Clydesdale Media Podcast

In an effort to be as fit as possible Scott has agreed to do his weekly check in with nutrition coach Cheryl Nasso.
This week Scott is feeling better and better and got himself back into the gym last week.

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We cover the sport of CrossFit from all angles. We talk with athletes, coaches and celebrities that compete and surround in the sport of CrossFit at all levels. We also bring you Breaking News, Human Interest Stories and report on the Methodology of CrossFit. We also use the methodology to make ourselves the fittest we can be.

to the Clydesdale Media

Weight Loss Journey,

where Scott does his weekly

check-in with nutrition

coach Cheryl Nassau every

week live on our YouTube channel.

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What is going on, everybody?

Welcome to the Clyde Zone

Media Weight Loss Journey.

Another week in, another week recovered.

I love it.

I don't know where we're at.


It's time for another week.

How's the weather up there today?

Not bad.

If you look out the window,

you think it's the first day of spring.

You think it's full spring.

You're going to go out in

your shorts and your tank top.

And you walk out and the

wind will rip you apart.

You know what's funny?

It's really windy here, too.

It's actually,

the weather's beautiful today,

but it's really windy.

Like, annoying windy.

It's a cold wind.

Yeah, we have a cold wind, too,

but our cold wind is

beautiful wind for you.

You'd be, like, in heaven right now.

So, for sure.

It's a good time of year in Florida.

Corey says what I'm feeling.

Hey, Judy.

Hey, Holly.

Hey, Corey.

What a gentleman.

Just addressing everybody.

What a nice guy.


That goes my sentiment.

It's freezing and windy here in Columbus.


So you let's, let's just start with that.

You and Judy met up last week, correct?

We did first day back at the gym.

First day back at the gym.

Oh, how was it?

Judy is straight up savage.

Is that a compliment?

She killed the workout.

So that's a compliment.

yeah yeah yeah okay I've met

judy before so like she

came to masters fitness

collective she cheered on

corey cheered on jamie uh

so we got to hang out there

but man she's fit yeah

that's why being called a

savage you can kind of take

that one of two two ways

you know like in my head

you you picture like the

like the tarzan person like

oh you know like just ravaging the food

So I do have to say at the

end of the workout,

so we go back and my first

workout back was a 40 minute workout.

I'm like, wow.

Judy asked me like,

what have you done to me?


And so when it was all over, she said,

we need to do this every couple of weeks.


but let's look at the workout before we


I love it.



So you went back to the gym on Thursday,

and I know that that was

kind of taking you into the weekend.

Did you get another workout

in there at all since Tuesday?

I did Friday.


And what was your workout on Friday?

The open.

Oh, that's right.

So did you do the workout?

I did.

What did you end up doing for scaling?

I did a 15-pound empty barbell.


And ring rows.

Love it.

And so first of all,

Thursday crushed my legs.


Crushed them.

Then to do thrusters,

even with a 15 pound empty

barbell hurts so bad.


Um, so I, I,

I got through the first five

rounds and that's about it.

Got it.

Well, I think Brooke Wells and Tia to me.

Well, just to give you like,

think about that's 50 reps

of 100 reps more than

you've done in a long time

and two days in a row of

pretty high volume.

So that's a lot.

And then what was your weekend like?

Did you get any fitness in

over the weekend?

So I did something Sunday in my garage.

And then I took yesterday

and today off because work has been.

What did you do Sunday?


I just did a little 2159 of

the bike cause I needed to

get some lactic acid moving.

And then, and then I did a sandbag cleans.


And then I got back on the

bike when I was done just

to like super slow, just a flush.

Got it.


Well, how are you doing your steps?

Cause for some reason on my Apple health,

when I try and look at your,

stuff like it's it's giving

me like your averages not

your actual dailies and I'm

trying to figure out what

I'm looking at wrong um how

have you been doing with

your steps I've been okay

um hit seven a couple times

um and then a couple times

it doesn't but what's

bizarre is like I went to

watch rudy do the open on

saturday and I took

pictures the whole time

like I was on my feet

moving for a good hour plus

and it barely registered any steps for me

Yeah, when you're standing, it won't.

Well, I wasn't just standing.

I was moving all around in the rig.

Even me,

I'll be cooking in my kitchen and

I'm standing and moving around,

but it's just not

registering as actual steps.

It's fine.

That happens sometimes.

I believe that you're

probably on your feet.

And or I also notice if I'm

like pushing a cart in Publix,

That's a grocery store for

all of y'all that aren't from Florida.

It doesn't register if

you're pushing the cart.

I'm wondering if it's from

me holding the camera.

Yeah, it could be.

Because like I said,

when I'm pushing the cart,

it doesn't register.

So just kind of funny.

But anyways, so all right.

So that's good.

We got you back in the gym.

And but so let's get you

back in the gym this week again.

I know that work is busy.

Already committed to

tomorrow and Thursday.


Did you get any gym fitness?

Did you get any fitness in at home?

You said you took this week off so far,


Nothing in?

Well, I worked out Sunday.


So just Monday, Tuesday rest.


So you're going to work out

the rest of the week probably.


Did it feel good to get back

in the community again?

It did.

It did.


The only weird thing is my

coach wanted to talk to me

so much because his dad had AFib.

They're like in the middle of my workout,

he's trying to ask me questions.

It's funny.

I was thinking about that

because we'll go back into

you in a second.

We're having issues with the lawn, uh,

the lawns at our, at my, in my community,

a lot of the grass is like dying.

And at first I thought they

weren't turning on the irrigation.

But my neighbor comes over

and tells me yesterday or no Saturday,

she's like, Hey,

I just want to let you know

that the reason the grass

is dying is because there's no soil.

It's all sand underneath the grass.

And so it's dying.

So the reason I'm telling

you this is because I'm in

the middle of getting ready

to start 12 by 500 meter.

growing in intervals and

like y'all know how painful

growing intervals get and

she doesn't understand

crossfit so she's coming

over and she's like

starting to talk to me

about the freaking lawn and

I've got my headphones in

and I can't hear and I'm on

like a one minute rest I'm

like listen lady I can't

talk to you and I felt so

rude but if you just don't

understand crossfit

you don't understand it.

And then she's still trying

to talk to me about getting it.

I'm like, I'm like, I'm sorry.

I can't figure out how to

turn my headphones down.

I can't hear a word you're saying.

Cause I really couldn't,

but it's just funny.

Cause nobody gets it when

they're not in the CrossFit world.

Like we just don't stop and

talk in the middle of our workouts.



And I think,

I think he was worried about

me and just keeping a close eye on me

And so he was coming over to ask me like,

cause his dad had just gone

through it and wanted to

make sure like I was okay.

But yeah.

Can I just,

can I just take a little detour

and tell Kenneth that he

must've went to the wrong

Publix because a pub sub is like,

that's like one of the best things.

If you come to Florida and

you've never had a pub sub

before you're missing out, Kenneth,

I just don't,

I don't know that we can be

friends that crusty bread.

It's just.

It's amazing.

I just, you know,

I don't know what kind of pub sub you had,

but did you ever have a pub

sub when you lived in Florida?

I don't think so.

Oh, man.

The bread.

First of all,

the bread is it might as well

be a loaf of French bread.

That's pretty much what they give you.

It's probably about the

bread alone is probably about 100 carbs.

But they're just something

about them sandwiches, man.

I don't know what they put in on this.

It's a good sub, but.

So Damien has had the

interruption during his

CrossFit workout of solicitors.

Well, that happened to me too that day,

but I was stretching,

so it wasn't a big deal.

I'm getting a lot of people

coming to my house to sell me things,

like bug spray and lawn

care and water stuff.

And did you hear about the

FPL bills going up?

You should invest in solar.

And I'm in the middle of stretching,

and the guy doesn't want to interrupt me.

So he says...

Do you mind if I knock on

the door and see if your

husband's available?

I'm like, I don't have a husband.

Oh, surprising.

I'm like, why is that surprising?

Like the guys are trying to

make conversation, but I'm like,

why is it surprising?

I'm like, I'm not.

So anyways,

but that's when I swing my

kettlebell and say I have grip issues.


I tell my mom about it.

My mom's like, Cheryl,

you never tell somebody

that you're not married.

That's dangerous.

I'm like, dude, do you know who I am?

Just some funny stuff.

Look, lady,

I'm about to die on this rower.

And I'd much rather do it

without you yapping in my ear.

That's literally how I felt.

I was like, oh my God, woman,

please shut up.

Please shut up.

But I get a lot of... I mean,

I walk on my hands on my sidewalk.

So I get all kinds of people

asking me questions about

what I'm doing around here.

I'll be pushing my sled.

And the construction worker's like, you go,


And I'm like, thanks.

Thanks, cheerleaders.



So, all right.

Back to what this is about.

Scott's weight loss journey.

So we're getting you back in the gym.

Weight trends are looking good.

How are you?




They look consistent.

They look great.

They do look great.

How are you feeling?

Let me ask you this.

Are you noticing feeling differently?




energy definitely hunger yep

um not necessarily cravings

um but I feel I just feel

like my joints just feel

better my everything feels

better even sore after a

couple days of working out

I felt better well the

movement is medicine I will

say that um for sure I'm

seeing a lot more whole

grains looks like you're

starting to make your own

English muffin sandwiches in the morning,

which is good.

Seeing some veggies, some fruit.

Just bought whole grain bagels.

Yeah, pizza's your thing.

It looks like you're getting

in on the... You had pizza

for Friday night dinner?

Yeah, and then leftovers on Sunday.


but you did have... You also did have

your salad with it, which I like.


here's the thing is a lot of people

like to think about what

they're removing from their diet.

And, you know, life is all about balance.

And if you're eating...

80% of your diet is coming

from lean proteins, fruits, vegetables,

and things like that.

You should be able to

incorporate some pizzas and

things like that.

But more importantly,

what people should be

thinking about when they're

having those things is

trying to balance it out

with more of those nutrients.

So I love the fact that on

Saturday when you did log it,

I also see a salad with that as well,

which makes me happy.

So it's funny,

the name of your chicken sausage is

It says Seymour.

That's what it says.

Oh, wow.

Like Seymour.

Like, I don't know.

I just wasn't there like an old movie,

like a joke about like Seymour, Seymour.

Well, there was a, there was a cartoonish.


Seymour, the C6C monster.

No, there was one also like Seymour butts.

Oh, what is that from?

I can't remember, but it's yes.

Kevin remembers.

I don't know.

I'm feeling old right now,

but I can't remember.

Um, oh, is it from the Simpsons?

I don't know.

It might've been from the Simpsons.

I might be thinking of the Simpsons.

If y'all remember that show

now I'm really aging myself, but yeah.


Is it really like new?



like new there's new there's oh my gosh.


Um, see, I was right.

See, Judy even says it too.

I was right.

The Simpsons.


Yeah, it's funny.

The name of your chicken

sausage just says Seymour.

It just made me think of that.

But I'm seeing sweet potatoes.

I'm seeing homemade pizza with the lavash.

Chicken shawarma.

Was that homemade or did you

get that somewhere?


Oh, how is that?

It was really good.

I've actually never had that,

but I know a lot of people

that like that stuff.

So overall, looking really good.

Seeing some popcorn in there,

which I like.

I like the fiber.

People often don't realize that popcorn,

especially if you're making it yourself,

guys, it's just corn kernels.

And you can literally air pop it.

In fact,

super good hack is if you take

your popcorn kernels and

you put them in a paper bag,

you can make your own microwave popcorn.

That's all you need.

So don't you make popcorn, Scott?

Or do you buy it?

Yeah, you make it.

How do you make yours?

Do you have an air popper or do you?

Uh, so I have, uh, it's a,

it's a contraption that you

put them in and you have

the arm that stirs the

kernels and then it's just

starts popping and you flip

it over and the top is a bowl.

Well, that's fancy,

but literally all you need

is a paper bag.

30 bucks on Amazon.

I'm serious.

You take a paper bag and you can, you can,

if you want to,

you can spray them with

like cooking spray.

It's going to add a little bit of fat,


Put a little butter in there

if you want to.

Salt, you can make your own like caramel,

whatever kind of corn you want to make.

Put that in the microwave

and it pops just like you would.

But popcorn's really high in fiber.

There's like, I think per,

about per 25 grams of carbs,

I think there's four or

five grams of fiber in it.

So it's a pretty good source

of carbohydrates, people.


So Judy wants to know the

deets of my weight loss.


I'm going to put it to you

in this framework.

So I went to the doctor on Friday.

Even more?

Had a huge bill of health.

Like, things are going great.

Keep up the good work.

On their scale,

I'd lost 14 pounds since

the first time I met with

her just three weeks ago.

That's awesome.

So the same has happened

pretty much on my scale.

It is around,

it's like 13 point whatever pounds.

I'm at 285.6 pounds.

let's just go ahead and do this.

I'll just pull it up for them to see.

Y'all can see Scott's progress right here.

That's what things are going on.

We're seeing this nice trend down, uh,

which I like,

obviously it probably will

start to slow down a little

bit as life gets back to routine.

Whenever we have big changes,

we're going to see big changes.

It's just the way it is.

If you make big drastic changes,

you're going to see a big drastic change.

And I think you had,

a bunch of things all at

once between medication changes, between,

you know,

your life just kind of being

turned upside down.

We're making a lot of

nutrition changes right now

with the fiber, with the veggies,

but things are looking good again.

I feel like we're back in

that smooth and consistent pace.

I like the term great better than good.


Well, I like thinking about,

here's the deal is I'm always like,

What I want to say is the

reason I don't like to get

hyper things are going

great is because I don't

fully think that we should

be so up and down with a

weight loss journey,

whether it's going good or going bad.

Does that make sense?

Meaning like it's good to

celebrate the wins,

but we have to realize that

oftentimes when we

celebrate the wins and we're like,

things are awesome.

We often tend to do the exact opposite,

the exact same thing when

things aren't going so good.

So the reason I say great is

not just about the weight loss.


The reason I say great is

five weeks ago I was in ICU.


And where I'm at today is great.


Yes, I would agree.

Not just the weight, but the way I feel,

the way I'm able to move,

the way I'm able to sleep.

All of that stuff has

changed dramatically.

And I'm feeling great.

And I love that.

And I want you to say that.

But I don't want it to be like, oh,

things are going great because of scale.

Because I like that.

But I also think that.

And I love Corey.

I don't know what it means

to be Joe Biden because I

don't pay attention to politics.

But I'm not thinking that's a good thing.

So everything is awesome.

Everything is cool when

you're part of a team.

I would a hundred percent agree.

So, and that's the thing,

what Judy just said,

you're telling me things are going great.

I'm not telling you things are great.

Like I want,

I love that your feedback is good.

That's what I actually want.

And you did an open workout,

which is awesome.

So really good.

So what do you have going on this week?

You're going to get

So workouts into the gym Polaris.




So noon,

noontime is going to be your time.


And I actually,

last week I took the

initiative to block out the

noontime on my calendar.

So nobody will schedule me in the future.

I love it.

I have to like,

I had to get rid of a

meeting yesterday and today.


Tuesdays are going to be the round

table all the time, but right.

And then,

so now that'll be free for me

going forward.


Um, how is your blood sugar?

It is in the one twenties now.


That's good.

Dropping about 10 points a week.


And she's super,

she was so excited about

that that she's already

talked about like backing

off the insulin.



what we just have to get down like

another 10 points and then

backing it off two units at a time.

So you can get rid of that

and then it'll be getting

rid of the metformin.


Which I really want you to get off of.

That's medication is

literally something that we

could go into a whole nother topic on,

but it is what it is.

It is nothing you can do about it.

So you're just going to get off of it.

So and heart and everything

like that is going good

with being back in the gym.



like I'm still making sure I'm not like

cranking the heart rate way

up anymore or right now.

I mean, um,

so I'm trying to keep it like

one 20 is like, you know what I mean?


That's, that's good.

That's like a zone two ish.


And then as I keep going,

I'll leak it up a little bit at a time.

Well, and here's when,

when we're measuring,

when we're thinking about

progress being made in the gym, um,

heart rate isn't really what

dictates that.


So it's like,

I know it's really easy as

CrossFitters for us to get

focused on like the

intensity and how hard I'm,

how fast I'm going.

And am I, you know,

getting that intensity piece,

but honestly it's,

that doesn't give you the

results that just like

consistent strength

training and moving well

and moving through sets

with the intended stimulus of like,

I'm getting 10 unbroken reps.

You know,

I'm doing that stuff is so much better.

You could EMOM your way fit,

like seriously,

it's not going to be competitive,

but it's going to keep you

in a good place.

You know what I'm saying?

Like you can back off the

intensity and make a lot of

gains in your fitness and

in your strength,

in your mobility and all that stuff,

the intensity piece is like

the top icing on the cake, you know,

but that's not really what

creates the results.

That's what creates that.


Now I have a new level that

I've reached and now my

percentage just have to go

off a higher number, which sucks.

That's what I always feel like, you know,

like you had a new 2k road

time and now you're like,

all my road times are going to go,

go faster.

You hit a new back squat PR,

a new snatch PR,

you're like 90% my old one rep now.

It's like, that's the stuff that, you know,

comes with that, but that doesn't,

you don't need that to get

fit and to be healthy, you know?

So, um, in fact, I'm, uh, debating,

I'm doing my level four and

I was just kind of earlier

today going through the old

journal and there was one

of the level one journals

was talking about the whole

Um, you know, doing CrossFit, you know,

when you don't want to do

it for intensity,

you want to be able to just

be fit and healthy.

That's okay.

It's part of CrossFit.

So I actually made a comment

to somebody like CrossFit

is good for everybody,

but not everybody's going

to be the right fit for CrossFit.

You know what I'm saying?

It's just, so you can do CrossFit.

You just have to take away that, you know,

need to be intense,

just a little side tangent.

But Judy says being background active,

like-minded people helps for sure.

Um, I 100% agree.

So it's why even on the days

when I know that I can just

do work at home,

I still try and get to the gym.

Like I've been trying to

make sure that I get to the

gym at least three times a

week because otherwise I'm

like the lady with her cat.

I'm the cat lady at home

that just does nutrition

coaching all day.

I mean,

my clients get to see the most of me,

but you know, just me and my cat.

So I got to get out and see people.


Um, yeah.

So my goal right now is

three days a week until I

can get my schedule cleared

and then back on trying to

get back to five.



the only thing I'm going to mention is

this week,

your protein has been a little

bit on the low side and I

don't know if it's just been, uh,

like not thinking about it.

You know,

it might just be your lunch was a

little bit low protein some days.

So I would like to see a

little bit more protein.


You know,

like you can also make sure that

you're getting a high protein snack in.

You know,

you used to be pretty good about

before bedtime having

something because your

proteins have been

definitely a little bit on

the lower side.

That's the only other thing

that I really want you to

focus on this week.

Yeah, I did.

I did get some rice cakes

and some lunch meat and go

back to the lunch meat,

rice cake and laughing cow

cheese thing that you

taught me a long time ago.

And then I did get some

oatmeal to start doing the

oatmeal pudding.

Have you tried the cottage

cheese pizza dip?

I have not.


I have a recipe and I'll send it to you.

Um, and if you guys,

anybody on there that

doesn't like cottage cheese,

little hack is put it in a

blender because it takes

away the little chunks.

Um, but you put literally cottage cheese,

fat-free mozzarella, um,

a little bit of Parmesan cheese,

marinara sauce, turkey pepperonis,

put it all together, pop in the microwave,

put a little Italian seasoning in it.

And I take the Joseph's lavash bread and

You can cut it into like squares,

dip that in there.

Now you've got a really nice

high protein snack that's

also high fiber.

You can use other, whatever you want.

So you can use pita chips or whatever,

but something high fiber would be great.

And that's a really easy

high protein snack.

I think the recipe that I

have that I'll send you,

I think has like 40 grams

of protein in it.

And it's only got like two

to 300 calories.

So super easy high protein

snack if you're looking for

something salty and

you know, I love my Greek yogurt bowls,

a little bit of vanilla

protein powder in those.

Uh, but I,

I think that what you need to be

thinking of with your, it's,

it's really your snacks.


cause your main meals are usually about

40 grams of protein,

which is pretty good.


but I think that like your one or two


you need to be like reaching for like,

where's my protein first.

And, and if you're going to,

cause you might just be like,

I'm craving something salty.

And the easiest thing is like,

how can I add some protein to this?

You know?

So that's where

I think the rice cakes is a

good idea with the turkey.

Cottage cheese is great.

Even some things that people

don't think of.

Like I told you,

I've been getting down to tuna,

like the tuna salad with

the mayo or the Greek yogurt.

That's been a good, easy snack for me.

And you can even make it ahead of time.

You can make like a buffalo chicken dip.

So any of that kind of stuff

would be easy to have.

And you can dip that and you

can even get some more

veggies in that way.

because you can make a dip

like that and use like bell

peppers or the tuna salad

and use some bell peppers

or carrots or cucumbers,

any of that kinds of stuff.


So that's going to be,

that's the only thing that

I really want to see is

more protein because I

definitely feel like that's

where you're lacking,

but everything else looks pretty good.

Calories are in a good spot.

Um, how about your gut?

How's that been?

Much better.


Now the doctor did say that she,

so I'm still,

I was still having the cough and the,

the congestion.

So she changed my allergy medicine all,

all together.

And so now I'm, so I was on Zyrtec.

She took me off that and put

me on Clareton and then

Singulair at night.

And we're giving that two weeks to work.

If that doesn't work,

she's going to check my gut

health because it could be

that that's causing

everything that's going on,

but I'm not burping like I was.


All right.



I think that everything else

is looking pretty good.

Like I said,

I think that protein intake

needs to go up a little bit.

Your meals are pretty

balanced for the most part.

You tend to balance out your

calories a little bit.

You're never really hitting your carbs.

You're always going a little

bit over on fats and a

little bit under on carbs.

I really think that if you

optimize your carbs a little bit more,

your fiber intake would go

up and it would also help

with your blood sugar a little bit.

But getting in complex carbohydrates,

so like more sweet potatoes,

fruits and vegetables,

that kinds of stuff.

And if your gut's still giving you trouble,

that's what I'm going to say again,

is getting the fat intake

down a little bit.

But really what I want you

to focus on this week is

getting the protein up.

I'm not because you're

keeping your calories in a good spot.

I'm not really that worried

about macros of carbs and

fats as long as we're

getting the protein up and

your calories are staying within control.

So I want to speak to Jay Birch.

Grits are nasty.

I lived four years in the South,

could never ever get used to them.

You know, I've never had grits before.

Go up to the panhandle.

I've never had grits before.

See my family, we live in Florida,

but they're from New York.

So they're not like into a

lot of Southern food.

They're, they're like, my mom is like,

you know,

they're Italian in New York and just,

they're like not into that stuff.

So we did not eat grits growing up.

We had pancakes.

We didn't even eat oatmeal growing up.

Like I tried it a number of

times and I thought it was

healthy and I never liked it growing up.


so definitely what every

single person told me this

exact phrase every time

they brought me grits mine

are better than anyone

you've had you have they

haven't been cooked

correctly blah blah blah

nope sorry there's a lot of

southern food I've never

had like chicken and

waffles I've never done

that either now that that's

just way too good

I've never done that before.

Chicken and waffles are top

10 food of all time.

Yeah, never.

I didn't do that either.

And that I will only buy in

the South because they

really know what they're doing.


There's another thing I used

to eat growing up.

Have you ever heard of pastina?


It's just like really,

it almost looks like couscous.

It's like really small pasta.

And literally we would just

eat that covered in

Parmesan cheese and butter.

Like just, it was so good.

But I think that might've

been like a Pennsylvania thing.

It's like a,

I think it's like a new England thing.

Well, that's fun.

That's where you're from.

I don't know where it's from then.

You would have had that.

So, but I know one that you might know of,

this is a gross food.

Anybody that knows this food

might think it's gross, but well,

do you know what scrapple is?

That's from like the Northeast, right?

That's a Northeast thing.

So it's, I know it's a Philly thing.


When I, when we went, when I,

so when I went to visit Kat,

she lives in Delaware,

just South of Philly.

She bought me a scrapple

breakfast sandwich.

My grandfather used to love

that stuff and it smelled

so bad when it was cooking.


and then I remember like in towards the

end of his life, well, my grandpa,

I was like the only one

that would cook it because

like my aunt was like,

I don't know how to cook that stuff.

And he likes it when you

cook it and it tastes,

it like smells gross.

has gross food yeah it's not

something I'd have every

day for sure no probably

and I haven't had it since

I've not been out there

that way yeah yeah I know

what it is and I've had it

once or twice oh can I just

can I just start by making

a comment here I'm going to

bring this up right here

heidi mex mentions has

scott considered pure

carnivore guys oh the world of dieting

is just disgusting.


it just makes me so angry for

people that are just trying

to be healthy.

The extremes that we think

we have to go to in order to get healthy.

What does eating only meat,

having only meat in your

diet really solve?

Is that really a healthy diet?

What is that going to fix?

I mean,

think about all of the nutrients

you're missing.

Talk about gut health.

I mean, it just, to me, is like,

I just can't even.

And you might feel amazing

on a carnivore diet.

That's great.

But the health benefits of

carnivore diet are slim to none.

And there's a lot of

research that shows that.

In fact,

you're limiting yourself on so

many of the nutrients you

could be getting.

And it really is like for some people,

they need to just go to that extreme.

But it doesn't solve any of the problems.

It doesn't.

And then you're going to

have the vegans telling you,

why are you eating meat?

Meat is going to make you sick.

You know,

and then you just it's ridiculous.

It really is.

I really do find that the

extremes in this world with

dieting are unbelievably ridiculous.

And at the end of the day,

most people that do diets

end up going back to doing

something else.

They'll live a lifestyle for

a period of time and they shift.

And I love what Philip just said.

Just do whatever works for you.

Something sustainable.


It should literally be that.

And I will be honest.

Heidi says I did it for a

limited time to solve my joint problems.

I'm not sure.


How I call it disgusting.

I think it's,

I'm not calling the diet disgusting.

I'm calling the fact that

people are selling these

diets as the solution to inflammation,

to joint problems, to over to obesity,

to blood sugar from a diet.

Do you know why they all work?

Because they get people to

remove the shit from their diet.

They're controlling their calories.

They're getting more protein in.

And guess what?

A lot of their symptoms go away.

Has nothing to do with the actual diet.

Now, I'll be honest,

diets that add things in like.

you add in more protein,

you add in more fruits and

vegetables and fiber,

often do have a lot of health benefits.

That's my opinion.

And I'm going to just make

this a really controversial show today,

aren't I?

I'm just very opinionated on it.

I am.


You have to go with what works for you.

This is working for me right now.

Balanced diet.


I've tried everything under

the sun in my 54 years.

Me too.

And so this is what's working for me.

So there it is.

I'm somebody who followed a

paleo diet for years

because I thought that it

was going to be the

solution to my gut issues.

I was petrified that I was

going to get leaky gut and

all this stuff.

And I literally stopped doing that.

I added food back in and felt better.

Everything improved.

But I still believe that

that type of a diet,

whole food based diet is

how we should all be eating

everything in balance.

Have I ever tried carnivore?


I don't plan on it because even here's

the deal.

Even if people were going to

use an extreme diet to

actually get the systemic

benefits of something like that,

you would likely have to be

doing it for like a year plus.

And I am not willing, nor do I need to

completely remove all the

foods from my diet in order

to get myself healthy and

nobody does so and I and I

can't say I've tried

carnivore before and before

we met like I said I've

tried everything and uh it

wasn't sustainable for me

it's like the people that

are like oh fasting works

no it doesn't you likely

are controlling your

calories you're losing

weight and guess what

Less fat in your body,

less adipose tissue does

help remove the chronic inflammation.

You know,

our fat cells is where we store


Again, when we're talking about this diet,

like people are like,

have you tried carnivore?

How long have you tried carnivore?


What is the purpose?

When we talk about trying a diet,

what are we trying to achieve?


Like that's the goal.

What, why are we going on this diet for?

So if there's not a purpose for the diet,

why do the diet?

In Scott's case, but once again,

what is the purpose?

If he's losing fat,

if he's improving his blood biomarkers,

why would we make things

more restrictive?

Like, that's my question.

Like, it's like, oh, you're doing great.


let's go ahead and remove everything

from your diet because

We just think you need to do that.

I just,

this is what I mean by people are just,

it doesn't make any sense.

It just doesn't make any

sense that people would go

to such extremes when they don't need to.

No worries, Jake.

You missed the first half of

the show that when Scott

was talking about how great he feels.

So, and just to answer, I, when I tried it,

I, I made it like three months.

Um, but it just,

it wasn't sustainable at that point.

I did whole 30 for like six months.

What am I doing?

Like why, you know?

So I do believe that we

should all be getting in enough,

but I just think the

extreme dieting world is just, and

I'm going to be off on a tangent.

I think this needs to be my

next podcast is the people

that are talking about

these diets are usually

selling you something too.

By the way, by my ancestral supplements,

I shouldn't even use that

word because I don't want it.

That's a good company, but by my,

these beef liver tabs or this or that,

that's going to help with

this and that it

it's all a marketing game, you know,

like it's, it's,

it's just as bad as the freaking medical,

the medical companies, the same,

the same people that are

feeding people pills are

feeding people Oreos, the same companies,

you know,

they're coming from the same places.

Oh, here to have this Oreo,

but let me go ahead and

give you the medication.

It's going to help you with that too.

It's like, it's the same shit, you know?

So anyways,

Just to recap and bring this

ribbon around the package.

Because now you've got

Cheryl all fired up right now.

We're down 14 pounds since

the hospitalization.

Blood sugar is back down into the 120s,

which is really good from where I was at.

And it's on a downward trend.

Weight loss is still on a downward trend.

And I'm feeling great.

I'm back in the gym.

I am back to working out.

I'm back.

My joints are feeling great.

And we're just going to keep

on trucking with what we're doing.

And I'm going to say one more thing, okay?

Because first things first.

I don't want anybody getting

offended by my opinion.

And here's what I'm going to say.

I'm going to leave it at this.

If you're following a diet

trend and that works really well for you,

that's great.

But I'm always going to be

the honest person that

tells you why a diet works.


Likely you're getting more

nutrients and less of the

crap and you're controlling

your calories.


No matter what all that stuff is.

My approach to nutrition is

one that I want to be

realistic with my clients with.

that they have full-time jobs,

they have kids, they have families,

and their kids are also

watching what they're doing

and what they're eating.

And what I teach is meant to

be balanced because life is

meant to be balanced.

We should all be able to enjoy things.

And a lot of people on those

quote unquote diets,

whether it's carnivore, Whole30,

that was me at one point,

live for cheap meals.

They live for cheat meals.

They literally, they're so happy,

but they still have to have that.

It's my cheat day.

Guess what?

We don't cheat on our food

because there's no cheating

on what you eat.

So my approach to nutrition

is meant to be one that

makes a person feel excited

for their meals, not restricted by them.

And I know that if a person

is eating enough nutrients,

and they're controlling their calories,

and they're getting their

movement in throughout their day,

they're going to be healthy,

they're going to be

lowering their inflammation markers,

and they're going to be

living a lifestyle that

they can sustain forever.

And that's what I'm going to say to end.

So what I want to say is, Heidi,

don't be sorry.

No, don't be sorry.

This show is for.

I want to have open discussion.


Where we can talk back and

forth about why you think

that's a benefit to you,

why Cheryl doesn't,

and we can have a

conversation about it and

not just shut people out.

That's what this show is about.

And that's fine.

We're all entitled to our own opinions.

And I've tried a lot of things.

And I've done,

I used to weigh over 500 pounds.

I have lost almost 300 pounds,

gained some back.

I'm on the track back to

losing the weight again.

The first ways weren't sustainable.

This is working better.

It's slower.

It's more methodical.

And it's more sustainable for me.

And that's why I choose this.

Yeah, I would say I agree.

And I also want to thank

Heidi because guess what?

If these topics aren't put out,

I can't educate people.

So your questions help me

help the people that might

be literally living in a diet prison.

It might be really sustainable for you,

but there might be somebody

else out there that thinks

that they have to eat that

way in order to see results.

I got clients that are

afraid of eating bread or

afraid of eating carbs or

afraid of eating this stuff.

Being able to show those

people that they don't have

to live that way to get

healthy and eat and see

results is what I'm passionate about.

So if it works for you, great.

I'm so happy that it works for you.

But I just wanted to make

sure that I also said that as well.

So I want people to ask.

I want people to challenge me for sure.

And now I'm going to have a

podcast episode on it.

So we're going to do it.


She said, to be fair,

I have been eating more

sourdough than usual.

There we go.

So you're, yeah, it's good.

But anyways, guys,

I got to get going because

I actually have a call with

somebody in a minute.

So I'm excited for that call.

Thank you everybody for the input.

This is an open forum for everybody.

We love you all.

And with that,

we will see everybody next

time on the Clydesdale

Media Weight Loss Journey.

Thank you everyone.