The Viktor Wilt Show

Lying to your landlord about having a pet, tips when renting a new place, National Food Day, DiGiorno Thanksgiving pizza, win a Nintendo Switch bundle, movies that are truly terrifying for the holiday season, Mom sets up a toilet for toddler in a food aisle in Costco, people obsessed with Costco are weird, the bald subreddit, too many people don't wash their hands after using the bathroom, scientists reactive dead pig brain,new Call Of Duty game, GTA 5 and Red Dead Redemption 2 are woke video games, the top 10 most played bands on rock radio, things that people are sick of being told are great, get out and vote, mild vandalism

What is The Viktor Wilt Show?

The Viktor Wilt Show daily recap! If you miss the show weekdays from 6A-10A MST, you've come to the right place.

Hello. How's it going? It's Viktor Wilt. Well, if you're a regular listener, you know that I'm a pet guy, namely a cat guy. And if you live in an apartment often, probably more often than not, they don't allow you to have pets.

Well, we've got some stories online of what happened when you hid pets from a landlord and the landlord found out. Alright. Let me tell my own story. This was the first place I ever moved out of my own into, or I guess technically the second. But anyhow, an apartment on Arthur and Pocatello.

And, you know, my girlfriend at the time brought home a cat. Like, alright. Well, I'm gonna keep the cat. Can turn down a cute little kitten, but I wasn't supposed to have pets. Alright.

But it was just one. But then, of course, it starts with 1, and I was like, well, I need to get I need to get him a friend. So then I got another cat. So I had 2 cats running around, little apartment, not supposed to have pets. And the second cat, he was very hard to litter box train.

You know, I've learned a lot as I got older on how to do these things. We didn't have the Internet around back then where he could look up the best techniques for that, so I was just winging it. So the cat would make a mess sometimes. And, I had a 2 bedroom apartment. One room was the cat's room.

1 one was mine. And the cat's room, it did in fact get a little bit messy. So I think at some point, the landlord had to send somebody over to fix something. And, of course, they you can't really hide that you have cats or dogs or or, you know, you or pretty much any kind of pet. So now I got that notice.

You've broke your lease. You're not supposed to have pets. You need to get. And that kinda sucked, but, yeah, it ended up being no big big deal. You find somewhere else to live.

But as I was reading through some of these responses from people who hid pets from a landlord, like the first one mentioned, they had actually signed the paperwork saying they could have a pet, and they put a deposit and everything. And I guess the property owner did not allow pets, but the property manager didn't know that or something. So, anyway, they tried to take their deposit and this and that, but they saved all their paperwork. And they were able to, you know, get the deposit back because they're like, look. You said we could have pets we signed for this.

I'm sure the, you know, property manager got in a little bit of trouble with the property owner, but, save all of your paperwork always. You never know what you're gonna have to go back and dig up. And, another issue I had with that particular apartment is I don't know what they did with the paint in there. They used some kind of weird paint to maybe fix some spots on the wall or something. And over time, these areas that they had fixed, the paint started fading.

So you could see the paint lines on the wall, and it was, like, a different color. And they accused me of painting all over the apartment. I'm like, why on earth would I just paint random spots like that? There is no point. That doesn't make any sense.

Thankfully, I had pictures from when I moved in, and you could see the reflection. Like, the this particular area or these particular areas were shiny, and you could see it in the pictures that these lines were already painted there, the day I moved in. So even back then, we didn't have, you know, cameras on our phone and such. If you move into an apartment, take pictures of every square inch of that place on the day you move in, email them to your landlord so you have an email, you know, for reference. You can go back and say, look, I emailed you these photos.

Here's a copy copy of the email. Here's the date. And then if after the fact there's anything that was broken when he moved in, land landlords will try to get you to pay for anything they can, you know, because they wanna save money. So, I know this got a little off topic from the pet thing, but I I just wanted to point out and remind people about the paperwork and photos thing, when it comes to moving into a place because that can really help you out down the line. You've got the proof that you were adhering to the lease, as you agreed to save yourself, you know, some some serious money potentially.

Anyway, that that's my tip for the day. Morning, and welcome to the program today. I hope all is well. I guess be careful out there in Idaho Falls. Could get a tiny bit of snow this morning.

I mean, it's probably gonna be, like, if anything, that slushy stuff that's just annoying to see to let you know what's coming. But, little bit wet out there right now. Should end up being a nice day, however, high of about, well, actually, no. I was looking at the weekend. Today's not going to be a nice day.

It's gonna be a high of 49, low of 26. So, yeah, take your hose off the faucet there and, anything relating to water outside. Get it dealt with. So glad I got my my yard work. Well, not done, but a lot of it accomplished yesterday.

Alright. What's going on in the news today? I did read that it's National Food Day today, so eat something. National food day. I guess it's to eat whole foods.

You know, that's what you're supposed to do today. Get yourself a nice fresh apple, a banana, and whatever other kind of, real whole foods, or maybe get yourself a, Thanksgiving pizza. I also saw that in the news. Yeah. You know, forget putting all that effort into Thanksgiving dinner.

DiGiorno's Thanksgiving pizza. It's all you need. It's a pizza with turkey, gravy, green beans, cranberries, and crispy onions. There you go. You can pick it up, what it may be, Albertsons?

That's Kroger. Right? Albertsons? I think. Or is that Fred Meyer?

I can't remember. I think maybe it is Fred Meyer. Anyway, if you wanna do Thanksgiving the easy way, Thanksgiving pizza. Last year, I said I was gonna do pizza for Thanksgiving. Just sit at home, have some pizza, and relax.

And then lieutenant Crane ended up inviting me to his house, so I had a normal Thanksgiving dinner, and it was a lot of fun. But this year, I'm back on the pizza train. That's my plan for now. Far as I know, the kids aren't coming to visit. And if they did, I'm sure they'd wanna go to their grandma's house where there's much more of a meal than I would be willing to throw together because Thanksgiving's a lot of work.

Shout out to anybody who cooks a Thanksgiving meal. I've done it. I've done it many times. Full on, you know, dealing with the turkey and everything else. You gotta time it all right.

Yeah. I I hope I don't have to do that anytime soon. Too much work. Alright. Anyway, we're up and rolling.

If you wanna get a hold of me, 208-535-1015, the number to call. I'm here doing it live, but, again, be cautious out there. A little bit wet. Could have some slick areas, and, bundle up. It's gonna start, well, today's gonna be chilly, but we we've still got a few nice days ahead, thankfully.

Maybe I can actually get my leaves out to the road this year. We'll see. It's the Victor Wilt Show, and good morning to you. Appreciate you tuning in, joining me today. Means a lot every day.

I hope you know that. Hope you know how much you're appreciated, and I hope you have a great day today. I hope you potentially win some prizes from us as well. Hooking up all kinds of cool stuff this week and, well, every week moving forward. So much cool stuff going on.

If you didn't hear, we're giving away a Nintendo Switch with Brent Gordon Law. Got that stupid time change coming up. You know, 1st weekend of November. Ugh. Gotta hate that.

Anyway, we're trying to make it better with make the switch with Brent Gordon Law giving away a Nintendo switch bundle. Super easy to get in to win. All you have to do, fire up the k Bear or all taps and fill out the form. Boom. You're in to win.

And if you're lucky, you'll be kicking off the month of November with a brand new Nintendo Switch bundle so you can use that extra hour to, I don't know, depends what games, you you know, you wanna play. I was gonna say Mario it up or, Zelda it up. Right? I don't know. It's up to you.

You'll have the switch, and once you have the system, you can get whatever games you want. And the switch is a lot of fun. Thoroughly enjoy playing my switch, so I hope you win it. You listening right now, I hope you win the switch with Brent Gordon Law. Sign up in the k barrel and all taps now, and good luck.

There you go. A couple creepy tracks courtesy of our friends at no limit guitar company celebrating their 6 year anniversary this month. Get in and get yourself some sweet deals. Also, don't forget to enter to win one of the many prizes we're giving away with no limit guitar company, fire up the k Bear or all tap to enter to win. We'll get into more of that later.

Right now, I was looking at a list of movies that supposedly are the most terrifying movies of all time. And some of these it's been a while since I watched them. It's pretty hard to find a movie that as an adult scares me. And most of the comments here do say, you know, when I was a kid, this movie scared me. I I wanna know something that's still scary when you're an adult.

A movie that is still unsettling as an adult. So if you have any suggestions, you can let me know at 208-535-1015. One of the highest voted responses was event horizon, and it's been a long time since I watched that movie. I do recall it being good, but I might have to go back and watch it again. Now usually, when I see these lists, the scariest movies, I go watch them, and I'm very disappointed.

But it's been so long since I've seen event horizon. I have no idea. Alright. Let's, let's go ahead and go to the phones here. K bear.

You are live on the show. Please keep that in mind. Who's this? It's Jake Victor. How are you?

Jake? I'm doing pretty good, man. What's the most terrifying movie you've ever seen? For me, it has to be hostile. Hostile.

All right. It's been a long time since I watched that. It's, definitely one of the most brutal movies out there. Yeah. I'm gonna have to watch it again.

Maybe I don't wanna travel. Yeah, that's for sure. I do recall it being super gory, super brutal, but I'm gonna have to watch it again because I don't remember the, the scare factor. So Yeah. Well, the whole Achilles thing, man, that did it for me.

Yeah. See, that's one of those scenes you don't forget. Oh, yeah. Okay. Your your your eyes get all squinty and you're like, oh.

Oh, yeah. Have you ever seen, the descent? Yes. Okay. That one for whatever reason is one that sticks out to me as being pretty terrifying.

I think it's a claustrophobia issue for me being in caves like that. Oh, yeah. There's there's no way I'm spelunking ever. No. No.

And, We're too big for that. You know, I and I feel like I am too. Even if I was in a very large cave, I I don't know. I'd have to go to one of those ones where they have it all lit up inside and it's it's very, touristy halfway for you. Yeah, exactly.

Just some random cave. That's about as terrifying as it gets for me. Yeah. And I've been trying to think of, like, other movies and, like, the psychological ones from, like, M Night Shyamalan, like, if that were to ever happen maybe, like, signs. I don't I don't know.

That would be freaky. Signs is pretty freaky for sure. That that's got some unsettling moments. And then I even think outside of horror when I think of movies that, terrified me and or maybe were just really bothersome. You know, like requiem requiem for a dream, which is not a horror movie, but you just feel so dirty afterward and, like, oh, it's just a terrible I mean, it's a great movie, but it's terrible.

You know? Like, deliverance. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, jeez.

Yikes. Staying in the Pacific Northwest. Yeah. Yeah. Exactly.

Another one for me was, like, the day after tomorrow because I watched it when it first came out of theaters, and it was, like, the helplessness I felt if that were to ever to occur. I'd be like, you know what? I give up. I'm half out. Yeah, man.

Some of those natural disaster movies, they they can be very unsettling even if they're not what you'd think of as being a scary movie. It's just the reality of it. It it's very bothersome. Yeah. Like, you're powerless.

You know, what's gonna happen is gonna happen. Okay. Can you imagine what would happen if we just lost electricity worldwide? I probably like it. No more social media.

I mean, no more social media would be great, but I I think we devolve into, you know, half wild beasts within probably a week, probably a week, max. It'd be, you know, it's just apocalyptic. No faith, Victor, no faith in humanity whatsoever, man. No. I I have none.

That's for sure, man. People lose it. They lose it over the smallest thing so fast. You go a week with no electricity. It's over.

Yeah. You tell these people go a week without toilet paper. Yeah. You know what I mean? Oh, yeah.

Yeah. Exactly. Alrighty, man. You have a good one, Victor. You too, man.

Appreciate the call today. Oh, yeah. Talk to you later. Bye. Yeah.

Good time to watch some scary movies right now. If I think of any other good recommendations, I'll definitely let you know. The descent is the one that's standing out to me, right now when I think of as far as just okay. It's a horror movie and scary. The descent is pretty messed up.

You should check it out if you've never seen it. I think it's universally, known as one of the the best horror movies out there. So I don't know if it's on streaming. Let's check because I'd actually really like to watch it again. The decent why can't I type today?

Jeez. It's worse than not being able to talk. Well, no. Because you have to listen to me. The descent streaming.

Alright. Not looking good. Fubo? What is Fubo? 3299 a month.

Yeah. That that ain't happening. No way. I'll just rent the movie on prime. Kbo, you are live on the show.

Please keep that in mind. Who's this? This is Mark. Mark, what you got for a terrifying movie? Mid soma.

Dude. Dude. That's a very unsettling movie. I think it's, I think it's a masterpiece of film as well. It's so good.

Yeah. It shocked the shit of me. Oh, hey. Hey. Hey.

Language, Mark. I know. No. Alright. That's okay.

I as long as the dumb button worked, we're okay. Okay. So Mark said, Midsommar in case it dumped that out. Okay. Yeah.

Very, very, very good movie and, certainly bothersome. So, highly recommended. It's a masterpiece. Also hereditary. Hereditary is really good too.

You know, to me, that's another one that's really uncomfortable to watch. And you know, the psychological end of what's happening is, is very disturbing. And there are some moments in it that are like unforgettable moments in horror. So, all right. Don't wanna spoil anything, but yeah.

Hereditary and Midsommar that director's great. Have you seen his latest movie? Beau is afraid. I have not. No.

I think it's on, I don't know if it's on HBO. It might be on like paramount or something. Okay. I'll look for it. It's I don't think it's as good as, Midsommar or hereditary, but the level of mayhem in it and the craziness, I it it definitely, it gives you anxiety to watch it.

It's, it's very crazy. I recommend giving it at least one watch. People either love it or hate it. I thought it was really good, but I like to be surprised. So It it'll surprise you.

And another movie I watched recently that was excellent was from the director of Requiem for a dream. It's called mother with an exclamation point. Oh, okay. Yeah. Yep.

And I didn't know what to expect with that one. And, it's wild. It was a wild ride. So that was I think I saw that when it first came out. Yeah.

Yeah. It was it was cool. That was a good one. Yeah. Awesome.

Alright. Well, you have a good day. Hey. You too, man. Appreciate it.

Alrighty. Peace. Since I watch a lot of horror, I stumble across some pretty good movies. And, thankfully, my lady's really into horror too, so she'll dig up some really good ones. And, it's so nice when somebody has the same kind of taste in movies as you because, like, a 24 movies are not for everybody.

You know, they they've got a certain feel and tone to them, and not everybody is going to dig stuff like Midsommar, Hereditary, or The Witch. It's it's very different from your typical slasher movie, for example. The other day, I watched the 2022 version of Scream. I wanna say it was on Netflix, and I was a big fan of the original scream way back in the day. I thought that this it I it's not a remake.

It's a sequel many years later, but I thought they did a pretty good job with it, and I thought it was pretty fun. It it was worth a watch. Some of these horror movies have such generic names, though. I can't ever remember them. It makes me kind of crazy.

Let's see if I can pull up best horror of 2023, maybe. See what we pull up here. Okay. When evil lurks, When evil lurks is definitely one of the best horror movies I've seen in a long time. It's a, foreign film.

What what language was it in? It doesn't matter what language it was in. What you need to do is watch it and put the subtitles on. Never watch a movie with the English dubbing. It's always so much worse.

Well, it it that wasn't worded very well, but you get what I'm saying. It's not the way to watch them. Now when evil lurks, I don't remember which streaming service it's on, but that was so good. And again, it's just got kind of one of those generic names. I don't know if I ever would've watched it.

But I think I've either I or the lady found it on a list or something and it's got some there are some gore moments in it that are pretty brutal. Not like hostile brutal, like, just impressively gross. But it's, just a really good story. It was well done. When evil lurks.

Yeah. It was toward the top of this list of the best horror movies of 2023. Here's another one that I watched just the other day after we watched, scream. Talk to me, another a 24 movie. This movie was wild.

This movie was wild. It was really good. I don't remember which, service it's on, which streaming service, but Talk to Me. Another movie with a fairly generic title. Excellent.

Excellent movie. I never watched the one they've got on this list here at number 1. Skinnamarink, I remember hearing a lot about it. I should probably watch it. Seems like another one that people either loved or hated, but I I definitely need to check that one out.

What else do they have on this list? Evil dead rise. I thought that was fun. I wouldn't have called it one of the greatest horror movies of the year, but, but it was good. It was good.

It was fun. If you like evil dead movies, I would think you would like it. Anyway, there's a few recommendations for you. If I think of any others, I'll let you know. I know I've watched a bunch of other really good stuff recently, but you know how well my memory works.

I don't know why I still get posts popping up in my feed on Reddit from the Costco subreddit. I don't follow that subreddit, but I see posts often enough. Maybe it's just because some of them are so wacky. They just know. The the old algorithm is they.

They just know that I'm gonna like these kind of stories or I need content for air. Lot of weird stuff that goes down at Costco. You know, back in the day, it was people of Walmart. Costco's kind of taken over as far as, really bizarre activity seems to go. You've got these people who are completely obsessed with Costco.

Costco. You have online personalities whose entire content, you know, just based around Costco stuff, like the Costco kid. Maybe you've seen that. Maybe you haven't. I gotta have myself a nice chicken bake.

I'm a Costco kid. Ugh. How weird. But this store here is like, alright. This might be something good to talk about and let people know don't do this at a store of any sort, whether it's Costco or Walmart or whatever.

Alright. The person posted, it just happened. I am beyond disgusted. After I got over the initial shock of it all, I had to say something. I told her she couldn't do that.

Her response was, I set up a potty and she is 6 feet away from food, so there's no problem. She was incredulous that this was my problem and not hers. Who thinks it was okay? Mom set up a potty for child in the food aisle at Costco. Now Costco, they have restrooms.

Right? I've never used one at Costco, but I would assume they have them. Take your child and bring them to the bathroom. Yeah. I don't know if they found the portable potty in the store.

I would assume they didn't just, like, drag it with them, but, yeah, they used a clear garbage bag to collect the waste, tied the bag with a knot at the top. They've just got a bag of, dookie. Oh, man. And the kid, that's the worst part. Rather than take your kid to a public bathroom with a door closed and blah blah blah, just out here right in the middle of the aisle, just go.

Now though a toddler may or may not remember this, it's gotta induce some kind of trauma because, you know no matter how old you are if you're if you're like at talking age, you know that that's a private activity. Can you imagine you're walking through Costco and you see this? Costco people. Again, the new people of Walmart. I haven't seen any weird Walmart stories in a while that I can think of.

It's always Costco. So just be aware. I I don't know. Maybe it I'd say need to try to shop off hours, but they're not really open off hours. It's not like WinCo where you can avoid the crowd and the crazy by going there in the middle of the night.

No. Costco, you are going to deal with the hordes of Costco crazy people. K. If you're a fanatic for Costco, I'm sorry in advance. I'm not trying to judge, but Costco people are weird.

I know we already talked a little bit about this. But now I've spent a few minutes scrolling through the Costco subreddit, and I just go, what what is going on with these people? Why are you so strange? It's just a store. It's just a place to get, you know, groceries or whatever.

People are obsessed. Obsessed. Now some of this is useful. Like, hey. Did you ever want to know the difference between the heirloom blue eggs compared to the pasture raised organic brown eggs?

Look what they look like in a pan. And you can see that one has the darker, you know, orange yolk, and you go, okay. That's probably a a better quality egg. Okay. Great.

But then you've got people who just post strange things like pictures of a full Costco pizza, and this is a very popular post. You know, on Reddit, the popularity of your post is gauged by up votes. You know people see a post they like, they up vote it. Kinda like giving it a like but you can also give it the old down vote. A picture of a regular pepperoni pizza from Costco.

205 is currently the, status on the up votes there. K? Compare that to, you know okay. Here's, you know, some pictures of some bottled water. Oh, that's actually very popular too.

But 200 some odd people, they're like, yeah. Costco pizza. Now there's no such thing as bad pizza. K? No such thing.

Totino's is great. No such thing as a bad pizza. But Costco pizza, it's it's just normal average pizza. K. I've had it.

I've eaten it multiple times, and it's it's fine. It's good. It's pizza. But I wouldn't ever take a picture of it. You know?

You gotta have some really standout pizza to, you know, make it worthy of a photo and certainly worthy of posting online unless you're a Costco person. Look at the pizza. Somebody posted a picture of the candy they bought. They bought a bag of, mixed candy for Halloween, dumped it out, and they're like, check it out. I'm so lucky because Reese's is my favorite, and this bag had Reese's more more than any other candy.

They counted every package of candy and made a, you know, image showing how many of each they have. M and M's, 25. Peanut M and M's, 4. Snickers, 27. Reese's, 28, and on and on.

Very popular post. Okay. Not as popular as the picture of the pizza, but still, I I don't know. I'm baffled by this subreddit here. I could see posting like, hey.

They got a screaming deal on something at Costco. You gotta check this out. But I've seen pictures of pizza more than once on this subreddit. Like, here's another one. Check it out.

New Kirkland ground beef. They don't have any, oh, they do show that it costs, you can get £4 for 19.99. But check it out. New beef. Like, it it it's just beef.

I don't know. Again, I'm not trying to judge. I just don't understand being obsessed enough with Costco to take a picture of various food items and just post them. Like, somebody opened up a bag of chicken nuggets and we're like, check these out. Look at them.

Here's some frozen, chicken tenders from Costco, man. Their their chicken tenders. They're frozen. Freak news powered by Greasemonkey voted Idaho's best oil change. Hey.

How's it going? It's Victor Will. Let's roll. Hey. Costco people, I just wanna let you know there are a lot of good things about Costco.

I was talking with Stewart about this off air a few minutes ago. You know, just because I said the pizza's mid doesn't mean it's not a good value. I just didn't think it was worth posting a picture of. And, also, lots of great items you can't get anywhere else and, some really good deals on things from time to time. So I'm not bagging Costco, just Costco weirdos of which there are many.

Get on YouTube. Search for Costco people. See what I'm talking about. They're obsessed. Alright?

Another subreddit filled with strange people. At least to me, I don't know. Maybe it's not that strange. They're just looking for support. The bald subreddit.

We've talked about this many times. It is a hilarious subreddit to me because you got a bunch of dudes that take selfies and they post them and they go, is it time? Is it time? And their hair is all thinning. They look terrible.

And they're just looking for encouragement. But it still makes me laugh. Because it's like, dude, if you're taking the time to take a picture of the top of your head and you know You you know, if you're asking is it time, it's probably time to shave your head. Alright? Just give it a whirl.

And it's your head. You can do what you want. 1 guy I was looking at and yeah. I was looking at the bald subreddit a few minutes ago. Scrolling away.

One guy's like, I know it's time but my wife Listen, dude. You gotta you gotta think about yourself sometimes. Maybe your wife's worried you'll just look too good with that shaved head. You know when it's time to shave your head and just do it. It's not that big of a deal.

Bald is you know, it's in. It's popular. And I'm telling you, makes, like, from someone who had long hair, Makes your day as far as getting ready to go so much quicker. You don't have to worry about shampoo and conditioner and blah blah blah. You just get in like a dude, and you just use one bottle of soap.

Bam. You're done. I mean, you can buy special soap for your bald head, but I don't think it's necessary. Okay. Anyway, back to weird news, freak news.

Let's see. Study reveals shocking hygiene habit almost half of us are guilty of. Oh, great. Here's something that's gonna gross us out. I didn't read it because I wanted to be surprised with you.

When it comes to hygiene, are you washing your hands after going to the bathroom and before handling food? Oh, jeez. These are the things you don't wanna hear because it says, well, not everyone is at least in Australia. Oh, yeah. They don't wanna let us know about the US.

But, yeah. Apparently, about half people polled admit to not washing their hands all the time before handling food. Alright. Maybe I'm just really paranoid about germs since I got that norovirus, which comes from people handling food without clean hands. Jeez.

It was terrible. A week feeling like I was gonna vomit 247. It was awful. If you work in food service, wash your hands, especially after using the bathroom. Disgusting.

Disgusting. Yeah. It's he seems here to be a generational habit according to this article with, young people being less likely to wash their hands after using the toilet. Excuse me? That's right.

Yeah. No. I wash my hands every single time. You better, peaches. I'm I'm ready to start wandering around here yelling at all the young ones.

Wash your filthy hands. It's disgusting. I mean, there's not really many people younger than me in this building. I mean, Katie's about a year younger than me. Well, we got, the, you know, Emma and Maddie.

They're both pretty young. Oh, though. Yeah. Maddie is the youngest. I'm guessing that, you know, women wash their hands more than guys.

You'd be surprised. I I don't know because guys are pretty dirty. That just, you know, based on my life experience, filthy behavior, it tends to be more on the side of the dudes. Until you find one of those, like, bar bro woman that's, like, you know, practically a dude. But they I call it pure water.

Yeah. But they might still wash their hands. I I don't know. I don't know. Sometimes they reek.

But this is yet alone another reason to not go to Australia. These were Australian stats. And, I I think Australia is just No sick for me, Mike. Fire. I don't I don't wash my hands.

What else do we have here? Oh, this is kind of exciting. Scientists successfully revived pig's brain an hour after its death. They brought its brain back to life, peaches. We got hope for immortality coming our way.

Would would you wanna be revived? Like, what happens with the past? You're you're like, oh, okay. I guess I'm back here now. I would much rather be revived than remain.

But what happens when you when you die, like, 85? Like, are you really wanting to I guess it's wanted to be that old? I guess it depends. You know, if you're in, decent shape, maybe so. Not really.

You know? Even if you are at a decent shape at 85 years old, you're still 85. Yeah. But, I mean, if you're But just Sylvester Stallone. Like, he How old is he?

Mid seventies. Okay. And he's in fine shape, isn't he? For a 70 75 year old. How old is he?

Look him up. Yeah. How old is he? Let's see here. Got one of these names.

It's hard to type. 78. Okay. Yeah. So he's he's getting close to 80.

He's getting close to 80, and he's in really good shape, for for being that age. Lot of roids? Lot of procedures? I roids? We that is he a roid guy?

I've never heard of. I I don't know. Probably not at 78 peaches. Not anymore, but he's it's kinda like, you know We'll go allegedly. It's kinda went down a little bit.

You know, he used to be, like, you know, Rambo. But me, there's always something to look forward to to, to me anyhow, like I would be so furious if I got hit by a bus and killed the last thought I'd have. I'm not gonna see GTA 6. Oh, No. I won't know how the boys ends.

And then I come carry your, your corpse to the hospital. I'm like, revive this man. That's right. He needs to see the greatest video game of all time. Reactivate his brain.

Oh, man. Yeah. I'm I'm ready to start eating well and exercising just to make it to GTA 6. I think there were people that have done that before. They've been excited for a video game.

They're like, okay. I need to quit my habit of smoking, lose a £100. Yeah. Yeah. There are reasons to stay alive, man.

GTA 6 right now, that's that's all that's keeping me going, peaches. No. No. There's plenty to look forward to. Yeah.

Watching your your little ones grow up and things like that. I don't know. Make sure you put out your music video for your kids too like Eminem did. Oh, jeez. That video was rough.

Is that right? That was a rough video. Kids growing up. You saw my little one, that is growing up pretty fast yesterday. Little Lucy.

Little Lucy. She's getting very big. Now she was That's horrible. She was having a great time helping me do chores outside, you know, climbing trees, wandering around. She had Stalking prey.

Stalking prey. And then, her brother, he he learned a lesson last night. He didn't wanna come in. And so I don't know if it's still raining outside, but rained all of night last night. Yeah.

It was dump and heavy, and, he was soaked when he finally showed up this morning to be let in. So hopefully, it wasn't all muddy, like, muddy feet tracked it all over my house. I just let him made him bombed out the door. So You didn't towel him off or anything? No.

I didn't towel him off. Oh, you should have done that for him. He's a cat. He he can, I don't know, shake like a dog or something? They don't do that.

I think I think they do. Yeah. Towel him off. No? I'm not gonna take the time to get a towel.

He can learn his lesson. You sit there and wait till you dry out, buddy. That'll teach you to stay out all night. Got Peaches in here with a nasty weather report. Boo.

I don't like that temp, man. I kinda like it. You like 34 degrees. You you you saw me in the car. I picked you up in my car yesterday because your car is at the shop.

Yeah. And you're like, why is the AC on? Yeah. It was 7:45 AM and cold outside, and you're blasting the AC and wearing a t shirt. That's right.

Yeah. I told you yesterday. I'm like, I guess you are a real Idahoan now. I'm the equivalent of that Yeti in Monsters Inc that goes snow cone and just, you know. Yeah.

I'm, like, bundled up in a hoodie, you know. I've I've had the heat going at home in my truck. It's like you're you're a maniac here. I put the heat on in my bedroom and I woke I woke up 20 minutes later in a sweat. I'm, like, turn this crap off.

It was, like, 70 in my room. Yeah. I had to turn the heat down in my room too. It's it's hard to, regulate it perfectly. So The worst is when you sweat with your CPAP mask on and it goes to the straps.

Oh, yeah. That that wouldn't be good. That wouldn't be good. So you were telling me about the new, Call of Duty game. Yeah.

It's a game series I've never got into, but sounds like they're doing anything they can to make money off people. You really should play the first Modern Warfare 2. As stupid as that sounds, there's 2 Modern Warfare twos. The first one came out in like 2,008 Okay. Back when I was in middle school and that whole thing was that whole game's great.

Alright. I think you should definitely play that one. Did they just like remaster it or something? I think they've done that. They they remastered it a year or 2 ago.

Okay. But it's still it's still a great story. It's not that old. So, I mean, the graphics are still fine. Alright.

I don't do a lot of first person shooters because I'm just not good at them. Maybe it's because I need headphones. Headphones seem to be very important from that article I looked at when it comes to playing first person shooters because you can hear in, you know, stereo where people are at. Well, do you remember when the PS 3 came out and people would have to connect like actual Bluetooth devices to their ears Mhmm. And connect it to the system?

Yeah. Like that's what I did. I used my dad's old Bluetooth that he gave me to talk to my friends on there and then I it evolved to like, the Xbox microphone that had a little foam thing you put on your ear and a little extension. And now it's everybody has a headset. Yeah.

Everybody has headphones, massive studio headphones like the ones you're wearing. Yeah. And that's part of the reason I don't like, you know, playing on my computer as much as playing on my TV. I I don't wanna wear headphones while I play a video game. Even when I'm playing VR and it makes it a 1000000 times better to have headphones on because it just makes the, I I forget what word I'm looking for here, but, you know, the the realism of the experience, it, you know, it it improves it a lot because you're getting that, you know, surround sound action, and you can hear, like, monsters off to the side or behind you.

Yeah. Back when I was, back in the early days, Turtle Beach headsets were, like, the big thing. Mhmm. And that was, what people used to, like, hear people walking across the room. Oh, they're coming.

And then they would get their guns ready. Well, I don't know all these people who like playing with headsets. Just do what I did and just get a a surround sound Dolby Atmos, system, and then, you know, you can just sit on your couch and you get the surround sound. So it sounds like there's an actual war in your living room if you play Call of Duty. I mean, come on.

You know? Sure. You could buy a headset for $50 or you could spend, you know, way too much money on a sound system for your living room. Well, you do have a great entertainment system, though. Look at the positive side with that.

Oh, it's it's wonderful. And playing Red Dead in, surround sound is so cool because you hear, like, birds chirping all around in the room. You know, Rockstar for sure kept details on everything or looked at details, looked everything in-depth Oh, yeah. I should say. It it's crazy.

It's it's so cool to play with the, surround sound. GTA 6, man. Gonna be wild, Wild. GTA 5 was okay in surround, but that's an old game. You know, it's an old game.

What? 12 years old now? Yeah. You know, Red Dead, they they really nailed the audio. I am worried GTA 6 is not gonna be as great.

The only thing that has me worried about it is that you don't have Laszlo and, what's the other guy, the main rock star guy who left? Right. Yeah. Usually, when main Dan Houser? Is that his name?

I think so. Yeah. Usually when, like, the big guys the big names leave, it's when it starts to go downhill. Apple with Steve Jobs. Steven Hillenburg died.

Look at Spongebob. It's still going on, but it's terrible. But these guys were involved with GTA 6, you know, for some time. And you would hope that, you know, the team at Rockstar, they've been working on this game for when did GTA 5 come out? 2013?

Yeah. So they've been working on it 11 years. You would hope that that they're going all out with it because they they know the hype. And if they screw it up, it could tank the company. You know?

If GTA 6 is a bomb, Rockstar's probably done. Because what did they say? They it's been a $1,000,000,000 spent making that game? Something like that? Well, I still think a lot of people will buy it though.

Oh, I'll buy it first day. But I'm hoping they don't go overly woke with me. That's the thing. I I've there's a there's been a lot of games as of late that have tried doing that and they flopped. They've done horribly.

K. Well, GTA 5, if you wanna talk about you had that list you showed me that some idiot threw together of A whole group of idiots threw together. Thank you. All of the wokeness in video games. Yeah.

And they didn't have GTA 5 on there or Red Dead. No. They did. Did they? Yeah.

Okay. But they were, like, pretty moderate. I would say as far as because I just played through GTA 5 again, and I'm playing Red Dead 2 again. Both of those games have tons of what you would call woke content. Trevor Phillips as a character is I'm not gonna get into specifics here because that game is inappropriate.

But Trevor Phillips as a character, even though he's a vile killer, that is a woke character. If you listen to his, philosophy and things he says and things he does, it really doesn't get much more woke than Trevor Phillips. Arthur Morgan, definitely a woke character, and there's tons of stuff in red dead too that people could call. I I remember people getting mad about something. Can't you donate to, like, the woman's suffrage campaign and, like, the Oh, yeah.

There's a whole bunch of stuff here. You know, you can, there's a guy in the street who's preaching, you know, supremacist type stuff, and there are only a few people that are not actual enemies in the game that you can kill and you won't have any kind of, negative impact on your honor. That's one of the guys. Or if you encounter the Ku Klux Klan in the woods Yeah. Yeah.

And throw a stick of dynamite at them, you know, not doesn't affect your honor in any way. The cops don't get called. I thought those are always funny videos. We would check the dynamite. They all blow up.

Yeah. Arthur, you know, rolls through roads with the, caravan of women that are trying to get the right to vote. They're you know, it's an extremely woke game. Extremely woke. So I don't think there's any need to be concerned with GTA 6 toning down offensive content.

Not based on what I've seen with any of their recent games. I don't think that, I I or again, those games are woke. They're more so than most games out there in my opinion. And most people don't, you know, consider those games to be anything but, pretty vile, especially GTA 5. We'll have to see we'll have to do a big prediction thing before GTA 6, like, right before GTA 6 comes out.

Dude, it's in Florida. See if they even have the, radio stations or if they do, like, one big playlist for you. It'll be interesting to see if they, have radio. I I bet they'll have radio, but you probably have the option to do other things, streaming services or something. Or connect your phone to the game, that type of thing.

Old school GTA on the PC was really cool because you could just, select, you know, your MP 3 player as, your your radio so you could listen to whatever music you had on your computer. And that's what I wish they would do because a lot of people hold the GTA radio stations in high regard. I think the content on them when the DJs are talking is good and the commercials are good, but the music playlist, I I'm not a big fan. I I don't know. Especially GTA 5.

Thought the playlist sucked. I don't ever listen to the music radio. I listen to Los Santos Rock Radio with Kenny Loggins all the time. Yeah. I listen to the chatterbox and, you know, Loggins all the time.

Yeah. I listen to the chatterbox and, you know, the the right wing talk. The worst one. The worst one's at reggae station. Oh, my god.

Is it bad? Well, reggae music all sounds the same. I I don't know how anybody can listen to that at all. I guess the the rap station on, I think is it I don't remember what it's called. West Coast Radio.

West Coast Classics? Yeah. That that one's pretty good. Yeah. That one's And it's got the old school Dre and Snoop and stuff.

That one's decent. But there's also the punk channel that Trevor listens to? Yeah. And just give me a metal channel. Come on.

Sorry to our punk fans out there, but the punk channel should have been a metal channel. They need to let me program a channel. That'd be fun. Station. Just let me hook up a rock station that doesn't suck because, you know, you got these guys living in London or LA or New York.

They're not in touch, I don't think, with the, current state of rock and metal and that's why you end up with, some of the radio stations on that. You need somebody who's in the know. That's why I'm creating that list on the notes on the notepad there on the computer of the top most overplayed bands on rock radio. Oh, well, I I could tell you what they are. Oh, you know?

You can look at it. Yeah. Foo Fighters, Rage Against Machine. No. Okay.

Rage is probably not as overplayed as like Chili Peppers. That's right. I have Chili Peppers number 1, Nirvana number 2, Rage Against the Machine at number 3, Pearl Jam at number 4. No. Is Pearl Jam at 4?

No. Soundgarden's number 4. Why don't we find out what band oh, I wonder if Metallica gets the most radio play. Let's find out. Let's find out.

We're gonna come back after the break. We're gonna do some research and we are gonna find out without question what the most played bands on rock radio are and the most played songs, and we'll let you know. It's Nirvana who is one of the most played bands on Rock Radio Peaches. Chocolate. They are not the most played.

The list was pretty much how I would guess with a few surprises. We could count down the top 10, I guess. Of the most played bands on rock radio. Most played bands. So this is all of their songs added up together.

Just overall spins as they call them for, particular bands coming in in number 10, God Smack. Which that one was a shocker to me. I didn't realize how how how big they are. God Smack is well loved by rock radio for sure. Well, now they're kind of getting, you know, made fun of by the younger crowd for being the the almost more so rocking Nickelback.

Well, they formed I was just 2. Was it were they before or after Nickelback? I don't know. They are a similar sounding band. I'd lump them into that same kinda thing for sure.

Nickelback is not in the top 10. But, yeah, you're right. Younger people I have heard make fun of Godsmack here and there. I was at that Underoath show, and, that girl walked up to me and was like, what are you? Some kind of a Godsmack fan?

Both of them were formed in the same year, 1995. Oh, okay. Godsmack and Nickelback. Coming in at number 9, ACDC. Which they've been around for many, many years.

I I would expect them I would expect a lot of radio stations back in the day to be like, these guys are too heavy. That's how it was. If you go back and look at the radio charts from the eighties, ACDC was considered too extreme. They I don't think they had any number one songs until, like, rock and roll train. No.

Back in Black, they did not have any number one. One of the best selling albums of all time, which is a shocker because it's like but it goes to show Rock Radio has been out of touch since the eighties. Yeah. They've always been out of touch. You know, people don't believe me when I say no.

If you actually look back at what was going on in rock radio at the time, radio is much worse back than than it is now because Metallica, the black album, huge. Another one of the most massive albums of all time. Enter Sandman hit number 10 on the rock radio charts. Literally played the audio of that guy Coyote Calhoun getting fired live on air and dragged out of the studio because he was wanting to play what was it? Boston at the time?

I don't remember what it was. He was wanting to play an album that came out recently that was killing it. And he's like, I'd rather play this than the classics you've got you guys are forcing me to play. Alright. Let's find ACDC's first number one radio song.

Okay. TNT, for example, did not even chart. It's one of the biggest songs of all time. Didn't chart. Okay.

When they put out highway to heck as peaches would call it Yep. That hit number 47 on the rock radio charts. But people thought that was a whole, you know, satanic song. It's actually about a highway in Australia. So let's keep going.

We're getting to the Back in Black album. The song You Shook Me All Night Long. See, that's the one I thought would be, like, the biggest radio hit. 35 Mhmm. On the rock radio charts made it to number 35, which means most radio stations didn't even play it at all because most stations don't play till stuff's in the top 20.

The content is iffy. Mhmm. Rock and roll ain't noise pollution hit number, oh, wait. No. That was in the UK.

The song Back in Black itself, number 37 on the rock rating track. Back in Black again, one of the biggest songs of all time. And it was big at the time. Yeah. It wasn't like that album came out and got popular 10 years later.

Everybody knows that iconic intro. Let's see. Let's go to their k. Money talks at 23. Pretty solid.

Love that one. Stiff upper lip hit 115. That's a terrible ACD. So oh, am I I gotta double check and make sure I'm looking at the right column here. I might have given out some incorrect information.

What is this one? Liberal line on the air. Yeah. Okay. I was looking at the hot one hundred.

Okay. Let's go. Let's start over. Dirty Deeds. I don't know what's going on.

Well, it's got a, oh, okay. They're talking about how it charted after the charts creation. Okay. So hex bells hit 50. For those about to rock, we salute you.

That was the first one that did fairly well. So that's my least favorite ACDC number. 4. But, back in black, it wasn't 37. It was actually 51 on the rock radio charts and, 50 because the the hot 100 reflects, you know, like single sales and things like that.

So their first number one radio song, let's see. Thunderstruck hit 5. Okay. Big gun. Big gun out of all songs.

From the last action hero movie soundtrack, that hit number 1. Another, It's because of the movie. Another big song, Hard as a Rock, number 1. That the content of that song's even worse. Rock and Roll Train, number 1, and Stiff Upper Lip, number 1.

Rock and Roll Train is the only decent song out of all those. So yeah. That that's that's rock radio for you. Let's get back to the, most played band. So number 8, the offspring.

Number 7, Nirvana. Number 6, Pearl Jam. Again, these are pretty easy to predict. Number 5, Chili Peppers. Number 4, Foo Fighters.

Number 3, Green Day. Number 2, I don't know why we didn't think about this on when we were talking about this earlier, but Linkin Park. Yeah. Should have been an obvious you know, one of the most played bands on rock radio. One of the most streamed rock bands of all time too.

Oh, yeah. And then number 1 by a huge margin of, like, 50,000 spins this year so far, Metallica. Biggest band on rock right here. What was their first number one song? That's a great question.

Because the ACDC was too heavy for the radio. I can't Metallica back then was thrash metal. Is that right? Was it early eighties? If I remember right, their first number one was Until It Sleeps off of Load, but let's That's a 9 late 19 nineties album.

Let's let's double check that. Alright. So let me make sure I'm looking at the right column. It's the one all the way on the left. Okay.

Oh, we don't wanna look at albums. We don't look at singles. Radio Okay. Is this where we're at radio singles? Okay, and it's this column here Alright, enter Sandman hit number 10 Unforgiven 10.

Nothing else matters 11 Sad but true, 15. There we go. Until it Sleeps. Yep. Their first number 1.

It's not not at all a good Metallica song. No. I mean, most radio stations don't play it. Hero of the day, also a number one song. Turn the Page, the Bob Seger come Like, where's seek and destroy a master of puppets ride the lightning?

Know? You wanna find out? Pretty low. Okay. Master of puppets hit number 18.

Probably they probably had a giant radio edit back then. They made it, like, a 3 minute song. And, the only other one, Metallica 1 hit, number 46. All the other songs you mentioned didn't even chart. So, yeah, that's where that's at.

And you gotta think about a ride the lightning and the seek and destroy. Those those are both heavy heavy heavy songs. If you thought ACDC was too heavy 0 0 air well, they might have gotten a tiny bit of airplay, but not enough for it to even register. Probably a late night show somewhere. Mhmm.

Yeah. Play them at, 2 AM. Yeah. You know, we're getting wild. Gonna play one of the most popular bands out there right now in the middle of the night.

Radio has always sucked everybody. I know that people like to look back and they remember things different back in the day. Rock radio has never had it together as far as music goes. I can't wait for the radio boomers to die. The the old, old school programmers?

Yeah. Yeah. I hear you. I was just reading that people online are fed up and sick of people trying to convince them that cheap mass made stuff on TikTok shop is is good. I didn't even know TikTok shop was a thing until maybe a couple weeks ago.

Josh from classy got me back into scrolling TikTok. There is some actually really good content on TikTok, and I think the overall vibe there is better than probably every other social media page, which is surprising. You think of TikTok being this I don't know. It it has some kind of stigma to it, but the content on there, For the most part that I scroll across anyway, it's it's fun. Pretty cheery.

Maybe I haven't looked into the comments. Maybe that's a problem. I'm not seeing the fighting going on there. But, yeah, there's a thread online. What are you sick of people trying to convince you is great and cheap mass made stuff on TikTok shop?

That's one. Another topic that was brought up is, spending New Year's Eve in New York City. That does not sound great to me. Cold and you have to wear a diaper. Any activity that requires you to wear a diaper is not great.

Alright? I guess unless you don't like to use the actual bathroom. And just being packed in with that many people out in the cold, it looks miserable. Absolutely miserable. Alright.

We got someone here saying short form video content. It's 98% brain rot. It's true, but I've seen some short form video content that was great. You know, that'd be like saying everything from a particular genre is garbage. Now there's some good stuff in there like country music, for example.

There's a lot of awful country music, but there are some gems. There's some good stuff in there. Just gotta do some digging. You know? Get past Luke Bryan.

You know? Skip that. Dig into Sturgill Simpson. There you go. So yeah.

Yeah. Don't don't just doubt out on you know, we were talking TikTok. I've seen some great short form video content on there. It was, like, 5 seconds long. It was good stuff.

Let's see here. What else are people sick of people trying to convince them is great. The TV show Love Island. Right. I don't know anything about that, but I don't tend to fire up those kind of shows.

Everything relating to AI. Now, again, back to the country music comparison. There's a lot of stuff that's terrible about AI, but there's a lot of good with it too. And it it's gonna change the world whether you want it to or not. We're in the baby days of AI.

Wish I knew the proper stocks to invest in. Maybe somebody out there, stock experts, could tell me. I've I've got like $5 I could kick into a stock. You know, get in on the ground floor with that AI. Yeah.

What else do we have in here? People are sick of it. Okay. I don't know what these are, so I'm not even gonna say it. 40 hour work week.

Nobody's trying to say that's great. What are you talking? This is what drives me crazy with Reddit. The question was, what are you sick of people trying to convince you is great? Is there anyone on the planet that thinks a 40 hour work week is great?

No. There isn't. Alright? Everyone would prefer a shorter work week. You know, if you had the option, would you rather work 30 hours or 40 hours?

What do you think people are gonna say? Yeah. The end. Pumpkin spice and things that it doesn't belong in. Well, like what?

Give me an example. You know, if you're gonna talk about coffee or something, well, a lot of people like it. Yogurt? I don't know. You have to give an example.

What's something that pumpkin spice doesn't belong in? Cheeseburgers? Sure. Doesn't sound right. But I've also yet to hear the pumpkin spice burger being offered up as an October special anywhere.

Alright. Here, beer. I don't like it, and I hate when people are like, oh, you just need to find the one that works for you. I don't want to. Let me enjoy my sweet cocktails or mixers or literally anything else.

Alright. You know, everybody's got their own taste. And I don't know. I guess I know beer drinkers. I know a lot of them.

And I know what it's like to get really into beer because I worked at a beer shop for a long time. And you start trying things and it expands your palate. And then once you get into, like, the double IPAs and things, you just don't see a point in picking up a light beer. It's like this isn't even beer. This is, you know, this is so I could see that end, but if somebody's drinking like cocktails and you're like, come on, man.

Have a Bud Light. I I don't know. They're they're both in the same boat for me, I guess. Anyway, what else is in here? Frosted Flakes?

Alright. I didn't know there were advocates for frosted flakes out there that are pestering all their friends all the time. Dude, you gotta try these. They're so good frosted flakes, man. They're great.

What's not gonna listen to a cartoon tiger? Come on. Long as I get my truck back today, I think after work, I'm going to drive over to the local election office and vote early. Alright? Now, I don't remember what I was listening to yesterday, something or other, where they mentioned, you know, if you vote early, you're assisting in kinda keeping things toned down on election day.

You know, you're gonna keep the lines down for everybody else that can't go until that day. I I should have noted all of the reasons that they said it would be good to, you know, go ahead and vote in advance, but I think it was, mainly a a congestion kind of thing. And early voting is now open. I know at least in, Bonneville county. I don't know about, let's see.

Pocatello. Okay. North 6th Avenue currently under construction, so you're gonna have to deal with some parking issues, but early voting is going on in Pocatello at, looks like the local elections office, 141 North 6th Avenue. I would assume early voting is happening everywhere. Holy cow.

11 days, 22 hours until election day. Is that not wild? I'm gonna talk about how you need to get out and vote every day till the election. Alright? Get registered.

You can register at the polls. So, yeah, you could swing down to the local election office. Get registered, and vote today. Just get it over with. And I think I'm gonna do so again today after work by, get my truck back.

The work's done on it. Because, yeah, I'd rather not stand in line. There is something fun about going out on election day, but it's not really necessary. So, yeah, time to get her done, but your vote matters. Your vote is important.

I'm still seeing people online. My vote doesn't mean anything. But but but but we've got, in addition to the presidential election, so many different local candidates battling it out and local initiatives. You need to make your voice heard. Voter turnout's always trash.

Let's kick it up and let's have the best voter turnout in east Idaho history, and you can get it done today. You can get it done, like, looks like most weekdays. So just go do it. Just go get it over with. You know, You've done your part.

You've made your voice heard, and that's how we get things done. So vote people. Vote. Alright? That's all I'll say about it for now, but I, like I said, I am gonna say every day you need to get out and vote, and it's easy.

Just if you wanna register, you bring your ID and a proof of residency. You know, show them you're a legit Idaho resident because you you have to have those items to vote, and then they'll boom. Get you all set up, ready to go. Blam. You do your voting, and then you go home and go, alright.

Now I don't have to deal with standing in a, a public school or something like that. You know, public schools, they gotta, you know, smell to them. Kids are smelly. They're dirty little things, kids. So you don't have to deal with that.

No crowds. No funky smells. But, anyway, if you wanna go vote today, you can. So, do so. You know, there's a subreddit for everything.

Just found one called mildly vandalized, and you might be going, well, what does that mean? It'd be like you're in Walmart, and you go to an area where they have the, birthday candles or something with letters, anything where you can spell something out or, you know, stickers to put on your mailbox, and you spell out things on the roads that are inappropriate. Yeah. Mildly vandalized. Or I guess if you're at a rock club, you put a sticker on the toilet.

You know? I mean, it'll it'll come off. That one, depending on where you're at, putting stickers on something probably could go beyond mildly vandalized, but, you know, you put a couple googly eyes on something or things like that. Mildly vandalized. It's funny that people are posting these photos because some of them, they're actual vandalism, like using a Sharpie to draw on an advertisement somewhere.

But I mean, a couple googly eyes. That'll just give give people a little bit of a laugh. You know? Something that's easily removed, not going to cause actual problems, not gonna leave any damage behind. Again, I'm not necessarily encouraging this kind of behavior, but some of them are kind of funny.

Some of them. For the most part, I go, yeah, this is beyond man mild vandalism. I don't think people understand, I mean, what is ultimately the difference between mild and, like, hardcore vandalism? All I did was spray paint all over it. Yeah.

There are signs like that on here. Okay, people. I I just found it. It wasn't me. People are pretty dumb when it comes to what they post online sometimes.

A lot of people getting themselves in truck in trouble and always remember that whatever you do online, it's always gonna be there. You don't wanna come back to your feed, like, 10 years later and go, oh, what was wrong with me? Why was I that way? Why was I posting pictures of myself vandalizing things? Such an idiot.

Why can't I get a job? K Bear, you are live on the show. Keep that in mind. Who's this? Yeah.

It's Jeff. Jeff, do you have a, harmless form of mild vandalism? Well, I was just gonna say it's the, Idaho, Wyoming border at the base of Teton Pass. Okay. Welcome to Wyoming sign and the welcome to Idaho signs are completely covered in stickers.

You can't even see what they say. Oh, yeah. Yeah. I I have seen a number of welcome to Idaho signs that are, plastered with stones. However, the Idaho sign, they just replaced it, and they put it about 15 feet up.

Nobody can reach it. It's the most hilarious thing ever. Yep. I'm I'm just waiting for the day somebody vandalizes the, welcome to Victor sign and spells the name right with a k. Don't do that, people.

Don't do that. We're playing. Just gonna do it now. No. They better not.

They better I'm gonna have this city of Victor on my case. It's the best name city in Idaho, everybody. Right. And a beautiful spot. It's very nice.

Very nice. Right. Right on, dude. That's yeah. That's pretty funny.

I guess that's what you gotta do sometimes, but people will get around it. Somebody will have, you know, a really tall truck or something. It I don't. It's way up there. Yeah.

Like, it's way up there. I'll have to cruise out that way and check it out. I haven't gone anywhere in quite a while because of gas prices, but I I gotta get out of town sometime soon. I gotta go somewhere. Yeah.

So Yeah. You need to. Yeah, definitely. But especially before everything turns to crap. Yeah.

Time to road trip. Beautiful outside. So Yeah. Yeah. And it, the next few days are going to be nice.

It looks like a good weekend for a, a little bit of a road trip. So, oh yeah, for sure. Well, appreciate it, man. Hope you have a great rest of the day and thanks as always for listening to the show. Yep.

Of course. Right on. See you, man. Peace. Yep.

Bye. Alright. Y'all don't vandalize. Don't be a turd. I'll be back at noon with peaches, and thank you for hanging out with me today.

Hope it's a wonderful Thursday for you and goes by quick. Thank you again for tuning in to the Victor Wilt show. This program's a production of river. This program's a production of river. Why can't I say that?

God, I have to say river bend media group, river bend media group. This program's a production of river. God. This program's a this program's a production of Riverbend Media Group. To contact the show or for more information, hit us up at