Daily Dvar Halacha

What is Daily Dvar Halacha?

Rav Eliyahu Reingold, Rosh Kollel in the Yeshiva of Greater Washington, spent many years learning in the Telshe Yeshiva and Kollel where he was recognized as one of their foremost talmidim. He taught in the Telshe Mechina before coming to the Yeshiva of Greater Washington. He is a noted Baal Halacha and Baal Mussar, serving as a well-respected posek for the Yeshiva and community. Besides his responsibility in leading the Kollel, he delivers a high level shiur to advanced students, and provides many halacha shiurim throughout the year. His heartfelt weekly mussar shmuess in an inspiration to all.

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Zoreiah 6 (Klal 11 Siman 2) Hilchos Shabbos - S0337

Sponsorships for the upcoming Klalim, which discuss the 39 melachos of Shabbos, are available. Please contact Rabbi Reingold for more information at rabbireingold@gmail.com or 301.996.5910

We are continuing in siman 2, learning about the melacha of zoreiah as it applies to soaking seeds. We have learned (s336) that in certain situations, soaking seeds in water is an issur deoraysa, while in other situations, it is muttar. We last learned that soaking grain for the purpose of feeding it to animals is muttar, since the animals will eat it before it sprouts.
The Chayei Adam clarifies that this heter applies to placing seeds in a trough, where the animal will generally consume everything in the trough.

If one puts out seeds for chickens in a moist place, one needs to be careful to put out only what the chickens will consume within 1-3 days. Otherwise, the leftover feed will start to sprout. Even though the person did not spread the seed for the purpose of sprouting, it is still considered zoreiah because it is a psik reisha. In other words, it is inevitable that if one spreads too much seed, the chickens will not eat it, so the overspread seeds are considered zoreiah.

However, if the seeds are spread in a place where people will step on them, it is not an issue of zoreiah, since they will be stepped on. Alternatively, the feed can be spread in an area where many birds will be able to consume it before the seeds will begin to take root. The Chayei Adam suggests it needs to be consumed within one or two days.

The Chayei Adam mentions kitniyos as it relates to seeds and feed. In the upcoming shiur we will discuss the gezeira of kitniyos as it relates to Pesach.

The Chayei Adam understands that the mere placement of the seed for the purpose of germination generates a chiyuv of zoreiah. Therefore, one is chayav for soaking seeds so that they can be planted or for malt.
On the other hand, one may soak seeds for the purpose of feeding their animals, since they have no intention to sprout them. However, one must be careful that all of the seeds are consumed before they begin to sprout, either by being careful not to put out too much seed, spreading it in a place that it will be stepped on, or spreading it in a place that other animals will consume it as well.