The AP Strange Show

The AP Strange Show Trailer Bonus Episode 23 Season 1

Getting ESPecially Spooky with Loyd Auerbach

Getting ESPecially Spooky with Loyd AuerbachGetting ESPecially Spooky with Loyd Auerbach

This week's episode has the one-and-only Loyd Auerbach, aka Professor Paranormal, sharing his thoughts and observations from his decades-long career in parapsychology. He is a mentalist, author, investigator of paranormal claims, a chocolatier, and teaches parapsychology courses at the Rhine Education Center and Atlantic University.
He and AP get into the nitty gritty of mentalism and stage magic, and where it overlaps with the ghostly and psi research. From there, they discuss everything from PK effects on machinery, Stupid Psychic Tricks, ghost planes, and spoon bending.
Also discussed is the role of humor in investigation and in presentation of ideas and concepts related to the paranormal. Loyd's charm and wit have served him well in publicly presenting the science behind paranormal investigation, on shows such as Sightings and Coast to Coast AM - but also with some of the spirits he's encountered.
It was an honor and a pleasure to have Loyd on the show! He was a big influence on a young AP.

Check out his website here:
And to take part in his live "Ask Professor Paranormal" events, subscribe to his YouTube channel here:

What is The AP Strange Show?

A show about Weird Stuff, hosted by AP Strange. AP interviews cool weirdos about their work, and invites friends on to discuss second sequels in franchises in a series called "Third Time's the Charm". Other fun surprises await...