The Viktor Wilt Show

Corporate greed, conspiracy theories that would upend society, 1st edition of Frankenstein sells for $843,000, Florida Man plans laundromat heist and fails, dinosaurs are to blame for the existence of wine, Tony Lima from Melaleuca discusses the Melaleuca Freedom Celebration, Freak news, cat training, American Rednecks Day, man on reddit supposedly hates cats, reddit won't stop showing me cat stuff.

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The Viktor Wilt Show daily recap! If you miss the show weekdays from 6A-10A MST, you've come to the right place.

Hello. Welcome to the Viktor Wilt Show. Good morning to you. Appreciate your company, and I hope you're doing well this morning. Things are starting off pretty decent around here.

I mean, it's pretty early, so we'll see how it goes. But do tonight. Do tonight. Let's talk about corporate greed. Yeah.

That's a great way to start the show. No. Every morning I come in here and I get emails about the new fast food deals. Every single fast food place seemingly relaunching some type of value menu right now. What have we been hearing for the last few years?

Oh, prices are up. We just can't afford it. Now all of a sudden, magically, everybody can afford to just sling deals left and right. I don't even need to call out any 1 particular business. I've talked about this before, how the price of goods that have skyrocketed in recent years don't seem to match these inflation numbers that we hear about.

And all of these reports about corporations making record profits in the last few years, biggest profits they've ever made in history? Oh, you know, supply chain, blah blah blah blah blah. Well, if it was really a situation where these businesses were just following the increase in the cost of goods, profits would remain flat. Right? You know, they'd be making the same amount of money.

They're just passing on the cost of doing business to the consumer. Well, as you may or may not know that that's not the case. They're making bank making bank, and all of a sudden magically, yeah. Yeah. We can afford dirt cheap food to sling out to you.

It's, it's so annoying. It's a good thing that politicians are to blame. Right? Oh, man. This this world, I tell you.

I was talking with my lady about the weird timeline we're living in, and, oh, it gets to be a bit exhausting, but just try to stay positive. I know it can be tough on certain days, but, you know, the next day can be a lot brighter. The next day can definitely be a lot brighter. So always just try to keep your chin up, Try to do what you can to block out any thoughts of negativity. Focus on the good and just power on through.

Try to always remind yourself. It'll all be okay. I know it can be tough at times, but it, you know, just the way you gotta do it sometimes, especially when you fire up the news first thing in the morning, which is what I do. It's part of the job. And I know that sometimes I can get to being a little bit negative on this program.

I promise you I could be much more. I could just dive into the news and we could do talk radio, and I I wouldn't do that to you. Wouldn't do that to you. Nobody wanna start their day that way. I try to keep it fun.

Oh, yeah. After I just did a rant about corporate greed. Yeah. I'll find something stupid about, I don't know, Florida man or something next. K?

Anyhow, if you wanna get a hold of me, 208-535-1015, the number to call. I am here doing it live. Alright. Are are we gonna do this? Sure.

Conspiracy theory time. Alright. There's a thread on Reddit. Which conspiracy theory, if true, would most seriously upend society as we know it. Well, what are people gonna say?

And how many of these conspiracy theories am I familiar with and have delved into Back in the day, I thoroughly enjoyed hanging out in online forums and on YouTube watching every wacky video you could possibly imagine. I still like watching that stuff even though I don't believe it, like, any of it. It's just, I don't know, mindless fun. Alright. Current top answer.

Alright. Reptilians. Yeah. That's the 1 that would make people go the most crazy, apparently. Shape shifting aliens here on earth, and they run everything and tell the government what to do theory.

What do you mean tell the government what to do? They are shape shifting aliens. Some of them even, you know, kinda look alienesque. Got that scaly reptilian skin. Oh, wait.

They're just they're just all old. Could we get some young people into politics, please? Please. All right. People controlling the weather.

Now I think there are ways they can do some things to the weather, but not overall control. Right? Like isn't cloud seeding a thing? Try to help it rain? I don't I don't know much about how that works.

We should see what that means. Weather modification technique that improves a cloud's ability to produce rain or snow. How well does it work? Well, based on what I've seen relating to drought, not very good. Not very good at all.

Alright. What else do we got going on here for, conspiracy? Do you think that 1 would upend the world pretty pretty crazy? They could control the weather. I could con I could think of a lot of conspiracy theories that would cause a little bit more chaos than people can control the weather.

Alright. I mean, there's a no comparison between, the government can control the weather and the government are shape shifting reptilian aliens. Big difference. Alright. What else do we have here?

Only 1 real person exists, and everyone else is a figment of their imagination. Everyone would go crazy to find out who is real. Okay. That is a weird 1. I don't know if I've ever heard that is a conspiracy theory.

Now it is weird being trapped inside of your own head. Is it not? All you know is real is what you experience around you. It's weird to me. It's very weird to me.

So it's kinda even weird to read that. What if I'm the only 1 who's real. All right. Flat earth. I guess that would upend everything.

But the thing with conspiracy theories is, you know, they, they gotta be trying to cover something up because it would affect humanity in a certain way. Like, if the world was flat, why wouldn't they tell us? What are they hiding? That's the 1 I've never understood. Flat earth.

I don't know how it would benefit, you know, big brother to keep that secret. Be like, oh, okay. The earth is flat. Alright. Let's move along.

I mean, the fact that people believe that is crazy to me, but whatever. What else do we got here? Back to lizard people. You know, come on, Reddit people. Learn how to see if somebody has already posted your answer before you've just posted again.

Oh, birds are drones. That's just a a funny 1. Is that why birds give me the creeps? Because they're actually drones spying on us all the time. Note to anybody who believes that the government doesn't need to do that.

You allow them to surveil you at all times because you have a cell phone. Alright? The end. We we don't need birds watching us. We willingly allow ourselves to be kept track of with those cell phones in our pockets.

K. I don't know. I thought there would be, bigger conspiracy theories that would upend the earth. Society would crumble. Birds are actually drones.

Come on. There's gotta be worse than that. Maybe we don't wanna hear about it. Maybe we don't. Okay.

How about this 1? When they turned on the Large Hadron Collider, our universe was damaged beyond repair. And as a result, we somehow shifted into the next closest universe, hence all the Mandela effects and why things don't feel like they used to for those of us alive a long time before the collider was turned on. Well, I'll tell you what, when did they turn it on? Let's find out.

When was the Large Hadron Collider first used? 2, 008. Well, things have certainly gotten weird since 2, 008, have they not? Things have gotten really weird since then. I might believe in that 1.

That's the only way to explain the current timeline we're living in. I mentioned weird timeline earlier. It's those scientists that way there's an anti science sentiment that's popped up in recent years. It's a subconscious thing. People, you know, they don't know why they don't trust the evil scientists anymore, but deep down in their minds, they knew they knew that it was from the Large Hadron Collider.

Alright. All seems a bit silly to me. It's making me feel good about my book collection. I mean, not necessarily for myself, but maybe for 1 of my descendants. If they hang on to things for a long time, maybe they can make a bunch of money.

There was a first edition copy of Frankenstein. Now this was published back in 18/18, so I don't have any legendary books, first editions from the early 1800, but I got some, you know, 50 year old books that are first editions. This sold for $843, 000. Yeah. It's pretty good pretty good profit there, I would imagine.

But there aren't very many of these in the world. There's only a handful of them. So, anyway, to to my descendants, I hope something in my collection will eventually make you some dough. I still regret selling the 1 book I've ever sold. I I wish I wouldn't have done it even though I got an awesome guitar in exchange that I wrote awesome riffs on.

It's it's probably more worth it to have created something than have that 1 book in my possession, but it was all I could do at the time to get the guitar I really wanted. I had to sell something, and, I I shouldn't have sold it, though. You know, collecting things is really weird. Some people just know the right things to collect. It seems like Like people who have old toys that they never opened up, and you wonder, like, was that just a mean parent?

They're like, there's gonna be worth money someday. Look at it, but don't play with it. Keep it in the packaging. Keep it safe. And then it's worth bank, And the collectors just hang on to it anyway.

Right? That's 1 thing I've noticed. A lot of collectors, they're not gonna sell their stuff even if they know they could make some money off of it. Like, even if I got into a real financial crunch, I don't think I'd start offloading books. I'd be looking around my house for any other random things I could sell.

You know? Alright. Does anybody want a pool table? Come on. Oh, jeez.

What about this treadmill that I never use? Come on. Somebody buy it. Or the guitars. Yeah.

I don't I don't think I'd offload those either. No. Even though I don't play them near as near as often as I should, they look great hanging on the wall. Anyway, hang on to stuff that might be worth some dough. You never know.

Could be worth $843, 000 someday. 1 single book. Alright. We're getting ready to maybe find some kind of genius of the day. Depends what I can dig up in the news.

This week has been rough with news. There's like nothing fun going on, so wish me luck on the next bit of content coming your way. Oh, man. What a heist this Florida man pulled. Crazy.

Crazy. So this guy in Brevard County, he broke into a laundromat, but he was busted in the middle of an amazing heist. His alleged ploy to steal the coins from laundromat coin machines. That's right. Just got them bags of quarters.

What a terrible heist. I mean, how much would say, I don't know, $200 in quarters weigh. It would be a a decent amount. Right? A roll of quarters is $10.

So let's say you've got 20 rolls, and I guess it's not super hefty. Hefty enough, though. Coins add up. Anybody who has a spare change jar or something or a piggy bank at their house knows how heavy that can get to be. Let's say you ended up with $1, 000 in quarters.

Ugh. He's just lugging it slowly out the door. Yeah. You set the alarm off. Cop showed up.

There you go. They just followed the change. Now I don't know how they caught him, but, I mean, if you were going to burglarize somewhere, laundromat to me doesn't scream big payday. Yeah? Because, again, you're stealing coins.

All right. And with inflation, what good are coins nowadays? Yeah. The nickel is the new penny. Looking at his mugshot, you you know, he knows he's going national after this 1.

The look on his face. Every idiot in the news is gonna be talking about me. Yeah. He mentioned, a buddy of his doing a burglary at a casino that inspired him to to take this route. His buddy's another idiot.

If there's any place that's under heavy surveillance, it's a casino. Alright. And if his buddy was robbing coin machines at the casino, you're you're better off just sitting down at the machine and getting robbed yourself in the hopes that maybe you strike it lucky. Come on, buddy. Well, if you ever wondered who to blame for the alcohol problems that people face in this world, dinosaurs.

Bet you didn't expect that answer. If dinosaurs hadn't gone extinct 66000000 years ago, we may not have wine today according to researchers. Yeah. That mass extinction allowed grapes to thrive. Apparently, dinosaurs, real haters of grapes, they just walk around and just crush them down.

I thought it was gonna be that they were eating all of these grapes, but, no, they're smashing them down with their big dinosaur feet. Now I thought about this, and I assumed researchers were going to say by dinosaurs smashing down the grapes. You know? Because when you make wine, you smash up grapes with your feet. But they were gonna say dinosaurs created the first wine.

But, no, they just said that grapes were able to thrive. And then I guess people figured out somehow how to start getting hammered off of grapes. It's weird. All of the things that human civilization has figured out. Is it not?

It's very strange. Like, I'm gonna let this fruit rot, and then I'm gonna drink it. Who who had that bright idea? I don't know. I guess there was that story last week about the fisherman who found a bottle floating in the ocean, and they decided to just drink from it.

And it ended up, you know, killing them, but people are kinda dumb. So, oh, this mashed up, you know, grape juice smelling a little bit weird. Come on. You I dare you to drink it, man. No.

You drink it, man. No. Come on. I'll give you these, 5 shells. You drink that, rotten grape juice.

No, man. I don't know, man. Come on. 6 shells. Alright.

I'm gonna do it. Why? You gotta try this grape juice. This stuff's crazy. People.

People. Sayers Tankian from system of a down keeps popping up in the news saying the band should move on without him. That's 1 of those bands it's just not going to work. Who's gonna come in and be the front man of system of a down, do those kind of iconic vocals. It just wouldn't work.

So I think we all just need to accept there will never be new system of a down. What a bunch of hooey. Alright. Got the 4th July coming up tomorrow. Perhaps you will be doing some barbecuing.

And what kind of 4th July barbecue would not include hot dogs? Right? I just found 20 creative hot dog recipes. Started scrolling through and was like, okay. Maybe we need to talk about these a little bit, and maybe you should just stick with good old fashioned barbecue hot dogs because people get weird when it comes to recipes.

And I think hot dogs are good. But some of these, I just go, I don't know if I could have a regular hot dog or campfire corn dog dip. And that's not like you chop up corn dogs and make them into a dip. This is dip made with actual corn. Corn and hot dogs, unless they are a corn dog, just don't sound like they're gonna go together well.

I mean, it looks like queso. You know, it looks like liquid cheese with hot dogs in it, but, yeah, apparently, you grind up corn in it as well. I I just don't know about this. How about hot dog fried rice? Isn't fried rice just fine without the hot dogs in it?

I mean, they do put ham in it, and hot dogs are close. So alright. I guess I can give the pass to hot dog fried rice, but I still don't know about that 1. Or these they call them corn dog muffins. You make cornbread, but you put hot dogs in it.

I now, again, a corn dog is good, but I think that's too much of the of the breading. You know? This is primarily muffin with a little bit of hot dog. They did make them cute by cutting the hot dogs into little octopus shapes, and I don't know what they use to give them a, a smiley face because they've got little black smiley faces. I don't think that you should, draw on hot dogs with Sharpie and then eat them.

K? That reminds me 1 time when I was little. Somehow I got ahold of a a lighter, and, you know how when you cook a hot dog over the campfire, it's it's really good. It is not the same if you do it with a, butane lighter. It that's nasty.

Don't let your kids play with fire. They might be as stupid as me. Hot dog stroganoff. Yeah. I'm gonna go no.

I'm gonna go no on that 1. Alright. Hot dog and cheese pie. So you make make a pie with eggs, pancake mix, and onions. Where's the cheese?

And then just put hot dogs in it? No. I'm gonna go with no on the hot dog and cheese pie. We had cold hot dog pie 1 time here. It was made by, like, blending up hot dogs and throwing in a little bit of, Jell O mix or something.

It was horrible. It was a horrific dish. Cold hot dog pie, not recommended. Alright. They got a picture here of a hot dog wrapped in a tortilla with avocado, stuffed in there as well.

Is that how you try to feel better about eating a hot dog? I I don't know. What a good old fashioned bun, avocado where it doesn't have a lot of flavor. It could pretty much go on anything. It's probably fine on a hot dog, but and I guess have I had a hot dog and a tortilla before?

It seems like something I would have eaten at some point. Like, I'm out of bread or hot dog buns and well, there's a tortilla in there. That'll do. It's pretty much bread. Hot dog and a tortilla is probably fine.

How about hot dog sushi? Yeah. Forget putting, you know, fish in it. Just roll that up with some chopped up cucumber, little bit of avocado and hot dog. Doesn't doesn't sound great.

Alright. The some of the rest of these look okay, though. Like okay. Let's say a chili dog nachos. That's probably fine.

Hot dogs with cheese and potatoes? Sure. Every and they have, like, 3 different recipes for hot dogs in essentially mac and cheese. Alright? I think everybody knows that works out just fine, and you can't put corn dogs on the list.

That's not a creative hot dog recipe. Everybody's heard of corn dogs. Though my grandpa, he always claimed he had never eaten a corn dog, which I thought was bizarre. And I was like, why don't you try 1? And he's like, I'm afraid if I try a corn dog, that's all I'm gonna wanna eat.

Well, yeah, they're delicious. Can't go wrong with a good old fashioned deep fried corn dog. You know, we're talking the legit. You get it at a, corn dog truck or at Disneyland. Frozen corn dogs, not not great.

Not great. You gotta get them made fresh and fried with fresh batter, all that good stuff. That reminded me. Speaking of foods people have never tried, Josh told me that he saw a survey that said 25% of Americans have never eaten a single vegetable. Is that is that true?

Have never eaten a vegetable. That seems like a lie to me. A quarter of Americans have never eaten vegetables. I don't buy that. I don't believe never.

Never. They've never had a vegetable ever. I don't believe it. This thing's making the rounds. This just shows that, you can't believe in polling.

Alright? Because what if you got the phone call? Hey. Would you be willing to take a brief survey? I always take surveys when I get the phone calls because I used to work in, in phone research.

I'd make outbound survey calls. And so if somebody's stuck doing that job, I'm always willing to, you know, sit there and hopefully help them make a few extra bucks because they got a completed survey. And if somebody asks me, have you ever eaten a vegetable? I might start laughing about no. 1 in 4 people are willing to lie when a stupid question comes up.

That's what I get out of those survey results. Funny, yesterday, I mentioned the peaches. I think it was yesterday, if not the day before that sea lions fried me. They're giant. They got big teeth, and they attack people.

And he's like, oh, 0, come on. They're like big dogs, big kitties. Well, as a matter of fact, in the news this morning, angry sea lion charges at beachgoers on popular California beach. Get out of the water. Yeah.

Dozens of beachgoers ran for their lives when, sea lion charged at unwelcome human visitors who it likely thought were approaching its babies. It's not only Yellowstone that the Turans run amok, Apparently, Southern California beaches as well. So people are filming it, swimming around, and and then it just gets out of the water, and it's mad. And if you've ever seen an angry sea lion, which I have, very frightening. We were in Oregon walking, on a dock that it was a long dock that went out a ways into the ocean, then kinda wrapped around.

So there's water on both sides of us. All of a sudden, sea lion jumps up onto the dock, and there's no escape. And it's like making angry sea lion sounds. I'm not gonna do my impression. I think it was, you know, kinda like that 1 knocked loose song, arf arf, something similar to that.

Just kinda slowly backed away, and, eventually, it jumped back down in the water. But I was like, I'm I'm never walking on a dock in the ocean again. If a giant creature can just fly out of the water and all of a sudden be there ready to rip you to pieces, I'm out of here. I am out of here. And as far as I know, nobody actually got hurt.

But the sea lion, it it like many animals in this day and age, has had it with people. Animals are fighting back like never before. I think we're living in great times when the animals are finally showing, you know what? We've had it with you people. He's teaming up with the orcas.

They're chirping, you know, instructions to him. You see those people on the beach? Eat them. Eat them. Anyway, I just wanna let you know there are beasts in the sea, sea beasts.

That's why you don't go in natural waters, people. Time and time again, I've tried to tell you reasons to not go in natural waters, but does anybody listen to me? No. No. You could get infected with parasites.

Piranhas might attack it. I I don't know. Do piranhas really attack people? I'm not gonna find out because I ain't going in any kind of water where there's even goldfish. Alright?

If it ain't a swimming pool, VW is staying out. That's right. This is perfect timing because I was just about to talk about the 4th July and in studio with me, vice president of public relations from Melaleuca. Tony Lima, good to see you, man. It's great to be here.

Thanks, Victor. Absolutely. I mean, very excited as always for the 4th July. We've got the biggest 4th July celebration west of the Mississippi right here in East Idaho, Snake River Landing in Idaho Falls, the Melaleuca Freedom Celebration. So much preparation goes into it each year.

When we finally get to this point, it's like, alright. It's on, and I I'm just so ready for it. How about you? Absolutely. The adrenaline's pumping.

I'm super excited for it. We're gonna have a fantastic show for everybody. 18, 505 fireworks gonna light up the night sky over the Snake River this year. 31 minutes. That's roughly 10 shells per second that's gonna be firing and illuminate illuminating the night sky.

It's gonna be fantastic. Wow. Every year, it just gets bigger and better. And, you know, I don't think people realize how big it is that we have the biggest show in the west. You know, there's all the competing shows out east.

Mhmm. But we we just crush them all out here. That's right. Frank wants to make sure that we're absolutely producing a wonderful show, the biggest fireworks show west of the Mississippi. He charges me every single year to do that analysis, to look at everything, what's going on, talk with the different pyrotechnic vendors, making sure that we can make that claim so we don't do it lightly.

And our show absolutely rivals what you're gonna find in Washington DC, Boston, Philadelphia. Those are the firework meccas. And then, of course, New York City is in a class of its own. Yeah. Yeah.

Well, having been to the Melaleuca Freedom celebration so many times, I mean, I've never been to another fireworks show anywhere that even comes close. And since the, freedom celebration moved to Snake River Landing, It it's just gotten so much more awesome, where the grounds there are designed for the show. Anything new in the works for this year? That's that's such a great question. And when we moved over to Snake River Landing, we were super excited about that opportunity because that site gives us a lot more opportunity to create something in the sky that we couldn't have at the previous site.

And so this year, we're gonna have several 100 more shells, and of those shells, the majority are the highest, the highest fireworks that you were allowed to have. And then our we also have the the firings the firing line. There's a platform there at Snake River Landing that's about 30 feet in the air. That firing line is about is gonna be wider than ever before. So the fireworks are gonna then break wider than ever before.

So we're a little bit higher. We're a little bit wider. And then our fireworks, our pyrotechnics scour the world to get the very, very best. They're going to the fireworks competitions around the world. So this year, we're gonna feature a lot of fireworks.

We have some that are made in America, Italy, Spain, which always has some really bright, bright fireworks as well as in Asia. And so we've got and several of these fireworks are custom made specifically for the show. They've never been shown anywhere else before other than these particular, events or these these competitions, and so we're gonna see something really, really beautiful, very magical. And there's another part about fireworks too. It's not just about what's the largest and the biggest, but when you can take this and then in the hands of of a true artist and be able to, put it all together in the choreography and how it syncs with the music, that's what really makes a fireworks show into, like, a competition great fireworks show.

And that's what the folks at Western Display Fireworks who produce this are are doing. They have this 3 d modeling software. So every second of that show, they've seen and, manipulated and worked through 100 of times to make sure that what we see here tonight is something that is absolutely jaw dropping. And it's always such an honor each year that we get to take such a big part in the, celebration. We've got Riverfest kicking off the day with music and food and all kinds of fun activities for families.

But then, you know, watching Jade work on the music soundtrack, he spends months months throwing together this soundtrack that syncs up perfectly with the fireworks, or you talk about all of this technical aspect of everything being thrown together. I think people who, you know, aren't listening to Classy at the time and just seeing the fireworks, they're missing out on so much as far as the show goes and especially the message behind it. Yeah. That that's right. Then there's there's something magical when you compare fireworks and music and message.

And all of a sudden, what that does is kinda creates a stirring in your in that soul that just helps you feel a little bit deeper what it means to be an American. And so if you're not listening to Classy and listening to that amazing soundtrack that Jade produced, which has something for everybody in it, all of a sudden that you're just watching it's just entertainment. But when you're following along with on Classy, all of a sudden, it becomes entirely new, deeper level of experience. And that's what we're hoping everybody does and enjoys this year. And that's another reason to make sure you're watching at Snake River Landing.

You guys set up the array of speakers so everybody on the grounds gets to hear the music at, a loud enough volume that you're able to feel the meaning behind the show and the music itself over the volume of the fireworks, which when you're on the grounds there, there's nothing like watching the show at Snake River Landing. Yeah. The ground is shaking. That's for sure. And and we just want yeah.

It yeah. Absolutely. Come on down to this to the fireworks, to this to the show down there at Snake River Landing. There's nothing like it. I mean, you can park.

There's a little game here. You always people wanna people don't like traffic here in Idaho Falls. We're not used to it. This is the day that we can have over 200, 000 people come to the city. Fireworks aficionados from all over the country know to come here, in fact.

And also our families. If kids that have left or grandkids, they're they're coming home this time of year, and Melaleuca is really, really happy. This is 1 of those moments that Frank just loves to have all these people coming back to Idaho Falls because our shy our city shines so bright brightly there. But for those that go down to Snake River Landing, they brave that traffic, they're gonna see something that's absolutely spectacular. The fireworks pyrotechnics are designed to be seen a certain way from a certain angle.

So if you're up in the hills in Ammon, that then that's great that you're watching the show. But if you actually make it down and trek down, you're gonna see it front and center, and that's what makes this show even more spectacular. When you're able to see it, the color's gonna be a lot more brighter. The illumination's stronger. You're gonna feel a little bit more with the concussive forces.

It's just something else. You you have to be there. And he mentioned the traffic. You know, having seen the Melaleuca Freedom celebration back when it was on the river, you know, the the traffic plan that have has been worked out with, the the county, the city, Melaleuca, the, you know, local agencies. I can't believe how well things flow.

I've never been to a city, I can't believe how well things flow. I've never been to an event with that kind of crowd that you can get out of there in in such an easy way. I think there's been so much time and attention put to that effort because we don't want the traffic to be what diminishes from the experience. And so we are such a commitment from the city, the police, the sheriff's office, ITD, the the, Idaho state state police, all these entities come together. We'll have 45 people from different agencies in traffic and planning meetings for months leading up to it.

They know that this is their big game too and that the city depends on the the police and all everybody pulling their weight to make people leave as quickly as possible. 1 of the tips is make sure you check out freedom And the tip is make sure you wanna you wanna park where you're gonna leave in the direction of where you're gonna go. Each parking lot has a different flow to it. So you wanna look at the maps, see and look what where you wanna leave, which direction, and park in the right lot.

And then from there, you're gonna be able to get home a lot faster. And it's a in whole day event, you can swing down to Snake River Landing. We've got music starting at 11:30 AM with the Idaho Falls Community Hospital River Fest. You don't need to wait for the fair to have delicious fair food. The selection of vendors is just out of control.

We got the Stones Kia kids zone where the kids can get a wristband, play on all kinds of fun, toys and activities all day. And then, of course, it you know, once it starts getting dark right about 10 o'clock, the big show's gonna be kicking off the Melaleuca Freedom celebration. And, you know, I I just gotta say thank you again to, Melaleuca. Make sure to pass a thanks on to Frank for me, for throwing this show every year. It's the 31st Melaleuca Freedom Celebration.

You know, it's always just so awesome to see how the event expands each year, gets bigger and better. And if you've never been to this celebration, maybe you're in Pocatello or Rexburg. Make the drive to Idaho Falls. They've got everything planned out so well. I guarantee it's gonna be an event you won't forget.

And, you know, freedom Again, if you wanna get all of the information, highly recommended to check out the the parking and traffic flow, and find out what the event's all about. But most importantly, tune into classy, get the message, and you're you're gonna have a wonderful 4th with your family and friends. Yeah. River Fest is such a fantastic event that's grown every single year that you guys have done it.

Done a great job and really provide that entertainment throughout the day from every from the moment that the parade ends all the way to the Melaleuca Freedom celebration that first firework goes off. Secondly, I wanna point out, Snake River Landing. There is no other venue. There's no other fireworks displayed that has a venue like this. Ball Ventures invested over $1, 000, 000 to produce the ideal fireworks amphitheater there.

I was talking to the lead pyrotechnician yesterday, and he just every time he comes here, every year, he's like, I I can't believe that we have this opportunity here. So it's easy for us to take it for granted. We have it right right there, but it is ideally set up for a world class fireworks display. And lastly, I just wanted to make sure that we end up on probably the most important point about why we do this. And the Melaleuca Freedom celebration is all about paying tribute to our founding fathers, our veterans, our soldiers that are and and service members and and their families too, which are providing that invisible service that we it's easy to take them for granted, but well over 1, 200, 000 Americans have or have laid down their lives in times of warfare for our for each of us to have our freedoms.

And so not only do we wanna have a wonderful, magnificent, jaw dropping experience, we wanna make sure that in that message, in that show, we're also thinking about their sacrifices that they, secured our freedoms for us, and that we're using this moment to to walk away with a little bit deeper sense of patriotism. Absolutely. It's it's such a wonderful message that you guys get out there year after year, and, you really feel that as the show is going on and and you're listening to the message being delivered, through the show itself. So Yeah. Well, it's wonderful to live in the city where people appreciate that here and work with you guys, the partners with Riverbend, Kay Bear, Classy, all of your sister stations that do such an amazing job in getting the word out and and being a a huge part in this event.

And I think it shows when you're there how important the event is to the community with so many different people coming together to make this happen. So Well, thanks to thanks to you. Thanks to everybody that comes out to support the show. We hope you make it out there. It's gonna be 1 to remember and hopefully 1 that will dazzle all the spectators.

Absolutely. Melaleuca Freedom celebration tomorrow night at Snake River Landing, and the weather's looking perfect tomorrow. About high seventies? High seventies? It doesn't get better than that.

You know, sunny? Oh, it's gonna be great. Thank you again for stopping by. Tony Lima, vice president of public relations. Always great to see you, man.

Thanks, Victor. Alright. Freak news powered by Grease Monkey voted Idaho's best oil change. Alright. Let's begin with I guess if you were going to be getting up to something naughty along Aurora Avenue in Seattle, well, they created a new website where they just take pictures of people's vehicles and post their license plates and publicly shame them.

Yeah. I guess they've got a variety of problems in this area. So, they're mainly tracking guests to the area, not people who live in the area, but I'm sure there's gonna be backlash from this. You just happen to be driving through? Yeah.

Your significant other? Why were you on that website? I I had to make a delivery in that area. Liar. Liar.

Yeah. I don't I don't think that's gonna play out too well. Another thing that doesn't play out too well is, storing your fireworks in a hot garage. Yeah. Be aware that you need to store your fireworks properly because they might just, blow up.

I don't know exactly what happened here. But who's the guy? He dead. He was setting up a fireworks display, and, all of a sudden, they just exploded. Don't work on fireworks in your garage.

Just don't work on, fireworks. Maybe he was modifying them. I don't know what was going on, but, I mean, it's a festive way to go, but being alive is better. Alright? Being alive is better than going out with a bang.

Talking garbage cans. Alright. I guess in the UK, they have unveiled talking garbage cans. Hey. Please pick up the garbage.

Talking receptacles could be good or bad. If it does help people keep the streets clean, that's great. I mean, things are pretty clean around here. It's not like when you drive through a number of big cities and there's just horrific garbage all over the place. But if we did have an issue with this, talking garbage cans seem like they could make things a little bit more fun.

1 thing I gotta say, though, is after watching Better Call Saul, some talking receptacles we we just can't implement in society. There was a talking toilet in that show. It was very funny, but also a little bit inappropriate. What else do we got here? Texas weather extremes likely to become normal according to scientists.

Scientists. What do they know? Well, it's a good thing that Texas, you know, has the type of folks there working to combat the issues that they're facing in Texas due to climate issues. Yeah. Things are getting bad in Texas.

Extreme rain and drought. That's a weird combo. Forest fires, winter issues resulting in burst pipes. Why is everybody moving to Texas? It's just not good there.

I don't know. I saw a number of news articles recently, actually, about people who were talking about their regret moving to Texas because now property values are plummeting. So people are, like, underwater in their mortgages. You never know what's gonna happen with the pandemic migration. Alright?

Hopefully, we're sitting good here. Seems like things are still selling. I was at the grocery store the other day, and I heard 2 people, the cashier and a customer talking with each other about how they had just moved here within the last week. So we've still got people rolling in. Sorry, East Idaho.

I think 1 of them said he was California. I'm I'm just eavesdropping on people's conversations. 1 was from California. The other 1 from, like, New Mexico. Yeah.

Gotta escape the land of breaking bad, I I suppose. Anyway, I should eavesdrop on people's conversation, but I was waiting in line. What am I supposed to do? Alright? Anyway, Texas might not be the place to go.

So now get ready for the influx of people from Texas moving here after discovering what a dumpster fire Texas is. I love the Internet. It's very helpful. You can learn just about anything you could possibly imagine. Now I still call JD when it comes to needing help with things because I could look up, for example, how to install my microwave.

Now part of the issue is I need to move an outlet, but, I just, you know, worry about screwing something up. I had enough trouble 1 year installing a dishwasher that now I'm a little paranoid about things. But for the most part, when it comes to something I need assistance on, I can always rely on the Internet to help me out. Like, I have had many cats over the years. As you know, I was crazy cat guy, and I got a new kitten.

And I'm trying to get the 2 cats to get along. I got old Koopa and the little kitten, Lucy. And I get worried sometimes, like, okay. They've started to get along better, but are these interactions normal that they're having? So you could go look it around online, and there's a subreddit for everything.

Cat training. Cat training. So I searched that subreddit. Kitten attacking older cat. And as I started reading through, I came to realize, oh, alright.

The interactions that they're having, even though they look sometimes kinda crazy, they're super normal. And hopefully, as the people in there, the expert cat trainers are saying Koopa is just doing a good job being big brother and teaching little Lucy how to be a civilized cat. I tell you when he's trying to go to sleep though, he knows when it's bedtime. When he's trying to go to sleep and she won't leave him alone, that's when I cut him a little bit of slack. So I had to boot her out the last couple nights, and it's sad because she cries outside the door.

But gotta do what you gotta do. I I gotta keep him happy every now and again, you know, as the old guy. Make him feel like I still like him, which, you know, of course, I do. Well, I usually coffee up after the morning show, but it feels like the show should be over already. Why am I so beat?

Jeez. Don't worry, though. You can always rely on me to find that second wind and bring you the final hour of this program. Alright? We're gonna get it done around here.

That's what we're gonna do because I don't want to end up doing, you know, slacker breaks. And I don't wanna pull up today's holidays even though it is American Rednecks Day. Yeehaw. That's right. I guess I better hit up my friends down the hall at 105 The Hawk.

Actually, let's do it live. This might catch Justin off guard. He's not used to me calling him in the middle of a show, so we're we're gonna do this. Alright. Here we go.

Yo. Hey, Justin. You're live on the air with me. I just want you to be aware of that. Okay.

I just wanted to let you guys know at 105 The Hawk that today is American Rednecks Day. Oh, God. I I can't believe that I didn't know this. I know. I figured I didn't know either.

I got looking around for content, and that's what I found. And I figured what better place to celebrate than down the hall at 105 The Hawk. Well, how can I help you? What can I do for you? You want me to give you a big yeehaw?

That's right. Come on. Right. Yeah. Alright.

Let's go. That that's better than I could have done, Justin. Very, very nice. Very nice. Now I could give you a good morning too.

Oh, now okay. Now if you want to give me a true redneck call, let's hear that. No. No? No?

I think I just I think I just pulled a muscle in some nether regions. I'm good. Okay. Okay. Alright.

Will you guys enjoy the celebration over there today? Thanks for letting me know, man. I appreciate you. You're welcome, Justin. Care.

See you. Alright. We got a caller. Maybe they wanna give me a yeehaw. Is that what we're gonna do today?

Alright, caller. You're live on the air. Give me your best. Yeehaw. That was pretty I mean, you were so loud that you made your phone, like, cease to put out any kind of audio.

Victor, who else could do that? Oh, jeez. It's your day. American Redneck's Day. We're more of the Yi Yi type.

The Yee Hawes were kinda more of the cowboys. Oh, okay. Yi Yi. That's the Idaho way. So what do American rednecks do to celebrate American Redneck's Day?

We eat meat and shoot guns. Okay. That makes sense. That makes sense. And thank you for keeping the answer clean, redneck.

I appreciate that. I always do my best for you, Victor. Right on, man. Well, hope you enjoy the holiday. Alright.

Thank you, Victor. Have a good day. Alright. See you, man. Peace.

Bye. There you go. Yeah. And do I need to play some country music? Actually, I know a country artist I can play that no one's gonna get mad if I play it.

Actually, I could think of a few. I could do Johnny Cash, but those songs are kinda slow. I think what I need to throw on is some Sturgill. That's right. We'll throw on some sturgeon Simpson.

How's that sound? Alright. Let's do this. You know, my phone's always listening to me. So since I talked about cats a few minutes ago, now I'm getting fed a bunch of cat posts on Reddit.

Somebody posted in r/cats. I hate cats, but this cute little thing has adopted me apparently. Help. And they've got pictures of a cat that they are feeding. If you really hated cats, you would not take pictures of them.

You would not feed them. You would not find the subreddit r slash cats, and you would not post in the r slash subreddit cats pictures of your cat that you are feeding. It is now your cat. I can only help that no cats decide to adopt me. Every cat I've got has pretty much just ended up being a part of my life and sort of a surprise.

I got Koopa. He was born in the window well at my house. Lucy, the new cat, lieutenant Crane had an unexpected litter of kittens show up at his place, and he sends me a picture of lieutenant Crane of whom I've had many a discussion of cats versus dogs over the years. He's holding up kittens. I knew I was gonna end up with 1 of those kittens.

And my neighbors know I'm the cat guy, the last cat that I don't have anymore. The neighbor just brought it over. Hey. You guys have cats? Look at this.

A kitten. Yeah. This kitten ain't going anywhere. I gotta say I think 2 is a pretty good number. 3 cats, you feel like crazy cat person.

But there are people with more than that. You know, I mentioned Reddit feeding me cat posts all the time probably because I've been talking about kittens and things. Somebody posted, which 1 of my 5 cats do you like best? 5 cats. But there are people that have a slew of dogs, and I would say that having a slew of cats is easier to manage than a slew of dogs.

I would think. That just sounds like a lot of activity. A slew of dogs, and dogs can be big too. They could be really big. What if you had 5 giant dogs?

You might as well have a a whole household of teenagers at that point. It's crazy. Anyway, I would assume if I went into this post and saw what people were saying, they'd be like, yeah. You don't hate cats, and now you have a cat. Get over it.

Alright. It's a tough content day, people. Just scrolling through the news, it's all political. That's never fun. So I'm gonna keep digging to find things that are not political to talk about.

Alright? If Reddit could quit pummeling me with project 2025 posts, that'd be great. I don't need to read about that nightmare anymore, which if you haven't read about it, every American should, by the way. Thank you again for tuning in to the Victor Wilt show. This program's a production of river.

This program's a production of river. Why can't I say that? God, you have to say river bend media group, river bend media group. This program's a production of river God. This program's a this program's a production of Riverbend Media Group.

To contact the show or for more information, hit us up at