Arvid Kahl: Welcome to The
Bootstrapped Founder. We've all
heard of climbing the corporate
ladder. But my guest today,
Emmet Gibney, takes this concept
to a whole new level. He shares
his remarkable journey from
customer support to the role of
interim CEO at Rewardful. We
discuss about this transition
and the expansion of the company
on the new private equity
ownership, how Emmet stepped
into the void that was left by
the original founders and just
how incredibly impactful
referral and affiliate programs
can be for us indie hackers.
From setting up the perfect
referral program to identifying
the ideal affiliate profile for
your business, we just unpack it
all the tools and tactics you
need. It's all in there. And
then we dive into the role of
building and contributing to
communities for maximum impact
as well. A big shout out at this
point to, the
sponsor of this episode. More on
that later. Now, here's Emmet.
Emmet, thanks so much for being
on the show. Tell us a little
bit about your journey with
Rewardful. What's your job
there? How did you get it? And
what does a day in the life look
Emmet Gibney: Sure. So my
journey with Rewardful actually
goes back to before I actually
started tactically working for
Rewardful. So I've been working
for Rewardful since, say, March
of 2022, I think so maybe a
little bit more than a year and
a half. And but before that, so
back in, I hate to pull up the P
word. But back around the
pandemic times, I had been
working for a travel company
here in Dublin. And I've been
working there for a few years
and then the pandemic hits and
like the absolute worst industry
to be in when the pandemic hit.
And so the company went from,
like, 120 people to 10 in a, you
know, in a couple of weeks kind
of thing, right? And I was one
of the people who got laid off.
And so, you know, trying to
figure out, like, oh, like, what
am I going to do? And hiring
just like, you know, ground to a
halt. And I kind of, in a way, I
was thinking you know, I'm just
gonna take it easy, do a little
bit of like, coding and you
know, brush up my Ruby on Rails
skills. And it was actually,
like, I know this wasn't the
case for a lot of people. And
maybe people don't want to hear
this, but that first sort of
part of the pandemic was
actually a very nice time for
me. Because, you know, it was
kind of stress free, you know,
no work and we were having a kid
coming, you know, a few months
later. And so sort of a last
hurrah of freedom before
parenthood began. Anyways, I had
known the guys who founded
Rewardful for a number of years,
maybe close to 10 years at that
point in time. And reached out
to Colin Brady, who were the
co-founders with Brady Cassidy.
They're the founders of
Rewardful. And just said, like,
hey, like, do you need to help
with anything? You know, I'm
unemployed and have some spare
time. And they're like, yeah,
like, we're just drowning on
support. Can you come and help
us with support? And so I just
typed into intercom and help
them out with support and you
know, helping people figure out
how to get the affiliate
tracking installed and did that
with them for a few months. And
then our kid arrived and I said,
okay, you know, I'm just going
to focus on helping out at home
for the next little bit when now
that the kid arrived and then I
got a job shortly thereafter
because, you know, you need to
have an income if you've got a
kid. And so I worked a real sort
of classic corporate job for
another kind of year in a bit
and did not enjoy my time there.
But it was like, you know, for
personal reasons, we need to
like get a mortgage and needed
to have, you know, kind of a
stable job. And once that was
settled, then I reached back out
to Colin Brady and said, hey,
like, you know, I'd love to work
with you guys on a permanent
basis. And my background
professionally was in sort of
product management and bit of
like content marketing and
things like that. Anyways,
reached out to the guys. And
they said, yeah, sure, like, you
know, we've got, you know, we've
got a spot for you and went and
joined them in March of 2022.
And for the first call it eight
or nine months that I was there
was primarily working in kind of
a marketing capacity and some
background context. Rewardful
had been acquired by private
equity company or group called
saas. group, which is currently
the owner of Rewardful. You can
go to if you want to
learn more about saas. group and
if you're interested in selling
your SaaS company, you can go
check them out. And so they had
acquired the company a few
months before I had joined the
company full time. And so, come
November 2022, Colin Brady had
finished their, I think or no
period is sort of the technical
term. And they decided that they
wanted to move on. They've been
working on Rewardful for, you
know, five years, mostly, like,
on the side of their full time
jobs. And so they were pretty
tired and decided they wanted
to, you know, take a bit of a
breather. I think Kyle had a
just had a kid and decided,
like, you know, he wanted to
take a bit of a step back. And
so November, at that point in
time, there was, I think, five
or six of us calibrated then
left. And so our team went from
six to four and the company was
growing quite rapidly. And so
within the group, not just
within Rewardful but within the
group, trying to figure out
like, okay, you know, what do we
do now? We've lost the CTO and
effectively CEO of the company.
And one of our, I guess, lead
developers, I don't know what
his title was actually at the
time, but Chris Kottom. He
stepped up to be the CTO and
then we started effectively,
like, external CEO search. And
then I moved up to being head of
product, which is sort of a
portion of Brady's role. And but
in the intervening months, I
basically started taking over a
lot of sort of the CEO type
functions, you know, like
handling all this stuff in terms
of finance and reporting up to
the board. And, like, all the
sort of, you know, firefighting
that you do in that type of
role. And once a quarter, we
basically have a presentation
that we give to the guys that
run saas. group in terms of how
we're performing and what we're
doing and initiatives and things
like that. And I basically said
to them, like, listen, I've been
basically, you know, running the
business for the last few
months. I know we've got this
external CEO search. Would you
mind if we pause that? Let me
continue to operate in this role
for the next several months. The
place hasn't burned down yet. If
it doesn't burn down, you know,
within the year kind of thing,
can I do this, you know, on a
permanent basis? And they said,
yeah, we'll let you do that. And
that's where we are now in sort
of an interim CEO of the
business. My title is
technically head of product. But
in terms of, you know, your
question around on a day to day
basis, you know, what does my
day look like? You know probably
5% or 10% of my job is actually
product related. There's so many
other aspects of the business.
So like, you know, today I was
reviewing a new template for our
data processing agreement. Every
now and then we get requests
from people who are in Europe
who want a data processing
agreement. That's sort of a
requirement under GDPR when
you're working with what we
would be technically classed for
a lot of our customers is a sub
processor. So diving into
marketing, we're starting to do
a lot more content marketing. I
used to run a video production
company and sort of a past life.
So content and particularly like
video content is something that
I'm pretty comfortable. And
we're looking to hire new
people. So you know, putting
together job specs,
occasionally, you know, jumping
into product team meetings with
the developers and our CTO, you
know, figuring out, like, which
features should we be doing
next? What should we be
building? How should we be
building it? A lot of customer
calls, demos and sales calls.
You know, I think it was last
Monday or something like that, I
had eight customer demos in one
day. So that was a very busy
day. So there's a lot of that
almost every day there's at
least one sort of customer demo
that'll be doing. And, you know,
a lot of sort of firefighting
little things that come up, you
know, you need to address and so
it's a very varied role. And
it's kind of the way I like it.
I am more of a generalist
generalist. I like breadth as
opposed to depth. And then, you
know, the guys that run saas.
group, they run like 14 or 15
other companies. And as result,
they've kind of leave us at it
as long as things are going
well. They give us enough rope
to hang ourselves with. And so
far we haven't. So yeah, that's
a little bit of sort of my
journey and what I'm doing it at
Rewardful. And yeah, what my
sort of day to day looks like.
Arvid Kahl: Wow, thank you for
sharing all of this. That's a
wonderful and very rare example
of just growing into the role of
CEO in the business. It's just
feels like usually like if you
have an external one, they come
in and they take over. And it's
kind of a top down approach. But
your whole journey with the
business and the founders is a
very organic one starting out in
support, getting into product,
into marketing and then moving
into just doing the job that
needs to be done because there's
a void that needs to be filled.
That has a very indie hacker
like touch to it, you know,
like, it's just you do the
things that need to be done
because that's the way forward.
That's really cool to hear. And
the fact that it's a very varied
job well, yeah, that's just the
role of a CEO in a small SaaS
business like this, right? You
have to do everything. I really
appreciate that you mentioned
saas. group here because you
said they're running like 15-18
other companies. They almost
bought mine. Like we were
actually in conversations with
them selling Feedback Panda. We
went for it with a different PE
group at that point. But we
actually had negotiations about
that, too, when we sold back in
2019, right? That was the time
that we talked about selling our
Productivity Online Teacher
business. So I have a
relationship with saas. group.
And it's interesting to see how
far they have come since then as
well. Like the last couple of
years, they've been busy if
that's the current portfolio
that they're operating
Emmet Gibney: Yeah, they
probably would have been about
three or four or something like
that, at that point in time.
Arvid Kahl: It wasn't that much.
We would have been one of the
first. It didn't align because
we were in a market that, you
know, wasn't that interesting,
apparently or the way that we
ran the company was different.
But no matter why it didn't work
out, it's cool to see that it
worked out for Rewardful. And in
a way that also worked out for
you, right?
Emmet Gibney: And I got very
lucky, like you're saying in
terms of this natural
progression. Like, yes, it was
this kind of this natural
progression in a lot of ways.
But I was lucky in a lot of
respects in that the opportunity
presented itself. And I was
lucky that they were open to the
idea. You know, they could have
very easily said, well, no.
We're going to continue our
search to find someone external.
You know, they've just spent,
you know, X millions of dollars
to buy the company. And we're
going to protect that investment
by, you know, getting a steady
hand who's done this kind of
stuff before. Who are you?
Right? And I mean, technically
still, they could do that,
right? Like they might decide
that, you know, they want to
find someone with more
experience and so forth. But
I've been very lucky, maybe some
additional context too is prior
to Rewardful, Kyle Fox and I
were actually co founders on
another startup, which was
healthcare software startup. And
I don't know if you've had any
experience or know anyone who's
had experience in the healthcare
industry, whether in software or
otherwise. But it is a brutal
industry for startups. And
anyone who's ever, you know,
subsequently come to me and
asked about, like, advice in
terms of healthcare software and
startups and stuff I've said,
basically just run, like, just
don't because it's just such
like a enterprise sales cycle.
But the point of bringing this
up is just that Kyle and I had
had worked together previously,
so you know, wasn't coming in
just like totally cold and
having no kind of working
relationship, that kind of
thing. But I've been super
lucky. And the guys at saas.
group have been super like,
supportive and not micromanaging
everything we're trying to do
and which I totally could have.
And I've heard of cases of, you
know, PE groups that that's how
they kind of operate. And so
we've been really lucky that
they've been awesome.
Arvid Kahl: Yeah, I was
wondering because usually when
you sell a software business,
when you're just like a couple
of founders and you built it
too, a meaningful but you know,
not like enterprise level, just
amount of MRR or ARR. And then
you sell it, there's a kind of
shift in the incentives and the
goals that you may have had
compared to the goals of a
private equity group. Did you
find that you had to make like
significant changes that the
original founders probably would
not have made in that business?
Emmet Gibney: No, I don't think
so. Not yet. Like I think part
of the part of the reason why
they left was and maybe I should
not say anything just because
like, I don't actually 100% know
what's in their brains but like,
I think there's a little bit of
a different kind of not so much
skill set but like preference in
terms of different stage to be
working at. And the types of
things you have to do are very
different, like that very early
stage when you're building like
from zero, you know, what's that
period sale book, zero to one,
like, that's the hardest kind of
phase. And I think there's a
certain kind of skill set and
like comfortability with chaos
and this kind of thing. And I
think like, you know, Colin
Brady are really good in that
stage and I can see, like,
they've already gone and started
new projects. They've got a new
project they're working on
called Review Rocket, which is
basically like helping SaaS
companies get reviews on, you
know, all the different set of
software review platforms. And
so, you know, in terms of that,
like next stage that, you know,
we certainly haven't done
anything where it was like, oh,
we wouldn't have done that or
like the team has grown a bit
like, you know, we've added
three people, which is not a
huge amount of people. But when
you go from four to three,
you're, you know, you've almost
doubled the size of your team.
And, you know, you're doing a
lot more hiring. That's a big
one, like things really change
in terms of the dynamic when you
add more people. And then
there's other stuff that's it's
the comes in that it's not so
much about the stage that
Rewardful is and this stage of
Rewardful is going to put a lot
of it's actually about the stage
that saas. group is in and the
stage they're going into. You
know, we've gone from four
people to three people, which
is, you know, whatever. But
saas. group in September, we had
like, a all portfolio get
together in Lisbon and there was
100 ish people in that came,
maybe 120 we're in the total
group. And now I think we're at
like 220 or 30 or maybe 50, I
don't know, right? And so we're
meeting again in September, this
time in Barcelona. And, you
know, they're bringing 200
people from all around the
world. But the point I'm getting
to, though, is that the types of
processes that you need to have
in place, one to manage all
these different portfolio
companies, but then also as sort
of like a central body, right?
So like centralized HR
processes, centralized finance
processes, recruiting and hiring
kind of processes. And I think
they've done a pretty good job
of kind of having the best of
both worlds where I only speak
for our company. I don't know to
what extent it's like this for
other portfolio companies,
pardon me. We certainly feel
like we have the autonomy and
room to run and to, you know,
feel like a startup whilst
living within this broader
thing, right? And so we have the
benefit of sort of structures
and there's, you know, HR
processes and you know, finance
handles payroll and so there's
all that kind of stuff that
normally, you just don't expect
in a startup like, you know,
onboarding and helping
onboarding like, you know, what
are you talking about if you're
in like a five person product?
Yeah, I don't know exactly. And
so we have to the benefit of
some of that structure and then
also have the benefit of like,
they kind of let us operate and
do what we want to do. And we'd
let them know what we're up to.
And you know, so far, I haven't
felt over pressure to do
something that we weren't
thinking we were going to do
anyway. And the other benefit
too is like, these guys have a
fountain of knowledge and
experience in software and SaaS
businesses. And across the
portfolio, we've got access to
huge amounts of help, like, both
on an internal team basis. So
like there's a marketing team
and a product team. We need to
get like a designer to help with
product work or we need you
know, we got a lot of help from
the internal marketing team on
optimizing pay per click and
content and SEO. But then across
the different portfolio
companies, you know, just
reaching out to one or the
other, it could be a founder or
there's a CEO one of the other
companies or it might just be
like a head of some, you know,
team. Like I reached out to the
head of sales at Pipeline. It's
one of the other portfolio
companies. They're a CRM
company, just asking them about
sales and setting up you know,
we're thinking about we don't
have any outbound sales, but
just trying to understand how
are they doing that? Or you
know, support talking to someone
like, you know, how can you, you
know, manage support and all
these different things. So it's
just been a huge learning
experience working with them.
And it hasn't felt like, you
know, you need to suddenly
there's this kind of, you know,
the board coming in and
simulating into some sort of
like process. You know, that's
ultimately like enterprise-y
bureaucratic in nature. So we
haven't felt that at all, which
is awesome.
Arvid Kahl: Yeah, I do like a
good Star Trek reference. So
thanks for that. But honestly,
this is something that I've
noticed too, as we transitioned
our company to the private
equity company that we sold to,
just to see the
interconnectedness of all the
other portfolio companies in
there and how easy it was for
the developer that we hired to
go and work on other projects,
if there was downtime, if they
didn't have anything to do on
ours. That was really
interesting. And it's something
that I was kind of afraid of
that, as a founder of a
business. I didn't want other
people to interact with me. I
wanted to build my own thing,
right? Which is why we never
hired. It was so bizarre. We was
just Danielle, my co founder and
girlfriend and I, together
running this business, never
really hiring anybody having
1000s of customers trying
desperately to keep them under
control, then we sold the
business and we transitioned it
over. And all of a sudden, there
was this interconnected group of
also hundreds of people just
doing the work together much
better than we would do it
alone. It was a humbling
experience for me as an indie
hacker to see that this was an
option. And as you said, the
cofounders of Rewardful, they
probably might also feel like
this and they're probably right
to feel like in their state of
how they want to build a
business, just in my perspective
and opened my eyes to that there
is a way past the isolated indie
hacker experience into a much
more collaborative, bigger
system. But that still allows
you to act individually. That's
really cool to see how well that
worked for you. I guess it
depends on the private equity
company you work with, right?
Not every company will give you
that much leeway.
Emmet Gibney: Yeah, no, and I
think as you're saying that and
kind of your experience there,
that was a thought that entered
my head is like, I have, you
know, one data point. And it's
been a good experience. I was an
employee, right? So my concern
was more about like, oh, geez,
like, what's my work life gonna
be like? But I can imagine,
like, as a founder, you know,
being really worried about, you
know, someone's going to mess
with my baby kind of thing,
right? And yeah, so I think
like, you'd want to be careful
and do your due diligence if
you're, you know, an indie
hacker looking to sell your SaaS
product or whatever, to make
sure that they're not going to
just, you know, ruin what you've
created or just like make that
process, you know, stressful.
And, yeah, like, I think it's
definitely something that people
should consider. As I've been in
the machine now myself, I've
been thinking like, oh, if I was
ever to do this, I'd want to
stick around kind of as long as
I'm learning stuff because I've
just learned a huge amount, you
know, just kind of seeing the
way these other companies are
run. And I have access to a lot
of sort of metric type
information and a lot of these
different companies and seeing
the things they're doing and
benchmarking and seeing like,
okay, like, you know, this is
how much revenue they're making
per employee. And, okay, this is
how much they're spending on
their PPC. And, okay, like, the
CRM industry is very different
from like, our industry. The
customers are different, their
go to market and kind of
benchmarking these different
things. And it's just been, you
know, I think education, you
know, I'm sure getting, you
know, bought out is probably the
primary driver. But like, just
learning and personal growth as
an entrepreneur, I think, is a
huge reason to join one of these
types of groups. And, yeah,
definitely, I think it's a
worthwhile option to look out
for people.
Arvid Kahl: Yeah, I mean,
getting bought out, that's the
dream, like getting the
financial stability, security
and beyond. Obviously, that's
why most people or many people
at least built the thing, why
they get into something as crazy
and risky as entrepreneurship.
But I think the learning along
the way, in retrospect, I find
that that was more important in
a certain way, obviously,
financial security is a
wonderful thing. And we got that
too when selling Feedback Panda.
But the learning along the way
and keeping learning beyond,
that is more important for just
to have a continued life of
achievement or just to feel
fulfilled, have passion of
purpose, that still needs to
happen. Because if you just stop
working on the product, somebody
buys it from you. Now you have
millions. What are you going to
do? You're not going to sit on
the beach, right? That is the
illusion of entrepreneurship is
that you're going to retract
completely from life and just
sip daiquiris every day. That's
not going to happen. You still
need to, you have this passion,
you can actually mobilize this
passion, you want to keep
mobilizing that passion. So it's
really cool to see that you're
getting this without the
existential risk of having
somebody destroy your baby,
that's really cool. For you,
this is a great situation. And
one thing that you said earlier
that I find almost hilariously
fitting is that you're kind of
you got referred into your spots
for a company that does referral
or helps other people with
referral systems for you to be
constantly referred into a job.
It's really, really fitting. I
would like to talk about
referrals a little bit because
from what I understand your
target market is indie hackers,
people like us, people like me,
people who are building
businesses and I guess many
people don't really understand
the value of a referral system
or an affiliate system. And I
would like to, I guess, give you
the opportunity to convince me
that my next SaaS business
should definitely have either
affiliates or a referral system
or both. So try that.
Emmet Gibney: Yeah, sure. So
first off, I'll make the
distinction between a customer
referral program and an
affiliate marketing program. And
this is good timing because I
just before I was on this call
with you, I was actually just
recording a course for this. And
this was like the, you know, the
slides I was going through, so
it's timely. So customer
referral program, the key
distinction between the two is
basically a customer referral
program, you're not gonna be
paying people a commission.
Typically, it means like, you're
paying them like a credit or
something like that, right? So
imagine Feedback Panda, if you
had a customer referral program
and you know, customer A refers
customer B to join. You'll give
them like, maybe a free month or
something like that. And you
would credit them, you know, so
that, like, there's no exchange
of cash. There's no commission.
Customers, you know, they
obviously, it varies depending
on the industry, but they
oftentimes can't be bothered
with like signing up to your
affiliate program and you know,
getting paid out and Pay Pal and
all this kind of stuff, right?
So that's customer referral
program. Affiliate Program is
I'm an affiliate and I want to
make money and I'm, you know,
maybe I've got like a blog or
I'm an influencer or something
like that. I'm trying to
monetize my audience. I'll go
looking for affiliate programs
to join, where basically, I can
refer customers to these
businesses and they're going to
pay me in commissions cold, hard
cash, right? Rewardful enables
both situations. Customer
referral programs is a little
bit more complex in terms of the
installation and sort of
building of it. Because there's
more interaction in terms of,
you know, doing a credit within
Stripes, API and this kind of
stuff, right? Affiliate Programs
is much easier to set up within
Rewardful and whoever you're
going with. And so in terms of
why you want to use either of
these, word of mouth marketing
is a very effective way, maybe
the most effective way of
getting customers. Anecdotally,
even beside our affiliate
program, a huge amount of
customers that Rewardful gets,
as people just talking about us
on Twitter. Someone asks like, I
want to set up a, you know,
affiliate program. Who should I
use? And someone chimes in and
says, you know, checkout
Rewardful. And so just word of
mouth is very powerful. And so
if you can incentivize people to
refer customers to you, that's a
great model, right? You're
rewarding your existing
customers for bringing in new
customers. The new customers
know that if this person is an
existing customer, well, they're
not going to refer me to
something that they don't want
to use and so that social proof
you know that speaks volumes,
right? And then in terms of
affiliate programs, they work a
little bit differently. The
principles are the same in terms
of word of mouth is valuable.
But you know, probably people
might be a little bit more
guarded when an affiliate says
you know, check out this
product. Everyone knows you
know, influencers now like you
know, hashtag ad or whatever
they've, you know, if they're
doing an Instagram post or tweet
or whatever. But it might not be
as impactful in terms of, you
know, people might be a little
more skeptical if an influencer
is recommending something. But
you understand this. You know,
the Twitter audience guy and
building relationship that an
influencer or anyone with an
audience, they have social
capital with that audience. And
they can drive commercial
behavior, right? You know,
recommend some sort of product
if it's a fit in terms of
whatever their you know,
expertise is, right? Like, if
you were to become an affiliate
for Typefully, that's a customer
of ours. They've got an
affiliate program. And you were
to recommend this is a Twitter
tool, it's a perfect fit in
terms of your audience. That
would probably perform quite
well. And you'd probably make
some decent money off of it and
Typefully gets customers that
are, you know, that are within
their ideal customer profile and
so forth, right? So it's a good
fit in that perspective. In
terms of some numbers, that
might be interesting. It varies
greatly, obviously, from
business to business, industry
to industry. But typically what
we'll see is for a business that
is up and running and generating
revenues already, typically,
you'll see anywhere from 5 to
15% added to your MRR. In some
cases can be higher. And then
obviously, in some cases, it
doesn't work for some businesses
or they don't make it work
because you don't put in the
effort to run the program. And
so if you're already up and
running, it's just a great
channel to add to your marketing
mix. And it's just like leaving
money on the table by not, you
know, operating an affiliate
program. Obviously, there's a
bit of work to do. We can talk
about that in a bit in terms of
best practice and how to make it
worth your while. But it really
is just like a great channel to
add. There's also another factor
to take into consideration is
launching a SaaS or any kind of
launching any kind of business,
right? You've operated in the
course world and info product
world. And that's an industry
where we have a lot of customers
in that space as well. That's a
space where a launch really
works quite well, right? Like
building a hype to something and
then releasing it at launch. And
then, you know, either you
remove whatever the sort of
promotion is or you remove it
from the market, that's a common
thing. And so if you can launch
with a group of affiliates
behind you, you can expand your
reach and get much more people
into that sales process. And
we've seen some ridiculous
stories of people launching SaaS
products. The case study that's
actually on our website. And
it's something we've got, if
people might see our ads on
LinkedIn and YouTube for this
particular case study. A
customer of ours called Commonly
and they launched, I can't
remember exactly when it was
2020 or 2019. But they launched
and within their first week,
they hit $54,000 in MRR and that
was with one or two affiliates
that were kind of perfectly
placed within their market.
Caveat like you know, disclaimer
etc like, results will vary and
don't expect you know, not
everyone should expect that. It
really comes down to the quality
of the affiliates. We had
another case. I can't say who
they are because we haven't like
they haven't agreed to give us a
case study and that kind of
thing. But we had one customer
back in March. And they launched
their business in I think it was
like the first or second week of
March and by the end of the
month, they had hit $800,000 in
sales, from zero to 800,000 in
like two or three weeks and then
it like it drastically kind of
tapered off from that. You know
it's a real kind of classic
launch where it's like peak and
then it kind of trickles off to
you know some kind of more
normal level. But like this,
we've seen some insane stories
and sort of in terms of people
launching both SaaS and info
product type businesses using
their affiliate programs and so
yeah that's kind of the pitch to
like why you should set up an
affiliate program. It's not easy
to have those type of results or
even just to run an affiliate
program but it's not
complicated. Like there's some
pretty simple principles to
adhere to and but yeah like any
SaaS business that is in a
product led you know self serve
SaaS type of model should be
considering adding it to their
marketing mix for sure. Yeah
Arvid Kahl: Yeah, you convinced
me. You not only need to
convince me now you also
convinced me retroactively
because we did have such a model
for Feedback Panda. And it was
an internal like a customer
referral system. I built this
myself because I didn't know any
tools existed and it was
horrible to build. So I'm glad
that you actually offer
something that I could just plug
into Stripe. I would prefer
Emmet Gibney: To everyone out
there, don't do it yourself.
There's a lot of stuff that's
going on in the background and
background processing and all
this kind of stuff. You don't
want to, yeah, it is a whole
other product, like. Yeah.
Arvid Kahl: It's like building
Stripe yourself and doing credit
card charges all by yourself.
It's just really not worth it.
And then that's the thing, my
indie hacker journey was full of
lessons on what I should not
have built in retrospect. This
one was one of them. We did, I
think like a two sided or maybe
even a three sided win win win
situation. We gave people a free
month if they gave somebody or
if they got somebody else onto
the platform. So that's going
to, you know, I think three
people, you get a free month
because we wanted to have a
multiplier in there. And then
each of these people that came
on also got their first month
for free as a double sided
incentive. And we can talk about
the specifics in a second. I
just want to get back to what
you were saying about SaaS
businesses, launching with an
affiliate system, which is the
other side of what you offer.
I've seen this done extremely
successfully in several products
over the last couple of weeks
and months. In fact, over the
last couple of weeks, I talked
to two indie hackers on this
podcast. One of them was Tony
Dinh, who had launched Black
Magic, which is also a Twitter
tool with an affiliate system.
And it was quite successful. And
I think just last week, you
know, on this show, I talked to
Louis Pereira, who launched
Audio Pen, which is a ChatGPT
based audio to summary
conversion tool. That's a very
basic way of describing it. It's
really cool, got to product of
the day, second product of the
week and fourth product of the
month on Product Hunt, got a lot
of initial success, also
launched with an affiliate
system and made significant cash
just from that by having people
be affiliates that are really
aligned with his audience. And
that's something I wanted to
talk to you about because I have
a horror story here. Maybe
that's a bit strong of a term.
But earlier today, I got an
email by a company that I have
never heard of before. And they
just told me how they would love
for me to be an affiliate for
their product, just click here
and you become part of my
affiliate system. That was kind
of their pitch in that email.
And I was looking at that email.
And I was thinking, like, I
would have probably been
interested in this company if
they hadn't just tried to push
me into the role of an
affiliate. So I think there are
ways to do it really well. I'm
looking at Louis and I'm looking
at Tony and how they started
their journey with the affiliate
system and ways to do it not
well at all, which seems to be a
cold email sent to a massive
amount of people asking them to
join the affiliate system. So
how do you find the right
people? As a SaaS entrepreneur
who wants to have affiliates to
send this to without breaking
trust? Like, that's what
happened to me today in that
email. I don't trust this
company. They just want to make
money off me and my reach.
That's how I felt. So I'm not
going to get it. Again, I'm not
going to go for that. On the
other side as a founder, how do
I get the right people? And how
do I build trust with people so
that they becomereliable and
trustworthy affiliates?
Emmet Gibney: Yeah. So the first
thing that springs to mind is
important, I guess, in terms of
managing expectations and around
affiliates and your affiliate
program. You know, everyone's
heard of the 80/20 rule. Right?
So 20% of your results will come
from 80% of your efforts or
inputs, right? This applies in
affiliate marketing, but it's
more extreme, it's more like
99/1, like what 1% of your
affiliates will drive 99% of
your results, right? So the good
news with this is it means you
don't need a lot of affiliates
to see actual results, if you
can find the right affiliates.
So it's following this kind of
classic power law, right? Like
where you've got a huge amount
of results from small number of
people and then it kind of this
long tail, the long tail is
valuable. Like there's value to
be had there. And I would say
though, like it's probably more
worth investing in, like these
more kind of power or higher
influence type of affiliates.
That's where the value really
is. And it really is just about
trying to build relationships
with these people, right? So the
advice I commonly give to people
is, first step is to identify
your ideal affiliate profile. So
in marketing and sales, you talk
about like your ideal customer
profile, right? Like who's the
ideal customer you want to go
after? For us indie hacker is
one of our two sort of main ICPs
ideal customer profiles. And so
for an ideal affiliate profile,
you got to figure out okay, for
my product, the market that I'm
in, who are the people that my
customers are engaging with,
right? And so that example I
gave earlier of Typefully and
that's probably like a pretty
pretty good fit in terms of
audience, right? And so like if
I was Typefully, what I would do
is first step is identify that
ideal profile. Second step is
start doing research to put
together a list of people that
fit in within this profile. What
I've done in the past is I've
gone to places like Upwork or
Fiverr. And get them to do the
research because it's kind of
it's time intensive. And if
you've got the budget for it,
you can find virtual assistants
that are quite affordable. And
you know, put together a
spreadsheet with all the
different sort of data points
you're trying to find from about
the people. So like, you know,
name, website, email address,
twitter handle, number of
followers, etc, etc, etc. And do
like 10 of them and then go to
Upwork and say, okay, I want you
to find me as many more of these
people as possible. Here's kind
of the profile I'm looking for.
Go research for two hours and
then come back to me and show me
what you've got, look at what
they've got, you know, give your
feedback to kind of refine their
search and then send them back
at it. And, you know, get them
to research as many as they can
find or as many as you can, you
know afford within your budget.
And now you've got your list of
people that you're going to
reach out to. Then the next step
is the outbound outreach
process. And this is where you
want to be really careful, like
you don't want, even if you are
doing cold email, there's a way
to do cold email that feels
better and less greasy than
other ways, right? And the way I
would and I'm no cold email
expert, but the way I would
categorize it is like, there's
certain elements of the outreach
you're going to do that are
somewhat formulaic and then
other elements of it that are
going to be personalized. And so
you got to kind of figure out,
like, what those are, right? And
actually do a little bit of
research on all of these
different people that you're
planning to reach out to. And
the bigger the audience is for
these people you're reaching
out, the more time you're going
to want to spend to try and win
them over. And so if I was
trying to sell some, if I was
Typefully and I was trying to
recruit you as an affiliate, I'd
be like, okay, like, this guy is
like, perfect in terms of
audience, match and relevance.
So like maybe we just take it
off to the cold email and we try
to build that relationship in a
different way, right? And
actually start going to try and
engage with them, you know,
follow them on Twitter and start
like, you know, your courses
talk about like how to build
these relationships with with
people, right? You know, try not
to be quite so, don't be quite
so transparent in your
transactionalness, right? Like,
actually try and build
relationships with partners. So
that's what you're doing. You're
trying to build partnerships.
And it's worth the time to do
that with people that can drive
those results, you know, that
99/1 rule I talked about. Like,
okay, those people that are in
that 1%, like, take the time to
build those relationships. Look
at it as more of like a
partnership as opposed to just
this very transactional
affiliate type relationship. One
of the things, one of the
questions that we get from a lot
of prospective customers is do
you guys have a network? And so
there's a lot of affiliate
networks out there where they do
both the affiliate tracking and
management as well as they've
got a network of affiliates. So
you think back in the day, like
Clickbank and commission
junction and these different
places where it's more of this
marketplace of products and
affiliates. So we have a lot of
prospective customers who come
to us and say like, oh, do you
have a network? Oh, how am I
going to find affiliates? And in
that there's this misconception,
there's this false assumption
that the value and value is in
like these transactional
relationships. Oh, people will
find me on the network and
they'll come and promote my
product. That is true, like
people will find you and maybe
they'll sign up for your
program. But they might not be
the people that you want to be
promoting your product. They
might be promoting your product
in a way that you don't like.
You don't know them. They're
totally faceless. And there's
all sorts of kind of gaming that
people can kind of do that you
don't want them to do. And so
the quality of affiliates you
get from these networks is not
like you're not going to find
Arvid one of these networks,
right? Like the way you're gonna
find Arvid as a partner is
through trying to actually build
a relationship with them, right?
Like, you know, any like market
that you're in, you're in a
community right? I come back to
this kind of analogy in my head
over and over and over again.
When it comes to business, it's
like in sports. And for people
who've played competitive sports
we'll get this, where, you know,
if you're in a sport you're
competing. And even though all
your opponents there that are in
this community, you're all part
of the same community. You go to
the same tournaments or the same
leagues or whatever. And you see
each other day in day out and
you become friends with these
people, even though they're your
competitors. And a market is
quite similar. All the people
that are operating in this
market, it's the same sort of
thing, it's a community. And the
people who are very
transactional aren't just coming
into a market because they want
to make money. The people who've
been in that community forever
and are kind of the mainstays
and the sort of stayed members
of the community, they'll sniff
these people out in just like,
in a heartbeat. And they'll just
be like, okay, like, I'm gonna
stay away from those people
because like, like, they're not
good actors within the space.
And so this email you got, it
gave you that feeling of like,
oh, here's an interloper. This
person is a blow and they're not
part of my community. Otherwise,
like, they wouldn't have engaged
with me in this way. And you can
kind of sniff that out. And so
if you're just going to be
really transactional and just
like sent a spam to a bunch of
people and not put any research
into who they are and your
outreach, they're going to smell
that out, right? And so at least
make the effort to try and make
them feel like, you know, you're
worth my time. That's the way
that I would go and try and the
way I would think about it. You
know position it in your mind
that I'm trying to build
relationships with people. For
those really kind of, you know,
more high influence type of
partners. And then there's other
kind of more passive ways that
you can get just sort of the,
you know, the generic people
coming in trying your program.
Arvid Kahl: Yeah, thanks. That
makes a lot of sense. I think
the focus on being more
relational than transactional,
even though it is about
transactions in the end, like an
affiliate is a sale of a thing,
right? That is in itself a
transaction. But how it comes to
be, that is relational. And I
think making that
differentiation is at the core
of building these kind of long
term sales relationships in the
end. It's funny, like, you want
transactions and you have to be
the least possible transactional
to get there. It's just an
interesting observation. And the
community centric approach is
also something that I've
personally felt in the Twitter
course space, for example, like
you mentioned the course that I
have. I compete with a lot of
people who talk about building
audiences on Twitter, but we all
know each other. And there was a
moment when Daniel Vassallo, the
guy who has one of the biggest
Twitter courses out there. I was
talking to him a lot after
recording mine and I was saying,
hey, Daniel. I'm gonna compete
with you a little bit on this. I
hope you don't mind. And I said
that in a Twitter DM because we
are connected and we talk all
the time. And he said, hey, I
said what I want to say. Now you
say what you want to say. And
now we are both affiliates off
each other on Gumroad. Like he
recommends mine. I recommend
his. In my course materials, I
list like three or four
different Twitter courses by
other people because I know they
list mine. Because we all know
that in this space, the more we
can combine our knowledge, the
better it will be for the person
taking it in. It's a very
community centric approach and
just trying to transact in
there, that would not fly. So
perfect description of that
Emmet Gibney: Yeah, that's very
common in the info product space
to have kind of this and much
less sort of combative or
competitive type of environment.
Obviously, you know, if you're
looking for like a social media
management tool, you only need
one. So there's not that same
kind of opportunity. But I was
talking to our mutual friend,
Andrew McIntosh last week. And
the analogy I get to him around
this idea was like a nightclub
district. And there's some
markets where it's like a
nightclub district where you
don't want to go to the bar that
has no other bars around it. You
want to go to the nightclub
district and you go to a bar
there and it's been an hour and
then you go to the next bar and
you know, people bar hop. Info
products are very much like
that, right? Where, like, you
know, you said one thing and
then Danny said another thing
and Justin Jackson says another
thing or whatever, right? And
just because you take one course
doesn't mean it doesn't preclude
you from taking another course
because they have different
perspectives on things and
different things that you can
learn. So you see a lot of
people in the info product space
that promote each other's you
know, at face value looks like
directly competing products, but
they'll promote each other.
Arvid Kahl: Yeah, interesting
point, though. I think you just
pointed out effectively that
people who have a one time sale
have no problem having somebody
else have a one time sale. But
the moment you move into a
recurring revenue system where
you need customer retention, you
are less interested in giving
the alternative products or even
the information about the
alternative product to your
customers. As you have a lot of
indie hackers as a customer,
does that raise any special
challenges around that
particular kind of behavior as
Emmet Gibney: Nothing that comes
to mind. The only sort of, I
guess downside I've ever really
encountered if we want to call,
it's a double edged sword in
dealing with the indie hacker
community is incredibly vocal,
right? And so when they're like
you, they're, you know,
incredibly vocal and well, like
we get lots like I said, at the
top of the call, like we got a
lot of word of mouth. And that's
hugely beneficial for us. I
would say it's probably, it's a
difficult one to actually do
attribution to but I'm fairly
confident is probably, you know,
our largest if or at least one
of our largest sources of
customers. The other side of
that sword is when things go
wrong or people are frustrated
and they take to Twitter, then
you deal with the wrath of that
on the other side, where we had
a thing recently about affiliate
fraud. And basically what people
were doing was using affiliate
programs to bid on brand terms
on Google. And this is one of
those things. So this idea of
like, you know, getting, you
know, high quality affiliates
versus kind of transactional
affiliates. And this is
something a transactional
affiliate is going to do. They
don't care about you. They just
want to make money. And the way
to do that is to bid on their
brand terms, right? And so let's
say like Feedback Panda, you
would imagine if you Google
Feedback Panda, that's the first
result. In Google, you're gonna
have the number one result for
your brand term. And so why
would you bet on your own brand
term? You're already at the top
of Google. And so an affiliate
will come in and they'll join
your affiliate program and then
bid on your brand term and they
rank above your organic result.
And people will sign up through
that. And so they're then
getting a cut, they're getting
like 20-30% depending on what
your commission rate is, of all
those sales. And the math tends
to work because it's cheap to
bid on the brand terms because
nobody else is putting on those
brand terms. Anyways, there was
kind of a rash of this happening
across our customer base and
people took to Twitter to
complain about this and got a
lot of attention because there's
some sort of big named indie
hackers that were tweeting about
this. The upshot of that is, you
know, we get ideas for new
features for fraud, protection,
and things like that that we're
working on and sort of hacks
that people can do to protect
themselves against this kind of
stuff. That's the only thing
I've seen that, you know, it's
kind of that double edged sword
of dealing in the indie hacker
Arvid Kahl: Okay, well, that's
good to know. And this is a
problem, right? Like what is it
poaching or cannibalizing of SEO
rankings like that? I mean, that
can cost a lot of money if you
have to bite it. Like if you
want to fight that as an indie
hacker, you need to rank higher
than those people who would make
money on it. It's kind of it's
bizarre because you're losing
money on having to pay for
clicks, right?
Emmet Gibney: Yeah, we've
discovered and we give this as a
tip to people but there's some
easy ways to combat this. But
for people who weren't aware of
it. You know, it's definitely
something that they gotta be
aware of. And again, like,
that's why I want to try and
find those high value partners
because like, you wouldn't do
that, you know, to mean to
someone that you have, like an
actual relationship with, right?
So, yeah.
Arvid Kahl: Yeah, trust is
really at the center of all
this, right? Like, the moment
you turn it into a mere
transaction and it's
quantifiable and somebody makes
maybe a bit less but more
reliable money by putting their
name or their link in front of
your actual name, you have a
problem. And if you can't trust
people not to do this, well,
then you have an extra problem.
Well, that is an interesting
insight into a field that I
personally, have never really
professionally used any tools.
And like I said, I built all of
this myself. I'm really happy
that you shared all of these
insights into particularly
affiliate marketing because I am
both a SaaS founder and a info
product owner and to see the
slight differences between what
a recurring revenue business
needs and what a info product
business needs, that is really,
really helpful. Thank you so
much for coming on the show here
today and sharing all of these
insights with me and my
viewers/listeners. Where do you
want people to go and find out
more about you and Rewardful?
Emmet Gibney: Yeah, sure. If you
want to learn more about me, you
can come and follow me on
Twitter. My handle is
@emmetgibney or if you live on
LinkedIn, if that's your world,
then you can find me on
LinkedIn. Just search me, Emmet
Gibney. And then for Rewardful,
visit us at if
you want to come and check out
our product and sign up. We have
a 14 day free trial. So if you
want to try us out as a SaaS
business and then yeah, we're on
Twitter and LinkedIn as well. I
think on Twitter, we're
@getRewardful. And then yeah,
come and consume our content.
And we'll do our best to educate
you on how to set up an
affiliate program.
Arvid Kahl: Yeah, that is a good
idea. I'm going to totally on
ironically put an affiliate link
to Rewardful into the show
Emmet Gibney: Yeah, yeah with
your audience. Yeah.
Arvid Kahl: It's really nice.
Thank you so much for being on
the show today. That was a
wonderful conversation. Thanks,
Emmet Gibney: Thanks for having
Arvid Kahl: And that's it for
today. And we talked about
taking over after the founders
left. Let's look at this from
the other side. If you're a
founder and you feel like you're
done with the business but you
want to turn it into money,
instead of just closing it down,
well, there's always the option
of an acquisition. That's what
happened to the people who ran
Rewardful, right? And that is, I
think, what can also happen for
you. That's where our sponsor, can help. Imagine
this situation. You're a founder
who's built a really solid SaaS
product, you acquire customers,
and the whole thing is
generating consistent monthly
revenue. The problem is that
you're not growing for whatever
reason, maybe lack of focus or
lack of skill or just plain lack
of interest and you feel stuck.
What should you do? Well, the
story that I would like to hear
is that you buckled down and
somehow reignited that fire
within. You got past yourself
and the cliches and you started
working on rather than just in
the business. You start building
this audience you always wanted
to build and you move out of
your comfort zone and start
sales and marketing, the scary
stuff. And six months down the
road, you've tripled your
revenue. Reality, unfortunately,
isn't that simple. Situations
may be different for every
founder who's facing this
crossroad. And too many times,
the story ends up being one of
inaction and stagnation until
the business becomes less
valuable, which is bad or worse,
worthless. And that is really
bad. So if you find yourself
here, where your story is likely
headed down a similar road, I
offer you a third option.
Consider selling your business
on Capitalizing on
the value of your time is a
pretty smart move and is free to list.
They've helped hundreds of
founders already. Go to and see
for yourself if this is the
right option for you at this
time. It doesn't hurt to check.
Thank you for listening to The
Bootstrapped Founder today. You
can find me on Twitter
@arvidkahl. And you'll find my
books and my Twitter course
there as well. If Twitter is
still around, then you know find
me on Twitter. If you want to
support me outside of that,
please subscribe to my YouTube
channel, get the podcast in your
podcast player of choice and
leave a rating and a review by
going to
It really makes a massive
difference to show this show to
more people. Any of the things
that I just mentioned will help
me, so thanks for listening.
Thanks for taking action. Have a
wonderful day. Bye bye