Morning Cup with iBenz Academy

We look at resistances connecting with others and forming groups. We share case studies of high frequency group collaboration, including the creation of the Gaia Contract, collaborating on WalkWithMeNow, and founding iBenz Academy.

Show Notes

Let's look at resistances to connecting with others. We share some case studies of high frequency group collaboration, including the Gaia Contract, WalkWithMeNow, and founding iBenz Academy.

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Groups mentioned in the show:
Gaia Contract on the Guild of Gaia website

Tools mentioned in the show:
Ascension101 Course
Firewall Processing Exercise
Processing Barriers Exercise 
Fear Processing Exercise
Lecture 3 in the Emergency Lecture Series
The time of the lone wolf is over! 

What is Morning Cup with iBenz Academy?

Join the iBenz Academy team and explore with us how to put the iBenz Method of Empowerment into practice. The iBenz Method is a mystery-free body of work developed and co-created by Inelia Benz to help us empower ourselves, raise our frequency, and expand our awareness.

Episode 1 - iBA Podcast

Hello, everybody. Welcome to your morning cup with iBenz Academy. I'm Ashley and I'm Kara. And here at iBenz Academy, we are very focused on connection and creating community. So some of the things we've been looking at the last few weeks is this dynamic of group energy. We've been talking about it a lot that I've done as academy and.

There's no, um, let's say a pattern of Lightworkers being lone wolves. No way. I know it's a shocker. And we have zero experience with that. Right? Like we don't know anything about being lows, right, Ash. Yeah. And I think as Ivan's academy, that's one of the pieces we've really been focused on in the classes and workshops we've created is to create an environment that puts us a students of the IBNs empowerment methods.

And creating community as students like doing it together out of the lone wall and being connected, doing it together because we're so much more powerful when we do stuff together and it can be anything. Right. But especially when we're learning. Empowerment tools and putting them into practice together.

Oh my gosh. It's amazing. We're so much more effective and powerful answers. It's kind of more fun, right? Oh, it's way more fun. Yeah. So through this, we were talking about this, um, this perspective of looking at groups, stepping out of the lone Wolf, becoming a high-frequency healthy. And there's many of those, right.

You know, for those of you who are listening, you've probably heard us say multiple times in Analia Ben say, find your tribe. So we've created tribes through, uh, the courses, the workshops that we have. But we've also seen the let's say challenges. Yeah. And the, the growing pains that come up along the way with that.

Yeah. It feels like we, we have a lot of resistances to connecting with others. And I guess for good reason, right? If you look back in the last, however, many thousands of years of the dark light paradigm, it's been like a survival tactic to be lone bull riding. And nearly events has talked a lot about this, but now.

You know, we're, we're moving out of that, but we might still have these programs around connection as a result. So how, how do we move into. New energy, that healthy group dynamic of connection. And what can we do about it? Right. Well, as we looked at this, there's so many different tribes where a part of, so for this, before we started recording, we were talking about this and that, right?

There's the ShamanShack community. There's iBenz Academy. There's Fossil Beach. WalkWithMeNow. So many more groups that were a part of sub groups and groups, sub groups, like second life and language classes and walk with me now, the Gaia contract. Yeah. So through that, it's been a learning process of being in a group, um, stepping out of the "I me, and myself," stepping into "we us and our."

And even between you and I, right. Collaborating together, doing work together, we found personally. Struggles or blocks or barriers to it. Um, and we've, we've had some experience, I guess, in the last several years of moving out of those and dropping the low-frequency programs that keep us separated. Maybe we can look at some of that today as a case study.

Yeah. And it's so helpful to map to others and hear through other people's stories. Yeah. A big aspect of community is also learning from each other. Right. And our strength is your strength. Then, you know, we've been through a lot of experiences together. Just throughout the last 10 years studying Analia Benz's work being members of walk with me now and all the various experiences we've had.

So we thought it'd be cool to share some of our learnings with, with us, the, the audience, because you know, it might be helpful. There might be some situations you're seeing right now. Um, and we like to give practical tools or use the tools in a practical way. Um, so. You know, he nearly offends his method of empowerment is so incredible, but it's no good if you don't put into practice.

So, um, so yeah, we wanted to share. Some of our experiences. Cause it hasn't always been pretty. The first one that comes to mind is between you and I. Oh my God. We laugh because when Karen and I first met, it was at the shaman shock for retreat even before then, me now we met, but without going into like the whole minutia of it all, but we essentially just had.

Firewalls and, um, blocks to connecting and pretty much we're getting triggered by one another left left and right. Like oil and water mixing. Yeah. It was just like, every time we'd interact, it was kind of like a happiness afterwards. Like she said that Australian, yeah, very much. You go triggers. Um, but it was hilarious though, because for those who don't know, um, Kara and Ashley are night, um, people call us Tash and we actually have the same birthday, two years, three years apart, three years apart, three years at the same day, um, month in and day of the month.

And then we. Have a number of things that are in common between us. It's a long story. We'll save it for another podcast, but Ashley and I have had a long experience of being twins over lifetimes. Hence why people call us cash and get us confused all the time. It's funny because I don't think we're actually confusing.

Like we're, we're very different. Our styles are different. We look different. We have some similarities and yet people get us confused all the time. I get called care. Almost everyday. Yeah. I learned to Nelia like constantly mix us up. It's hilarious. Even just them, but yes, they do. Definitely. We make it difficult for them to keep this straight, but that's why now we've got there's cash, make it easy.

Cause we've worked through a lot of these blocks to connect. Exactly. Even just that name of Karen Ashley, when you join the names together, that's like our nickname for us is cash. Right. Uh, minimizing that separation, but it was not always that way. No. Right. And that's the whole thing is that, um, we've we saw the barriers.

We saw the firewalls. We, we observed the triggers and through it, we had to show up responsibly or we made the choice either to show up responsibly. And it was super easy when. Oh that Kara man, you know, she just annoys me or she just , whatever it is. Right. And it's like, point my fingers at you and all the reasons it could be anything, right?

Like she put her shoes on wrong that day. Um, it didn't matter. It was ridiculous. So once we stepped into being, I would say, responsible and diligent in how we were engaging and empowered in that we stepped out of blaming. We were able to process our triggers, our firewalls and move out of that, able to connect.

Yeah. One of the things he nearly has said is that when you're triggered. A hundred percent of the time you're making it about you, the ego or someone else has triggered a hundred percent of the time. It's not about you. So if I get triggered about something, you know, that's my stuff. That's my program's running.

Actually, if whoever did the thing that triggered. Actually irrelevant because if I didn't have those programs running, it wouldn't, you know, run, it wouldn't stick. But because it's, there's something inside me that is low frequency or stickier, I haven't processed, it gets activated. And that's what the trigger is all about.

So even just blaming this, you know, the act of blaming, so victim aggressor, and when we even just recognize in the moment of, oh my gosh, My ego is like freaking out right now, or I'm really pissed off or whatever it is, then it's had enough self as like the first moment of taking back our power and being empowered in the sense of going, oh, right.

Yeah, this is my stuff. Okay. Now what? Yeah. And that's that right there. Right. It's being response able and noticing. And when you are becoming triggered, And responding, making a choice immediately to how, how do we handle it? And that's where the I method empowerment. And those tools really come into play, uh, personally doing the fear processing exercise, and maybe instead of fear, if it's not fear.

Um, like let's say annoyance or anger, frustration, replacing fear with those words or whatever it is we're experiencing. Um, and also doing the firewalls exercise. Yeah. And also, uh, the ego exercise for potential. Well, yeah, essentially one-on-one course the ego exercise. Yes. I think I've done that probably more than anything else.

All of this rules. Yes. Yes. Um, we'll do all of this stuff just to like, literally talk to each other, let alone like collaborate together. Be students together, live together, have a company together. Oh. And how do we do that? Like how do we go from a state where. We were like, there's so many ways that we were kind of connected in like ways that we didn't plan.

But then we also so many ways that we were like having that kind of repelling of between one another, um, because of the oil and water kind of dynamic, but then we became best friends, sisters, roommates. Coworkers, you know? And, um, yeah, so like why? Right. And I think that's also another part that's important in this process is what's your why?

And for me with you, um, Like, I know I talked about like the trigger part, but actually, like I thought you were really cool. There were a lot of amazing things that you were doing and really interesting things. Um, and in those ways, like we did get along and we were very much similar in our approach and, um, to being empowered and the things we wanted to do in our lives and experience and with the, with the human collective and then.

It was finding that, why that realizing, gosh, these aspects. And the potential, this aspects of connection between us and the potential that we had was so worth it to be diligent and to process, to drop the low frequency stuff and, um, move into a space where we could enjoy one another. And we do, you know, I hang out with you more than anything else, right?

Yeah. And, you know, thinking about. Before, even before we connected on walk with me now, like my group of friends at that point, I mean, this is what circa 2010, 2012. Let's say, I guess, walk me now started what, 2012 or 13 or something, but, um, You know, my circle of friends were so different and they were not interested in self-empowerment or, you know, working on themselves and you know, that's fine.

That's cool. Whatever. But. Now just looking at our tribes and both online and in the physical and, and having the shared connection, the shared community of, of high-frequency, it's just so life transformative, you know, and I wouldn't have known it then, but it's just really cool to have. People in your life where you can connect about the stuff like being awake and aware and high frequency and sharing cool information.

And it's just, it's just amazing. So yeah, going back to the why of like, you know, why connect, why processed stuff, you know, in order to collaborate with others, how their high-frequency folks it's like, because once. You do. And once we did everything transformed, oh, a hundred percent. I mean, it's so much more interesting and so much more rich and beautiful fun, and it's just fricking awesome.

Exactly. So worth it. Right. And I, like, I think we've talked about it really candidly about the, the, um, triggers we had or the firewalls. And we were very responsible, very diligent and. Through that we've just completely gone leaps and bounds. I would say that we're in our relationship, but we've been able to apply those methods and those tools to other groups.

Like for example, we also were part of the, um, brooms of Gaia. So the brides and grooms of Gaia and writing the guy a contract. And that was like, I mean that honestly, I look back at it. I'm like, holy smokes. How did we do that? Do you want to give us an opposites? What that process was like? And before we were even that, um, if you're not familiar with it, the Gaia contract.

Is a power object that this group, uh, co-created together back in 2019. And it's a blueprint of what does it mean? What does it actually look like to proactively. And the new paradigm and be high-frequency. And it's really about the relationship between you, the individual, the singular and Gaia. So it's a very specific focus on that relationship and we've we thought it would be, um, important to, uh, write a contract just so that we could make the language.

Rules of engagement, essentially, super clear and actionable. Um, so that's kind of like what the guy at contract is about. Definitely check it out. One of those, gosh, if only there is like a manual how do we behave in a high frequency way on this planet? Oh, well maybe we could create that. Yes, you can go read it.

And so it really was. A co-creative tool for the human collective, which also does include Gaia and a way to proactively use the tools and, and have that experience. So that's what it's about, but it's not like we did it overnight. No, I mean, it was nine months where we essentially, everybody met at a workshop and or retreat, excuse me.

And it was nine months of meetings. Every Saturday and working on each clause of the contract. And like we dug deep, we were like every word defining, examining, discussing, and what's the sun. Um, to be included and is this clear and can we get it clear and resonance and dissonance? So it was really in depth, it was intense with people all over the world, different time zones, culture, language, yeah.

And the group that co-created this we all got together at, uh, retrieved the shaman shack and. It was 2019, wasn't it? 2018 around there. And one of the things we were looking at that retreat was what, what does the healthy group look like? What does that even mean? That idea was so foreign at the time. Like this was before I had shared anything about the lone wall or maybe not.

I think we ever heard it, but we never heard it. That's true. That does happen if you're new to is work. Yeah, it, she has to repeat stuff a lot because don't, it doesn't always stick. So we, we went into depth about exploring, like, what does that look like? What does that mean? And then we decided as a group, okay.

Maybe we can like write this down, you know? And co-create something as a group to explore those energies of, of being high-frequency group. But yeah, it was, it took some work, you know, All people who have lives, they have jobs, they have families, they have other interests and hobbies and all these things.

But we, we committed. We, we really, um, stayed diligent. We threw that. I think that was a huge learning experience to step into. And it was an interesting progression to see like the, again, the, the firewalls or the blocks that might come into play when connecting as a high-frequency group, but how we responded together.

Um, and then also. Even once that project was complete, it's like it went through its natural course, right? It's like we came together for this project or was that energy that motivation, that commitment. And then when we completed the project, the group evolved and transformed and we actually expanded and more people joined.

Right. We expanded on walk with me now and more people join the Guild of Gaia. And, and then, um, now we even just our connection. Um, very fluid. We're still connected. We still get together, but in much more fluid way because we don't have quite the same project we're working on. Yeah. It, it, we found that. It really helps to have a clear why to creating a group dynamic and our why for this group was very specific of, we want to create this contract.

So it was a very clear project and we were engaged. We were committed to. And it helped keep the focus and a lot of ways of like, just what are we talking about today and how are we working through this very practical things. Right. But as you said, Ash, when things were complete, when the project was complete, The nature of our group shifted.

Some folks were like, yeah, I'm done with school. I'm going to go do other things. Nope. I'm not interested in doing Gaia contract updates. It's like, okay. Yup. That's cool. Others were like, yeah, yeah, I still I'm interested. I'm going to keep doing this. And so it's important to recognize. I feel that, you know, uh, you know, we're all adults.

Especially, as we are figuring out how to gel as a group, or maybe completing a project as a group, recognizing that, you know, we all have free will and we're here because we're inspired. It's not out of obligation. It's about like a shared commitment and you can always change your mind. Right. And it's like, you know, if I don't want to participate, then don't, I know it's going to or see, that's not the new paradigm.

Right. We're all here. And mutual inspiration and shared connection and resonance and frequency. And it's like, if that doesn't resonate, then that's fine. You can go to something else. And it's cool. No hard feelings, right. And I think that to add to that the, that energy of being proactive, right. Um, that was key as well because people showed up and took lead on different aspects of the project at different times.

Sometimes that the lead was kind of evolved, revolving between different people or, um, depending on superpowers and skillsets. And I know even for us, when we, when we created Ivan's academy, That was a learning dynamic as well, where I'm shifting that. Perspective where I've bins method was created by Analia bends the tools of empowerment or created by Annelie events.

The body of work of high Benz academy is based on these IMN method tools and coming into that as founders. It was very much a dynamic is shifting out of the, okay, so now what do we do? How do we do that? Tell us what to do yeah. Into, yeah, into that proactive. Okay. So this is what we need to do. This is what I see, or this is what I'm doing, or not even have a conversation let's just start doing right.

And learning in that way of being proactive. It's such an important energy. That even just that state of being in empowerment, it's like when you're empowered, like we have power, right. What do we do with that? She and why? And this whole thing about what he now has shared for years is the new paradigm. No, one's going to bring it to you, right?

No, one's going to save you. It's not a location. It's something that we actively create that we co-create, and this is why it's so important to. Work with others because it's not just on you, an individual, a singular to figure it all out. Right. It's we create the new paradigm and that's why finding our tribes, the high-frequency connections and creating inspirational projects, new structures, you know, that's something we do together.

We're not in isolation. And we can't create in a possibly, it just doesn't work. It doesn't make sense. It's a proactive. Yeah. And it's been interesting as we've tapped into those energies as a collective. Um, and when I say that, meaning it's not just, I Benz academy tapping into that, I know, uh, Niaz work has really focused on that healthy.

Group and that structure and the dynamics of it. And I'm walk with me now, even looking at the groups that have formed within walk with me now and the proactivity. It's incredible. Um, one thing I mentioned earlier today, when Kara and I were talking about this was I'm a part of so many different projects right now.

Honestly, I don't even think I could tell you. Like how many? Cause there's just so many, I have no idea, but I know like I'm, I'm a part of them and thank goodness for telegram um, it really, it's just been so cool and interesting and fun to be a part of these groups. And at the same time as an individual, a part of a group, not only being aware of what's the, group's why, but my why in the.

Has been really helpful because sometimes my why isn't a strong enough why to continue, right. Or sometimes my why is a why that I can share and inspires others to participate. So it's not being there and just to be there and just to, you know, fear of missing out, let's say or something. Yeah. It's being there and being proactive, being engaged.

And how am I contributing to our group? How am I contributing to this project? How am I contributing to our community? All right, what strengths can we give to our group? Because there are certain sort of strengthen your strengths, ours. And, uh, for me personally, I've had to overcome a lot of resistances to connecting whether it's between you and I, or even just other groups and participation.

And honestly, like I'm an introvert, you know, it's not exactly, uh, my immediate, uh, natural state to just be social and extroverted and all these things. It's like a learned thing in a lot of ways, but it also helps when. I recognize just like who I am and being okay with that. And also seeing like, where are the resistances and firewalls and processing those?

Cause a lot of the resistances that have come up, whether it's was working on the guy, a contract or forming groups and walk with me now, or forming parts of IBA, like there's. An important step that I think, and this is true of many programs. Um, but if we feel a trigger or a resistance, you know, we get curious about it and go.

Why is that there? Hmm what's why am I super resistant to joining this call on a Saturday? Or, you know, joining this group on telegram and you know, and sometimes it's because there's something really, really cool on the other side and the programs, the low-frequency programs I've have running or putting those in place to stop me to keep.

Disempowered or limitation in place. And then seeing that it's like, oh, okay. That's one thing. And then other times it's just like, I'm not that interested, honestly. I'd rather put my focus somewhere else, you know? And that's okay. So if a resistance comes up, it might not always be one thing or the same thing for every group.

Like. One resistance for me was, you know, just my, why wasn't strong enough. I didn't really want to be proactive because the project wasn't interesting enough, whereas others like the guy at contract, it was so interesting and so cool that I think like it was a cubicle and a firewall of like, whoa, this is some big work that we're doing in the sense of co-creating something new that could have huge impact on, uh, on the planet.

And so. You know, the energies can shift and change and using a lot of the tools can help you identify, like, what is it? And work through it or drop it or keep it if you want. So at least then you've got choices. Exactly. Always have a choice. Yeah, exactly. Conscious choices. Yup. Yup. Uh, one thing I think I've seen across the board in all the groups we've been a part of and even in our relationship.

So every, all the dynamics of stepping out of the lone Wolf and moving into connection, um, there's, uh, I would say personally as a workaholic, um, I know you are too, we're getting out in, if anybody didn't guess we're workaholics, but as a workaholic, my approach to the groups and connection, which is.

Predominantly focused on work. And, um, and so it's been a learning process too, to not just make it work and to also enjoy people and have fun. I remember when we started doing that with the, the Guild of guy with the brooms started having more fun connection calls as well. And for me personally, it was very frustrating because it was like we have all this work to do and we're not doing it.

And people just want to hang out. Yeah. And draw cards like ego, right? You can go. And when I started stepping into, um, embracing that experience and going for the connection and how are we connecting, and this is another opportunity connect in a high-frequency way. It's so enjoyable and so enriching. And for somebody who's a workaholic, it's actually also really nice.

It's a breath of fresh air to have. Different experience without an agenda without a time timetable that we had to stick to without like being productive, quote unquote. Right. So it was really nice. And I think that also like balancing the work and balancing that fun and connection, um, really created a great opportunity for us to continue to move forward and not get like burnt out or, um, Distracted.

Totally. Yeah. It feels like there's no one size fits all approach to like how does a group function in a healthy way? Because even with them, when we were recruiting the guy, a contract, there was an evolution and the group created roles as the group. Was evolving. So when we were having a lot of proactive work meetings, you know, we realize, oh wow, we need to like document what we're saying.

So someone stepped up to take notes and another person put together the recordings. Cause sometimes we'd have to revisit or folks couldn't make it. And it did become structured in a lot of ways. But then. We also felt like actually it's really important to like connect and see how life is going and draw cards and get insights from Gaia in a different way.

And, and so the group of all to have, you know, those superpowers, um, be utilized to, and it shifted, so didn't we have like one Saturday was a work call. The next Saturday was an entourage call. Right. Exactly. And things like that. And, and it's, you know, it evolved and allowing the evolution to happen. Is, it feels important, right?

Like allow that flexibility, allow the group to express what it needs to express and to evolve and, uh, support and be supported in the ways that it needs at that time. And it might not always be the same forever and that's okay too. And to your point earlier, you know, a group is made up of individuals and each individual expresses differently and we're all adults.

So coming into it with that perspective where there's no expectations on people to, um, have to participate in a particular way. Right? Um, yes. We want to be proactive. Yes. We're we're diligent and being responsible and empowered and we have those kinds of levels. Engagement, but regarding that, not everybody needs to facilitate the call.

Not everybody needs to take notes and not everybody is going to want to draw cards and kind of take a look at things from a mystical perspective. Right. So there there's gotta be room. To your point. There's not one size that fits all. Yeah. And it feels important to as individuals to be responsible and own our stuff as well.

So for example, during the Gaia contract, Especially the first few months I would write it for the group. So there would be conversations happening of like, okay, let's add this, let's write this sentence, let's do this. And so actively typing, very focused work. And it was like that every week for a couple months.

And then at some point. I was just like, I can't do this anymore. I just, I just want to like sit back and talk. I don't want to have to type everything and, you know, that's kind of like a victim energy. Right. And so I looked at that, I scanned it and I was like, Okay. Process that. So I did. And then the next week or something, I was like, Hey everyone.

So I need help. I can't just do this. It feels like I'm doing this all on my own. Um, can we do something different? And then immediately the group was like, oh yeah, yeah, I can do it this week. Or yeah, I could do it next week. And yeah, I've been actually wanting to, but you seem like you were really enjoying it and I didn't want.

And interrupt your flow, you know, so they read a lot of assumptions and, you know, things that I had assumed about others, that just weren't true. And, but it was important to them. Not only own my stuff, but also to express, like when we needed to change, change it up. And then actually after that happened, I felt like the energy is totally shifted and became much more collaborative and dynamic and supportive and co-creative, and, but it's that responsibility, right.

Of just even taking a moment to recognize in myself. Oh, Am I murdering myself right now. Huh? Okay. I'm going to look at that process it, but it's not like I threw that on anyone else to fix for me. Right. And that's an important part of being responsible in a group is being responsible for ourselves. Yeah, that reminds me of the emergency lecture series.

I'm in lecture three. And now, yeah, it talks about communication and with family and especially right now, given the, the dynamics of the energies of what's happening on the planet and in the middle of the split. And she said that arguments happen due to a breakdown in communication. And that's, you know, if we're not communicating where we are with things or how we see things, or maybe we're communicating it, but in a very aggressive or passive aggressive, or just poor way.

Um, it's a really interesting thing to start taking a look at when you're in a group of how we're communicating or how are others perceiving our communications and. Being proactive in that as well. Um, highly recommend that lecture. I mean the whole series, but that lecture in particular, if that's something you're finding that maybe people are reacting in ways that are negative to what you're sharing, or maybe you're reacting negative to the things that people are sharing it just enlightening to understand the different types of communication around physical body.

Verbal communication, energetic communication, mental communication. You go at communication. And then again, having the tools to be able to approach it in a way that's healthy and, um, in high-frequency empowered. So as we, um, as we talked about this, I think we covered a lot of different dynamics about the groups, uh, groups and, and connection and high-frequency.

And, um, one other thing that we have coming up too, for art, one of, one of our many tribes is here at the shaman Shaq community in. The Olympic peninsula of Washington state in the United States. We, every Sunday we meet and gather for community. And the meal is shared. Everybody brings something to contribute in some way and very, just dynamic and fluid in fact, as a patient.

But we recently also started, uh, sitting in pure heart, uh, together. So it's our pure heart expressions. You may have seen this in our newsletter or on telegram, as we've shared about it and explored what it means to be pure of heart. And you can look at both of those places too, to learn more, but essentially we come together for one hour.

And that's the main objective. Everybody expresses it in a different way, but we're in silence and we've invited the I Benz academy community and tribe to join us. So at 11 o'clock Pacific standard time and, uh, on Sundays every week you are invited to join. So in your home, maybe you created a nice space, comfortable space sitting in the expression of your pure heart essence and, um, join in and tap into our community as we do this as well together.

So great way to be proactive and connecting with your global tribe and high-frequency, and it just feels really good. It does super cool. So we'll see you there. All right. And one, um, just note here, here, first. We're really excited. Last weekend we started recording again. So we had Analia in the recording studio and we've created one more lecture to add to the emergency lecture series.

So it's a special edition lecture series. Now it's a year and a half later. Right? So it, we thought it's a great time to not only reflect. The tools and practical steps that I know you've shared in the emergency lecture series, but also what's different and what's the same. So lecture six, it's all about the job.

It's all about the job. That's what it's called. Yeah. And it's also looking at like, To come, right? What do we do now? Where? And, um, so we're really excited because we are going to be releasing that lecture soon. At iBenz Academy, we are also about all about course completion and community and connection.

And so in that we are working on creating a way for us. The emergency lecture series together, um, and including some Q&A sessions within Inelia. So we're super excited for that. Again, more to come, stay tuned. You can sign up for our newsletter at Ivan's or you can also follow our telegram iBenz Academy.

And, um, we'll keep you all posted on that. As it, as it becomes available, it's going to be awesome. All right. Thanks everybody until next time. Thank you for joining us for this morning. Cup coffee, water juice, tea, all the things that we have, and we look forward to seeing you next time. Bye everybody. Bye!