Flip the Script with Vic

What if you could connect with your children before they’re even born? Babies choose us for a number of reasons, and I'm going to share my personal experience with the conscious conception of my two sons. After a miscarriage, I used the Akashic Records for healing and confirmation of my pregnancy. In today's episode, we explore calling in and connecting with spirit babies, offering insights into past lives, intuition, and the connection between parents and their unborn children. I also share more about my upcoming Spirit Babies masterclass on January 25th at 10am EST.

Click here to register for the Spirit Babies Masterclass on January 25th at 10am EST.

The Return to You Retreat is April 8-12, 2024 in El Sargento, Mexico. Click here to apply.

Join The Portal Collective, Victoria's new on-demand kundalini and breathwork membership to help you access your highest self with a daily meditation practice, for the special founder's rate of $17/mo.

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email: victoriamargauxnielsen@gmail.com

Cover art: @house.of.morgan

What is Flip the Script with Vic?

Welcome to Flip the Script with Vic, your weekly pep talk to expand and shift your perspective. I’m your host, Victoria Nielsen. Together, we’ll unwind all the things you thought you knew, and awaken to what’s truly possible when you flip the script on your reality and take control of your own life.

Speaker A [00:00:00]:
Hello, my loves. Welcome to another episode of flip the script with Vic. I'm your host, Victoria Nielsen. Today we are chatting all about spirit babies and conscious conception. I am so excited to dive into this juicy topic with you. I've been waiting to record this podcast because I wanted it to align with my upcoming Spirit babies masterclass that's happening on January 25 at 10:00 a.m.. EST. We are going to go deeper into this topic of spirit babies, how to connect also the meditation I use for conscious conception, and then I'm going to open the Akashic records to share any messages that want to come through for some of the women that are live.

Speaker A [00:00:45]:
So let's dive right in. Spirit babies and conscious conception so my very first pregnancy was not conscious conception at all and it resulted in a miscarriage. And I don't think by any means that because I didn't do it consciously, it resulted in a miscarriage. I think the miscarriage was going to happen no matter what, as a way to awaken me to my spirituality, to my connection to my divinity and to my babies on the other side. And I really believe that the miscarriage was actually my second born son, Rocky, coming through to say, wake up, mom. You are not living your life of purpose. You are not living in alignment and in integrity with your soul. And so after the miscarriage, I found all of these spiritual tools to help me, and one of them was the Akashic records.

Speaker A [00:01:45]:
And those that don't know the Akashic records are an energetic frequency, and they are my favorite tool of healing and empowerment because absolutely anybody can access the Akashic records at any time. You just have to come with an open heart, and you have to be willing to believe that you're connecting, because it is really woo woo if you think about it, to believe that you are connecting to the ascended masters and teachers and any of your loved ones that want to come through. And I had a lot of doubt when I was first learning, but the Akashic records actually really helped me not only heal after the miscarriage, but helped confirm that I was pregnant again with my firstborn son, Sebastian. And I love the records because they are the exact guidance that you need to hear in the moment from these ethereal beloveds that you are connecting with. And whatever comes through is true in the moment. So the records shift because your energy changes. The records are mutable. They are not stagnant.

Speaker A [00:02:55]:
They don't stay the exact same way forever because you have the power to shape your destiny, and you have the power to change the energy based on the energetic practices that you do, the beliefs that you hold, the limiting beliefs that you move through, and so on. And the records are really just this feeling of love and that you're held and that you're connected to something higher than you. And that you don't always have to have all of the answers. That someone out there is helping guide you. And that someone or someone's right is your spirit team. They're your spiritual cheerleaders that are here that really always want to connect with you and have been waiting for you to be open enough to connect with them. And the Akashic records are such a high vibrational frequency that they are always going to be guiding you in the right direction. Right, quote unquote right for you.

Speaker A [00:03:52]:
And you're never going to connect with anything malevolent or bad when you're connecting with the Akashic records, because they are so high vibrational. And when I first started working with them, what would come through was a lot of just like you are love and this feeling of love. And that was what I really needed at the time after the miscarriage was to feel loved and to feel like I wasn't broken and like I didn't do anything wrong. And I went through my Akashic records training during that time, and I kept asking the records if I was pregnant when I would be pregnant again. And this is just my experience, but it kept assuring me that I was, and I really felt like I was connecting to the soul of this beautiful little girl. And she kept coming through and would come through often. And the records speak to each person differently. So you may feel the records in your body, you may get visualizations, you may hear downloads, right, that are really just from your own conscious mind telling you words, perhaps, or you may hear things.

Speaker A [00:05:08]:
So you're using all of your senses to experience the records. And so my feeling that I was getting from the records at that time was of this little girl. And she was saying that she was with her brother and that everything was good and that they were trying to help me wake up and that I was at no fault of my own, that this miscarriage happened, that this was just something that was here to help me and that I would be pregnant again and that I would have a healthy baby. And all of the things that, of course, I wanted to hear at the time but were true in the moment. And I remember asking when the baby would be born because I was really obsessed with wanting to be pregnant right that moment, right and I remember getting a visual that at the time, I thought was Sagittarius because it was a seagoat. And I don't know why I thought that was Sagittarius, but I did. And now, looking back, a seagote is a capricorn, which my oldest son is a capricorn. And the records kept confirming to me that I was pregnant, but I was not pregnant via pregnancy test.

Speaker A [00:06:26]:
And I went to my ob at the time and know, after the miscarriage, this has been a couple months, I think it was like four months after the miscarriage. And I was like, my period's not returning back to normal. It's disappeared. I don't understand. I took a pregnancy test. I'm not pregnant. And so she was like, okay, we're going to put you on progesterone to kind of force the period. Well, nothing happened.

Speaker A [00:06:49]:
And so I kept being convinced that I was pregnant. And the records kept confirming, saying, yeah, you are. And so I didn't believe it. I went and took a blood test, and the blood test came back negative. And so I was like, maybe I'm wrong. Maybe the records are wrong. Maybe in some other reality, I am pregnant, or I'm pregnant with an idea or all these other things. And so I go back to the doctor, and she's like, we're going to give you more progesterone.

Speaker A [00:07:17]:
And I'm like, that doesn't feel right. That doesn't feel right because I really think I'm pregnant. Can you please just give me a test? Let's see. And sure enough, I was nine weeks pregnant, nine and a half weeks pregnant, I think. And she couldn't believe it. And I couldn't believe it. And I will say there was, whatever, four and a half weeks, I guess, in between when I took the pregnancy test and the blood test. So obviously when I took them, it was just too soon.

Speaker A [00:07:47]:
And then I was waiting for the next cycle, right, to move through before I checked again. But it was amazing to me that my intuition and the records had always known, and I'm really glad that I listened to myself. And the progesterone that they gave me didn't do anything to the baby. That is a natural hormone that you have during pregnancy. And actually they provide extra progesterone to certain women, and they did during that pregnancy because of the miscarriage, which I don't think I needed because my skin broke out and it was terrible. And anyway, that's like a complete. Then, you know, this beautiful little boy, Sebastian, was born and that, to me, at the time, was a conscious pregnancy, because that was all I knew. I hadn't found kundalini yoga yet.

Speaker A [00:08:37]:
I wasn't meditating regularly. I was doing yoga a lot, but I was not as deep in my spirituality as I am now. And so, fast forward two years later when I go to Costa Rica on a retreat, and I get this just intuitive ping that it's time for that second baby. And so I came back, and my husband and I started trying, and we got pregnant pretty quickly. We waited afterwards because Costa Rica is a zika zone, and so I didn't want to worry about that. And so we waited a couple of months, and then again, my intuition just kind of pinged, like, now's the time to start trying. And so I started doing a specific kundalini meditation every day for fertility and for aligning your ovaries. And I really only did it for a couple of weeks.

Speaker A [00:09:29]:
And we got pregnant very quickly. And during that entire time, I was calling his soul in. I didn't say it was a hymn. I didn't know, but I was asking this baby to come because I was a vessel that was ready to carry it. And I kept also hearing at the time that I needed to cleanse the vessel. So when I say here, I mean that in meditation, I would get the download, or I would get this thought that would just enter my head all of a sudden. And to me, that's my intuition speaking to me. That's the universe guiding me, giving me breadcrumbs, nudging me along.

Speaker A [00:10:02]:
And so I did a nine day medical medium cleanse, which I've never done anything like that in my life. And I don't know that I will again, because it's tough. You eat on the cleanse. But I remember being at a barbecue, and it was the last day of the cleanse, and everyone was eating, like, ribs and burgers, and I was eating these steamed Brussels sprouts, and no one could believe my willpower. They were like, that's insane. You sure you don't want a beer? You don't want to smoke a joint? You don't want to eat these ribs? And I was like, no, I have a purpose. I'm calling this soul into my body, and I am going to do it in the most aligned way possible. And so, after the cleanse, after the kundalini meditations, I knew I was pregnant.

Speaker A [00:10:50]:
Like, I remember napping and waking up and telling my husband, we have to do it right now. This is the exact time that we're going to conceive this child. And that may sound really crazy, but I was so tapped into my body and my energy because of all the practices that I was doing ahead of time, and because I was following all those intuitive nudges that were coming in about cleaning the vessel and being connected and doing all of these very specific things that I needed in the moment to call this soul in. And so we got pregnant. It was great. Rocky. I was actually pregnant with Rocky hosting my first ever retreat. I was six weeks pregnant, and I remember actually telling everybody very early in that pregnancy because I just knew, I knew he was sticking around.

Speaker A [00:11:38]:
I knew that this is what was meant to be. And so instead of being scared because I was nervous, almost the entire pregnancy was Sebastian after the miscarriage. Rightfully so, right? But this pregnancy, I was, like, at six weeks, I told people, and I was, um, and he was know inside when I held a retreat in Sedona. So I was doing a lot of beautiful healing work with him in my tummy, and I actually did a womb healing in Sedona. And that was such a beautiful experience because it was the right time in pregnancy. So to talk a little bit more about spirit babies, I'll come back to how they find and connect with you. But the window of the second trimester is a really beautiful window while you are pregnant, to connect with the soul that is coming into your body and to ask them about their past lives and who they are and maybe what your connection with them is. And so I kept seeing this little blonde boy, and I vividly saw us in Germany, and I think we were german, and I think we were around during World War II, and I think we were torn apart because of what was happening with Hitler, and he was forced to go serve in the youth there.

Speaker A [00:12:59]:
And the feeling, in essence, I got at the time, was that he was just so excited to be back with me earthside, because our last lifetime together wasn't long enough, because we were split apart when he was really young, like, eight or nine, and he was just overjoyed to be reunited with me. And I, of course, felt the same way. And it was really beautiful to feel that connection. And I did Reiki healing also, like, all of my pregnancy. And actually, I got Reiki certified, and that is something that I would recommend to any mother and especially to any pregnant woman, because being able to give myself self reiki during my pregnancy was huge. And being able to open a Reiki portal during my c section was huge for me. And again, I didn't know all this stuff with Sebastian, and it doesn't make it any better or any worse. And it doesn't mean I was a bad mom with Sebastian or with his conception.

Speaker A [00:13:55]:
It just means I had more tools available to me. Right. And so I don't want you to listen to this and think, oh, my God, I didn't do all these things when I called in my, like, they're not conscious. That's not what I'm saying, and that's not true at all. Those souls have found you and connected with you for a reason in, you have medicine for one another, or you have karma to clear together, or you are connected in multiple lifetimes together. There's a reason that our children pick us. So please don't listen to this and think, oh, my God, I didn't do all of these things. My child is not connected to me.

Speaker A [00:14:26]:
My child is not conscious. That's not what that means at all. And I'll speak a little bit more on that in a second. But the Reiki was so soothing, and Reiki is just, again, it's energetic healing with your hands, and it's sending love with your hands. And so being able to open that Reiki portal in the operating room was really big because I was really nervous going in. When you go in for your c section the first time, you don't know what to expect. And I had to have c sections with both boys because they were both breach, meaning they were not in the right position to just come out of my vagina. And so the second c section, you know what's going to happen.

Speaker A [00:15:04]:
You know you're about to get cut open. And I was really nervous, and I started crying, so I needed that support, and I called in all my angels and guides, and so it just made me feel a lot better to have that. And I actually gave myself Reiki on my c section scar as, like, a side note, and it healed a lot better the second time around than it did the first time around. And when I looked into rocky's eyes once he was born, I knew. I knew that we had known each other. I knew that we were coming home to one another. And again, that doesn't discredit my first son at all. My husband was the one that actually called his soul in.

Speaker A [00:15:42]:
And so I'll share a little bit more about that because I think it's important to know that each person in the relationship, one of you have called in the particular soul that's coming in. So I really believe my husband called in Sebastian, I called in Rocky, and I'm really calling in this third baby. We're officially trying for number three. And I think, I know it's that little girl that was connecting us to begin with that she's finally coming down to be part of my healing. It's probably a whole nother podcast episode, but so I learned all of this from. There's a book called Spirit Babies. And he is amazing because he has worked with a ton of women and men, too, and has connected to those spirit babies. And I have opened the records and asked and confirmed that a lot of what he has found to be true is true for me as well.

Speaker A [00:16:34]:
So you call in that beautiful soul, and you may have had a previous lifetime together, you maybe didn't. Maybe you only met that soul in passing in a previous lifetime, and you were kind, and that little soul remembered and said, okay, when I come back this time to earth, I want to go with them because I remember them being nice to me, and I remember them, excuse me, I'm burping and moving so much energy. I remember them being kind to me, and so I want to come back and connect with them. And you can open that connection. And that's what we're going to do as part of my spirit babies masterclass is we're going to do a meditation just to open the connection, to see what's out there for you. Because there's a number of reasons why spirit babies maybe won't come through even though they're connected to you. It may just not be the right time for them. There's so much that happens on the other side that we're not aware of, and it takes a lot of energy for them to come through earthside, and they have to be ready for it.

Speaker A [00:17:28]:
A lot of the times, miscarriages and complications in pregnancy and things are more because of the soul coming through and have nothing to do with you, because they have to be willing to sever the ties in the spirit world and really ground their energy into earth. And that can be really scary because they don't know what's going to happen here. They have no idea, but they feel safe and secure and connected to that source energy on the other side. And so throughout your pregnancy, their energy is going back and forth, and they're not fully with you until the end of the third trimester, where their energy is going to stay put, if that makes sense. But that's why a lot of the times you may not feel the baby move or things like that is because their soul, quote unquote, is not really with you, they're on the other side. And in the Kundalini lineage, they actually believe that the soul doesn't come into the body until 120 days of pregnancy. And they do a ritual around that, which is really beautiful, that I'm hoping to do this time around in pregnancy because I didn't do it with my previous two. And I was convinced that Rocky was a girl because I kept feeling this girl energy.

Speaker A [00:18:38]:
And so that's the other thing, too, is you don't really know what's happening on the other side in the sense that maybe they decided to know. Maybe for some reason, it was better for one to come versus the other. And so I say all of that to say that when you connect again, nothing is faded or permanent. And so you may get answers from the Akashic records and then find them to shift or that they evolve based on your energy and the energy of your spiritual team and what they're doing behind the scenes for you. So nothing is set in stone. And it doesn't mean this is exactly how it's going to happen because the Akashic record said so, but it is a beautiful guiding light and tool to be able to use on your pregnancy journey. And so I'm just so excited to invite you guys to this masterclass to potentially be on this journey with you of getting pregnant and connecting to your babies, because I think it's so important that we connect with them before they come earthside. So a that they know it's safe and that they're welcome, because that's a big thing, too, is they don't want to come where they're not welcome.

Speaker A [00:19:44]:
I remember, actually, my husband and I were saying, it's so hard with two young boys, like, do we really want a third? And I knew in my heart that I did, but I kept saying, not yet. Not yet. And I was driving one day to work, and I got this feeling that she was with me and that she was upset and that she was kind of like, do you not want me, mommy? And I started laughing and said, of course I want you. I always want you, sweet girl. And I felt like it was really important for her to know that in the moment because I didn't want her to go find another parent. I don't think she would have, but I didn't want her to feel that we didn't want her, because we do. And so even though we weren't officially trying yet, I had that conversation and that connection with her to let her know, like, yes, you're wanted yes, we will bring you earthside soon. Yes, we're ready.

Speaker A [00:20:37]:
And when we officially started trying again, I opened the connection again and said, come on, sister, it's your time. And I had always felt like she wanted to be a Leo, which really came through while I was trying to get pregnant with Rocky. And in Scorpio season last year in October, I felt the shift that she was like I'd be okay being a scorpio, which I truly believe she is coming through and is going to be huge for my healing and that there is a lot of healing that's going to be had when she comes. And that's the reason that she waited is because I wasn't ready yet to experience all of that. And now I am. So again, I'll probably have a part two on all of that and the healing of your kids because this episode is getting really long because it's really juicy. But I hope you'll join me on the 25th at 10:00 a.m.. EST and let me know if you guys have any questions on spirit babies, please share them with me on Instagram at Victoria Margot Nielsen.

Speaker A [00:21:38]:
That's M-A-R-G-A-U-X Nielsen, like the ratings company, because I would love to be able to answer them as part of this master class. I want to know what you want to know about spirit babies, about conscious conception, about all of the things. I highly recommend that spirit babies book. That's what a lot of this masterclass is going to be based on. That's what a lot of my knowledge came from and I would love to share it with you. So give us a follow and I hope I'll see you at the master class on the 25th. Thank you so much for tuning in. I love you guys so much.

Speaker A [00:22:14]:
Be good to one another.