Daily Mantras - Ancient wisdom for happiness, health and wealth

 Have you ever taken a moment to think about the kind of relationship you have with yourself? Are you treating yourself with kindness, like how you'd treat a close friend? You know, being compassionate to ourselves is such a powerful way to grow and transform.

To listen to today's mantra, and, to read more about it for free, visit dailymantras.in/010

🎁 Get the audio of the Tayata Om Mantra, featured on this episode -

What is Daily Mantras - Ancient wisdom for happiness, health and wealth?

Start your day on a positive note with Daily Mantras - Ancient wisdom for happiness, health and wealth, a podcast that draws wisdom from ancient traditions to provide mantras, meditations, and mindful practices that promote happiness, health and prosperity. Tune in each morning to receive inspiration and tools to live your best life through the healing power of sacred sounds and thoughtful reflection. Uplifting episodes delivered daily.

Have you ever taken a moment to think about the kind of relationship you have with yourself?

Are you treating yourself with kindness, like how you'd treat a close friend?

You know, being compassionate to ourselves is such a powerful way to grow and transform.

Welcome to Daily Mantras, and let's learn about, "Befriending Oneself, on the Journey Within".

The Gita shares this deep insight - our soul can either lift us up or hold us back. When we go on this journey of self-discovery, we're actually building a friendship with ourselves and unlocking our full potential.

It's so easy to get stuck in negative habits. We often feel inadequate, doubt ourselves, and rely on others for validation. It's like we're trapped in this cycle of self-sabotage, putting things off, and being too hard on ourselves.

But the more we get to know ourselves, the more we learn to trust ourselves. Chanting, the Tayata Om mantra, helps align us with our true purpose. When we chant this mantra, we open up to self-compassion and inner wisdom.

This ancient chant reminds us that we're all connected to this divine source of love and light. By tapping into that energy, we can overcome the obstacles that keep us from reaching our full potential.

So when you're feeling unsure and weighed down by self-doubt, ask yourself: Can I treat myself with kindness instead of judgment?

Can I appreciate my unique talents without comparing myself to others? Can I be my own wise guide on this path to self-realization?

Rumi, the great poet, once said, "The only lasting beauty is the beauty of the heart." This beautiful quote encourages us to embrace our uniqueness and cherish our inner beauty.
By doing so, we build a deeper connection with ourselves and better understand who we truly are.

Now, this takes courage and persistence. We have to face our darker sides honestly and embrace what we find there. But accepting ourselves completely is the most amazing act of love.

I hope these thoughts inspire you to befriend every part of yourself. Keep growing through self-study. Your true essence is like a diamond waiting to be polished. Just let yourself shine!

Remember, you are your own best teacher and healer. Keep unfolding...

Here is a quick summary on building self-compassion:

- What to do: Treat yourself with kindness and understanding. Face any negative habits honestly while being gentle with yourself.
- What to hear: Chant, the Tayata Om mantra, to connect with your inner wisdom and higher purpose.
- What to say: "I am my own wise guide on this journey to self-realization. I embrace my uniqueness and inner beauty."

To listen to today's mantra, and, to read more about it for free, visit dailymantras.in/010