Clydesdale Media Podcast

Recapping Day 2 at Syndicate Crown

What is Clydesdale Media Podcast?

We cover the sport of CrossFit from all angles. We talk with athletes, coaches and celebrities that compete and surround in the sport of CrossFit at all levels. We also bring you Breaking News, Human Interest Stories and report on the Methodology of CrossFit. We also use the methodology to make ourselves the fittest we can be.

What is going on, everybody?

Welcome to the Best Western

Plus Clydesdale Media

Saturday Night CrossFit Talk.


We're here.

We're here to talk about all

the goings on that happened

at the Knoxville Civic Auditorium,

whatever it's called,

something like that.


Yeah, something like that.

I don't know.

I have the least comfortable

desk chair in the history of desk chairs.

so holly's in the chat holly

you've been busy today

telling everybody what's

happening all around the

world the crossfit space to

my back right is jamie

latimer uh the crazy one as

some of the uh listeners

told us today or told me

they didn't say it to her

face tell me um so yeah

it's been a fun day uh

a lot of action we had two

individual events we had

two team events and we

crowned the champion of the

syndicate crown on the team

side where do you want to

start um yeah we can start

with that let's get teams

out of the way okay so we

started with um a

A workout where one pair did 30 synchro.

30 kale row, 30 synchro overhead squats,

three rounds.


And then the second pair did

90-90 unbroken.


Yeah, it didn't have to be unbroken,

but yeah.

I just meant not partitioned.

Is that better?



See, I told you.

I told you on IG.

She's got a lot of pent-up energy.

She's ready to fight somebody.

We both are ready to fight

somebody earlier today, but we're here.

So it should be an interesting show.

And Kenneth,

you'll be happy to know I may

have trimmed beard,

but I was really feisty

Scott earlier today.

I was ready to take some people out.

Hey, Jess.

So that workout finished,

and I think it's the only

workout Peak 360 didn't win

in the entire weekend.

No, it was Ocean State?

I believe so.

Yeah, they made a, well,

so that has Christine Best, correct?


She demolished those 90 overhead squats.

Um, I mean, her teammate helped,

but she just,

her cycle rate on those were

unreal and that a lot,

cause they were not first

going into that pair.

Um, but she just knocked it out the park.

Yeah, and it was pretty tight.

A bunch of teams came in after that.

But Peak360 held on to their

lead going into the final event.

And I think it was really

cool after the reseed, after day one,

we got all the best teams

in that final heat.


And it was fun watching the

close battles that were happening.

And the final event,

it was Synchro Toast Bar.

Synchro Bar Muscle Up.

That's what I said.

Worm Clean and Jerk and Burpee Over Worm.


With a little lunge to progress the worm.

That was a battle between

Peak 360 and Mayhem.

Right down to the wire.

Peak 360 pulling it out at the end.



At the end of the weekend,

we had Peak 360 in first.

We had Mayhem in second.

CrossFit 1124 in third.


And then eighth day CrossFit in fourth.


And they are the team that

if you're watching IG,

they are the team that

started in heat one on the

weekend and ended up in

fourth place overall.


And Jamie's tight with them.

Well, yeah, they're in Grand Rapids.

To be fair, one of their teammates,


who was the Legends winner that

Scott interviewed, 35-39 male,

he had a little bit of an injury,

I feel like,

going into the team quarters.

So they had their backup

perform their quarters, and that...

he, he's just, he's not him.

So they came in at the

bottom and this is their

true team and we see where they're at.

So really, really excited for them.

And then we had four more.

Do you, do you have the list?

Uh, reignited ocean state.

Um, and then TTT endure, uh,

took the eighth spot.

I might've missed one in there.

So CrossFit, so most mayhem.

And then TT2 Endure ended up

taking that eighth spot and

TTT Levi's Mayhem was knocked out.

okay so there you have it uh

that is on the team side uh

we got some podium picks

just got to get those to

holly here in a couple

minutes after we're done

with the show and you'll

get to see some podium

picks of that and

congratulations to all

those people um of course

all the names were peak 360

and mayhem yeah uh

And I guess Christine Best

and Christine Middleton are

pretty well known as well

on that Ocean State team.

Shaylin Laurie on CrossFit Reignited.

So those are some teams you

may know from the past that

all seem to do pretty well.

So congratulations to all them.


So now before we get to the individual,

let's talk about the issues of the day.

There were issues.

So when you're given

instructions in an email, okay,

so we apply for media credentials,



Those media credentials were

delayed until two weeks

before the West Coast Classic.


We get them,

and then we get instructions

later about what to expect

on the weekend where you appear.

In those instructions,

it says you will have

access to the media pit,

you'll have access to the athlete lounge,

and you'll have access to

the athlete warm-up, not warm-up area,

the athlete village.

Yeah, which is, I believe,

contains the warm-up area,

so you just can't get out of there.


Then when we got there and

we were given the tour, we were told,

when an athlete comes off the floor,

if you would like to interview them,

just grab them and take

them back to the athlete lounge,

which Jamie and I did

consistently all day today until,

and I will say she is a volunteer,

Little Miss Puffy Pants,

came up to me and said that

I could no longer grab

athletes in the hallway or

the corridor from the floor

the competitive floor that

went back to the open area

where we could get to at

the athlete lounge that we

that was restricted we

weren't allowed there

I informed her that we were

given a tour by the head of

media and told this is the

process for doing what we

are supposed to do.

So she went and got security.

Did I act in any way that

needed security to be

gotten and brought over?

She clearly felt threatened, Scott.

I mean,

there was definitely some wires

crossed somewhere.

I get your frustration.

I wouldn't even be

frustrated with her so much.

The whole thing is just a little silly.

It's more so that rules

apply to some and not all.

I'm getting there.

I'm getting to that.

I wouldn't throw that under the bus.

She thinks she's doing one

thing because... Okay.

Let's let the viewers decide.


We walk away after talking

to security and I let them

know that the head of media

for the event and the head

of media for CrossFit told

us where we could be and

the process for doing it.

We go up to the media room.

Get up there.

The head of media for the

event comes to talk to us, says, hey,

that corridor is getting too crowded.

We can't let anybody be in that corridor.

So we just need you to grab them.

And he showed me a picture

of a curtained area.

He said, you could do the interview there.

I said, with all due respect.

that area is loud can we

continue to take them back

to the back where it's

quiet and get a good

interview oh yeah yeah

that'd be fine went back

down attempted to do that

miss puffy pants said again

that I could no longer take

the athletes to the back I

had to do it in this

curtained area yeah she heard one thing

I kind of understand

probably where she was coming from.

She held it literal.

I understand what you're saying.


every other media outlet was still

allowed in the corridor

that we were told not to be

in and doing the interviews

in the corridor that we

were told we were not to be in.

We followed the rules.

We talked to the people in charge.

We did what we were told.

And we got picked on continuously.


it does feel like we get picked on a

little bit.

That's why it is Miss Puffy Pants.

At her fault.

Because she was blatantly picking on us.

It feels that way sometimes.

We just got to keep keeping on and...

I understand your frustration,

but we just got to get the

athletes and do our job and

move to the back.

So I am sick and tired of

Lauren Khalil getting to do

whatever she wants to do at

an event and us always

being the one picked on

that are not allowed to do

anything remotely close to

what she is doing.

And I'm done hiding her name

from all of my issues.

It happens at every freaking event.

Yeah, I can't quite figure it out.

I don't know if it's because

she seems to have different

roles at each event and

people can't quite figure

out exactly what her role is.

So they just don't even...


And after we were talked to

and asked to change, they continued.

Her and Patrick Clark did

interviews in the corridor

that was forbidden.

And what that does is gives

them first access to grab

every athlete and we just

get whatever is left.


Which is fine.

which is fine because they

always pick the front

runner and we have always

backed all the rest of the

athletes anyway.


We rarely try to grab the

first place winner.

But yeah, in the earlier heats,

we try to get like an event

winner and talk to them.

And sometimes that goes our way.

Sometimes it doesn't.

So Holly says,

I guess I always assumed she

was more official somehow.

I think that is the major problem, Holly.

I think most people assume that,

and that's why nobody says

anything to her.

She is not a part of the

broadcast this weekend.

She has the exact same one

of these that Jamie and I do.

She got the same email we got,

and her picture was taken

in the example given of

what can and cannot happen.

And you can back me up, Jamie.

The head of media for the

syndicate crowd said

absolutely nobody other

than medical was allowed to

hang out in that corridor.

He said that,

but I didn't see any follow

through on that.

That's what pisses me off.

And I told him it felt like

we were being targeted.

It was always us that got

pointed to and told to leave.

And he said to me, that is not the case.

Yet it even continued after that.


it happened right up until basically

the last event.

so got that rant off my

chest there you go I didn't

know you were gonna go

there at all maybe we'll

see you guys tomorrow maybe

we won't yeah maybe this

gets taken away I'll be

with rich at the hotel

across the street yeah all

right so we had two events

today on the individual side yep

It started with double unders.


Going into toes to bar.

Into front squat.

Front squats.



Yeah, that's it.

Yeah, that's the workout.


Start with the women.

This air conditioners can be.

Okay, go with the men.

The men started today, right?



Give me your perceptions.

I got to blow my nose again.


My perceptions on this workout.

Um, I think,

I think everyone went out hot

and got wrapped up in

whatever lead pace got set.

And then round four basically imploded.

Like the last, like the last round,

was the slowest round for

basically everybody.

Yeah, I don't know.

Any surprises on the good

side for this one?

I mean,

we both said Hatfield would do well

in this one.

We both said Hatfield would

do well in this one with

the shorter levers.

And he did really well.

I mean, yeah, he did really, really well.

Was that your pick?

He was not.


Remember, mine was the disaster pick.


Yeah, so that's your guess.

I picked Hatfield.

I was thoroughly impressed with him.

He had a huge cheering section,

and it was awesome to watch,

and he got the crowd going

in that fifth round.

Yeah, he was fun to watch.

It was just a good race in general.

And even the Jeff Adlers and

the Roman Kretikovs

couldn't keep up with him.


at all so uh yeah he pretty

much dominated that one

like colt did in the west

yep I picked will borad

correct went back around

the corner to grab an

interview and there's will

on the ground with medical

and we soon found out after

that that will had been

withdrawn from the

competition super bummed about that

Super pumped.

I was hoping he would get to

do the double.


I mean, I had picked him in my top 11.

I had him sitting 11th on the bubble,


thinking that he would be the

one athlete to do Masters and individual,

but nope.


Yeah, so I knew something was wrong,

but he didn't do well in that event.

He started out great.

Yeah, but he lagged hard.

Yeah, I don't know.

We didn't hear what the injury was.

Don't know, like, knee, quad, who knows?



There was no significant

clue for what was happening

with medical to know what was happening.


So I'll be curious if anyone

got any inside scoop

anywhere on any of the other podcasts.

Holly said he made a post

about his hip flaring up.

That's why Holly's the best

stats and info person in the business.


Well, hopefully it's... I mean,

hopefully he pulled out to just...

stop any further injury and

can still do masters I hope

he didn't like actually

yeah me too so yeah that

was probably the biggest

disappointment um jack

farlow with another

underwhelming performance

yeah he just looks so

It's weird to say this,

but he looks so thin to me

because he's clearly ripped,

but he just looks so thin,

like frail to me.

I know it doesn't make sense.

Yeah, he does.

He looks smaller.

And he looked like he, I mean,

he just like runs out of juice.

I don't know if he's going

out too hot and isn't,

he's just trying to keep up with the,

with people that he just

shouldn't be keeping up with.

And I'm not sure, but like so far,

every event he started hot and imploded.

Yeah, it's baffling.

It's almost like,

here's this guy that could

lift the house.

Let's make you more of a gymnast.

And maybe we overcorrected.


I guess we're going to see in the

snatch tomorrow.

True, true.

That will be very telling.

He'll have to do it from heat one.

Yeah, that sucks.

Not that, I mean,

not that that hasn't happened.

Well, not a win,

but we've seen some top

performances out of early heats.

So, Aaron,

are you saying Will Borad said

injuries or Jack Farlow?

I think that's, those are pretty much my,

the pleasant surprise was Hatfield.

And then Farlow and Morad

were my disappointments.


I talked to Taylor after that event.


I guess I talked to Taylor at the end,

but he had said 20, what, 22nd,

27th in that event was his expectation.

I think it was 28th.

So basically did what he, I mean,

I feel like it was the

damage control event and I

thought he looked good out there.


I talked to Saxon Pancheck after that

event, which is out on our IG.

He looks good, man.

He looks really good this weekend.

He's like just a tick behind

the Roman Adler show.

Yeah, he's crushing it.

After that event, I talked to Jack Rosema,

who is, I feel like he's doing great.

He was my dark horse pick

for this week to make the games.

He is sitting one spot out.


One spot.


he sounds like he's in a good headspace.


I think the next workouts

will be good for him.


So let's flip to the women's

side on that event.


Started with a blowout in

Heat 1 with Miss Annika Greer.

Yep, Annika had to...

I mean,

she has to crawl her way up from

that run event and she's

doing everything she can.

It was, it was a great performance.

She looked, well, you talked to her.

I did after event three.

I think, I mean,

you said she talked about how.

this, like she can run her own race.

And that's really,

I feel like that's what's

happening is that's what

athletes aren't doing.

They're getting caught up in

these races and they're going too fast.

And she didn't have that

pressure and she had great pacing.

She looked great through round five.

Not everyone looked great

through round five.


I can't wait to get this

interview out because it's very raw and

Very big self-reflection.

And this weekend has been a

roller coaster for her with

the start on the event one,

not living up to the

expectation she set for

herself and made her

question herself a lot on Friday night.

And then Saturday having

this event where she ends

up finishing fourth out of heat one.

She set the time to beat,

and then Lexi Neely,

who I talked to as well,

she beat that time barely.

And Lexi ended up in second.

Annika ended up in fourth,

both out of the first two heats.

Yeah, crazy.

Huge surprises there.

And then...

So Heat 3 went that had

Alexis in it and you had a

little bit of a race there

with Alexis and Fee.

Who else was fighting in that one?

I feel like there was three

of them together for a while.

So that was this morning.

That was a long time ago.

Shelby Deal?


I think Shelby might have been with

them in this one.

Because you talked to her

after this event.

Yes, correct.

So, yeah,

that was a good race that Tia

came to the final and did what she does.

Anything to say there?


It was a tough one to watch

Haley fight through.

I was shocked how she went

from what she did in event

one to the fall off to event two.

Yeah, I would have,

I would have thought her

strength would have climbed

enough to get through this.

Cause it didn't that front

squat didn't seem to affect

really anyone.


And Kaylee's known for being able to move,

like, 80% weight well.

And her fitness usually is

enough to overcome it.

And total bar and dubs are

going to be no issue for her.

So I was very surprised.

Yeah, I was really surprised.

Kenneth says, Paige,

the meds are killing it all day today.

And there's our friend Lynn.

Yeah, we got to meet Lynn today, twice.

On the way in and on the way out.

So cool to meet everybody.

It is.

Yeah, Paige is just building blocks,

building bricks,

whatever you want to call it.

She's fortifying herself a

spot brick by brick.

Typical Paige, not super flashy,

but just getting the job done.


All top ten performances.


So, yeah, so Tia wins that.

Second place was Erica Folo.


Third was, or no, second was Lexi Neely,

then Erica Folo, then Audica Greer.

And then Emma, I think.

Yeah, Emma's having a quietly,

really solid weekend.



Lynn was our escort in and out.

She sure was.

She may have caught my

co-host doing something illegal,

but we will pay her some

hush money to make sure

that nothing is said.

All right,

so let's go to event three with the bed.

That is the rope climb,

echo bike rope climb,

box jump over rope climb event.

Oh, my goodness.

So many good races.

So many good races.


Oh, you know,

you didn't talk about Will

Carter in event two out of what, first,

second heat?


That was an amazing performance.

It was.

I didn't really even know who that guy was,

so you had to... So Will Carter,

I believe,

is the guy who showed up on

Kill Taylor in the sombrero and the...

I don't even know what they're called.

The poncho thing.


With Joe Piero to take on Kale Taylor.

And Will Carter won an event, right?

Did he win it?

If he did win, he took second.


It was a crazy time.

I mean, yeah, it was a crazy time.

He may have won it.

I don't know.


Like I said, a long time ago this morning.

That was like 9 a.m.


So then we go to the next event,

rope climb, bike and all that stuff.

Farlo actually, Holly says fourth.


Rope climb and all that stuff.

Farlo starts to look good again.

He starts to look good every time.

It's because he goes out hot

and so he looks like he's doing good.

He's at the lead,

and I think he's going out too hot.

That's just my personal assessment.

I don't know.

But, yeah, he looked good through, like,

three maybe, yeah, probably three rounds.

And then he just, yeah,

he just falls apart.

He's going to be in that heat one tomorrow,

so I don't know what's going on there.


I don't think there were any

surprises there.

But I did talk to Marquand

Jones after heat three.

He came in third in that heat.

And he basically was like,

we all know the big dogs are coming.

And I don't think that time's good enough.

He was not wrong.

He was not wrong.

Kredikoff, Pepper, Hopper,

Saxon killed that workout.


killed it they may have

broke the programming yeah

that was an exciting race um

I was watching Hopper

because I was trying to,

Scott and I sometimes pick

who we're going to grab

after a heat and I'll try

to get like clips,

little footage clips of

part of their workout.

So I was following Hopper on

that workout and had gotten

like his sixth round bike

and box and was on him when

he went back and

when he went back to the

final bike and it like,

I could see that he was

turning up the intensity.

Like he was hammering that bike.

And I was like, Oh my God.

And then his judge's hand

goes up first over Dalen and, uh, Romans,

which you didn't even realize he,

I was talking to Scott.

I had no,

no clue what happened with Hopper.

I'm like, because I was trying to,

I was trying to catch the

finish of Roman and Dalen.


So I'm like, I've got my camera going.

I'm on, I'm on hopper.

He gets off the bike.

So I, and I,

so I have footage of his rope climb.


he just jumps off that bike and goes

right for the rope climb.

And I don't know, good color,

not gets the note up there.

That sucks.

Cause he had that event one.

I mean,


And you and I, like,

he definitely touches the top,

but I think the question is

the leg clamp.

So somebody,

so Ken may be on the announcement.

So we don't know what was called.

And if Ken saying,

apparently he touched the shackle,

not the yellow,

that is what I thought the

no rep was for.

And so I was trying to show

it to Scott when I was

trying to tell him what happened.

Cause I was like,

Hopper should have won that.

Cause I think he touched the yellow.

He definitely touches yellow,

but he does kind of clamp his legs.

He does.

So, and, and first view,

I saw it as a judge and said,

that's really close.


They weren't calling that on

anyone though.

So I don't,

I didn't think that was what

the no rep was for.


But either way,

it was probably a legit no rep.

So, but it sucks because he totally had,

like, he paced it almost perfectly.

I mean, obviously,

maybe should have taken a

one-second breather to go

into that rope climb and

make sure it was good.

But, yeah, he had that thing won.

That was super exciting.


My heart couldn't have taken

a three-way finish.

It wasn't going to be a three-way finish.

He was going to be at least

two box jumps ahead.

It wouldn't even have come down to a race.

Now Jeff,

or the Roman and Dallin finish

was insane.

And now we have the

controversy of the alleged

no rep for jumping off the box.


That did not get called.

Not alleged.

It was a jump off the box.

So, yeah, I don't know.

That was crazy.

It was.

Great finish.

Dallin got a couple no reps

that probably cost him that win.


Just a careless error of

touching the box with your

hand when you're not allowed to.


There's that.

But I picked Robin to win this, and he won,

and I was right.

I picked Hopper, so I was so disappointed.

But such an exciting race.

And Mark Kwan nailed it by

saying their times are meaningless.

These big dogs are going to

go nuts on this event.

So we don't get to see the

post-event interviews, Kenneth,

because we're generally back in the back,

either with the rules or

against the rules,

interviewing an athlete back there.

So we don't get to see what's broadcast.

So what happened in that interview?

It seemed, I mean,

who did they even interview?

I thought they were interviewing.

Oh, they did interview Rome.

I mean, I saw him out on the


so they brought both Pepper and Roman

to the interview.

I'm sure it was fun.

Okay, cool.

Yeah, we'll have to go check that out.

Then we get to the women.

And again,

Annika sets the time to beat the

heat one.

This is when I talk to her.

This is when she talks about

all the pressure.

I'll get that out tonight for sure.

Short and sweet, Robin said,

I won because I made no mistakes.

Dalad, we will see, Robin.

We have another bike event.

I would clip that and put his.

I think Hiller already has.

Oh, good.


Yeah, he definitely made a mistake.

Just didn't get called out for it.


So we start with Audica.

The next heat, is that the Jordan Chefs?


So she sets the time to beat.

Then we have the Raptors

heat that she sets the time to beat.


And then we get to the final heat.

And so my question about this,

I asked you this on the floor.

Because you only had one

event on Friday and it was

a run-dominant event,

you get the heats all mixed up now,


The seating's all jacked for

two events today.

You have Alexis Raptus in

heat three instead of four.

You have Audica probably

lower than she needed to be.

You have fee at heat three.

Like it just feels like all messed up.

I don't think the men are

really messed up.

Uh, okay.


I mean, I don't know.

It, it,

it's going to happen one way

or the other that you're

going to have seating all

jacked up from online

qualifier being way off for the, I mean,


it was a problem yesterday for the run

event, even though that was only two,

two heats.

Like you would have said the

seating wasn't correct there.

It just, it just happens.

It's just part of,

they can't run all 40 at once.

So, okay.

So, Alexis, it's time to beat.

And Tia comes in.

Tia breaks that time.

And Tia wins the event.

Tia breaks 11.

But so does Haley.

And Haley is back from event two.

So, she has a great event, poor event,

great event.

How much do you think that is,

the lack of competition

reps over the last 18 months for Haley?

I mean,

I think she knows she still has

home runs and still has holes to fix.


She does seem like she's enjoying it,


She does.

And her coaches and their

daughter have like princess

wands or swords that

they're swinging at the

finish line for when she finishes.

And she is smiling and

waving to the crowd at the

end of every event.

Very different Haley than we

saw 18 months ago.


From that perspective, for sure.

Lynn says she likes the mix

up of heats because it

actually keeps some

interest in all the heats.

So that's kind of my perspective.

And I mean, it's kind of why I,

I like all the heats always at the games.

I don't like cuts.

I think there's always

somebody in a lower heat

that's going to have a good event.

And I, I like to see that.


This field,

there's going to be some great

athletes all the way through.


That isn't the case in other regions.

That's true.

So Tia wins again, but Haley's great.

So now the leaderboard stands.

I believe it's Tia first,

Emma Lawson second, Erica Follow third.


I think.

Need another tab on your computer.

I know.

But we definitely know Tia's

winning because she's won

every single event.

Yes, correct.

A couple highlights for the day.

Crowd was awesome.

For everything they were saying last week,

the crowd here was phenomenal.

The side where the press pit

is or the press room is,

that side is full.

And that doesn't always get

showed on camera, which is a shame.


let's get the camera on the other side.

But the other side is pretty full.

But the first side is packed.

Yeah, lane 10 side.

there's a ton of people

standing on each end they

have the seats ripped off

to try to bring them to the

sides but there are people

standing at the corridor

yeah so that's awesome uh

favorite story of the day um

That's a good question.

I have two, so I'll give you one.

McKenna Enslin tested the

rope climb event.

Could not finish the event.

Came two rounds short of

finishing it and testing ever.

Finished it today at the semifinal.

Got to the end with a huge

smile on her face and burst into tears.


That's what this stuff's about.


I mean, yeah, she wasn't,

I think she was second to

last in her heat,

but like the joy on her

face was incredible.

And the crowd,

like her family fans were

all sitting in the family

stands at the finish line.

And like everyone just stood

up and cheered.

It was, it was really cool to see.

um I don't know my last

one's a funny one I was

interviewing marquand jones

we're walking out of the

athlete lounge marquand is

greeted by joe piero and

marquand goes how'd you do

on that one and he said you

know me man fight for dead

last fight for dead last

I almost caught a guy,

but then got a good no rep

on the last rope climb to

solidify dead last.

So, you know, we're doing our thing.

So funny.

So funny.

Hi guys, I hope.

Is Danielle Brandon going to

have an emotional outburst

or judge movement by the

end of the weekend?

She seems just... I think

she seems... Rock steady this week.


I think she seems... She seems to

maybe be a little flustered

or have questions when she

walks off the floor,

but her team around her

seems supportive and

keeping her head straight,

and I think she seems

pretty calm out there, personally.

She's just doing her thing,

and she's doing well.

don't think she'll have an

outburst but we'll see the

judging though that's a

whole nother thing I got my

ups and downs that's a

bigger story for another

day for sure uh what I'll

say here is that would be

disappointing for me today

is two people that I have

grown to adore this sport

were had rough days

Will Moran getting withdrawn.

Amanda Barnhart just not

having the upper body

pulling strength today to compete.


And it was tough to watch.


Because she is freaking awesome.

And that shoulder just, I don't think,

has been recovered enough

to get the reps in to

compete at this level right now.



both her and Brooke took a hit in

that workout a little bit.

So tomorrow we have three events.

Yep, starting with the workout four,

the handstand walk, bro.


this muster room is killing me right now.

Yeah, he's a mess, Ken.

so we have the row handstand

walk to mcgrew can we just

agree that dan yells would

he get on the women's side

yes it's easy pick um who

you got on the bedside who

did I put that's a good question um

I want to say I might've put Dallin.

I don't know.

I am between, I have not picked yet.

I am between Saxon and Roman.

This was always my tough one for the guys.

Like I just,

you don't have a tutor in this field.



So that's, I don't know.

I'm between Saxon and Roman.

Yeah, Hopper could do good.

Snatch ladder?

There's the new Heat 1 prop

bet breaking the record set

by Laura Horvath, 824.

You think it's getting beat, right?


I think that's a good call.

I think Danielle is fast

enough on her hands and

strong enough on the road to, to do that.


Um, there was another prop that got added.

Both stay three points.

Oh, fees to coffee, Taylor self,

Audica Greer, Tyler Christoffel.


We both think Anika has a

good shot at that one.

I agree.


the overwhelming pick seems to be going

towards Taylor.

72% on Taylor self.

I'll go with the 17% audit career.


So we got our men and women

picks for event for event

five snatch letter.

Snatch letter.

Well, probably Tia,

but can we pick a second from Tia?



I think Danielle is going to

do great at it.

I do too.

I actually want to say Annika.

I know she's strong.

Smaller range of motion.

That's what I think.


I like it.

bernie gannon says the uh

anglo-saxons and the romans

have had a centuries-long

rivalry in my head too

bernie in my head um okay

men on the snatch um I

think it comes down to two

I feel like,

I feel like Hatfield has a

really good shot again, like,

like a Colton.

How's Jack's strength?


And I think,

I think Dalen could do really well,

just way more range of motion.

So he's got to move fast.

I think Jeffrey Adler is the

perfect blend of range of

motion and power.

He's as strong as all those other guys,

and he's four inches shorter.


He's not Austin Hatfield short,

but he is four inches

shorter than the rest of them.

So my pick is between Adler and Hatfield.


And I'll probably lead Adler.

Okay, and then the big old finale.

Bike, ring muscle up, heavy lunge.


Okay, other than Tia.

So you made a very

convincing argument to me today.

And this is very

contradictory to my top 12 pick.

I'm going Brooke Wells.

Because you argued to me

that because of her shoulder injury,

she's not going to be able

to go unbroken on the muscle-ups,

so less grip fatigue.

And once she gets those

dumbbells in her hand,

she's not going to stop.

I don't know if that'll give her a win.

I just said it may not blow.


it'll give her a win over everybody

but Tia.

You think?

I mean, maybe top.

Tell me also who had that field.

Oh, let's see.

I don't know.

Strong on the bike that's

going to have strong lunges.

I think Alexis is going to do great at it.

Bernie Gannon said they

should have three divisions

in this sport.

Men's, women's, and TIA.

Ken says,

do we see a separation tomorrow

between two day comp

capable athletes and three

day comp capable athletes?



And I would say this isn't even, I mean,

event one was long, but.

The bulk of the... I mean,

you got half of your events

are on day three,

even if the last one is short.

And the second one's pretty short.

So, Lyd says, I like Brooke for the ledges,

but the muscle-ups maybe don't.

I think that is what the argument is that

That Jamie made to me is

because she cannot do the

muscle ups unbroken.

She's going to have to be

strategic about them and

break them up because of the breakup.

She'll have more juice in

her grip to be able to go

unbroken on the lodges to

the end and pass people.

And you said the same about

Amanda Barnhart.



I mean,

they're interchangeable on this

workout for me.

And I think my other

favorite is Danielle Brandon.

The long strides that she

could take with those dumbbells.

She's great at muscle-ups.

Yeah, that's a good pick.

Like, beyond good.

She is great.

And she's got the body to

power that bike at the beginning.

I actually think that might be,

other than Tia,

I think she might be second place.

Yeah, that workout fits her a lot.

Okay, men.

Oh, this is our race.

Dallin, Roman, Apper.

Do you think it comes down to those three?

I'm super curious if all

three of those guys send

the bike and pull a, what's it, what's it,

happy line in?

I mean, we've seen it now twice.

Pretty much everyone else

that's tried it has blown

up and it hasn't been worth it.

But two people have done it

and it was worth it.

Hopalainen and Magda.

I'd say one of these three

guys is going to try to break that.

I don't think any of the...

I don't think Roman, Hopper,

or Dallin are good enough

on their muscle-ups to beat

Tudor or Hyperline in score.

I would even say Jeff Adler

is a little weak on the muscle-up.

But maybe that,

then it comes down to this race.

Then you have someone like

an Austin Hatfield or a

Saxon Pancheck come out of

nowhere and beat them all.

Because those two are better

at the muscle-ups.

Maybe not as good on the bike,

but how does that tax the

athletes going into the lunge?

I don't know.

I'm taking Saxon.



I'm taking Dallin.

I think he, I think he wants to redeem.

I think he just, I mean,

he like earned it and it

got taken away from him.

So I think he's gonna be

hungry for that win.

He'll be Roman.


Doesn't mean he's going to win the event.

All right, guys,

we've gone an hour and I

didn't think we would be able to do that.

And man,

I'm ready to kick this air

conditioner right out the window.

Pretty good.

It says Saxon eats lunches for lunch.

Good to know.

I think Saxon is going to

have a really good day.

His mindset is so good right now.

It's just the top of this

field is freakish.

If this is going to be fun

for the next five years.

agree well guys any any last

thoughts nope I think holly

asked if anything ended up

with that security guard we

did talk a little bit I

actually know the guy from

my volunteer days we've had

long time friends

He argued with me a little bit.

I did back down.

I said,

just get Taylor or Chris and ask

them what the rules were.

She was talking about

security with me leaving.

I don't know.

I don't think that's what

she was talking about.

uh the crime that was

committed by miss latimer

we will save uh we don't

want anything on recorded

on tape and a bit of guilt

so all right uh kenneth

says go get at a history or

something I took an allegra

I asked a pro and I did

hailer before the show

Anyway, I don't know what's going on.

I think I'm going to go

sleep in a lounge chair by

the pool so Jamie could get some sleep.

All right.

With that, everybody, have a great night.

So glad you could join us.

We'll be back tomorrow night

to wrap up the whole damn thing,

see who's going to the CrossFit Games,

and we will talk to you all later.

on the Clydesdale Media

Saturday Night CrossFit Talk Show.

Bye, guys.
