The Friday Nightmares Podcast

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The Friday Nightmares Podcast: Episode 92

The Friday Nightmares Podcast: Episode 92The Friday Nightmares Podcast: Episode 92


Hello everyone and welcome to episode 91 of The Friday Nightmares Podcast. We continue our 2024 watches, and this time we have a lot of them! So sit back, relax, and enjoy the show!

PhantomX YouTube Channel

Legion Patreon

Show Notes

Hello everyone and welcome to episode 91 of The Friday Nightmares Podcast. We continue our 2024 watches, and this time we have a lot of them! So sit back, relax, and enjoy the show!
PhantomX YouTube Channel 
Legion Patreon 
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Creators & Guests

Co-host from Waterdown, Ontario, Canada, Premium Podcaster
Mr Smokeshow Crawford, from the town of Swartz Creek in the county of Genesee, in the state of Michigan, in the United States of America, in the North American continent, in the Western Hemisphere, on the planet Earth, in the Milky Way Galaxy

What is The Friday Nightmares Podcast?

The Friday Nightmares Podcast is a member of Legion Podcasts. With a variety of shows, Legion Podcasts brings you the best of podcasting in the world of horror, film and video games.

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- Hello everyone and welcome to episode number 92

of the Friday Nightmares podcast.

I am one half of your hosting team this evening.

Mr. Smoke Show Crawford, coming to you

from the town of Swartz Creek in the county of Genesee,

in the state of Michigan, in the United States of America,

in the North American continent, in the Western Hemisphere,

on the planet Earth, in the Milky Way Galaxy.

I'm fully vaxxed, boosted and waxed, and ready to climax.

And if you can, please get me wet

and feed me after midnight.

I'm the man with the glorious beard, aka mother of cats,

aka man with the humongous ego, aka Scott Housen,

aka Scottie Too High, aka Spanky.

And with me as always is...

- Heather Powell coming to you today

from Waterdown, Ontario, Canada.

And before we join, Scott and I talked about how

we are real podcasters.

So all the other podcasters suck.

So it's good that you're here.

- Wow.

- Because we watch the 2024s and we only come back

to the table either when we have no movies

or three hours worth of a podcast.

So buckle it, everybody, because there's no happy medium.

But Scott and I, we don't time things well.

I feel like we binge, or I binge, because this week,

I think I watched close to 10 or 12 of the movies

that we're presenting tonight, just this week alone.

- Yeah, I think I'm pretty close to that with you,

but that is also because we all of a sudden

had a slew of movies that we had access to, too.

- Yes, we finally managed to crack the code.

Scott and I put it on our, it was like,

what was that movie where they did all the coding and shit?

What was it called?

- Hackers?

- Hackers, yeah.

- How did I make it?

- Made Hackers, too.

It was just us trying to watch horror movies.

That's all it was for an hour and a half.

It's coming, uncorks picked it up,

so it should be quite good.

But I could say with these films, Scott, as you know,

a lot of these new 2024 films were filmed in the UK.

- Yep, I'm out.


- Scott, I don't know if you know this,

but I've been to the UK.

I know, I've never brought it up before.

- What?

- Oh, if only we did a released video

because Scott is just staring at me very, very,

like, shut the fuck up, bitch.

No one gives a shit about your trip.

But Scott knew I was gonna bring this up

because as we were watching,

and it was one UK film after another,

like, I'm like, fuck, how many British films

did they pick up this year in 2020, please, right?

And I was like, oh man, Scott's gonna wanna, like,

throttle me by the end of this,

which is no different than any other episode

that we did. - Pretty much, yeah.

- Absolutely.

A shout out to our dummies of horror friends

because they're doing a really great series right now.

They're pitting decades up against each other,

which Scott and I don't do that shit anymore.

I can appreciate the work.

And I'm currently listening to their 50s versus 70s.

And I never commented what my favorite 1950s film was

because, well, I'm not as active on Facebook

'cause I used to be,

but it would have been a thing from another world.

- Yeah, I think for me it was a tie between

thing from another world and House on the Hunted Hill.

- That's a good one, too.

And I think it might've been Invasion of the Body Statures.

- Invasion of your mama.

- Yeah.

- That's a sequel that we're also gonna sell to Encore.

- Yeah, I'm straight.

- That's a great movie for us.

Yeah, so there you go.

If you're interested in, like, listening to sexy studs

talk about which decade is better,

you can check that out.

Unfortunately, you won't have Rob the hump on there.

Now, he's gonna just be,

he's gonna be in the background judging all of us.

- You know, things are always better with the hump.

- It's true.

I hump the hump all the time.

- I hump the hump, too.

We all hump, humpy-humpity-hump.

But yeah, so check them out.

I've really been enjoying that.

And since we now just talk about new releases,

especially today, because, well, that's all we fucking did.

So if you liked our swimming pool,

I listened back to our making fun of night swim

and we were quite funny.

So hopefully everyone else enjoyed that

because I thought it was hilarious.

- That fucking movie.

- Fucking pool toys.

So I went swimming with my niece.

- Did you throw quarters?

- She even had pool toys.

- You didn't throw quarters, Heather?

- No, and I was like, oh, you know, and we lost one.

We lost this little fishy.

And she's like, it's okay, Auntie Heather.

They're really cheap on Amazon.

Even my eight-year-old niece knows

that pool toys are available on Amazon for cheap.

But yeah, other people fucking throw quarters.

I don't, anyway, fucking night swim.

- You have a damn filters.

- We're so old, we're like filters.

- That addiction costs hundreds of dollars, maybe thousands.

- Right?

Which we don't have.

Scott and I are definitely good at having that.

That pool would be staying fucking closed.

- I'll say, I've always said, I would love a pool,

but I would not want to do the work

and pay for all the shit that's required for it.

- Well, and like all the time, liners, rip and shit,

and all that other garbage that you've got to do, right?

Then sometimes you cut water from an evil stream

that you have to deal with.

- Then you have your neighbors jumping in the water

and drowning, and then the ghosts come out

and start haunting you and shit, dumb.

- You got some bitch living in your pool,

lady in the water, you can't get her out.

- And for some reason, you just can't decide to not swim.

You just gotta keep going.

- Right, you got some plastic bag

floating around in your water.

That looks like a plastic bag,

but if it gets too close to you and fucking eats you,

like you know what I'm talking about?

Every time I watch that short,

I'm like, it looks like a fucking garbage bag.

It looks like a garbage bag that's floating around.

What's it called, the raft?

- Yeah, the raft on Creep Show 2.

- Creep Show 2, yeah.

- I fucking love that one though.

- I love it too, but it's like a fucking like,

I'm like, well, I guess this was the easiest special effect

they could come up with.

They just basically,

I feel like some garbage floated by it.

They were like, oh fuck yeah, that's you right there.

But yes, we do have many movies to cover today.

So I guess we'll get right into it

because here at Friday Nightmares we watch 2024s.

We don't make excuses like other podcasts

do that they can't find any.

We step up to the plate translation.

We've sucked our way onto many people's plexus,

which is why we're able to do this.

At the back when we were nice, we faked it.

We gaslit everyone in the horror community to gaslit.

Word of 2023.

- It makes me wonder which one of these films

will have gaslit Heather this time.

- You know what, you never know with me, Scott.

You never know. - Oh, I know, I know.

- You never know, right?

Like, well, we already know what my top 10 is.

Spider-One's coming out with a film this year.

We already know.

- Oh, absolutely.

- Right?

So anyway, did you watch this one or no?

I can't remember.

- Which one is your mind?

- Your mind.

- Yes, yes I did.

- I can't remember if it was a to be original or not.

- Well, it is available on to be.

Do you want me to bring it in or do you want to bring it in?

- Well, since you got the next one I haven't seen,

I will cover this one.

- All right, bring it in.

- Let me bring the list to your feast.


All right.

So, the clear mind is a 85 minute runtime.

Tagline is revenge is not a multiplayer game.

A grieving woman uses her virtual reality therapy

to exact revenge on her former friends.


Yeah, this movie was.

Movie was interesting.

It basically is trying to talk about grief in a way

and how other people handle their grief.

And there is this mother that lost a daughter

right at the beginning

and also lost their daughter in a pool.

That's the theme for this year.

- You know what?

I watched a lot of pool movies recently.

So yes, this is cute.

But this is like legit could happen.

- Yeah.

- Like and the tragedy.

And I think I'll be real with you, Skye.

I don't think this would have hit me as much as it does now

because I'm so close to my friend's kids

and they're around that age

that I can put myself in that situation.

- Oh, for sure.

- Like I think of my friend's daughter and like,

'cause I take her swimming all the time, right?

And I know how quick something can happen.

And I never let her out of my sight.

But that, I don't think this is gonna be,

I didn't think this was a strong horror film,

but I do think this is a realistic situation

with a pool that at least could happen.

- Yes.

- Right?

- But yeah, like she is going to like this virtual reality

therapy thing that's like this new thing.

And then besides, oh, I'm done with this

and I'm gonna go meet up with my friends

and my ex-husband that we're at this pool party

they're doing a getaway weekend thing just to kind of,

kind of reconnect and do everything

after everything happened.

- And shit just kind of goes crazy.

And then I start pulling little plot holes out

and then the end do happens and I'm going,

so that's your way of covering up the plot holes.

I still don't buy it.

It was okay.


- You know, I almost gave a spoiler.

I was like, that's not what happened.

And I'm like, all right, we're not spoiling this.

But boy, Scott.

So right away we see gas lighting has moved into 2024

because I really liked this movie.


- I knew it.

- Now that's to say, this is a Heather film.

And when I say that, it usually means

it has some kind of social message.

And I really liked the main actress.

I thought her reactions to grief were normal

and how someone would react.

I appreciated that.

I appreciated the friends wanting to move on.

Also, very realistic, a lot of blaming, very realistic.

I think it does kind of get horrorish at the end,

you could say.

And I guess the outcome is I actually thought

that this was for me a four out of five,

but I can understand how most people would sit around a two.

- I was, I think I gave it a three out of five.

- Okay, that's, yeah, that's pretty fair.

- Yeah, so it wasn't horrible.

It was entertaining enough, like especially

for a free watch on Tubi.

- Right, sorry, go ahead.

- And I was gonna say, I thought the acting was pretty good.

And there was a couple of characters that I felt for.

- Right, I really felt like the main Rebecca Chief cough,

Cheskov, Kreskov was great.

I think she delivered a performance

of a true grieving mother,

which I thought was fucking excellent.

Tim Davis gave it three stars.

His reviews actually very well done.

For some reason, this film was intriguing for me,

even though nothing happened until the 50 minute mark.

I don't know if I agree with that,

but I can see what his point is when it comes to horror.

The film is not without its flaws

with almost most of the characters being unlikable.

I'm not sure if I agree with that either, but that's okay.

But overall, I enjoyed it more than I didn't.

He gave it 6.5.

Though, one of my favorite reviews down here

is something about Tubi.

Back on my Tubi bullshit,

and this is most definitely some bullshit.

Memories are the enemy, agreed.

Now wipe that memory of this film from my mind.

Some of these comments are really quite funny.

- Wow.

- I do enjoy reading reviews on Letterbox.

I find them quite interesting.

- Yeah, and I will say, I do agree with Tim that

I really didn't care for any of the characters themselves,

like all of them.

I was just like, how are you people friends?

Like I didn't buy 'cause like they were all just

like kind of dicks and assholes to each other.

And the only one that I really liked

was the married couple that owned the house,

the black gentleman.

I really just loved him and I like,

'cause he was just like trying to do everything

he could to please his wife.

I mean, he had no backbone,

but I'd still, I was just like, oh, I like this guy.

- Yeah, see, I thought that was all realistic

adult relationships, for you gotta remember

they all experienced the trauma of a child's death.

And Scott and I are giving anything away.

That happens in the first 30 seconds of the film.

So this is, you know, this is what this film is based on.

So to me, this was a reflection of what could happen

if no one's dealt with what happened.

- Right.

- Right, so, but like again,

I think it all depends on where you're coming from

with this film.

Dave Bailey also gave it two stars.

So if you enjoy, I would say a lot of character development,

a lot of, you know, seeing people at their absolute worst

and a little bit of VR horrors, you know, sprinkled in,

then this might be for you.

It is for free on 2B, both in Canada and the United States.

So, you know, if you're a podcaster looking to build

your 2024 list, I don't think it will hurt to watch this.

Some people may be like me and really enjoy it

and also be gaslit.

It's also available on Google Play, YouTube and Amazon

for rent, but I don't know why you would rent it

when it's on 2B for free.

- Exactly, like it's totally worth watching on 2B.

- And from what I understand from something that Tim said,

like people that give it, give their work to 2B

or 2B takes on their movies, they make money off of the ads.

They make money off of how many people watch it.

So, and my understanding is decent money too.

So, hey, this is an indie actress and indie director, so.

- That's why I always go to 2B for a lot of stuff

'cause I love that fucking app.

- Yeah, it is useful.

And I think there's, well, there's, there's very often

that it's on 2B and then also being charged somewhere else.

And personally, like, when it's something like this,

I think a 2B free watch is decent.

If it's, you know, what Scott and I talked about

is something that you want to check out and see,

give it a watch.

- It may come up later for me this year in an award,

but that's for me and that's how I connected

with the main character.

- Right, and plus, there's still a lot of the year left,

so who knows?

- Yeah, Scott's like, or maybe you'll get better taste

by the end of this year.

- No, we already know that's not gonna happen.

- That's not said expectations, I can't be met.

So, the next movie we're gonna talk about is somewhere quiet.

I know this is 2023, but again, Rob suck my dick.

We go with worldwide releases,

not fucking, it played at two film festivals in 2023, so.

- Yeah, this is the one I have not had a chance to watch.

- You haven't, okay.

So, Escape has its limits.

Meg is trying to readjust to normalcy

after surviving a traumatic kidnapping,

but her grounded sense of reality soon starts to deteriorate

when she travels with her husband

to his wealthy family's isolated compound.

Not that isolated, but that's fine.

This one was watched by Mr. Matt Wood.

It is a 98 minute run time.

His review goes as this.

Yeah, this was a good one, really well acted all around.

Great story with some great cinematography and score.

I like how with the story, you're not sure

whether the issues are happening or not.

I'm paraphrasing just to not give spoilers.

However, there's something about this film

which just doesn't elevate it for me,

but I'm not sure why.

Well worth a watch, though.

Okay, I won't give the score he gave,

but he gave it seven out of 10.

I won't say what he compared it to.

We all know Matt has a very good sense of humor,

and if I do, we'll be a spoiler.

But I have to agree with him.

This is a slow burn.

We always talk about slow burns and what those are,

and just so we're clear,

slow burns are something to have a lot of plot development,

usually a lot of character, fleshy now.

Sometimes there's flashbacks.

I found this movie confusing,

and not in a good way,

like in a way that I felt like I was very unsure

about the narrative narrator,

how reliable the narrator was,

which made it a challenge for me to get the ending.

And maybe that's the point of this film,

is that you're supposed to walk away

being like, "I don't know what happened,"

and that's fine, maybe that's the purpose.

So this is available for rent on Apple TV,

Google Play, Voodoo, YouTube, and Microsoft Store.

If you enjoy slow burns,

and you enjoy unreliable narrator,

and not knowing what's fake or real and dream shit,

then you'll like this movie.

If you find that stuff painfully boring,

I suggest not renting it,

because you're probably not going to enjoy it.

And it is called "Somewhere Quiet."

- All right, yeah, it's like that's...

I remember you said it was a slow burn,

but you're intrigued, you saw it.

I do want to watch that one.

- I think you would appreciate it, Scott,

but I think for people,

if 'cause I know your taste,

and I know you would at least be like,

"All right, this is an interesting relationship-type situation,"

but the narrator in the narration is very unreliable.

So that, for some people, maybe--

- Yeah.

- That could lose their interest,

you know what I'm saying?

- Oh, definitely. - Right.

- No, if I totally get that.

But yeah, the next one,

I don't think you've watched this one.

So the next one is "Gods of the Deep."

It's an 80-minute runtime,

the tagline, "A new depth of fear."

When a daring mission leads a deep sea submarine team

into a mysterious opening on the ocean floor,

they uncover a lost underwater world

and awaken its ancient race of otherworldly beings.

So this was another one that I found on "Tubi,"

and I had fun with this one.

It's a low-budget done right in my eyes.

Very Lovecraftian horror.

I mean, it's like basically Cthulhu is awakened

and the ocean is almost what it's like.

But it reminded me a lot of the movie

that Erica introduced me to last year,

Leviathan, that was from the '80s,

about a sea submarine with a creature

that's taking over and all this stuff

with corrupt people running the whole scenario up top.

And yeah, the acting's a bit hokey and cheesy.

It's not like amazing, and it's not bad.

And the special effects, you know,

low-budget, so they did what they could with them

and used a lot of the shadowing,

the height a lot of the stuff.

But I just found this one to be entertaining.

I think I gave it like a three and a half out of five,

and it's free on "Tubi."

So if you're a fan of like underwater,

claustrophobic horror or Lovecraftian horror,

I'd say give it a little watch.

I think it's quite entertaining.

It goes by quickly with an 80-minute runtime.

I mean, you can't really go wrong with that

'cause horror films don't have that as much nowadays.

But yeah. - No, no,

but we did have some this runaround that did.

- Yeah. - Surprisingly.

They were a lot of UK films.

- Yeah, good, good, good, good, good.

- Do you think I would like this

'cause you know I'm not a huge lovecraft person?

- I think you would at least enjoy it

'cause it's more about like the human element

more than the Lovecraftian part.

- Okay.

- So yeah, I think it would be worth a watch.

- Good to know.

Probably should have watched that

instead of this piece of shit.

- I was just gonna say.

- So basically you recommend "God to the D, Tubi."

- Yeah, I'll say it's a free watch.

- Definitely check it out, yeah.

- Right, okay.

Well, this is something that Shutter decided

they should pick up.

I don't know why.

Says 2022 on here,

"I can't possibly imagine why I didn't get

"a wide release until now.

"Oh, I know, it's not good."

So it is a torturous 80-minute runtime.

"Aware of a parasitic mask

"with a black magic shed's blood on a Halloween.

"16 years later, a killer with the same profile

"slaughters Angel's friend

"who then must fight fear, overcome personal struggles,

"and unmask the murder before someone else dies.

"I respect that this is a low-budget film.

"I respect that they put a lot of love into this film."

And you know what?

That's totally cool.

And if that's your thing, that is awesome.

I did not find this a well-done low-budget film.

It's a slasher.

So if you are a slasher completist

and you enjoy all slashers,

you may have a different opinion of this than I do.

No one else besides me has watched it.

So I don't have any other podcasters to jump off of.

Like if Dave Bailey watched this, for example,

and gave it a really high review,

I would definitely take that as high consideration.

Maybe it just worked better.

So maybe if Dave does watch it,

he can give some thoughts on it

'cause it is on the shuddy.

But I really felt like it overstayed its welcome.

This should have been a short, you know,

I can credit what they were trying to do.

I just found it so low-budget that it was hard to stay with.

As opposed to another low-budget one that we watched

that was probably made with the same amount.

But I honestly enjoyed a lot more, you know?

So yeah, that's my thought.

- It sounds like a skip for me then.

- Yeah, I probably wouldn't run out

and look at doing it anytime soon, right?

But if anyone's interested, it is available on Shutter.

And it is available for purchase

on all the usual suspects, Apple TV, Google Play,

Microsoft Store, YouTube.

If you're supporting the person that made this film,

that's awesome.

But yeah, I'm kind of really interested

at Dave Bailey or Jason Gray, watch it.

And just to repeat it again, it's bad,

we're all boogie, it is on Shutter.

I will get back to writing the movies that we cover.

Last time we didn't really talk about that many.

This time we've talked a lot a lot.

So when Scott puts the episode,

I will go in and record which ones.

And usually I just do one streaming service

where you can find it on.

So yeah, that's this one here.

- All right, well, I'm still on my 2B phase.

So I will jump on to the next 2B movie I watched.

This one is called A Cold Grave.

It's got a 75 minute runtime.

A girl vanishes, prompting her brother

to grave a dark forest where he unveils the secrets

that lurk beneath and a chilling mystery awaits.

- Oh boy, so let me just explain this name,

better synopsis and see if you can guess

what movie this is ripping off.

So two guys and a girl go into the woods

looking for something supernatural, get lost.

What does that sound like?

- It sounds like every found footage film

that's come out after Blair Witch project.

- Like I kept thinking, I'm like,

you guys are just redoing Blair Witch.

Like the woods even like starts like doing stuff

to where you can't find your way out

and you get lost deeper and deeper in.

- Oh for fuck's sakes, oh dear.

You wake up hearing people talking out in the woods

and like shit like that.

Except in this one, you have an older brother

that is looking for his sister.

Like that would disappear, disappeared with the two guys.

- Oh for goodness sakes.

- Oh, the acting is painful

'cause unfortunately the movie is supposed to be carried

by the one brother and they just know

he does not do a good job.

And another fault of this movie was,

I'm a big found footage fan now

and one of the biggest gripes I've always had

is you have to make your found footage,

found footage and make sense.

- Yes.

- So please tell me how one guy with one camera,

like using it like this,

filming by hand.

- Like a handheld camcorder, okay.

- All of a sudden wakes up in the middle of the night

hearing screaming like someone's out in the woods.

So he gets up but leaves the camera in the tent

and then next thing you know,

there's like a view of him walking towards the woods.

But if it's found footage,

shouldn't he have the camera in hand

and you see it in a first person's perspective

and not see his perspective?

- No, Scott, no, they had to leave the camera behind

and now the camera has to show him walking into the woods

because they didn't have the budget for a second camera.

- Right, it's like, couldn't you guys like,

so what, the camera grew legs, walked out of the tent,

set itself up on a tripod and recorded for you?

'Cause it's not how this does.

- Clearly, Scott, that is exactly

what happened in this situation.

- Yeah, so, and you already know my thoughts

on Blair Witch, not a fan.

So this was just, bleh, two out of five for me.

- Ooh, I think I will skip, I think I will skip.

- Bad acting, found footage made no sense

and basically trying to riff off Blair Witch, no.

- So you really don't recommend it to anyone, do you?

- No, no, unless you are like a hardcore

found footage fan, then go ahead, but yee, yee, yee, yee.

- Wah, wah, yeah, not that good, no.

Me no recommend.

- Well, that's great, 'cause we're gonna continue that trend.

So, the next movie is a fucking shutter original.

I don't know how they got Terrence Howard

and Cuba Gooding Jr. to star in this,

and Valerie Arteez to star in this fucking movie.

I don't know how much money they threw at them.

I don't know, because this movie sucked.

It's called Skeleton to the Closet.

Sounds like what happens to most of my dates

that don't work for him.

Haunted by an 11th spirit since childhood.

Oh man, been haunted since childhood, Scott.

- That has not been a theme for years or anything.

- It's so original.

A desperate mother allows herself to become possessed

in order to save her terminally ill daughter.

Oh, shudder.

This movie is predictable.

If you've seen another movie like this,

any other movie that's like this,

like I think of the movie The Closet

that came out a couple years ago,

where the dad has to save his daughter

in a similar type of situation.

Much better movie, I think of Come Play.

- Much better movie. - Similar.

- Much better movie.

So watch those, because they're much better than this.

I don't quite know why Shudder picked this up.

It's a 98 minute runtime.

No one of our podcasting people have watched it,

but the people that have, Tim Walker gave it one star.

- Yeah.

- Someone named Vic Grimes gave it two and a half.

It's not good.

It's not good unless you are watching all the Shudders,

like Scott and I, because you're a serious podcaster

who's very professional and does everything right.

- Correction, you are very professional.

I haven't watched these last two on Shudder,

but you mentioned it.

- But you know though, your life is better for it.

- Exactly.

- So it's a skip, but if you are watching all of them,

it is available on Shudder.

And if you don't have Shudder,

don't you fuck and bother renting it.

You're not going to miss anything.

And it is called Skeletons in the Closet,

also known as Scott and I's Dating Life.

- Also known as this movie

should have stayed in the closet.

- It should have been locked in the attic.

It shouldn't even been.

And then we should have made a sequel

to stay the fuck out of the attic,

which was just this movie being up there.

And the whole sequel of stay the fuck out of the attic

is making sure nobody watches it.

That would have been a better film.

Just so that would have been better.

- Yeah, 'cause this is one

that I'm not even going to be bothered with.

'Cause I've not heard a single good thing from anybody.

- No, and like it's not going to matter.

It's not going to be our top Shudder watch of the year.

So it's okay.

- Right.

- Hold on, Shudder's got to make it up to us.

They're obviously just doing some kindnesses right now.

Eventually it will come too.

- Let's wait on that right now.

'Cause there's still another Shudder on this list

that I got to talk about that at YouTube.

- Oh, there is?

- Yep, yep, we'll get to it.

- Must be a Shudder in the U.S.

'Cause I don't have it here.

- Okay, so you did, yeah, we will talk.

- Okay, okay, I'm excited.

- But the next one is one that I found

on my good friend's Plex.

Doesn't that look like it is available anywhere to watch yet?

But it's All Hallows' Eve Trickster.

So I don't know if this is like a low budget sequel

to the All Hallows' Eve 1 and 2 that Damien Leone did,

but this is also an anthology tagline.

This Halloween Hell Opens.

When a lost traveler on Halloween night

comes across an isolated rural gas station,

she thinks she's found her way home.

Unbeknownst to her, the Erie gas station

is the residence of a family of degenerate devilish creatures.

That's basically just the synopsis for the wraparound,

which I couldn't tell you what the fuck happened

in the wraparound 'cause it was shot so, like so dark

that I couldn't see a fucking thing on my phone.

Like it just looked like a black screen

with the occasional gray flash that happened on my screen.

- Oh man, that's not good.

- Yeah, so the wraparound,

I can't tell you what the fuck happened there,

but I will say the stories

that made up the same anthology minus that wraparound

for low budget, actually pretty good.

Like there were some impressive special effects

here and there used and like cheesies,

but at the same time, they were all short, quick to the point.

And I don't think there was a single story

besides that wraparound that I had an issue with.

I thought they were all like at least passively entertaining.

Like this was a decent little low budget indie anthology.

Like there isn't really much to say

'cause I don't want to get into what the story's on,

but like acting wise, you know,

you can expect what you can expect from anthology

is a very mixed bag and stories are all very mixed bags.

Some will hit you more effectively than others,

but I found all of them besides what I couldn't see

from that wraparound to be pretty entertaining.

Like when this comes out,

I'd say it's worth the least day, 299 rental.

- Do you think it's weird that we're seeing it now

because this is a Halloween film?

- Yeah.

- And it's February, but perhaps it will come out

in the summer, maybe?

- Yeah, it might, like it'll probably,

it'll probably just quietly drop on 2B.

- You don't think it'll be a shutter pickup?

- I don't think so, 'cause it seems like all these,

all Hallowsay anthology type independent films

tend to go to 2B.

- Okay, I will buy that, but I don't know.

Shutter's been picking up some pretty low budget stuff.

So we'll see what happens come Halloween time,

but I will check it out.

I always love me a good anthology.

And even the shitty, I feel like with anthologies,

I have a lot more patience with them,

usually because you know each story is quick.

- Exactly.

- And you're hopeful for the next one, right?

It's like speed dating.

You're just hopeful for the next one, right?

- Yep, 'cause yeah, I was just saying,

that's why I like anthologies and found footage,

'cause they're usually quick and to the point.

- Which is exactly Scott and I too.

- Damn right.


So this is a screener though, right?

- Yes.

- Okay.

So unless you're privileged, serious podcasters

like Scott and I, you don't have access to this,

but you heard it first here on Friday Nightmares.

- This next one though, I'm curious about that you watched.

- Yeah, you haven't seen this yet, right?

- Nope, this was one I was gonna look into.

- This is gonna be dropping on the Netflix

for anyone who's interested.

ISS, the war on Earth will be decided in space.

This is sitting at a 96 minute runtime.

Tensions flare in the near future,

aboard the International Space Station

as a conflict breaks out on Earth.

US and Russian astronauts receive orders from the ground

to take control of the station by any means necessary.

Are you missing some good old cold war conflict

between the United States and Russia?

- Hell yeah.

- ISS is here.

So this is not a bad film.

I did see it at the movie theaters.

- Really?

- Yeah, George and I went to the movie theater.

He's a big sci-fi guy and I like sci-fi

if it sprinkles in a little bit of horror.

So I was like, let's go see this.

- I had no idea this was even in theaters.

- It was in theaters.

So up here anyway, I don't know, maybe it wasn't near you.

So it was worth it for the space shots, right?

Like the space shots are incredible

and they did a great job of recreating the ISS

'cause the ISS is a real thing.

It's a real space station, right?

Where research is done.

But I think this story takes the concept

and super sizes it.

Obviously the people on the ISS are scientists

who are doing research

and how this movie made them seem

is probably a little more conniving than necessary.

I think if this was to really happen,

what the events that occurred would probably not occur.

But it's a good little storytelling.

No one has seen it besides me out of our podcasting,

brothers and sisters.

So the one review I have here is three stars.

And I should say the rating is 2.5.

I think that's fair.

I would give it three stars out of five.

It's light on the horror

unless you kind of see people turning on each other

as a horror plot device, which I can.

I put it in here because, you know,

some people would float in between

or what happens here.

Like the earth is in essence being destroyed

when they're up in the space.

So that could be pretty stressful too.

- Just a little bit.

- I do think this is worth a rental.

I think it's a beautiful movie.

I think it's well made.

Eventually it's gonna drop on Netflix.

So if you hold your breath and wait,

Netflix will pick it up at some point this year

or we'll release it at some point this year.

And if not, it's available on Amazon, Apple TV,

Google Play, in Canada.

It's available on Cineplex for rent.

And I would say if you like space movies

and you kind of like the idea of being in a confined place

and people turning on each other,

kind of like the thing, only no aliens.

It's worth it.

There are no aliens in this film.

- No.

- Do you not go into this film thinking

you're gonna see aliens?

There are no aliens.

- But there's gremlins, right?

- No, there's no gremlins either.

- But who are we to fear, Scott?

The aliens or us?

- Aliens.

- Oh, no, it's us.

We're all assholes.

Especially Americans.

I would honestly say the Americans

are definitely the assholes in this.

- Oh, oh, just wait.

There's a movie I'll be talking about

that kind of covers that very blatantly.

- I'm just kidding.

It actually really wasn't.

It kind of went both ways, so.

- But trust me, there's a movie that talks this.

- Oh, yeah?

- Yeah, yeah, we'll get to that.

- Oh, I'm excited for that.

So that's ISS.

So let's hear what you got.

'Cause I have not seen this next one.

- All right, so this is one.

This one is called "Lovely Dark and Deep."

Or as I'm gonna call it, "Lovely Dark and Durp."

The runtime is 87 minutes.

The tagline, "She owes this land a body."

Lennon, a new back country ranger,

travels alone through the dangerous wilderness,

hoping to uncover the origins of a tragedy

that has haunted her since she was a child.

So, you know, haunted her since she was a child.

You know, more trauma.

I think you can see me coming up with them 2024.

But this one stars the, what's her name?

Georgina Campbell, who was actually

the main girl in "Barbarian."

So I was like, "Oh, okay."

And Erica and I decided to watch this last night.

We watched the trailer and we're like,

"Ooh, okay, this looks really freaking good."

Like, it's creepy looking.

It's like beautiful location,

'cause it was shot in Portugal, out in the mountains and just,

but yeah, just very creepy isolated horror

is what we got with like some supernatural elements.

Unfortunately, besides the beautifully shot film

and the good acting and just the beautiful locations,

the story was confusing as fuck.

And I have no idea what the hell happened.

And this is one of those movies where I only looked

at my phone for about 0.2 seconds, the entire film.

And in that 0.2 seconds, I looked back up and going,

"What the fuck's going on?"

I rewind it, trying to think, "Okay, maybe I missed something."

"Nope, I have no idea what the fuck's going on."

- And you and Erica weren't making out?

- Nope, we were actually, like,

she lost interest in what was like playing on her phone,

but I was like invested like, "All right."

- You're like, "No, I'm a serious podcaster."

- But no, this one was, I don't know what happened.

Like this had such great potential,

but it was just like so fucking confusing.

And the few people that I'm friends with on Letterbox

that have seen it, two, three out of five star ratings,

one from Christopher G. Moore,

and a guy called MoviesReview, they both gave it three out of five.

And our good friend, Donna Nellie, gave it a two out of five.

And yeah, this had such potential and I'm so bummed out

'cause this looked like it was, I was like,

"Ooh, this could be my number one of the year so far."

And it, you know, it shit the bed.

- Oh, this one.

Did Georgina sound British in this one?

- No, no, I think it was supposed to be an American film.

- Okay. - Back in Portugal.

- Okay, nice.

- But yeah, this can be rented on Apple TV, Voodoo,

Google Play, Amazon, and what is that?

I don't know what that other one is

'cause it doesn't show up, okay.

So yeah, just those locations is where it can be rented.

I'd say $1.99 rental, maybe.

Like I gave it a three out of five.

And that was just mainly 'cause it was well acted, well shot,

but the story just fumbled big time.

- Well, I'm glad you told me

because now I won't watch it.

- Fair enough.

♪ So thank you for being a friend ♪

♪ Falling down and I wrote it back again ♪

♪ You've watched shitty movies and I have too ♪

- Let me tell each other not to watch other ones.

♪ You're a friend in the company ♪

♪ We come back to each other about these bad movies ♪

- So if anyone wants to watch it,

is it available anywhere? No.

- Yeah, like I said, it was available to rent on Apple.

- Oh, sorry.

- Voodoo, Google Play, Amazon.

- Okay.

- Unusual suspects.

- Unusual suspects.

So we'll continue talking about Georgina Campbell

because she's also in another movie that I watched called Tim.

- Really?

- This is T, period, T1M, but Tim is how it said.

- That sexy man boy, Tim Davis.

- Right, Edmund Farion is in this

and he played the ghost in Winchester.

So for anyone that's seen Winchester

and like the part where you realize

that one of the characters is dead and is a ghost, that's him.

So I will say he was cast perfectly for this role.

He was the standout performance.

If anyone should watch this movie,

it's for his performance in this role.

He does an excellent job of playing a robot,

like really creepy, really well done, great actor.

This is a British film.

It's very much based just outside of London,

which I've been to. - Oh boy.


Here we go, folks.

- And her husband in this is Irish from Ireland.

- Oh, for fuck's sake.


- But enough about me.

Let me read the synopsis.

Tim, his intelligence is artificial.

The threat is real.

Prosthetic scientist Abby and her adulterous husband Paul,

which is kind of misleading

because he doesn't cheat on her.

I guess he did at one time, but not in this film.

Adjust to life outside the city

as Abby begins working for a high tech company,

Intergate, developing a humanoid AI, Tim.

So this is more about AI is gonna ruin us

if we let the AI take over.

We're all scared of the AI.

- Well, that's gonna be a theme going forward

with a lot of horror films guaranteed.

- Between COVID and AI, man.

I don't know.

- Mm-hmm.

And pregnant horror, pregnant horror films.

- And pregnant horror, 'cause everyone got knocked up

over COVID, there was nothing else to do,

but stay home and bang.

So, you know, if you like AI horror,

like Margo came out a couple of years ago

about the AI house.

- Oh yeah.

- And, you know, if you like Megan from last year,

you'll enjoy this film.

It's easy to watch.

It's a shame because I was really digging it.

I also watched it with George.

It's a 101 minute run time.

And we were both into it until the third act.

I don't know what happened in the third act,

but it really took a shift to something

that was fucking weird and didn't really make a lot of sense.

It's almost like they rushed writing the final act.

In my opinion, it just like, I don't know what happened,

but I felt like they did a rushed job.

So for the people we know,

Sandra Kane or Dave Bailey has given it two and a half stars.

Tim Walker's given it three

and Kate Pollock's given it three.

I probably said it three and a half.

I did enjoy it probably a little bit more

than our fellow folks here did,

but at the same time, that third act

just really sent it down a weird path.

And it did not need to be 101 minutes.

It's a good 10 minutes, 15 minutes

could have been shaved off this movie.

- Right.

- But I would still say watch it.

And I would say this is something you could watch with Erica

and I'd be interested in Erica's thoughts at the ending.

- Well, I was gonna say to you, is this logical?

Does this make logical sense?

'Cause if not, she's gonna have an aneurysm.

- Well, like it's AI.

So does it, like, you know what I mean?

Like tell warn her that if she decides to watch it,

it's about an AI butler go evil, right?

So like you have to suspend disbelief.

- You do, right?

Like not to criticize Erica,

but not for all what he's made sense by.

I think that it moves quick enough.

And I think that I would be curious to hear

what both of you think of the third act.

'Cause I think that's where it really goes off the rails.

- Okay, but just to kind of jump on to something you said

just a few seconds ago for, you know,

so to put it in the sling of new age kids,

and Greg Butler go, brrr.


- I don't get that.

I don't care what you're doing.

- I don't know why I've been seeing a lot of people

just saying like, something or something.

- Oh yeah, probably that's how they die, right?

Like they're like, their coding goes off, right?


So yeah, this is, you know, I don't know.

More, look forward to more AI gone wrong.

If you're interested in renting this,

it's available on Apple TV, Google, Voodoo, YouTube,


Again, if you like AI horror, this will be for you.

If you don't like AI horror, probably skip it.

But I will definitely say that Emon Faranen

may win an award for me this year

because he was fucking excellent, excellent casting.

Whoever got him in this role, fucking perfect.

He was great.

Really, really, I hope to see more from him

because I actually really liked him in this.


- Yeah, this is the one that I definitely

planned on watching.

- Yeah, check it out.

And as I said, Mariko will probably get mad,

but she gets mad at a lot of movies.

So like, you know, not as mad as what was that,

when I need her watch.

- Quick same.


- Not the best quick same.

Oh, that one, she was just like,

"I'm disappointed in Heather."


- I aimed to disappoint.

So she should look forward to a lifetime of that.


- Oh, but all right.

So this one, we finally got into a movie

that we've both seen.

- Yay.

- This one is Double Blind,

with a 90 minute runtime.

Tagline is, if you fall asleep, you die.

After an experimental drug trial goes awry,

the test subjects face a terrifying side effect.

If you fall asleep, you die.

Trapped in an isolated facility,

panic ensues as they try to escape

and somehow stay awake.

First off, before I even get into my thoughts

on this movie is,

the poster artist for the movie Swallow from 2020,

would really like to have a word

with the poster artist for Double Blind.

'Cause holy shit, is this poster a fucking,

almost one-to-one identical rip-off of Swallow from 2020.

Like all the way down to the woman wearing a blue shirt

and holding up a pill,

but instead of holding up a pill in Swallow,

it's holding up a tag.

But in the background is red,

everything is the exact same.

'Cause I haven't showed you the poster comparisons.

I'm like, what the fuck?

- Yeah, it's pretty, pretty similar.

- Yeah, it's like a bit ridiculous there.

But besides that though,

you were the one that told me to check this movie out.

And goddamn, yeah, this movie was really freaking good.

The acting in it I thought was really well done.

Definitely has a lot to do with like science horror.

So like this kind of fits in the science fiction horror

in a way, 'cause of drug testing and all this stuff.

And like it's, isolation horror,

people just kind of turning on each other

and just being all sleep deprived.

Like I can see shit like this happening.

- Oh, 100%.

And I was just looking at the reviews, sorry.

I love this film.

This is also a UK film.

It's made by the Irish Film Board,

which I don't know.

I haven't seen a bad Irish Film Board movie yet,

to be honest with you.

Anytime that I see, yeah, like I think they're pretty good.

I don't think they cut out a lot of stuff

that makes it overseas here,

but when they do, they tend to be fucking decent.

And at 90 minutes, this was a perfect timing.

We're talking a perfect amount of plot development,

perfect amount of character development,

really good use of special effects,

really good play on what's happening to them.

Matt Wood gave it four stars.

You gave it four stars.

This is a five star for me.

This will be on my top 10.

Like I already know this will be in my top 10 this year.

This was just so like dark.

And yes, the ending's a little silly.

Okay, the ending's a little silly, right?

But you've got to kind of just be like, let's pretend

that this is, but what happens to people

and the disturbing behavior that occurs

and the acting from all of these young people.

Like can we just stop and be like,

holy fuck, were their performances believable?

Like I felt like I was watching people

in an institution go through this.

And I agree with you, Scott.

This is absolutely something that could happen.

This is a must watch for this year.

It's worth whatever money you pay for this movie.

It is very good.

- Yeah, like I was very impressed by this.

And even the doctor, let's not forget about her.

She was fantastic too.

And I've seen her and like what I instantly recognized her

from was Tales of Halloween.

She played like the witch neighbor

in one of the short stories on that.

And she was great at this.

- She was also in Bats and Death Sember as well

and Land of the Lost.

And there was like a bunch of people

from Game of Thrones in this,

like side characters I think or something like that.

Like there was a bunch of people that,

like side people that were in Game of Thrones.

So definitely people with acting chops

they got in this film.

Watch it.

I don't want to give anything away.

I won't even read Matt Woods review

because he has spoilers in it.

But to me, this was a really, really fucking well done film.

So clap, Irish film board.

Thank you for releasing something that's fucking good.

That was an enjoyable film to watch.

And I got to say the poster art,

I was like, oh fuck, this is going to be fucking stupid.

And then I watched it and I was like, shit, this is great.

So definitely spread the word.

It's definitely worth checking out.

And it's on all the streaming services

and it's called Double Blind.

- Yeah, but I was gonna say on my list of people

that are reviewed it, it's all threes,

three and a half, some fours

from everybody that's reviewed and watched it.

So yeah, definitely a major consensus

of a pretty damn good movie.

- Agreed a hundred percent.

Have you seen the next one or no?

- Not yet, 'cause it was subtitled

and I just have not had a chance to watch it.

- So this is Trunk Locked In.

This is also a 96 minute runtime.

It is available on the Amazon.

26 year old medicine student,

Melina wakes up disoriented and a lock trunk

and realizes to her horror,

she is missing more than just her memory of what happened.

With her phone as the only link to the outside world,

the intelligent young woman wages

a desperate fight for survival.

Well, the vehicle races relentlessly

towards a terrible secret.

This is a very interesting film.

It's isolation horror mixed with a whole bunch

of other backstories and stuff going on.

It's interesting, if we take and we look at Amazon,

it's a not a bad drop on Amazon.

I do not think this is going to grace anybody's

top 10 lists this year,

but do I think it was isolation horror done well?

Yes, I do.

I think they utilize the concept of being locked in a trunk.

I don't know why the guy never took her phone,

but anyway, you know.

- That seems weird.

- Right, but overall, I think it's entertaining.

And if you have Amazon, it's worth a watch.

If you like isolation horror.

Out of our friends, we have Matt Wood gave it a three star.

Tim Davis gave it a three star as well.

And Tim Walker, I believe, gave it a four star.

Let's see Tim's review.

A claustrophobic thriller set mostly in one location,

a trunk of a car.

The film held me attention.

Sonogathe would smograph.

- Cinematography.

- Thank you, fuck my life.

Was decent acting is good and the story is compelling,

but not a film I would want to be watched.

That's fair.

It definitely is a one time watch.

So Matt thinks it's just okay

'cause he's not a fan of single location films,

but this had enough to keep me entertained,

though it lacked any tension.

It did.

Matt has been watching a different film

because I've gotten a lot of attention in it.

So anyway, if you like isolation films, this is for you.

And if you have Amazon, you can watch it.

It's included with Amazon, so check it out.

'Cause this is the one that I heard Tim Davis talking about.

So I wanted to at least watch it at some point

'cause I knew it was an Amazon Prime one

and we do our Prime awards and stuff too.

- Right.

- So I'll check it out.

- We're serious podcasters here on the Friday night

where I was podcast and we have to watch everything

'cause we're that committed.

- Damn straight.

And then, so yeah, this next film,

this is the Shutter movie I was talking about

and the America Bed type movie I was talking about.

Okay, so this movie is called History of Evil.

It's got a 97 minute runtime.

Snapsuses, a family on the run from a corrupt state

takes refuge in a safe house with an evil past.

A terrifying last stop on a near future underground railroad.

So yeah, this is what if, the way I took this was

what if Trump's America became a thing

and all the mega cult people were basically running

the country and anyone that protested or was an activist

was considered a threat to the country

and a terrorist and thrown in prison.

And basically, 'cause yeah, this is like a futuristic America

and this woman gets out of prison, escapes

and it gets with her husband and daughter

and they land in the safe house.

And it is so fucking on the nose of like,

ooh, mega cult is the KKK

and all the conservatives are bad, blah, blah, blah.

Like it's just so...

- Well, isn't that kind of accurate though?

The mega cult does have some problems.

- Well, it is, but the way it's done in this movie though

is just kind of like, yes, we know this.

That's the problem.

But, and it's just the characters you don't,

I can't stand these two characters.

I hated them both 'cause they were just awful

and should not be together.

And like, it just was a dumb story that was confusing

and went nowhere just like the other one that I watched

that just was confusing and didn't make any sense.

Like at the end of this one, I'm going,

wait, what just happened?

That was it.

Why, what?

So this was another, this one I gave two out of five.

Like this one was just, like it's got a good budget,

good acting, like it's got some recognizable faces.

But once again, another one that just shat the bed.

And this is just another shutter exclusive

that's just, no.

- So I'm watching the trailer right now.

I don't know why I didn't see it on a shutter for me.

Maybe it's just an American release.

But does the house have a history of other things perhaps?

- Hooded figures?

- Yes.

- Mm-hmm.

- Okay.

See, like, I'll be real.

Your country's in a lot of shit right now, right?

Like there's times where I wonder if the handmade sales

is going to happen in the United States, right?

So like...

- You get it wrong.

- Right?

I can appreciate the flavor, but it seems to me

like it's trying to do a lot in this film.

Like it's trying to be a political film.

- Mm-hmm.

- And then it's tying in what it looks

to be a haunted house.

- Yeah.

- Correct?

Okay, so, hmm.

- And it just doesn't land with either of them.

- Okay.

- It almost feels like political film mixed with haunted house

mixed with elements of the shiny.

- Okay.

- It's weird.

I just, eh.

And yeah, apparently I'm not the only one 'cause...

- Yeah, let's hear what other people have to say.

- Yeah, let's see.

Tim Walker gave it two stars.

Okay, this guy, I don't recognize him.

He's one of my friends though, but he gave it one star.

Daninelli gave it two stars.

Why is it that the people that I don't recognize

are not popping up on Letterbox when I click on their name.

But yeah, they gave it two stars.

That's two stars across the board

with everybody that I'm following,

but no one's written an actual review of their thoughts.

- Interesting.

Okay, do you think I should watch it?

- Just 'cause of the political part, I'd be curious.

- Okay, okay.

- This is--

- Yeah, it's a shutter film too.

I should probably watch it, yeah.

- Yeah, and I was gonna say, this was on a shutter

and this is also on our friends' plucks.

- Okay, so I can watch it on Plexin.

- Yeah.

- But yeah, interesting.

That's a shame.

Oh, that's a shame.

- Yeah, 'cause I love 'em going, 'cause you know me,

I'm all about the political--

- Yeah.

- Blah, blah, blah, but this one just fell.

- Well, and again, it's not the average conservatives.

We're talking about people that don't think

that certain people should be allowed to marry

and women shouldn't be allowed to have abortions.

And depending on the color of your skin,

should depend on how you should be treated, right?

Like, that's not conservatives.

That's someone that's an extremist, right?

But it sounds like from what you described,

they tried to do it all instead of just being like,

Ari, here's this family that needs to leave this state

and they're staying in this house and it's haunted.

- Yeah, and just the characters,

you're just like, I hate these characters,

they're terrible people.

- Then you want them to die.

- Well, there's a line, you know,

this woman is an activist that escaped from prison.

And she had a daughter, like with the guy that they're with,

and first time she's seen her daughter in years

'cause she was in prison.

And they get to the house and her, the mother goes,

I just, since I can't be an activist anymore,

I'm like, I don't know what my purpose in life is anymore.

And I'm sitting here going, to be a fucking mother.

- It's someone who just became a parent.

Scott's like, I feel like I got the answer.

- It's like, it's a pretty self-explanatory here.

- Oh man, that's funny.

Yeah, the interesting, I feel as though

your review of this is not far off,

I don't think I'm gonna like it that much more than you did,

but I feel like I should at least watch it because, well,

I've got to see what the twist is, Scott.

- Exactly, and plus, it's political,

so it may hit your heather bones a little more than mine.

- It seems a little heavy-handed.

It was like the power last year, right?

I was kind of like, even for me,

I was like, this is a little heavy-handed.

Like I get the point, but, you know, and that's fine.

If you really want to create heavy-handed political films,

like there's always going to be people that like that.

But it's hard to do a, like what was the one we watched

where they were reacting the civil war,

but we didn't know it was Annabelle or not?

- Yeah, Annabelle.

- Annabelle, right?

Like to me, that was clever.

That twist was clever, right?

It gets to the end and you're like, oh, okay.

Like I still not like the best movie in the entire world,

but at least I can be like, oh, got it, right?

Like, got it.

So, but I feel like other times people take

the political stuff and they just try to do too much.

- Yeah.

- Just try to put everything ever

that they could put politically

and then it goes story and everything else

and it doesn't always fucking add up.

So we'll see, we'll see.

- Well, to continue to be nauseating,

the next movie we're going to talk about

is also British film.

- Oh, boy.

- It came out in 2002 and it's called "The Group."

Sorry, 2022, not 2002, 2022,

but it just recently had a wide release.

This is a definitely a low budget film,

but low budget done right in my opinion.

It is a 71 minute runtime.

A support group for addicts comes under siege

from a mysterious gunman intended on punishing them

for past tragedies, all with something to hide

and the group must confront their shared past

to discover the truth and stay alive.

I really liked this film.

I thought they used a very small setting,

well and effectively.

I thought all the characters played,

you know, none of these characters

you're supposed to overly like.

They're all recovering addicts that have done shitty things

that they're talking about in the group.

- Right.

- But you do build empathy for them

and I think that's an important factor here

and the movie doesn't overstay its welcome.

It gets the point and it works within the realm.

This is currently in my top 10.

- Nice.

- It will probably be in my top 20 by the end of the year.

That's how much I enjoyed it.

If not my top 10, we'll see what the rest of the year does,

but I really thought this movie was well done.

I really thought they used the setting well

and I really think that, yeah, just all around,

well-delivered, like well-delivered fucking film.

Perfect runtime, simple set, great concept

and an abrupt ending that hammered in the fucking point.

- Nice.

- Not trying to be something,

you know how that last movie we talked about

tried to be 18 billion things?

- Uh-huh.

- This was pretty straight so forward.

There's a group of addicts, they've done something,

someone shows up for revenge.

- I like that.

Give me something simple.

- Like, I think you and Erica,

if you get a chance tonight, watch it, it's 71 minutes.

- Okay.

- Basically, it's a little longer than a show.

I think you will enjoy.

Now it is character heavy and it is dialogue heavy.

So you do have to be watching it

or you'll miss parts of it.

- Right.

- You know what I mean?

But overall, I think this is a really good film.

It is available to rent.

If what I described sounds like it would be right for you,

it is available on Apple TV, as well as Google Play

and Spectrum on Demand.

- Nice.

Yeah, this is one I definitely wanted to check out.

Just didn't get around to it yet.

- I think you and Erica should watch it.

I think it's a, and plus it's short.

You know, it won't take a long time.

- Right, and I do like that.

- Oh yeah.

We know Erica's mentioned that you like to get it out

short time.

- Oh.

- Hey, as long as everyone gets to where they need to,

Scott, no one's got it for hours.

- Rubble, rubble, rubble, rubble, rubble.

- I like the same thing.

Don't be, we're 40, Scott.

No one wants to be banging for fucking hours on end.

And if someone says that, they're fucking lying.

- Tickets so people get tired.

Don't give me this nonsense anyway.

- It's true.

- It is true.

It is true.

- There's your sex talk from Heather, everybody.

- Yeah, like I'm so tired of people that try to pretend

like, oh man, I made love for hours.

Don't you fucking didn't.

You did it for 10 minutes.

Don't even try this shit.

They're like, that was penis vagina time

or penis, whatever it was.

You may have done shit leading up to it,

but the actual contact was 10 minutes talks.

Don't bullshit me.

Not, you were all both sore afterwards

or drunk in hospital.

You were doing it.

That's the only other.

And you don't know what time was.


It was a track of everything.

- Yeah, no shit.

- It's true.

Did you watch this one?

- Yes, this is a, yeah, I think I was the one

that mentioned it to you.

- Yeah, yes, you did.

- All right, so this one is called kill her.

It's an 88 minute runtime.

Maddie and her friends go on a weekend trip to the woods

to plan Maddie's wedding.

Settled near the camp of Mr. Rogers

and with no phone signal,

their trip starts to turn into a bad idea

when they start dying and a secret is revealed.

So this is basically a isolated slasher film.

And I, while it's cheesy and I kind of seen

the end in coming, I had fun with this.

Like it's low budget.

It's got some pretty decent special effects.

Especially there's a kill that happens

that's fucking brutal in like a hotel area.

But yeah, I thought this was,

there's not much to say about this.

It's a very simple movie.

But yeah, like just fun, easy to watch, slasher film.

And I believe this is now available on Tubi.

- Yes it is, it is available on Tubi.

And honestly, I didn't predict this ending.

Honestly, no, I didn't think that the twist

was gonna be what the twist was.

And I really enjoyed it.

I thought that this was fucking low budget horror

done right.

I thought the young ladies in this did a phenomenal job,

especially MC Ahuff who plays Eddie.

I thought she was fucking fabulous.

I hated her.

- Yes.

- She may get an award this year,

depending if I hate someone else more than her.

Excellent fucking low budget film, low budget done right.

This is what we're talking about again, low budget done right.

And it was nice to see that put together in a film

that was entertaining.

You're looking at an 88 minute runtime,

could have been a little shorter,

this probably could have been 70 minutes,

but hey, overall worth it.

And definitely you got Tubi, why not?

Like it's free on Tubi, watch it.

If you really want to rent it,

it's on Apple TV, Google Play and YouTube.

But I don't know why you would do that

when it's for free on Tubi.

And I definitely think it's a free worth your time watch.

- I completely agree.

Like I went into this not expecting much

'cause I didn't watch a trailer or anything,

but I'm going, all right, let's just see.

This could be one of those low budget bad movies,

but no, this one ended up being a lot of fun.

Like I had fun with it, it was,

I gave it a seven out of 10 or a three and a half out of five.

Like it's, yep, good movie.

- I would agree with you, Scott.

I think that's a really fair score.

We're going to talk about something

that really wasn't a good movie next.

This movie is called Night Explorers the Asylum.

- Oh yeah, Erica and I started this one.

I made it about 10 minutes and turned it off.

- Thank God, 'cause it starts off,

you think it's going to be found footage.

And then it kind of is found footage.

Do you get to the part where they're sitting on the couch

and are on the bed party planning?

- I don't, wait, maybe, I think it's familiar.

- Yeah, like they're sitting there and they're like,

"Oh my God, I can't wait for the party."

And they're all getting together to get drunk and shit.

And then they're going to go into this haunted asylum.

Did you get to that scene?

- That's, okay, now I don't think I have, no.

- Oh good, you shut it off.

You knew it was shitty before you even got to that point.

So this is another British film

that sadly would probably make people not want to go to the UK.

So don't watch it.

It sums up of when a group of urban explorers,

go to a haunted house.

- Hey, where's the gator going to do all the stuff?

I bet it's not going to be really haunted

and we're going to make up some things.

Oh my God, it is haunted.

We're going to get fucked.

- After hearing your great description of Night of Evil,

this and that could go together as a double feature

offering of ridiculousness of things not done well.

So I think at times they meant for this to be a found footage,

but here's the thing with found footage films,

my friends who made this film.

You need to be able to see what the fuck is going on.

So if you want to do it in the dark,

there needs to be a light of some kind.

- Night vision, baby.

- Flashlight, anything, anything.

And there was none of that.

There were points where it was so hard

for me to see what was going on

that I couldn't even really see what was happening.

And it seemed like they were just in a really cheap haunted house

where people ran around and jumped out at them,

but they were supposed to be evil stalkers or ghosts

or I don't know what the fuck they were.

This was just people who watched Paranormal,

or sorry, they watched Grave Encounters

and they thought to themselves,

we'll make the really shitty version of Grave Encounters.

And that's what this was.

That's what this was.

So, you know, I don't understand.

David Garrett gave it four stars.

Good for you, David.

I usually agree with your reviews,

but I don't get why you enjoyed this.

I didn't think it was that great,

but if you're a found footage completeness

and you want to watch it, it's a 96 minute runtime.

It is available on Apple TV, Google, Voodoo.

You, Tubi, it's free.

I don't know.

If you really want to watch this, it's free people on Tubi.

Watch it there.

Do not rent it, you don't need to rent it.

And you really need to be a found footage completeness.

Like you really need to see someone

that loves this paranormal investigators

going to a haunted place.

And now there's people there.

Like, if that's your jam, baby,

then check it out because you'll have a good time.

Otherwise, you can skip this bad boy

and onto something else bigger and better,

which actually is the next one

that we're going to talk about.

I enjoyed this one more than I enjoyed that one.

And unfortunately, Letterbox just took a shit out of me

and it's not working, so I had to jump over to IMDB.

So I won't be able to give where it is available

to rent or watch or anything.

I got you.

Okay, so the next one is called "Horny Teenagers Must Die."

An hour and 24-minute runtime,

a group of high school graduates

traveled to a cabin in the woods to celebrate and party,

only to be picked off one by one by a demented psychopath

who kills with farm tools and sex toys.

This is another low-budget slasher

that as soon as I see the title, I'm going,

"Yeah, this is what I'm going to have to watch

"without Erica 'cause this is not her type of movie."

Yeah, no, definitely not.

Definitely not.

So I was watching it while I was doing the dishes

and stuff around the house.

And yep, this is that total, like, you know what?

We love 80 slasher.

We love Friday the 13th.

We're going to reference a lot of this stuff.

So we're going to have copious amounts of nudity

and low-budget practical effects gore

with really dumb, they took the whole dumb teenagers

that you want to see killed to a whole nother level.

Oh, they sure did.

'Cause for fuck's sakes, these guys are all terrible friends

'cause there's this one nerdy kid.

I'm just gonna spoil one quick little scene here,

but there's one nerdy kid that while these friends are drunk,

they decide to go,

"Hey, lead up against this tree with an apple on your head."

And they start shooting arrows at him

to, like, hit the arrow on his head

and they shoot him in the thigh with an arrow

and they're going, "Oh, just walk it off, you baby."

And shit like that.

I'm going, "These guys are absolute assholes."

- Did you feel like this was like a tribute to the burning?

Like, that part was like a knot,

like a knot at the burning by some stance?

Like, they were trying to--

- Kind of, yeah.

Like, I think it was just a nod to all these 80 slasher.

- Yeah, it was, I've never seen so much, like, sex

with, like, not showing, but get showing a lot

that look very realistic.

- I did get a big kick out of the couple

that's into, like, crazy, like, BMS stuff.

- Getting pegged and stuff like that as well.

- Getting pegged and slapping each other in the fucking van

because they like him rough and stuff.

Like, it was so over the top and, you know,

the guy who's kind of like the good guy

but not really a good guy.

Like, none of these characters were likable.


- Yeah, you wanted to see them all die.

- Right?

The girl that's banging the cop that has a wife.

Like, it was, it was, but fuck, it was entertaining.

And the guy that was the officer was the director.

- Oh, really?

- Yeah, so I think that's really, really entertaining,

to be honest with you.

Connor Holden looked like the only dude

that looked familiar to me.

I feel like he played the main dude.

I feel like I've seen him in something else.

And Alicia McNeil, I think she was the one

that made the Boogie Man movie, Bad Girl Boogie.

So obviously these are all kind of low budget people

that know each other.

But I liked this one out of all the low budget,

like the true, like we're talking bottom of the bill

or not a lot of money, low budget.

And I thought the plot device for this

was actually pretty interesting.

- Yeah.

- You know, I thought the reason

why people were being killed was relatively interesting.

- Yeah, for life.

- Right?

And I'll give them credit for having realistic sex scenes.

Like they were all sex scenes that I was,

except for like the over the top BDSM.

Maybe that is, maybe that's accurate too,

but it was, it was pretty, it was pretty funny.

I had a good chuckle throughout this, to be honest.

- Yeah, as we say, same here.

Like I just, like you go into this one knowing

it's going to be ridiculous and you'll have a good time.

Cause that's basically nothing's being taken seriously.

- Definitely not, right?

It's a silly fucking movie.

And you kind of got to go in knowing that.

So if like silly low budget films are not for you,

this is, don't watch this

because you're probably going to be annoyed.

But if you like the silly fucking, you know,

hey, let's make a slasher low budget film.

You'll have a good time with this.

I do think at, what was it?

How long was it?

80 minutes?

- 84 minutes, I think it's like that.

- 84 minutes.

I think it overstayed its time a little bit.

It is available, Letterbox cut out on me too,

but I did see that it was available on Voodoo before cut out.

So it is available to rent on Voodoo.

If you like this kind of thing,

low budget slashers, ridiculous teenagers,

over the top stereotypes, you'll enjoy this film.

- Yep, completely.

Oh, and it is to rent on Amazon Prime for $4.99

from what IMDB says.

- Awesome, cool.

So there's two places,

and $4.99 is decent if this is what you like.

- Exactly.

- Decent if this is what you like.

Now, I think you saw this one too.

- Yes, I did.

- Right?

So this one is called No Way Up.

It's a 2024 film as well.

Brace yourself.

Characters from different backgrounds are thrown together

when the plane they're traveling on

crashes into the Pacific Ocean.

So when I first saw that there was an airplane

at the bottom of the ocean and sharks,

I'm like, what fucking bullshit film

is this gonna be, right?

Like I was here for it.

And I gotta say, it was actually pretty good.

- Yeah, like I was surprised.

This is the shock of the year.

I'll be real.

You would think by looking at the poster

of all the films we watch,

that this would be the worst film.

It wasn't the best, but it certainly wasn't the worst.

And I would definitely put it up there for enjoyable.

A nightmare fight for survival insures

when the air supply is running out

and danger creeping in from all sides.

Who was the older man that was in this?

Was it Colm?

- Brandon, yeah, Colm Meenry.

- Oh yeah, I recognize him from a lot of stuff.

- Yeah, he's like Irish or a Scottish or something.

He's been in a lot of shit.

It was really interesting seeing him in this film.

I thought we were gonna get him

for a lot longer than we did,

but he was the most recognizable person.

So I assume he cost a lot of money.

I think it'll be afford him for a little bit of the film.

Which is fine, which is fine.

I'll say you go ahead and design it.

But I was gonna say, when I watched this,

I have to say the plane crash itself

was super effective and well done.

It was kind of freaky, how realistic it looked.

- Oh, dude, I'm so glad I'm not flying

like for a couple of months.

I would not wanna watch this and then get on a plane.

- Yeah, this was an intense plane crash

for something that seems to be a bit of a low-budget film.

And I have to say, there was a moment in this

that may win, depending on how the rest of the year goes,

but may win the award of "Hit Me in the Fields."

- Yeah.

- There was some parts in here

that actually kind of got to me.

- Yeah, the characters are all very much stereotypical,

in a sense, you have certain tropes,

but you wanted them all to make it.

- Yeah, exactly.

Except for the asshole friend.

- Oh, really?

- I didn't like him just 'cause of how he seemed

like he was very--

- Bigoted?

- Bigoted in anti-homosexual, er, again.

- Yeah.

- Against homosexuality.

- So he came around towards the end.

- Yes.

- But, yes, I agree.

I agree, that's a very valid point.

So this isn't, so Matt Wood had to say,

this isn't a bad plane crash survival film

with sharks thrown in.

He also stopped to say with you,

the characters are likable, apart from the obvious dickhead.

Decent effects, another, again, a single location movie,

which I don't like, but this is all right.

There's enough action that keeps it ticking.

I would agree.

I think they did a really good job.

I don't know if something like this

would ever actually happen,

if an air pocket could develop in a plane.

But you know what?

Fuck, I was here for it.

It didn't really matter.

I was willing to just turn off my brain

and be like, shark.

Sure, this is what happens, right?

- And the fact that certain people were able

to hold their breath for what seemed like 10 minutes.


- Right, and you know what?

Maybe that's the case too, right?

Who fucking cares?

It's a shark movie, but at a 90 minute runtime,

it didn't overstay its welcome.

I thought it was way better than it was gonna be.

I enjoyed it.

It's available to rent on all the streaming services.

So Apple, Google, I should say streaming video on demand,

Microsoft Store, YouTube.

And I think if you like this kind of actiony type of sharky,

you know, plane crash movie, it's worth the money.

Like it's not a bad 2024.

Like it's an entertaining 2024 film.

So let's say check it out.

- Yeah, and then kind of continuing with that thought

of check it out.

Next movie is my number one so far of the year.

I fucking love this.

This movie is Here for Blood, a 95 minute runtime,

a rowdy pro wrestler struggling to make ends meet,

agrees to fill in as a last minute replacement

for his girlfriend's well-paying babysitter job.

Upon arriving at the secluded family home,

he meets the precocious 10 year old Grace.

What starts off as a quiet night of pizza and video games

quickly spirals into bloody violent chaos

as Tom and Grace find themselves fighting for their lives

with an otherworldly cult of masked intruders

descend on the home.

So this is, I will say right off the bat, like yeah,

as I said, this is like my number one film of the year so far.

This reminded me a lot of psycho Gorman

and the way it was presented with its ridiculousness

from the bad guys and stuff like that.

This movie was just so goddamn fun and gory

and the practical effects were awesome

and you actually liked the characters

and for once a babysitter movie

where the person babysitting the child,

they actually get along right off the bat.

- Oh man.

- Automatically hating the new babysitter.

- I was so happy.

Scott, I can't tell you how happy I was

that they didn't go down that other route.

- I was expecting it, so expecting it.

Like 'cause it's that typical trope

of those babysitter type movies saying,

"Nope, they did not do that."

And this girl was just so adorable.

The guy that played the pro wrestler,

like he was funny, he was actually charismatic.

Like their chemistry together worked really well.

- Yeah.

- This was just a fucking bloody, gory, hilarious, fun time.

- Feed me. - Feed me.

- That's where I was like,

"Yep, this is Psycho Gorman right here."

- Now, this is a Canadian film.

So it was filmed in London, Ontario, Canada

and it was reviewed, what did you say,

after the After Dark Festival?

- After Dark Toronto Film Festival.

- After Dark Toronto, which is a small film festival.

Just so we're clear, that is not like Tiff.

That's not a huge film festival.

So I thought this was fucking solid

and we aren't the only ones.

Dave Bailey's given this a whopping four stars.

Duncan McLeish has given it four stars.

Tim Walker's given it three.

Tim Davis, you gotta watch this bad boy, baby.

- Yeah, he's wanting to,

like he was struggling to find it when I told him about it.

He's like, "I can't find it anywhere."

- Yeah, yeah, it's only available on Google Play,

Voodoo, Hoopla, Screenbox and YouTube.

I don't know, man, this could be a shutter pickup.

- This is a Screenbox, so a bloody disgusting,

so it's a Screenbox streaming rights one.

- Okay.

- But I actually gave this four and a half,

so nine out of 10, nine out of 10 stars for me.

- Yeah.

- Fucking love, this is a Scotty movie all the way.

- I agree with you, this is my top 10 too.

This movie was fucking awesome.

Like it, again, low budget done well.

Like, again, we are seeing a low budget film

put their money into their special effects were accounted.

All the characters are affable.

The plot moves quick, everything moves quick.

It's just fucking mint.

This is a fucking mint 2024 film.

- And I haven't looked this guy up just to see

if he was like a professional wrestler in real life,

like from a different indie scene or something.

And no, he's just an actor.

Like, I'm like, well, I can see him

as a professional wrestler in real life.

- He was excellent.

Sean Roberts, I believe is his name.

- Yep, Canadian actor.

- Yeah, I hope to see him in more stuff.

I know he's been in like Resident Evil,

he's been in Land of the Dead, Diary of the Dead,

Taking Lives, I Love You, Beth Cooper.

He's actually done a variety of different stuff

when he was a kid as well.

He was in Black Panther.

So he's actually had some stuff that he's done,

probably not main roles or anything like that.

- Yeah, probably the background stuff.

- He's good.

I hope to see him in more things.

And definitely I hope to see the other people

watch this film this year because it's definitely

something that people should check out,

especially if you were a fan of like Psycho Gorman,

Kids vs. Aliens last year.

I think this is right up there

with a really, really solid good film.

- Oh yeah, like I'm gonna say this now,

I will be shocked if this is not in my top three

by the end of the year.

- Oh, I agree with you.

It'll probably be definitely not in my top 10, top 20.

Like this was a good fucking movie.

I agreed with you 100%.

You know, it's not a good movie though.

Pray for the bride.

- Oh, really?

I was hoping to release something

'cause I was gonna watch that one next.

- No, don't.

Your life will be better.

- But it's too be, Heather.

- There's a reason why.


So a group of friends at a bachelet party

are stalked, tortured, murdered by a masked figure

who forces them to face a long bird's secret.

You know, sometimes you watch movies to stack your numbers.


And that's what I did here

because I knew going into this with that synopsis

that it probably wasn't gonna be great.

- But Heather, it's the pseudo sequel

to "Bury the Bride", really.

- Oh no, it has nothing to do with "Bury the Bride".

"Bury the Bride" was an Oscar-nominated film

in comparison to "Pray for the Bride", okay?

This is like lifetime with a little bit of horror.

That sums it up.

You know what I mean?

This chick gets married.

For some reason, her fiance had died before.

Now she's marrying somebody else.

Her friends all go away together

and there's a big secret they've all been keeping.

And it's going to be discussed.

And all the actors in these films

in this film were all from fucking Hallmark films.

You put up in their background

and they've all been in like a love-to-remember.

- Oh dear Lord.

- Yeah, or "Monster High" the movie.

That's what some of the others like.

So, hey, you know what?

Not to shit on them.

We all got to start somewhere.

Are from straight A's to XXX.

It's a sugar-and-spice holiday.

Love struck cafe.

Likes cats and dogs.

So, if you are Lance Lanford

and you're looking for something to watch with your wife,

just for your wife though, right Lance?

Not for you.

You never watch these movies for you.

Just for her.

Wink, wink, nudge, nudge.

Pray for the bride is available on Tubi

and it is a torturous 90 something minute run time.

- And this one--

- Sorry, go ahead.

- I was saying this one is a Tubi original.

- Sure is.

- And is.

- Like most Tubi originals,

Tubi is the lifetime channel of horror movies.

- Oh man, it is.

But you know what?

We are here for it.

Aren't we to go?

- Oh yeah.

- Oh fuck yeah, we are.

- Then I guess we can jump into the next one.

- Yeah, this is a British film as well.

Filmed in London.

- It sure is.

- So ho.

- Yes it is.

- Shout out to you, Kate,

for our time that we spent in London together.

Luckily this didn't happen to Kate.

No, Kate and I were actually in this movie.

- Yeah.

- It's really based on us.

- You found the black rabbit?

- Two of the fucking chicks.

That's us.


- All right, so yeah, this next film

is called Midnight Peep Show.

It's a 94 minute runtime with taglines.

Sometimes you just can't look away.

An unnamed madam operates a unique peep show

that cares to its customers' deepest desires,

fears, and sins.

Tonight it welcomes a businessman

with a unique connection to an extreme fantasy website.

Soon he will become a witness

to three stories of victims that found the website.

It's only a matter of time before he's made

to pay the ultimate price

for dabbling in the dark side of desire.

So this almost sounds like a skinnamax movie,

but this is like a horror anthology.

Basically it's got three stories,

including the wrap round,

if I'm remembering correctly.

But after a movie called Midnight Peep Show,

there's little to no nudity,

which made it easy for me to watch it work.

- But yeah, like a lot of sex.

- Very sexy stuff, yeah.

- Yeah, but like sex in girls just ride in dudes in chairs.

- Yeah.

- That are tied up.

- Yeah.

- With all their clothes on.

- Yes, that's how that goes.

- There's like a whole bunch

of committed relationship sex going on in here.

- Yeah, and adultery.

- And adultery, and yeah.

- This was like interesting anthology though,

like a lot of these stories kind of gave me tales

from the crypt vibes.

- Yeah, that's a good way to describe it.

- Like a bit of sexiness with a bit of comeuppance,

except for the middle story didn't have comeuppance.

That one just kind of had a dark ending.

But yeah, I found each of these stories

to be very interesting and fucked up,

especially the Fuck Mary Kill and the final story.

- Yeah, I would agree, I would agree.

Yeah, I think basically it's just,

yeah, it's about this website called.

- I did last or in fact, Mary Kill.

I did think some of the lines in that were funny.

- Oh yeah, like the story itself,

I really enjoyed and like a lot of the stuff,

but it was just that ending though,

and I'm not a fan of that.

- Yeah, like there was,

I think the first story was very creative,

and I feel like had the majority of the budget put into it.

- Yeah.

- And then like the wrap around,

I still don't quite get,

like Scott and I talked about it yesterday

about what happened to one of the characters,

and I'm still like, that was so unclear to me.

Like, I just wish they had been clear

on what the ending was.

I felt like it was too like artsy.

- Right, no, I'd get that.

- Right, I don't know, it was okay, it was okay.

It was average.

I would say if you really like watching anthologies

and you want something that's sexy, but not sexy,

like indicate sexy, but not super sexy.

- Right.

- Like you wanna watch a chick pull dance

with a bag on her head.

- Yeah, that happens.

- Yeah, it happens.

She does okay.

She definitely did level one on pole dancing

because she does all the fireman spins and shit.

I could do that too.

That was me, actually.

And then Kate was the hot one getting the drinks.

That's who we were, and we were killing Matt Wood.

You hear that, Matt?

Watch the movie, you're gonna see what's happened,

what will happen to you next time I come back to England.

Be prepared.

I don't know, if you like that, it's worth a rental,

but I don't, nah, nah, nah, nah.

Watch it for free if you can find it for free eventually.

- Yeah, I was gonna say, it's a free watch.

It's an anthology.

It had some interesting stuff to it.

I think I like all Hollows Eve trickster better

as the better anthology I've seen so far this year.

But this one wasn't bad.

It was just, yeah, another one to add to the watches.

- Okay, and that's what it comes down to, right?

Another one to add to the watches.

And we have one more in our list of 2024s.

- Heather is gonna take it on.

- Yeah, you can see it, right?

So Amelia Hirsch is in this one.

Yeah, so Walden Dean is a court reporter

who witnesses all types of injustice in the courtroom.

After discovering he has a terminal illness

and repressed anger deep within him's surface

and taking justice into his own hands.

I don't know if that's correct completely,

but I'll go with it.

This was picked up by Uncorked.

And I will tell you right now, you're watching this movie

and you're like, I'm Amelia Hirsch and Uncorked.

My God, they got a gold mine here.


This is a good story.

I enjoyed Amelia Hirsch in this

and the role that he played.

- Oh, he's a good actor.

- There's some good actors in this.

And I enjoy trying to solve the mystery

of who was responsible for some specific killings

that were occurring.

This had a little bit of a Dexter vibe to it,

but he's not a serial killer.

But it had a little bit of that Dexter-ish vibe,

like vigilante shit to it.

It's worth a watch.

It is a little long at 101 minutes

and it is a little lifetimey.

But I felt as like a thriller

with some pretty cool torture scenes, we'll call it.

It was well done.

- Okay.

- It was well done.

It's for Uncorked.

This is probably their like cream of the crop.


Like if we were just looking at all Uncorked movies,

it would be like well done over everything.

- That is fair.

- Definitely the film that they managed to pick up

that will probably make them some money.

It was decent in that area.

So that is available on Apple TV, Google Play, Voodoo,

Microsoft Store, YouTube.

And again, if you kind of like what I'm talking about

and you know that this is gonna be like an Uncorked film

and there's, I don't know,

there's a little bit of lifetimey parts in it,

but then again, some really, really good stuff,

check it out.

It's definitely worth your time.

If that sounds like something you'll enjoy.

- Nice.

- And we made it to the end.

- Yes, we have knocked out all of our 2024s.

I think I counted there was 22 2024s that we covered.

- Wow.

See, this is what happens when we record once a month.

And then a whole bunch of movies get dropped

that we have to watch.

- Right, exactly.

'Cause there was nothing for the first couple of weeks there

and then all of a sudden, bang!

- Nothing, and then it all came out.

I don't know, do you want to go next

with your one here or should I go?

- Sure, I can do my Overwatch.

My Overwatch is actually, I put the wrong year on it,

but it's 2023, not 2022.

But it's Netflix original called "Leave the World Behind".

And this stars Julia Roberts.

- Oh yes.

- Mahershala Ali, Ethan Hawke.

And I'm just trying to go through,

make sure there's no one else I'm forgetting.

Nope, oh, and Kevin Bacon, yeah, Kevin Bacon's in it too.

But the synopsis is, it's a 138 minute runtime.

In the synopsis, there's no going back to normal.

A family's getaway to a luxurious rental home

takes an ominous turn when a cyber attack

knocks out their devices

and two strangers appear at their door.

So this is about a family that wants to leave

the hustle and bustle of the city to a,

like, getaway Airbnb.

And two strangers appear at their door

and the strangers are who they say they are.

They are the owners of this Airbnb.

And they just so happen to show up

right when a cyber attack happens

and everybody's cell service is gone,

the power goes out, TV goes out,

like everything just starts falling apart.

And it basically just shows how fucked we are

when we lose all these electronic devices

and connections to our world.

And what happens to our world when shit like this happens?

'Cause that means our defenses are down for our countries

and all sorts of scary shit.

So this is like another one of those,

this shit could happen and it's kind of terrifying.

But I found this to be a very good,

interesting, well-acted movie.

And Julie Roberts and Ethan Hawke

do an amazing fucking job.

Everybody does an amazing job.

And I highly recommend this movie.

- Well, I appreciate the feedback.

Sorry that Mickey's all of a sudden decided

to bark in the background.

- No worries, he's giving his opinion.

- I know, he's like, "Me too, the world,

leave the world behind.

I've been wanting to check it out.

So I'm glad that you are sharing it with us today

because I was thinking of watching it.

So this is good to know.

- Yep, that was definitely more of a real-world horror

there than the typical horror that we watch.

- Appreciate, appreciate.

Well, on the realms of pools,

I guess Instagram heard me.

And I saw a clip from this film called "12 Feet Deep."

- Oh yeah, I meant to watch the stuff.

- Yeah, that came out in 2017.

So I got our good friend to find the movie for me.

And so Tobin Bell's in this film, very briefly,

very briefly, he's not in it for much.

He was definitely in it just to be like,

"Hey guys, Tobin Bell's in the film."

But the chick from "The Descent,"

so Nora Jane, no one is in this.

So she was also in "The Descent,"

as well as Alexandra Park,

who was in "Carnifex" that came out last year,

which some, or a couple of years ago,

is the one, the creature feature.

Yeah, so she was in that as well.

I really enjoyed this movie.

The premise to this is, you know,

of course you have a little bit of sense of disbelief.

So these young ladies go to a public pool

and through a series of unfortunate events,

they're a kind of final destination-ish,

they get stuck under the pool cover.

- Oh, okay, I think I have heard of this.

- So yes, of course, like you're probably wondering,

"Well, how the fuck would that happen?"

It provides a series of events

where you could see how something like this could happen.

Basically, the synopsis is,

they're the last people to get out of the pool.

They end up dropping their stuff,

so the person who's closing the pool can't see them.

They end up going into the deep, deep end that is dark,

where, you know, I guess the person can't see

that they lost a ring and they're diving down

to where the filter is to get the ring.

It's her engagement ring.

Her sister basically took it and threw it in the pool

because she was being a dick.

Long story short, and the guy closes the pool cover.

And as they come up to the surface,

the pool cover is closed on top of them

and they can't get out.

And a janitor who's working there comes by

and she has a criminal history

and there's a negotiation that occurs, right?

So it's, you know, a reason why I wanted to bring it

to the table, because even though it sounds like it's silly,

it had a better plot point than Night Swim.


- Like, this was something where you could be like,

sure, I can turn off my brain enough to be like,

this could happen.

And then how are these two young ladies going to survive?

- Right.

- And what they do to get out of this situation,

it's probably fairly accurate to what someone would do

if they were pushed to these limits.

- Oh, for sure.

- So, you know, it's an 85 minute runtime.

It does not overstay its welcome.

Dave C. from the Exploding Head podcast

gave it three and a half stars.

There's no other podcast.

Oh, Chris Jericho, who's also a podcast listener,

gave it three stars.

And I think that's fair.

Like, I--

- Chris Jericho, be Chris Jericho?

- Oh, he's Canadian though and he's from out west,

but he's not that Chris Jericho.

I do think this movie's worth it.

So Scott, I'd be interested in you watching

and hearing your thoughts on it.

And it's only 85 minutes.

It's survival horror in a pool done well.

I think you remember, we watched the pool a couple of years

ago, we did do a pool for the alligator in the pool.

So I think this one is probably one of the better ones

for checking out if you get a chance to.

I think you'll find it interesting at the very minimum.

- All right, I will definitely check that out.

And yeah, so I think that wraps up everything

that we've watched and covered.

- We covered it all today here on Friday Nightmares.

As always, your premium choice for 2024/2022

film releases/UK films that we just fucking promote.

Plus the Irish board, the Irish board,

who we totally gave shots out to.

And decent indie films, you come here for that shit here

on Friday Nightmares.

This is what we dig into.

- Yeah, we searched the dregs of the wastelands

that are 2B and Shutter.

And we try to find you some gems that can be worth watching.

- Well, we're very lucky as well

to be part of People's Screener Pack.

So we're able to get a lot of VODs as well.

We're very grateful for that.

We'll see what happens this year.

But overall, there's some light going on.

We brought to the table a couple of films

that we thought were really, really excellent.

And some that, depending on your personal preference,

maybe you'll like it, maybe you won't.

And then we brought some that you should just not

bother with.

- They can't all be hits.

- You can mix bank here on Friday Nightmares.

So we will be back again in a couple of weeks,

I guess when we have something else to share.

- Yeah, when we will be back, I don't know, again,

I guess it depends.

March is pretty quiet for me.

So I guess it all depends how much we watch.

- Yep, I was gonna say, it depends on how much we watch.

I'll say the only thing I got probably going on at some point

will be a counter's birthday.

- Aw.

Yeah, why don't you make them watch

some of these horror movies for his birthday?

Like the really bad ones.

Make them watch--

- I totally should.

- You'd be like, son, we're gonna watch Night of the Explorers

and what you should never do in your life is go to these.

Is he there?

You keep looking to the side.

What were you looking at?

- Oh, I keep seeing something up there that I can't tell though.

- Oh no, is it like a zombie?

Is there an attack?

- I don't know.

- It's spooky.

- It's Erica being like, what's shitty film

does Heather want to make me watch now?

All right, Erica, we're gonna watch this movie called

12 Feet, it's about girls that get locked in a pool

and she's like, fuck it, Heather, this is bullshit.

- Well, she'd probably, I'd just be like, babe,

it's better than Cool Party Massacre.

- It's better than Quicksand.

Teller, it's better than Quicksand.

- Yeah, that right there, yeah.

- All right, and the one thing I will say

about the ending of 12 Feet is that I would be like,

yeah, at that point I'd be fucking tired too

and I'll let you assume with that

and I'll let you watch that and you tell me what you think.

- All right.

- But yeah, I'm looking forward to seeing y'all again soon.

We're getting this watch train going.

Imaginary's coming out soon in March.

Next theater release, it's supposed to be big.

Fuck, we'll see how it is.

I don't know.

Not holding my breath on that one.

I didn't get a special screening

for Winnie the Pooh Blood and Honey Tube.

- Yeah.

- So I'm gonna have to wait

for all the other fucking commenters

for when it gets dropped.


- But yeah. - Oh, well,

we'll get to it. - Oh, bother.

- Oh, bother.

- Oh, bother.

Slice your fucking neck open.

Anyway. (laughing)

We are Padman Bears of the Legion Podcasts Network,

as always.

If you're interested, they do have a Patreon

where you can come on and support fellow podcasters

like myself and Scott.

So myself, just me, that's Scott.

And other podcasters that bring creative content

to this channel.

And if you haven't become a Patreon member yet,

we got one question for you.

- What, cool, huh?




Where are you waiting for? -

Why are you waiting for? -

Where are you waiting for?

- 'Cause I'm putting it on.

(dog barking)

Look at them now.

It's like Mickey heard you.

So I know what they should do.

Speaking of the movie you talked about on Shutter,

imagine, okay, it's America.

Trump has taken over all the Meg

that's are making everybody wear red hats.

No one is allowed to get any vaccines.

Measles has overtaken the United States of America.

There is a safe house and polio.

He brought back polio.

- Yeah, polio's back.

- There's a safe house.

But the only way you can go in it,

if you're holding a camcorder and you have poor lighting.

- Yes, 100% do out watch.

- This safe house was used for polio and vaccines.

Polio and measles victims from the 1800s.

Also served as a cotton farm during the slave trade.

- And we're going to be paranormal investigators.

And it's a social political film.

You're welcome, Shutter 2025.

I just can't, what the hell is that about?

Guaranteed there's somebody out there right now

being like, absolutely.

That absolutely sounds like a family footage,

political haunted house, shaky cam,

unreliable narrator film that we can.

So like anti-mask, anti-vax film

that we can totally create.

And everyone's going to fucking love.

Fuck COVID, that's old news.

Let's bring back measles and polio.

Let's make this shit really scary.

- It's a pretty good robotic plague.

- Even better, Scotty.

And then the rats from the volcanic plague

come out of the walls.

- Yes.

- Oh my God, this is perfect.

- Best movie ever.

- Oh my gosh.

Maybe I'll just have the Titanic float by too.

Just as like extra like randomly the Titanic shows up.

And I'm like, but how's the Titanic here?

And we'll be like, how's there a plane under water

in the ocean that has an air pocket?

- Stop it for answers.

- And how is the world round?



Flat earthers are here and it's true.

- Oh, even better.

No, you know the reason why the Titanic's there

is because the ice age has, no,

global warming is finally overtaken.

The Antarctica has melted except for this haunted house

in this political warfare that people are dealing with.

And the coast ship of the Titanic goes by.

- And all the conspiracy theories come true.

Lizard people in Hollywood, birds are really drones.

Yes, birds aren't real.

So let's see us, let's bring it all back.

- Awesome.

And you all were worried about COVID

and fucking vaccines for that.

Now you've got real problems, motherfucker.

You've got the worst fucking 2025 orville

that's gonna come out.

- Tagline, and you thought COVID was bad.


Here's the thing, Scott.

We've seen enough movies where I'm like,

that is fucking 100% possible.


- That, but true.

- Like, we're joking.

But as we're joking, I'm like, oh yeah, totally.

I could totally see a plot device

with it becoming basically the purge,

super fucked up America.

Absolutely, we get our whole bound of anti-vaccine

and disease movies.

So now let's bring back the weasels in polio.

- And the weasels.

And then the weasels, and there's weasels as well.

- They're gonna have a weasel stomping day,

like weird ass song.

- What did you, what was the other thing we talked about?

And then the haunted shit that's going on in the house

because it's from the victims of polio that didn't.


And they're angry now that you're not getting the vaccine

because they didn't have the vaccine either.

There's gotta be a haunted doll in it too.

We gotta just throw that in for some shits and giggles too,


- The doll that helped the kids get through polio.

- All through, all through found footage

and someone starts playing a Ouija board

that's floating on the water because of the ice caps melting.


- Oh, I love it.

- Oh my God, please stop with these fucking films.

All right, can we just get back to like good old,

I don't know, like let's see more of things like,

what was the wrestler one that we just talked about?

- Here for blood.

- Here for blood.

Or, you know, fuck you pharmaceutical companies

in your testing.

Let's get to that.

You know, let's, let's have more midnight peep show

of people fucking with their shirts on.


- Let's stop with found footage.

Like, all I could think of was you

with the found footage film I was talking about,

Scott, when it's so dark.

Like, I'm like, this is what Scott's talking about.

And I was watching it on my laptop.

Like, I was even watching it on my phone

and I couldn't see what the fuck was going on.

I'm like, this is exactly what Scott,

Scott, he's talked about over the years.

- Yeah.

- This is exactly what he's fucking talking about.

- This is when I found the footage,

I have to judge it very harshly.

- Right?

- But I love it.

But I judge it harshly.

- Use the light so we can at least see

what's fucking going on.

- Exactly.

- Right?

Anyway, we will be back again before I leave for the UK.

I should be coming up.

- And then we're gonna be hearing all about that

when she gets back.

- And I'll be going to France.

- Oh, ho, ho, wait, wait, wait, man, hold on.

- Oh, ho, ho, attention, oh, martyrs.

They're like, what the fuck is wrong with this?

- Shut up.

Oh, ho, ho, criss-on, criss-on.

- Fuck, fuck.

Big head, big head.


I'm like, had you guys seen the advent calendar movie?

I was like, yeah, it was Trey Terribli.


I'll be like, oh, okay, we thought it was bad too.

Anyway, we'll be back soon. (laughing)

There's more 2024 watches, so in the meantime,

do you have anything to say to the good people, Scotty?

- The only thing I have to say is thank you

for sticking with us like as always,

and just remember, whenever you run into a French man,

just go, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.

(speaking in French)


But until next time, kitties, au revoir.


- Say, "Bien." (laughing)

Good night, all. See you soon.

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