.

Bryan Kell:
I'm not familiar with this managed IT service.

We'll have to learn more about that later.

Rosa Smith:
And so, they also if they have a problem with any of our products
and services, can they talk to someone locally?

Ben Lomand Connect offers a network support system that's open

We have a local phone number that they can call and talk to
local people.

And another thing that I get with businesses, they're totally
excited about coming on board, but they want

to know if we can provide service to their residential home.

So what I explain to them is we continue to expand our services.

We verify we can provide service to a certain location.

They can call our local office 931-484-5097 or stop by our
office and our customer service reps would be happy to

assist them in looking at their areas.

Micah Lawrence:
So Rosa, one of the services that we provide, we call it hosted.

Some people might have heard it called Voice over IP or VoIP.

And I know you deal with a lot of business customers.

Why is this important to them?

What is VoIP?

You know, why would a business even want something like this?

Rosa Smith:
So VoIP or hosted, VoIP is voice over Internet protocol.

It is a technology that allows you to make voice calls using a
broadband Internet connection instead of an analog phone line.

2020 VoIP allow businesses to continue to work during this
pandemic that we were in.

The VoIP allow business customers to work remotely, follow CDC
guidelines during that time.

VoIP also can connect multiple locations together while saving
big money and not paying for analog lines.

Micah Lawrence:
So when someone asks for hosted, or they ask for VoIP, what do
you think is the biggest selling feature of this service

that, you know, they're like, "Man, we just love this part of

Rosa Smith:
First of all, I think with businesses, it allows them to connect
multiple locations together.

They can dial three digit extensions from other locations.

They can operate it from their cell phones.

It's cloud based, so they can pull it up at any location.

Micah Lawrence:
So no more big, huge, you know, PBX boxes in their closets in the

Rosa Smith:
Correct. And they love that they have control over their system.

Bryan Kell:
Oh, yes.

Rosa Smith:
And so they can log in at any time if they have, especially, God
forbid, a disaster is totally big for them on

disaster recovery.

Micah Lawrence:
Yeah, I know a lot of the customers we've talked to before, you
know, they like the idea that let's say a big snow comes, and

they just can't quite get to the office.

The old way of having to do it is you have to drive all the way
to the office.

You have to forward the phones or change the phones, whatever
you have to do there.

But then to now be able to sit at your house and make the change
to the phone to say, all right, today we want it to ring our cell

phones because we just can't make it to the office.

I'd say that's a great feature that they like.

Rosa Smith:
Absolutely. And already having a prerecorded message that they
can upload within seconds to state that they've had to close due

to bad weather. So businesses love that.

Micah Lawrence:
Absolutely. So, Rosa, I know you love selling.

Rosa Smith:
I love it.

Micah Lawrence:
I know you enjoy it.

I can see it in your face.

Your customers know it.

What is your favorite part of selling our services?

Rosa Smith:
I have lots of favorites about selling Ben Lomand products and

However, the most important I would have to say is having a
product that most business and residential customers need, and

that's the fiber optic services.

Tommy Brown:

Bryan Kell:
Tommy, and really I'll start with you on just overall, but then
I'll pivot over to Rosa too, in case folks want to know, from a

business someone is listening to this and want to know how to
get a hold of on the business side.

But if somebody is wanting to know more about our services, how
to get in touch with us, especially, "Hey, is fiber coming to me?

Is not coming to me?" We definitely know they like to reach out
through Facebook messenger and things like that.

But how, what is the preferred way for somebody in Cumberland
County to say, "Hey, are you guys coming to me?" Or what's the


Tommy Brown:
What they simply need to do is just call into the girls, and they
will be able to tell them whether they're in an area we already

serve or whether they're in an area that we're going to try to
serve with a grant or whatever would be the first thing I would


And we'll have some kind of answer to give them.

It may not always be the one that they want to hear, but some of
them end up in an area that we don't

currently serve, you know?

Bryan Kell:
So be sure and just reach out here locally at the office.

There's great folks here to be able to do that.

I'll pivot to you now, Rosa.

You cover not only Cumberland County.

I think I'm still right on this, White county and also Van Buren
as well.

So if somebody's listening to a business person and they're
curious about Ben Lomand services, what can they do to be able to

talk to you about their business services?

Rosa Smith:
So they can always reach out to me at the 484-5097.

As for me, if I'm not available, we also have a business team of
inside sales reps that can speak with them.

Leave a message for me, and we can get back with them.

Bryan Kell:
Yeah. Here's the biggest thing.

There's a team. There's a team working on the business side of

There's a team working with residential customers.

Ben Lomand has tried to beef up over over the years the amount
of folks to be able to help, whether it's a business or

residential customer with information.

And that's key.

Rosa Smith:

Bryan Kell:
All right. Well, guys, thank you all so much.

We're going to let you guys get back to work.

And thank you for allowing us to come to the Crossville office

Rosa Smith:
Thank you.

Tommy Brown:
Thank you.

Bryan Kell:
All right. Thank you, guys.

Karen Wilson:
This is the BLC Connection Podcast, and it is time for our
Connected Home segment.

I'm Karen Wilson, and Micah and Brian are back educating us on a
powerful tool to have in your arsenal of

apps, the Ben Lomand Home app.

So welcome back, guys.

You had a great segment with Rosa and Tommy from the Crossville

That was very informative.

Let's start with something light and kind of fun.

Micah, let's start with you.

If you had to live or die by an app on your phone, what do you
love that is your favorite app?

Micah Lawrence:
So I'd say right now I am enjoying an app called UDisc.

And what this is, is my brother and I, since probably August,
we've picked up the sport of disc


Very similar to golf golf.

Golf golf. I love that.

That's good. But it's using Frisbees, not not quite the same size
as normal Frisbees, but there's,

like my bag has probably got 20 different disc in them in each
one do something different.

You know, I might need the disc to go, right.

I might need to go left.

I might need it to roll on the ground.

You know, there's lots of different discs.

You know, there's one that's meant to throw really far, and
there's one meant to be kind of like a putter, you know,

Karen Wilson:
Like a club.

Micah Lawrence:
For a close shot. So what the UDisc app does, it first of all, it
keeps up with all kinds of disc golf

courses around the US.

And in particular there's one here in Crossville.

It's very recent.

I think it just came online probably last year, sometime.

Maybe the end of last year and, you know, shows us how to get

You know, how many holes of golf are there, you know, whether
it's nine or 18 or even more than that.

What also I like about it is when someone goes and plays there,
it asks you, well, what are the conditions here?

You know, like, are they keeping it mowed?

Are they, you know, is there construction maybe going around
here, and you can put whether it's fair, horrible?

You know, my brother and I played one in Nashville that, you
know, if you weren't careful, the mosquitoes would take your disc

off because there were so many.

I mean, it was awful because it was kind of in a swamp area.

So, you know, you can give reviews of golf course so that, you
know, is this worth going to drive to?

I will tell you, the one here in Crossville is definitely a nice
course, definitely cool to see.

And most of the courses around here in this area don't cost you
a thing to go and play.

So great thing during the pandemic when we were dealing with

Then also now just to get outside.

Good thing to take kids.

It's really easy to do, you know, lots of fun.

So this app is what I use to do.

It keeps up with our scoring, keeps up with any events that might
be happening around the area.

It's really great. You can even measure how far your throws are.

Bryan Kell:
I was going to say distance is a big part of that too.

Micah Lawrence:
It keeps up your distance keeps up with how many — you can even
mark where you threw it on a map like a Google map.

You can keep up with what discs are in your bag.

There's so many different things you can do, but extremely handy
for me right now.

Karen Wilson:
Good. That sounds like fun.

And, you know, disc golf.

And we're in golf golf world here in Crossville too, so perfect

Bryan, what about to you, what do you look at on a daily basis?

Bryan Kell:
Karen's not going to be surprised by this one, but I'm a big
music guy.

Go figure. And but Spotify.

That Spotify app that I've got.

I love the fact that you can be able to like your own songs and
kind of bring those in and download them to your phone for easy

access. If you ever do find yourself in an area to where you
don't have WiFi access, you're not connected.

Then, they're already sitting there.

I think I've got — this probably tells how big of an addict I
am — but I think I've got 3,100 songs just in the stuff that I

like. But what I really love about it is based on your likes,
they'll make suggestions to you, whether it's the Discover weekly

drops that they do.

Hey, you like these kind of songs?

So here's some new stuff that's coming out that you might like.

Or here are some ones that you might have missed that maybe have
fallen through the cracks.

And so it's a really cool — for folks that really like music —
it's a great way to both experience new music, but then also take

you back to your driving the strip days back in, you know, in
McMinnville and all that kind of stuff.

Or, you know, just kind of relive some great moments in times
through music and also, like we said, discover some new stuff.

So yeah, my Spotify app is.

Sirius XM is also pretty close too because they do a lot of

But yes, if I'm on a desert island, it needs to be Spotify.

Micah Lawrence:
So is that when you were out on the strip with your horse and
buggy and?

Bryan Kell:

Micah Lawrence:
Was it that long ago?

Bryan Kell:
Yes, it was that long and yeah, my Edsel too, from time to time.

Yeah, it was that.

Karen Wilson:
Well, apps certainly have, I think, made a huge impact.

I can remember just, you know, what didn't seem like but a few
years ago I was like an app, what's an app?

And now they are so handy from banking to ordering food to all
kinds of different things, I mean.

There is an app to keep up with your fitness, to keep up with

My guilty pleasure that I should not fess up about is Mobile

Bryan Kell:
Oh, wow. Yeah, there's a lot of people that look at that.


Karen Wilson:
That's terrible.

But all of them are a lot of fun.

And not just fun.

Very practical, too.

So let's talk about, I guess, with the Ben Lomand Home app, what
services work in conjunction with the app.

Bryan Kell:
Okay. So this is a perfect companion to our one speed, one price,

connection for homes.

And so this gives you an ability to take control of some of the
things that in the past people like Micah had to help you with.

And I know he's going to talk about some of that stuff later on,
but yes, it is built for that fiber experience when it comes down

to managing devices, being able to look at connection quality,
to be able to look

at receiving information, important information.

So it works in conjunction with that.

I'll hit on a few things here and then, you know, but when it
comes down to — I'll mention notifications.

If there is a outage that is over a significant portion of our
territory or you

know, that's going on, especially sometimes if you're at work
during the day, it would help if you've got this app to be able

to receive a push notification to come through to say, "Hey, by
the way, in your area in White County, currently there is an

outage being experienced. We have personnel." Micah's been one
of those folks working on that kind of stuff.

And we are, you know, that can help save phone calls.

It can help save — you feel like you are getting the latest
information straight to us.

You're not having to listen to another person tell you that,
hoping that you hear it on any number of different platforms like

Facebook or Twitter or even Instagram.

It's coming straight to you.

So that is a very valuable piece that it allows us to speak to
the customer directly to their cell phone or to their smartphone.

I can see just by jumping on this app that it is connected, that
I'm connected, and I've got connection at the house.

And yeah, like I said, just the ability to be able to work in
conjunction with our fiber is so very key.

Karen Wilson:
Okay, let's go back to the ability, or start I guess with the
ability to change your network profile.

Which is very handy, and then you can add and remove devices.

Let's start with what a profile is.

Are profiles people in our homes?

Bryan Kell:
They sure are. Yeah. So with with my particular profile, I've got

I've got my wife, and I've got my son.

And so if I want to, I can create a profile.

I can grab any picture I want to have to represent that - or
image - to represent that person.

And I can move devices underneath each of those different

If my wife has an Apple Watch, then I can put that under there.

Now, why is that important?

First of all, it groups everything together to the devices
somebody uses.

It can also be very helpful too if you have younger children.

I don't think I would do this to my 22 year old, but if I wanted
to shut down Internet access to his devices, I can do that.

And so it helps with being able to keep people, you know,
focused on homework and all of the stuff that Micah has been kind

of probably having to go through with his young daughter.

But, yes, it makes for really easy access to be able to take a
look at someone's devices.

Are they connected? What's the connection quality that's there?

So very easy to be able to gain access to for management.

And while some people may not need a lot of that type
management, we have tons of people I know that work within our

offices that are raising kids or grandkids and focus can be a
problem at times and being able to get focused on the things that

you want done, whether it's housework or homework or things like
that, that can play a big part of just saying, you know what,

we're not going to allow any Internet access to these devices,
right Micah?

Micah Lawrence:
Absolutely. You know, there's going to be times when, you know,
you're not for sure about what some of these

devices are.

Being able to group them and know them as you add them helps a
whole lot because then when some new device comes online, you

know, (1) not only will you get a notification saying that a new
device came online, but also you can you can say, "Oh, what is

that? Maybe I need to go track that down to find out who that
is, or what just got put on my network."

Bryan Kell:
Yeah. And Micah has probably seen this before to where taking
phone calls and saying, "I think that my neighbor might have

access." So, I mean, sometimes neighbors are very friendly with
each other, and they share information like, "Oh, sure, jump on

my network, and that's not a problem." And then there's a
falling out and you don't want that your neighbor to have

access. And so when you see that device, and you get that push
notification going.

"I don't know what this is." Maybe you need to change your
network password.

We'll talk more about how to do that, I guess a little bit.

Karen Wilson:
Yeah, I thought that was an interesting feature because sometimes
we have, you know, we want to change our password and stuff.

And so the app also gives us the ability to do that.

Micah Lawrence:
That's right. So one of the things that we had when we were
taking tech support calls early on, when wireless first started

becoming very popular, is, you know, how do I change my

Because if anybody has seen any of the passwords to not just our
routers but anybody else's, they

are awfully long.

Gibberish. They usually make no sense whatsoever.

And the ability to change it once it's installed, we didn't have
access to do that.

So what we've done with this is you have the ability to go in
there and to change it, to be whatever you want it to be.

That way, you know, you can remember it, you can share it with

You know, you don't have to have this big, long, massive code
hidden somewhere and have to go find that paper just to get some

new device online. So this makes it very valuable for for being
able to share that password.

Karen Wilson:
Speaking of new devices, we all have guests that come in our
home, especially as our teenagers or family members

come and spend the day or spend the evening, and they want to
utilize our Wi-Fi.

And I know there's a way with this app you can give them access
without releasing

your password to them.

How does that work?

Micah Lawrence:
Yeah. So with this, you have the ability to create a guest

And, you know, a lot of people say, "Well, why don't I just, why
don't I just give them my password, and be done with it?

I don't really care." Well, what a lot of people don't also
understand is, is people unintentionally bring in devices that

could be infected.

And what this allows you to do is most guest networks are
segregated from everything else.

So that way you can give them a password to their own network, a
password in which you can set that's not the same as yours.

So you also have a lot of other features, and I'm talking a
little bit beyond Ben Lomand home, but you know, you have

features where if it is a guest network, you can restrict how
much bandwidth they use.

Because you know, most businesses that have a guest network, you
don't want one user like let's say in a hotel, one user using

all the bandwidth.

So guest networks are important, and I would recommend people
use them.

Even if it's a family member you trust, it's just let's set up a
guest network just in case, keep them separated.

And the good thing about Ben Lomand Home is you can have full
control of this.

You can set this up in the app where traditionally, you know,
before this you couldn't really do that unless you had some

networking experience on how to set that up.

And so that's the beauty of Ben Lomand Home is, is it's taken,
you know, someone that does not have networking certifications

and allowing them to make the changes that they need to.

Bryan Kell:
And the beautiful part about this is, too, is that you can do
this in a one time setup situation.

So if you want this just to come on for one day, for a few
hours, great, set it up to do that.

It comes on a certain time, goes off at a certain time.

If you want to set up for a weekend, set up for a weekend.

Set it up to go on Friday and off on Sunday, and you do all that
and it'll just take care of it.

So like Micah said, if you've got guests coming over, you've got
a weekend slumber party with the kids or something, set it up for

the kids to be able to do that, and it just comes on and goes

So it's beautiful.

Micah Lawrence:
Yeah. And Bryan mentioned schedules so, you know, so that people
understand another feature of this is, you can set schedules

of when that wireless network is available.

And this is important.

And the reason why it's important is because when you have kids
at home that, let's say after, I don't know, 9:00 or so, there's

no need for them to be on the Internet.

You can shut that off to where they can't get on it.

You know, 9:00 rolls around, you better get off your game
because it's going to quit immediately.

Bryan Kell:
That tablet is not going to connect.

Micah Lawrence:
Your tablet is not going to connect.

So you have that ability to do that.

Or, you know, as I mentioned in one of our other podcasts that
if you want to set it up to where you can change passwords or

change schedules and to the point where you say, "Hey, clean
your room.

Once you clean your room, then I'll give you access again.

But until then, not going to work." So that's another great
feature of the Ben Lomand Home app.

Karen Wilson:
Yeah. So it sounds like it's all about control, which we need
some control over what goes on in our homes and the

sites that they're accessing and mostly the time of day and
things like that.

So great, and it's so easy to use.

You know, it's a very powerful app.

Let's talk about, I guess, how easy it is to download and to use
and what the cost of it is.

Bryan Kell:
Yeah. So the beautiful part about this is, is that if you've got
our, our Ben Lomand Home package,

which for some people that are out there, they may not realize,
maybe they've not called in, but if they were paying the

wireless fee. If you're paying the wireless fee, then you are
already paying for Ben Lomand Home.

So there's a very large percentage of people that are already
paying for this, but you've got the ability to be able to.

If you're not, it's only $3, and you can be able to download that
app and start taking control.

It's found on the Android Marketplace and also on the Apple

Very easy to download.

And like we said, it's part of that Ben Lomand Home package, and
we've talked about this before.

It's almost like you've got, for $3 a month.

It's the GigaSpire router, which we talked about in the last
podcast, it's the Ben Lomond Home app, and it's the Customer

Support Center. That's another great piece of that.

So in some ways, it's like you're paying a dollar for this kind
of management device and control that you can be able to bring

about in your house.

Karen Wilson:
Thank you, gentlemen.

This has been so informative.

I have to say I love apps, but I had not got in and just taken a
deep dive into this.

So that's been very helpful.

And then next month, we're going to talk about some other
features that are compatible with the app.

Won't you tell us about that Bryan.

Bryan Kell:
Yeah, so we're going to talk about Experience IQ and Protect IQ.

So we talked, Micah especially talked a lot, about being able to

better control your devices, especially if you've got children
and things like that.

Experience IQ can add an extra level of allowing you to be able
to help protect your

kids from content and also be able to manage different
applications and sites that they can go to or maybe they can't go

to. And then protect IQ, that extra layer of just overall
protection that, as Micah talked about, bringing devices into

your home sometimes can carry some consequences with them.

And so protect IQ helps be able to create an extra layer or extra
barrier to prevent those malicious type attacks.

And so yeah, next month we'll be talking, or next podcast I
should say, Experience IQ and Protect IQ.

Karen Wilson:
So you heard it here first.

If you're sick of looking at your child on TikTok, tune in next

We have a remedy for that.

Thank you, guys, for sharing all that information for this
segment of the Connected Home.

Micah Lawrence:
Now, we're back with Connect with BLC.

Karen, what can we see coming out of The Connection Magazine for

Karen Wilson:
All right. We have some great stories, and I'm thrilled we're in
Crossville doing this because the cover story is the Tennessee's

largest rural theater.

You guys want to take a guess as to what that is?

Bryan Kell:
Cumberland County Playhouse.

Karen Wilson:
That's right. One of my...

I think on my first.

Bryan Kell:
I didn't think about that til you just said, that's perfect.

Karen Wilson:
I think I saw my first play ever.

The school would come up here to the Cumberland County
Playhouse, probably "Fiddler on the Roof" or "Quilters" or

something like that.

Micah Lawrence:
Oh, yeah.

Karen Wilson:
Yeah. That's great.

So and also on the way up here, we passed a wonderful business
called Hillis Meat Processing, which is owned by Luke and

Kara Hillis. That's in Bon Air.

Got a great story on them.

Also a little just customer information, bandwidth versus speed.

You know what each of them are, and what the difference is
between them.

And then also just some information you hear a lot now about

There's a great article explaining what that is.

And then one of my favorite articles is yoga retreats in the

Ommmmm. Yeah,

Bryan Kell:
Getting centered.

Karen Wilson:
I like the idea of yoga.

I don't really do yoga.

It's much harder than what it looks like.

They make it look so easy, but there's a lot of balance and

And I'm not about that.

Micah Lawrence:
It doesn't work for me.

Fat boys weren't meant to do that stuff.

Bryan Kell:
I'm right there with you.

Karen Wilson:
Downward dog or whatever stretching.

I like the part at the end where they're giving you the
essential oils and stuff.

And after that, I'm done.

So, yeah.

Micah Lawrence:
All right, great. Well, Bryan, we know that April showers bring
May flowers.

What can we expect of events around our service territory?

Bryan Kell:
Well, May flowers true, but there's still some, believe it or
not, we're expecting some a little bit of frost/snow that's going

on when we're recording this this weekend.

In looking at our WiFi van and what usually takes place, June is
really when we start kicking things off outdoors, and we'll be

outdoors for probably three straight months, four straight
months with that and other things.

So we're probably another podcast away from talking about where
the WiFi van and major events that are going on outside.

So we're still kind of indoors just a little bit in May.

The good old Cumberland County Playhouse, as Karen mentioned,
which Marvin and Thelma Kell sent their grandsons there all the

time and loved it, still love it.

"On Golden Pond" May 20th through August 11th.

This kind of a great movie for folks like us.

The Palace Theater in Crossville, Wade Hayes.

Six top ten country hits.

He's going to be playing May 27th again, the Palace Theater here
in Crossville, the Caverns in Pelham, Weird Al Yankovic is going

to be there. Five time Grammy winner.

I did not know that he was a multi Grammy winner, May 27th and

It's an underground show.

So two nights to be able to catch Weird Al.

And then in the Park Theater in McMinnville on May 28 six time
Grammy winner, 35 number one country hits, which is third behind

George Strait and Conway Twitty all time, Ronnie Milsap will be
playing the Park Theater on May 28th in McMinnville.

I want to go to that concert.

Karen Wilson:
"Smokey Mountain Rain." That's some good stuff.

Bryan Kell:
Yes, "There's a Stranger in My House," all that stuff so.

Some really, really great artists playing around in our service
area for the month of May.

Micah Lawrence:
Awesome. Thank you, guys.

Bryan Kell:
Go ahead, Micah.

Micah Lawrence:
It's that time again.

Bryan Kell:
He pauses like we're not going to include it.

And we always do include it.


Karen Wilson:
This is fun.

Bryan Kell:
It is. It is.

Micah Lawrence:
I'm going to do something a little different today.

Oh, no.

Bryan Kell:
I will say this. Leading into this, it's baseball opening day
that we're also recording this on.

We're batting .333, two for six, so far on this Ye Olde

So we're trying to maintain above three.

You can go to a Hall of Fame on a .333 batting average, so bring
it on.

Micah Lawrence:
All I got to say is "math nerd."

Bryan Kell:
No, just a baseball nerd.

Not a math nerd. Just a baseball nerd.

Micah Lawrence:
All right. So we're going to do something a little different

So we're going to talk about two different phobias and wanting
to see if you can guess the phobia.

Karen Wilson:

Micah Lawrence:
All right. The first one is astraphobia.

Bryan Kell:
And we need to kind of probably agree on with this.

I think of space and astra, sky.

Karen Wilson:
Yeah, I would concur with that.

Bryan Kell:
Would you say the fear of the sky falling or something like that?

Karen Wilson:
Or getting hit by a meteor or something like that?

Bryan Kell:
Sure. Yeah.

Karen Wilson:
Fear of space, maybe?

Bryan Kell:
Yeah, I could see any of those.

Karen Wilson:
Are we anywhere in the right?

Micah Lawrence:
Yeah. You're in the ballpark.

You're in the ballpark.

All right. Astraphobia is the fear of storms.

Bryan Kell:
So sky. So sky.

Stuff coming in. Wow.

Micah Lawrence:
Yeah. So that was very impressive.

Okay. All right, so the second one I've got for you is


Bryan Kell:
We talked a lot about cooking on the drive down here, so the fear
of three plates.

Karen Wilson:
Three frying pans flying through the air.


Bryan Kell:
How do you spell that?

Micah Lawrence:
Try. T-R-Y.

Bryan Kell:

Micah Lawrence:
Pano. P-A-N-O.


Karen Wilson:
I don't know.

Bryan Kell:
I don't have a clue.


Karen Wilson:
Yeah. We'll go with the crazy frying pan theory.

Bryan Kell:
We'll go with the fear of cooking.

Micah Lawrence:
Nowhere close.

Bryan Kell:
Okay. What is it?

Micah Lawrence:
It is the fear of needles.

Bryan Kell:
Trypan...I don't know. I wonder if what they are...

Karen Wilson:
I wonder how the Latin connects with that.

Bryan Kell:
That's true.

Micah Lawrence:
I'm sure there's something in there.

But anyways, thought that would be kind of different.

Something cool.

Karen Wilson:
Yeah. Thank you.

We learn something every time, Micah.

Bryan Kell:
Learning is power.

Micah Lawrence:
Thank you, guys. That's your summary for your Connect with BLC.

Bryan Kell:
All right, gang. It's another podcast in the books as we wrap
things up here in Crossville.

Just a couple of notes here.

Cumberland Mountain State Park has always been a great place up
here in Cumberland County.

And Karen, folks may not know this, is that when folks stay at
Cumberland Mountain State Park, they can see BL TV and BL

TV Channel Six and all the great programing that we are able to
bring, and also experience our broadband, our fiber broadband.

So I know that we talked about the Playhouse and Cumberland
Mountain State Park, and so just some great places that folks can

come and that come in from all across the United States to be
able to see this stuff that we've got going on.

Karen Wilson:
Yeah, that is a nice park, lots of great things.

But it's so cool to be out in nature, but yet you still can be

There's some of us that are like quasi campers, you know, that
would be me.

Bryan Kell:
Me too.

Karen Wilson:
And so that park is perfect if you want to experience the
outdoors without doing it from a tent and totally roughing


Bryan Kell:
And then they've got the ability to do that from the tent over

And Micah, if folks want to check out this particular podcast
and maybe they're listening to it on our website, but they

want to know where else it can be at, where can they find us at,
and how can they get in touch with us, too?

Micah Lawrence:
Sure, sure. The BLC Podcast can be found on Spotify, the Apple
Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Amazon,

iHeart Radio. As we said last time, some I've never heard of
before, but.

Bryan Kell:
Deezer or something like that.

Micah Lawrence:
Yeah, something, something crazy we've never heard of, but it's
available everywhere.

And one thing we want a lot of people to do is please submit us
some questions.

We absolutely want to hear what you have to say.

Some, you know, tell us we're doing a good job, bad job.

You know, Bryan Kell's jokes are not funny, you know, anything
of that nature.

But you can contact us via our Facebook page, Instagram, Twitter
or LinkedIn accounts, or you can just email us at

Bryan Kell:
All right. Thank you, Micah. The mini episodes here with the
connection podcast, Karen, they are chugging right along.

Karen Wilson:
I know. Those are like something I really enjoy.

I'm going to leave this up to surprise.

I've got some ideas brewing in my pot, making connections and
things like that with lots of small businesses.

So more to come for the next month on a great mini episode.

Tune in.

Bryan Kell:
A May surprise from Karen.

So be sure and check out on that.

All right, another podcast in the books, gang.

Thanks so much. So for Micah, for Karen, for me.

Thanks for listening.

Stay safe. And by all means, stay connected.