The Brand ED Podcast

In Issue 42 of "The Brand ED Bullet," you’ll get four powerful pointers to give your weekend a dynamic boost. A blend of practical advice, probing insights with a personal touch perfect for high-integrity, brand-forward solopreneurs, consultants, and coaches.

What You’ll Discover:
  1. Something to Try: A Go-To Guide for Email List Growth
    Struggling to grow their email list? Check out this comprehensive resource that transformed my approach to email newsletters. From inception to monetization, your newsletter journey is about to change!
  2. Client Question: What Goes Where—A Business & Personal Brand Website Dilemma
    How do you juggle a dual-brand dilemma? What goes on your business website versus what goes on your personal brand website? Discover a strategy to know what goes where and why. Redefine how you approach your dual or multi-faceted business presence online.
  3. Something to Consider: What’s the Difference Between Marketing & Branding?
    Hear a profound perspective on the relationship between branding and marketing. This thought-provoking take might just be the catalyst you need to realign your brand's voice and marketing strategy. 
  4. Something Personal: Our Dog Died…Now What?
    Facing the heartbreak of losing a pet is a journey many of us know too well. I'll share a personal story of loss, and the advice that illuminated our path to getting a new furry friend into our lives again.

Dive into this episode for these valuable insights tailored to enrich the solopreneur's journey. Your strategy for growth and personal fulfillment starts here.

Resources from This Episode:

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  • (00:00) - The Brand ED Bullet, Issue 12
  • (00:07) - Win #1: Something to Try
  • (01:17) - Win #2: Something a client recently asked
  • (02:29) - Win #3: Something to think about
  • (03:09) - Win #4: Something personal...
  • (04:03) - Closing

What is The Brand ED Podcast?

It’s easy for personal brands and SMBs to get overwhelmed in a sea of marketing and branding voices, choices, and channels. Robby Fowler taps into 20 years of personal brand experience to help you clearly connect the dots between your branding, marketing and business strategy. To avoid being another burnt-out leader or under-performing brand or business, tune into this podcast. Build a personal brand and business that breathes life into you and your customer.

Robby: You're listening to the Brand
ED Bullet from the Brand ED Podcast.

Four freaky fast Friday wins to
get you going for your weekend.

Let's go.

Win number one, something to try.

You know how important it is to build
your email list around your business.

But you also know growing an
email list is no walk in the park.

Good news.

I want you to go check out LetterStack.

That's all one word letter stack.

I'll put a link to this and the resources
I'm about to mention in the show notes.

LetterStack is an impactful resource
to help you build, grow, and even

monetize your email newsletter.

You can get help with things like building
a newsletter, an example, resource I'll

point you to is "17 non-negotiable things
your email newsletter needs right now."

You can get help with
growing your subscribers.

I'll put a link to this resource,
"how I grew my newsletter to

130,000 subscribers in 20 months."

And you can also get help with
monetizing your newsletter.

I'll put a link to their resource,
"how to build a six-figure

newsletter without anyone knowing."

I'm really loving this
resource for myself.

And I think you'll love it too.

If you're trying to build an email
newsletter and grow your list.

What's one share you have
about growing your email list

that's been helpful for you?

You can email me back.

There's a link to that in
the show notes as well.

Win number two, something
a client recently asked.

A client came to me for
help with her website.

She wanted an audit of her
website for her business.

Now in her business, she's in charge
of both a personal brand business side.

And she also has another services
side to her business that are

technically two separate businesses.

So she was stuck knowing what goes, where
between these two websites, which goes

on the personal brand website and what
things need to go on her business website.

Now she earns revenue from both
brands and they both serve and are

aimed at the same general market.

Instead of starting with our websites,
we actually started with her customers.

And here's what I asked her.

The first question is who is your one
reader for your services brand website?

And the second question, who is your one
reader for your personal brand website?

The idea is that you want each of
these sites to communicate one idea,

one central idea to one reader.

Quickly, we could see her services
one reader wanted a done for you

solution to solve their problem.

But her personal brand side, that
one reader needed a do it yourself

roadmap to solve the same problem.

Finally, we went back through
each website and made sure each

one only spoke to one reader.

What's the biggest insight you've
gained from working on your own website.

Let me know.

Win number three,
something to think about.

I share this quote every time
I walk somebody through my

Radical Empathy Brand Framework.

I'll put a link to that
framework in the show notes.

And you can watch a quick video
where I walk through that framework.

Here's the quote.

Marketing is the amplification
of your core brand message.

Branding is the manifestation.

In other words, marketing is
the microphone of your message.

Branding, fleshes it out.

If you mislead with your marketing,
your brand will eventually expose that.

For example, run a marketing
campaign about your new,

reliable all electric vehicle.

But when my experience of your car
falls apart, two miles after the

dealership, that's actually your brand.

What's the one thing you really want
your brand to manifest or communicate?

Win number four, something personal.

Not long ago, we had to put
our sweet dog Cosmo down.

He was the first family dog we ever had.

Soon after we had to do that,
a friend reached out to my

wife with some great advice.

She told my wife, Hey, we've been
through the same thing and we waited

years before getting another dog.

Her advice to my wife was, "If
you know your dog, family, don't

wait, go out and get another dog."

I'm so thankful for that advice,
because that's exactly what we did.

We went out and got.

Another dog, another golden doodle.

Her name is Cali Girl.

We love her.

The whole family loves her.

I'm really grateful for that advice.

It doesn't mean that we didn't
mourn the loss of our first dog.

But it just meant that we already
knew that we were a dog family.

So we went out and grabbed
another great golden doodle.

It was a new experience getting
to manage a puppy again, but

we're through that stage now.

She's wonderful.

And we're so thrilled that we
went ahead and jumped right on it.

Thanks for joining me on this
episode of the brand Brand ed bullet.

Good news.

You don't have to scroll
through the show notes to find

the links to any of the apps.

apps or other wins.

mentioned in this episode.

Instead, just hop on my email
list and you can get these

four wins right in your inbox.

Just go to

That's R O B B Y

I'd also love your help getting
this into the hands of more people.

So go and leave a review on
apple podcast and then share.

Share this episode with somebody you love.

Feel free to DM.

On me on instagram and share which when
was your favorite from this episode.

Have a great weekend and go
and build a life-giving brand.