Popcorn & Plot Holes

Soaking on fondue.

Creators & Guests

Life is like a baboon's ass: colorful and full of shit...

What is Popcorn & Plot Holes?

Movies are fun! Movies are awesome! But movies can sometimes be very, very weird... or just plain terrible. In this intersection of fun, awesome, weird and terrible is where Matt, Luciano, Chris and Spencer live and thrive. They'll be watching the latest FACTS (Fantasy, Action, Comic, Thriller, Sci-Fi) movies available on streaming services and sharing their equally awesome, fun, weird and terrible thoughts on them. Welcome to Popcorn & Plot Holes!

Matt (00:00.536)
Hello and welcome to popcorn and plot holes.

Spencer (00:05.45)
And that's it boys. We're done.

Matt (00:10.552)
This week, this week, we're doing micro episodes. We watched Captain America The First Avenger. It was good. Other reviews?

Luciano (00:23.217)

Spencer (00:23.578)
It was good.

Matt (00:26.103)

Luciano (00:27.325)
I concur.

Matt (00:29.24)
Right. We'll see you next week, everybody.

Spencer (00:32.346)
It's also our new theme song.

Matt (00:37.272)
I love every minute of that. We did watch Captain America, the first Avenger. It is continuing our ever lasting one month four show stream of World War II movies.

Spencer (00:50.294)
I think one month is contradictory to everlasting.

Luciano (00:56.509)
Yes. It's a heavy, heavy time set is literally the opposite of being everlasting.

Matt (01:04.792)
Okay, well, Captain America is everlasting. He fucking lived for seven years on ice, technically. So, gotcha.

Spencer (01:10.426)

Luciano (01:12.541)
He also died at the end of Endgame, so.

Matt (01:15.88)
Wow, we're not talking about that. We're always talking about the first adventure.

Spencer (01:17.946)
Did he? He didn't die, he just got old.

Luciano (01:22.429)
What happens after you get old Spencer?

Spencer (01:25.306)
If you're Captain America, you live another everlasting amount of years.

Luciano (01:27.549)
90 years? Can you imagine? It's just a skeleton and skin. My day!

Spencer (01:31.386)
We don't know how the serum works.

Spencer (01:37.914)
He walks up, he's like...

Spencer (01:42.266)
I can do this all day! Okay, Gramps, let's get you back inside.

Luciano (01:43.901)
O -D!

Matt (01:48.248)
fucking dies on his way back into his home planet. But yeah, we watched Captain America the First Avenger to continue our month of episodes on World War II. We've all seen it, I think, before. We thought it was a good chance to review it. You've heard Luciano, you've heard Spencer. Chris... Chris is still watching the first Avenger, I fear.

Spencer (01:50.266)

Spencer (02:06.778)

Spencer (02:13.338)

Luciano (02:14.429)
We berated him so much for watching things in like 1 .5 speed. He's watching in like 0 .2 speed. Yeah.

Matt (02:18.904)
Yeah. It's been for a critical eye.

Spencer (02:23.386)
Some say it'll never stop. Some say his viewing experience is everlasting, yeah.

Matt (02:25.112)
Some say.

Luciano (02:25.181)

Matt (02:29.816)
There you have it folks. We landed that plane like professionals we are. Let's start with this movie. We always start with something positive, something good. So let's start with the good thing about this movie.

Spencer (02:41.05)
I got something.

Luciano (02:41.405)
But go for it.

Spencer (02:44.794)
You know, obviously it's easy to pick a scene that you like, but I'm going a little different here. It was fun watching this movie, going back to this movie with like the state of Marvel, because this was such an early step in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. And I think it was the third movie and you can really see the sort of the breadcrumbs being planted that now we know where they went.

Luciano (02:59.901)
It's about the third movie.

Luciano (03:08.797)
Mm -hmm.

Spencer (03:11.866)
And it's such a big difference from the new movies, which it's like, here's a new character. And it's like, they just do it so lazily now. It's like, and that next movie, they're going to have this guy. Whereas this movie was like, like an example was like Armand Zola was like a character in this movie. But like, he didn't need, he wasn't just there because he's going to be in another movie, you know, he had a purpose, but then he did end up doing something in like winter soldier.

And there's a lot of little things like that that like later had pay off. So I just really liked the, the, the less overt world building this movie had, you know, it wasn't so like in your face being like, look guys, this is a reference. This is from, you know, this is something important. It was just kind of like in the background.

Matt (03:54.552)

Matt (03:59.32)
I mean, even...

Luciano (04:00.493)
It wasn't so formulaic either, right?

Spencer (04:04.09)
No, no. I mean, obviously there's like the Marvel formula, but it. Yeah, exactly. It was like when like when they when they started the the MCU was like each movie was like almost like. A different genre to a small degree, whereas now it's just like Marvel movie. This was like this was like a history like like a war movie, you know, with superheroes kind of.

Luciano (04:08.189)
But it wasn't really a formula yet, right? Yeah.

Matt (04:20.984)
Yep. Yep.

Luciano (04:22.073)
Yeah. Yeah, true.

Matt (04:31.896)
Well, even if you consider that maybe not everything that did in these movies was intended to be used, but was used, it's, it's built in a way that's intentional to the story they're telling. And so, so it, you know, it was all, it makes sense to this movie. I think they plan on using them, but even if they didn't, because they just made them a character of this movie that had an arc that made sense for the movie, coming back and referencing them later made sense. Cause they worked within that context, not, not like you said. Yeah. Like.

Spencer (04:37.466)

Luciano (04:42.173)

Spencer (04:42.266)

Luciano (04:57.597)
It's not shoehorned back in somehow. Yeah. Yeah.

Spencer (04:59.962)
Yeah. You're not like asking why is he here? Like what?

Matt (05:01.528)
Okay, see you next time.

Luciano (05:03.677)
Yeah, or how like a Palpatine kind of deal where he's like, how is he fucking alive? No, this makes sense

Matt (05:04.248)

Matt (05:09.752)
That's the feeling you get when you watch the last fucking Wasp and Ant -Man movie where it's just like, what is all this stuff? What does this mean? Why do I care? They didn't build any stakes, they just had this movie where things happened in the quantum realm, so they could set up Kang, or sorry, he who shall not be named because of lawsuits.

Luciano (05:18.109)

Luciano (05:29.117)
Yeah, like it does the the first like the first batch of movies that culminated in Endgame they all felt built like they had a purpose whatever it was nowadays is just like no Marvel movie. The purpose is just to make money.

Spencer (05:31.162)
Kang was cancelled.

Matt (05:33.272)

Spencer (05:44.634)
Yeah. The purpose, not just to make money, the purpose is like expand the brand, like further the, the, the, the, the Marvel machine. Yeah. It doesn't feel like it's like, it's, it doesn't feel like they're trying, like this movie felt like they were trying to make a good movie that you could be standalone on its own. Right. And they had like a vision from start to end, whereas the other ones were like, we got to get this in here. you know,

Luciano (05:51.901)
Yeah, but the story doesn't have like an arc, right? Yeah.

Luciano (06:03.837)
Yeah. Yeah.

Spencer (06:10.618)
viewers are going to want this. You know, it's like all market tested to have all these references and set up hype.

Luciano (06:15.197)
Yeah, it's like set to the formula, right? It's like, it has to check a bunch of check boxes and, does it have this? Does it have a reference? Does it, you know, like have this thing that everybody wants to see and this little fan service from the comic and it wasn't like that before.

Matt (06:15.256)

Spencer (06:33.37)
Yeah, felt like like they would like give the directors the movie to make their movie. You know, they weren't as like, like obviously they're like, you got to make sure, you know, Captain America's follow certain things that aren't like outside of his character. But it was like, it feels like they were like, this is, this is your movie to make. But you know, whereas now it's like, I don't even think it matters who directs the new Marvel movies. It's like, it's almost like directed by, by like a

a group of like, like a think, like a think tank. Yeah. Or, or an AI machine, you know? So I like that about it.

Luciano (07:04.573)
A comedy? Yeah. Yeah.

Matt (07:05.016)
Chat, chat, GPC.

Matt (07:10.617)
Yeah, I think the referendum on Marvel movies can be conducted in a future Marvel movie if we watch one. But I agree with you that it was nice to see a movie that was self -contained, well thought out, and used the characters well.

Luciano (07:24.977)
And all of those things and that you could clearly see, you know, wasn't intended to just be the one thing and like throw in a bunch of loose ends and leave them. Like you can tell that they was building stuff, right?

Spencer (07:38.043)
Mm -hmm Except for that except for the the main villain disappearing into nothing with no exponent with no explanation They're like well, we'll settle that later. Somebody else can deal with that

Luciano (07:43.421)
being blasted into space by the tesseract. Well, the explanation for it not coming back is you were even was like, nope, don't want to do that anymore. So then they didn't.

Matt (07:53.816)
Yeah. But then.

Spencer (07:54.49)
They literally pulled a red skull and went back to his home planet in real time.

Luciano (07:59.837)
Yeah, and never was never seen off again heard from again. So since since Spencer stole my The thing I was gonna say we're very similar I I just I have to pick my second favorite thing was just Tommy Lee Jones in this movie. I just every every line out of his mouth is iconic just the the

Matt (08:04.44)
That's what

Spencer (08:07.258)
Matt (08:07.704)
Yep. wow. Thievery. Tiefed.

Luciano (08:23.773)
The way he played the character, the way he chose to give him a southern, fall accent, and the way he refers to things, I really enjoyed seeing him. I don't remember enjoying his character as much the first time around when I watched it, as I did this time. As he goes like, when you brought a 90 -pollat asthmatic to my army base, I was like, okay, let's see, maybe it'll be useful to you, like a gerbil. That was just...

Spencer (08:53.39)
Like a gerbil.

Luciano (08:53.597)
hilarious. So yeah, yeah, yeah. So I enjoyed that a lot.

Matt (09:00.984)
I this movie contains probably my favorite line out of all the Marvel movies and it's such a throwaway line But it's like it's just it resonates me. I think I reference it every time Trump was the fucking president United States and it's like it's Armin Zola's line when he's talking to Tom Cruise Jones after they capture him and he's like Tom Jones is basically like well Ritz calls he's crazy and he's like

Sanity of the man has nothing to do with his ability to be successful. I think it's like it's like why not it's like because he can do it and Like and it's like and it's like yeah, like what like it's and there's so many people are like, yeah They're crazy, but they also have the power and the ability to do shit. So

Luciano (09:31.901)

Luciano (09:37.949)
Yeah, it's a good line. It's a good line.

Spencer (09:47.194)
like us in this podcast.

Luciano (09:47.421)

Matt (09:48.824)
Exactly, just like us. But it's always just been like such an underrated line because it's like it's actually so true. And yeah, COVID, same thing.

Spencer (09:54.17)
Mm -hmm.

Luciano (09:57.309)
The way he says it is so, is so like, yeah. I'm trying to find it, but I can't find it quickly, but yeah. Toby Jones, yeah.

Matt (09:59.831)
It's better than the way I butchered it. Yeah.

Spencer (10:00.826)
Yeah, yeah, yeah, for sure, for sure. That actor's great.

Matt (10:06.136)
Toby Jones. Yeah.

Spencer (10:06.938)
Toby Jones is good and everything. I want to throw an honorable mention to the heart of Captain America. Like, I don't think it was before this movie, like it's, I think it was, if you were said to make a Captain America movie, like people don't remember people who are like Captain America was like, kind of like not a joke, but it was just like, it's so like America and patriotism is like kind of ridiculous in our modern day world. It's like, it kind of.

Like people who are patriotic to America now are like, kind of like think of them as kind of kooky. And they like took the, they took a pretty difficult thing and they made him like pitch perfect in terms of what he represents and, and like the heart that he has and like what he stands for. And it was like, in my opinion, if they didn't nail that in this movie, MCU wouldn't work. Cause he is kind of like, I obviously Iron Man is like the.

protagonist, but he's kind of like the soul of the MCU.

Luciano (11:06.685)
Well, with all of them, well, maybe not with Iron Man, they didn't need to do it, but with the others, they did like refine. They didn't need to do much with Cap, but like they did refine when the other movies came. They refined their personalities and all that stuff. But I think they did a good job the first time around with this one as well. Yeah.

Spencer (11:21.306)
Yeah, yeah.

Spencer (11:26.682)
Yeah, like this Iron Man and this movie are like what. Set that bar, not like the tone, but also like the characters like they were like the most important two characters for the adventures movies to succeed in my opinion. And if these ones, if this didn't work, like if he came off as like cheesy or like not like someone like that, I can do this all. Yeah. Like if he came off like that and like tone deaf, it would have been like really tough to make a team movie where like.

Luciano (11:32.733)
The tone.

Luciano (11:47.773)
Like, Merica! Yeah, yeah.

Spencer (11:56.218)
it works. But he's like, you know, that, you know, the classic, like, I can do this all day. It's like, just like so good. And it's just like, I love it.

Luciano (12:02.429)
I didn't I didn't remember there was a lot of I didn't remember this happened in this movie when I was watching it again I didn't remember that that's the first time he said it

Spencer (12:08.41)
Yeah, yeah, ditto.

Matt (12:11.16)
Yeah. Well, I mean, Spencer, don't worry. All the people who used to look at Captain America as the heart and soul of America switched over to, you know, burning candles and just branding Swastika, Nazi paraphernalia. So I mean, I guess that's fine. It's when you march around with a bunch of white people. That's fine. Don't worry about it. We're past it now.

Luciano (12:22.621)
candles. Yeah.

Spencer (12:24.442)
What's wrong with burning candles?

Spencer (12:31.642)
And tiki torches?

Luciano (12:33.725)
Yeah, isn't it weird that like Captain America is supposed to represent the ultra patriotic people and now the people that are like that are like, well, maybe he was fighting against the wrong people. Yeah. Yeah, Captain America is, my God. Yeah.

Spencer (12:46.266)
Maybe he was woke.

Matt (12:47.896)
Maybe he's too woke. Welcome. Yeah.

Spencer (12:49.882)
Yeah, it's too woke that if this movie came out now that probably would be like the title more like Captain woke Erica

Luciano (12:54.685)

Yeah, well, Captain Cook. Yeah.

Spencer (13:00.602)
Captain Gunk! Yeah! There it is.

Matt (13:00.92)
Welcome to Bobcorn and Blood Holes. We're discussing Captain America. Is he too woke?

Luciano (13:07.229)

Spencer (13:10.426)

Luciano (13:10.725)
Is this the end of Captain America?

Spencer (13:15.258)
What happened to an American man?

Matt (13:20.888)
Yeah, we'll have questions about that later, I'm sure. Let's continue discussing the movie, whether it's good or bad at this point. You know, I think the movie does a great job of telling a World War II movie inside a superhero movie. You know, Spencer mentioned it. I think that's one of the brilliant parts of this movie. So the superhero movie didn't feel stale, but it also, I think, helped bring in people who were like, didn't understand superheroes. We present them with such an easy package to consume.

Spencer (13:23.322)

Luciano (13:23.805)

Luciano (13:32.029)

Spencer (13:48.826)
Yeah, I don't know why they didn't lean into that more. It's like, why didn't they, like, again, that worked well with, with Winter Soldier because that was like a political thriller. It was totally done like a political, like espionage movie with a superhero as the main character. And that seems to work so well to breaking out of the staleness of the superhero fatigue. Cause it's like, and I remember when they were making that X -Men movie, New Mutants, and they're like, it's going to be a horror movie with superheroes, but then they botched it. But I was like, that's.

Luciano (14:17.373)
As they usually do.

Spencer (14:19.354)
I'm like, but that concept of like leaning into like a genre to make it different is so smart.

Luciano (14:26.397)
Yeah. Instead of like, the genre of this movie is superhero movie or comic movie. No, no, no. This is a like horror movie with comic characters and superheroes and stuff like that. Yeah. But like the thing is, which is weird, we didn't have superhero movie fatigue in 2011. Right. So, so the fact that they actually chose to do it this way, I agree with Mad, like this is probably was probably one of the best ways of introducing people that wouldn't be too interested in like.

Spencer (14:31.13)

Spencer (14:37.594)

Spencer (14:45.786)

Luciano (14:56.701)
Superhero movies just for the sake of it, which is they needed to do that back then this if this really was the third movie They needed to bring in people, right?

Spencer (14:57.85)

Bet you some.

Spencer (15:05.498)
Definitely some boomers saw this thinking it was like, I want to see that Captain America war movie. It's like bridge on the river Kwai. And they're watching, wait a minute, it didn't happen. I don't remember Captain America fighting a man with a red skull. Maybe I did. Maybe I do. Yeah.

Luciano (15:11.069)

Matt (15:19.32)
I don't remember laser guns.

Luciano (15:19.549)
Yeah, yeah.

Matt (15:26.04)
Maybe I am?

Luciano (15:27.037)
That's the danger. It's like, huh, yeah, yes, we did shoot lasers, yes.

Spencer (15:33.274)
Just leave him with their grandkids? That's right kids, I punched Red Skull right in his Nazi face! Right in the gizzard!

Matt (15:38.712)
Right in the kisser!

Luciano (15:41.501)
Also, can I, I know that the meme sort of comes after, but I was really hoping that there was a scene where we could have a meme where of Captain America punching Red Skull and him saying so much for the, for the tolerant left. But we didn't have one, unfortunately. Yeah.

Spencer (15:57.534)
I'm sorry.

Matt (16:00.472)
You can't get everything you want, unfortunately.

Spencer (16:02.042)
I'm gonna give you a tolerant left and a tolerant right. Bam bam!

Luciano (16:04.861)

Matt (16:06.968)
No, you know, the movie, like the thing, the movie is a fun movie because it's well done, it paces well. It tells the story it needs to tell.

Luciano (16:14.077)
That's the thing, I remember not liking it too much the first time I watched. I liked it much more this time when I watched it. Yeah.

Spencer (16:19.066)
Yeah, me too. Yeah, me too. It's aged well. No, I liked it from the beginning, but I remember being like, it's no Iron Man, you know? So Iron Man was so hyped.

Matt (16:23.032)
You guys are monsters. I liked it from the beginning.

Luciano (16:28.445)
Yeah, exactly. Exactly. That was exactly. Cause I think this is a little bit, a little bit slower and it like the actual action takes a while to kick in. Maybe that's why.

Matt (16:37.88)
Yeah, but that is the only thing. I mean, you know, we'll talk about, I think that's one of our plot holes, but the, it, it, the idea of playing, Captain America as a chorus boy, like it's a bold choice, but it also goes on a little long.

Spencer (16:38.49)
Mm -hmm.

Luciano (16:49.821)
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Spencer (16:50.426)
bold choice.

Luciano (16:54.397)
Yes, it does.

Spencer (16:54.778)
But what didn't you find that this movie was like refreshingly slow compared to like the like again I don't want to compare to newer Marvel movies but like this movie had so much character development that I don't think they'd make time for Like it was refreshingly paced for me

Matt (17:12.6)
Well, I think I think I think it's it's it's meaningful character growth too, right? It's like they're not trying to they're not trying to like escalate the character growth. Like, you know, you show you show Chris Evans going through the motions of going and getting tested and, you know, failing all the tests and, you know, getting beat up on the alleyway. And it's like, yeah, that's that's slow pacing. But it's just like all of it is meaningful character growth to understand why he's picked this cap.

Spencer (17:19.514)
Mm -hmm.

Luciano (17:19.805)

Spencer (17:34.618)

Luciano (17:40.445)

Spencer (17:41.082)
Like exactly. Yeah. Why he's like, he's such a good person.

Luciano (17:44.605)
That whole part of the movie, I think that's the best part of the movie story -wise is showing him being that way and then Erskine going, I'm picking you because of who you are, not because of what you can do or how strong you are and all of that. Even the dialogue is really good there. It's...

Spencer (18:07.706)
Yeah, they like they you could tell they put the work in in this movie like they cared Yeah, like it was like it wasn't like it's gonna make a billion dollars a Marvel product It was like they're like hopefully this works, but like we're gonna work hard at making this As good as we can make it in terms of like dialogue and story and everything and like really make sure everything is tight

Luciano (18:10.109)
Yeah, they put some thought into it. Yeah.

Luciano (18:29.757)
Yeah. Again, you know, we're not talking about other movies, but like nowadays it feels like it's just from like the dialogue and the script is going from one quip to the other and trying to connect the quips and it's like, it's not that they do it badly, but it's like, okay, it's, but depends on the movie. Yeah.

Spencer (18:41.978)
Yes, yeah, my gosh.

Spencer (18:47.962)
no, they do it badly. Depends on the way we, yeah.

Matt (18:52.888)
Listen this young. I know you said we're not trying to talk about every movies, but we've barely talked about this movie in the last 20 minutes Captain America Yeah, who knows what happened to this movie?

Spencer (18:57.402)
What movie?

Luciano (18:57.885)
Yeah, no, no, that's fair. That's that's fair. What what did we watch? Inglorious bastards.

Spencer (19:04.634)
But, I don't know about you guys, but I do want to mention, I like this movie a lot, but that CGI Chris Evans face on Skinny Man's body.

Luciano (19:13.917)
boy, not just on his face. All the CGI in this movie aged really badly.

Spencer (19:20.858)
Yeah, but particularly there are scenes where him on the skinny body where it looks okay. But, but there are a lot of ones where it just looks like, like there are like apps now that can make this better, you know, like Snapchat filters that could look better than this.

Luciano (19:23.037)

when he talks is the problem.

Luciano (19:32.797)

Matt (19:32.92)

It reminds me of like when TC spent a lot of money removing Henry Cavill's mustache and the guy did it for like, like in a half an hour, like another ad, like, and they're like, it costs us millions of dollars. Yeah. It's, it's, it's, it was far from like far from good and good from far, far away. Like if you didn't get too close, like that's believable. And then when you closed and talking, it's like,

Spencer (19:41.178)
And her Cavill's mustache.

Luciano (19:41.693)
The mustache? Yeah.

Spencer (19:45.946)

Luciano (19:46.909)

Spencer (19:55.066)

Luciano (19:56.125)

Spencer (19:59.866)
Like I remember at the time I was like, this is a bit distracting, but now it's like, even at the time, yeah, I was like, it's a little, like, why not just, I mean, does he have to be that small? Can't he just be like a regular sized man who's like thickly weak?

Luciano (20:03.261)
Yeah, even at the time, right? It was like, okay, yeah.

Luciano (20:10.749)
And like, exactly. Couldn't it be like the same height, only really skinny? That would have helped. Right? But no, he had to be like, what, a head and a half shorter than he actually is. And like, there's a scene where he's, especially when the scene is like during the day where it's well lit, there's a scene where he's talking, I think, to Peggy and he's like center frame and he's talking and he looks back like, and he looks again.

Matt (20:20.536)

Luciano (20:39.773)
back to the camera and the face warped and it's like, my God, what the fuck is that?

Spencer (20:45.37)
Well, the thing that I find so comical about it is his jaw is so big and they and it goes into that little neck and it's almost It it's almost like if they just shrunk his head by like 15 % It would fit better but it's like they they they just kept like Chris Evans natural head size and we're like They're like we can't we can't fix it. Yeah

Luciano (20:51.837)
It disappears at times. Yeah. Yeah.

Matt (20:55.416)
His whole head doesn't make sense, right?

Luciano (21:02.461)
It would be better, yeah. Yeah.

Matt (21:02.772)
Yeah. Yeah.

Matt (21:09.4)
Yeah, and they shrunk everything else.

Luciano (21:09.501)
Yeah, and he's a tall, he's a tall dude, right? He's kind of a brawny dude. It became even brawnier for the movie, but then they had to make him like tiny and not even that like in some, it's not even even like with itself throughout the part of the movie where he's small. Sometimes his head looks a lot bigger than in other times, like one right after the other is like, holy shit, what's happening?

Spencer (21:32.218)

Spencer (21:35.738)
Well, I think there's shots where it's like the back of the head and it's like whoever the actor is his head and then like he turns around his head like like 20 % larger because for some reason they didn't try to make his head smaller.

Luciano (21:41.241)
Yeah. Yeah. But like, go ahead, man.

Matt (21:49.08)
I was - I was - I was -

Well, it was a bold choice to do it and then spend so much time with tiny Chris Evans. But I also think it's only, we can only see it now because we, we've seen better CGI work. You know, at the time it probably looked like that's really fucking good. And everybody, yeah, but like I, well, right. But you guys are assholes. I'm talking about the generic populace.

Spencer (21:59.194)

Spencer (22:09.978)
No, no, I remember being like, it's distracting. Yeah, I remember thinking at the time, it's...

Luciano (22:10.749)
No it didn't, it was weird, it was weird already.

Luciano (22:18.365)
No fair, that's fair. That's fair.

Matt (22:20.472)
That's just like, it looks, that looks pretty cool. Like it's close enough. That was like, if you didn't really pay attention to much, it was believable enough, right? This is the era. Like, I think just, I don't know if it came up around or maybe it's before, they threw grandma Tarkin into, rogue rogue one. Yeah. Cause that stuff or like, you know, that stuff was off putting as hell. Yeah. Yeah.

Luciano (22:28.285)

Spencer (22:38.65)
yeah, this is before that. A few years before.

Luciano (22:38.973)
this is before, yeah.

Luciano (22:45.181)
Or Leia? Yeah, yeah.

Spencer (22:48.186)
And there are scenes in this, don't get me wrong, to all the Marvel animators listening to this, there are scenes in this where it's like, that looks really good. Particularly, I think it helps when he's wearing the helmet and it has the chin strap that kind of blurs that line. Has like a clean line. Maybe he should have just been wearing turtlenecks the whole time he was, you know, he wore the helmet and he just really wanted to be a soldier. Yeah.

Luciano (22:54.717)
All of them.

Matt (22:55.864)
Luciano (23:01.789)

Luciano (23:10.349)
Or just the helmet the whole time. Yeah. It's the thought that counts, little Steve. Yeah.

Matt (23:13.784)
Just give him a safety helmet at all times. Like, you're too tiny little boy. Yeah.

Spencer (23:19.898)
You're too frail.

It's like a little football helmet, not even a military one.

Luciano (23:26.461)
Yeah. But like even other parts of the CG, like when they're landing on the train or when there's a point where Cap, like right after he transforms, he is running after the guy that kills Erskine. And like, it's not only is it green screen, but it's like, like he's running at a different speed than this, like the street is passing by in the background. It's really like bad.

Spencer (23:40.89)

Spencer (23:52.122)
Yeah, yeah. I'll forgive that stuff, but I guess it's not that old of a movie. Yeah, maybe I shouldn't.

Luciano (23:55.997)
It's fine.

Matt (23:59.136)
I mean, that's old enough. Like I -

Luciano (23:59.357)
It's almost 15 years old man. Yeah.

Spencer (24:02.042)
Yeah, I mean did they CGI him into New York City at the end because it looked like a blue green screen then too when he's in Times Square.

Luciano (24:09.661)

Matt (24:09.912)
probably to some degree, but it's hard to know how much Marvel green screen then, because like I know in the later movies, I always reference this, but it would have been, God, I'm trying to connect my movies to second Black Panther movie where you have Julia Louis Dreyfus on the bridge and they fucking, that's CGI. The whole scene, it's just like.

Luciano (24:12.157)

Spencer (24:29.146)
On the bridge.

Luciano (24:31.837)
my god, that is the whole thing is CGI. Like she... Yeah, no, she's standing on some stool and everything else is CGI in that scene, yeah.

Spencer (24:32.858)
And it's just a city. It's just a regular film it in an alley.

Matt (24:39.128)
It's like.

Matt (24:43.48)
Yeah, that's where I'm just like, what's the fucking point? Like, is that cheaper? Is it better? Like,

Luciano (24:46.973)

Spencer (24:51.194)
There's no way that's cheaper.

Luciano (24:51.517)
I think it's like, we have this vision of how we want that particular area to look like. Yeah, yeah. I think that's what it is.

Matt (24:58.328)
And we can get it to look perfect, right? But it...

Spencer (25:00.794)
Yeah, put that money into like an action sequence where that CGI matters.

Matt (25:05.016)
That's the thing, right? Like, yeah, I guess I know going to on location can be a little expensive, but like, is it?

Spencer (25:12.09)
Not cheaper than like, fuck -

Luciano (25:12.189)
But it's Marvel and Disney, come on.

Matt (25:15.448)
Well, I honestly wonder if it's cheaper or not, like, because if it's just a green screen and a picture behind, if you already have the pictures, it's probably cheap. But like, it just throws off the feel of the movie for the actors. And like, it's just it's unnecessary to green screen everything all the time when like letting people act in real spaces can help help their ability to like, you know, make it believable. So the point the point of bringing that up is just like, I don't know how much in Captain America is green screened or is not like.

Luciano (25:26.173)

Spencer (25:38.49)
Yeah, it's horrible.

Luciano (25:38.525)

Matt (25:44.76)
I hope they went out to the forest and all those explosions were real. But I bet you a lot of that was CGI'd, right? Like, a lot of the combat stuff.

Luciano (25:52.701)
Well, if it's good, it doesn't really matter. The problem is when they try to, I don't know if it's cutting like budget or whatever, and it looks like crappy, that's when the problem happens, right?

Matt (26:04.216)
Well, it's like, I understand why you CGI the train thing because the train thing that's really almost impossible to pull off with fucking stuntmen. So that's fine. If it looks a little janky, it's fine because that sounds fucking crazy. But if you're, if you're CGI and Captain America driving, riding a bicycle or riding his motorbike through the forest.

Luciano (26:09.405)
For sure, yeah.

Luciano (26:17.053)
Like yeah, what are walking through the forest? Yeah, huh? Where would we find a forest? I don't know Yeah

Spencer (26:18.81)

Matt (26:25.56)
Yeah. And like, you know, like, okay, so when he was, it's early on when he's the chorus boy and he lifts the motorbike above his head with like the girls on it, like, fine. Yeah, you got a green screen that cause like it's impossible to do that in real life.

Luciano (26:32.861)
The three girls, yeah, yeah.

Luciano (26:37.853)
That one looks okay actually.

Spencer (26:37.882)
No it's not, you get a fucking, just get a, if you wanted to film that, that's not that hard.

Luciano (26:42.461)
Get some steel cables and yeah.

Spencer (26:45.882)
Yeah, or -

Matt (26:45.912)
Yeah, but like, but like that now you have to worry about people being endangered and injured. Like it makes sense to CGI that shit, right? And I'm fine with CGI and that stuff, it's stuff where they don't need the CGI or you would benefit from practical effects. that's where. Yeah.

Luciano (26:50.461)

Luciano (26:55.485)

Spencer (26:58.01)
Yeah, it's the laziness at the sacrifice of the movie that wherever it comes annoying. It's like if it has to be CGI, then yeah, if a man has a mustache that he won't shave off for the movie, you gotta do what you gotta do.

Luciano (27:00.797)

Luciano (27:04.893)

Luciano (27:11.133)
What are you going to do? Yeah, yeah.

Matt (27:14.648)
In his defense, he was contracted for a different movie and they wanted to do reshoots. That's on DC.

Spencer (27:17.722)

Luciano (27:17.757)
Yeah. But that, well, that's on the West Side Boys more than anything else. Yeah. Yeah.

Spencer (27:22.938)
That was West Side Boys, they If you even touch that fucking mustache, you're gonna be hearing from our lawyers. CGI it!

Matt (27:23.352)
Yeah, I don't know, I'm sorry boys. Hey, we're walking here.

Luciano (27:32.445)

Matt (27:32.536)
It's the opposite. It's the opposite. Take it off! Take that mustache off! You don't have a - Superman don't got no mustache!

Luciano (27:39.357)
They should have just let him have it.

Spencer (27:39.514)
No, WB was the one who didn't let them have it. no, WB has DC.

Matt (27:42.84)

Luciano (27:44.381)
They own both. Yeah.

Matt (27:47.928)
Sorry, they own Mission Impossible? Yeah. Yeah. So.

Spencer (27:48.986)
No, Paramount owns Michigan Possible and Paramount was like, was like, nah, they're definitely like, fuck you. You can't shave it.

Luciano (27:50.525)
it was Paramount, you're right.

Matt (27:55.224)
No, because he was acting in their movie and he had a mustache or he couldn't take it off. And the WB is like, but he's got to take it off. Supes!

Spencer (28:00.122)

Luciano (28:00.349)

Spencer (28:02.938)
Superman ca - they shoulda just -

Luciano (28:03.325)
Superman can't have a mustache! Yeah, yeah.

Spencer (28:06.938)
They should have gone full all in on mustache Superman. Nobody would have had a problem with it. Just have a scene in between like the scenes without his mustache where he's like, I'm getting sick of this mustache. I think I'm gonna shave it and the next scene he has one, I think I'm gonna grow it back. I miss it. Just film those reshoots.

Luciano (28:09.661)
I agree. I agree.

Matt (28:10.648)

Luciano (28:16.701)
I think I'm gonna grill one. Yeah.

Matt (28:22.936)
I think Superman should always have a mustache and he should have a deep V suit and just a really hairy chest.

Luciano (28:24.477)

Spencer (28:29.21)

Luciano (28:29.885)
with like a flashy like golden chain. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Matt (28:33.752)
Yeah. Yeah. Now you know he's super man. He's not caught up with all these woke people. He's not getting cocked. Yeah.

Spencer (28:33.978)
with the gold chain.

Spencer (28:38.946)
He's not Captain Cuck.

Luciano (28:43.293)
Ha ha!


Matt (28:47.8)
But yeah, this movie was good, I enjoyed it. I, you know, Luciano mentioned Hugo Weaving. And I think really as we name all the people in this cast, like, at the time I didn't really put together how good of a cast it was. But watching it now, it's like, they spent a lot of effort to get a ton of good actors in this movie, which really helps sell it. Like, Hugo Weaving is just the fucking best. He's a goddamn legend in everything he does.

Luciano (28:57.405)
I did?

Luciano (29:02.172)

Spencer (29:02.97)

Luciano (29:06.845)

Spencer (29:07.546)

Spencer (29:11.322)
Is he the best villain actor?

Luciano (29:11.357)

Matt (29:15.704)
He's close. I mean, Willem Dafoe is also amazing as fucking Green Goblin.

Luciano (29:15.965)
He is very good actor. True. But he has an advantage, right? He looks at that and he looks exactly.

Spencer (29:21.306)

Matt (29:23.736)
He's crazy. He looks crazy. Yeah. That's true.

Spencer (29:25.914)
He looks like a goblin. damn I!

Luciano (29:30.749)
Well, like he was scarier without the goblin mask in the movie.

Matt (29:35.32)
He really was. Like if Green, if he played the Red Skull, it'd be a much different... Yeah.

Spencer (29:36.666)

Luciano (29:39.901)
Just paint his face. Done.

Spencer (29:41.786)
He'd be like, let me tell you about the Nazis, Steve. The Nazis are fantastic. Then he'd be like, you're out of your mind. Out am I.

Luciano (29:46.717)
Yeah. And do that. He would do that smile. Yeah. He would do that smile. Yeah. Yeah.

Yeah, so he would make, he would play Jochen Schmidt with like the most Midwestern accent in the history of space and time.

Spencer (30:02.554)
Yeah, yeah.

Matt (30:03.64)
Yeah, yeah, yeah, 100%.

Spencer (30:06.49)
You're developing superweapons? I'm somewhat of a scientist myself.

Matt (30:10.232)
Ha ha ha.

Luciano (30:11.069)

Spencer (30:13.402)
Back to formula! Sorry.

Luciano (30:13.741)
Obviously, obviously, William DeFoe is a good actor. And that helps but like Hugo weaving is it's like he he is like, okay, if I'm going to do this, doesn't matter how ridiculous or how like, weird I'm going to do this. So like he plays Elrond. Like every time I was watching as a side note, I was watching the Amazon Prime.

Matt (30:40.952)
Lord of the Rings.

Luciano (30:41.949)
Yeah, I think and every time they talk every every time they said the name is still good in my head. It was is he'll do everything. Doesn't matter because it's the only way I can. Yeah. Yeah. It's the only way I can hear that. And like.

Spencer (30:42.81)

Matt (30:49.176)

Spencer (30:49.85)
Is here now? Catch it in the fire!

Spencer (30:56.505)
I was there, kind of.

Luciano (30:58.365)
But I think he heams it up a lot more, a lot more when he gets to play like a like a wonky villain like this.

Spencer (31:04.778)
I really wish my probably my biggest regret is that we didn't get more of him in the MCU Because he would have been a great like Yeah, I know for sure they didn't he didn't want to do a bunch of these movies but it wouldn't really like because the lot of the time at the beginning they didn't have like a main villain like Loki was the Avengers villain and You know red skull coming back would have been really cool to face off against the Avengers as like a big villain or even in like a later Captain America

Luciano (31:11.645)
Well, he, he, he fucked off, right?

Matt (31:15.32)

Luciano (31:28.157)

They wanted him to come back. I was reading yesterday they wanted him to come back for Infinity War. And he was like... Yeah, yeah, yeah. It was reticle.

Spencer (31:38.03)
But was it for that same role that he had of just being like, I mean, yeah, I know, but I wasn't like the same in an end game. He was like, I just watched the soul stone, which was kind of like, it was cool being like, they're wrapping this up. But like, it also makes like, it's kind of a disservice to the character of Red Skull, who was like a main villain.

Luciano (31:57.725)
Right, right.

Matt (31:58.744)
Well, I assume that the end game was done the way it was because he wouldn't come back to the role. So you don't. Yeah, so you just want some guy to go off in the corner and look like him from far away and roughly pull the accent and yeah, yeah, turn the lights off. Close your eyes. Yeah, turn everything off.

Spencer (32:05.018)
Yeah, well, he was done by an impersonator.

Luciano (32:05.245)

Luciano (32:11.709)
with the lights off.

Spencer (32:15.418)
Turn off your nose Yeah, I mean I just would have liked to seen him at full power, you know and like full like Yeah

Luciano (32:24.093)
Yeah. In that ensemble cast and just, yeah, just try to out -ham like Josh Brolin and yeah.

Spencer (32:34.554)
Yeah. I mean, especially in, I think it'd be cool to see him against the Avengers, but even like I said, in like a Captain America three, like when he disappeared, I remember thinking like, he's coming back. Like, I can't wait to see where he went, what happened and like him come back and be like even more powerful because he has like space powers now or like technology or whatever. And it was like, they just never did it. And I don't know, I guess they couldn't get him on or they didn't have a script for it, but that is regret.

I would have liked to see more of him. But I also just love him because I'm a Matrix fanboy and he'll always be Mr. Smith to me. It's still real to me, damn it!

Luciano (33:09.245)
Mm -hmm.

Matt (33:09.752)
He's just an excellent actor, right? Like, you know, even in V for Vendetta, like, you know, I'll say what you want with the movie, he's fucking awesome. Like, he's just...

Luciano (33:13.501)

Spencer (33:16.09)
so good. Why, who's saying bad shit about V for Vendetta? Watch your mouth.

Luciano (33:16.221)
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Spencer (33:24.058)
That movie's fucking sick.

Luciano (33:24.861)
It's okay.

Spencer (33:28.026)

Matt (33:28.088)

Spencer (33:30.522)
We're gonna fight.

Matt (33:31.832)
I know we're not going to talk about it because we've already fucking we barely talk about Captain America. We've done a like a low level grade on the MCU. Yeah, that's why we're not talking about them.

Luciano (33:31.837)

Spencer (33:33.21)
I know.

Who? Who? Captain Cuck?

Matt (33:44.856)
Let's plot holes this up. Let's talk about this fucking movie for once. Listen, there's not gaping plot holes. These aren't, you know... Yeah, I was just thinking of fucking Rebel Moon level plot holes.

Spencer (33:54.53)
vaginal wormhole plot holes gaping vaginal wormholes

Luciano (33:55.261)
This is, yeah, this isn't Morbius. This isn't, this isn't how do I shot Madam Webb? This isn't any of that. Yeah.

Matt (34:04.568)
Yeah, it's fine. Like the movie is well told. But there's a couple things that kind of pop out to us. And one of the big things that popped out to us is, you know, early on, you know, he's turning to Captain America. And he looks like he went from fucking being a twig to like fucking Redwood. He's a beefcake. He's fucking. He's just a big old hunk of man.

Luciano (34:22.461)
Beefcake yeah Yeah Yeah that that that scene with Peggy when he cut when he comes out and she like goes to touch his chest and doesn't it's so good Well, yeah

Spencer (34:24.89)
Fucking honka man.

Spencer (34:35.322)
Apparently that was improvised. Like it was a natural reaction that Butchi first saw him with his shirt off. I don't know if that's true, but I'd probably do the same. My head can and it's real.

Matt (34:37.752)
Great job.

Luciano (34:40.893)
I hope in my head it is now in my head it is yeah exactly

Matt (34:45.6)
Yeah, I want to believe it so but when that happens and the the you know Erskine's killed and the German soldier gets away but Captain America like fucking runs him down on foot at the end fucking Tommy Jones Colonel is like I wanted a you know army of soldiers like all I got was one and he like terse them and he sends them off to to do nothing and then the the Senator is like, I got a job for you, but it's like

Luciano (35:08.669)
Yeah, the mix in...

Matt (35:15.512)
I don't understand why any Colonel would just turf out a guy who went from being a stick to the fucking manhunk he is. They're conscripting guys every fucking day!

Luciano (35:21.597)
in world war two when they were they were exactly yeah like if you had a functioning lung they would conscript you

Spencer (35:30.554)
If you're 15 years old with a bad fake ID, they're like, we'll take ya.

Luciano (35:34.333)

Matt (35:34.488)
Great, sign up. You look tall enough, kid.

Luciano (35:36.829)
Yeah. It doesn't really make... America!

Spencer (35:36.922)
Yeah. Thank you! I live this Earth! The... I know... I mean, especially right after witnessing him... Like... Not only is he like a capable, able soldier, he's clearly superhuman. What general or colonel can't make use of a super... ...powered person?

Luciano (35:50.589)
run down a car.

Luciano (36:01.021)
And he and the way he did it is also very weird because it's like well I wanted a whole army and they gave me one soldier Fuck it then I'm not even gonna take the one soldier go fuck off Why?

Spencer (36:13.05)
But also, if this was just a test to see if the serum worked, who cares who they tested it on? Like why did they need someone who was like of good moral standing and had like good character if they weren't even.

Luciano (36:27.101)
Well, because if you... Yeah. Yeah. They didn't want to say, okay, let's not take the first psychopath that comes along in case it actually works and now he's unstoppable. So...

Matt (36:27.544)
Well, because they tested it already and it melted a guy's fucking face and turned it red.

Spencer (36:33.146)
I mean, that's true.

Matt (36:38.968)

Spencer (36:40.398)
Are you ready for the serum? What do we get the guns? I told you, you don't get a gun till you tell me your name.

Luciano (36:46.877)
Yeah. Yeah, no, you go late. Let's test the serum on you. yes, yes. Let's test the serum on me. Wait, I thought you were from Montana. Yes, yes, Montana. Yeah. No, they had to like, Earth kind of knew. Yeah, mother Montana. I am big farm boy from Montana.

Spencer (36:56.218)
Enough about the FREAKIN' SERUM!

Mon - Montana!

Spencer (37:09.146)
From Mother, Mother Montana! The motherland!

Matt (37:12.512)

Luciano (37:16.253)
Yeah, but like Erskine knew it worked, right? Yeah, no, yeah. He knew it worked. So it was just like, is it stable basically? So they had to pick someone who was, yeah.

Spencer (37:22.618)

Matt (37:30.072)
Yeah, so yeah, the test is like, if we pick the right person, will it make them be a good, will it continue to be a good person since we pick a bad person and his face melted.

Spencer (37:33.85)
It could work.

Luciano (37:38.717)

Spencer (37:40.89)
So was the plan to like just see if he's a good person but not use him in the field at all?

Matt (37:46.648)
I mean, that's the question here, right? Like, that's the plot hole. Like, you... Like, obviously no one knows, no one except Erskine knows that the Red Skull took the serum, right? So, well, Cap finds out when he fucking pulls off his face and he's like, you and I are the same, right? So he finds out in the field, but...

Luciano (37:48.093)
That's the plot hole, yeah. Yeah.

Luciano (37:58.653)
Well, CAP does, right? Or no?

Luciano (38:04.253)
yeah, that's right. Yeah.

Spencer (38:06.586)
Did he not say, we're not so different, you and I. They should be, that was a missed opportunity. That's how I see it, exactly.

Luciano (38:10.149)
He should have. He should have. Yeah.

Matt (38:11.192)
I mean, yeah, he did. Yeah, he should have. That's the way I remember it, that it happened.

Yeah, so like, so so no one knew. So obviously, you know, you have to first can has this this thing. You have to let him do it the way he wants it, right? Because he controls and he can make the serum. But like, so no one else knows it's worked before. But like, so you're kind of just beholden to the doctor being like, I won't do it unless I pick the right guy. And clearly, Erskine is like the last guy I gave it to may have been super Hitler. So not a fan.

Luciano (38:28.573)

Luciano (38:40.604)
Didn't... didn't... Yes. Yeah. But like...

Spencer (38:42.714)

The good news is, as long as you're not super Hitler, it's progress.

Luciano (38:50.589)
Yeah, the bar is very low is what I'm saying. Yeah. Yeah. But like, imagine if like, if he hadn't been killed, then he could have continued like doing what what Phillips wanted. What would they have done with cap in that sense? Like, did you just leave him in the lab? That makes no it makes no sense.

Spencer (38:53.466)
The bar is as low as it can be.

Spencer (39:08.506)
I assume they would just take his blood and death constantly. He'd be a lab rat.

Luciano (39:14.301)
He did, he gave a liter of blood, he said, he's like, holy shit, man, what the fuck?

Matt (39:20.152)
But like, so this is the thing, if they had said that at all in the movie, like, hey, we don't want to risk you in the front lines, we want to blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, that's fine. Yeah.

Spencer (39:28.058)
And he's like, I wanna serve. And he's like, you can serve in this way. This is how you serve.

Luciano (39:28.093)
Which is where it was going right in the beginning.

Matt (39:33.272)
Yeah, the senators like get those war bonds kicking. Suck it to old Adolf. Yeah.

Luciano (39:33.308)

Spencer (39:37.338)
No, well, that's what he ended up doing. But like if they said, you know, if you do this, you're not going to be able to fight. You know, this is a test. And he was like, I just want to fight with my brothers on, you know, the front lines. And they're like, if you don't do either service in the lab or no, you don't serve your country at all. So he's like,

Matt (39:54.872)
Right, but no one says that, right? So that would be a solution for the movie, but no one says that. So you could certainly send him out to do stuff, like continue to test them, right? He just ran down a fucking German soldier and ripped him out of a submarine and like... That's the thing, it's just, it's discordant to the movie. It feels like they just really wanted to make him a chorus boy and so they forced it.

Luciano (39:54.877)
Yeah. No.

Spencer (39:57.434)
No. Yeah.

Luciano (39:59.645)
No, no one says that.

Spencer (40:06.618)
Na na na.

Spencer (40:10.49)
He's useless.

Spencer (40:19.578)
Listen pretty boy, you should be on the stage, not in the army. Get outta here.

Luciano (40:26.525)
Well, Philips even says it, right? When he comes in and he wants to rescue Bucky. And he's like, we don't need a whatever, an entertainer or whatever he says. Yeah. I don't know if it says chorus boy, but he should have.

Spencer (40:35.194)
Of course, boy.

Matt (40:37.56)
But it's, yeah. But that whole thing's wild, right? Because they went through the effort of finding the right person to put the serum in. They obviously urged him and told him what the serum does. They even test to see what he could do. Yeah. And like, at a minimum, you gotta be like, you know, take his blood and the liter of blood and then put him through his paces. Like, he fucking jumped car to car and ran faster than a moving car in the 1940s. And like, like, I don't, like, you know, we kind of know what Captain America's powers are based on the comic books and everything else, but like.

Luciano (40:48.285)
What can you actually do exactly? Yeah.

Luciano (41:07.389)
But they didn't. Yeah.

Matt (41:07.832)
What are his powers in this movie? Like, what could he do?

Spencer (41:08.858)
They're like, he's literally a human nuke and no one knows. They're like, you're fine.

Matt (41:13.048)
He jumps, he jumped out of fucking plane without a parachute like... So... Did he have a parachute in this one? I didn't see it. Anyways.

Luciano (41:14.205)

Luciano (41:19.581)
Well, he had a parachute in this one Yeah, yeah, he did I thought he was gonna do the no parachute like he did on the other one He jumps down with just the shield, but no he has a parachute in this one Yeah

Matt (41:29.24)
Yeah, yeah. Okay, so he had a parachute. But still, like, he jumps it, like, so, like, I don't understand whether to test his abilities and see what his capabilities are, and then what you see...

Luciano (41:37.341)

Spencer (41:38.138)
or use a, it's almost like they wanted to have that like, like him overcoming, you know like with the like the underestimating trope? It's like where it's like, you're not meant, when he says he's like, you're a chorus boy, you're not meant for this. And it's like, wait, that trope doesn't really work when you literally turn him into a super soldier. It's like, what you think you super soldier boys could fight like a soldier? Yeah, right, go back to chorus town. You know, it's like.

Luciano (41:48.061)

Luciano (41:56.381)
Super Soldier. I think... Meanwhile, he's doing curls with the curl node himself. I think they did that just to have an excuse to put him in the uniform and justify the fact that he had the goofy, super colorful uniform and all that. I think that's why they did it the way they did. Obviously...

Matt (42:05.016)

Matt (42:10.264)
Yeah, yeah.

Spencer (42:10.33)

Matt (42:18.648)
Write the Captain America uniform. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Luciano (42:25.053)
that uniform an homage to the golden age Captain America uniform, including the non round shield and all that stuff. But I think that's why they did it. But there are, there were other ways of doing this, I think.

Matt (42:32.312)
Yeah. Yeah.

Spencer (42:33.978)

Matt (42:36.28)
Sure. What?

Spencer (42:36.282)
It's a smirk.

Spencer (42:41.146)
Yeah, like they could have like...

Matt (42:41.176)
It just it was sloppy right like they're like Spencer. I know you're gonna say like go ahead

Luciano (42:44.029)

Spencer (42:47.386)
I was gonna say they could have if they're like, yeah, they could clean it up by being like maybe he does something reckless to save someone and then they're like We can't have someone who doesn't follow orders You know, you're off you go you're you're go to the chorus line You know, we got to use you somehow You know, like just something like that instead. They're like you're right. They're like they test them They make a super soldier like it was a success like okay now get out of here Get on now go you get on throwing rocks. You get

Luciano (42:57.501)
Yeah, there you go.


Matt (43:04.76)
You could... could it like...

Luciano (43:10.941)
Or even like... Yeah, or even like...

Matt (43:12.496)
Get the fuck out of here!

Luciano (43:16.925)
Yeah, get get. Yeah. No, they could have done also like actually shove him in the limousine. No, you this is how you're going to serve your your country. And then you use the tried and true trope of him. OK, I'm going to run away, but they can't know it's me. So I'm going to put in a mask and a uniform and they're not going to know it's me fighting in the front lines without orders from a colonel or whatever, just going in there and helping. And that being his disguise. Right.

Spencer (43:17.37)
Don't turn back! You get on now!

Matt (43:20.472)
Go on, you git.

Spencer (43:46.65)
This guy is a blue, fucking star -spangled...

Matt (43:47.032)

Luciano (43:50.333)
Dude, we believe that Superman can hide himself with glasses. Why that wouldn't be a kid the thing so

Spencer (43:56.858)
No, but they made him, they would know. There's a super strong man out on the front lines.

Matt (44:01.592)
Yeah, but here's the thing, did they know that? Because they wouldn't let him go be a soldier. Literally in one of the chorus scenes, you see him holding up a motorbike with three fucking chorus girls sitting on it. And no one's like, hey, that seems a little strong for a regular person. No. And no one's like, that's a weird special effect. I can't see any cables. It's the fucking 1940s. Just fishing lines holding them up.

Luciano (44:05.405)

Luciano (44:12.381)
He doesn't even look like he's having trouble, right? Yeah.

Spencer (44:17.882)
Yeah, special effect.

Spencer (44:22.522)
It is.

Luciano (44:24.285)

Spencer (44:25.114)
You think that's CGI? What's CGI? Concealed... garrotte? Yeah.

Matt (44:29.368)

Luciano (44:32.253)
Gun, concealed gun interim.

Matt (44:32.28)

Matt (44:37.976)
We could do better than that. Concealed girl interface. That sounds creepy. I apologize. I take that back. Moving on. We're not going on any longer. I've ruined it for everybody. That's why it moved on. So no, I think, I think there we've, we've counted, there's so many ways just to clean it up, just to like, he goes and does testing and then, for whatever reason in the testing, they're just like, they don't trust them to go or there's so many ways to just tweak it. He can still be a chorus boy.

Spencer (44:42.618)

Luciano (44:42.845)
Yeah, yeah.

Spencer (44:46.17)
The eye is incel.

Luciano (44:48.669)

Luciano (45:04.413)

Matt (45:07.224)
You can still get them there, but it's just more of a justification than, this test was completely successful, you're the super soldier we hoped for, fuck off. Get on out of here.

Luciano (45:13.821)
We don't want you. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, it's weird.

Spencer (45:14.01)
Now get on! Now get! We don't want you here no more. The doctor who made you is dead. It's like, yeah, but he still made me.

Matt (45:24.824)

Luciano (45:27.709)
Yeah, it still worked. How do you know you're not a doctor? Get the fuck out of here.

Spencer (45:31.29)
Yeah, we won't know. Yeah, he's dead. We can't tell if it worked. He's he's put on six hundred seventy pounds of muscle Now it's he looks the same to me get on now

Matt (45:31.512)

Matt (45:35.512)
We have no idea.

Luciano (45:40.637)
No, it's, it's, it's just looks. Go dance with some girls. Yeah.

Matt (45:42.328)
Looks like a failure.

He just made him look hot. Those are show muscles, not performance muscles. Get the fuck out of here. There's another plot hole we found. Again, it's similar to this. It's not a major plot hole, but it's used to set up... It's sloppy, right? The plot hole is to set up how Captain America gets to present day so they can use him in all the Avengers movies. So he gets on the plane to... Is the plane going to America, I guess? North America, right?

Spencer (45:47.866)

Luciano (45:50.493)

Luciano (46:06.397)

Luciano (46:12.253)
Yeah, it's not locked in New York and I guess it's gonna explode.

Spencer (46:12.282)
New York.

Matt (46:15.832)
Sure, but like it's weird because the inside the little weird hella planes are all labeled for different cities. So, all right.

Luciano (46:23.645)
Yeah, so that whoever's driving them can re -verify where they're going. Like, where am I going again? that's right.

Matt (46:29.016)
Yeah. Right. I have to fly to Chicago. Great. But like, so, you know, Red Skull, he defeats the Red Skull. Actually, he doesn't defeat the Red Skull. The Tesseract defeats the Red Skull.

Luciano (46:38.685)
The Tesseract difference of reticle, yes.

Spencer (46:39.706)
Test worked, undefeated.

Matt (46:42.488)
The Tesseract wins again, ships disaster space, no question that has just gone. Yes, good job, Tesseract. So, but the Tesseract, once the Tesseract wins, then the cap, I guess it's, is it on autopilot?

Luciano (46:46.397)

Spencer (46:48.954)
T -Tesrax is the real hero of this movie.

Luciano (46:51.677)

Luciano (46:59.741)

Spencer (47:02.426)

Luciano (47:02.461)
So he had turned on autopilot at some point, but given the fact that CAP drives it down.

Spencer (47:09.21)
No, what do you mean he turned autopilot on? He, the plane is flying on autopilot to begin with, otherwise there would be no concern.

Matt (47:15.512)
Yeah. They fought. They put on autopilot and it flew on autopilot while they fought, right? And so the concern arises from that it's on autopilot. He can't turn it off, I think. And that's why he has to dust the plane into the ocean.

Luciano (47:22.269)

Spencer (47:32.346)
I mean, there's so many.

Luciano (47:32.573)

Matt (47:32.728)
Or it's automa - it's maybe not autopilot but it's automated. So if it gets to North America it's gonna launch all the bombs and kill all the people, right? And that's why he has to put it in the drink.

Spencer (47:39.962)
Well, again, that - It's good -

Luciano (47:41.181)
No, they show a scene of him flipping the switch of the autopilot.

Spencer (47:46.714)
I'm trying to turn it off. Not turn it on.

Luciano (47:49.181)
Did he? No, no, I mean, I mean, Red Skull.

Matt (47:51.672)
Anyways, don't worry about this. The plot hole is that he has to put this plane into the drink himself. And it doesn't make sense. At least to our memory it doesn't make sense. Maybe one of us should look up what actually happens in that scene because this might not be a plot hole. But, not like we just watched it. We never watch movies.

Luciano (48:00.093)

Spencer (48:04.154)
It's not like the three of us just watched it.

Luciano (48:06.877)
Yeah, I watched it a couple of days ago. It's exactly that. Yeah.

Matt (48:11.064)
So Captain America has to like send the spy into the ground and what I don't understand is why he has to like manage it all the way into the ground.

Luciano (48:20.189)
No, it doesn't make any sense.

Matt (48:22.072)
Right? Like he, he just says point it there, turn off the autopilot, whatever, smash some shit, like whatever it takes to do, just like aim it at the ground and jump out.

Luciano (48:32.477)
or aim it up and jump out aim it to the sun and jump out doesn't have to it just doesn't just can't hit New York

Spencer (48:37.434)
Well, it's not gonna get to the sun.

Matt (48:43.256)
Hey man, we watched Iron Man. If you go too far up in the air, then everything freezes up. And then you plumb it to Earth as a stone. So that would have solved the problems.

Spencer (48:46.49)
Yeah, that's true. So I'm just going to speak from like purely from logic. OK. Just just just hear me out.

Luciano (48:46.813)

Luciano (48:50.493)

Matt (48:52.696)
the heart? I don't know. First of all, if you, okay, but if you do this, then we have to let Luciano also speak from logic.

Luciano (48:56.477)
I don't care for your logic, sir.

Spencer (49:04.314)
God, all right. I retract my statement. No, as far as just pure logic, I assume an autopilot is on in order for the plane to get to America. It's not going to fly there on its own without some sort of navigation system. So,

Luciano (49:04.477)
Ha ha!

Luciano (49:21.821)

Right. Right.

Spencer (49:29.594)
I assume he couldn't turn it off. Because if he could turn it off, it would just not go to America and there'd be no problem.

Luciano (49:38.333)
But then how did he like move, like, pulled it down if the autopilot was on?

Spencer (49:44.858)
So are you saying that him pushing down is him fighting the autopilot so he has to physically push down?

Luciano (49:49.565)
That's about the only way I can see this making sense.

Spencer (49:53.594)
Yeah, and that me too, but that's also not how autopilot works in any sense. So that's where the plot hole comes in because I don't think you can physically fight an autopilot. I don't think it's like you out power it.

Luciano (49:57.469)
Exactly, exactly. Yeah.

Luciano (50:07.965)
No, either it turns off when you start using the controls or it just disconnects the controls and you can't do anything. Yeah, yeah. Exactly. Yeah.

Spencer (50:15.354)
Exactly or the controls do nothing right because well you don't actually knock it or something like so my understanding is that This plane was on a wire from from Germany to America and it was just following along on that rope If we had to push down to fly away from the rope slash wire

Luciano (50:27.197)

Luciano (50:34.493)

Also, like the other part of this that doesn't make a whole lot of sense, if he can fly the plane, because he can't, he was, you know, he flew into the ground, but he can't, it was like, exactly. But it was like, he was like, I'll have Howard, Peggy says, Howard come and help you. Like, there's no time, but why?

Spencer (50:49.37)
I mean, I could fly a plane to the ground.

Luciano (51:02.941)
Can't you just, instead of down, can you just veer to the side and fly it somewhere else until Howard gets there and then land it? And you know what I mean?

Spencer (51:09.882)
maybe, maybe again, it's not like we just watched this movie. Maybe those missiles were going to fire from that plane on a certain amount of time. And it doesn't matter where he was. The plane had to be out of the air. So those missiles couldn't be launched.

Luciano (51:26.909)
They don't say that though, like there's nothing that says, it's on the timer. Right? It does, it does. Yeah. But still, like, if he crashed the plane, sure, but like, it doesn't seem like things were broken. So the things could have just flown out of the plane from the ground and made their way somewhere. So that, you know what I mean?

Spencer (51:32.602)
Cause that makes way more sense.

Spencer (51:45.082)
And again, I.

Spencer (51:53.402)
Now, again, I'm no aeronautical engineer, but I'm pretty sure a plane can crash on its own.

Luciano (51:56.541)

Matt (51:56.984)

Luciano (52:03.229)
It's the easiest thing.

Matt (52:03.256)
Can you say that with a southern drawl, sir?

Spencer (52:06.234)
Now, I'm no fancy aeronautical engineer from the city.

Matt (52:11.256)
Thank you. More believable.

Luciano (52:13.117)
You guys can't see this, but he's doing the suspenders.

Spencer (52:15.45)
This is vendors. Now, now, now I'm no big city aeronautical engineer, but I do believe a plane couldn't crash on its own accord on its own abilities. If I do say, if I do say so myself, you beautiful jury.

Luciano (52:36.285)
Wait, did you become a lawyer? Okay.

Spencer (52:39.522)
Yeah, sorry, I'm an aeronautical, yeah. Your Honor, I'm no fancy aeronautical engineer, but I do think that drag and lift can be inverted to create a crash without said pallet. I rest my case.

Matt (52:41.816)
He didn't. He's both. He's a dual aeronautical engineer slash lawyer. Yeah.

Luciano (52:44.057)
It's, it's, it's multi, he multiclassed.

Spencer (53:08.218)
I said, case closed.

Matt (53:10.232)

Luciano (53:11.805)
Anyway, yeah, a plane can crash itself very easily, I would say.

Spencer (53:13.786)
Thank you.

Spencer (53:18.106)
And if that fucking wheel had to just be pointed downward, just put a fucking thing in pushing the, jimmy it upward, yeah. But here's the question, did Captain America know he could jump out of a plane and survive at this point?

Luciano (53:23.261)
Yeah, like Jimmy didn't jump out. Yeah.

Matt (53:23.32)
a stick.

Matt (53:27.352)
So, -

Luciano (53:32.253)
Well yeah, he had jumped out of, I see what you mean, without a parachute, yeah. But he didn't even try to look for a parachute.

Spencer (53:34.426)
but he had a parachute.

Spencer (53:39.194)
But do you think that later...

Matt (53:39.384)

Luciano (53:41.725)
That's the thing. He was like, no, I have to die. And that he decided he had to die. And that was it.

Matt (53:44.056)
I think, so I, listen, my real answer is that he's scared of Peggy and wanted to die instead of going in the dance with her. It's got to come at me. But definitely, definitely have to crash this. Yeah.

Spencer (53:52.974)
Scared of commitment? No, you can get out of that plane! No, no, I gotta crash it! No, you can set it to just crash on its own! There's parachutes! Peggy, you're breaking up! I think we should be friends!

Luciano (53:53.245)

Luciano (54:01.977)

Luciano (54:08.253)
You're bricking up. Yeah.

Matt (54:11.968)
No, but like so I was looking for this just to get the terminology right and so in this in the movie Basically Captain America says Schmidt has locked the navigation system. So he doesn't say autopilot So it's a bit ambiguous as to what the navigation system is and he's like I got a but I think I can put it in the water and so he basically says it's kind of like in seeming autopilot without saying the words autopilot because I don't even know if autopilot existed in the 1940s, but it's not a hero there.

Spencer (54:25.37)

Luciano (54:25.501)

Spencer (54:39.61)
Yeah, it's got locked navigation. Totally different.

Matt (54:41.624)
Yeah, totally different. So then, but excuse me, it doesn't change the fact that once he decides he can put it in the water, like he could still get out at some point. Like, is he so does he not understand planes so much that he believes he has to drive it into the water? Like if he got out, if he got out, he wasn't holding the stick or doing whatever as soon as he got out the plane would be like, and fly off just like perfectly. Just like level out and head back to New York.

Luciano (54:42.429)

Spencer (55:06.122)
I mean that's...

Luciano (55:10.909)
Well, you know, when he's fighting the Red Skull, at one point, they knock the stick and the plane starts flying straight up or something like that or straight down. Yeah, that's when Schmidt turns on the autopilot. That's why I said they show him turning it on. But even then, the way that the plane was going down, the way that it was, it would have stalled. There's no autopilot can fix a stall.

Matt (55:23.576)
Yeah. Yeah.

Spencer (55:24.346)
and rewrites itself.

Matt (55:30.776)
Thank you for your time.

Matt (55:40.536)
But it's not Autopilot. It's a navigation system.

Luciano (55:40.925)
So like you should have crashed then already. it's locked navigation.

Spencer (55:43.802)
It's locked, it's locked, there's no way of changing lock navigation. Once you lock it, unless you have the key, you can't unlock it.

Luciano (55:49.213)
You can't unlock it. And the key was blasted with Schmidt by the Tesseract. Yeah. I see.

Matt (55:51.288)
Yeah. And the key.

Spencer (55:54.81)
Wait, it just fades. When it was...

Matt (55:56.792)
It was his penis, that was the key. The red... Hey, it... This is not the start of our weird questions, but I do want to know. If the red skull's face is just the skull, is his penis there anymore?

Spencer (56:00.666)
Sir, we don't make keys that small!

Luciano (56:03.325)

Spencer (56:14.33)
I mean, that's just like blood and...

Matt (56:17.464)
Is the red skull just all bone? Or just his face melt off?

Luciano (56:20.541)
Is that supposed to be his bone or is it just...

Spencer (56:24.282)
No, I always thought it was like his, he still had skin, but it was red. And it was like all his muscle was gone.

Luciano (56:27.901)
Yeah, that's what I thought too.

Matt (56:30.904)
But like all his like like he has no nose, right? He has no ears.

Luciano (56:33.917)
True. Yeah.

Spencer (56:37.018)
Yeah, then his penis would be gone. If his nose is gone, then his penis would go with it. Why do you think he's so angry?

Luciano (56:39.069)

Luciano (56:42.621)
There you go. Keeps peeing on his own leg.

Matt (56:42.776)
I mean, yeah, okay, checking.

Spencer (56:47.77)
Why'd you sit down?

Matt (56:48.12)
Yeah. I mean, I mean, if he has no skin, it's a lot of questions that go unanswered because he doesn't really have muscles on his face out there. Is he just an animated skeleton?

Luciano (56:59.677)
Skeleton the red skeleton

Spencer (57:00.89)
I mean, by the name, you think he's wearing like a bodysuit with fake muscles to make him like fill out his outfits?

Matt (57:08.503)
Yeah, definitely. You know how you get like those like Superman costumes where it comes with the muscles? He just has a red skull muscle costume. Yeah. Let's just, we might as well just get into the questions because I think we've, you want to go back?

Luciano (57:10.173)
But if he has no muscles, how does he move?

Spencer (57:13.338)
Yeah, that's what I'm thinking. All right, that tracks.

No. My one question is, because I think that the reason why he didn't jump out of the plane is because he didn't think he'd survive jumping out of the plane. Yeah. So if that's the case...

Matt (57:30.744)
Captain America.

Luciano (57:32.925)
Right, but then, but he wouldn't survive, he didn't think he was going to survive crashing the plane either.

Spencer (57:38.298)
Yeah, but you know, maybe he wanted to make sure the job was done right. And he's like, I'm going to die anyway, so might as well see this through.

Luciano (57:39.773)

Matt (57:43.384)
I'll give him credit. He wants to be 100 % sure that the plane is going to crash, right? So the only way to be 100 % sure is to crash it yourself.

Luciano (57:45.629)
Right, right, yeah.

Spencer (57:49.658)
But my question is, if he thought he would die if he jumped out of the plane, you know how in the next movie he jumps out of a plane without a parachute?

Matt (57:57.208)
Like, when did he learn?

Luciano (57:57.373)
He probably knows by then.

Spencer (57:59.418)
So you think when he realized he could do that, he was like, fuck, I could have jumped out of that plane.

Matt (58:03.16)
No, because he's Duck and Peggy. Yeah.

Spencer (58:05.018)
yeah, that's right.

Luciano (58:06.333)
Yeah, it's a good thing she's dead because now she would see me do this and she would go, motherfucker. He doesn't know when he does that the first time.

Spencer (58:09.434)

Matt (58:10.904)
She's not dead.

Spencer (58:14.042)
Peggy, I gotta put it down. I love you, I'm just that IN love with you.

Matt (58:15.144)
that's fair.

Luciano (58:18.429)
my God.

Matt (58:18.68)
Yeah. You're really, you're really sweet. but, I think we should see other people.

Spencer (58:27.886)
I've fallen in love with Red Skull. Goodbye!

Luciano (58:33.853)

Matt (58:34.2)
Dr. Zola.

Spencer (58:36.99)
and Bucky. You know what, I'm really not into you.

Matt (58:39.448)
We have a throuple thing going on. You wouldn't understand.

Luciano (58:42.237)
Ha ha ha!

Matt (58:47.48)
hey, let's just get into this. The red skull. He... He wears faces. Whether they're skin over skin or otherwise, we've discussed that previously. But I want to know is, where does he get this Mission Impossible level face tech? Because that fits like a goddamn glove. Like, every time he puts on the... It gives him everything. So, how, who, is this Dr. Zola?

Spencer (59:06.266)
Yeah, and it gives him a nose.

Spencer (59:11.738)
Does he have a dick mask? To give him that dick?

Matt (59:14.808)
I mean...

Luciano (59:14.973)
He would, he would.

Matt (59:17.56)
It would.

Spencer (59:18.778)
Like that's all he wears is the mask and the dick and it's just everything else is red skeleton. There's an image. I'm ready for my close up. What accent is that? Russian, yeah. No, I can't do it. Ready for my close up.

Luciano (59:21.149)
Yeah. Yeah. That's why he's always like in long sleeves.

Matt (59:21.496)
That's it. Out of her thing. Yeah. Yeah.

You're welcome.

Luciano (59:30.041)

Matt (59:33.848)
Ha ha ha!

Luciano (59:35.869)
Russian. Yeah.

Luciano (59:43.421)

Matt (59:46.232)
Ha ha ha ha.

Spencer (59:48.858)
what was the question? Yes, he has a dick mask. Okay.

Luciano (59:49.093)

Matt (59:51.736)
How? How? No, yeah, how does the red scale get his dick mask? Tech.

Luciano (59:58.173)
Maybe this is in the Mission Impossible universe. And that was like the prototype.

Spencer (01:00:02.938)
I mean, I'd give you that, but even in the Mission Impossible movie, it's the 40s. They didn't, even in the first, like they had the prototype version in the first Mission Impossible movie. Yeah.

Luciano (01:00:06.653)
It's in the 40s.

Damn, foiled by time again. Yeah, yeah. Well, on Mission Impossible 3, the mask is like electronic?

Matt (01:00:16.984)
Yeah, and it's not great in comparison how good this is.

Matt (01:00:26.264)
Sure. Yeah, I mean... Yeah.

Spencer (01:00:26.778)
Yeah, they perfected it by three and two. I think it was perfected, but in one it was like an actual like makeup mask. Like it wasn't like a full on like so.

Matt (01:00:34.2)

Luciano (01:00:35.389)
yeah, that's right.

Matt (01:00:36.76)
Yeah, once you stretch it on your face, it's fucking perfect, but before that it looks a little wonky. Almost, but no. They would never do that.

Spencer (01:00:40.346)

Luciano (01:00:42.333)
It's almost like another actor playing it. Yeah.

Spencer (01:00:46.01)
Don't kill the magic.

Luciano (01:00:47.717)

Matt (01:00:49.016)
So like is this a Dr. Zola invention? Is this because is the Redskull also so the Tesseract did it?

Luciano (01:00:54.077)
Yeah, it's a Tesseract mask.

Spencer (01:00:58.234)
Does the Tesseract make this possible?

Luciano (01:00:58.269)

Matt (01:01:00.536)
I mean the Tesseract made Loki's little staff so maybe the Tesseract just shits out facemasks or pees them out? I'm not sure. Maybe.

Luciano (01:01:05.053)
Yeah, sure.

Spencer (01:01:07.418)
Is the Tesseract a 3D printer?

Luciano (01:01:11.421)
It's not not a 3D printer.

Spencer (01:01:13.69)
I think it's not not a three -fincher

Luciano (01:01:17.053)

Matt (01:01:17.144)
So we're going with the tesserac made the faces

Spencer (01:01:21.978)
No, I think... I think he made the masks from humans that he's killed.

Matt (01:01:30.04)
But they don't look like him.

Luciano (01:01:30.173)
All of them who look like Hugo Weaving.

Spencer (01:01:32.826)
No, I think -


Matt (01:01:36.92)
show your work, if you can.

Spencer (01:01:38.97)
Maybe that, maybe he doesn't really look like Hugo Weaving, but he killed a guy who just looks, who is like, looks like Hugo Weaving and he just wore his face. But his actual face is completely different.

Luciano (01:01:39.453)

Luciano (01:01:51.965)
Yeah, but he rips it off like three times.

Matt (01:01:52.376)

Well, triplets. He throw - he throw another fire in the fucking wind that - that factored is blowing up. So at least has twins, at a minimum.

Spencer (01:01:55.578)
It's reusable.

Luciano (01:01:56.765)
Ha, true, of course.

Spencer (01:01:59.93)
Alright, rewind rewind. They're triplets. Yeah, thank you. And that's why he killed them because he was like, I want to have at least three versions of these battles because I love to dramatically throw them in fires.

Luciano (01:02:01.885)


Matt (01:02:07.256)
Nice. Good idea.

Matt (01:02:20.472)
Okay. And then just like pads of them out so they fit as weird skull contours.

Luciano (01:02:20.669)

Yeah, he also took the triplets dicks to make the dick mask mask as well. Yeah.

Spencer (01:02:27.642)
Yeah, no no he killed big dick Johnny Sorry big dick Hans from northern northern Germany He was like that I'm getting his I'm getting his dick mask and then I'll get this got these triplets for phases

Matt (01:02:28.536)
Yeah, of course.

Luciano (01:02:33.021)

Matt (01:02:38.456)
Yeah, thank you.

Matt (01:02:46.872)
Listen, I'm sure people want me to ask the question, how does he figure out which dick mask to get? But I'm not going to do that. I'm not going to sell the podcast for that question. We're going to move on to our next question. Yeah, you know. Hey, the when Captain America gets the super soldier serum, he also apparently has to get zapped with Vita rays that suck up all the power in Brooklyn. And maybe the Eastern seaport. Don't worry about the power. I just want to know what else happens if you get exposed to Vita rays.

Spencer (01:02:54.202)
You know.

Luciano (01:03:15.453)

Matt (01:03:15.8)
It sounds like a fallout thing in a way to me.

Spencer (01:03:18.49)
It does.

Luciano (01:03:19.069)
Yeah, I was going to say is is vital rays just a nice way of saying you got blasted with radiation.

Spencer (01:03:24.666)
A little chemotherapy.

Matt (01:03:26.872)
I mean, yeah, it sounds, it sounds, yeah, it sounds like it could be.

Luciano (01:03:28.701)
Radio therapy in this case.

Spencer (01:03:30.362)
Yeah. I think if you get too many vital rays, you start like getting in those BLM things that like sell like vitamins, like those, like, you know, the, the, the, what's BL? I don't know. MLM.

Luciano (01:03:33.309)

Luciano (01:03:44.733)
Wait, BLM or MLM? Incel Spencer came out briefly to say BLM, Black Lives Matter.

Matt (01:03:47.68)
Yeah. You all right?

Spencer (01:03:51.642)
What's BLM? What does that mean? I forgot! That's why you guys paused in shock and horror.

Matt (01:03:57.304)
I'm sorry.

Matt (01:04:01.112)
huh, huh, yeah.

Luciano (01:04:02.141)
I was like, where is it going with this?

Spencer (01:04:05.786)
No, no, no, I apologize. I misspoke. Yeah. MLM, which stands for yeah. Like those sales groups that like, yeah. Those pyramid screens that sell vitamins, you know, cause you, the vital, the vital rays. Yes. You get what I'm saying? Yes, exactly.

Matt (01:04:06.456)
Tread carefully.

Luciano (01:04:11.261)
Ha ha!

Luciano (01:04:16.093)
Like, am I?

Motive level marketing, AKA pyramid scheme. Yeah.


Matt (01:04:27.48)
So Howard Stark ran an MLM on the side?

Luciano (01:04:30.461)
I mean, come on. Would you be surprised? Yeah. Yeah.

Matt (01:04:33.592)
No, not at all. That's how he got all his money, I'm sure.

Spencer (01:04:35.866)
And that's where the VitaRays came from, it was their top seller.

Matt (01:04:38.904)
They did - so they did nothing for Captain America whatsoever.

Spencer (01:04:40.602)
No, no, that was all just a game. It was all the serum. That was just a marketing campaign.

Luciano (01:04:41.629)
Ha ha!


It's just like snake oil, basically.

Matt (01:04:47.992)

Spencer (01:04:51.13)
They filmed it and they're like, look what VitaRays can do for you!

Luciano (01:04:55.165)
I make you blind with so much light.

Matt (01:04:55.384)
So now I'm thinking Dr. Erskine had it and he sold it to Howard Stark and he sold him so many that Howard Stark needed to use up his vital rays. I can't read these somehow. How can I use them up? And it's just like, let's blast Captain America. What's the worst that could happen? Yeah.

Spencer (01:05:05.625)
I gotta get rid of these somehow.

Luciano (01:05:14.045)
Yeah, since we're since we're testing shit on the guy, let's just test a bunch of other shit Yeah

Spencer (01:05:14.554)
And then they're like.

Spencer (01:05:18.362)
Let's test the Vita rays which have no which is just a white light flashing and they're like and then he's like and if you at home buy a viral you can sell to your friend and you're actually making money on every Vita ray you buy and Then they make money

Luciano (01:05:23.549)

Luciano (01:05:32.061)
Yeah. And if you can recruit, if you can recruit three people to sell Vita rays for you, you get a portion of their profit.

Matt (01:05:37.464)
Yeah, you don't even have to sell batteries anymore. You just let the money roll in.

Luciano (01:05:42.781)
Yeah, you become nice, nice, you become an entrepreneur then. Yeah, I think that's that there's no other way to answer that.

Spencer (01:05:43.578)
And that's the light away to cellvita rays.

Matt (01:05:45.24)
That's the better way. That's right. Now that.

I think we've nailed this question.

Hey, why didn't Mercedes -Benz build equipment for Hydra?

Spencer (01:06:00.37)
Because their cars were looked exactly like murder city spends with the hydro logos

Luciano (01:06:00.605)
Money, dear boy!

Luciano (01:06:08.381)

Matt (01:06:09.176)
I mean, if it was good enough for fucking Volkswagen, why wouldn't it be good enough for Mercedes?

Luciano (01:06:13.677)
maybe that's why you wouldn't, they wanted a piece of Nazi action. The mainstream. Yeah.

Matt (01:06:15.818)
they're trying to Yeah, they couldn't get it in the main the main strip. So they

Spencer (01:06:19.182)
They're like, the people are already using the VWs for the military, we can take up the Heisra wing.

Luciano (01:06:28.381)
You can do it when you stop and think about it.

Spencer (01:06:30.81)
Yes, I just have to sound like I want to sell something evil.

Matt (01:06:31.224)
Yeah, there you go.

Luciano (01:06:35.325)

Matt (01:06:35.672)
So Mercedes -Benz was like, Hitler's too mainstream for us.

Spencer (01:06:40.122)
Yeah, we did. He's playing it a little safe with his demographic. Is that the slogan of the podcast? Mercedes, we need someone edgier than Hitler.

Luciano (01:06:40.253)
Yeah, exactly.

Matt (01:06:45.688)
We need someone edgier.

Luciano (01:06:45.821)
Yeah. Now, yeah, he was like, you know, every, like everybody else, like they're using Volkswagen. It's the car of the people. We're going to sell this to a higher echelon of crazy. That's, that's what they wanted to do. Like we don't sell it to the common people. We sell it to the really crazy people.

Matt (01:06:51.224)


Matt (01:07:03.448)
yeah, that's right. No, that makes sense.

Spencer (01:07:11.098)
Once you cut off a Mercedes head, two heads grow in its place. What? Mercedes. Yeah. Hello, Mercedes! This ad campaign can go to no wrong.

Matt (01:07:11.384)
Yeah, the upper...

Luciano (01:07:16.317)

Hail Mercedes!

Matt (01:07:20.664)
Yeah, that makes sense.

Luciano (01:07:25.245)
This podcast specifically not sponsored by Mercedes Benz in any way, shape or form.

Spencer (01:07:30.682)

Matt (01:07:32.056)
Nah, it's fine. They know what they did. okay. I think that's, that's fine. Hey Spencer, I'm asking you this question because I think you know the answer. Why is Captain America simping for Becky?

Spencer (01:07:39.866)
Yo. Okay, I'm ready.

Luciano (01:07:44.701)
god. What are you doing man?

Spencer (01:07:45.21)
So this is before he realized that they weren't right for each other. So he crashed a plane to avoid a relationship. In the beginning, yes. No, he is simping hard. And they talk a couple times and then he goes off on his military...

Matt (01:07:53.72)
Yeah, obviously.

Luciano (01:07:54.877)

Matt (01:08:14.68)

Spencer (01:08:15.226)
Yeah, and then, and then he like gets ripped and all of a sudden she's interested in him.

Luciano (01:08:15.261)

Matt (01:08:20.344)
I mean the picture of her in his like watch is weird because they aren't anything.

Luciano (01:08:26.877)
Yeah. Why does he have that?

Spencer (01:08:27.066)
They're not... He... Listen. He's simping. That's the answer. Why is he simping? Because she's really cool and hot. That's pretty obvious.

Matt (01:08:29.88)

Luciano (01:08:33.693)
Yeah, we're asking why.

Matt (01:08:34.2)
I guess we agree. Yeah, why? Yeah.

Luciano (01:08:42.493)
Dude, the answer, come on, the answer is simple. The answer is very simple. He's Captain Cuck, and that's what cucks do, they simp.

Matt (01:08:42.712)
No, I mean...

Matt (01:08:48.12)
It's... Wow.

Spencer (01:08:49.21)
He wants to get pegged by Peggy, is that what you're saying? I'm Peggy, is that an invitation?

Luciano (01:08:53.693)
Hey, see, I knew you had it in you. Yeah. Her name is actually Maria. It's not my name, it's just my preference.

Matt (01:08:54.968)
That's why she's called Peggy, but that's not a real name.

Spencer (01:09:02.522)
Stop calling me Beggy! It's not your name, it's a - it's a - it's a - yeah, yeah!

Matt (01:09:06.616)
It was one time!

Matt (01:09:11.736)

Spencer (01:09:12.25)
And yeah, he like when he goes off to like sell war bonds like, you know, there's other girls going after him and he's like Nah, I'm a one -woman man

Luciano (01:09:22.461)
None of them would peg me like Peggy would.

Matt (01:09:25.176)
This brings me to another question I think we have to tie these two questions together because like first of all the question is how did Captain America lose his virginity? And because it's an important question to answer because when you say when he went off to the war bond thing, I agree, he had this woman after him. You're telling me he didn't have sex with like any of them? Like...

Spencer (01:09:29.114)

Luciano (01:09:30.845)
Also, pegging and BSDM.

BDSM. Of course.

Spencer (01:09:36.794)
It's important. Naturally.

Luciano (01:09:53.341)

Matt (01:09:53.56)
Like the same way What's Your Face comes onto him in the... You know, like she's like, you saved a lot of... Yeah. That's it.

Spencer (01:09:53.69)
No, because he said...

Luciano (01:09:59.133)
that he was saving himself for marriage or pegging one with the other.

Spencer (01:10:02.074)
What did you? He wanted his first time to be begging. Yeah. No, he says in the beginning. He's waiting for the right dance partner. Right?

Matt (01:10:06.008)
See, sorry, did you say Peggy or Pegging? Okay. Shaggy.

Luciano (01:10:08.893)
Yes, yes, I'm saying yes.

Luciano (01:10:18.269)
Right, that's true.

Matt (01:10:19.288)
But dance partner is like, it can be sex, right? Dancing leads to sex, that's what I know.

Spencer (01:10:22.074)
That's what they were talking about. That infers me to believe that he did not sleep with the show whores.

Matt (01:10:26.808)
yeah wink wink

Luciano (01:10:36.957)

Matt (01:10:37.24)
But he said he was waiting for the right dance partner when he was a twig.

Luciano (01:10:41.789)

Spencer (01:10:42.22)
you're saying you think that changed when he became a bear?

Matt (01:10:45.144)
I think you wait for the right dance partner when no one will dance with you. But when you come...

Luciano (01:10:45.949)

Spencer (01:10:47.802)
That's true. That is totally what someone would say when they have, yeah, they're alone in the dance club. I'm waiting for the right partner.

Luciano (01:10:52.381)
Yeah, it's not that I can't find anyone. I just don't want anyone. Yeah.

Matt (01:10:54.072)


Yeah, when all of a sudden he fucking beefs out he's like, ooooh! And it's like, mmm.

Spencer (01:11:01.914)
In he went from he went from incel Steve to Captain Cuck. Is that what you're telling me? Yeah, so I don't think he hooked up with any of those girls because then he tells Peggy or she sees him kiss. I don't know if you told her.

Luciano (01:11:07.293)

Matt (01:11:07.544)
That's what it sounds like.

Luciano (01:11:20.189)
Well, private Marjorie Tyrell basically like forces herself onto him.

Matt (01:11:21.656)
She sees. Yeah.

Spencer (01:11:26.01)
yeah, she sexually assaults him. Yeah. And and then she gets mad at him and shoots a gun at him. Which is very healthy.

Matt (01:11:26.328)
Yeah, that was sexual assault. 100%.

Luciano (01:11:28.253)

Luciano (01:11:32.765)
Yes, she does. And a vibranium shield, which is like notable for ricocheting things off of it.

Spencer (01:11:42.618)
I mean, did she even know at that point? I mean, she...

Matt (01:11:44.792)
Yeah, I'm not sure. A little.

Luciano (01:11:47.037)
Do you think she would have cared?

Spencer (01:11:49.85)
I just think that's, yeah, it sounds like their relationship is quite toxic. And, sorry.

Matt (01:11:54.616)
That's not the question, Spencer. How did he lose his virginity? Slash.

Luciano (01:11:56.125)

Spencer (01:11:59.002)
right, I don't think he did. He never slept with Peggy. I think he never slept with those girls. He got frozen. He...

Luciano (01:12:07.837)
I think he lost.

Matt (01:12:10.392)
So he got like a blowjob from the chorus girls, but he doesn't consider that sex, right?

Spencer (01:12:14.01)
No, maybe he did some soaking.

Luciano (01:12:15.589)
Jesus Christ.

Spencer (01:12:19.61)

Luciano (01:12:21.725)
You did this. You did this, Matt.

Matt (01:12:21.816)
You want to explain that to our listeners just in case they're all innocent? Yeah, yeah, yes, I want you to explain it. I know what it is, but I want to hear you say it.

Spencer (01:12:23.194)
Do I have to explain it?

Luciano (01:12:28.989)
Now you, yes, now you do.

Spencer (01:12:32.026)
So, soaking, I believe is an Amish term. And it's from when you're not allowed to have sex, so you're allowed to, how do I say this? You're allowed to enter, you're allowed to, yeah, put it in, but you're not allowed to move. So it's motionless, it doesn't technically account as sex. And I believe they would sometimes get a friend to jump on the mattress to simulate motion. And I believe there's an,

Luciano (01:12:37.533)
It was like...

Luciano (01:12:45.885)
Just say it.

Matt (01:12:47.16)
it in. Yeah.

Mm -hmm.

Matt (01:12:58.296)
You're really expert on the subject.

Spencer (01:13:01.05)
I believe there's another term for that. There's another term for that. How do you think my first child was born? So it doesn't work. It's the jumper. So he did that is what I'm trying to say. And that doesn't count. Howard Stark was the jumper in this case.

Matt (01:13:07.064)
That's true. I was there. I was the jumper.

Matt (01:13:17.336)
Yeah. Doesn't you're right.

That's actually how Jesus was born as well. Yep.

Luciano (01:13:24.029)
Isn't... Wait, so is that is that why they talk about fondue? Because it's soaking?

Spencer (01:13:24.058)
Yeah, immaculate conception.

Matt (01:13:31.096)
Yeah, that's well the jumping like soaking is just as venture explained it but the jumping part that's fond doing you're correct

Luciano (01:13:35.733)
Yeah! Ahhhh... Okay.

Spencer (01:13:40.066)
I knew there was a term for it, okay.

Matt (01:13:41.688)
Yeah, yeah.

Spencer (01:13:43.45)
Fond... Fond doing... Where did that come from?

Luciano (01:13:44.893)

Yeah, I funded him.

Spencer (01:13:50.65)
Yeah. And that's also why he likes Peggy because Peggy can peg him. And that also doesn't count. He's waiting till after marriage. So since he didn't do it, he technically is a 90 year old virgin in the future. And there he doesn't do it.

Matt (01:13:50.808)
The movie.

Right. Doesn't count. Yeah, that's correct. That is true.

Luciano (01:13:57.341)
Cut, yeah, of course.

Matt (01:14:07.48)
Right. Right.

Spencer (01:14:14.01)
I think the closest he comes is to Peggy's niece or grand -niece?

Matt (01:14:20.376)
I'm crying grand -niece by the numbers.

Spencer (01:14:23.418)
which is a whole thing into itself. Yeah.

Matt (01:14:25.688)
It's fine. Listen, listen, if it's good enough for Pornhub, it's good enough for Captain America.

Luciano (01:14:25.949)
Fucked? Yeah, it's fucked. Yeah.

Spencer (01:14:30.554)
That's the other slogan of this podcast. If it's good enough, it's good enough for the bright light of our country, not our country. And then so he doesn't do it with her. And then I guess he goes back in time at the end. Technically, if he goes back in time, does that make him no longer 90?

Luciano (01:14:30.685)
Ha ha.

Captain Pornhub.

Matt (01:14:34.104)

Luciano (01:14:42.077)
Their country.

Matt (01:14:50.584)
Yeah. And then.

my guy.

Luciano (01:14:56.893)
No? He lived those 90 years, doesn't matter when.

Matt (01:14:58.552)
What do you mean? Well, he's older.

Spencer (01:15:02.522)
even though he was frozen? Yeah, that's true. So he lost his virginity probably at like 100.

Matt (01:15:06.52)
Yeah, well, yeah, it's like, it's weird, right? Because his age is from his birthdate. So you're all right in the sense that he goes forward to the now and he's like 70. But if he goes back to when he was 20, is he not 20 or 24? But birthdates aren't a measurement of time. They're a measurement of time from the day you were born.

Spencer (01:15:14.522)

Luciano (01:15:22.717)
No! Stop!

Luciano (01:15:28.733)
No, but age is how much you lived. It doesn't matter if you kept traveling time. Yeah, so he's not 70 when he wakes up in the 2000s. Yeah. I thought you were talking about when he was 90 at the end of Endgame. Yeah, he's not. He's not. No, he's not.

Matt (01:15:31.704)
Yeah, but... But he didn't live seven - He didn't live those seven years. He was a fucking popsicle.

Yeah, exactly. That's what we're saying.

Spencer (01:15:41.658)
Well not physically, but he is.

Matt (01:15:46.136)
Well, they call him 70, but he's not. So when he goes, but yeah, yeah.

Spencer (01:15:50.554)
No, I'm sorry, I disagree. When he goes to the future, he's technically 90 years old or whatever. Yes, because he was born in 1930 and he lived till 2000. It doesn't matter what his age is, his birth certificate says 1930 fucking thing. He's a hundred year old banging 20 year olds. Okay. And he lost his virginity, I believe to Peggy.

Luciano (01:15:56.125)
No. Why? His body didn't age. But his body... His body didn't age.

Matt (01:15:58.904)
At the very end? Yeah.

Matt (01:16:07.064)
You know what? I didn't...

Luciano (01:16:12.637)
Ha ha ha!

Matt (01:16:13.336)
props mad props

Spencer (01:16:20.73)
100 years later.

Luciano (01:16:22.589)
to Peggy.

Matt (01:16:23.576)
Before when he goes back in time when in endgame. Yeah

Spencer (01:16:23.898)
to Peggy. When he goes back in time, that's why he goes back in time, because he's like, he was gonna stay in the future, but he's like, I gotta lose my virginity, man. This is taking long enough.

Luciano (01:16:26.877)
I see what you mean.

Matt (01:16:34.456)
He realized his mistake of not, like, ducking out of the faggot relationship. No one else wanted to have sex with him.

Spencer (01:16:36.826)
Some would say that was his end game.

Luciano (01:16:41.949)

Matt (01:16:42.452)
We wrapped it up with a nice bow, we're gonna move on.


Why is his kink being kidnapped?

Spencer (01:16:55.898)
What is everything?

Luciano (01:16:55.965)
Why is it? It's a good question.

I think he had no. It was going to get dark really fast. Let's leave it alone.

Spencer (01:17:08.474)
Yeah, I don't think his kink is getting kidnapped as much as it is being saved by Steve.

Luciano (01:17:16.381)
interesting. Yeah. So do you think I was going to say because I was going to say that Steve lost his Virginia to Bucky. And then he kept saving himself to Steve. I see. I see. And then he kept keeps.

Spencer (01:17:21.53)
and soaking.

Spencer (01:17:29.338)
No, that didn't count.

Matt (01:17:29.624)
No, no, no. Bucky lost his virginity to Steve. It doesn't. Yeah. Yeah.

Spencer (01:17:36.762)
Hey, it was wartime, doesn't count. We had needs.

Luciano (01:17:42.941)
I think Spencer's right. I think he likes being saved.

Spencer (01:17:47.866)
He's got a damsel -like fetish.

Luciano (01:17:50.885)
Yeah. Yeah.

Matt (01:17:51.096)
quality. Okay.

Spencer (01:17:53.242)
Yeah, and then that's why he gets caught by the Nazis like four different times. And he's like, no, no, not the Nazis.

Luciano (01:17:59.325)
save me, please.

Luciano (01:18:07.709)

Spencer (01:18:09.658)
Stop choking me, daddy. I mean, general. Stop, stop. Not, not really. My safe word is pineapple.

Luciano (01:18:12.333)
Don't don't stop don't stop

Matt (01:18:13.848)
Choke me harder, daddy.

Matt (01:18:23.704)
Hey, he is welcome to express and live at us, Kink. That's great. Now, I'm glad that he was able to express himself in the 40s. That's probably really hard.

Luciano (01:18:27.261)
Whatever, whatever King C want exactly.

Spencer (01:18:34.65)
Don't turn me into a war criminal, a zombie assassin.

Matt (01:18:39.8)
First of all, Captain America is a war criminal. The Winter Soldier was brainwashed. It's very different.

Luciano (01:18:46.301)
Is it?

Matt (01:18:48.024)
Chair? Probably, I don't know. Moving on!

Spencer (01:18:50.17)
I'm still processing what you said and it's like moving on!

Matt (01:18:54.264)
I said a lot of words, some of them go together. Hey, who's the bigger Nazi, Colonel Phillips or Dr. Zola?

Spencer (01:19:01.53)
Who's Colonel Phillips?

Luciano (01:19:02.509)
Hmm, Tamaleigh Jones, did you watch this movie?

Matt (01:19:04.376)
Tommy Lee Jones did you fucking watch this movie?

Spencer (01:19:07.322)
What I've told you guys in the audience, I don't remember names.

Matt (01:19:12.184)
Well, try. Do you know? Do you?

Spencer (01:19:13.658)
I only remember Captain Cuck. That's the only thing I remember.

Luciano (01:19:17.181)
And an agent pegging Carter I Think it's okay. Hear me out. I think it's Phillips Because Zola like yeah, he was doing the stuff that he did but like he was being coerced He was Shut up. He was

Spencer (01:19:21.562)

Matt (01:19:24.088)
Jesus, answer the question.

Spencer (01:19:36.954)
Way to brush over all those Nazi crimes. He was doing the things that he did. Who's to judge?

Luciano (01:19:43.837)
He was being coerced by Schmidt, right? Like, yeah, he was having fun, maybe a little too much fun, and he didn't really care about the people he was torturing. But, and hear me out on this, at least he didn't serve another man steak, potatoes, and milk.

Spencer (01:20:04.186)
I'm listening to you.

Luciano (01:20:06.461)
You're gonna say I'm wrong.

Spencer (01:20:08.954)
I'm not going to debate the dinner. I will say that saying Armin Zola was just coerced. I believe he went on to become a sentient robot who sole goal was to further Nazi Hydra.

Luciano (01:20:19.037)

Matt (01:20:21.272)

Luciano (01:20:22.557)
Yeah. Well, in the comics, he uploads... Wait, wait. He uploads Hitler's conscience to another computer called Hate Monger. So you'll be the judge.

Spencer (01:20:26.714)
In the comics?

Spencer (01:20:37.914)
Sounds like he's the Nazi. Call me crazy.

Matt (01:20:43.928)
We only are focusing on Armand Zola, the character in this movie.

Luciano (01:20:47.005)
He's Swiss man, they are notoriously like neutral.

Spencer (01:20:52.506)

Matt (01:20:52.6)
Yeah, he says I'm Smith.

Luciano (01:20:54.461)
I'm Swiss!

Spencer (01:20:57.562)
I mean, yes, but he made weapons and became a Nazi robot, so.

Matt (01:21:06.968)
First of all, he wasn't a robot, he was an AI. Second of all, he wasn't a Nazi, he was a Hydra agent.

Luciano (01:21:09.053)

Luciano (01:21:14.877)
Yeah, famously broke off with the Nazis.

Spencer (01:21:15.898)

Matt (01:21:17.88)
Yeah. Very famously.

Spencer (01:21:19.29)
I mean that is true.

Luciano (01:21:21.405)
Schmidt was like, you know what? No, this is too like this focused evil. No, no, no, no. We're going to be evil to everybody equally.

Spencer (01:21:28.058)
Let's just put it out there. If you asked Armand Zola and Tommy Lee Jones what they thought of the Jews, or if you said, what do you think about the Jew problem? What do you think? You don't think so?

Luciano (01:21:39.933)
I don't, I don't... Yeah. And, and, and Philips is from the South, given where things are today.

Matt (01:21:40.248)
I don't think Zola would care. No.

Spencer (01:21:46.846)
You know what you're making some good points

Frankly, they have too many lasers.

Luciano (01:21:54.205)

Spencer (01:21:58.458)

Luciano (01:22:01.469)
I heard that in my head with Tommy Lee Jones' voice and that was great.

Matt (01:22:01.752)
There you have it.

Spencer (01:22:04.058)

Matt (01:22:07.192)
Okay, I think that answered the question. I think we covered it.

Luciano (01:22:09.149)
I think the answer is like, I don't know.

Matt (01:22:13.272)
Yeah, it's better left unanswered. One final question. Why did the Tesseract just fucking zap Red Skull to space?

Luciano (01:22:15.581)

Luciano (01:22:25.053)
Why? Like, are you asking if it had like an intention? Yeah.

Spencer (01:22:25.082)
That is a good question. Like what's it's motivation?

Matt (01:22:31.96)
Yeah, because like they're fighting each other and like the red red skull has basically been using the test rack the whole time to make weapons of mass destruction and And then he basically touches it and it's like nope you go to space now. Bye

Luciano (01:22:38.845)

Luciano (01:22:43.869)

Spencer (01:22:44.41)
And I remember thinking at the time when I first saw this movie that it was because he touched the tesseract with like his bare hands or...

Matt (01:22:52.152)
Right. But like people touch it all the time. Nope, like.

Luciano (01:22:53.533)
I think that is what it was.

Spencer (01:22:55.162)
But we've seen in other movies that people touch it with their bare hands all the time.

Luciano (01:22:59.837)

Matt (01:23:02.744)
Tesseract has a mind of its own essentially is the way they kind of play it out. So like the Tesseract clearly made a choice to just into space with them.

Spencer (01:23:11.45)
Well, let's go by the logic of how the Tesseract works in later movies. It's used to create portals and teleport yourself, right? So, but it was at Thanos's, what Thanos did is he like willed it to do it, right? And Loki as well. Loki used it without having it in a gauntlet or anything, right? Yeah, he just grabbed it.

Luciano (01:23:19.165)
And teleport people, yeah, yeah.

Matt (01:23:21.016)
Mm -hmm.

Luciano (01:23:26.141)
Loki as well.

Luciano (01:23:31.997)
Yeah, but Loki is as guardian, so it's kind of different.

Matt (01:23:32.152)
Yellin' the staff.

Yeah, it probably wanted to be with Loki for whatever reason, right?

Spencer (01:23:38.202)
so the tesseract is like the ring from Lord of the Rings. So maybe the tesseract saw its opportunity to get into space to be closer to its fellow infinity stones?

Matt (01:23:42.808)
In a way.

Luciano (01:23:55.133)
Infinity Stones?

Matt (01:23:56.536)
No, but the Tesseract stays, right? Because Howard Stark finds it on the ocean floor.

Luciano (01:23:58.909)

Spencer (01:23:59.93)

Okay, okay, let me revamp.

Matt (01:24:06.808)
Yep. Come back, come back around. Maybe, maybe let Luciano answer while you figure it out.

Luciano (01:24:06.877)
Yeah, I was going to say that maybe the Tesseract wanted to have Hugo weaving off for itself and sent it home so it could play with it later. But it did stay, so it's kind of, yeah.

Spencer (01:24:21.082)
No, but it stayed. Yeah, same problem. Maybe the Tesseract. here we go. Ready?

Luciano (01:24:28.829)
no, now I'm scared.

Matt (01:24:29.048)
Okay, well, yeah.

Spencer (01:24:30.906)
No, this isn't as crazy as you might think. The Tesseract is all -knowing. And it knew that if it stayed on Earth and sent Hugo weaving into space, it would be taken by S .H .I .E .L .D. and eventually found by Loki, which eventually would bring it to Thanos and be reunited in the gauntlet. And it was all part of its plan.

to be destroyed by Thanos? Maybe it's suicidal.

Matt (01:25:00.568)
Do you feel good about this answer?

Luciano (01:25:04.077)
Especially given the time it took for you to get it

Spencer (01:25:08.506)
I mean, I think it's a answer. Nobody can take that away from me.

Luciano (01:25:14.749)
That is true.

Spencer (01:25:17.658)
Matt's like, I'm not taking that answer away from you.

Matt (01:25:20.504)
No, I'll allow it because this is a yes and establishment, but yes and that answer sucked would be my final statement on on the question.

Luciano (01:25:27.101)

Spencer (01:25:27.354)

Spencer (01:25:31.738)
Alright, here I'll give you a more appropriate answer.

Luciano (01:25:34.461)
I think.

Matt (01:25:34.712)

Spencer (01:25:36.218)
Nope. Let me finish. I got it. Red skull just jerked off with his penis mask and his hands weren't cleaned. So when it grabbed the Tesseract, the Tesseract was like, that's gross. And sent him into space.

Luciano (01:25:38.013)
Are you sure? Are you sure? Okay.

Luciano (01:25:44.445)
See? No.

Matt (01:25:50.168)

Matt (01:25:58.36)
Just a test box like, nope.

Spencer (01:25:59.866)
Yeah, it's just like, no, that's gross. I don't want to be your sex cube.

Matt (01:26:04.504)
Okay. Luciano, do you want to follow that or just let it go?

Spencer (01:26:09.018)
Good luck.

Luciano (01:26:12.861)
No, I don't want to fall. Just move on, please. Yeah.

Matt (01:26:14.296)
Yeah, great. Moving on. End of the podcast. Close, close podcast, delete podcast.

Spencer (01:26:17.786)
Moving on

Luciano (01:26:22.141)

Matt (01:26:23.96)
That was... Now we have to do... You won't. If you didn't stop listening to us, we are going to do a review of Captain America. The First Avenger! We used the S tier. You all know it, I've said it every single time, so... Spencer.

Spencer (01:26:24.634)
Delete memory.

Luciano (01:26:26.397)
I would love the last like five minutes back.

Spencer (01:26:43.674)
B. I gave it a B. This movie's good. Better than I remembered. And refreshing when after watching all those, like so many Marvel movies now that it's like kind of all, they kind of jumble into one. This one stands out on its own and it feels good to watch a movie that's like, that was like, I was like, it reminded me of a simpler time in Marvel. You know, of a simp, a simping time.

Matt (01:26:43.864)

Matt (01:27:09.88)
a simple time.

Luciano (01:27:12.509)
Hehehehehe. Hehehehehe.

Spencer (01:27:14.494)
Where it was a more naive time where you thought you could soak and it wouldn't count

Matt (01:27:19.896)
Mm -hmm. Mm -hmm. Mm -hmm. Yeah. It's the rules. Okay, fair enough.

Spencer (01:27:23.034)
for the Fonduer.


Matt (01:27:27.16)
No, it's fine. You're good. Luciano, what do you got? Yeah, we're done here.

Spencer (01:27:30.874)
That's it, you got me.

Luciano (01:27:32.413)
That's what you get. Yeah, shut up now.

Spencer (01:27:35.93)
I just want to say, I want to sum it up. Captain America likes soaking without the fondue.

Matt (01:27:44.888)
Okay, you didn't have to continue. You could have stopped. Yeah, you should have stopped.

Spencer (01:27:45.53)
Put it on the box. Nope.

Luciano (01:27:46.269)
I wish I had interrupted him. Yeah. Anyway. So I, as I said, when I watched it the first time, I didn't like it as much. Watching it again, for most of the same reasons that Spencer gave, minus the soaking, it's, you know, I know. It wasn't as formulaic, it wasn't as sort of stilted as movies are now. And it takes...

Spencer (01:28:03.162)
But that's all I said.

Luciano (01:28:16.541)
takes a good amount of time to do its set pieces properly. The plot holes are not a big deal. You can kind of see why they did them is kind of lazy and sloppy and soaky, but it's fine. But no, okay. No, I enjoyed this movie. And I was thinking I was starting between a B and an A. I think it's an A, this movie, because like,

Spencer (01:28:35.194)

Spencer (01:28:45.562)
Whaaaa -

Luciano (01:28:46.973)
If I'm thinking about like the first Iron Man movie, that's an S. And then the first Thor movie, it's like a C or a D. This is an A for me. It's a good, I would watch it again. So yeah, it's an A. Not a super solid A, but an A.

Matt (01:29:04.76)
You want to continue rambling? Are you good? It's a soft day, it's a hard day. It's a dick mask.

Luciano (01:29:05.981)
It is.

Spencer (01:29:06.97)
your wishy washy reviews. It's a soft day, it's a hard bee.

Luciano (01:29:09.501)
yeah. What? It is.

Spencer (01:29:15.802)
It's a steroid juiced up C, really. Super serum D, maybe.

Matt (01:29:22.304)
Yeah, I mean like with the batteries maybe a bee

Spencer (01:29:25.882)
ehh meh

Luciano (01:29:29.437)
Well, both of you are assholes.

Spencer (01:29:32.762)

Matt (01:29:34.552)
That's that tracks I Enjoyed this movie. I think it's a B2. I had a good time. I watched it again. It's It's fun. It's a fun movie but you know

I'm going to justify it's B by saying other things are As and Ss and it's not a great way to use the ranking system but to me it's a fun movie with some flaws but is overall

You know, like there are some things that make you go, that's interesting. It's not a great, you know, the actors are great, but like the story going around them is like.

Luciano (01:30:12.061)

Matt (01:30:13.208)
It's paid by numbers, in a way. So that's why it's a B for me.

Luciano (01:30:14.845)

Spencer (01:30:17.562)
Would you say it's like a strong bee, a weak bee, super strong, super weak?

Matt (01:30:21.752)
If I've been soaking for 10 minutes, that's the level of B I would give it.

Spencer (01:30:28.634)
Okay, okay.

Wow, no fondue. Okay, yeah.

Matt (01:30:32.984)
Yeah, no fondue. No, no, that's too dangerous.

Luciano (01:30:37.309)
No fun, dude, but fuck you.

Matt (01:30:39.768)
Yeah. You're welcome. that is... I got a strong... fuck you. that is the end of the first Avenger movie review. Is it a review? Who knows what we do here? Last... that's... it's something. Last movie in our series of World War II movies. We are watching the 2023 biopic, the...

Spencer (01:30:42.266)
I give that a strong fuck you.

Luciano (01:30:44.829)

Spencer (01:30:53.85)
It's definitely not a review.

Luciano (01:30:54.525)

Matt (01:31:09.24)
I don't know, Florence Pew vehicle, Robert Downey Jr vehicle.

Luciano (01:31:11.165)
Yeah. Yeah.

Spencer (01:31:12.41)
They're all stars, so it's hard.

Matt (01:31:15.384)
It's hard to, I haven't gotten so deep into it to know who, anyways, Oppenheimer. We're gonna tackle Oppenheimer. I don't know how it's gonna go for us, but we'll try it.

Luciano (01:31:18.269)
Yeah, I don't have any either.

Spencer (01:31:24.506)
It's not good.

Matt (01:31:27.)
I mean the movie's not good or it's not gonna go well for a podcast.

Spencer (01:31:27.77)
It's not going to go well. Tune in. Tune in for the train wreck of us tastelessly tearing apart this historical biopic about the creation of the nuclear bomb.

Luciano (01:31:31.581)
we'll figure it out.

Matt (01:31:34.68)
I'm pretty -

Matt (01:31:40.6)
I'm pretty sure it's not that accurate, so we'll be fine.

Luciano (01:31:42.365)
Listen, we're gonna be able to say a lot of shit about an American who did some crappy shit. So...

Spencer (01:31:50.538)
Listen, tune in next week where we use a lot of bomb euphemisms for penis.

Luciano (01:31:55.901)

Matt (01:31:58.008)
penis euphemisms for bombs.

Spencer (01:32:00.954)
I gotta take him time bomb in my pants.

Luciano (01:32:01.149)
little boy and the big boy and the little man and the big man.

Spencer (01:32:08.09)
big fat cack look at that