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We are joined by The NerdyMark in watching one of the best matches of all time: Misawa vs. Kawada for the Triple Crown at the Budokan!

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Now Playing on Armbar Audio:
We are joined by The NerdyMark in watching one of the best matches of all time: Misawa vs. Kawada for the Triple Crown at the Budokan!
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Armbar Audio is a professional wrestling podcast for fans by fans!

Tim: you are now entered on bar audio.

Hello, and welcome to hello and
welcome to another episode of onboard.

I am your host, Tim.

Four-lane next to me.

He's my trusted companion.

John turns

John: and directly below us
is our trusted companion.

NerdyMark: Hello, what's up?

Y'all said the nerdy mark here.

It started to do this watch along.

Finally, I've been wanting to do
this for some time now and they kept

saying no, I finally forced myself.


Tim: made them convert to Christianity.



NerdyMark: I'm I'm I'm uh,
my name is Samuel now, so,

Tim: and he had his first standard
at his first taste of meat yesterday.

Uh, said, why don't you tell him how.

Yeah, it tasted like tofu.

Anyway, we are gathered here today

to witness

to watch.

So like before the elite exhibit.

There were the four pillars of all Japan,
pro wrestling, who pretty much dominated

melters five-star system, uh, and Eddie
Kingston, who, uh, I'm repping tonight.

Today, whenever you watch this
quite a history, uh, has talked

about this match extensively.

Uh, as much as I love Pearl, I have.

Really seen too much of the four pillars.

And when looking through what's
the best match, this is a highly

loved and highly rated match.

And it is Mitsui HARO.

Massala against, uh, I don't know
how to say the guy's first name.

NerdyMark: Yeah.

Tim: and John did a little bit of digging.

For the, uh, you know, we usually give you
some information beforehand sounded really

John: rad article.

Tim: Uh it's

John: from

Tim: due to,

John: oh, yes.

Tim: It's from

John: the pro uh, well, not V but
it's from pro wrestling,

Tim: Uh, bye Alex, Paul girl.

Hoggers Holly girls, ski park

John: Gorski, I think, but
yeah, really good stuff.

Uh, he has a full breakdown of, um, of
their feud with the end of the match.

He's got a really cool breakdown of the
match itself, which we will not get into.

Cause we're ready to rock the, watch it.

Tim: Yeah.

So taking from that, yeah.

Uh, articles.

Uh, Marcella and Kawada are more
than just professional rivals.

Their story goes much deeper than that.

So much so that it cannot be separated
from their professional interactions.

They were high school mates, amateur
wrestling champions, and in the same

training class in all Japan pro wrestling,
they worked together during the rookie

years, but went their separate ways on
foreign excursions with Salah, went to

Mexico, learned how to be a high flight.

And returned to Japan to
become tiger mask to Kawada.

On the other hand, floundered, he
wrestled mostly in the Southern

United States and throughout
Canada, he said to hate his time.

He was said to hate his time in
both places and learned very little.

And when he learned of muscle
was re christening and masking,

the seed of jealousy was planted
upon his return to Japan.

Kubota was always second fiddle to
Salah, even when he was mast, Bob.

Giant Baba had Marcel paid for the
top spot when Carter had wanted it

for himself, especially since he
believed that he'd have benefited

from any mask more than Ms.

Salah, Marcel unmasked in may,
1990 and three weeks later, he

defeated then company A's jumbo.

And doing so masala told the world whole
world, and especially Serita that he

was all Japan pro wrestling his future.

From there all Japan evolved into a
years long stable, or between Serita

and his army of established wrestlers.

Plus a cure a.

Versus masala and his fellow rookies
in those wars Kawada was missile is

number two, always having his back.

This went on until the summer of 1992,
when the Salah defeated Stan Hanson

to become the new, all Japan pro
wrestling, triple crown heavyweight

champion masala defeated a symbol of
the old guard to us or in a new era,

but Kawada could take no more soon.

Kubota would turn.

His own his friend and become his
true arch rival in early 1993.

Quota, turn on the cell and joined
forces with a cure Cura towel,

forming the holy demon army.

Kawata made his intentions clear.

He wanted him to sell his
title top spot ankles.

This cool was what his third attempt
at the triple crown heavyweight

championship since 1992 Kawada was
trying to prove to everyone that he

was as good as muscle, if not better,
but there were skeptics, especially

since Kawada had never pin, Masella
not once, not in any sort of match.


Salah had that edge over quota and
he knew it, but Kawada had worked

his ass off in one big match after.

And many people believe that
Culotta was the better wrestler yet.

Marcel was still the ACE and champion.

Kawada hoped to prove
his believers, right.

And the detractors wrong.

He and Marcella had teased facing off
a few weeks prior on May 21st, 1994.

And they tag team match that
that's hailed as one of their best.

The two didn't really
come to blows that much.

They were saving that mismatch
as both Masella and quota

entered the famous Buddha con.

The crowd was split evenly between
them, even though Quarta wrestled

like a villain or at least as an
antihero that liked to cut corners,

he had his share of supporters.

As the opening announcements were what
were made Kubota's fans outnumbered

the, it was so much so that the usually
easy to hear organized fan chance turned

into an unclear maelstrom of raucous
fans, cheering for their favorites.

And yet among that clamor for one brief.

One can hear a chance of de quite
clearly, that is an excerpt from

that article, which will be in
the description of this video.

Uh, so let's get into it.

It is from all Japan pro wrestling
Mitsu on the cell versus Toshiaki

Kawata June 3rd, 1994 from the
Buddha con for the triple crown.

Heavyweight world
heavyweight championship.

All right.

John: So now I want to make sure that
you can see what we're looking at first.

Tim: Can

NerdyMark: you say this?

Tim: Yes, I can.

John: Oh, wait.

We should give them a warning.

Yeah, the description.

Uh, your head, get that loaded up.

It's on YouTube.

So it should lower right quick for

Tim: ya.

NerdyMark: Um, so which one is

Tim: green and.

And Kubota is in yellow and black,
and he Kingston wears yellow and

black because he loves Kawata.

Uh, Goshi Zaki uh, whereas the Emerald
green and S uh, silver, because he

believes that he is Noah Noah's colors
came from the Salah because, uh,

after the giant Bob was passing, uh,
Barbara, his wife took over all Japan.

Uh, there was a mass exits
and the creation of mellow.

So nice, interesting.

Let's roll.

NerdyMark: So I guess she is lucky versus
Eddie Kingston will be like the second

Tim: coming of this

John: match today.

Tim: Shouldn't be

NerdyMark: all right.


John: let's get into it.

I guess you want to give
him the third year one

Tim: box 3, 2, 1.

Here we go.

John: Starting with the instructions.

Of course.

Tim: Hey, good stretch, man.

You want to cramp up
during the wrestling match?

Um, Oh,

NerdyMark: wow.



Doing it like animate

Tim: doctors, right.

John: Is this for two belts?

Tim: Cause it's the triple crown.


But I could be wrong.

Like I said, I haven't launched much.

I know things from reading, but right.

No this you

NerdyMark: haven't watched as much?

Tim: No, not really.

As I should have, or as I should.

And even boy

streamers coming down, pop,


That's what happens

in July.

John: It's a of streamers

Tim: turning 30 this
year, more streamers on

John: Twitch.

What's that one got stuck
on a load or something.

That's fine.

Tim: Or someone's pushed things
up in the rafters, just like,

like using it, like a fishing

NerdyMark: he's using this

Tim: as a fishing or like a raw

John: fish.


Tim: cell was already in quota.

It looks like he's going to
take his time squaring off.


John: loud for this one folks.

Tim: Yeah.

We have it a very low volume
and it's like, audible.

John: I can hear it.

We have a low enough that we
might not get copywriters,

Tim: right.

That wouldn't be to notable.

There's like so many links to this match.

It shouldn't even matter
if we're doing this right.


Oh, very

well into the ropes and clean break.

NerdyMark: And this was
the main event be right?

Tim: Oh yeah.

Should have

John: been.


NerdyMark: Lisa thinks that it's

John: 40 minutes.

halfway through.

Tim: With the main event?

Well, that's not really kick after
getting hit with some forearms.

NerdyMark: Taking their sweet time go.

Oh, there you go.

Well, they're calling her elbow.

Tim: Oh, Marty.

A clean break that time.

Ooh, geez.

John: So imagine you're a
young unit king videotape.

Tim: Ooh, big boot.

Oh, he ran right into that.

Well, it looks like a bad man.

Oh, he's a name such
a man backdrop driver.

John: That was beautiful.

Tim: Daytime battery truck driver.

NerdyMark: Cause he's a man, such a man.

Tim: Is that a Regal thing?

Yeah, yeah.


It's a shout out to Billy rigs

or Stevie Reeves,

John: depending on how old you are.


Tim: his name's actually Darren Rowley.

Very odd.


Darren Ray.

No, I don't know.

No, but that would have started the at
the time to get back in the position,

both men, the look on both men's faces,
you could tell how serious this matches.

This is a very normal

John: name.


Tim: Matthews.

There you go.

Quite a work in the arm.

Very methodical.


And then, and then they sprint
real quick so far, and then it

goes back to my methodical pace

John: kind of reminds me of
why you can go to versus each.

And some ways

NerdyMark: I even I'll even go as far
as the omega versus kata in a little

bit, just cause like in the beginning
that was a lot of like, like slow

sequences for like kind of a lot of
the pace, but then, you know, like

quick sequences here and there, you

John: know, I think I kind of set
the bar for like a marathon match

this, this, um, I can see where this
has influences and like, like those

battles that Vega had and stuff like

Tim: that.

John: You can even say recently, Hey

Tim: man,

very cool stuff.

All right.

I don't know who got the caught
him in the face, punched, punching

John: the third

NerdyMark: masala attack.

Tim: He said they punch you a bitch.


I punch you very hard in throat.

Yeah, big Larry at this
is strong style, baby.

This is not strong style.

This is actually called Kings road,
a new Japan strong style, which

was mainly authentically based.

And if you watch cover Kai, like you said,
it's more a Cobra, Kai and Kings road

is based more on defense, like Miyagi.

At least that's what they say.

But a lot of the times when I
watch stuff just seems like Purell,

John: give me a rundown at Kings.

Tim: I just did.

John: That's all I know.

Is that all it was it wasn't

Tim: like, I mean, that's all I know.

I know I'm not

NerdyMark: like spokes does
still like, you know, full

Tim: comp case to the back.


What'd you ask me?

He said, now

NerdyMark: I see both styles, full content

Tim: seem like

NerdyMark: now, uh,

John: trouble.

Tim: Yeah.

It's like a cross face
without the arm trap.

John: You give up, you
have a bond in the job.

Excuse me, smell

Tim: drivers.

NerdyMark: Ask, draw, Nick
Cardi B jail, or many of these

Italian, wherever they were,

John: whatever.

I'm Megan, the stallion knees.

Is your tech talk to your
crew for the day gen Z.

I know some of you might be.

Tim: And the ticket talks

NerdyMark: probably would be like, bro,

Tim: this ain't Trav on
the back of his neck.

Oh, he's going after the little
leg, single restaurant on that back

and then, oh God, Jesus Christ.


John: looked painful, something.

I'll tell you what, like a through
theme with these older bureau

matches that we've been watching
is that, uh, they just wanted to

make you not alive in the morning

Tim: and they all come
off as supremely bad ass.


They might not have the best physique
ever, but if you look at them, you

know, if you get punched, you're going
to give the fuck just boots to them.

NerdyMark: I mean, I mean, a lot
of a frigging Vince McMahon, my

bills were up five bucks to clean.

I don't know, know what you're

Tim: talking about.


NerdyMark: I possible.

Tim: How do you recommend,
I see your point.

NerdyMark: Okay.

John: What's up.

NerdyMark: I was just saying to
Tim's point, it's also in a way.

I mean to ads it's to this point, like
this is also in a way maybe, you know,

respecting the audience a little bit,
because it's like, look, you know,

you guys pay your hard earned money to
come here, watch the wrestling show.

We're going to give you, you know, no pun
intended, but, uh, uh, the best bang for

Tim: your buck.



And when these guys were wrestling,
you know, a lot of wrestlers

today and before, uh, have cited.

This group of men towel G


Uh Akiyama right, right.

Cause AKI on is like the, on
the official fifth pillar.

That's cool.

got a sleeper in, but sound
was pretty close to that rope.

Oh, he's trapping the.


NerdyMark: got that picture of not to pay

Tim: chief.

NerdyMark: I do less looking
at like old pictures of,

Tim: well, we talked

John: about this, we talked
about that on one of the ones

we watch, we talked about how

Tim: I think it was one
of the hashing modem, um,

John: like, like how you
can work in a match in town.

Tim: It was, and it takes you back
to that time period in your own life.

Like I was watching and I was
just like taken back to this

now defunct mall Parkway center.


And I was just like, oh

John: man.

And we talked about how, like,
when you watch these old wrestling

videos or old sports videos really.

Cause it happens with all of them.

Um, when you're watching on a more
modern television on a modern, straight.

Uh, the way that the cameras
work, you get those light trails.

Have you ever seen that?

Like, if you look at the whites,

Tim: Michelle with the
half Boston crab now,

John: and it's like, it's just,
it's a product of the time period.

NerdyMark: I don't understand

Tim: what you're talking about.

Well, he kicked him, right?

That's that's the issue
with those wide angle crabs.

You open yourself up to be
kicked in the fucking jaw?

Very much.


NerdyMark: I was watching this documentary
series on Netflix called high score,

and they were talking about like, it
was like a retro video games and stuff.

And that's like a big interest for me.

And you talked about how you
go back in your time period.

For me, I go back and I'm like, I wish
I lived in that time period because

like, you know, you know, eighties.

Tim: Well, I'm a solid
tries to work the leg.


Keep going, Sue.

I just, I want to, oh yeah.

I mean, I feel that way too, man.

The skies were clear there wasn't
like fucking terrorism and all

kinds of other bullshit life, life.

NerdyMark: Basically right now,
we're living in the matrix.

That's what it is.

So, I mean, like we don't, that's
why you should join us for these

watch belongs because we started
talking philosophy your shit.

John: So speaking to your point about

Tim: the audio again,

and I'm going to sell, instead of
trying to work a submission, he's

just going strikes after that leg.



NerdyMark: a lot of just
pissed them off at this point.


Tim: I have a feeling he started

no, like what I get at the beginning, you
could see a controlled anger on his face

and now the anger is starting to come her.

NerdyMark: I think I just killed this.

Tim: Well, my God,


NerdyMark: The flexibility on
this guy, he like lifting his leg.

John: He just keeps pushing away

Tim: all over the place.

NerdyMark: Very, very athletic.

Even if like you said, they
weren't like shredding to the pool.

The athleticism, the
stole, like, you know,

Tim: when I found out a
dude looks like, like Ms.

Salah was tiger mask.

I was kinda in disbelief.

Cause I heard that a long time ago and
the original tiger mask Siama, you know,

he, he went, he had those classics with,
and my kid, he, he was like the, one of

the pinnacle high flyers lightweights.

And if you look at the salads,

John: That's like, it's hard to match.

Fuck you up.

Tim: fuck you.

Yeah, you were down.

But if I think like I'm no good.

NerdyMark: No.

I was just saying it was cool, like
around, you know, when, when, uh,

lagger was doing like his retirement
tour, basically, I think it was

really cool that he had a mask.

They teamed up with tiger mask.

You may have interacted with before,
but it was really cool to see it.

One last time.

Tim: Speaking of lagger, it was
hilarious whenever he retired and

they were like, no, he gets to spend
more time with his son and his wife.

And now he like does common

John: ironies.

I could never get rid of me here forever.

Tim: That's fine.

That's what

NerdyMark: Excalibur was on commentary.

And I guess did he, like, I
didn't ask him to go into her.

So can I

John: see.

That's a thing that people are
always like, what is your word mess?


I'm like, dude, you never sent, it
was stupid with Steve you never

say it's stupid one lagger does it.

You never say it's stupid.

Why it's not the first

Tim: time what's happened because
it's Excalibur was also a wrestler.

He started BWG in the
pores mask who gives a shit

NerdyMark: he's removed their
maps, whether they're active

John: or not.

But it's because losers

Tim: big kicks since was
really, really taken it.

Now they did lose

John: one time.

Tim: Oh, he's going for the tiger driver.


John: If you look at Misawa, he's
got that old school movie star.


Tim: to them.



NerdyMark: right, there you go.

In and out.

Alright, now what's,

Tim: what's it going to
take to keep this guy down?

NerdyMark: My belts keep
shine and new belts.

John: Ooh, big job.


But Dodge an answer with a big boot.

Tim: I


NerdyMark: there's some
young minds over there.

There, do you

Tim: recognize it?


No, no.

I remember, I know because new

NerdyMark: Japan, these two, I dunno.

I think they know they still do.

They have like a, the thing, right?

Every Monday they had like a
free match day on their YouTube.

Uh, they was launching a,
a GoTo match or something.

And I saw, and I think this was like 2004
and I saw a young Finn Balor, young shins.

It was just like, oh my God.

Look at these guys.

When they were young lines, somebody,

Tim: uh,

John: somebody put on Twitter a while
ago, a picture of a young Wyan Ocado.

Tim: Yeah.

With Ultimo dragon.


I still

NerdyMark: love the story that Carl
Harrison says about knocking the romance

Tim: that that's yeah, that's good shit.


NerdyMark: And I guess for those
who don't know that, you know, the

cliff notes versions basically work
TLDR is basically just the fact that

when Carl Anderson's training and
the dope, but he didn't have money.

He could get them.

Tim: He's trying to paralyze
shops to the neck, then bam, bam.

Get a bitch.

NerdyMark: Give him a knife

Tim: set for Christmas,
almost set for Christmas.

He said,

NerdyMark: Sorry, corny
ass jokes, but yeah.

Yeah, basically it was this, the, it
was just that not Laura had just took

care of Carl Anderson for like six
months until he could get on his feet.


Tim: that was dope story, man.

Sun Nakamura's book read it.


NerdyMark: It's on, uh, G you going
to get it at Barnes and noble?

I don't

John: know.

NerdyMark: A couple of times and

Tim: pick it up.


Because we always see that excerpt
where he talked about Leslie.

Uh, right, right, right.




NerdyMark: each student is
working the same company

Tim: again.


John: oh, oh, coming

Tim: back, just turn the tide with.

Double leg take down to the head.

John: I thought we were going to get that
Japanese, uh, forearm exchange going,

NerdyMark: but just because of that
excerpt of Nakamura, then we're

talking about Brockwell is near a long.

Knock them or to be Roman
reigns for the universal title

and survivor series Nakamura

John: versus lesbian.

NerdyMark: Yeah.

I mean, it's not going to
happen, but that will be,

Tim: I used to fantasy book that much.

I can whenever knock them off,

flipped over.


Koalas just flirting the Sal now.

And Ms.

Salah, forts cold water.

He's wiping off his arm.

Like get that

John: down.

NerdyMark: Speed.

It looks like a Bluetooth speaker.


John: the blood coming from his ear.

Tim: That's fine.

John: Sorry.

I can't talk right now.

I'm getting

Tim: my ass

John: there.

It is.


Tim: to

no, cause that dope ass picture,
like how brutal that one looks.

Jesus Christ.

NerdyMark: Send it to me.

Tim: I want to see the picture.

Well, we'll see it in the match.

Frog, splash.

Nope, koala water kicks.

That's another thing.

So I don't know if you've ever
noticed, but whenever any wrestler

has someone punched over and they
start like fast kicking them in the

face, they say Kawada kicks because
he was the originator of that.

John: I didn't even put that together.

Tim: You're the other

NerdyMark: Bryan Danielson
got his kicks from,

Tim: I don't mean the ones on the chest.

I mean, when they're hunched
over in someone like kicks

them real fast in the face.

John: Oh yeah.



I know what you're talking about.

NerdyMark: I have to, I guess, observed

Tim: next time.

John: Yeah, because if you're talking
about, uh, Bryan Danielson, you

know, those are the chicks he stole
from, uh, miss the world famous.

It kicks.

Tim: Oh my God.

I'll fucking kill you.


NerdyMark: Yeah.

The same.

I will fly over

John: there.

My mom still makes that joke when
he does it because of the storyline.


Tim: How old are you

NerdyMark: Ms.

I, I haven't been watching that, so

Tim: I don't know.

What's that fucking cares.

Who cares about the

NerdyMark: damn

Tim: Hey man, I like them

John: is sports is in essence.

NerdyMark: You hope what's his ass.

Oh yeah.

Did you lift up the Bain?

You should do the Bain

Tim: thing, break his back and

NerdyMark: yeah, she
should have the exact same

Tim: one,

but that was wondering

NerdyMark: what would break first or

Tim: spirit or your body sounds?

I was wondering.

I have Chrome

NerdyMark: in his case,
I wonder all the breakers

John: or your body.

Oh, here come the forearms.

I knew that happened eventually.


Oh, giant

Tim: Larry before.

I think everybody is,
but that guys, especially

John: the people in the background.

Tim: No,

cyto, suplex, suplex there to flex.

John: Something.

I always, uh, one thing that I always
notice watching old matches that I missed

is all the camera flashes in the ground.

Tim: Oh yeah.

People don't even need cameras now.

Other phones.


Unless they're professionals,

John: I just love how you always

Tim: see big, powerful.

NerdyMark: They don't

John: he's like, I love that.

Tim: Yeah.

NerdyMark: Having their
phones, they're not using like

John: and I love how you can.


But we, back in the day, you could
always see camera flashes, even though I

know for a fact, never show I ever went
through, they were like, Hey, do not,

no flash photography, but everybody.

NerdyMark: For the flash photography.

Tim: Kidding.

NerdyMark: No, that's never
going to happen anymore.

Tim: So


NerdyMark: single leg

Tim: Dropkick.


John: Speaking of vegetation,
does anybody else ever, uh, feel

a little tug on the heartstrings?

Whenever Christian uses the.

Tim: I don't feel emotions.

Oh, that's what's that like Dennis,

John: nice from always

Tim: use tools.

Well, he's a five-star man.


NerdyMark: that's the only genocide

John: now.

Yo, what's a, our next watch.

Let's do the maniac,
which is the charge, man.

Tim: We fucking should just because.

No, you don't even know
what we're talking about.

This it's Roddy, Piper and Danny DeVito.

John: Uh Damania.

And the scene was like, they
followed him to his car to be like,

here are the best we love you.

And he opened his car door,

Tim: all his, it looks like he's
sitting up for the end here.


Nope, Nope.


Oh, Hey Powerball two.

Nope, but not enough to put them away.

NerdyMark: Video of Phil Collins and

Tim: he asked Massawa what does Dennis

John: have to do with.

NerdyMark: Exactly.


John: What does to do with

Tim: these?

He's a wrestler and I'm sure he must

NerdyMark: be walking with her matches.

You know, I know, I mean, what we
probably did this, you know, if you

watch the parks out of the ring,
man could not fucking wrestle.

Tim: So I'm sorry.

I said, what were you
saying about Philadelphia?


NerdyMark: I don't know
who Philadelphia Collins's

John: name is.

Philadelphia Colin's worth.

Tim: Oh my God.

Look at the fucking ranch on this dragon.

I think, um,

NerdyMark: I, I'm not, I'm not I'm good.

Yeah, no.

Philadelphia Collins, uh, uh, came
to Cayman for Pittsburgh warrior.

That's that's

Tim: what happened.

The Pittsburgh ward.

You never heard of him?



I heard he was from a different
pitch from Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh,

Transylvania, Transylvania.

That's where Pittsburgh Castlevania,

NerdyMark: Castlevania

Tim: and the Lord at the Pittsburgh
Castlevania is Philadelphia.


NerdyMark: yeah, he's he's the one
who hires, uh, Simon Belmont to kill

Tim: Dracula.


NerdyMark: You have no idea
what I'm talking about.

Don't worry about it.

Especially the gen Z.

If anyone's watching you.

There's some, you know,
play some video games

Tim: or watching

John: the enemy.

He's 58

Tim: and already have,


These guys are worn.

NerdyMark: You and your kids and
your mum, mumbling hippity hops

into your role and your ticky tasks,

Tim: your iPhone, iPads

John: jeans.

Tim: Back in my day, we
had one pair of slacks.

NerdyMark: We lost him
with our own spirit.

Every time we came home,
because we couldn't afford

Tim: laundry detergent, we didn't
even know what the hell that was.

We use vinegar, baking soda for

John: everything, the best way to get some

Tim: shit burn.

NerdyMark: Oh, that was a
terrible Southern accent.

Tim: I didn't even know we
were doing a Southern accent

and I was just being a gun.

John: Nothing cleans your
clothes, like a Ford F150

Tim: back in back of the neck, Sherman

automatically put his leg over the.

Like a fucking professional.

Well, I go fucking professional.

That's right.

NerdyMark: Ring mother effing

Tim: awareness.

It's like young boys.

Keep my leg there.

So I was like skid on a piece of shit.

I'm telling you always be
number two, your piece, a shot.

Oh, man,

John: I'm going to be tiger mask.

And you're getting

Tim: Vince McMahon there per sec.

NerdyMark: And for water
cakes out of the two.


Well you can turn it into the Vincent
with Amanda for just a second.


John: I was like completely going to
be target mask and you're going to be,

Tim: you think going to the United
States is going to help you,

John: like he knew already.

I can see the future, but you can

Tim: write

love that rule.




John: was pretty.

I had a family call in before anyone else.

Tim: I don't want you to
con before anyone else?

John: No, we didn't have the first one.

Tim: I don't give a fuck that.


John: hilarious.

Hasn't seen that video.

Just go on, take dark and search
high everything and you'll see it.

Every meeting.

Tim: Oh, it'd be one of the virus
is a very, very dangerous city.

John: It has so many

Tim: like, oh, another ruling kick

John: all I want, I still just
want to know why he ran away at

Tim: the


Collins is actually a
trailer park voicemail.

Oh, that's a very, they call him Phil
Collins though, but they find out that its

whole name is no he's from Nova Scotia.

He has unknown cards.

Well, it seems really

John: reaching in

Tim: seven, those dirty
burgers with Randy.

It's called the dirty burger, man.

I don't know.

It's hilarious.

NerdyMark: No, I was craving a burger
earlier, but now that you mentioned

that I never craved vegetarians.

Tim: Yeah.

You don't know what a burger is

NerdyMark: that it's called.

They have this thing called a beyond
burgers and impossible burgers and

Tim: black beans.


Do you know what a Patty of
random things tastes like?

You don't know what a burger taste.


Oh, oh, Jesus Christ.

Oh, my salad.

Just punch roaring elbow or rolling elbow.

I can never tell what they say.

Is it roaring or is it rolling?

What was Mo both.

Makes sense.


John: Rolling elbow, even
though they definitely spin,

Tim: but.

I'm sure it'd be, wouldn't call

NerdyMark: it.

That that's fine.

Tim: But

NerdyMark: yeah, but you're right.

I will never know what the
actual real burner tastes like.

Frankly, I'm located,

John: it tastes like

Tim: portrayed.

NerdyMark: I thought, but I'm actually
kind of disappointed, John here.

I thought you would actually
go into a nice soliloquy as

to how tasteful a burger is.

You wanted me

John: to, you know, here's

Tim: just like, oh,
going for another tiger.

Cut the beef.

John: I don't know what to tell ya.

You got like 10 minutes.

I don't know what to tell
you what this cook beef.

Tim: Ah, okay.


Steve, you missed that one.

It went into his side
instead of someone's face.

John: It's all about the seasoning.

Tim: Yeah.

And how you coach it and how, how
rare or how, whatever toppings, uh,

NerdyMark: well, for people we meet
well done are pretty much heated.


Tim: Oh, and it's next
damn they're broken.

And my cell.



Holy shit.

John: Everybody watching this video, you
had no idea that she was British all along

Tim: because we then, oh my God.

No, it's no, one's getting up from me.

I was

NerdyMark: credible.

That was an incredible match.

John: That was awesome.

Tim: Yes.

And great

NerdyMark: time.

It was, uh, looked at

John: we're not done yet.

Tim: You could definitely
see the influences these two

had on modern pro-wrestling.

John: You can definitely, you can
definitely, what should we'll spray?

They got Brandon covered in their biggest

NerdyMark: problem.

John: Uh,

NerdyMark: blended, I'm sorry,

Tim: Landon.

I mean,

John: larger than to water.

You can see the Kingston influence

Tim: now with those chops,
even though Qubole she has no

more prompts and can escape.

I'm a salad reign Supreme.

John: That was damn damn good.

NerdyMark: You can get all,
anything it's the whole, all the

Tim: buts.

John: I could definitely see why
this matches regarded the highway.

Tim: A lot of the four
pillar matches are not.

There's a bunch of singles ones, but
a lot of them are tagged matches.

Hi, Dan,

John: this Joe is along with other, uh,
old, pure matches that we've got, where

the amount of prizes is just surprising.

Every time

Tim: we start on still does it.

NerdyMark: Like I'm surprised
to throw in a fricking giant

Tim: breed in a crown, a literal crown.


John: watched one, the guy got a
big check yard, a bunch of flowers.

He got a trophy.

There was some weird bear mascot.

Oh yes.

Tim: Let's shit rules again.

I think it was a hostile.

NerdyMark: I'm gonna throw
this bottle of lotion as well.

John: Let's just start taking
stuff out of their pockets.

Look, here's the keys to my car.

Tim: Here's the picture of the kids.

Here's a pro he's like fucking stack.

NerdyMark: Here's a friggin, uh, best
buy gift card for like $9 and 87 cents.

Tim: I shook hands and


John: Oh, now everybody gets to
see what my recommended videos.

Tim: So anyway, um,

John: hi, fuck.

Don't touch me,


You're good.

No, stop.

Come back.

NerdyMark: Hashtag John Kerns

Tim: he'll turn that really?

It wasn't not short shorts pop
dead, but it was just a phone.

It's clear now that when we do this
commentary shit, I'm the face and you're

the heel or actually Sid's the face.

I'm I'm the, the nerd, even though
he's the nerdy mark, because

I'm trying to keep you guys on.

John: I was just trying to pull
some groups and gaps on my pals.

Tim: I had no idea that
that was happening now.

I feel like an idiot.

I feel like a dumb,

John: dumb, I feel like a stupid,

Tim: come on, boy,

NerdyMark: John, you need
to, you need to ask him

Tim: about old funeral wrestlers.

Make him know.

I told you at the beginning, I told
you fuckers at the beginning of this

whole thing that I did not know.

I've never seen.

And I only read a bit.

And then you asked me a question.

He asked me, do you recognize
any of those young lions?

No, I'm not.

John: I don't know.

I just expect you to know

Tim: I think that I'm a wrestling
guru in out of our group.

I do not claim to know everything
about everything involving wrestling.

John: So you're doing that.

Just wondered if you maybe knew something.

Tim: Well, anyway, with that,

make sure you drop a Sid,
a bunch of messages on his

Twitter and his Facebook and.

His Instagram, because we want him to come
back to social media with a plethora of

messages, all kinds of shit, because Sid
is taking a week break from social media.

Let's give him a golf club.


And nobody and I will actually.

John: Nobody called him and asked her

Tim: don't do

John: that.

Do not

Tim: turn her, but no, I

NerdyMark: actually also
doing something well and also.

You know, uh, my moods and I'm feeling
about everything now that I'm off

social media for a weekend, I'm gonna
have a video of reviewing my week off.

So that's very clear look up.

Tim: That's important.

Uh, should we tell them, I kinda
mentioned it last time, so, but we

were, I was going to mention it again.

Go ahead.

John: Go ahead.

NerdyMark: It's you're working on.

Collaboration video, uh, this time,
uh, as y'all know, I do a show called

a series of what's your fantasy,
where I do a lot of fantasy bookie.

Uh, this time I decided I don't,
I was feeling very lonely.

And so I politely asked them
if they would like to join me.

And, uh, after, you know, countless years
of begging, they finally said, yes, so.

Tim: Um,

NerdyMark: yeah, they said that I only, I
would only do it if I finished all of the

Tim: old Testament.

So we don't believe in that
shit over here, Toro anyway.


So, yeah, it's going to be
on and it's going to be about

the a w trios championships.

Is it going to be a bracket?

And me and John have like our
own specific team and the rest

is going to be in the hands of.

Ah, also, like I said, we are
working on interviews for this year.

We have ideas, new ideas for segments.


John: have one lined up already,

Tim: which is yes, very much so.

So wherever you are in the world, whether
it's morning, noon, or night, you have a

great one in peace and love to all of you.



John: And then we're
still on for a second.

Then it goes

Tim: off.