Work in Crypto & Web3. Community Chats with Crypto Jobs List

A chat with Web3Auth Team (previously Torus Labs) on making Web3 authentication easy and their recent funding round.

Show Notes

We recently had a Twitter Space interaction with the team at Web3Auth which was turned into this podcast episode. Previously known as Torus Labs, they recently raised $13 million to make Web3 authentication and wallets simple for average users. We discussed the various opportunities available in Web3 space, how Web3Auth made their first hires, and how the make a remote team work.

This is a recording of the Twitter Space that took place on 21 January 2022.


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Founder, CryptoJobsList — best jobs in crypto & web3

What is Work in Crypto & Web3. Community Chats with Crypto Jobs List?

Conversations with founders, community members and hiring managers in cryptocurrency and blockchain companies about what's it's like to work in crypto.
Covering crypto work culture, tools, day to days and workflow, hiring process and tips, how to find a job in crypto and more!

Hosted by Raman @ksaitor and Crypto Jobs List team on Twitter Spaces.

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Hey Shantanya I'm pronouncing an incorrect Lee how you doing man it's the way you push Jen to join.

Tell me you'd just click the mic button at the bottom left yeah hey you can call me okay that's cool yeah. Awesome. Yep. Like do like the beverage.

I'm sorry.

Like to beverage. Yeah, exactly like the beverage. Awesome. Cool. How you doing, man? I'm doing good, yes. I just realized that you know you could just have to join for the phone. You can't join on the speaker from the, you know, laptop. That's weird.

Yeah. Yeah. 1 day, 1 day, one's Twitter finishes.

With the NFC integration they may be able to do this on desktop that'll be good. Yeah. You know there were busy at you know confusing everyone. Bro. Yeah.

Call RR rates so at a speaker with 3 hours let's see.

Here we go. There we go. Yes we can. Perfect.

Yes yes we can. I would I would also recommend wearing earphones. Probably probably I'll try to do better job I'd like notifying you guys that Twitter's pieces is mobile only.

And if you wanna like participate as important too ideally to use just a wire headphones.

I used to host a few of them previously with AirPods and did volume was like all around the place so having a pair of headphones.

Is advisable. Johnny, can you can you hear us?

Chai I assume that was Jan trying to connect. Yeah I can hear you. I'm not sure Ben is here.

Yes I can hear you guys but I hear you guys are very lagged I hear you guys at a very.

I think are you.

Make sure you're on a like four G I think sometimes worse much better than WiFi.

There's like a good 10 seconds before I hear you guys to be honest with you. Tryna do reconnecting or try to get into,

I don't know for,

Four G or five G connection instead of instead of using WiFi. Okay, let me just try that. I'm I'm so sorry. Five,

Child yourself can go ahead first if you guys would like. Yeah. Yeah, just another also another potential reason is like if you're on VPN, make sure that it doesn't route through some crazy path that is far away from existing location.

Alright. While Janice trying to reconnect, shall we get started?

If you're ready to you know. Sure. Transfer some big questions.

You know do the small talk you know.

Hey everyone who's,

Join us here today. I'm seeing a few people asking for speaker requests.

Requesting speaker positions will we'll have a space for Q&A add towards the end and I think we'll we'll do like the main,

Section will be about a 2030, 40 minutes. We'll see how.

How far will it go? And then after that we'll we'll open for Q&A. So AB booky thanks so much for for you know asking for

Speaker position I'll I'll gradually later make sure you prepare some good questions right Jen can you can you hear no lag molag.

That's like sounds like there's a problem online.

Wow. Okay. Anyway, the live is more or less about the same.

I think you guys go ahead.

Yeah just seen it in the meantime try to you know reconnect through a different network or through.

You know, different account. That's that's also can be specific. It could be a reason for the for the lag. Anyway, alright. So welcome everyone. We're doing these weekly. I think we had a bit of a break during the,

New Year's and Christmas time and we pretty much talked to founders and a chart teams at Wep three crypto companies,

Chatting about the culture, how what the project of course is about, how they've scaled their team, what is like to work.

In in crypto in about three full time and of course they'll be opportunity for for the company to share like you know who are they hiring for right now,

And you know,

For everyone else who's listening you guys prepare questions maybe this is gonna be your golden hour to be getting full time into the space with with the company so anyway today we have wet three off,

Previously I scored tourists and went 3 hours yesterday they do authentication.

But you know I'm not gonna be putting words in eating you guys mouth so I just like let you guys use your sauce and like share a bit more what the what three out is is about.

Yeah oh Zen drop up okay yeah.

Hello all the older responsibilities on you man. Oh man. Okay no problem. Yeah. So.

Yes, go ahead. Yeah, can you please repeat the question? Yeah, sure. So, that's why yeah. Sure.

Yeah congrats once again on your recent reband and just like you used to be called Taurus now you guys are web three off amazing name super excited for you,

Evangelist. This is so good. Anyway, just tell us what you guys do. What's special about what three all,

Will you guys how long you've been around? How did this get started? What problem you're solving? Right, right. So,

A torrence as a company has been in the space for almost 3 years now. Okay, I would say. Initially, we basically found that there's a huge amount of friction. Okay, for use for new users to get on board under the crypto space. So, we wanted to.

Give the users a familiar web to like experience. Okay. So let's say I mean if you have your dad, your uncle, your grandma. Okay, so all of them are just family. They are familiar with just

Having a you know signing with Google or you know at best an email password. Okay. So there are more familiar with it. There are more comfortable with it.

But when you come to the vacuum space people that are expected to suddenly have a huge learning where they need to learn about seat freezers where they need to learn about I know backing them up very securely and you know they need to know about how to install chrome extensions and how to manage security all of that

So it's a I know it's I would say you know a decent task. Okay. So far the art we wanted to solve this problem

Okay we have we wanted to simplify this we wanted to give them the same web too like experience but with the safety guarantees of web three okay so that is where that is why we started this company called Taurus okay initially so our aim was to.

Just give you a simple Google login and you get your private key. Okay. But we also wanted to make sure that you know it's not centralized.

Okay so what we have is a set of tourist notes which are run by you know some big stakeholders in the industry and we,

And these notes basically come together and you know reconstruct your priority only in the front end okay so at any point tourist does not actually I know we can see better private key aware it's just only in your front turn in your browser okay that's all.

So, since we wanted us as taught us, you know, we have provided this service for almost 3 years now.

But as you see the number of applications and I know the number of people who are coming to the space have been increasing okay and there has been a huge explosion with terms of the D five boom first and then if the boom second so,

In order to.

Accommodate to all these new users. Okay, we wanted to replant our company to fit this narrative even better. Okay. So, we got this recommendation from you know.

At a lot of people in the community itself that you know what do we do we provide authentications services for web three okay so that's how you know we ended up with the name

To be honest we have three yachts. Yeah awesome.

Yeah I think I just just took a simple fire for some people who might be not as technical like I think a lot of people so far experienced,

Like log in with with minimalist or log in with Word Connect right like,

Maybe you can like explain it as simple ways simple terms what's the main difference between just using web your wallet connect and just met them asking your in your browsers and extension,

Versus using a tourist. So, versus using web three off. Okay.

So, let's say in case of metamas, right? While setting it up madamas, you usually take around a solid 5 minute to set up that entire extension, okay? You need to

Worry about you know how to securely store the seed phrase et cetera,

Right? So, it's a big ask when you are talking about your parents or grandma, right? So,

And gets off you don't need to remember anything okay all you have to do is just one click cloggin okay you just sign with Google and boom you're in,

Eric that's pretty much,

What the first image my experience were going for and let's see if let's say if you're trading in a regular defy app sorry no high security applications.

You may want the additional security but let's say if you are doing for you know

Some small game okay which has a small blockchain component okay for those users to be able to set a mental mask as much harder okay so they want a very simple experience okay they want to just,

Focus on that game and use blockchain as an accident and select a component in the so in those scenarios if you just log in with torrence.

Distributed set of tourist notes okay so I mean now how it's how did I say this it's fully decentralized okay.

Yeah. Cool. So like just to clarify right you mentioned like people can just log in with their email and password always. Yeah. You know go,

Yeah I need you know just to get a bit more technical like the actual

You know Facebook logging on Google log in it's it's pretty much part of the all oh right of

Oh Alice to point out these credentials are not really at the data from your Google account or from your Facebook account, Twitter account. It's not really exposed to the application. It's just the

Public key and they work through provider is that correct?

I'm starting your last part got cut off is the public key entertainment key and web through provider itself that is being exposed to the application but not the not the full account that you'll log in with Google okay.

And is there a like is there like another product question before we move hunted team conversation and the am I able to restore my private keys somehow like from.

From behind the scenes.

Yes so baptism has actually multiple components okay so the first component is just or a notes notes right okay which should basically give you one private key and

And then let's say you can have one more share from let's say a backup phrase okay or a password okay,

Yeah so you can have these information about the security factors or like one more share of from your device okay,

So you can have a combination of these factors and then create a new private key. Okay. So this way you add kind of,

To effect on top of your existing Google login. Okay. So, that's your priority discomfort and added security for you know, for your piece of mind basically, okay?

And for those applications where let's say a story high value amount right you want to secure it to a which is a standard experience as a web to user okay

So we want to bring that standard experience to about three as well so that is why we added this two effect on the second factor can be,

Your device share or your password or your device share or your password or your backup phrase. Okay.

Yeah. Cool. Cool. And from the developer percent point of view like if I'm if I'm building up the cat that location right?

Is it is it easier for me to use about three off compared to kind of just integrating with ether's GSO web free GS what's what's the difference from that standpoint.

So think I would say in terms of the development perspective is that we have so easy you can do it in four lines. Okay.


And from just the four lines of code you get the entire login model okay you get all the Google logins okay Google Facebook edit Twitter all of the logins and you also get a snow provider as well

Okay and you get signing with your other

Factors as well. Okay, so like you know, let's say if you understand my master is also supported in the new web three or package which we just released. Okay. And it's.

As I said a full line integration. Okay. Cool. And and,

I would say it's batteries included to be honest. Yeah. In the account. Yeah.

Okay. So, and so guys, seem like once I'm signed in with web 3 hours, I'm able to, you know, sign transactions as well.

Yes and so like how did this result like signing up transactions work? Is it like additional pop up? Do I need to install a digital.

Like you know some external comp plug in to say anything's actions or to be honest.

Yeah I love you to use app. I love you to use.

You're on UX as well okay so in the sense that they won't be any transaction.

Hello think I will last you 123.

Yeah I think we lost him oh my.

What's with the internet these days.

I think everyone went online after the holidays they everyone has realized that email got dummy their email traffic.

Let's see.

Alright that's that's let's give a chance to rejoin.

While while Chai is rejoining we'll get open at four four just one question. Oh, okay. He's he's he's he's rejoining.

Let's see. Well, save your questions. Don't get too excited. I don't actually do get excited but write down your questions. I will be, we'll have time to answer that again.

Jay hey I don't know Twitter I've just kicked me out for some reason you just try to help me.

Alright make sure your connection is stable. Yeah.

It's trying to lower the entire chain to show the anathese. Yeah, probably. Alright. Alright, cool.

Alright so I think I I got a hopefully everyone else here got a little bit of a picture what's going on in terms of your pride. Cool. So like you guys.

You've been around for 3 years and like what's the scale of the team right now? How you guys how you guys doing? That regard. So,

Initially okay we are currently a team of around 21 people okay and we recently raised our series funding as was mentioned in the announcement and our replant and we are currently trying to expand to a team of 30.

Okay. 21. Okay.

We are expanding until 30 and so we are currently hiring. So, if anyone is interested, please do apply.

Okay. Yeah. Yeah, we'll we'll hope that some people from these from the chat will be able to you know, apply maybe there are some some good candidates here.

So but we'll we'll we'll we'll judge that basement of questions that will fall towards the end. Okay, yeah. So like, tell me a bit more about,

When you just started how many where are you part of the team as well when the company was just forumed and the idea came about like while you were there as well,

Hey the first employee in the company to be awesome yeah so when we when I joined we just had nothing but a,

Not even a real to be honest okay it's just very small basic application okay which is trying to be there our first Ethereum wallet.

Okay and we just built from there and take it to a lot of dress centers but I we retrated so

What is it? We've created several products from our existing wallet. So, hey, I would like to say one concept here. So, first, we initially started out building wallet. Okay. And then several people just wanted the indication service which was just powering it,

So we launch a product called customer and then several people just wanted you know we want the authority in service but we feel like you know just using the tourist notes there's not good enough okay we want to stay on top of it so we build a product called Open Logan

Okay and then hello yeah yeah prior to open login and at this point people feel like.

Your company has so many products suits so why don't you just integrate all of them and then you know build really comprehensive authentication solution so that is where I know we replanted as we are and that is why all our products basically.

Cater to different sections of not dabs. Okay? Yeah. Cool.

So it's just that you know we have been responding continually and evolving towards the market needs. Okay. People really love our services and that is why they keep asking us you know just why don't you spend this out as I was worried to spend that out of service and you know that is why,

Currently we have entered about three yachts.

Okay yeah I think it's definitely a interesting story of I think very like insightful story of kind of pivoting from one idea to another because usually when you start something,

It never necessarily works out the way you expected. So, it's really admireable to hear that I'm sure like it's gonna be like an interesting insight to people who maybe this group are starting their own company, starting their own project in space.

Right. You know, keep it to reading, keep trying. I think it's my, is the lesson here.

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Thank you. Listen to what your customer wants. Yep. Yeah.

That I do.

Okay, cool. So, like, when you guys, when you're expanding, is it primarily technical positions, non-technical positions, and what's the kind of team composition so far?


We heard both technical and non-technical to be honest and tech team is always growing so we are always on the lookout for really good candidates in terms of our tech team and are non tech team which includes you know we have three UX people working on for us.

And we also have around five people in the marketing team. Okay.

And the both the teams are constantly you know increasing to be honest. Okay. Yeah.

Yeah three people in the US team that's quite that's quite a lot for 20 people company,

Alright so it's just because I would say that you know

At Torah's we want to simplify the seawax right you know it's that primary goal as a company okay we want to simply blockchain for a regular back to use okay and we spin out a lot of.

We we spin out a lot of prototypes. We spin out we test these with you know different sections of users. We try to bring out the best possible design which is the most simplest to use for regular user. So that is why we

Keep hiding you in that regard as well. Yeah. Yeah, I would say that three UX designers is,

Super admirable for for a company and a special such a small size kind of what eyebrows deserved over the years that there are a lot of designers who wanna work in a space and if you wanna work in crypto and you got three,

And but at the same time there's not enough companies hiring even though I believe that,

They most companies desperately need to improve their kind of visibility and that was especially relevant in like a few years ago when,

Things like, you know, well, connect for example, didn't exist, and transactions take.

We'll probably even longer and you know fewer people were kidding about the state so like,

Night everyone's used to like in Austin Christmas or like things not happening like instantly like they happened with like web too,

Hey scaling is coming. What are your what do you like mean interview? What's the interview process like?

Are there any specific qualities that you're looking for regardless of the position that you're hiring for? Yes, we, okay, so the first one.

Oh. Oh. I think the app crashed again.

Alright I think Chase not really with us again let's see if he will be able to rejoin his speaker.

No. Yeah. Make sure you don't have any other apps open. Free your memory. Purge that. Purge that ring.

Cool. Okay so should I do remember the question? Should I repeat it? Yeah please repeat it. Yeah.

Yeah what's your what's your culture like what are the trades that you guys looking for regardless whether it's technical and non-technical position but so.

We want people to iterate quickly. Okay, in our company and we have a principle, okay? Which is a strong opinion, loosely held.

That's one we have that coat actually paint in the office.

Okay. Not everything which you try in this space box out in the first time.

Okay. So, we want to keep it rating. We want to basically you know, constantly learn, constantly expand, knowledge, horizon, and as well as we want to try out.

Different approaches on how to solve this problem of you know,

Meeting everyone making it good wallet in the blockchain space and good authentication system in the blockchain space. Which is very easy to use. Okay. So,

We're always on the lookout for people who are you know.

Willing to plan so even if people do not have prior blocks and experience we are still willing to pile them because they bring out a fresh perspective to the team okay they help us gain those new insights as well,

Okay that is something we are always on the lookout for.

Any yeah this is great any any other kind of mantras or like core value slogans that you guys have and the team that you try to parade by.

So as I said it's strong opinions loosely held okay so we don't try to you know wait

Secret sauce or like spicy questions that you usually ask,

Your candidates for the culture fit.

For the culture fit. So, we want to we want to make sure that you know,

People can also right now in this you know prime times as people say okay because of the COVID-19 pandemic and all our team is currently remote first okay so we feel like we want to work with

People in different time zones so that people can feel comfortable working from their own home. Okay and.

And we also want them to feel comfortable and you know.

Bring their maximum productivity to the table. Okay. So, yeah.

Okay but do is there like any you know how do you figure out whether the person is is part is like it leaves and breathes web through all of DNA that the person will fed do have any like.

Indicators that you ask that you feel okay this person is even if they are coming from.

You know, oh crypto background. Yeah. To be honest. Okay. We look at multiple factors.

Of so we are interview process currently actually four rounds to be honest the first round is where we just try to gauge the communication of the candidate okay we just try to get to know the candidate and his past experience in general

Okay so we try to basically observe that you know

Canada has been really good at what he does, okay? He is able to communicate very effectively. He starts and his process clearly, okay? So, we are a processed event company. We can turn company and we put a lot of emphasis on the way we approach a problem.

Okay we don't want just to solve the problem with the patch fix right so we want to make sure that the pros are right and the thought process right

Okay in that regard

The second round usually includes like a technical round or for the business people it will be like an creative exercise etcetera the third round

Includes a system design so that you know even though you are a junior level the question will be further candidate for the appropriate level obviously but we want them to understand how this how a module fits in a bigger

Peace. Okay. So, you put business let's say.

It'll be how do you how does a small piece fit in a bigger large part of larger campaign in general okay so we have that as a third round and then the final round we do a HR round and a culture fit round basically.

Which is very take the final decision and then see how the candidate has progressed through the previous rounds and.

See how the candidate has progressed to the previous rounds and you know we just like to see whether they can be the best version of themselves at Taurus or not. Okay.

Yeah. Have you had any like funny situations? Funny hiring stories previously. Short I mean that are like a lot to be honest. Okay.

But one thing that comes to my mind is.

One thing that comes to my mind is that in this pandemic, right? So all our interviews have been only

Remote only. Okay. So, you'll see a lot of connection issues. You see a lot of reconnect having you understand it right? I mean, it's just like another annoying Zoom call to be honest. Yep.


Yeah so any like something memorable specifically that you've seen during those interviews what's what's the weirdest background that you've seen on Zoom.

Oh, we are just zoom back around. Oh, okay. One guy put Taj Mahal as his background, okay? Okay. It's sticky, does he go through?


Well, yeah, could have been worse, could've been worse. Did you like, yes, speaking of these kind of things that are, you know, if you don't, again, like everyone's interviewing over video, over and over, over internet, and you know,

In the beginning it's always some sort of email or you know jump application that you need to.

Screen through with the CD do you feel like I suppose you look at as like hundreds of those cities and and a cover letters and applications do you have any like.

Have you noticed any like patterns of what you wish fewer people did and what you wish more people did.

Bad and so things which fewer people did oh okay like any anything that you feel that what's your the kind of general advice to people listening in terms of like applying to positions in crypto.

So a one thing which I would like to really emphasize here is that you know some several candidates there.

We lost you sir let's try and.

All removed chair from speaker right now and we'll react him again. Let's see if his connection improves.

Wild chai is rejoining. We have a space for one question. One question only. Really quick. If anyone wants to ask you a question. Maybe the restaurants to ask you a question. Maybe someone else we had a quite a few people with raised hands.

Or you can save questions for later.

Don't really have a question and let others have the opportunity.

There you go. I mean, I use the S 21 plus, okay? So, this is the best one for Android so far. So,

Question sorry I'm trying to be funny today I'm not sure if I'm succeeding.

Okay so any any like general advice for people that are planning to to position a crypto what what should they do or what should they not do on their,

Like application letters. Right. So, the first thing is we really want the candidates to research about the company first before applying. Okay, we have seen too many applications where the candidates don't even know what the company does and they just supply

And several times oh the worst part is sometimes they just don't even show up after schedule an interview okay I mean,

We want to reduce the instance of that happening and we really feel like you know if candidates could research a bit more about what the company does may not just go through our sites I mean we have a bunch of them,

Just go through our main one at least to see what we do before they join an interview,

That's something which I would really like to put forward there. And.

Do we also at least use our products right I mean we have a bunch of applicators which include mainly wallets on a wallet et cetera so,

If Canada's could use that and then you know if they could suggest some issues or in suggest improvements okay in those products like we would consider that as a huge plus

During an interview. Yeah, very good point.

Okay. Is there is there anything have you seen anything? Any anything else that you would wanna like add to this list of things that you must.

See on the on the application on the cover letter.

I think Zen joined is that Zen? Hello? Well, someone joined from your work throughout hopefully 10.

I'm trying to add I'm inviting.

To speak. Let's see if that request will get accepted or not.

Yeah but keep going keep going yeah share those golden nuggets of information yeah.

Really appreciate if Canada is just spend a bit more time researching our product and going through our documentation and prior blockchain knowledge is obviously not necessary is just we have a very good onboarding process within the company where we

Explain and ramp up the knowledge of the employees over the first couple of months okay and.

Really would want them to apply and yeah but.

Interest in the blockchain ecosystem. You know, as a whole should be a must and you know, the willingness to learn the new concepts. Okay, must is also one of them must.

That is what we want to see more of.

Yeah. 100%. And did I mention that we are remote first? Okay. Yeah. Did you guys are you over across certain specifically like time zone or are you willing to share the location? I know some companies are

A bit more, you know, full full on decentralized and they are not that open to share. Testing. Hey, yeah.

Hopefully without a delay.


It's 100% of the way. I mean you guys just go ahead and perhaps like there's 100% dizzle. Perhaps you guys just go ahead.

And maybe I can answer that one or two questions towards the end just wanted to you guys gonna come to the delay

Since since we can hear you now perhaps you might wanna like just say a few things about you know how you guys are hiring right now or certainly interesting facts about,

About web 3 hours and kind of just did you just share what's on your mind and like where you guys headed right now.

Yeah, why not? So.

I mean Chai Covered a couple of things I mean covered quite a bit of it,

Ultimately the main mission of web three office really just to

Prolific usage of crypto and the ecosystem. Crypto has tons of benefits, right? And I think we are all here because we know of those benefits. And

We're just trying to make sure that more and more people can access those benefits and really use it.

You had a particular question that was quite interesting earlier on which also for gods to how we check if people are cultural fit,

For me personally I the way I do it is I kind of ask the same question,

Quite a few times in different ways. A lot of people are really good interviews, right? So.

We just ask like the live story and what they've done in.

In different directions. So you so you try to decipher after after that. It's really just about asking one question tons of times.

What is that specific question? Life story?

Yeah it's kind of underscore.

Alright let's see.

Yep yeah hi I'm not sure what's happening okay my connection keep,

I think it's just that, you know, all people who are using Android phones have some problem, okay?

Anyway, okay.

Where were we I think January we're hoping that to get the response from him but I think in addition to the delay something else got,

Cut off. Alright. I think we would covered quite a lot of things and yeah, I just wanted to like, give you an opportunity really list what are the specific,

Positions that occurred they have opened and what's the best way to apply and then we'll open up the the room for for questions.

Yes. So, we are currently hiring for Devangels and we are also hiring a lot of normal developers as well. Okay.

These are the and we are also hiring for business. Okay, so the best way to apply would be on

Yep. We also sometimes post on list. Okay.

Yeah I I I tagged a few a few tweets in the share them in the room at the people can just go ahead and apply yes,

We are also looking for IOS developers as well because that seems to be a real tough way. I mean tough one to get to be honest.

Yeah why is that? Oh I'm not sure.

I really am not sure why is it tough to get okay we have got received much lesser applications for IOS developers and so we just featured the operation crypto jobs yesterday so

Maybe we'll get a lot too lot more today yeah yeah let's let's have some fun I wonder I wonder if it's because of,

Mister Zack back in 20 I guess 14,

Hiring all while you as developers to prevent people from creating next Snapchats and Instagram's I remember I remember that Iron Spring specifically after all mobile developers they just take a higher than regardless

Whether they actually have a project for that one on. Just to move them out of the market. Anyway, I think it's been quite a few years since that,

Okay, amazing. Yeah, we'll we'll hope that some more people apply.

To to this positions but yeah let's let's open up the room for for Q&A we have eggs,

Is barrelhead and FTN kryptonerd that's sad him to

Jessica question and guys feel free to you know request Mike access if you guys look good if you profile a picture to live nice we'll give you access hey sir.

Yo please.

Hey have a couple of questions like first like we're in a stage where there's so much decentralization happening and are we at a stage where companies will hire people,

Even without their own like identity car or something because we've seen like so many businesses or protocols where

They keep hiring people on Discord for a long time. They do build their reputation with those names and or like how far are we at a state where companies would pursue those opportunities. If not for full time at least like part time.

I feel the industry as a whole is evolving towards that in the suspect okay.

As you see, I know such kind of hiring was not really possible before the pandemic. You know, not really much. And the pandemic has really brought forward. I changed in paradigm. I knew.

It feels like more and more people are accepting I know of this kind of approach for hiring and,

To be honest Taurus we don't sorry we always hire irrespective of where you're from okay so you and you can stay fully anonymous and still work for Taurus.

About 3 o'clock sorry. Okay. I think so just to be more clear like let's say if I have so for me if I just give you my name as this and my profile pictures whatever is there on my Twitter right now

And then like I work part time like do you think that's a realistic opportunity like at least like in let's say for example it's like with some other company.

It must be mostly but we do do some sort of security check before you know.

Doing some payment. Okay.

Hey Facebook expanding okay and increasing all of this. Okay. Yeah.

Barrelhead is that the end of the question?

Yeah, anyway, thanks for the question. I just wanted, I just wanted to add to like a four question do you guys have any unknowns working for you right now?

I'm not at the moment but a lot of people contribute to us so we are open source project primarily okay and a lot of people do submit

You know contributions individually to our get up okay and we also have a lot of bug bounties where

People obviously contribute anonymously over there. Okay, report. And they can claim the bug bounty without any security check

Yeah. Cool. Alright. Thanks once again to the,

Barrelhead okay next stop is Veral viral Sandani sir let's go ahead.

Yeah, hi everyone. So, I'm a web two developer right now. I'm looking for a job in a three. But everywhere I see people, I'll looking for 3 years of experience, 5 years of experiences, and I have experiences for let's say 1 year and 10 months or so.

So like why are people looking for experience developers as in like wet three so new and still people are looking for sex experience people.

Jay did you hear the question.

Hope child did not get disconnected again.

Sounds like he did. Alright, let me let me ask, answer this question while.

Chai is reconnecting or yeah let's say that what companies usually

Mean when they say like a few years of experience especially for developers you still need to have experience to you know to code ideally and I mean even though web three is quite different from web two the,

Fundamental programming skills are like there's a significant overlap, right? Like,

If you're a good engineer you're in in about two you'll be a good engineer in about three eventually of course there is a living curve but it's it's relatively easy to learn and curve to,

To master if you if you're good if you're not if you're not really good in mediocre and in previous text tag the learning curfew will be very steeped.

So having years of experience just showed they just shows that it's gonna be even faster for you to transition,

Are in two and two at three. And I would say that people who start,

Coding and solidity is their first ever programming language. I'm a bit afraid. I wouldn't be very terrified to to hire someone who's like,

Humidity is my first programming language and like I share I come like gonna be writing production ready contracts

I would not send my points to that contract. Maybe in a few years that it will change but yeah. These are these are my two

Sats this is my two way of of of comment but I'll give the bike to to Chi.

So we don't really

But we don't remind if people have no experience in the blockchain space before the joint tourist because but we do expect the candidates to

To have you know a certain amount of experience as listed in the job description because we do higher senior and junior engineers so if you match the experience required for the responding role we are happy to welcome you and.

In terms of blockchain experience I would say ah it's good to have a prior blockchain experience but ah it's not really mandatory because we have a really good onboarding process where we ah on board people ah through our text track and the first couple of months and.

Yeah what we need is what we need from you in return is the willingness to learn and ramp up very quickly okay? That is all.

Does it answer your question?

Yes so let's see if someone applies for a job requirement I mean that has lens and 3 years of an experience should you take those interviews or just by rejected via the system or something.

Usually these go through our filters. So, yeah, we don't.

I think we do have a couple of junior roles okay which we have hired for already okay we currently don't have them open right now I do need a developer position but we did hire some people with just two plus years of experience just to.

Hey Facebook answer the question is the defense basically on the roll open at the moment okay.

Well, thanks so much for all for the question. I'll get demo to or for now. Feel free to add yourself again if you help more questions. Alright. Next stop is Mancy.

Mancy Sugar.

If Nancy can hear us please share your question.

Alright maybe maybe she'll ask a question later can you can you go out yeah hi can you hear me.

Yep. So he'll start with the hiring one.

Hey Facebook I think you'll learn quickly. So jobs in in this crypto domain I've seen that there's not a lot of unpaid internship work that I can you know,

Find on normal website or stuff. So, are those opportunities available? Do you feel in the field or are they just, you know, on a.

Case to case basis and should you should a person really be.

Going for unpaid work in the beginning to gain experience what are your thoughts on that? Ideally.

Alright. Here we go again. Let's see.

I I remember the last part of the question around like what are the whether it's okay to do like free work to get experience

I would I would personally say that it's it's it's fine to certain extent just like you know nowhere.

Nowhere the boundaries are right like if you're if you're spending month and month and month.

Without payment and you actually adding value. Or a lot of substance amount of value, like that becomes a little bit you know, a little bit of questionable zone as little bit kind of,

Hey no I'm not necessarily okay right?

But quite often, you know, people, people complain about like, hey, how do I get a job? But because I don't have experience. So, the best advice you just get experience, like, you know, start volunteering, start getting things done. That's how you, that's how you learn, that's how you get to know,

Like what needs to be done and kind of how the work is is actually done because otherwise there's no reason for company to hire someone,

It's a huge risk to hire on board someone share up confidential information pay money and only to get oh in return and quite often it's not just oh it's quite often it might be,

I just like a negative output which is very distracting,

To to the team. So, I would generally recommend people to you know, start contributing, you know, whatever way possible to the project that you are enjoying and buyer. Just start adding value and sooner or later, you will get noticed,

And you will get you know engage more and more into the activity of the project whether it is on social media whether it is you know contributing to code contributing to content contributing to marketing.

You know just just don't ask for permission to to work for a company start working for companies start adding value,

And you'll be if your value is actually valuable start you'll be recognized and there's been plenty examples of that going through and we actually have quite a few people here in in this Twitter space,

I think kind of we're often hilarious. Yeah there was a two like my my comments chai. Sentiment there.

I totally agree with your sentiment there. In terms of the internship thing. First would be to just contribute to the get her projects and then you know usually you get recognized by submitting just 1 PM,

Okay and then yeah that would basically need two other opportunities okay I totally conquer with you that you know basically depends on the number of us okay yeah you should not be doing free work for other people yeah.

Alright and the other thing was about your your product in general. So like I've seen that it's

Towards non text happy people right I mention authentication products so there's an inherent miss balance there like how do you guys you guys must have been facing a lot of problems and actually making these non tech sabi people you know believe that your product is safe especially seeing all of those metamas support accounts out there

So like how have you been dealing with that?

We currently offer support by Chris chat. Okay, so and we expect the considering that there has been a significant rise in the number of telegram

Hey Facebook I know support chats okay

Hey portal okay so that,

We basically scream every so that people have one place to actually

You know, come to us for support. Okay, we have face this problem and our solution is okay. To come through a chat which will be connected directly with us. Please don't reply to anyone who's saying they are from tourist team.

Okay. And is like

You know I start into the authentication field. It must be hard to get people to you know trust the product before the brand name as you know establishments today I know that it's very interesting.

Okay. Yeah.

So you can as you can see most of our code is open source on guitar okay so you can actually compile it and then check that it matches the one we are serving okay that basically builds trust and since the code is open so you can actually

Read the entire code and then see you know,

I'm gonna actually see that you know ah it is not doing anything malicious ah next is we also go through ah audit reviews every couple of ah,

Months I would say ah so we can also find audit reports from us on request or I think they're also gonna get up as well so yeah ah that's one way to build a trust with us and the community okay.

Right thank you.

Thanks for the question. It was pretty good question. We have Mister Mister Ash with us. Today as well. Great to hear you. Great to see you. Hope you had a great past few weeks.

Do you have a question for Chai.

Yes, Robert. Thank you for your portrait this week. And we've got a great project going on

And I would like to ask you from a customer's point of view say why credentials have been confirmized?

Okay it I don't have happened and what what is the exposure that the company and the customer both look at in such an event and second,

Do you have any plans of hiring a CMO or chief meme officer in the future? Thank you so much. Anybody is free to answer the second question yeah? Just select.

Hey yeah I mean.

Usually the business team could answer that question okay rather than me and regarding your first question,

What was it again I'm sorry. Say say the credentials have been compromised. Now I understand but it's a decentralized.

Project that I at the technical is decentralized but the customer some haphazard transaction some by the credentials have been replaced,


So in such events basically we as you know Taurus basically has two FA mechanism right which basically means that even if you're let's say you know Google login is compromised for whatever reason okay

That I could not be able to get your I know the private key at any point okay and we don't have any seat fails or that exposed to and there is no private key also usually exposed

For you to you know.

Very easily. Okay. So, the chance of this happening are very low and it's usually Delton a case by case basis.

Correct. Okay. Yeah. I do. I have a few technical questions later. So, may I know where whom should I approach please?

You can reach out to us on the web 3 o'clock discord group and the developers section okay we'll be happy to answer all your questions yeah perfect perfect so now that you have I've placed the seat of thought that you need to hire a chief meme officer,

Profile do you usually look at when your hiring so do you look at the Twitter profile or are you towards more incline towards,

The LinkedIn. Good old LinkedIn. So what is your preference huh?

I mean it depends on what information the candidate wants to provide to us. Okay.

That's what I would say if you provide your LinkedIn we'll look at your link then if you prioriter with the credit okay. Yeah. Okay. So you do not okay so it's free.

Thank you so much great project and I wish you the best of luck sir. Yeah.

Yeah, thanks for the thanks for the question. I just got a chat that Ash has been a CMO. In residence for for crypto jobs list. As in memor officer.

For choirs in time where they're really appreciate your means man,

I keep them coming. Yeah, every, every, every company should have you know, I mean, meme officer and the meme officers, multiple, ideally everyone's.

Producing games everyone has their Microsoft paint open to turn out a high quality hey resolution.

Alright. Cool. Cool. Next up we have Rafad Mister Rad. You're what's your question.

Yeah so actually I wanted to ask about like we have some techno function roles in web too

Like business analyst. So, do we have similar roles in capturing also

And if not if someone wants to break into a three from similar role how one can do that and how one can plan about that.

Hello am I available.

Yes, we could hear you. It's just a chai has connection issues. So, he's rejoining right now.

I think the role you are describing is somewhat considered as Devangelist. Okay. Correct me if I'm wrong there.

Yeah and as you can see in the jobs list at the top okay we are actually currently hiring for developer relations on the evangelist okay so yeah I'm very much welcomed to apply.

And I feel like you know in this space right a lot more of these

My roles are required, okay? In order to bridge the gap between the technical team and the business teams of recruitment companies. Okay, and how to deal with the so we are ready to be to see company right?

Be to be to see okay so we require we constantly talk with our multiple other companies and we need to explain our product to them and we need to maintain customer relationship with them okay so all of that is usually handled by our divine evangelist and boy okay

So we are done currently hiring for it and I feel like other companies in the space to do the same. Okay otherwise that's it. We're missing out. Yeah.

Okay I would like I have experience on insurance like insurance business so I have worked for multiple insurance clients so if I'm looking for a certain kind of job do I need to

Like develop my business skills for the company I'm applying for or is it completely related to blockchain if I know

Complete fundamentals of blockchain if if my understanding or if my knowledge about blockchain and different platforms like Ethereum different blockchains or different you know

Tokens and mechanisms is good enough will will I be able to land a job in proxim space.

Yeah that would definitely help okay in terms of planning the job but also learning more about what the company does and what it's products are and who their marketing to

Okay all of that would definitely put you ah you know

And give you an edge about the people who are applying for similar. Okay. So, usually as they say, you should do a bit more research before I don't just applying for this role, okay?

Okay, thanks a lot for answering my question. Yeah, yeah.

Put some effort towards.

Yeah, sure. Thanks.

Yeah I just wanted just wanted to add the generally I think like there's a no substitute for good clear communication when people apply to positions regardless whether it's a technical and technical position so,

Just be clear you know how you feel you can add value and show you strong,

Interest in your journey so far in the space. Because like you know, it's impossible to know everything. And there is always a lot of learning that used to be done. Like joining any company, whether I'd seen in about three or night,

Yes, I just, you know, make sure to be very clear about what's your current skill set so far and how do you feel that,

How do you feel you will be able to transition into helping that specific company.

Just one more thing. So, if I'm applying for similar roles do I need to be familiar like hands on experience with the solidarity rust et cetera like the technologies which are being used in blockchain.

Or just an overview or an idea would be sufficient.

Sorry please continue,

I would say it's actually a dependent on the company and role which are applying for but as a general note it would be of great help if you do understand the entire text tack of the company and I would encourage that

You would spend a bit more time just, you know, learning about all of these different colleges, which the company uses, okay? Picture applying for, yeah.

Basically want to show that when you join you'll be an asset to the team of course it should be just showing that you know you'll be willing to learn on the job as well that is now.

Yeah thanks a lot for your time yep.

Alright also question guys any more questions we still have I believe sometime should I how are you doing on time.

10 more minutes 15 20.

I'm good. I'm good. 3 hours. Add it to my. Okay. Let's see. Let's give some time for people to ask about questions. It can be general questions.

Can be questions towards childs could be questions towards me as well and crypto jobs overall.


Let's see just ask for Mike access with the button bottom left.

And we'll we'll promote you. Alright, here we go. Well, it's a bit of a make sure you profile oh so they get let's see.

Hopefully we're gonna get a good question here.

Yeah. Hello. What's your question? My name is Steve Barron talking from Instagram.

Nigeria people in Nigeria.

Call what's your question? Equation is about the general ideas that I'm about apply for the community manager road.

Hey Facebook for example I've been applied on some website on the video please and everything but I.

I'm here to get there it doesn't mean my resume is not like very nice.

Yo, what are you breaking up? What's the question again? I quickly have been great. Getting any reply from them, posting.

Yeah see just just repeat the question you know you're playing for positions but you're not getting a reply from from companies yeah very likely you know when someone's not applying so not getting,

Replace from the company's is because,

There are bunch of other maybe a better applicants or more relevant applicants to the company and you know companies quite often do not have enough time,

To reply to every single application out there. So, unfortunately, they, you know, they just, you know, if you have a hungry applications,

Hey it's for a hard to reply to to every single one of them and notify whether the application been successful on successful but yeah I think I was generally recommend to make sure that,

The application is as relevant as possible to the job description and make sure to not copy, paste, cover letter, make sure it's like very relevant.

To to the, you know, what was being, you know, to the rule itself and to the company. And yeah, these.

These tips should get you a long way as long as you're communicating clearly and being clear to the point of how can you add value to to the pool to the company.

Oh, this is finally working. I think there's no delay. Can you hear me?

Yeah oh my god this is crazy I had to update my updated my OS and I was looking up get her.

Hey guys. It require it to required an entire iOS update. It's Android. I don't think Twitter's just as optimizer. I'm finally here guys.

Hello. Amazing.

I should I should include in my notes for Twitter's Facebook preparation to upgrade your ass. No I apologize for missing the whole thing. I don't mean to like maybe like just shall we just continue then?

I can just help answer the last request. Maybe that's it.

Yeah, yeah. I mean, like, fire excited to finally have you in. Without a lag. Do you feel like there, have they been any questions that you strongly feel you?

You have something to add to it. I think we can start from this and then maybe conversation will keep going as well. So,

I think you're covered quite a breath of questions.

In general in general I love how you prodigy here and there I would have answers all the questions slightly differently it's interesting you know guys perspective on some of the things.

Yeah please did we please please command we have three principles we don't just have one principal hello

But the second one is definitely also being,

Very execution driven. We we have a lot of ideas, right? About things we wanna do, things we wanna build.

And features that we can do but ultimately what matters is the product that the use of like has and hats and the user enjoys or like,

The integration that application has or the deadline that the project has. So, we're also very execution driven in nature as a team. Another last one is just we're kind of impact driven as well.

We all just want to leave a positive world have a positive impact on the time that we have here,

And at the time that we're working on wet through off we want to leave a positive impact of what we do

So, yeah, that's that's kind of like the three things. That I would say.

Are all principals. Charlie, you missed two of them. Yeah, totally. So, I just did it.

Cool. Do you do you guys have any like questions that you like to ask during interviews to probe? Whether Canada has these qualities. So,

More than a question I kind of liked to understand the,

Our person's history in terms of like what they've done their life right or what they've done in the career

And the way I kind of see you that out and the team kind of like sees that up with different is really just asking the same question multiple times in different ways,

People nowadays are really good at interviews because they,

They do a lot of them themselves, right? Huh. Now, often they can fool you the first few times. I often spend a whole 30 minutes of get to know you interview just kind of asking.

Maybe one or two.

Areas of their life what they were doing how they are doing it whether they were the ones contributing to it how did they like solve a problem that was really tough to do what did they actually do on their team and understanding if.

Good people will always contribute wherever they are.

People who are good contribute where they are no matter how what they do or know after what projecting they're on. So it's just kind of like understanding that and then like the arriving whether or not they at ones that did what they're saying they did.

Okay that's I mean fair enough is there like a situations that you feel I think it's so some one of your team colleagues asked me to ask whether.

You guys had an interesting funny situations. It didn't wanna add anything about that. Was there anything you like? So, just one guy joined, you know, with zoom backgrounds, you can kind of like,

Upload your own pictures. Yeah. So, one of them joined with like themselves screenshotted and then, like, you know, like, you know, in opposing mode.

And that was the background for the fourth thing but it and I thought it was I thought the video for what because it was kind of a moving and blinking but.

Okay. That was quite funny.

Okay but was it was it a yeah it was a good a good thing not necessarily like it wasn't necessarily a bad thing it was quite funny okay that's.

Some I mean it's always nice hearing people stories and are aware of come up with how they found us.

What's another funny one.

Once did an interview of a person who was on a jeep somewhere in the middle of a safari.

Oh wow. And that was because they they really wanted to talk to us by the same time. They they were in the middle of a safari.

And it was it was it was like he was on the middle for 14 hour trip and we were just talking,

They're halfway and you could see you're showing a zebra's along the way and stuff like that.

Highly professional environment. Oh interesting.

Yeah I I recently wasn't on a interview myself and I was like hiring someone who crypto jobs list and,

Something I would recommend not people like people not to do.

Is not to take calls while they're like sitting in their bed. I understand it's COVID. I'm so glad it looked like the person was like just sitting on there.

Not only you can see the back of the bag there. They can be the camera is like on their belly or somewhere. Anyway, just yeah, guys, don't do that. Make sure you have a, you know,

Professional background when you do video calls.

Yeah in the end of the day we want more people in the space hired successfully and growing the space together successfully so I think this tips

Should be useful and valuable to everyone who's listening here.

Call Ray do you have any do you feel you have any like pet peeves that you've seen while people apply?

I don't stress too much on kind of like.

Like not knowing the company at all because child express that quite a few times so have a different pet peeve.

I think ultimately I think communication super important so I mean it's a bit unfortunate but I think.

When you're trying to perform in a team where where.

Especially such small team as a startup right you need everybody to be commuting quick communicating fast and all and and,

I do think that unfortunately having a good command of English is quite important. Four web three off.

Not for other companies obviously but for what threw off communication and it is quite important here.

Okay. It's definitely an important skill. To communicate clearly and fast and with the right expectations.

Right yeah I'm just going through this the questions that I had drafted and I'm thinking like is there anything that,

We have missed or if there's anything that you will be especially well positions a position to answer those questions.

Yeah congrats once again on the on the rebrand and the the fundrais I think especially the.

A lot of companies raise a lot of money these days but making bold rebranding moves is more rare. So then successful rebranding news. So congrats on that once again. Do you wanna do you have anything to add in terms of,

How do you like this transition went from tourists into the,

It's not so much of rebrand as it is a kind of like introduction of a new brand. The Tara's brand is actually still stay. Hm.

And that's that's kind of like becoming the so I went through office two components to it we have the product that people know and love that we've spoken about earlier so I won't go over it again,

And then we have kind of like the infrastructure that powers that product.

And as is any web three complaint that infrastructure does need to be a little bit more decentralized over time which we are progressively doing. So introduction of where.

The tallest brand exclusively refer to the infrastructure behind it. Which is what we're going to be,

Kind of progressively decentralizing soon. So that's it just kind of like our next step forward there if you understand what I mean.

Yeah definitely make sense I think I think a lot of people and just to comment on Decemberization I think a lot of people in the space.

You know kind of now a lot of people are discussing whether something is,

Adapt or not a dab whether resistant wise amount of centralized and,

Take four or probably it's important to understand that for all projects that are highly listened to guys today they all started with one or two notes,

At some point in time like you've been even even bitcoin between me and you know at some point it was just like two notes mining away not going down every now and then.


Court. Can you maybe share more about yourself and like your journey running the company? Is it the first startup? It will your cereal entrepreneur.

Any tips and personal growth that you experience through the years with the company. Right. Personal growth lots. Every year I thought my past self is stupider. But

But this isn't my first company but it's my first VC funded company. We got me on my first tech play.

I previously while set I'm not sure if others are aware of this but I'm I'm from Singapore right and in Singapore you have to do national service which is like compulsory military or like so I was a fireman for 2 years.

And and and basically during that time that was when I first started the company it was like private driving instructs the company so very different Taurus was my first contract play,

Or what their office kind of like my first tech plan.

And for me, it really started. What really in spot? So, I used to be a business kid.

Back in the day I did my degree in like,

Business also investment banking I was like in MBB consulting and there was one night I remember I was doing a I was building a slide deck in the middle of the night at 2 AM and I was wondering what am I doing with my life.

So I I knew I kinda wanna get out of that.

And I eventually kind of chance upon while working at a VCI chance upon Vitta Lake while he was like giving a speech,

And in a very interesting kind of like a fashion,

It was AA speech in Singapore at one of these banks. It was like one of these fintake incubato like celerators sort of,

Lineups. So there are lots of other startups that came before him. And everybody else was wearing a suit was very formal. Well spoken.

But the dollar was like in the unicorn shirt, right? As usually is.

We're we're we're rainbow colors and all. And I just kind of like left an impact on me. And then after I just swapped to like computer science and just engineering all the way. Work that visa for a while. Work that foundation,

Then spun out torres is kind of like a side project there. My co-founder.

Cool. Interesting. Interesting story. You mentioned your first company was private driver, instruction, instructor. Yeah. So, you know, when you when you're learning to drive for the first time, you kind of need somebody to teach you.

You can learn from parents or like from somebody who's older than you but in Singapore it has to be done by somebody who's licensed.

So, right, right, right, right, right, right. Specific of a front drivers. Yes, yes.


Commercial and non-commerce. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, so. Okay. It's actually a very tedious process in Singapore. They make it such that like,

They they try to reduce traffic by stopping people from driving in the first place.

Yep so it takes like 9 months for you to get your driving license so it's actually quite lucrative to be instructed.

Cool. Okay. So, how do you feel in terms of like transitioning from,

Kind of cash flow business into AC fund. I'm not sure if you if if web author if Taurus has a,

And I've significant cash flow right now but a better idea if you believe oh cool okay yeah yeah we actually profitable or not so we're doing pretty well

On on I mean.

Did the first startup was moral of something I was doing during uni you know or like during military service. Yeah. So I'm in Wells it's kind of like gave me income at that point in time. It wasn't really anything of,

What it grew to a team of maybe three.

It's still exist today by the way. But I'm just not part of it anymore, but like but, but, but, but, like it's, yeah, it's just, I mean,

I don't know. I I went through uni before the transition so I don't really feel anything. I don't really have anything interesting to share.

Like you mentioned that Taurus went throughout is like profitable how did you make a decision to,

Raise more funding. Where where you profitable like okay let me like refrace the questional and give more.

Like leading question when you started Taurus did you like raise a sea ground for it yes so that was kind of like two and a half years ago almost 3 years.

Are my first seed was from multiple environments. And I was for like 2 million then just fast forward a fundraising history. Our next round is like 13 minutes. And it's now.

Tomorrow's last year we had a huge spike in growth and we we raised this round you know around always gets announced a little bit before like,

I mean a little bit after a little bit after of the round is actually closed this round was actually closed like mid last year.

And and we've taken a while to announce it because we wanted to couple it with you know our product launch and and and that's why we're doing it early this year,

But we weren't profitable last year and we're profitable this year. So, that's why we raised funds. Call, congrats. Congrats. And yes, you also, couple of it with with aggressive hiring,

Yeah. Yeah. So, do join us guys.

I assure you that it's kinda fun to work here. We're all kind of like a mix of we like t-shirt people. So.

We like people who are really good at something but are are and then our jack of all threats of all trades everything else you know,

So but we really look out for T shirt to people so if you believe the T shaped come and say hi.

Yeah. You mentioned China mentioned that if you guys are I mean you mentioned it you guys in Singapore and you're like 2020, 21 people team. Is everyone in Singapore right now or,

How's it like how's hiring like right now? I I personally feel that it's not that easy to find good people in Singapore but maybe you have a different experience.

Yeah. Yes. I agree with you. My god. It's really hard. I mean, Chai is Chi is a German

I swear and so is the rest of our team on board Harold isn't the easiest

Camille who I think is listening here to has really been helping us out with that. So we got our own in-house kind of like HR and recruiter,

Get and that's really been helping us out. I think I think I think.

I think it we used this other team your first question was where the team is based out of right we used to be based off Singapore when we're about maybe like eight people

And so there are about eight of us which are based off Singapore

But as we started kind of like our next wave hiring we're excited to expand just to be remote fast to expand that talent pool because as you say.

It's hard to just it's hard when you limit your pool here and there's so much talent just all over the place really they can really,

Help contribute the thing that we look out for is just people at the same time zone.

You just have to be like around this time zone such as you can do stand up everyday,

India's perfect Russia's Great Africa's okay but still slightly at its edge.

Since half of the team is remote another half is in Singapore,

Potentially in the office, right? Do you feel like also just thinking on some, some, some contacts is that, teams that are fully removed, I mean, a lot of people know how to operate, when companies clear remote.

When everyone's in the office it's also gonna have a non model but when companies try to be kind of 50 50 we're like half of the company in an office,

Another half and well I've seen a lot of companies you know have having challenges or complaint,

About that kind of dynamic that like certain people are not always in office. How do you guys manage that? Do you guys have any like specific activities that you do? Or everyone's in their

You know and in their bedrooms anyway working from their laptops how do you guys manage this like kind of hybrid half.

Hey we just decided to fully go remote

We we we actually tried going both ways like you said. And it did kind of result in problems. Mainly because when you when you prioritize remote everybody contributes to overcoming with the communication overhead.

Right? That that you have to deal with but if you have a half half situation then the people at the office don't care and then the people who are remote can't talk to them because yo

I mean we just chose to just go fully remote for us and accommodate to everybody.


It's you just go all the way and you have to stick it to make it.

Little bit better. I think the biggest.

Is the it's the water cooler talk it's yeah the communication of it and then it's empathy.


It's empathy with people when you know a person and when you see them every day and when you talk to them have that watercolor to talk have lunch with them you feel for that right you you understand what's going in your life you understand like the workload that they're having you kind of you

You when, when, when, so, when things go wrong, you empathize with them and then you back them up,

Right? And you go like and you and you help them out. Your bodies in this. We all this together. I think it's a little bit harder in a remote team to have that same connection,

Right because and you really have to work for the team task that connection,

So what I'm doing several things we've recognized that and we've been doing several things towards trying to make that having team a lot more close knit,

We have like we do gather town I'm not sure if you can for those of you who are listening and who don't know what this is it's gather town is it's just kind of like online events space where

You have a character avatar you go around and on the way it works is if you go close to somebody it turns on a video call and then you can talk to them and if you go away from them you stop talking to them,

Right? So it feels like a real life meeting space and a real life event space. And in Gathertown you can play games like poker night. You can have like,

Like you could play werewolf, crossword puzzle. So, we've kind of started doing more of this. Just having more frequent parties to try to to to try to like bridge this empathy gap that we've been lacking.

How some yells dogs have specifically about gather town and there's another product that is topia

And it's been working for us but,

Yes surprisingly I haven't tried Taupia yet but the CEO of Tope is my is my is a friend of mine. So we better try it. Yeah. But.

Yeah. So, but yeah, gather town is something that'll be also been kind of looking at and actually planning this year.

To host more sessions and potentially even,

Host interviews like this on Galatown maybe like some just general hangouts for the community as well as like some hiring events,

No, that should have your imaginary view at like I thought this before and I just want to bring it up because I I thought it was a graduation. Imagine if you have speed.

Speed interviewing, right? Like, like, you have, you just invite five companies there and like people to just sit there and you people come in while I go 1 hour period and rotate.

Yep. Exactly. That's that's exactly the fact. Do not steal our beans, stirrling. It's but yeah, we'll be doing that and you guys definitely invited to


This kind of thing for you when it works. So, yeah, happy to guys have you and we'll definitely get it more people from Twitter joining the space. We'll probably have to do some like prescreening.

To make sure that everyone's in the space are you know kind of maybe like,

Have at least certain level of experience or maybe like focus around specific

Super exciting. It's unsuper fun. I think that sounds great. Yeah. Yeah. We'll try to like have something like, you know, just specifically for developers, specifically for, you know, one specific type of role, right? Rather than,

If we're to try to organize something with a bunch of you know technical and technical positions it will be think of like not as effective perhaps I don't know that's my current.

Brainstorming. Yeah, I mean, yeah, I mean, I think, yeah, I think the squidding is,

I mean, ultimately, online, you do have, when you make it, just completely permissionless, you do have permission as often good, but you often want kind of like audit tag there as well. Yeah, yeah.

Call the heavy guys try any other interesting tools to facilitate your like working process anything unique and not so common or anything that you find underrated by the community,

So I think having the right communication performance is important. We shift it from telegram to discord. We used to be like Solia and Telegram but like

As a team grows and I think as conversations have have kind of like you need different channels and threads and I think slack works discard works but I think it's important to take a channel and ensure that everybody is kind of on it,

We've done things as well such as you know the like

Because everything's online. It's important and everybody's communicating online. It's important that the technical difficulties like there was today of Twitter space. It just destroyed the whole experience, right? And because of you and more for sure, I think when you're walking,

So we do things we we we've done things like if you are in a location where where Banworth is

It's just not as stable. Examples on regions in India. Maybe Africa. We kind of like pay for like,

You have three connections like the top three connections the highest performance or whatever right and that's because.

If one goes down at least you have the other more redundancy you should always be as an it's just too frustrating to be walking in an environment where you can't be commenting one of the other official then.

Everybody has a nice working setup such that they have a quiet era to be talking they have a quiet area to be working I don't want the other companies doing we'd love to adopt some,

Processes to those? Yeah, I think so far, I haven't seen anyone doing anything like super extraordinary, everyone's on discord.

I'm trying to think of the resulting thing that includes the doubt of her 1 day that I talked to. But yeah mainly just everyone's discord. More and more people tried to adopt a town.

Yeah I that's why I'm asking this question like I haven't I haven't seen any specifically Sliver Bullet,

Where a gem that really stood out in terms of like fixing the communication.

Well, let me know if you hit find a bullet. Yeah. Yeah. Definitely. It's definitely a golden bullet or like that. For sure. Cool. Let's see. Eddie.

I'm just going through a list of questions that again I'm thinking what could be could be asking them because I think we already been about 2 hours in,

Or if you'd like, we can open up the floor two more questions. I think there has been

Yeah, I think opening up the floor might be nice at this point. It's everybody's tired of listening to us talk. I will hopefully there are something new

Alright we have Ash having a question and we have Leanne being in a QSfour for some time so prepared questions alright go ahead Ash

I need yourself to ask a question. Thank you sir. So that,

There are few other projects who are interested in making Singapore there head of operation so the place of operation,

Maze operations. So, is there any law firm that you can guide us to where upper.

That law firm takes care of everything they 30 figure of incorporation opening up of bank accounts and all the legalities,

Yeah, so it depends on your budget. You can PM me. I have, I mean, I, I have several to recommend. I really depends on your budget.

Simmons and Simmons has been great televentors via as well.

Yeah, okay, dude. Do you do anything to do the anybody recommended to take a.

I referring to me. Good question. For crypto, yeah, I mean, similar to the same as came up a few times. I haven't worked with them personally. Just general incarceration. There's you know, there is sleek and there is awesome.

And I think for just general incorporation and there are more than enough incorporation accounting.

And they they work with quite a few crypto companies as well.

But they probably would not be able to offer highly in depth like legal advice if you're launching a token for example.

Yeah that these are,

I would actually add a follow-up question to this is like what are your thoughts in the recent MAS,

Law that they issued that you cannot advertise a cryptocurrency trading in single.

It seems like things are clamping down a little bit more. From what I share, that's actually a coordinate to effort, by the way, which means,

Singapore, London. UK, I mean, doing this all at once. So, it's interesting that this is happening.

I do think it's well within the parameters of.

What has already been said though like you know it's a very important thing to I I don't know if you how many of you guys are based outside one thing to like we do this with casinos we do this with we do this with like,

I think gambling is really just the best example where,

You know, you can open a casino here and you can let tourists gamble at the casino but you can't let Singaporeans gamble.

Yep. So you can come here, start your crypto company, sell to everybody else, but no, no, no, no, no, Singapore. Yeah, it's kind of it's it's a little bit.

I don't know I was kind of not shocked but I think I was upset as everyone else and like you know is there we get any more.

More negative news to come because I do actually hear from quite a few people from.

Kind of high up in the in the government or had who had access to high people there that they like they actually wanting to promote

Access to crypto to a wider masses and so these are two very complicating sentiments which is quite surprising.

Yeah and I think I feel like it's gonna take a hit as well on on conferences and events because I believe that certain,

Conferences might be considered as advertising.

So I wonder what will happen once, once, once we conquer COVID, and COVID regulations.

And we're back to organizing some meetups and events. I wonder whether these meetups and events will fall under,

This advertising regulations around crypto.

Yep. So,

So one more question so even your so if if you are giving away laptops to your employees how do you manage those laptops alright how do you use this passing laptops.

Okay. Okay. Okay. That that's that's all I wanted to ask. Thank you so much. Thank you Romans.

Yeah, thanks Ash. Yeah, I think this question came up you know, we're just recording some time ago around

You know companies giving out corporate equipment and I was commenting that these days most remote companies day I need to know really give out corporate laptops they you know invest cases they usually have a certain allowance,

But most cases is just ignore you by your own laptop from your from your salary because it's like just way too much overhead,

To manage devices yup.

Alright we have Leanne who's been unmute for quite some time it's for your if you're hearing us ask you a question.


I am a student graduating in the May and I wanted to know.

What kind of opportunities there were for new graduates if there's any new grad programs cuz I know it's gonna look a newer space. And I'm not sure if those are out there available.

Yeah. Sorry. That's great.

Oh yeah. Hey Adam thank you and financed business. So Bob.

I see we're to see us and business support. Yes. CSN's computer science. FYI.

Right? Yes. Yeah. Oh, okay, okay. So, I mean, if you're technical like that, definitely are rules.

Ultimately, I don't think an expected grad program. I'm not sure if you're asking the context of web through off or you're asking the contacts of work through off.

And kind of like in general crypto community. I can answer both.

So I think in general in crypto community there aren't crab programs that I would like academies or boot camps that could sign up for to get like some sort of certification. I then consensus had one before,

And you have others which do that too but in general you don't have something like that.

Yeah I don't see consensus and like even the large like crypto companies having specifically grad programs and targeting,

New grads like the way Google Facebook and take an area to that said I mean if you really want to be working in the web three space

And and you're coming from see us it's really it's not.

What three isn't that hard to pick up I would say like spend some time just like digging through things.

Find the company you're really interested in and then like digging to the product some of the PR request they'll call you up for an interview and I think that's how you get it.

Thank you for the advice that sounds very interesting.

Yeah I just wanted to add that for developers is definitely very clear route in in the space because a lot of projects open source or at this partial open source,

And if you're, you know, contributing to their code, if you're, you know, sending poll requests,

Ego definitely gonna denote it and if you're doing equality proquests like there is.

There is no way that a company would not like reach out to you and like ask you if you're you know interested in working and contributing more.

Especially if you're gonna get me if you if you're doing exceptional work and exceptional contributions.

Hey Facebook crypto space is always begging for developers begging for developers. Yep.

Yep so yes that's the developer you know reply to jobs but most importantly just.

Just you know find get herb accounts of different projects so the projects you like and you know start experimenting with those projects start.

Issue pool requests start, you know, adding some value to them. Whether it's even like as little as fixing some typo in rid me,

All the way to fixing bugs. And you'll definitely gonna be noticed and that you'll definitely gonna be like offered anywhere from, I don't know, internship.

To like some some interim program to maybe a full time opportunity.

Got it. Thank you so much. Oh, thank you for the question. Alright. Do we have any more questions from the audience?

Now is the time I think we'll gonna be wrapping up in about 10 15 minutes is that how you feel sounds good.

It's getting 8 PM time for some

And on Friday, yeah, thank you so much once again by the way, for joining like on on Friday evening. I was thinking, I'm so sorry that difficulties,


Happens happens her I'll also know to do a better job with like big red text update your phone and make sure it's mobile only something that I could improve as well.

Cool. Well, no one's no one's asking for no one has any more questions. So, yeah, thanks once again and try for coming up today.

Thanks for,

Hiring so coming to group chats this applied to their jobs,

We tagged quite a few of them in this in the sweetest places for and you know our feed. So yeah.

Looking forward to seeing you in the next one.

Thanks for having us. Thanks for having us. Yeah, thanks so much. Congrats once again only rebrand. I'm super super jealous about three of the main name and and the branding in the name super amazing. Amazing stuff.

And yeah let's do some time you know copy with contest.

Cheers. Alright. Yeah, let's start definitely at.

Yeah I definitely what's that? Yes we'll be in touch. Until next time. See ya. Thanks so much everyone. Have a great weekend ahead.