The Keeper League - AFL Fantasy Podcast

In this week's episode of The Keeper League Podcast, we're delving into Round 10 of the AFL Fantasy season with a special focus on draft and keeper leagues. Joining host Heff is footy commentator and radio presenter Aaron Bryans from SA Grandstand on ABC. Together, they'll dissect each game's critical performances and discuss how these outcomes impact fantasy strategies for both draft and keeper leagues. Aaron brings his unique perspective from the commentator's box, offering additional insights into player forms and potential shifts in team dynamics. Whether you're tuning in to fine-tune your lineup or to catch up on crucial fantasy developments, this episode is packed with expert analysis and valuable advice to help you excel in your league. Don’t miss out on this engaging and informative session that's sure to enhance your AFL Fantasy game.

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Ryan 'Heff' Gerlach
Co-founder and host of The Keeper League Podcast

What is The Keeper League - AFL Fantasy Podcast?

An AFL Fantasy Podcast that doesn't focus on the superstars. We look at the up-and-comers and the lesser-known players to help you win your draft and keeper leagues.


G'day listeners and welcome back to another episode of the Keeper League podcast

with the AFL Fantasy podcast that doesn't talk about the soup stars.

We only talk about the lesser-known and the players who will bring value to your draft

and Keeper League teams. My name is Heff and today I am joined by Aaron Bryan's commentator,

presenter, ABC, SA Grandstand. You call a bit on the national radio, don't you? On the commentary

and stuff like that, is that right? Yeah, we've had a pretty lucky draw this year

considering how many prime time fixtures we've had. Sometimes you get stuck on the second

game of a Saturday night, or we call it off-broadway on the mid-afternoon Sunday game, but yeah,

we've had a lot of national calls this year, which has been great based off the crows

and the powers form of last year. Not even just like the time slots and things like that.

How about the quality of games that you've had this year? Amazing. I reckon eight out of the 10

at Adelaide Overlook in Thrillers. I was barfing with a friend that I was looking forward to

port Adelaide in Hawthorne purely to just have a nice easy Sunday because we've had a ridiculous

month of footying and it just didn't play out that way. That was a bit of a crazy game in the end,

two goals in the last two minutes to win the game, but I'm sure everyone's seen the result already,

and I was completely misdefined as I am as to how portaleide got out of jail. I was listening to the

call last week and just something a bit funny. I was listening to the call last week and you introduced

Josh Franco and then Rod Jamison. Rod Jamison said thanks to Gret Josh and then Gret Aaron,

sorry, and you've completely forgot your name. Worked together for a good five, six years. So I'm

calling out Rod Jamison here for the other disrespect shown to South Australia's premier radio

presenting. He's such a good man, but he looks after me all the time. Who does he think he is like a

crows team of the decade, I'm forgetting someone like Aaron Bryan is playing for.

Going back to Curtain a little bit. The role that I've had as obviously had predecessors before me,

yes. I still get texts sometimes on the show from what people say or high jolt who was the guy who

used to do the job before me like five years ago. So people don't forget their favourite commentators,

yes. They always get, yeah, called somebody else every day. Yeah, that's fair, I guess, but still,

I wasn't happy with the disrespect shown. So I thought I'd call that Rod Jamison on this podcast. I'm

sure he's listening right now, but anyway, how's the, how's the spreadsheet keep going? How's your

team going? Yeah, not too bad. I've had a bit of a transitional period this year where I'm still

contending, but my Ford lines had a pretty dramatic shift. I had Tom Hawkins for so long. He's kind of

faded away, but I had all the Henry ready to go. So he's kind of my next big thing. Josh Dunkley is

my tackleist, had a great year as well, and had Tristan Sherry, who has finally come into his own. So

the Ruck situation's gotten a lot better because I had him in Matt Flynn, who obviously died early.

So yeah, it's been an all right year and I keep a league. It's been probably the closest it's been

ever. So we usually have like a mid season pick for a side that's ninth and tenth that's a fair few

wins away from the rest, but we're about separated by four points. I reckon the whole team is pretty good.

Yeah, how's this quite similar, actually? I think the top two teams are two games ahead,

like on even points, and then I think the top four or the next few have decided by another

couple games or something like that as well. So I think like we were talking about it on the

group chat this morning, how much fluctuation there has been in scoring or like you know,

good gangs, bad games from players like if you're a player that owns, if you're someone who's like

bond tour, Timmingliss, you're getting one good week, one shit week, something and it really like flips

your scoring and stuff like that. Well, we probably mentioned it across the pod, but Dane Zorke,

what is going on there? I think a lot of people wouldn't have picked him in most draft format

simply because he was older and injury prone. And in it from a classic perspective, it's almost like

he's must have now. He's too expensive to get. He is too good for this podcast, far too good for this

podcast, but like there's been a few things on him though, like I was offered him in a trade earlier

on in the year like pre-season, I said no way, that guy's snub and hammy around too and he's finished

like he's retiring and then this year I'm not saying anything. There's so many names in the middle,

why would he get it going there? 100%. So there was that Roy when I was on the traders earlier on

this year, he was like, "Who do I keep? Do I keep Angus Sheldrick or do I keep Dane Zorke?" Luckily,

I convinced him to keep Dane Zorke, but I was thinking like Sheldrick could come on like pre-season,

like it's been a weird year for the top end guys that have kind of come out of nowhere. And yeah,

Aruba Primo's have been a bit hit in me seven though. Exactly, so yeah, it's been a bit of a crazy

year and we'll talk about some, we'll might talk about some later ups and stuff like that, but they're

more classic related and I'm pissed off with my classic side of the moment, so I might not even

talk about it. Anyway, just want to thank Game Day Squad for sponsoring the podcast,

huge supporters of this show and many things that we do wouldn't be possible without them.

If you haven't done so already, download the app, sign up with Game Day Squad. And once you've

done that, click the link in the podcast description below this episode to add your team name to the

spreadsheet and I spin a wheel each week and read out a name and this week's winner is Dane Zorke.

So well done to Dane Zorke. It's the Dane Zorke, I think his DT talk writer Dane Zorke has been around

for years, Eric and that's the guy. He's an Adelaide boy and Portes Ported in this world.

Yeah, definitely. That's a good win by Dane there. I get in contact with me and I will send you the

code for around 10. Anyways, let's get stuck in to the round review. So we started off on the Thursday night,

Gold Coast Sun versus Jolong Kat, full disclosure, didn't watch this game. I went to see the official

band of AFL Fantasy, I would say, Luca Brassi. Oh, one is favourite. The T-shirt always seems

to feature on the Trader's podcast. We actually went to see them the night before the grand final in

Melbourne do their acoustic show and let's just say it was a pretty loose night. I think the vibes I get.

I think I started drinking the grand final parade earlier in the day and I think the show was at about,

and that started about 10 and I think the show was at about 10 o'clock. They started. So it was a

long day for me and yeah, let's just leave it at that. So I didn't watch this one but I'm hoping you

say something. So let's start with Alex Sexton, the whole sexy back thing, 126 point, is he back and

can he hold his spot? That's more what I'm worried about. So in your classic formats, he's obviously

going to be a player that you're trading in because he's got some cash rise, low break even all that

sort of stuff. But in our draw formats, we're worried about the rest of the season. We'll power

obviously out of the moment. What are your thoughts? Can you hold his spot? I think he can, yes. So the

issue I guess earlier in the season was they had a plethora of players they could use in that role of

half back and he just wasn't as damaging as others and we kind of saw that with Zach Fisher to an

extent at North that Clarkson got frustrated with how little impact he was kind of having makes him

the sub everyone jumps off from a classic perspective and now all the sudden he's right back and

it's the same with Alex Sexton sent back to the two's just couldn't find a way back in the will

power suspension. So all the way out to round 15 has to have it some time to work back into that

as well. So it's probably not going to be forever from an Alex Sexton perspective but there's going

to be other injuries around that. Yeah. At the moment he's in this squad maybe later in the year he

becomes more of a sub risk but yeah the potential is mega and the game in itself in Darwin obviously

Jolong were leaking points. It was hot footy. They were going to the cool room every single quarter break

and the suns were staying out. They were almost a mental flex. Yeah, that's awesome. It was amazing.

So I think the high ceiling that he had, you know, you're not going to get one 20 every week. Yeah.

It's the Alex Sexton that we saw across the preseason. Yeah. A guy that's frotating off halfback

he's taken will power's role. He'll comfortably hold that until he's available for selection once

again and because power's been out for such a long period of time with that suspension maybe he

goes back to the two's for a bit and it just gives you know Sexton a good month of footy to find

himself and show hard week what he can do. So I don't mind it as a quick little pick up the difficult

part I guess from a keeper and a draft perspective is there's going to be a lot of comps that don't

play through the bice and maybe by the time the bireons are over he's lost all of his scoring values.

So I don't mind jumping on it now. Just be prepared that if you're in one of those leagues where

you're not playing over the next four weeks and by the time you start up again it's going to be

treacherous with power now available. Yeah, that's that's what more was my thinking but like I do think

he's performing too well to probably be dropped anytime soon really especially with power out.

The one thing that feels me with a bit more confidence is that his VFL form leading into this

kind of steamed like the power opened the door obviously but his VFL forms huge coming into this game

so he kind of earned his spot again as well and I think he's like done a lot of he's in dims good books

at the moment I think as well so yeah that definitely helps I want to have a quick look at the line-up

as well in guess of in terms of their bench players for that so buddy Euland yeah and David Swallow

always sees he's more mid forward but towards the back end of his career so I guess the concerning part

for Damon Harbick depending on whether sons are in a month is looking ahead and powered obviously

be the priority over a sexton but in terms of that bench depth there I can't see why yes

sexton couldn't hold his spot even as the rotation in of half back was joe jefrey playing in this game

yeah back on the half back yes at half back pocket so there's another one that probably would go out

before he does as well so there's probably a few in there that's um yeah he could hold his spot

when he first got admitted it seemed like a shock to be honest yeah he had a bad game the round

before he was dropped which I reckon was three he'd coincide with flan is going back and then we'll

pause on the other one so it felt like he's formed before that it mean to have one bad game and then

miss so much footies result of it felt a little harsh yeah so having back in the 22 and firing like

I'm pretty confident least over the next month that he keeps that role and has that high ceiling

to continue yep no agree all right let's move on so barely hunt freeze I'm not going to talk about

this one too much but kick five goals scored 101 points not gonna do that every week but it's just

a good sign for the future with a young player like him who does seem to be more of that mid forward

type jack lecocious was kind of the same like 90 points five goals what do you think about him playing

for those the role is nice for fantasy or is it a big person probably not like he's not scoring

five goals every week and Ben Kings probably still going to be the main target but the one thing I've

always liked about lecocious is he's so flexible to get around the ground so at least best he can push

up to that wing and find the footy you're right in terms of a fantasy perspective the halfback role

is much more fruitful yeah um but he doesn't like playing there he wants to be up forwards so um I think

part of the incentive of staying considering the south Australian clubs have come asking yeah

is probably hey this is the job I won and I'd like to play in this role so um I still see him and

kind of king is the the twin towers up forward for the suns moving forward and dimma has said it

was a mistake to put him back again as well so I just don't see him going he's got that flexibility as

well so if they do have a game like similar to the weekend with port and horthon where you kind

of want to set up a wall and hold a lead he could do that so um you can yeah rotate him however

you please but from a fantasy perspective you probably want to look at him as a forward because that's

where he's predominantly going to be yeah still worth owning I think as with the forward status and

for those games he does pop up and like you know I played a hundred point at this week he had him on

field scored 90 points like it was fine for him so yeah still a worthy option in K-Polig's I think

um Lloyd Johnson scored eight nine points I have no idea who this guy is neither died two weeks ago

okay it's totally random but he was the water boy for the sons of few years ago no way and enough

he picked up as a category be rookie and yeah he had a massive game on the weekend his first one

was very quiet understandably because he's essentially come from nowhere as a young promising talent

I mean given a go but hardweak loves him yeah it's a ripping story of kind of hardship to get where

he's got to and yeah a really impressive game so maybe one to just keep an eye on to see if he can

back it up he's getting you know 60 70 plus this weekend yeah maybe he is a handy kind of depth

player to bring in depending on how deep your league is yeah might be an option classic formats as

well if he's got a low break even after that performance um Ned Moil 82 points what do you think he

like do you think he's a successor to Joe wits once he goes or do you think they fast track Ethan

Reed what's your take on that because they playing Reed as a bit of a key for you yeah I still think

Reed is going to be the guy it sounds from all reports that Ned Moil will find a new home but it's

going to be pretty easy for him to do that because he's such a talented rockman so in a keeper perspective

hold him because he he dominates hitouts and he's starting to form what is more of that modern

rockman who can find disposals take marks around the ground which is kind of yeah your marshals your

English and your gorns so I really like him but I don't see him staying at the goal coast I think

that the plan is to get him out of there maybe a crow's could look at him possibly considering

that Raleigh O'Brien isn't that modern rockman right now but I feel like wits into Reed is

is the succession plan yeah no I feel that's the the case as well and you know Ethan Reed should be a

decent fancy option when he gets that role it's just yeah when it comes about and how long

wits has got to go I guess while on the topic of rockman will flip over to Jolong now there's not

much to talk about but Toby Conway every time he plays he impresses me he's so good scored 94 points

in the weekend do you think that they just stop flipping bringing Reese Danley and flipping the

rockman around or and just go with Conway for time or good of inside a knowledge here on this one

so Cameron links part of the ABC sport crew and has been pretty open about the pathway for Toby

Conway so dominated in the VFL for years and Chris got absolutely loves him yeah it was just a

matter of getting him in and around I guess where Jolong were currently sitting not to throw him into

early when they're contending the plan was in round nine to actually essentially pass the torch so

Stanley was going to come out Tom Kirby Conway is going to come in and he was going to be the

number one rock moving forward and I think he got the floor something and they decided to manage him

so he didn't play VFL he didn't play senior footy finally got the go this past weekend so I think

from here on out it's Toby's kind of team and they'll be times where Stanley comes in and give him

a chop out maybe every four game yeah just to make sure they don't overload him and Jolong's

very good at that at managing his superstars and giving them time to develop but he's you know done

the hard yards he's been there for a few years now he's been waiting for his opportunity and he

went so many hitouts in the VFL he was getting you know 40 50 a game yeah it's not going to obviously get

that ceiling consistently at the AFL level but seeing him and Moil match up on Thursday you got two

future stars in terms of rocks guys that we'll be talking about in you know four five years time

is hopefully the next big two so yeah Conway's one if he hasn't been picked up in your leg do it

because he is their number one rockman now I think there's a few Toby Conway owners out there that

are going to be pretty happy to hear that piece of information as well hopefully you can stay

for the rest of the season um Stanley swans versus Carlton moving on to Friday night again

not a heap to talk about this one Hayden McLean had 98 points I think it's more just a tip of the cap

forwarder and the second kind of rock option gets a few hitouts I think you keep the gold a patty's stats

Matthew Kennedy we keep coming back to him because you know started the in the forward line now playing

in the midfield I think he was the sub a few weeks ago but he got the forward status scored 97 points

on the weekend like he's probably too good for the podcast given on how he's scoring because he's

the last three out of four games he's scored over 80 and he had that 15 but he was the sub that week

what are your thoughts in terms of their midfield I think that was an article on saying that

the the count midfield are really lacking at the moment or they need some more support do you think

he plays a part in that do you think that's the thing yeah three of the last four he's had 67%

or higher and his CBAs so he's he's getting an injection kind of out of nowhere as he touched on

early on he was very much a depth player who was starting forward and occasionally rotating in

and I think it's come at the expense of George Shewitt a little bit his past few weeks he was the

sub and then really poor on the weekend so I think they're just trying to figure out what to do

with that fourth midfield a cherror obviously missed with the hamstring he'll be back in a few weeks but

it's still kind of cryptswashed cherror and then that fourth almost Oli Wines kind of role yeah

maybe it's Matthew Kennedy's world now and and George Shewitt's the guy who's going to be either the

sub or the guy off the bench who I think the two of them have always battled it out for that

possible opportunity to go 80 plus and the other ends up being 50 60 and right now Kennedy's kind

of winning out yeah no I agree so yeah two good for the podcast based on scoring I'll give it to him

but I think they're still like something to rethink maybe when cherror comes back as well and

how they actually decide to structure their midfield of next few weeks because yeah it's clear

that that something's not going right for Carlton whatever they're doing right now and they might

need to you know make some changes going forward as well um the only other one is Mark pitnet 79 points

just want to highlight that ever since he's come in he's taken everything away from he has on the

counting and you know all the things that people are getting excited about they're just about

injury helps that to extend as well I think that would love Tom DeCone to be more of a raft by

that's true they need that forward option so pitnets the guy yeah maybe Tom DeCone is a

biolo for next year in your keep leaves when Silvani does come back onto the Collingwood versus Adelaide

game let's get your thoughts on the run too far at the end of the ground how many steps was it was

it the right call I was always pretty confident that it was the right call I know it's that an

inconsistent call yeah but it was in the moment he taken the bounce at Sennahwing and ended up at

the attacking edge of the square and I immediately messaged our ABC group chat and kind of said

look center squares 50 meters so it's basically run 25 yeah it ended up being 24.2 so there was massive

vindication I was stoked with that but frustrating for for crow's fans they've had four decisions over

the last two years go against them in tight games and my my argument to that is they're in those

positions because they're still not quite good enough to match it with the best anyway yeah but it

doesn't make it any better as a fan knowing that you could have nabbed a pretty big win and you've

lost an opportunity to I think for crow's fans are the positive signs there that you're getting within

these big close-ups this year's a bit of a stagnant year yeah like they're hopefully

to going to take the next step this next year I mean the reports today are that there's a big

money offer for Elliott Yorl that coming through so I don't mind that complimenting their midfield

yeah yeah from from a crow's perspective I think they're on their eyes the ranken injuries very

frustrating though from that play to do his hamstring and be out three weeks because he was on a

role in terms of his champion data ratings and from a fantasy perspective that you know carried

over as well he was scoring quite comfortably in it in a very limited option forward line well on

that topic I think we've got to make a ranken too good for the podcast if we hadn't made him already

because yeah it's just a pity he's done that string up not sure the severity of it but you know he'll

be back for you for a weekend about three weeks so after the buy yeah I feel for a doccy that was his

unique peek in his super coach team he was going to actually just got him in super coach oh no yeah

there's a full strike there damn that sucks um I'll look we'll look at Colin wood real quickly but

Jack Chris had 118 points so now officially too good for the podcast because he's had those three big

scores what are your thoughts with Mitchell being out at the moment do you think he even comes back

into Mitchell or do you think they're more comfortable with Jack Chris on the half-back line still

side-bottom has been playing on the half-back flight so it's kind of forced a bit of a structure what do

you think Colin wood's ideal structure in terms with Jack Chris but their midfield is and maybe

Mitchell potentially coming back in I still think they they rotate their midfield through the year

to get to September and when you talk about the ideal combination um for me Nick Daikos has to be in

there but at times they've opted against it DeGoey I love him in terms of um the electricity that he

brings the dash and the the burst of energy and Pendabri at his best is is amazing but again for his

age they're going to have to monitor that so 93% time in the middle of the game but he's not going to

have that every weekend because it just will burn him out so Chris will get minutes around what's

happening because I think Tom Mitchell's best as a sub yeah um and he's going to get games where he'll

play full game time to give someone else a chop out but I think he's the last one in that line of

some stars you just rattled off and DeGoey the last few weeks out through injury and then didn't

get a single CBA on the weekend that that will change so the big score from the weekend for Jack

Chris um isn't going to be there consistently because I still think DeGoey comes back into that

mix at times yeah um so for me it's DeGoey Daikos Pendabri um you rotate a Mitchell or a crisp

through that after yeah fair enough yeah I think Tom Mitchell owners would be pretty worried um yeah it

does seem like there's a bit of what I call the fossil rotation as well as a husk and Elliott

Pendabri has been subbed out like there's been a bit of a rotation with a few of those older players

as well which probably doesn't bode well for uh well you can fantasy leagues when especially you don't

play loop holes or anything like that it can be a bit tricky when players get and subbed out um

the other one for the crow is Luke Nankervus um I've got 79 points here but I think it was more than that

in the end um but for me he just looks like a fantasy type um I think he took quite a few marks in that

game feel those were contested as well who do you think like is he the guy that would replace

Brody Smith long term do you think I love this kid I'm surprised every time I see him to he's gonna

play his 12th game on the weekend like for me he feels like a 2030 at least kind of game I think he

debuted against the uh against Colin Wood last year didn't he he's got just so much

composure for a kid and understands that half back role very well which is you've got to have a

burst of speed off the line you got to be damaging and penetrating with your kick down the wings and

he's got all of that so I really like his potential for yeah guy that's only played 11 games and

yeah he got 87 in the end on the weekend and it was a career high 11 marks so yeah he's

building slowly like for me he's a 67 he's guy right now but hopefully next year he pushes into

yeah though you know the best of a Jack Chris ball what we're seeing a little bit out of Josh

War all before we got injured yeah he can be an 80 plus kind of player yeah I've got him on my

rook list in my keep legs so that means I've got two years of him for free so I'm pretty happy with that one

let's move on to the Giants versus the Western Bulldogs what do you think's going on with the Giants

right now I don't know I haven't honestly seen a lot of their games the last few weeks because for me

they were easily it felt like a Sydney kind of Giants yeah Derby two best final yeah and I don't know

what's happened the last few weeks for them to fall away like the um Canelia was injured for a bit now

Josh Kelly's out yeah he was more of an outside guy not as damaging as what they've seen

I'm not entirely sure Toby Greens had a really off year just not as damaging as he normally can be

yeah isn't the scoreboard is comfortably so yeah I'm not quite sure what the the turnaround has been

I've got to put a spotlight on them to be honest this weekend because yeah we've got to figure out

what's going on there yeah definitely I've got no idea I didn't get to see too much of this game

the twilight games are always difficult for me but um we'll move on to some players Nick Haynes 115 points

he's on the bubble for two good for the podcast he just kind of floats across that half-back flank takes

grabs I've been saying on the podcast for a few weeks I completely disregarded his VFL form because

I was just like this guy's not going to come back in you know come back into the scene you're team but

including his VFL numbers I think he's had something like four or five last tons out of his last five

games or something like that as well VFL said this year the four games he's played three of them have

gone 80 plus 90 and 110 so yeah and we haven't really looked at Isaac coming yet either

he's been out injured for the whole year so maybe he ends up holding that spot yeah yeah I just

wanted to keep monitoring but if you scores like that again next week you know the 80 plus is too

good for the podcast um the big one uh there is Ed Richards so uh Jordy Flag team last week as the

new libra uh I like it 97 points uh on the weekend actually I think yeah 68 half-time there's

both loves him yeah he's been trying to get him in the midfield mix all year yeah he's been kind of

floating through and obviously the expense of a Jack McCray and yeah now you're right libra out

with the concussion indefinitely is kind of release the shackles to give him fully a go yeah

he's caching in on it so if you've got Ed Richards you'd be uh pretty happy he's pretty close to

too good for the podcast as well I think it was particularly impressive that Jodie Baster generally

that midfield is pretty hard to score against turns of fantasy points and like I think I think

anyone for the dogs been over 100 in this game as well so for Ed Richards to be the top scorer

like if he comes up against like a west coast or you know north Melbourne or something like that

yeah could have see had you long give away points in the midfield absolutely feast a Richmond even

we'll talk about your target in a second can we not um the other Sam Darcy as well like I think he's

almost too good for the podcast as well 86 points just an amazing season he's happy just I think

we kind of knew being an early picky was eventually going to be this good but it was just a matter of

when and another kind of throwback to bevo in the sense that um playing so many different roles

over the last year yeah floating down back occasionally getting a go forward and finally gets a

proper crack at it just kicking goals at ease every single week the only downside I guess is

he's I've looked at some of the numbers through the last couple of days he's not going to get

rock status yeah so he was just stay forward now do you think he's one of those players that benefits

from going into the ruckus do you think it hinders him you know moving away from the goals and things

like that it's a little bit of extra points and he's good around the ground yeah yeah I don't mind it

um but yeah he's kind of bigger scores have been when he's had you know four or five goals so

you probably do want him to stay at the stage yeah that's what must my thoughts I used to love the

idea of the ruck forward but now I'm thinking they're better off staying forward the more I look at

the lute Jackson yeah exactly oh there you go but maybe not the uh maybe not the case uh there um

thank you to versus free man tool maybe not speaking off um not a lot to talk about here either

I think it's just getting that stage in the season where we've kind of unearthed all the players we

need to talk about but Josh battle has been playing forward the last few weeks but he's gone back

into fences where he can still have 87 points so I think he's just taking grabs and you know I don't

know what do you think I like a good swing man yeah yeah yeah play multiple roles and find the

footy especially in a st. Kilda lineup that's so stagnant with his ball move yeah um if he is

able to get around the ground and do multiple things that certainly helps his viability because

if you're stuck in defense at the saints it's sometimes it's easy with your plus sixes but um you

know yeah really imposing yourself on a game at all are you no no really um what are your thoughts on

Matthew Johnson so 84 points so I'm used as like an inside mid more last season when five was

out of the team five's come back and it's kind of pushed him out to a wing they've got someone like

Nathan O'Drisco I think he's not far away from playing who's an outside top that I think they're one

X ballad rasmus like we're just going he's just well in the waffle is put in a huge numbers as well

so well I think I don't think they played on the weekend I think there's a stake down

first pick that kind of been waiting to finally break through but I think he's had back to back like

big scores in the waffle as well so there's a few players like that what are your thoughts on him

does he have upside Matthew Johnson I think so yeah these young he's scoring well the issue I guess

is that three manals midfield was a whole is so young so it's a wrong brace sure and young are

going to be there for indefinitely probably the next six seven years so five's the one that leaves

the gap yes like is he the is he the next inside guy or do they roll with someone else or do they

try on rasmus it's yeah I'm not entirely sure I think they've got a lot of options at least which is

handy I guess for Matthew Johnson's sense he's not too bad when he does rotate forward a little bit

so I guess that maybe that's to his detriment from a fantasy perspective because maybe a rasmus can't

do that yeah I think they've played a rasmus on the outside of fear bit sometimes when we've he has

been given a go yeah sweet kowtseek is the other one he's attacking machine he flies a lot of

pressure when he's put in so he's been out of the moment but yeah there's a couple of options to

kind of take that fourth spot yeah there's an interesting it's an interesting mix with Freemet

it's like one you can't really you know you know you've got a crystal ball I'd love to tell you

the answer to it but yeah we just have to wait and see how that one actually pans out we're kind of

getting halfway through the round of view so I'll just take the time just thanks some goal members

just firstly huge thank you to all the members well the new people that have signed up during the

week there's been a handful of new members sign up hearing the call because yeah like it's

honestly this podcast doesn't go ahead without members signing up to support it because it's the

only reason I can find the time to actually do this week in week out and do all the content

that's associated with it so just a huge heartfelt thank you to those people that have signed up

and I emailed quite a few of them as well personally just to say thanks but the 15th first 15

goal members to read out thank you to Aaron Timiny Aaron Luzlett Tom Carey Tom Seagram Adam LeVaz

Evan Brumbi Ryan Daniel was footy Ryan I what a legend Brad Holland who's a good madame

as well J.O.D Hunter Andrew Hutchin Cam Fox echo echo an interesting name Jason Miller Matt Nash Ben

M and Isaac Henry thank you so much to all those goal members who have signed up to support the show

all right you said you wanted to avoid this part but here we go look Brisbane Lions versus Richmond

did you watch it I saw bits of it do you find a tricky to watch your team when they're in a state like

this a little bit but I'm also kind of conditioned to it yeah okay it's a funny one that you have a

short term memory because Richmond had so much success yeah in the late you know trutans but I grew

up in the Terry Wallace era so yeah I'm very accustomed to Richmond being terrible yeah and knowing

kind of but at least during that Wallace era we were competitive and I think we only had like one

spoon during that time whereas this this feels like West Coast two years ago yeah definitely it's a

little it's still a little bit of a shock to me that with there's so many injuries yeah so they're

basically playing with 29 active guys so you're not getting your kids any game time because they're

off the bench the margins are so bad yeah and then there's the rumblings of senior players getting off

as elsewhere and and yeah West Coast will like this a few years ago and I guess I've got to learn from

what their supporters went through and kind of just copied on the chin because I still kind of

look back to 2017 when I was lucky enough to go to the grand final didn't think we'd win and we got

it yeah and I just kind of said to all my friends look we never have to win another game again

to experience this and a lot of people don't thank you would offense having for a long time free

offense never have so yeah it's really awful kind of being a Richmond supporter right now because

we're just terrible and miserable but it's the highs and lows of football right absolutely it's

not fun if you win all the time I don't know what it being a gelong supporter would be like but

I think to have a hardship and then win a flag just makes it so much more better so yeah 100%

yeah I'm happy to ride this through well I think there's a couple of takes in this first one is like I

attribute some of my funnest times at the footy is when like that oh wait to 2012 period where

port were terrible because it's just your expectation you rock up have a laugh about how shit you are

like talking mates about it especially like when you know we had that that time we had a flag in

the last like five years time things that was about time to go through it it ended up being a bit

shitter than it probably was but I still found it like a still not a bad time to go to footy

I think it's more frustrating when you should be winning and you're not winning like you think you've

got a good team we had a period there like 2018 19 20 where for so long I didn't know what it was like

to be the favorite yeah exactly you're on edge every single game because you're supposed to win as

you said and I don't mind going in with no expectations sometimes and just hoping for the best I

think it's worth like worse being a top four team like port out for the last probably four years

you know and then just not getting there like you know that sometimes even worse like it was way

Melbourne type thing as well even though they did jag one so I got that glass of full aspect of

that is tazzy's coming in and for in four years times that was my second point if you're

bottoming out right now as Hawthorne West Coast North and Richmond are doing the hope is that you pick

up the promising first round as before you cannot yep and then you know the sides that are up top

right now who fall away yeah I'm looking at lists like the Giants I think they're going to have like

canilio kelly will be gone by the time tazzy comes in yeah and then they can't get picks to

replenish that that's my greatest fear because we've given up so many first rounders to get you

know Hawthorne so I think we can go back up a first round of this year I think you don't have one

coming up yeah exactly like it's three years without a first round it's bloody scary with tazmania

coming in given how hard it was to even pick up players when we were boarding me out when gold

coats and jitters came and we still were only getting like you know lucky to get Chad Wingard at pick five

and things like that so scary time for those teams that are up the top now especially if you don't

jag a flag but anyway onto the game itself I don't think we can take too much out of this like

game in terms of scores to be honest like I'm going to just going to say this like plain and simple

there's richman factor when you play richman now you win just 100 points exactly just dominating

position so khaloeman 99.4 goals had him on field in super coach this week's I'm pretty happy with

that dazzy we want 96 points kind of a can of 94 points jack pain even though he's like

he's had a really off year hasn't he but it did it last week didn't he as well against text he took

a stack of lots of people much better yeah so to that I remember doing in my prep I thought

you know as to your jack pain was pushing towards all the Australian then how well he was with his

intercept marking yeah he just hadn't seen that this year maybe that's a reason why Brisbane have

been struggling a bit that Harris andries has had to hold the load but you're right he was a lot

better in the draw against the crows and yeah back that up this week yeah so he might be one to be

looking at but you know we've seen so many key defenders put up back to back like Marquay and

earlier on the season was you know scoring huge and then you know putting up 40s and 50s so like

nothing to get too excited I honestly can't pick anything out of this game like the best score for

Richmond was Nan Curves just a real nothing game the only thing you take out of is just stream your

players against against the Tiger see got all yes and players I've got Archie Perkins joy

called well I think I've got another one in my team is that merit needs a big score actually this

could be the weekend for absolutely so yeah if you got in making captain this week maybe

Essin and versus North Melbourne speaking of the bombers Peter right I'm just going to tip the

cap against him 115 points on the back of four goals probably not too much to talk about the

more interesting ones of players like Archie Perkins 100 points he's actually averaging 98 points

when Darcy Parish doesn't play so even that said though he's showing signs of taking a leap at the

moment do you think he becomes one of the elite kind of fantasy players going forward I want him

to be because you're right when he gets that opportunity grabs it pretty comfortably and Durham

didn't play as much in the middle because I think he heard his show during that game so the the

issue with the bombers that I have is they're very open and honest that they're trying to recruit a

big name midfielder when they've already got there's a lot of energy field chill and then Perkins and

Durham trying to force their way in cordwells on the outside yeah like they've got and Hobbes Hobbes

isn't even getting time I think they've got so many midfield options and they're still trying to find

another yeah it just worries me about those kids because Durham is he I feel like he's their best

midfield yeah I think so so it's the merits the game winner yeah but Durham's the hard body who's

you know tackling intensive forcing turnovers like I love Sam Durham yeah I just want them to

to go all in on him yeah no I'm not sure what Brad Scott is kind of thinking in terms of the depth

around that midfield because they've got so many names and he just doesn't seem set yeah on what it is

if anything they probably need another key forward role like target up forward if anything but

uh I like Darcy Parish's supplier yeah I'd actually do find that when he's not in the side they look

a little better I agree yeah definitely so interesting one Archie Perkins watch to see what happens

with Parish this week if he is out again and then Archie Perkins kind of takes over again there could

be a big score in the cards might be around one top score from Archie Perkins Mac wealthy kick three

goals squad 80 points like he wasn't playing that tagging role I don't think this week so he's just

more so one to watch when you've got like a half back flanker type that is a ball winner to he'll

probably nullify them yeah in terms of games but seemed like he wasn't actually playing the tagging

role this week and the other one is Charlie Combin like just had back to back 70 plus scores

plays that intercept role like just maybe one to look at as a as a forward although I wouldn't feel

comfortable playing him each week I think north is you never can stream them because they never

get the prime time games early on the week and I just wanted to have a check so different

looks still quite a while away yeah so he's probably still gonna hold down that tall body down back

for at least the next half of the year I think Clarke likes him too like and they've been kind of

playing like they they spent the preseason kind of prepping in for this role because he used to

play as a forward obviously well there was that opportunity with Coleman Jones out to flip him

back forward one time yeah that's what I call the trigger on yeah yeah so yeah it didn't happen moving on

to the probably the match of the round and Port-Alien versus Hawthorne which you were lucky enough to

be in the country box for a few players here say Jason Horn Francis back to back 100 plus scores but

coincided with Rosie out wines came out of the game early do you think he can be more consistent from

now on let's say Rosie comes back next week does he fall away again entirely up to Ken Hinkley

really and I'm not totally sold on it yet I mentioned this the other day I think that he reminds me of

Caleb Sarong remember for a few years it felt like he was gonna be the next big thing but he just

kept averaging 80 or 90 he was stuck around just underneath that over premium mark in a couple of years

I went on him early started with him thinking this was the year and he just never took that step

and finally out of nowhere he just did and then this year he's backed it up and gone even better

and an old Francis has all the makings so when he's given a go he puts that team on his back he was

the best player out there on Sunday he was the only one really fighting for all four quarters but

it stood up at the end but on Francis was the one who was desperate the whole time yeah and I think

you know the sign is like other teams actually pay him attention like and I find this really strange

because this kind of going off topic but no one has tagged Sarong yet this season weird like yeah no

one has really gone to him and shut him down problem yeah Bracio has been more outside and winged

yeah they've got a young and stuff like that like it's a bit crazy but all Francis is in that similar

mode I think it's just a matter of time yeah the weird thing is so horn Francis is in their best midfield

mix as it's rosy in bothers that's it's very scary trifecta so they don't play them together yeah it's

always winds in or drew in alongside two of them yeah I get it to kind of spread the load and maybe

make sure they're all damaging when they get their chances but maybe Ken inkles kind of waiting till

September to unleash them all together but there's going to be a period of attack type thing it's

just timing that run there's going to be a period where he goes yep it's now and horn Francis the

shackles are off in a way you go and he's a hundred averaging player as soon as he gets that he just

needs 60 to 70 percent midfield time yeah he's away I'm just I just don't have any confidence right now

like Razzie said Rosie's coming back in one's will play on the weekend and Ken inkley just hasn't

kind of giving him free rein as of yet yeah no it's a yeah it's fun it's just you just got to wait

for him to like he's what's in his 30 year now he'll average over 80 this year probably

I mean I hope so yeah Ken pulls the trigger around round 20 and then heading into next year we know

what we're getting and he's still going to be pretty affordable yeah hopefully that's the case um

Travis Boca just want to flag scored 107 points on the weekend and credit to our Jordy Decentre who

flagged this last weekend he's starting forward a lot more um really in the percentages are in his

failure yeah probably gonna get dpv yeah so yeah that's the one he's in your waver right now or if like

the coach he owns him isn't paying attention they might want to sell high on him on a half

hundred and seven points or something like that as well um yeah definitely want to be paying

attention to because when he gets that four status it's gonna be pretty handy I think and he won't be

he won't be midfield all the time but there will be injuries there will be players rested there

will be bits and pieces going deep leagues were forward options are very limited yeah no 70s

guys great yeah 100% yeah and he's gonna be that guy I think he's had 70s most weeks this year so I

think he's averaging around that mark maybe even so high 70s 75ish um jace burgoin 100 points on the

weekend I want to hear your thoughts on him because like he does seem to be the fans you type but is

he a damaging player that port would want to keep rolling out what are your thoughts on I'm up to bid on

was it Luke Dan Kerver sir yeah but jace burgoin yeah has my attention he's three of his last four

scores have been excellent I know he had one bad game in the mix of that but showed out of things the

two wing spots were kind of up for grabs in the absences avia doors more heading into this year Travis

broke pretty much had one and then burgoin's kind of nabbed the other and miles burgoin kind of floats

through yeah what we traditionally as seeing is um when jace has the outside wing and burgoin's

on the broadcast side burgoin will float back to play the half back roll and jace is more of the

attacker yeah so which means he he gets that outside ball out of stoppage he's kicking inside 50 and

he's taking marks in open territory like he just runs a lot yeah um gives me a little bit of kind of

Clayton Oliver vibes in he just finds little pockets to take a little 45 mark yeah contested moves

the ball yeah he's very much the connector yeah I really like him because he's so young I think he's

20 and yeah um the potential is so high for this guy that he's shown us he's sealing very early yeah

it's probably not going to be there every single week but if we're getting 70 plus from this guy

right now you'd want to invest I think the biggest issue is we're going to see probably mid only

next season yeah which makes him a little bit less desirable but depends what happens with

the half backs and things like that but yeah that's the only flag mid only who's averaging 70 80

could be like a Xavier Dursma and and you never really want to commit to that correct and yeah

committed to Xavier Dursma for far too long that's for sure um came farrell 93 points he's always

close to uh to give the podcast he's just taking a big step up in the kick-ins uh this year it seems

like because he does have that super boot they kind of give him the reins and especially on a wet

weather gag very accurate when he goes along that's one of boot of forward so he seems to take them all

at the moment um for the hawks not a lot to talk about I guess we talk about hard week but he's

technically too good for the podcast but and again he's role is just a little bit hard to judge well

the guy he owns in L.A. didn't play in this week um just because of what he's been done the last few

weeks and then goes forward kicks five we think going forward against port adlight and again that was

supposed to get smashed he shouldn't have scored what he did so the one thing I will say is like I

back him in every time he's got a set shot he's going amazing kick so that's the other thing he's

coming back like yeah stays forward which you know probably does hurt his scoring I know he kicked

five and had a really big score but that's not happening every week no for sure but there will be

games where he kicks backs that's okay um massimo damn brosio had 92 points plan on the wing like his

good scores a few and five between you probably want him on that half back line where players like

aim on a scoring okay type thing but he's just not getting it but I think with some like damn

brosio he's yeah just gonna be on that wings his scoring is gonna fluctuate I think it does help

aim on because I think when he was out or getting subbed out I'm gonna move up to the wing and just

be a bit nothing the issue with the hawks right now is from a fantasy perspective actually don't

think it's an issue on field they've dropped that slowball movement so that was why we were getting

so many high scores from that and so far the yeah the aim on that they're they're really aggressive

now yeah their pressure around the ball is electric which is exactly why port adlight capitulated

early on yeah they're happy to kind of transition with a bit of dare so that probably hurts their

scoring a little bit but it makes them funer to watch do you agree with the cancorns that's our

same mature was the best coach in the competition I don't know about best coach in the competition

clearly hasn't been watching a lot of Sydney but I do think he doesn't get as much credit as he

kind of deserves to be sure like if you look at the record since he's come on board they haven't

really fallen away yeah and arguably the way that they're they're looking and the wins they've

already had they will improve this season and probably reach you know seven to eight victories

yeah and he's done it with like being pretty aggressive in terms of the rebuild getting ridden from

senior players stuff like that as well so yeah yeah I think they haven't totally bottomed out which they

should have yeah he's done pretty well to turn that list around pretty quickly again you probably

should do bottom out with tazi coming in but anyway just stuck up on this draft fix but whatever

onto the west coast versus Melbourne game a bit of a bit of a shock here feel for the Melbourne

supporters I mentioned the port cause like I'll put out later put off this amazing highest and now

they're they're going to be a game outside the four yeah no just assumed Melbourne would win yeah

it just didn't happen yeah well no I don't think that's an unfair call though like I think most

nine and a half percent of people out there thought that would have happened but which means

port went from ninth to fourth in purely off west coast performance yeah 100% we had a bit of a

joke waterman saga a few weeks ago three weeks ago we said don't read into his form now he's going to win

the common he's gonna get close he's already took off the podcast but I don't know the European

is do you think he'd be a sell high candidate how do you think he's going to go in future years or do

you seem being like a kerno type forward that can average 80 plus most west is they've been yeah very

impressed with how he's come along obviously it's happened on the field and we can see that but by

unclosed doors yeah the work that he's been putting in the confidence he's now got yeah he's

probably the next jack darling so the plan obviously is Oscar Allen will come back and then you got

your twin towers back up there for west coast once again and yeah Kennedy darling now being waterman

and Alan so the next question is when another big body like Oscar gets in there as they go with those

leading lanes do they get in each other's path is he going to be the primary target probably not

which means he's not going to have that massive ceiling of five six goals regularly like I did the

man the numbers today in the build up to Adelaide west coast on Sunday that I think he's kicked

more so his career best total in a season he's kicked more than that in the last five weeks

yeah he said something like 28 goals in five games it's in same what he's been able to do it's just not

it's just not reliable yeah like you can't keep doing that at some point it's got to come back down

and that'll probably when Oscar returns so would you be selling high on him if you owned him

it would you be backing him in again it totally depends on your league so if you quite deep with

forwards and then you know options are limited just hold because he's a he's a good forward

and he's still going to be a 70 plus guy if there's other players around anything you can get something

good yeah sell high because I don't see him be a hundred sky like we've been seeing this past month

he's a type of player I could see like him being like an extra like people keep maybe their five

four is not expecting someone like him to be in their top five so they do have a fifth float around

and stuff like that so you might be able to you know trade him out from these he's a better option

than max king I'll say that and that's not from a potential on field like a king will obviously be

a great forward yeah yeah but from a fantasy perspective waterman just finds more of the footies

better contested so yeah yeah I like him again I played max king two weeks before this two weeks

in a row thinking he'd beat up hand it looked good in North Melbourne and stuff like that and uh

was lucky to put up a 50 most of the time yeah yeah that's the thing um and yes thank you

would I just a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a rebel yeah absolutely uh jack darling was the

other one you mentioned in there here down 11 points kick three goals just a tip of the cap

just has to kick goals score and it's just not gonna happen as regularly although west coast

maybe over in the west they might be you know putting up some more consistent performances going

forward wait and see Jamie creeps is the other one 105 points like this is best score of the year

but he's been serviceable year like a lot of those 70 types of scores could do worse do you think

like some like petracelli being out just helps him just eat up a few more points in that four line or

yeah 32 year old as well so like he's he's nearing the end of his career so yeah almost a senior leader

I can't see anyone taking his spot which is handy like yeah even if you look at the performance on

sunday um the bottom end of west coast 23 had a lot of guys that didn't do a lot so yeah um there's

the you know Jamie creeps is still gonna be that senior player that will get a lot of the footy purely

because he's trustworthy and can direct traffic so yeah yeah I don't mind him as a little option

for a one-year punt but yeah keep a perspective I wouldn't worry about him yeah not a future option

but yeah he might be a handy for though you know just to trade in for depth for those teams that are

contending um Brady Hoff though speaking the players that would be good for the future 93 points

is just good to see him put up a good score plays the right role for fantasy I wasn't really sure why

like he scored so well probably just the game suited him the match up whatever because he's got

really good 40 smarts as well yeah the issue I guess when we saw him even when he started was

just getting a bit more mass on him so it was really more competitive because he does get smashed in

can contest a defensive one-on-one last week he went out injured or almost got yes obviously a

special heavy but yet from a footy perspective he knows what he's doing where to be around the

ground and and how to find a lot of the ball yeah so that that's the next natural step is to just

get a bigger body if someone like yo does move on that probably clears a path for duggin in the midfield

a lot more yeah and then he could be you know the main guy across that path bank as well um

highly read I just want to touch on this only the 79 points but people say he's gonna be super

coach only but my goodness the quality is there I think I think he just needs to lift the volume of

touches he gets and being a first-year player that's gonna go up like it's a it's a funny one because

I sound like a broken record but everyone always referred to him as the next dust and mime yeah and

I was like no he's own player you know he's still very damaging around stoppage and break away but

it's not just the fend-offs I get that's a mirror image of dusty but it's got some of those roles

it's just how damaging he is out of the middle and the ability to hit the scoreboard yeah he has all

the makings of what we saw in Dustin Martin which is a guy that at his best from a fantasy perspective

was a hundred averaging players so like Harley Reid will get there and get there quickly and

he's gonna have the odd game where he doesn't have as many touches as he touched on because he's more

like 20 touches three goals yeah but um there's gonna be games yeah where he has 30 and he he leads

the way for West Coast and it's gonna happen very quickly there was all this talk earlier on

on the season um who do I take with my first pick is a read is a mccurcher is a sanders and like

if you got any of those guys right now you'd be super happy I think there's no problem and they're all

so good in their own right yeah mcurched that half-back role is yes so fruitful for points but he

will eventually rotate through the middle be like she's a contested beast so his tackling is gonna be

great and he's a very high disposal winner could be like Harley Reid's deal thought yeah Harley

Reid's the every man yeah can he can be anything on any given day yep so yeah now you'd be happy with

any of those so I'm hoping some of those people that were so worried about their first round picture

at ease now the other ones Alex Neil bull and um 86 points on the weekend keep the goal but he's

moved into the midfield a lot more recently I didn't check up on his numbers I meant to they I remember

last week he had a huge number because Petraka went forward and I think in this game as well he

spent some more time in the midfield two 27% I reckon yeah so a bit less on the on the 52 the

Centiode last week but still that's his second highest attended game in the midfield for the season so

just another one to to look at if people coaches aren't paying attention you might be able to

get a sneaky trade in there all over the shop aren't they like they don't know what the

Petraka forward role like they kind of need it because that forward line isn't functioning without

him yeah be right it's opened up opportunities in the midfield but they're not as imposing as they

used to be there yeah like Neil bull and Skrad as the outside run and penetrating kick into the 50

but yeah you'd want Christian in there yeah the thing is like two weeks ago like I thought Melbourne had

no issues like they're looking prime and it's just how things can flip so quickly and it's the same

deal for fans he plays as well like Petraka probably goes back into the midfield next week and

Neil bull and goes forward again and you know everything goes back to normal say the weird one the

game over the weekend was Thomas Barrow so like he's consistently been almost the fourth guy in

yeah and didn't see a single cent about on the weekend yeah probably is wide Neil bull and

got to go Salem came back as well and he saw some yeah so that was a weird one that for a young guy who

pretty much had played the Clayton Oval role for a long period of last year yeah just to be

ceremonially dumped yeah out of the blue because a superstar came back who usually plays in the back

one yeah I don't really know what happened there yeah well that happened earlier on the season then

Barrow was missing out so it's just so strange so yeah they I think they're just trying everything at

the moment and just trying to find their best mix for the you know coming forward just aside that

played in a grand final and won a premiership a few years ago like just really lost and you speak

about like the lack of forward options for them but they didn't have any in that that season they

won the flag either so I'm barely Fritch was there Matt go to go exactly just like the smaller tall

yeah like I understand opposition teams now pay more attention to players like him but yeah you

just got to figure it out and I don't know that's probably why I'm not in a good grand was never the answer

yeah never never the answer um that's uh for the round rewind just reading out the rest of the gold

members for the week thank you to Ben Straun Aiden Wedge James Un'sworth Matt turkish pull done

Craig Middleditch Tim McCauliffe Jesse Stratch Sam Cullen WG Charlie Low Rahul base Samuel Walker

Adrian Street Doe Young and Daniel O Brian all right we've got about 10 minutes to go so we'll

push through the questions didn't get any questions this week so it should be over pretty quickly

but um first question comes from Perex what are your thoughts on God himself patty down

trot 50 something points in the first half and then less than 10 in the second we have a lot of

new listeners this year so um a lot of people coming over from Tik Tok and stuff like that so if you've

never checked out the patty down song before um do yourself a favor at some of DOS's finest work

almost a cult figure amongst the fantasy community isn't he oh from that video definitely

what are your thoughts on patty do a dour and is like midfield you know um potential at st.

kilter what do you think i'm not totally sold like yeah we'll give him some leeway in the sense that

he's been playing a lot of vfl 40 and finally gets a send you go and you're right yet you know

50 something points in the first half is excellent and faded away probably conditioning but um

the issue with the st. is that Brad Krauch is coming back soon they're really not sold on their

midfield mix which is hurting them over this past month yeah that's the reason they're chasing

look davis uniacus jack stealers they're only kind of good mid and wind huggers coming along to an

extent but still very young so like dour will get opportunities this year but Krauch will be back

by the time the buys get going and then um he probably drops down to interchange or sub and

we're back to the patty dour we know and love yeah exactly um but he's i will say his first half did

look buddy good so i was getting pretty excited there for a while but i think it just coincides with

the like the the st. kieldeside as well i just they fell away and you know places feel opposed

another one that yeah um bros just hasn't given the keys to and at some point needs to give him a

goal or he's gonna leave yeah he still hasn't signed on and south is trailian boy you know people will

come asking absolutely so yeah interesting one but uh yeah i think it's a wait and see with patty dour

as it always is um Ben Blake asks and you're the perfect perfect person for this one being a

richman supporter is jade and short finish what's going on with him what perfect person because i

own him as well i thought him into ex-go thinking gee this guy is underpriced and he has been miserable

yeah um it's not even so much the lack of kick-ins but he just used to it's an it's an attitude thing

yeah richman are just doing poorly and the ball is coming in that defense hot all the time um he

should be at least be able to get some marks in plus sixes across the half-backline coming out of

what is usually a behind um but yeah there's just no run from him yeah it doesn't seem to be eager to

try and force any sort of ball he's not used to been down and out like when he kind of broke into the

side like richman wore just on the up you know it was just after kind of basher hoolly uh there was

some talk as well after the game on the weekend that the senior leaders of the tigers are a bit unsure

what the ball movement plan actually is under uzae which is very worrying yeah that is why the

coaching staff need to clarify what the game plan actually is so maybe there's a bit of that

that this they just don't know where to be positionally yeah and there's a lot of kids out there still

fresh but short yeah i just kind of thought um a guy that's usually reliable for an 80 plus to get

him in at a basement price um he just hasn't backed it up he's gotten worse as an owner are you holding

or are you looking to offload get what you can next in this week yeah that's a pretty easy move what

about like keep a leagues and stuff like that where you're probably not gonna get that sort of do i've

got him in my keep a league in the afl fantasy and yeah he he still starts because i think the

potential to to have a high ceiling game is still there yeah it's just is gonna be unreliable his values

just way too low to try to play like that as well you should i'm back for in this keep a league that i'm

currently and i've got cissly nick martin nick blakey and jayden short and next best in is like

chase jones or is that quay and all it's like you've just got a he's he's still got the potential

as your fourth defender like that's you can carry that it's got to keep it yeah it depends what the

makeup of your team is but like i would i never sell low on these guys because you just always

comes back to buy yeah i'd rather just run them into the ground and watching retire on you

yeah but just use him as a loop hop yeah just play him off the bench yeah yeah then rather than

someone else reaping the rewards for it and you're not gonna get anything back anyway um jayson

mel is asking some dpp projections Travis boke we flagged earlier on in the in the um program uh

Liam henry's been playing forward a little bit more as well there's like a few players that i

gonna be handy like i'm fighting this season forward mids and offensive mids so handy because i'm

struggling to fill out my midfield line yeah but this is nothing on the wave wars all the mids have

gone but like i can throw someone like jay called well into my midfield and i've got enough 70

average kind of forward type guys or like you know um yeah chase bergoyne's another one um who will

get mid status and to throw someone like him like yeah my team is just all made up of dpp players

except for like my main three midfield really and uh yeah it's it's working well because like you

know if people are injured or whatever i'm not struggling to find players like the rest of my league

is like say yeah like i think they're worth actually used to think someone getting mid status who cares

but i think it's way more valuable this season given the dpp the mids when i think a lot of

leagues used to play um utilities as well where no one really plays utilities where you can't play

utilities anymore filling out those seven mids in every team in the a4 fantasy format it's a bit trickier

just point out the list so yeah boke mid forward archie mid forward carol mid forward jack welleams

will get rock but not worth your investment yeah the richets and bergoyne ones getting mid probably

doesn't help you but it's at least it's handy i had helped but i got bergoyne that helps me yeah um

and then ainsworth's gonna get mid forward as well so it's not he's playing a lot with the biggest

headline there otherwise yeah richets and bergoyne handy but doesn't from a classic perspective i guess

you're not chasing those guys in a field it's not gonna be like a big um you know you know

the effective one like the last lot was i think we've got most of the big ones out of the way

and we're just trying out for more forwards and it just hasn't yeah no definitely um and the

last ones are ryan mils are mich owen's worth keeping is this look at some of these numbers he showed

some glimpses on the weekend i think two goals early on in the game and then you just see this young

player who's such a unique type of player as well like can be it could be a key forward they use

him as a rockman sometimes like which is crazy but i think long term he needs to be an inside mid

filter and it's just it's just biting his time until he's at that level like what is he 30 years

got a catch of crypts kind of sized to him one ninety three exactly 90 kilos so you know put

him a little bit more mass and he could be around the mark but yeah he he's dropped off a little

bit in terms of his fanny fantasy um early in the year he wasn't hitting the scoreboard as comfortably

and he's just sposed the numbers are slightly down so and say qdder just worse off like that's the

thing right and a lot of us just to do with the form of the team as well so yeah i'm not sure about

Mitch again it it totally depends on your situation i think if you're in a smaller um

draft or keeper league then you can probably afford to let him go yeah it's depth um you know quite

deep just hold depends where your team situated like in a dynasty league i've got him and i want

to add a last three flags and it's probably time i start the rebuild and i'm holding on to him no

worries like i'm happy with that sort of stuff if you're in a shallower league like again if you're

a contender maybe someone you drop if you are down the bottom someone worth keeping i think it

all just pans on the situation when he's so exactly yeah potentially yeah and like could be anything

literally could be anything um all right that'll do that's coming right up to the hour mark now

so perfect timing uh thank you so much for it been trying to get you in the studio for what

four five six weeks to listen to and you because i um if you've got the flu three last four weeks

for some reason so um it's just that time of a year i think now i was actually i've said to you

how like remarkable was he actually got through the game last weekend the draw right um was when

i picked it up yeah he'd literally got a head cold in the same notice in that game you just went

missing for a big chunk of it and i was actually thinking like he's not really doing my deal

i was going to go back and listen to that sure it's sound at okay on air basically every time i

turn my mic off i go have a piece of sneeze or something i didn't notice you were probably doing a

little bit less than you'd usually do so all good nice good to get you in here and uh yeah

get some uh a full fantasy content out there anyways uh listen to abc grandstand sunday mornings and

your commentary uh is that the only time you're on or yeah so saturday's at eleven here in south

australia yeah which you can hear around the country yeah i guess if you want to hear any kind of

cruise power stuff we get heavily into that yeah um and otherwise yeah any games here at the

ad light oval i'll be there so yeah next one is adalatan west coast to wrap up uh round eleven

on sunday yep so yeah make sure you're tuning into the abc for those there and uh yeah get around

our stuff on all the socials at keep league pod you'll find us all over the internet do a google

and whatever platform you want to find us on and you'll find us there don't have to mention all the

handles each week but anyway uh thank you to all the people that have listened this week uh if you

want to support the show make sure you sign up as a member get around our sponsors a gamelo

squad download the app sign up make a team enter the competition to win some packs and uh yeah

have a bit of fun there thanks listeners we'll talk to you next week