Moni Talks Tech

A nerd with a podcast? Unheard of. But stay tuned for a lot of fun and valuable episodes from Moni - Webdesigner and Online Tech specialist - about all things Online Tech sprinkled with life, entrepreneurship and interviews.

Show Notes

~~ Moni Talks Tech - Coming Soon ~~

What is Moni Talks Tech?

Moni Talks Tech (and other things) is a show hosted by Monika Rabensteiner, a weird Austrian lady, who went on the journey to start her own business and is now here to tell the tale. But not only that: she will be caressing your earbuds with tips and tricks around tech tools and design - everything you need to make your online business work smarter not harder - and look better in the process.

Hello, hello, hello, hello, and welcome to the Coming Soon episode of Moni Talks Tech. Yes, another podcast. Another podcast about tech. And who the even needs that? No one. But I'm gonna do it anyway because I want to, because I think it will be fun and maybe somebody just finds some kind of benefit in what I have to say about the world, about tech, about online businesses. Maybe you're in for a laugh. So stick around. The first episode will drop next week, and I can't wait to hear what you have to say about it. I hope you'll fine with me, ruffling some feathers from time to time, hear my insights into my life, the online business life, the entrepreneurial life and tech, because it's still called Moni Talks Tech, after all, . So I can't wait to hear from you, and I hope you'll enjoy the upcoming episodes for however long they will go on. So see you soon.