Soul Why? The Secrets Of The Soul Rich Woman Blueprint

Soul Why? The Secrets Of The Soul Rich Woman Blueprint Trailer Bonus Episode 236 Season 1

236: Money And Me Power To Get Anything You Desire Step 1 of 5

236: Money And Me Power To Get Anything You Desire Step 1 of 5236: Money And Me Power To Get Anything You Desire Step 1 of 5

Money And Me Power To Get Anything You Desire Step 1 of 5

We are going to talk all about manifesting and in particular, money manifesting because it actually follows a very predictable formula that you can use again and again. When you have something you want to manifest, it's really easy to start and not sit there waiting for things to happen. The reason why most people fail at manifesting is that it's a bit fuzzy because people who are very logical find this concept a bit difficult to accept. When you first learn about the law of attraction, it feels good to be true.

I want you to think of a specific goal you have in mind right now. A relationship, money, freedom, fabulous, financial independence, winning some awards, and we are going to try it out together.

Number 1: Learn about the law of attraction
Number 2: Do practical action to test it out.
Number 3: Decluttering your negative belief
Number 4: Be really specific. 

In this episode, key takeaways:

1. There must be a balance.
2. Follow these simple steps.
3. Declutter what's not working by acknowledging it.
4. Bring your true feelings and worries to the surface.

Key Resources:

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Free Resource: "Soul Why: Soul Rich Woman Blueprint" and "How to Delegate 80% of your to-do list" --->

Secrets of Manifesting Money Quickly Online Course --->

What is Soul Why? The Secrets Of The Soul Rich Woman Blueprint ?

Money & Me: Get anything you desire this year 5 Day Audio Program:
I believe we can change the world. But first, we’ve got to stop living in fear of being judged for who we are.
Hi I'm Genecia Alluora, Founder of the #1 Leading Female Entrepreneur Network in South East Asia supporting 1 Million women to Own & LOve The F-Word. Being fabulous, having freedom, financial independence and Family.

With a challenge to women everywhere to stop TALKING themselves out of their dreams, Soul Why? Secrets of The Soul Rich Woman Blueprint identifies the excuses to let go of, the behaviours to adopt, and the skills to acquire on the path to growth, confidence, and believing in yourself to be recognised as a leader online. Get clients online and to have more impact on the world!

Stop Believing THE Lies ABOUT Who You Are so You Can Become Who You Were Meant to Be. You're Just an "F-Word" Away from The Life You Want, The Marriage You Want... The Family That You Want, Is Going To Be Fueled By The Business & Life You Build ... Join me, become a Soul Rich Woman. Alone we are strong, Together we are unstoppable!

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