Mahakatha's Meditation Mantras

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On this episode of Mahakatha, host Preeti explores the power of connecting with your inner child for restful sleep. She acknowledges that this may not be an easy process for everyone, but introduces the idea of using a soothing mantra to help with nightmares. The mantra she introduces is called the Ramaskandham Hanumantam mantra, which is an invocation of Lord Hanuman, representing strength, grace, humility, calmness, and patience.

Preeti expresses her happiness that the mantra is not only helping the listeners but also their babies. She personally finds it hard to put into words how she feels after listening to the mantra, as it has greatly improved her disturbed sleep and has been both soothing and powerful. She expresses gratitude to the team for providing the opportunity to heal mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually through this mantra.

Preeti reassures her inner child that she did her best in every experience and situation encountered. She assures her inner child that it is safe to rest within her and that they will not miss out on anything or have their problems worsen. She believes that tomorrow will bring fresh ideas and inspiration, and things will be at least a little bit better.

Throughout the episode, Preeti discusses the importance of addressing the root cause of stress, as it can seep into different areas of our lives unknowingly. Financial stress, for example, can affect relationships, careers, health, and sleeping patterns. Stress impacts sleep quality and can contribute to nightmares. Preeti emphasizes the significance of deep, natural sleep for both individuals and their inner child.

She advises visualizing the inner child and talking to them when experiencing nightmares, offering reassurance and validation. Preeti thanks listeners for sharing their experiences and offers a 30% discount on the mantra for nighttime routine, exclusive to podcast listeners. She encourages listeners to use the mantra to connect with their inner child and improve sleep patterns and the occurrence of nightmares and dreams.

Preeti also touches on the importance of staying hydrated throughout the day and suggests that instead of avoiding stress altogether, we should become aware of when we are stressing and learn how to deal with it. Stress can stay dormant long after a stressful situation is over or even before it occurs.

In this episode, Preeti shares her perspective on nightmares and how understanding them may help improve sleep. She discusses the diverse interpretations of nightmares and offers guidance to sleep better. Preeti also shares a humorous incident about receiving a doctor's prescription advising against consuming caffeine after 06:00 p.m.

Overall, this episode of Mahakatha delves into the power of the Ramaskandham Hanumantam mantra to promote restful sleep and connect with the inner child. Listeners have shared positive experiences, including improved sleep for a two-year-old child and their parent. By exploring the impact of stress on sleep and providing tools to address it, Preeti offers a comprehensive approach to healing mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually.
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What is Mahakatha's Meditation Mantras?

"Meditation Mantras Podcast - Ancient Chants from India by Mahakatha" by Mahakatha is an immersive and enlightening journey through the ancient chants of India. The podcast delves into the rich history and origin story of these powerful mantras, which have been used for centuries to promote sound healing and personal transformation.

Each episode features a different mantra, such as Shiva mantras, Buddha mantras, Krishna mantras, and devi mantras, with an in-depth exploration of the lyrics and meaning behind each one.

The host, Mahakatha, is an expert in the field, and provides valuable insights and guidance on how to incorporate these mantras into your own meditation practice.

Whether you're a seasoned practitioner or new to the world of meditation and mantras, this podcast offers a wealth of knowledge and inspiration to deepen your understanding. Additionally, it will enhance your spiritual journey. Discover the ancient wisdom and transformative power of these sacred chants from India through the "Meditation Mantras Podcast" by Mahakatha.

Do you still have nightmares? Sometimes.

Have you tried to find out what nightmares

mean? If you have, I'm sure you

found pretty interesting and pretty diverse answers

to your question. And even though we may never fully

scientifically understand what causes these

nightmares, this little perspective

that I'm about to share with you in today's episode might

actually help you sleep better.

Namaste and welcome to yet another brand new

episode of the Mahakatha's Meditation Mantras

podcast. I'm your host, Preeti, and today we are

talking about sleep and especially

about nightmares and how we can try

to overcome them. My partner and I almost

had a laugh the other day when, after

an online medical consultation, the doctor

sent us a prescription and included in one of his notes,

you know, the part where they write any lifestyle changes that

they want you to add. He wrote, do

not consume caffeine after 06:00 p.m.. Make sure that you're staying

hydrated throughout the day. And the last point

in that note section said, do not

stress. Now, despite the good

intentions of the doctor, it was quite a

laughable note because in this day and age, that's quite an

unrealistic goal to set for yourself. It's not

so much as you should not stress.

Rather, you should be aware of when you

are stressing and you should educate

yourself on how to deal with that stress,

because there's a very sneaky quality to stress. You

see, it's not just active in that moment

where we are amidst all that pressure. And there are high

stakes. The stress is not just active in that

particular moment, but it stays

dormant long after that situation

is over, or even worse, long before

that situation even occurs. And the other reason

why I call stress being sneaky is that if we

experience stress in one area of our lives over

time without us even realizing that stress

will seep into leak into other areas of

our lives. For example, if we are having

financial stress, then guess what?

Over a period of days or weeks, it's going to find its

way into our relationship or our

career or even our health or our

sleeping patterns. So you see, stress can be

a very complicated thing to completely get rid

of unless we are addressing the root

cause of that stress. Now, like I said,

stress is one of the factors that

affects our sleep quality and to a certain

extent is the reason why we have these

nightmares that I was talking about.

Understanding nightmares and understanding stress

and their correlation becomes easier if you can

visualize your inner

child. So imagine

you and your inner child residing somewhere within you,

let's say at the center of your heart throughout the

day. As you go through every moment, every experience,

every situation, you are awake and

active and so is your inner child. Your inner

child is awake and active with you

when you are happy, when there is an occasion that

brings you joy. When there is a moment or a life experience

that brings you genuine happiness, your

inner child is genuinely happy.

Similarly, when there is stress, if you are undergoing

terrible stress, your inner child is also with you

in undergoing that terrible stress. And

now coming to when you are asleep,

you are in deep sleep. In a physical

sense, you have ended your day. You

have freshened up, changed your clothes, gotten ready for

bed and your body is

ready to relax. It is already

in natural deep sleep.

However, if you drift into a nightmare,

then it was only you who were asleep.

Your inner child was up and something

is troubling it. Let me say

that again. If you are asleep and you

drift into a nightmare, then that inner child

at your heart center is up and something

is on its mind. The perfect kind of

sleep can be visualized as when you and your

inner child are both in deep natural sleep.

However, your inner child being so sensitive, so

young, so receptive and so absorbing like a

little sponge, still has that

residual stress, that residual

pressure, that residual worry that is keeping it

up while you are physically asleep.

When you look at a nightmare in this sense

it becomes easier to understand what

really is going on and it becomes easier to try and do

something about it. And so the next time you

feel you are drifting into a nightmare or you suddenly

wake up with a sense of shock or horror

having had a nightmare about the same thing all over again,

sit up in bed, place your palms on your

heart and talk to your inner child.

That inner child needs to be soothed.

That inner child needs to be reassured

and needs to be told, listen, you did a

great, wonderful job today. You did the best

you could in every experience, every moment, every

situation that you came across.

And now my dear inner child, it

is safe for you to rest within me

for a while. You are not going to miss out on

anything. Your problems are not going to

worsen. And tomorrow you will have fresh new

ideas and inspiration and things will be

at least a little bit better.

So now there's nothing else for you to

do dear inner child, other than rest.

So come rest with me.







vishramamkuru please

rest. Talk to your inner

child in this way. Take a few deep breaths

and surely enough this time when you

fall asleep, you are more likely

to fall into a dreamless deep

state of restful sleep.

Now many of us might find it difficult to talk to our

inner child in this way. Or the shock and horror

or the fear of a nightmare may be too

compelling for us to think about

our inner child. And for this purpose,

one wonderful tool that can help you

is the soothing sound of an Ancient

Mantra. Today's episode, I'm introducing to you one

of the most soothing mantras that will help you

if you are generally afraid of nightmares or if you tend to

have the same nightmares over and over again every

night. This mantra is a way

of soothing your inner child and drifting

into a state of deep sleep.

The mantra is called the Ramaskandham

Hanumantam mantra. This

mantra is an invocation of Lord

Hanuman, who is known as the pillar of

strength and grace, as well as

a symbol of humility, calmness and

patience. And as this mantra

invokes Lord Hanuman, it

allows us to channel all that grace and all that calmness and all

that patience while talking to our inner

child and calming it down. Several

of our listeners have made this mantra a part of their

nighttime routine. And I'm just going to read you two of the

most beautiful comments from the YouTube thread.

The first one says this mantra is

magical. I play this every night. My two year

old kid used to get up and cry in the middle of the night. From

the day I have been playing this, we both have peaceful

sleep. Wonderful. I'm really happy

that this is helping not just our listeners, but many of

their little babies as well. The second

one says I find it hard to put in words as to how I

really feel after listening to this mantra. I've been having very

disturbed sleep, going through a very rough patch emotionally

and physically. After three nights of listening to

this soothing and powerful mantra, I fall asleep while

it's still playing. My warmest gratitude to the whole

team for giving this precious opportunity to heal

ourselves, be it mentally,

emotionally, physically or spiritually.

I feel blessed. Thank you

so much, dear listener. This is exactly the kind

of experience that this mantra is intended to give our

listeners. Thank you so much for sharing this.

Thank you dear listeners, for sharing your wonderful experiences.

Keep them coming. And if you as well would like

to embrace this mantra and try it out as a

part of your nighttime routine, then you can now avail

this mantra at a 30% discount by using

the coupon code that is mentioned in the description. This

is an exclusive discount available only to

listeners of the podcast like yourself. So

go ahead, gift yourself this mantra and observe the

difference it creates in your sleep patterns, in the

quality of your sleep and in the occurrence of

nightmares and dreams. And always

remember to use your time with this mantra to

talk to your inner child. That's it for this

episode. I hope you enjoyed this episode and that it'll help

you. And you know I will be back soon with a brand new

episode, a brand new topic that relates to all of

us. Until then, keep chanting, keep

listening and stay blessed.