Advent with the Angels

We are the ones you can call when you need advice and the power to follow through.

When you want to make a decision, seeing the positive and negative sides about a situation,weighing up the options, then we are your best friends.

We may not seem kind, usually we are quite matter-of-fact or neutral. We are also to the point and are known to be outspoken. Just know that you can trust our judgment. We don’t tend to give any flowery explanations,it’s more a matter of yes or no with us. This is our power and in this way we also empower you.

Once you have taken a decision, you can get your whole being behind your project or impulse - and that will make you unstoppable !

You will feel your power running through you like your life blood. Some people experience it as an electric sensation, some say they feel alive,alert, full of energy. Some are so focussed, they don’t even look left or right anymore.
If you would like to feel like that, have this drive, then call on us to make things happen.
This will in turn boost your self-confidence,and you will show others what you can do.

Maybe you become a beacon of hope to them,maybe an inspiration to show them what is possible. Don’t underestimate the power of a positive example.

Be this example yourself.

What is Advent with the Angels?

Messages for you from Angels and Archangels

16 December


We are the ones you can call when you need advice and the power to follow through.

When you want to make a decision, seeing the positive and negative sides about a situation,weighing up the options, then we are your best friends.

We may not seem kind, usually we are quite matter-of-fact or neutral. We are also to the point and are known to be outspoken. Just know that you can trust our judgment. We don’t tend to give any flowery explanations,it’s more a matter of yes or no with us. This is our power and in this way we also empower you.

Once you have taken a decision, you can get your whole being behind your project or impulse - and that will make you unstoppable !

You will feel your power running through you like your life blood. Some people experience it as an electric sensation, some say they feel alive,alert, full of energy. Some are so focussed, they don’t even look left or right anymore.
If you would like to feel like that, have this drive, then call on us to make things happen.
This will in turn boost your self-confidence,and you will show others what you can do.

Maybe you become a beacon of hope to them,maybe an inspiration to show them what is possible. Don’t underestimate the power of a positive example.

Be this example yourself.