Super Human Fathers

Welcome back to the Super Human Fathers Transformation Podcast! In today's episode, we have the privilege of sitting down with the incredible BJ Barrett. BJ's story is filled with passion, perseverance, and the power of brotherhood. From his high school days playing the trumpet to his dreams of becoming a cage fighter, BJ has faced numerous challenges, including a debilitating ankle injury that forced him to abandon his fighting aspirations. Despite daily pain and limitations, BJ has never made excuses, instead choosing to push through and embrace a life of fitness and resilience. 

In this episode, BJ shares how joining the Super Human Fathers program has been a game-changer for him, particularly in finding meaning, support, and a sense of kinship within the group. With a big heart and a desire to help others, BJ and his fellow fathers have tapped into shared pain, creating a safe space where their vulnerabilities are met with empathy and understanding. 

We'll also dive into BJ's transformation on multiple levels, both physically and spiritually. The impact of the program has been profound, not only improving BJ's physical appearance but also awakening his spiritual side and strengthening his mindset. He shares how discovering his purpose, attaching meaning to pain, and embracing an abundance mindset have been integral parts of his journey.

So, buckle up and get ready for an episode filled with love, inspiration, and a strong call to action. BJ Barrett's story is one you won't want to miss. Stay tuned, Super Human Fathers, for an empowering conversation that will leave you feeling motivated and ready to conquer whatever life throws your way. Let's dive in!

What is Super Human Fathers ?

These powerful interviews share the transformation of our brothers. They have sacrificed, worked extremely hard, and are ripped AF! You won’t want to miss a single episode.

BJ Barrett: Well, first of all, I need
to apologize to absolutely nobody.

Let's fucking go!

Let's go!

Hey, so I was searching for
something really fucking hard, bro.

Um, I was in a dark place I was
a content whore at that point.

Um, my life at home was pretty bad.

I'd get called out to work quite a bit at
the time, I think, because it was winter

time and I stumbled across Wes Watson.

I'm like, who the fuck is this guy?

I'm like, fuck yeah, I
can ride with this guy.

And then, um, yeah, the mastermind, uh,
mansion mastermind and fucking Kyle steps

up and it's like, I think it's like one
in the morning when I'm watching this.

I'm at fucking work and he's
Steps up and he's just like, you

know, I'm a fucking firefighter.

I got kids, you know, it's
like fuck man That's me.

Like I'm fucking working.

I got kids I'm like, fuck, you know,
and man, I, something just, something

just told me that's it, you know what
I mean, like it just, it's like, okay,

let's, let's see what this is about.

Kyle Carnohan: Welcome to the Superhuman
Father's Transformation Podcast.

If you're listening to this, you're
about to witness some of the most

incredible transformations that have
ever happened on the planet, and just

by listening to this, you will be
inspired to have your own transformation.

If you're listening to this for the
first time, or you're one of the brothers

in the brotherhood, go leave a review
on the podcast and let the brother or

member know how amazing they did and
how incredible their transformation was.

I'm Kyle Carnahan, founder of
Superhuman Fathers, and not only

am I gonna change your life, I'm
gonna get you ripped as fuck.

Ryan Carnohan: The guy we're going to
interview right now is probably, is one of

the most savage transformations we've had.

Not to mention, he's had some
of the most, the most impact.

in this community, which is also always
correlated with our transformations,

the amount of time serving our brothers.

But also, man, you guys know BJ,
like if you guys didn't know him, was

six or seven months ago, we're going
to get in here and talk about him.

Well, I'll show you guys
the picture in a moment.

But also the way he talks, dude.

This guy straight became a philosopher.

You guys know how I always say like, hey,
you guys should get a quote every day.

You should see the quote
he posted this morning.

Freaking psycho.

It's like he's, he's tapped in, man.

Anyways, we'll let guys get in here.


let's see.

Brad, dude, it's coming soon.

Let's see.

Oh yeah.

Yeah, Brad, your, your day
of posting is, is coming.


BJ Barrett: think it's
sexy mother freaker,

Ryan Carnohan: you know that?

Love you.

Yeah, you hungry?

BJ Barrett: One watch.

Ryan Carnohan: Alright, let's
see who else we got, dude.

Matt, dude, I saw your reel from today and
it just put the biggest smile on my face.

Matt Pal, like I just, I seriously,
I just sat like looking at it, like

ear to ear, and it said something
like, I don't know what you said, it

was like, don't fucking mess with me.

I was like, let's go!

Yeah, dude.

So we'll let guys, I really want to make
sure everybody gets in here, because

uh, BJ has Impacts a lot of guys.

Now, um, when I spoke with BJ,
the first time I spoke with him,

um, I think he was in his garage.

I can't remember exactly, but I
just remember this face that he,

yeah, Cory, he is the savage.

But you know, he just had this face, this
mug, he just kind of was like, The whole

time, like, he made a little smirk, but
like, it was almost like at the end of

my, the, whatever, I vomit on everybody
when they, they begin this program.

He just kind of gave me this
nod, and I didn't really, I

couldn't read him 100%, you know?

Like, I knew there was something
special about him, um, but he just kind

of went like, like it hit him like a
ton of bricks, but I couldn't see it.

Like, I don't know if he didn't
want to show me, but he just got it.

And since that started, it's not like
he didn't miss, but he just didn't stop.

And he also, and I really mean that,
the way he speaks is different.

And I, I don't know if we're gonna
dig in there, I, I, I didn't even

give him questions before this.

We're just gonna dive into this interview,
and we're gonna see what he has to say.

But I, I want you guys to really listen
up, because he's got a message, he does.

He's got a message.

I don't full tap into it.

He probably would say I'm full of shit.

He's just an average dude He has a message
and I'm gonna try to tap into it today

with them We are together and if you
guys have questions for him already start

thinking about it But BJ let's let's get
into this and I want you to put us in the

position that you were in Maybe the week
or two I know, Brian, cause Jack, dude,

he's getting more Jack, he's like more
Jack than he was when he was posted, dude.

Guys in their fifties, they're making
us young bucks look, look, weak sauce.

Alright, BJ, maybe a week to two weeks
before you join the program, what

are we thinking, how do we come into
this, why'd you pull the trigger,

BJ Barrett: what's going on?

Well, first of all, I need to
apologize to absolutely nobody.

Let's fucking go!

Let's go!

Hey, so I was searching for
something really fucking hard, bro.

Um, I was in a dark place I was
a content whore at that point.

Um, my life at home was pretty bad.

I'd get called out to work quite a bit at
the time, I think, because it was winter

time and I stumbled across Wes Watson.

I'm like, who the fuck is this guy?

I'm like, fuck yeah, I
can ride with this guy.

And then, um, yeah, the mastermind, uh,
mansion mastermind and fucking Kyle steps

up and it's like, I think it's like one
in the morning when I'm watching this.

I'm at fucking work and he's
Steps up and he's just like, you

know, I'm a fucking firefighter.

I got kids, you know, it's
like fuck man That's me.

Like I'm fucking working.

I got kids I'm like, fuck, you know,
and man, I, something just, something

just told me that's it, you know what
I mean, like it just, it's like, okay,

let's, let's see what this is about.

Um, I honestly could have just easily not
clicked that application button, but I was

in so much pain that I was just trying to,
you know, find what was out there for me.

I tried crypto two years ago,
you know, tried this, tried

that, this is the way out, money.

And the whole time I'm not fixing the
problem and, uh, you know, online,

there's a lot of guys that are savages
and different personalities that you

don't really see in your own life and,
you know, Wes is one of them, Kyle's on

his mastermind and I'm like, fuck bro,
let's fucking, let's check this shit out.

You know, and then the rest
is history from there, right?

Um, but the pain that I was in when,
when I clicked that button, man, uh,

it's a lot, man.

It's a lot.

Um, I had all the blessings
in the world, man.

I had, I have an absolutely
gorgeous wife, a beautiful wife.

I got four kids and I had everything
that a guy should have around him

to make him, you know, realize, you
know, there's life worth living.

And I just, I had got so bad, man, with
some of the, um, injuries I had, physical

pains, some of the broken dreams, um,
a lot of letdowns, a lot of losses.

Every time I'd go into a new season of
life, it was just fucking crushed, bro.

Like, like absolutely fucking crushed.

And I was spiraling, man.

I started drinking every day.

I mean, you know, familiar with Pornhub,
Pornhub, you know what I'm saying?

Like, hell yeah.

Pornhub, alcohol, uh, I would do
about anything to try to escape from

what I didn't know how to fix, man.

And it got to be to the point where
it's so bad that, uh, You know,

my marriage was, I was getting
ready to throw all of it away.

I had, I had kids right in
front of me every single day.

And it wasn't enough.

You know what I mean?

We all talk about that.

Like, oh, I'd do anything for my kids.

Well, you know, it, uh...


Ryan Carnohan: hey, let's, let's
take a moment to look at that man.

I'm not, look, look at, right that moment.

And we're gonna see the
difference of BJ right now.

Let's, let's do that.

I'm gonna share my screen.


So give me a moment.

Should go in a second here.

That's what we're just going to take.

I just want you guys to look at
the pain that he's talking about.

The guy on the left here.

Check this out.


That's who he's talking about.

Right there.

How long ago was that, BJ?

BJ Barrett: Maybe six months from today.

Five months between the
two pictures, maybe.

Something like that.

Ryan Carnohan: Let's see.

How many pounds

BJ Barrett: down are we?

Uh, that was 53 right there, I think.

What do you think the biggest

Ryan Carnohan: difference is
between this man on the right?

Look at that.

What's the biggest difference
between these two men?


BJ Barrett: least 50

Ryan Carnohan: pounds.

BJ Barrett: True.

I'm gonna joke around and say that, uh,
the guy, when Chris sent me that, my

only, I was laughing out loud, right?

And I sent him a response,
I said, the dude on the left

is a straight fucking killer.

You know, just joking around.

But, I mean, there's some truth to that
because really the only difference was

the guy on the left was about to, you
know, he was about to kill himself, bro.

And the guy on the right would
fucking kill anybody for you guys.

I didn't know who any of you guys were.

I mean, you know, like straight up.

Um, first of all, whoever
makes me cry, it's fucking gay.


Let's just get that out of the
way because I can't going for it.

I'm coming

Ryan Carnohan: after you, bro.

BJ Barrett: We'll snuggle later, man.

Uh, this means a lot.

This means a lot.

And I, I cannot, I cannot express to
you what each and every one of you guys

have done for me, and my
wife, and my kids, and, uh,

the only thing I know to do is just to
fucking fight for you guys every day, man.

And that's, there's, there's places that
we need to go, there's places that you

guys individually need to fucking become,
there's power that you guys individually

need to learn how the fuck to step into.

And I know for a fact that there is
something here with this fucking group

that Kyle started, that Ryan's here
starting, that Flores is with here.

Like, there is something here and
I fucking broke down on that Zoom

that day because I feel shit.

And I don't really know exactly
how to explain it fully because

it's been there my whole life.

And this seems to be some sort
of, uh, an ecosystem where it just

really, it really extracts all
this shit that's been suppressed

with me individually my whole life.

And, um, the love I have for you guys
is like, man, I just, I can't, I cannot

fucking express, like, how much you
guys fucking mean to me, and I, I know

I keep saying that, but it also comes
with a sense of like, uh, an urgency, you

know, like, uh, let's ride or die, you
know, I, I, dude, I've had some moments,

I've had some moments where I'm like,
I will, I will straight die for these

motherfuckers, man, like, straight up.

Let's fucking go and I'm not and it's
not even I have said this before but

it's not even It's not like on some dumb.

I don't know what I'm doing.

Oh, man one more drink.

Let's go do some dumb shit
No, this is like this is uh,

you guys are my people man.

I've been I've been needing something like
this my whole life And I know I'm getting

sentimental and shit here, but I'm just I
love it meant the world to me, man I love

Ryan Carnohan: it BJ.

Let's go back.

So we start the program you kind of
lean into it Was it from the very

beginning that you had those feelings?

Was there doubt?

When did you start to feel like,
maybe, did you believe you could

achieve this right out the gates?

You know, cause you were, man, you
were in your uniform at work, on the

train tracks, freaking lifting logs
and doing burpees and shit, but...

Yeah, what what does that transition
look like into is it belief?

What is it?

BJ Barrett: It was a willingness to
Honestly, I say I was running from

the boogeyman Whatever that is.

I knew something was telling me that
my chances were over and if I didn't

find something or figure out how to
unfuck myself somehow that it was

going to get really bad because I
I have a big heart and I love a lot

and I've Causes me to be, you know,
I've been let down a lot in my life.

I feel like that's some of my pain from
the people that's been the closest to me.

And, uh, I just knew that I
knew what was on the line.

It's, it's, it's, it's as simple as that.

It was, it was really
like for death for me.

I knew in my mind, I was like,
I've got to do something.

And let me, it was kind of like,
let me just see what this is about.

To be honest, it had
nothing to do with fitness.

Like, when I was younger, out
of high school, my dream was to

become a professional fighter.

So, I have, I have been in the, I
have been in the oven of some, some

straight elite athletes before.

You know, I've, I've been, I've
been rolled up like a pretzel.

I've been fucking smashed.

I've had my nose broke several times.

Uh, that's just training.

That's not even my fucking
injuries I'm talking about.

So I knew that physically, I knew I was
willing to do whatever the fuck it took.

You know what I mean?

That wasn't really a question with me.

I just, I didn't really know what
I was looking for besides the

fact I just didn't want to die.

And I had a beautiful little baby girl.

And, you know, and it's
just different, bro.

It's just.

You know, like something just
kind of tells you, like tapping

you on the forehead, like, hey,
wake up, you know, wake up.

Let's go.

Ryan Carnohan: Okay, let's go there.

So let's say there's someone right now
in the group that's feeling like you

did, or maybe in a similar position.

What is, what did you learn from
superhuman fathers, or what advice

can you give them to start making
moves to feel like you feel now,

or to achieve daily what you

BJ Barrett: achieve daily?

Unlearn everything that you think you've
learned 100 percent take all the fear

of speaking and in like, you know,
overthinking, just sharing anything and

just tap into the community, and you don't
necessarily have to blast off on a zoom.

But DM somebody or reach out offline and,
and, and start getting your wheels turning

with another guy that's been in there and
just, you have to tap into this community

because there is a divine synergy that
bounces back and forth between men to

men in this group, and it's real, and
there's guys in here that are anointed

by God in different levels, and that is
where you can get it at, and it's not

something that you can say in words, it is
something that is 100% It is like a sense.

It's an ability.

It's a feeling.

It's a, it's the Holy Spirit.

It's whatever the fuck
you want to call it.

It's, it's something that we all
share as human beings and walking

through this earth as men, but you
find it here, but you can't grab a

hold of it if you don't participate.

And if you're looking for a fitness
program, it ain't going to happen for

you like that, you know, and you need
to be vulnerable and you can, you need

to just stop being scared about it.

You know,

Ryan Carnohan: So in those moments of
hardship right now, because they don't

go away, you said to grab on to it.

What do you mean by that and
how do you grab on to whatever

the hell you're talking about?

BJ Barrett: You're talking about grabbing
hold, grabbing hold of uh, the group?


Ryan Carnohan: what,
yeah, maybe that's it.

What, what do you mean by that?

Like how, how do you, when you have
that moment of negotiation, that

moment of compromise that's arriving
because you have a lot of pain in your

life that normally would cause the
average man to compromise his values.

Are there tools that you have?

Or is there a strategy
that you, that you use?

I mean, you do fucking savage shit, dude.

Crazy shit.

Up early, rucking, through your
hard job, with your, in your family.

How, how do you do that?

In that moment?

What are you doing?

How are you thinking?

I want to hear your self talk, BJ.

That's what I

BJ Barrett: want to hear.

It changes.

So, there's different things I tap into,
and I learn how to extract meaning, I

learn how to attach meaning to everything,
the more I'm involved with the, like, so,

so, like, sometimes it would be first,
early on, it would be in the group, you

know, like, some shares on the Zooms,
like, realizing that, realizing that

I'm not isolated, I'm not alone, like,
there's guys over here dealing with

stuff, You know, the hard 4 o'clock, 3.

30 in the mornings, I would be
like, Why the fuck am I doing this?

It's like, oh, he's doing that.

Or, you know, his pain over here.

Or the losses that some
of these men have had.

And it's the, it's the thing
that Trey was talking about.

The, you know, the thing
we all share, that pain.

You know, you, I, I'm just
able to tap into it, man.

I don't, I think it's
because I have a lot.

You know, it's just natural.

I have a big heart.

I want to help people.

And I have a lot of pain.

And it's really just...

As simple as that.

And, um, so, I attach meaning, like,
I, I think about you guys a lot,

like, when I'm doing that stuff,
but then I also think about my pain.

Like, whatever that pain is that I'm
always, like, it doesn't really go away.

Like, it's still there, I just.

I'm just more or less like fuck you
today, you know, instead of just like

sitting there and like I'm supposed to
have this pain like this was meant for

me, it's more or less like I'm braver now
because I'm surrounded by a group of guys.

I'm not, you know, there's a
belief that goes into that.

Ryan Carnohan: Is that different?

Is that different than
you used to look at it?

And how did you look at
it before compared to now?

That's a fun question.

BJ Barrett: You know, I would say like
it's, I'm able to, I may, I thought it

was over before I got in this program.

I'm like, fuck bro.

I got gray hair around my ears.

It's like I'm 41, 42.

You're able to dream again.

Like we were when we were nine and 10,
you know, it's like you're a little boy

and you have dreams and you have dreams
and you know, it could be anything, but

nobody's putting any limitations on you at
that point because those are your dreams.

And there's no limitations.

There's none, right?

And then I think, I think I was
able to kind of go back to that.

I'm like, I'm able to dream again.

I'm like, man, there's things out there.

You know, I can, I can, uh,
I can do anything just like

I was when I was 10 again.

You know, it's like I used to
play basketball till it was dark,

midnight, thinking I was gonna, you
know, be in the NBA, but now I can.

It's like I'm a little, you
know, it's the same mindset.

It's like, man, fuck all these guys
that tell you, you ain't shit, you know?

And it can be people that's
close to you too, you know, it's,

I catch it all the time, man.

I catch it all the time.

Even right now, to this day, you
know, being posted isn't really,

doesn't really matter as much as.

It's about you guys, man.

It really is to me.

It's, it's about you guys.

It really is.

I'm trying to answer your
questions, but I'm, I'm so full of

Ryan Carnohan: gratitude.

That might have been one of
the most powerful statements

I've ever heard in my life.

I know exactly what that feeling is.

And if you guys hear that,
please dig, dig into that.

Try to tap into that.

Live in such a way that
you can dream again.

The free man.

That was powerful, BJ.

Thank you.

That struck a chord, man.

I didn't know that was coming, bro.

How did you make me cry?

You're the

BJ Barrett: one.

Hey, it's you, bro.

All right.

It's just real shit, bro.

But hey, I'm gonna, before we get
some questions, I got a couple

things I want to run, run through.


This is your time, dude!

I'll just shut up!

Nah, just so you guys know, okay?

I tried really hard not to speak up
during this whole whatever the fuck

just happened with me getting posted.

I wasn't even planning on getting posted.

I never look at my workouts.

I don't know how many workouts.

I think i'm like 400 something.

I, I don't look at the
little things, okay?

I never cared about being posted.

I knew someday I would but there was
things that were way more important to me.

Um, there's things that I've, I've
been through like physically that

have caused a lot of problems with
some of the stuff in the program.

I've never been a power lifter
and I know somebody out here in

the Zoom needs to hear this shit
because I'll just give you a rundown.

So I used to, I used to
always be the little guy.

I was real good at band.

I love music.

I always loved music.

So I played the trumpet and then I got
in high school, was in marching band,

Ryan Carnohan: right?

I'll play trumpet marching band.

I'll play trumpet marching band DJ.

BJ Barrett: I also play trumpet.

Yeah, I was better than Kyle at trumpet.

I was probably first chair.

Yeah, I never made it there.

I never made first chair.

I was like third.

Yeah, I did.

I didn't either, man.

I was like second, but I've
always loved music, right?

And we had like one of
the best music schools.

So I was real athletic,
but I love music so much.

Getting high school, real good at music.

Kind of causes problems
with the cool kids, right?

I'm kind of the little, the little
guy still, band nerd, all that stuff.

And I'm like, man, on the inside, I know
who I am, but it just starts building.

You know, it's just start the
impact, you know, it's just starts

building and building and building
and get out of high school.


And I'm like, fuck this shit.

And, um, I'm like, I, I'm going to
be a, I'm going to be a cage fighter.

Like, because there's something about
that, that I resonated with because

it strips everything away and it's as
real as it gets, there's no excuses.

It's just, what have you laid on
the line, what have you sacrificed,

and are you brave enough to do this?

It's like, I'll do it.

I want to do that.

But it was, part of me was
like, I wanted to live.

Like, I needed to, I knew I needed
to do something like that extreme.

And, And I thought, you know,
I was all about it, bro.

I would, I would manifest and
dream about that shit, right?


So I started training.

I had, uh, my oldest son when
I was 22 and that was the most

turbulent time in my life.

It's trying to transition, chasing the
dream of being a professional fighter.

Went through a lot of custody
stuff to try to, it was bad, bro.

Um, I had to deal with him
being a thousand miles away.

Sometimes, um, I had to
fight, I had to fight for him.

And me and my mom ended up kind
of co parenting him to this day.

Um, that was that, that kind of just,
you know, it's just like another

hit boom, you know, life boom.

And so when he wasn't with
me, I didn't know what to do.

So I would either go train to fight MMA
or I would go out and go hard in the

paint with whatever the fuck you laid on
the table, alcohol, women, dude, women.

I mean, did I, I had like
back in my space days, I had.

You know, this girl, that girl,
different, you know, it was crazy.

I was trying to get my mind off of it.

Well, leading up to that,
I was training in the gym.

It's called hook and
shoot here in Evansville.

And there's some guys that
went on to fight UFC and stuff.

That was like the local promotion.

Well, I trained at the gym with some of
those guys and they did bow dog fight.

They had like a reality show that came
to the gym and I'm like, well, this

is already what the fuck I'm gonna do?

Anyways, so they started
filming every Saturday.

So we would do this show and episode
four, um, November 24th, 2007.

I was supposed to have my first
m m a fight in March of 20, 2008.

And I couldn't stand when
my son wasn't with me.

So I went out and me and a buddy
went to a house party and um, you

know, I started drinking Yeager.

And just trying to, you know, like I do,
and there was some commotion in the, in

the, in the party and like this bigger
dude was kind of picking on one of the

guys I was with, I walked in and I just,
you know, just kind of took my shirt off.

I was like, fuck that shit.

You want to pick on somebody?

Pick on me.

Let's go.

And he kind of looked at
me like I'm crazy, right?

And at the time I'm like, you
know, I'm training and I'm

just trying to release stuff.

Well, one thing led to another and
we go out to the street later on.

Uh, this was way after the fact.

And, um.

We was I was leaning against the car, and
uh, some guys, the same guy, the guy that

wouldn't fight me fair, got some guys,
and I, I was leaning against my car, and

they uh, they came up behind me, and uh,
they, they just like sucker punched me,

you know, tried to pin me down and stuff,
well in the meantime, they didn't knock

me out or anything, but in the meantime,
little dude with a, uh, grabbed a bat

and, uh, they crushed my ankle against the
curb of the street in the, in all that.

And so I proceeded to keep standing up
and I got out from underneath my car.

But when I got out, I had jeans on and I
didn't have a fucking left foot anymore.

Like the shit was just gone.

Like, you know, and, uh, everybody's
just like, when I got up, you know,

everybody's scattered and shit.

And, uh, so I've got a
life sentence with that.

And so my dreams of.

You know, having my
fight coming up was gone.

I couldn't even fucking do shit.

You know, I was in the
hospital for four days.

I was 192, got down to
like 163 at the hospital.

I was in a hospital bed in my house.

I was pissing in a jug for a while.

And, uh, I still feel it every single
morning when I wake up doing this program.

And there's a lot of stuff I can't do.

And I was off work for a while.

I came back and I was like,
fuck these motherfuckers.

So I got straight into boxing
because I'm right handed.

I can push off my right foot.

We'll see if I could
pivot on my left foot.

And when I got into boxing, I think
from the impact of the, uh, that,

you know, the other accident, I,
I have thoracic outlet syndrome.

So I couldn't, I couldn't
throw a left punch without it.

My left arm would shut down.

So raise my left arm,
turn my head to the right.

I have zero pulse in my left arm.

So I tried PT, it didn't work, you
know, and once again, my dreams

are just fucking like shattered.

So I ended up having a surgery
at Vanderbilt Nashville.

They removed my rib.

And so my scaling muscles are
gone in my neck right here.

And uh, so during this whole program,
I haven't been able to do much, bro.

Uh, so, some of you guys
that are able to do stuff...

Just stop being a bitch, just stop being
a bitch about it because there's power

on the other side of that shit, and dude,
I wake up with pain every single fucking

day, and I never wanted to say shit about
that, because it didn't fucking matter,

you know, it just didn't fucking matter,
and uh, I can't, uh, you know, I was

trying to do the pull up challenge, trying
to do push ups to myself, about day 90,

something hit me around Memorial Day,
and uh, I couldn't do push ups anymore.

I still didn't say much.

I had to go get an MRI, got back to my
chiropractor, and chest day was the day.

It's hard, bro.

It's hard for me, and I'm
still trying to figure it out.

So, it causes a lot of
mental shit with me, right?

Cause I'm like, fuck, bro.

It's like, I just can't, I'm,
I'm out of alignment for life.

I can't do shit, you know?

But, it's like, look, look what the fuck
I did, you know, so stop being a bitch

about some of this shit with the fucking
app, stop being a bitch about I can't

hit my fucking macros, figure it the
fuck out, figure it the fuck out, okay?

I wake up every fucking morning, and
I kick my left foot to the side, and

it's stiff because it's fu I gotta get
it going, bro, I can't, like, you know.

I never wanted to say shit, I never
fucking altered the plan, I never hit

Flores up about none of that shit, I
did five pounds, I did the fucking bar.

Little whatever the fuck I could do, bro.

And uh, it's been rough, bro.

It's been rough and I didn't have the
gym all the time Yeah, I just do what

the fuck I could by the tracks, you know
on company time fucking whatever You

know, this is life or death for me, you
know, and uh, so that's a little bit of

my story And then also I just kind of
want to touch on the fact that it got so

bad that I was confiding into I cheated
on my wife last year with a girl 4, 000

miles away and it was nothing physical
But nonetheless, I broke her trust,

you know, and, uh, I was playing a game
on my phone, and, you know, one thing

led to another, and, you know, I just
escaped with her on Facebook Messenger

every day, and just, you know, it's like,
man, I could get my marriage right, I'd

drink, go escape and have somebody to
talk to and lean on, right, well, she

caught me, somehow got on my computer,
got the fucking message one day as she's

messaging me back, and I'm like, oh, shit.




And so, my wife that already had
trust issues and her own issues

in life, I got debt to pay now.

So, I've, I've got to be the king.

I have to.

I've got to be the king.

I'm surrounded by evil queens in
my life, and that is one reason

why I changed my name to King.

It's because my entire life, I'm
surrounded by evil queens that constantly

find a way to take kingdoms down before
men can actually stand the fuck up and

take control and govern their own people
and raise their own fucking kingdom.

And that's just one reason why I did that.

So, a little bit about me.

With that shit.

And then, uh, also I'm
gonna say something.

I want everybody to listen to this shit.

I just told myself I was gonna do it.

So I wrote this shit when I was 17 or 18.

I was hurting this
before I met my real dad.

And, uh, I actually wrote a
rap to like a 3 6 Mafia beat,

but I'm not gonna do that shit.

But I want you guys to listen to
this shit because it's the only thing

that I wrote down that I remembered.

And it resonates with me.

To this day, and I think
it'll resonate with you.

I keep seeing this same vision, different
voices coming running through my head.

Mystic courses that I travel
will unravel what God said.

To my conscious as I haunt
this with precision so precise.

I'm trying to roll a seven, but
I only have one of the dice.

Will it be nice to know the price
upon the purchase of my fate?

Just once or twice a bigger slice
so that I know that it's okay.

To be above the evil tricks
the devil always tries to play.

To make you strive to stay alive
and just to see a brighter day.

But that's okay, cause I'm gonna
stay until I see a ray of light.

My instinct's always saying left,
and then my body's saying right.

And then my conscience saying yes,
and then my heart is saying no.

It's like a tug of war, no slack
to the rope, I just cannot let go.

There you go.

Ryan Carnohan: Fuck yeah!

That was awesome.

We just want to sit in this, B B.

J., we just want to sit
in this for a moment.

Now I want you to wrap it.

Put the beat on.

So, hey, B.

J., you got some hands, dude.

Honestly, I know guys got comments and
questions, Matt, Corey, you can go for it.

But, I need you to put
your hand down after this.

But if B.


has impacted you, In your pursuit to
whatever you're, wherever you're headed

in this program, did you put a hand up?

I don't care if you're new, too.

If you've talked to BJ, can
you please put a hand up?

You guys see this?

Scroll through, please.

Would you guys scroll through, please?

Do you see that?

Why, why do you think he has that
meaning in that deep darkness?

He leverages it for you.

Now we'll take Matt and we'll go to Corey.

And I know there's others that want to
share or either thank or ask questions.

You can take your little hand
down, your little emoji down now.

BJ, that's just a small, small number
of those you've impacted, including me.

Thanks, bro.

Go for it, Matt.

BJ Barrett: Alright.

Man, BJ, you know,

you're my guy, man.

Way back in the beginning, uh, we kind
of started together, and BJ reached out.

Sent me a message.

I think it was a voice message,
and I was like, oh, fuck no.

I'm calling you.

And, uh, man, we talk probably
sometimes three, four, five times a day.

Like we just get on the phone and
bullshit, uh, about everything big,

big, deep stuff to, you know, fucking
Legos, whatever, um, and just, you

know, instrumental in my journey.

Uh, but the biggest thing that
I just, I love this story.

I want to mention it here is, uh, one day,
uh, you know, you guys, if you remember

my story in the beginning, cause my
brain had a lot of trouble with burpees.

And my brain doesn't communicate,
uh, with the rest of my body for, for

a lot of things, but, uh, so I, I'm
on Instagram and I'm watching this

dude do these fucking burpees and,
uh, in the gravel with gloves on and

jeans, and I was like, Well, fuck.

If this dude can do fucking
burpees in the gravel, you know,

I can figure this shit out.

So, I put in the effort,
man, and I started doing it.

I made that video, and then
BJ hits me up and says...

Hey, man, you really inspired me
to do burpees and I'm gonna do more

burpees because of your video and
I was like, yeah, man I was like,

there's this guy on Instagram.

His father's unlimited and he inspired
and He's fucking father's unlimited.

So his video inspired me and I didn't
know it was him And then just that

that whole circle of life man Yeah

Circle of life, bro.

And you know, you know who
you've affected in here.

You see the hands up and
you got more work to do man.

That's the big thing.

You got more work to do.

And I just, uh, you're my brother
and, uh, I'll rock with you any day.

Let me just say something because
I'm not going to let you get off the

hook without me speaking about you.

And there's a lot of guys in here
that I fucking absolutely love.

But man, me and you can
connect on some of that.

Dark, on the edge of the cliff.

You know, life or death.

Like, soldierism, let's fucking go.

Like the real shit, but the pain shit.

I told you bro, some of you guys don't
fucking know this man, like, you know,

with some of my shit that I can't do,
it's still hard, and, I reached out and

told him like three, what is it, three
months ago or something, I was in the

gym and I just couldn't do shit bro, and
I was like, I don't know why man, but

I was thinking about stepping in that
room again, you know, I was thinking

about just fucking, just, fuck it all.

You know, I don't know why I thought that,
because this meant so much to me, I think.

But I want you to know something,
bro, like, I, you know, gonna

get real homo here, right?

But I think about you, you know, you've
helped me this entire fucking time.

Every fucking day, you've
been my fucking guy.

And we talk, we talk on some real shit.

And you know that, and I ain't
gotta fucking speak that shit in

front of everybody, but you know
what the fuck I'm talking about.

And you have helped me in the dark
times to get to the next fuckin place.

And I love the fuck out of you, bro.

And like on some real shit.

And I never had a brother, but
I got a whole bunch of him.

And you're my motherfuckin brother, bro.

And you know what the
fuck I'd do for you, too.

Like, which fuckin car are
we takin You know what I'm

sayin And you know that shit.

You need to know that shit, bro.

This is your, this is your,
this is your shit, too.

I think it

Ryan Carnohan: was T
Tuck was gonna go next.

If not, we take Brad.

I'll be quick.

BJ Barrett: You know, I joined this
thing for the brotherhood, man.

I never had a group of, uh, dudes that I
really got super tight with, and, uh, for

whatever reason this year, financially,
it's just been a, a, a big dark cloud.

And I'll tell ya, the first dude
to reach out, BJ, how can I help?

My wife's in the banking
business, how can she help?


She's on the phone with me, ten minutes
after I'm on the phone with him.

Never even, I didn't even know who BJ was.

And this last one, which has been...

The darkest, the hardest, crazy
intense, this dude's reached out to me.

You want to talk about brotherhood,
there's some people in here that really

understand it, I think there's some
people that don't, and this guy ain't

one of them, he's reached out to me every
single week, sent me a text message every

week, I got an hour at work, if you, if
you need somebody to talk to, so, listen

man, whatever you need from me bro.

I appreciate you, dude.

I love you.

And I thank you.

And, uh, you really helped keep
me, uh, keep me in line, my man.

So thank you so much, dude.

You're, uh, you're a real, you're a
brother and I, and I love you, man.

And I got you whatever you need.

Likewise, homie.

Love you, brother.


Ryan Carnohan: go for it.

I love this

BJ Barrett: fucking dude, man.

This is the realest motherfucker
in this whole brotherhood.

It was no doubt when, when, uh, Ryan,
you pulled that data of like who

had the biggest impact on, uh, on
Mighty Networks, like it's no doubt.

Far and above, it's
fucking this guy, dude.

This guy texted me this morning.

He just texted me random, like,
you know, I'm, I'm gonna, I'm gonna

slump, and this guy just, it, like,
by the grace of God, I get a text

from this fucking guy every so often,
and it's like exactly when I need it.

I don't know how he knows, man,
but he's so fucking tapped in.

Dude, he's even done it with me, Brad.

Yeah, I mean, it's

Ryan Carnohan: incredible.

He texts me all the time.

Yeah, and the first, the

BJ Barrett: first meeting I had, you
know, or interaction I had with him, you

know, I had shoulder surgery, and then
that was recovering, then my left started

going, and uh, I don't even remember how
he got my phone number, he just texted

me, he's like, Hey man, I'm going through
some physical shit, how can I help you?

Here's some, here's some
exercise I've been doing, and

we've connected ever since then.

We had conversations on the phone.

I mean, I've never met a more
genuine dude than this guy.

So full of love.

The biggest heart I've ever seen, dude.

I, I, I mean, I, I'm at a loss for words.

You're just, you're just
fucking incredible, bro.

Like, I love you so much, man.

Appreciate you, homie.

I love you too, brother.

You know that.

Ryan Carnohan: Let's go.

Let's hit Aaron.

Aaron looking lean, bro.

You didn't put work in, Aaron.

Look at

BJ Barrett: that

Ryan Carnohan: man right there.

BJ Barrett: Haha.

Ryan Carnohan: I've been

BJ Barrett: I have, man.

You know what?

BJ, you're a big You're
a big part of that, man.

I ain't gonna lie.

Ryan Carnohan: You've been there for
me through some of my deepest, uh...

You make me emotional, man.


Uh, look.

BJ Barrett: Um, so like, man,
he BJ's been there for me to

help me through my macros, help

Ryan Carnohan: me keep my shit together,
and I hope Even though, like, I didn't

fully fulfilled like what he said to
do and I backed out of some stuff.

I felt like a little biatch,
uh, and I felt like I disowned

or like disrespected you, BJ.

I never meant to do that, but

BJ Barrett: you've always been in my
mind and you've always, I know that if

Ryan Carnohan: I call you or do you,
you've done that to me where you

just called me out of the blue or
you sent me a message or something.

It was like on a day I
was like done, like shit.

And I'm like, my dude, I'm like,

BJ Barrett: thank you.

Like you're the best man.

Like you're

Ryan Carnohan: a big inspiration, bro.

Keep doing what you're doing.

I just love you, bro.

You're like, you're awesome, man.


BJ Barrett: like everything
you're doing, brother.

I got you, homie.

Yeah, one, one authentic Texas
motherfucker right there.

Hey, don't, hey, don't feel,
don't feel disrespected, bro.

Like, man, you didn't do shit.

You didn't do shit to me.

Love you, brother.

Ryan Carnohan: Hell yeah.

Looks like Brian's done doing pull ups.

He'll be back to it.

So let's take Brian real quick.

Oh, what's

BJ Barrett: up?

BJ, goddammit, I don't, I barely want to
say anything cause you're gonna make me

gay, you're gonna make me cry for sure.

Uh, you know what you mean to me.

Uh, it's already been said.

The times that you and I have talked,
the times that you and, the time

that you and I initially connected.

Uh, I don't remember which one of us
reached out to who, but took a chance,

we called each other, we pretty much
instantly became brothers, sharing some

stuff together, we talk frequently,
you know, uh, we talk the real stuff,

you know, I take a lot of pride in
being one of the real ones with you.

Um, I love the camaraderie.

I love fucking with each
other during that challenge.

Made it a lot of fun.

Um, and Matt, you know this.

There ain't nothing I wouldn't do for you.

If you said you needed me, I would get on
a plane, and I mean this shit right now.

I'd leave work today and get
on a plane and come help do

whatever the hell it is you need.

So, I love you, bro.

Yeah, that's right.

Which car are we taking, motherfucker?

Let's go.

That's all I need to know.

Who's driving?

I got no other questions.

That's right.

Love you too, brother.

Love you too, man.

All right, Josh

BJ, you already know bro.

I don't got to say nothing but love
but ain't it incredible once you start

building the man like you just start
building this frickin armor around

you look at this armor that you have
around you dude and it's all from

for you showing up so I just want to
let you know that dude and I love you

appreciate you you already know man we
talk all the time you're my boys but

look at everybody down here dude we're
all boys you That's fucking incredible.

That's right.

You know what's up, brother.


Blue collar bad boy right there.

Love you, brother.


Yo, BJ.

What's up, my G?

Shit, bro.

I feel like I fucking hood, you know?

How come you ain't driving and doing
burpees at the same fucking time?

Hey, bro.

Don't tell me, bro.

I start fucking doing
backflip right now, doggy.

Ryan Carnohan: Nah, bro.

But, hey, that burpee shit,

BJ Barrett: doggy.

I remember that too, man.

I was talking about it.

You fuckin just movin
burpees at work, bro.

That shit was savage as fuck.

I was like, holy fuck, bro.

I need to fuckin either start doin them at
work, or should I start doin more of them?

Start doin them differently.

I do the Navy SEAL now.

And they're gonna take me out
with them burpees at work.

You know, bravo.

Anyways, bro, I love you, dawg.

Um, you mean as far as
you're going, so, yeah, bro.

Thanks for your leadership, bro.

It means a lot.

Don't show the muthafucka like me.

I don't move around, you know?

I anything that looks
like I'm in the club.

No, thank you, bro.

Dad, we're gonna need,
we're gonna need you.

Cause, we're gonna hit a thousand.

We're gonna hit tens thousands.

And we're gonna take over
the fucking world, bro.

And right now you're what, 24?


Something like that?

Yep, right now I'm 24, bro.

Yeah, you understand this shit.

It ain't gonna stop.

So, keep doing your thing, bro.

Love you too.

Ryan Carnohan: Matt Quigley.

What's up?

BJ Barrett: I don't think I
have anything other to say to

what everyone else has said.

Except, you know you inspire

Ryan Carnohan: me.

You have from day one, King William.

I never knew

BJ Barrett: the whole queen thing.


Ryan Carnohan: loved hearing that shit.

Now, now I understand
why you're King William,

BJ Barrett: but not only from,
we came in together, but you were

one of the first guys to just
reach out to me for no reason.

This justice check in on me, man.

Ryan Carnohan: And, uh, you know,
I shared a couple of weeks ago how

BJ Barrett: that the connections I end
up getting with guys that you get in

this group is, you know, it is weird.

Ryan Carnohan: I mean,

BJ Barrett: you're not used to it.

Well, I wasn't used to that and

Ryan Carnohan: it's, it is
weird for us to be that way.

BJ Barrett: But that's why
this shit works, man, right?

That's why it's so different, man.

I love you, man, and you know what, I
told you this too, you know, my daughter

is inspired by you, she follows you
on Instagram, she's, she looks at your

Instagram posts, man, and she's like,
look at this guy, and it's true, man,

and, uh, I'm so proud for you man, and
uh, I'm so glad you're in my life, and

you're here, and uh, I love you man,
that's all I wanted to say, thanks.

Yeah bro, you don't, you don't realize
this either, we came in the same time,

but you, you pushed me, as well, cause
I'm like, man, this motherfucker, you

know, he's like 54 or whatever, you
got that wide, you got that like wide

body frame, you got them fuckin abs
and shit, just poppin that shit at 50

something, and you're traveling, that, I
told you on your Zoom, that shit should

be champion, bro, that shit ain't easy.

Cause you got some guys still
whining about some bullshit, and

you were traveling at 50 something
and was able to pull that shit

off like a fucking savage, so.

I was riding with you, and to
watch you do it in real time, was

like extra special too, you know?

It hits different when you're, when you're
doing that with somebody in real time, so.

Fuck yeah, bro.

Love you too, brother.

Ryan Carnohan: Hell yeah!

Let's say Issa Yes and then Vinny.


BJ Barrett: my brother!

You got the top three best fucking
transformations I've ever seen, brother,

inside and outside of this program.

He's fucking huge and
he's fucking wild, man.

I just gotta say that I fucking love you.

In my darkest times inside the
program, I gave a call to BJ, and

this motherfucker just gave me a lift
like nobody else had ever left me.

I think the only people that has left me
as well as him is just Ryan, you know.

These guys, he just...

He skyrocketed me to the,
to the, to the ceiling, man.

You know, there's two people,
BJ, that inspired me to hit

Goose X, and one of them was you.

I was talking about all the systems
that I've got, because they're

personal to me, and you said, Yo, um,
if you're not hitting Goose X every

day, then you should tap into that.

And I was like, okay, I'll do it.

And thanks to you, man,
my nutrition changed, my

relationship with food changed.

You've been such a fucking
inspiration for me, bro.

My words may know justice.

And there's something huge for me that I
see in you, which is that the spiritual

side that you get through this program.

And I remember as soon
when you talk about.

When you talked about feeling
your father present, right?

You were on the stairs, I
think, you were doing something.

And it just resonated with me, and I
just want to say that Look at you, man!

BJ's looking fucking lean!

And I know, for a fact, you're
dad's fucking proud, man.

We fucking love you.

This place would not be
the same without you.

And to be honest, at this point,
I'm not sure if you got into a time

machine, man, but You crushed it, bro.

You crushed it, man.

Fucking love you, man.

No, bro, I love you too, but
hey, there ain't no time machine.

It's, it's, it's in every
single one of you guys.

It's in all of us, bro.

It's like we all just have to figure
out how to attach meaning to the pain,

circulate in the divine synergy that
is this group, Stop being a bitch.

You know, quit worrying
about all the little things.

Like, have the abundance mindset.

The other, like, there's an identity
shift for you somewhere on the other side.

So, a lot of you guys get stuck into
relating to who the fuck you are today or

yesterday, and you guys just sit there,
and then you wonder why you're not moving,

and you're not attaching yourself to
the fucking identity of the higher 10.

0 fucking version of yourself
tomorrow or the next day.

And if you're not chasing that,
then you're fucking los I mean

flat out, you know, and there
ain't no fucking time, bro.

We ain't promised tomorrow, you know We're
not and I can't personally tap into that

mindset every day But that shit's real
bro And like when you've had pain and

you've had losses and what you're talking
about I was running them 42 steps at the

railroad track and I that's when I went
off on the zoom I was crying like I was

pregnant and I realized that there's no
such thing as endorphins So, endorphins is

just a scientific explanation of what the
Holy Spirit actually is, in my opinion.

So, the body and the mind and
the soul is connected, right?

And everybody talks about this
endorphins and shit, and yeah, that's

really cute, but when you actually push
yourself and you get to that kind of

a level, bro, that is not endorphins.

That is the Holy Spirit getting
ready to tap you on the forehead

as you are suffering just like he
did when he carried that cross.

That's exactly what the
fuck you're doing here.

And you guys don't have
to get all Jesus and shit.

Like I'm spiritual.

I know, I know what I, what I am.

But let me explain to you something.

I think Ryan was talking about that.

You know, we are pulling guys out
of the darkness just like he did.

Like I was in the darkness still.

I, I know.

And you guys should know too that you can
go right back there the very next fucking

day, which is all the more reason to stop
being a bitch, realize why the fuck you're

here, realize your purpose, find your
why, and attach meaning to that higher

version of yourself tomorrow that you're
gonna go get that shit and stop worrying

about who the fuck you are two hours ago.

That doesn't matter.

The response time, like Ryan always talks
about, it's that little moment of time.

That little moment of time.

You can take a left, you can take a right.

You take a left, you're gonna be swimming
back upstream to try to go right.

You got people in the boat with you,
they'll help you paddle that way.

But if you can figure it out on
your own, then you can save the

other guys from going to the left.

And that's how that shit works.

I got some crazy fucking thoughts.

Don't get me going.

Love you, brother.

Let's go!

Ryan Carnohan: Let's go!

Alright Vinny, hit

BJ Barrett: it.

Hey, uh, I just, uh, I'm pretty brand new.

Um, about four weeks.

Um, no, you're not.

No, you're not.

I, uh, you know, I'm, I'm terrible
at, uh, at being on camera and, uh,

I couldn't, I had, I had to step up.

Right now.

Um, but, uh, you know, I've been, uh,
I've been, you know, I was in decent

shape when I joined the program.

Um, you know, I was trying to, you
know, macros and physical fitness

and everything because I was going
through hard times with my marriage,

two kids, two young kids, but, um.

I, uh, you know, got put in the squad.

I joined Superhuman Fathers.

I needed some support, felt alone, got
put into PJ's squad and, uh, you know,

ended up just, you know, reaching out
to him and, um, short, short time.

But every, I, everything you,
everybody, everybody said is, uh.

In this short time, I already knew
and, um, you know, one of the hardest

times, you know, in my life and, uh,
I'm doing okay, you know, because B.


's support, you know, reaching out on a
daily basis, uh, you know, and just, you

know, just, uh, being the man that all you
guys know him to be and, um, I just wanted

to say thank you and, uh, I know, uh, B.


's a representation to everybody here.

So, uh, I'm, I'm just
grateful for everyone.

I'm grateful for BJ and, uh, can, uh,
you know, like I said, I couldn't be

doing, uh, as well as I am without
the support from, uh, my squad

leaders and, uh, everybody here.

So, um, thank you, BJ.

And, uh, I just also, I did
reach out to him one day.

I just wanted to share this.

I said, I texted him and I said,
uh, you know, I feel like, uh, You

know, I've known you for a long time.

I feel like, you know, I got, you
know, you're a father, you're a

brother and you're a best friend
and, uh, you know, it was true and

I'm just, uh, extremely grateful.

I can't say that enough.

So thank you.

Thank you.

Appreciate you.

You already know, bro.

And like, like we talk about with the
marriage thing, bro, it ain't easy.

You have to try to figure out how to
create that man that can lose it all.

So we're all scared.

We're all fucking fearful of
that thing that could happen,

but are you ready for it?

And you got to, that's what you're
training for when we're talking

about the relationship stuff, right?

So you've got, I mean, you've got
to form an undeniable fucking savage

and you're in the right place, bro.

Love you.

Love you.

Ryan Carnohan: Spitting fire.

Damn, this is good.

All right.

Well, Brian, if you still have something
you want to say to BJ, there's time, dude.

Hit it, and if not, if Kyle's
in here, Kyle, speak up, dude.

BJ Barrett: Nope, let Kyle have it.

He needs his turn.

Ryan Carnohan: You in here Kyle?

I don't know, I was, I'm
driving so I didn't see.

He was in here for a
moment, I was like, his head

BJ Barrett: was exploding.

I've been here every, every
fucking His head was exploding!

Every fucking second, I've been here
every fucking second of the whole thing.

I'm actually speechless.

Honestly, all I can really
say to you, King William.

From one king to another, brother.

Oh my god, I'm so proud of you.

Ryan Carnohan: You just fucking
burnt their faces off, man.

BJ Barrett: Nobody has an excuse.


Fuck your excuses!

King William's here, man.

We, we can't stop.

We can't.

I mean, fuck, dude.

Look, look, look at every
excuse in the book, man.

I mean, what else is there to say?

Anyone on here, and, and I know a lot of
motherfuckers are gonna listen to this

after, you know, you're lying to yourself.

You know it.

You're full of fucking lies and
excuses, and you've got a beacon

now who just took it all away.

All of it, and why?

Look at the fucking results.

We love results here.

The rest of the world likes
to tell you, It's okay.

It's hard.

I know.

Oh, poor baby.

Fuck you!

We get results.


That's it.

We win.


Every time.

Because we will never stop.

We're most consistent
motherfuckers on the planet.

We're the most disciplined fathers
that exist in the universe.

That's who we are.

That is superhuman fathers, and King
William, you are a superhuman father, man.

Welcome to the fucking ranks, dude.

You took it.

You took the fucking crown.

You deserve it.

That's all I got.

What a way to end it.

Appreciate you brother.

BJ, any last words brother?

Don't be a bitch.

Love you guys.

Ryan Carnohan: Let's go.

Let's go BJ.

We love you bro.

Way to bring

BJ Barrett: it.

Hell yeah.


Kyle Carnohan: I hope you enjoyed
this transformation from Superhuman

Fathers, and one thing I want you
to know is that anyone can do this.

Yes, even you.

Go to superhuman and
apply for the Brotherhood right now.

Overdub: Next Time on Super Human
Fathers Transformation Podcast

Michael Davis: Consistency, like
my wife and I run our own business

and we've always been pretty, I
mean, pretty good at it, you know,

cause we like people and we're hard
workers, but what's been lacking

for many, many years is consistency.

You and Kyle say this all the time,
but if you can be consistent in

your food, you can be, and you can
be consistent in your workouts.

You can be consistent in your
work, you know, you can be

consistent with your kids.

And so over the last, seven months,
I would say I didn't start right

out the gate, but, um, you know, my
business has flourished more because

I've done more consistent work.