Mick Unplugged

Welcome to another exciting episode of Mick Unplugged! Today, we've got a special treat for you as we sit down with Tim Calise, a remarkable entrepreneur, finance expert, and tech innovator. Tim takes us through his incredible journey from the world of investment management to making waves in the fitness and technology industries.

In this episode, he'll share the highs and lows of business expansion, the crucial role of self-awareness, and the magic of learning through experiences. Tim provides invaluable advice on building a successful business, including the importance of connecting with potential customers, refining products, and crafting a unique market position.

He also dives deep into strategies for driving growth and customer retention, emphasizing the pivotal role of pricing and perceived value, especially in the service industry. With specific advice for businesses of various revenue levels and actionable insights, Tim equips entrepreneurs with the tools they need to thrive.

  • Solving problems is key to success in entrepreneurship. It's important to identify problems that people aren't thinking about or businesses don't foresee.
  • Innovation and technology provide opportunities to increase output, reach, and value creation in business.
  • To drive growth, businesses can focus on selling to more people, selling more frequently, or raising prices.
  • Service businesses should have multiple price points to cater to different types of customers and increase revenue.
  • Understanding customer behavior patterns and addressing their needs and desires is crucial for business success.
  • Aspiring entrepreneurs should make offers before building products and not take business decisions personally.
Sound Bites
  • "You have to solve problems because that's what people appreciate."
  • "One of the greatest values is we can compress decades into days."
  • "I truly consider you a thought leader in many spaces."

Top 5 Questions Tim answer's in this episode:
  1. Transition Challenges: What were the main challenges Tim faced when transitioning from investment management to the fitness and technology industry, and how did he overcome them?
  2. Self-Reflection: How does Tim Calise suggest business owners use self-awareness and self-reflection to navigate challenges and setbacks in their business journeys?
  3. Customer Engagement: Why does Tim strongly advocate for speaking to potential customers before creating a product? What are the core benefits of this approach?
  4. Growth Strategies: According to Tim, what are the key strategies a business should implement to drive growth, and how do these strategies differ based on a company's revenue level?
  5. Service Industry Advice: What specific advice does Tim give to business owners in the service industry to maximize growth and revenue, and why does he stress the importance of pricing control?
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Instagram: instagram.com/tim.calise
Facebook: facebook.com/timcalise
Website: timcalise.com
Podcast: Leveling the Field
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What is Mick Unplugged?

"Mick Unplugged" is a transformative podcast that challenges listeners to move beyond the conventional 'Why' and embrace the empowering realm of 'Because.' Hosted by Mick Hunt, the voice of Modern Leadership, this podcast is designed for leaders, doers, and anyone aspiring to create meaningful impact in both their personal and professional lives.

Each episode delves into the principles of Modern Leadership, focusing on discovering your 'Because'—your core driving force—and how it can turn dreams into reality and aspirations into actionable steps. With practical advice, real-life stories, and forward-thinking insights, you’ll learn to make your 'Because' a daily focus, fueling your journey toward success and fulfillment.

Whether you’re looking to deepen your motivation, set meaningful goals, or apply modern leadership theories to overcome challenges, "Mick Unplugged" provides the tools, strategies, and insights to guide your path. Subscribe now and start transforming your life with purpose and modern leadership principles.

Mick Hunt:

And we were talking about entrepreneurship. Right? And how everyone wants to do it until they actually get into it.

Tim Calise:

The the reality that we come to is that we don't rise to the level of our aspirations. Mhmm. We fall to the level of our systems. If your top tier is not 10 times more expensive than your bottom tier, then you're leaving money on the table. My wife is laying next to me, and I had this terrible thought that if she knew just how screwed we were, she'd probably leave me.

Mick Hunt:

Welcome to Mick Unplugged, where we ignite potential and fuel purpose. Get ready for raw insights, bold moves, and game changing conversations. Buckle up. Here's Mick. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to another exciting episode of Mick Unplugged, where we challenge your why to really understand the fueling of your because.

Mick Hunt:

And today, we have an exceptional guest that is a highly successful entrepreneur, a finance expert, and a tech developer. We're gonna talk about that one. His passion for empowering others and sharing his knowledge has made him a sought after adviser and mentor. Please join me in welcoming the inspiring, the influential, Nashville's own, mister Tim Kaliste. Tim, how are you doing today, brother?

Tim Calise:

I am great, brother. Thank you for having me on the show. I'm really looking forward to, to the conversation today.

Mick Hunt:

Same, man. Same. So you do a lot of really, really, really cool things. Right? What's what was your journey that led you to becoming this successful entrepreneur and finance expert that you are?

Tim Calise:

Yeah. So, you know, it's like that old adage. It's not where you start. It's where you, end up or some version thereof.

Mick Hunt:


Tim Calise:

When I started, as a kid, I was the one who was probably insufferable to my parents. I was always on the move, taking things apart, putting them back together again, but ultimately solving problems that I saw around me. And I think that was a a precursor to, when I got into college. I I started 2 companies while I was, an undergrad and then was able to kinda took the the reins off, in my early twenties, and, and got into the finance industry, the the investment management business, and was able to be very successful at an early age. And so I think if I look back, Mick, the through line has always been, I am not artistic in the traditional sense, but my art is taking problems, taking kind of complex things, that big ball of twine, if you will, and making sense of it, and being able to craft a great story and engage and and bring people along for the ride.

Mick Hunt:

I love that because that's also something that I tell people. You know, my business as a coach and leader, I tell people all the time, you have to solve problems because that's what people appreciate. And you've gotta be able to solve the problem that people aren't thinking about or businesses don't foresee. And I know, you know, following you like I do, that's one of your things. Right?

Mick Hunt:

It's it's helping people not only understand the now, but more importantly, what can or should happen if you don't solve this problem.

Tim Calise:

Yeah. Absolutely. And, you know, I think, you know, great people can solve a problem. Experts can not only solve the problem, but explain to you how they did it. Right?

Tim Calise:

And so, you know, one of the great things kind of sitting in my seat, and and I've got the the scars to show it, is, you know, you learn so much through the process. Right? And so I have the great fortune and honor to be able to package, you know, what's kind of in my head as a result of all of this experience and be able to put it in a way that someone else can look at it and say, oh, you know, not only do I understand the immediate thing in front of me, but I also see all those potholes that I didn't even know to look for. And you're helping me steer through those. A great coach and and inspirational guy in the marketing space, Dean Graziosi, partners with Tony Robbins.

Tim Calise:

A lot of people know him. He said something like, you know, one of the greatest, values is we can compress decades into days. Mhmm. And if you think about we learn we we pay the price of learning one way or the other.

Mick Hunt:


Tim Calise:

You either do it through the the the scars and the trial and error. We pay to hire a coach or join a mastermind group. But what are we really doing? We're we're acquiring insights instead of just information. Yeah.

Tim Calise:

And I think those that have been able to go the furthest are the ones that can kind of compress that that learning curve as much as possible.

Mick Hunt:

That's amazing, man. That is amazing. You know, it's 2024. And the last 12 months, but really the last 6 months, we've seen so much in technology and AI. And I always tell people, be careful what you label AI because everything isn't truly AI.

Mick Hunt:

And that doesn't mean that it's bad. Right? It just means that, you know, you can slap something out there and call it AI, and all of a sudden it's gonna generate interest when really it's machine learning or, you know, it's just helping you do something faster. Again, not saying it's bad, just careful with labeling. What's inspired you to focus on innovation and technology in your business ventures?

Tim Calise:

Yeah. And and you're so spot on as it relates to AI. I remember I was I was investing in the markets in the the dotcom time frame. And, you know, you can take any name, company name, and add dotcom to it, and the stock would go up. It was it was just the easy kind of affiliation.

Tim Calise:

Right? You know, the thing that's always fascinated me about software and technology in general is it's one of the few lever points that we have to be able to increase either our output or our reach or the value that we can create. Right? So, you know, so for me, I've always focused on technology because it allows for a consistent delivery vehicle. You know, because I come from the world of recurring revenue, which means I think anybody can sell anybody anything one time.

Tim Calise:

It's a heck of a lot harder to build that know, like, and trust factor and maintain that relationship over the course of time. And so if you think about you know, take restaurants as a great example in the service industry. You can have any kind of restaurant you want. Its consistency is what matters in the restaurant industry. And so for us, anyone who has a service business, we should be thinking not just how can we always have, you know, a top tier experience.

Tim Calise:

It's the the reality that we come to is that we don't rise to the level of our aspirations. Mhmm. We fall to the level of our systems. And one system there's people systems, but there's also kind of technology systems that we can employ to create that high level consistent experience so that we can focus on the areas where, you know, our true espresso sauce lives.

Mick Hunt:

Tim, like, so much that I wanna unpack and unplug there, man. Like, you are so deep. And and I that's why I love you because I truly consider you a thought leader in in many spaces. Right? Like, serial entrepreneur, but but more importantly, you give such quantifiable advice.

Mick Hunt:

Right? Like, Tim doesn't give you fluff. He's not gonna tell you what you wanna hear. He's always gonna tell you the truth. Right?

Mick Hunt:

They're always gonna tell you the truth.

Tim Calise:

Being an entrepreneur is hard enough. Right? And so there's there's definitely a brotherhood and sisterhood amongst business owners where it's like, if we're all crazy enough to go try to do this on our own and, you know, with with the community in in which we're able to surround ourselves with, you know, I feel it my moral obligation to be able to help folks, and just pour into them in in any way that I can to to help them, you know, accelerate their journey, stack the deck in their favor to you know, what whatever analogy you wanna use.

Mick Hunt:

Yeah. Totally agree, man. And, you know, I was talking to one of my friends, Gina Bancini, on the podcast a couple of weeks ago, and we were talking about entrepreneurship, right, and how everyone wants to do it until they actually get into it. Right? Like like everyone sees the end result before they start, but most people never get there.

Mick Hunt:

And and so I'd love for you to to tell us a story or a moment where you had a challenging moment in this journey, but you overcame something. Right? And what you started is what you finished. I'd love for you to kinda talk through a challenging moment because, again, I'm not saying everyone thinks it's easy, but I I definitely think for for those that are listening that are early into their entrepreneur spirit and career or those that are thinking about it, I don't wanna sell you and and Tim doesn't wanna sell you that it's easy because I promise you it's much harder than you think even the best laid plants. Right?

Mick Hunt:

Like day 1, it becomes hard and you gotta scrap it and start over. So, Tim, I'd love for you to to share some insights here.

Tim Calise:

Yeah. So I'll I'll share the story first, and then I'll I'll give you some learnings, that I think your audience can take. So if you're listening to this, stay tuned. In a couple of minutes, I'll share with you some nuggets, that you can implement, in your in your entrepreneurial journey. So in between my kind of investment management season of my life, and so I basically raised capital for an investment company, that we shut down proactively before the 2008 stock market crash.

Tim Calise:

I moved into fitness and technology. And we've actually, my wife and I were developers, of a fitness franchise. And now just kind of for context, I'm in my late twenties. I had had some early success. My ego was probably driving me more than I care to admit at the time, and I felt somewhat untouchable to be like, this is easy.

Tim Calise:

It's the fitness business. Like, I can go raise 100 of 1,000,000 of dollars. I'm sure I can do this. Mhmm. And so we opened up one club, then we opened a second and a third and a fourth.

Tim Calise:

And what happened was and I didn't realize it at the time, but every time I opened another location driven purely by the idea that I wanna be the biggest developer inside the system, I realized that I had outgrown my skill set as a business owner. Mhmm. And what that means for me was our profitability in one location. And when we had 4 locations, we were less profitable at 4 than we were at 1. And I kept leveraging and levering and levering both financially, mentally, energetically, and I put us in a position where, effectively, we had 4 locations, and we were really struggling.

Tim Calise:

And I can tell you exactly where it was. It was in the middle of the night. It was between 136 and 138 in the morning. I woke up, looked up at my ceiling, at the ceiling fan spinning. My wife is laying next to me, and I had this terrible thought that if she knew just how screwed we were, she'd probably leave me.

Tim Calise:

Wow. And I use that as an example because I didn't have the self awareness at the time to realize what business I was in. I real I I believe that just putting more risk on the table was the way was the path forward. And I just take I use that experience simply to drive me because you can't teach someone what that feeling is like. If you have not stood and looked over the abyss and said, put it all on the line, it's a very unique experience.

Mick Hunt:


Tim Calise:

Now the learning that I can take from that was for anyone who's getting started, the game of business is an infinite game. There is no end to it, number 1. Number 2, the first business you start is almost virtually not gonna be the last one that you're going to start and will also not be the one that's gonna get you to where you wanna go.

Mick Hunt:


Tim Calise:

So if we acknowledge that this is a a game that has no end, so the purpose is to stay playing the game. And our first round is a learning lesson to ultimately where we're going to end up. Here's a framework that you can use, which is, number 1, if you're gonna start a business, do not build the product or the service before you have spoken to a 100 people who represent the type of person you wanna help. So what that looks like is if I was starting a podcast, I might I'd say, so, Mick, my name is Tim. So here's how it's gonna work.

Tim Calise:

I'm thinking of starting a podcast where entrepreneurs and business owners can learn the 5 lessons, from every guest. If I did something like that, would that be of interest to you, and would you be a guest on the show? You're like, yeah, that sounds amazing. Or, you know, there's 17 other people doing the exact same thing, or I don't find that valuable. That feedback is so critically important.

Tim Calise:

Mhmm. And I'll so number 1, interview before you build. Number 2, what that allows you to do is you have a built in audience. So you always create the market before you build the product. And the last takeaway and the reason why I have found this to be the best way to build a business or to start a business is because when you do those interviews and you let's just say you said, I don't like your idea.

Tim Calise:

I haven't invested my ego and my sweat equity and my capital to building something that you're saying no to. So the learning happens before we attach our pride to the thing. Because then we could be infinitely flexible, and it's just a search for the right answer, not the answer you want.

Mick Hunt:

That's amazing. Ladies and gentlemen, I told you, Tim's always gonna tell you what you what you need to hear, not necessarily what you wanna hear. And and so speaking of that, Tim, what people need to hear. For the listener or viewer that's a business owner, and I don't care if they're entrepreneur 10, 15 years in, at some point, you get to that moment where it's like, I really have to drive growth.

Tim Calise:


Mick Hunt:

Right? And and I've got to not just little growth. I'm talking about I need to figure out the plan to 2 x, 3 x where I'm at. What are some key strategies that you use to drive growth in the companies that you work with?

Tim Calise:

Yeah. So if you have an existing business, you know, there's only a couple of ways that you can drive revenue. So you can sell more people, you can sell more people things more often, or you can raise your prices. Those are really the only levers we have to pull. So the question that I would have, number 1, is tell me about your product stack.

Tim Calise:

Because in my opinion, up to about $1,000,000 a year in revenue, The only thing that matters is the product. Because what you're searching for is what is termed product market fit. Product market fit. What that means is you have an offer with an audience that matches. Just think about in the beginning.

Tim Calise:

You say, do you wanna buy my thing? And somebody says no, or they'll say yes. You're just looking for that match. So up until about $1,000,000, you wanna make as many offers as you possibly can. So if you're under a1000000 a year in revenue, all you wanna do is to go to your existing client base, your maybe ex clients or, you know, former clients, and anyone in your universe and make them an offer.

Tim Calise:

So for the entrepreneurs that I work with, until they hit $1,000,000 a year in run rate, the only metric we care about is how many offers did you make today? Mhmm. It's simple, not easy. But if that's where you are right now, after you're done watching this, I want you to go and find someone in your universe and make them an offer. An offer could be jump on a call, watch a thing, download a lead magnet, buy my widget, join a class, whatever it might be.

Tim Calise:

Just do something because you want the yes or the no to learn. That's it. If you're over $1,000,000, what I generally will recommend is you probably have too few products, and your pricing is probably not optimized. So from about a1000000 a year to somewhere between 35,000,000 a year, it's all refining the product and building the the consistent delivery vehicle. Over 5,000,000 a year in revenue, it's all people systems.

Tim Calise:

So for most folks, it's kind of that 0 to $5,000,000,000 sprint. And that's really where I specialize. That's that's where I've and a lot of it is because it's owner operators.

Mick Hunt:


Tim Calise:

Like, I love working with the person who has the idea. Once you kinda get kinda further down the line, it's a very different story.

Mick Hunt:

Right. No. Totally. And so that second person. Right?

Mick Hunt:

So so that second business owner, I love because I see a lot of them in my daily. Right? It's like, okay. I'm not quite 5, but I'm not a start up. Right?

Mick Hunt:

And it's it's usually a couple of things and you hit on it. You've got to either get in front of more people, right, or increase your prices. Right? Like, to me, those are the 2 big caveats. To the person that's listening that's like, well, I'm in the service industry and I don't necessarily control all of my pricing.

Mick Hunt:

What advice would you have?

Tim Calise:

You're you're you're you're speaking to my heart because I love the service industry. So I actually just actually did a presentation. I had a 150 people, this past weekend that I that I did to talk to, and it was it was on this exact topic. Mhmm. So, fundamentally, where people go wrong is, number 1, service business owners chronically underpriced.

Tim Calise:

Now if you have one product or one price point, this is gonna be really important for you. Over $1,000,000, you should have at least 3 price points. You have an entry level, a mid tier, and a high level, and the and the top tier. If your top tier is not 10 times more expensive than your bottom tier, I will tell you right now with 100% certainty that you are leaving money on the table. You are not giving your VIP clients the method to spend more with you.

Tim Calise:

You are forcing them to not pay you enough. And if your next hesitation is, if I ask too much, they're gonna say no. I will tell you from experience. It is the exact opposite. The more someone pays, the longer they stay.

Tim Calise:

And it will give you the ability to get onto the virtuous cycle of the more they pay, the more resources you have, the better your service delivery can be, the better your services, the better retention will be, and the more opportunities you have to engage that person over the course of time. So please, please, please promise me that you will have at least 3 price points and give 3 different types of people a very welcome home within your organization.

Mick Hunt:

And, you know, I set you up for that because I knew you were gonna go there because you talk about it a lot. And that's what I needed the people to understand is you've got to have the 3 tiers. And I'm I'm gonna take it a step further with one of my mentors, Daymond John. You know, he said, hey, Mick, if you're top tier, if you think it's worth $50,000 and that's what you charge. Yep.

Mick Hunt:

Right? Like don't don't try to give people what you think that they want. If you feel like your your best service is worth 50, then that's what you charge.

Tim Calise:


Mick Hunt:

And and then you'll you'll figure out really quickly if you're worth that or not. But if you are, if one person's willing to pay you that, then you're worth it. And then you need to go find those other people that are like the person that's willing to pay you that. And so I love your take on that too.

Tim Calise:

Yeah. You're you're spot on, and I'll go you one step further. If you're thinking I can't charge $50,000, here's the phrasing I want you to use in your inner dialogue. What needs to be true for someone to be excited to pay me $50,000? What needs to be true for someone to be excited to pay me $50,000?

Tim Calise:

Because what that does is it disconnects what we the kind of rational side of our brain, like, how am I gonna fulfill that to okay. So if I know my general audience, if I was to charge 50 k, that means I need to deliver $500,000 worth of value. Okay. What is worth $500,000 to my audience? Okay.

Tim Calise:

So I was in the and and to put some really fine point on this, I was in the fitness business as I mentioned. When we started, we charged $69 a month, 1 tier only. By the time we actually got the business model dialed in, our average monthly revenue went from $69 with a 3 tier pricing system to $247 a month, and our conversion rate doubled. We charge more and got more people to sign up. It is counter to everything we believe in the idea of supply and demand because service businesses don't work like physical products.

Tim Calise:

Your price point is a reflection of your perceived value. So without that high price, you're gonna be leaving money on the table.

Mick Hunt:

We could do this all day. I mean, I think we need to have getting your masters with Tim and Mick because

Tim Calise:

Count me in. You tell me when and where, and I'll be there.

Mick Hunt:

Because this is what business owners need to hear. These are the conversations that people actually need to have. Because, you know, again, as someone who scaled and exited multiple businesses, I tell people this, it's not hard. It's not easy. I never wanna make it sound easy, but the principles of business really are not that hard.

Mick Hunt:

And it's, are you gonna stay committed, and are you gonna get out of the way yourself? Because, Tim, you hit on it. The perceived thoughts that we have, right, we limit the ability that we have to grow revenue. Because to what you just said, hey. If I can get my average ticket to 249, and the old Tim was probably sitting there thinking, there's no way someone would pay 249 because you're living out of your wallet.

Mick Hunt:

Right? Well, no. There's there's I don't know the total number, but there's a lot of people on the earth. There's a lot of people in the United States. Right?

Mick Hunt:

Somebody's gonna pay that if you have the value, and they're gonna feel like they're getting more value than you're actually giving. And and that's what you wanna be able to do. So, Tim, I appreciate that, man. Like, this is amazing. This is amazing.

Tim Calise:

Spot on. Spot on.

Mick Hunt:

Amazing. So, you know, again, you're in multiple avenues. You're doing a lot. How do you personally stay ahead of industry trends and ensure that that your businesses remain competitive?

Tim Calise:

So for me, I stay as connected as I can to the customers that I serve. I do my my job is to know what kinda when the music is slowing and when to when to evolve the business model. So I actually don't look at competition all that much simply because, and this week could probably spend an hour on this. I am a big believer on creating a market of 1. To put a kind of an image to that, I think there's a perception when we're starting a business that we're going kind of into an existing market, and we wanna, like, pull those people out to come and be to do business with us.

Tim Calise:

I believe that we should go into the the blue ocean where there's no competition and say, this is who I am, and this is how I think, and then attract those people that are philosophically and morally aligned to what you're doing. And so because of that, it's very much relationship driven. It's not transactional. So my job is actually not to necessarily defend from the outside. My job is to not give people a reason to leave.

Tim Calise:

And so the more I can understand what problems we're solving, how we're gonna solve them, can we do it faster with less effort, with less capital, whatever it is today. And then, I believe in the idea that businesses are basically a series of open loops and closed loops. So when I say, hey, Mick. Is this a problem you have? You'll say, yes.

Tim Calise:

I'll look. Great. I can solve that problem. But by the way, if the problem was, how do I go from a $100,000 a month to $500,000 a month? I can solve that problem for you.

Tim Calise:

And the thing you might not realize right now, but I know intimately, is when you're doing $500,000 a month, your business is gonna start to break. And I even know how it's gonna break. So once you get there, I'm gonna say, hey, Mick. Right now, there's only 3 freedoms you're desiring. There's time freedom, mental freedom, and financial freedom.

Tim Calise:

Which one feels the furthest away for you? Oh my gosh. I'm working 27 hours a day. Awesome. You're running a half a $1,000,000 a month business.

Tim Calise:

If I could get your time back, would that be of interest to you? Oh my gosh. That'd be amazing. Awesome. I actually have a 6 week accelerator course on how to extract yourself from the day to day business operations of the business and to feel like the business is not running you, but you're running it.

Tim Calise:

Sound fair?

Mick Hunt:

Absolutely, Tim.

Tim Calise:

Awesome. Now I have you now you've just made another sale. And the reality is if somebody doesn't make another buying decision at least every 9 months, you're gonna lose them, which means for anyone out there who's running annual contracts, if you don't get someone to buy after 9 months and you ask them to renew at 12 months, there is a 60% likelihood that they're gonna leave.

Mick Hunt:

We're going to school with Tim right now. Wow. I didn't know that stat.

Tim Calise:

Because cancellations are a lagging indicator. The time to get the renewal is not at the point of renewal. The point is 90 days before that. Yeah. That's when they're making the decision.

Mick Hunt:

That is an amazing statistic, Tim. Yeah. Wow.

Tim Calise:

But these are the things we built into our process, so we're not surprised by these things because we know. We know what usage patterns look like. You know? In fitness, I knew that if we didn't have a client who worked out 8 times a month or more, they had an 87% chance of canceling within 30 days. So in your business, what are the behavior patterns that look like someone who's disengaging?

Tim Calise:

When do you capture them? How do you reverse those? What do they need to hear? How do they need to be resold? Who's responsible for that?

Tim Calise:

How do you track it? These are all things that you have to think about.

Mick Hunt:

And and that proves my point. Again, when people ask me how I scale the way that I did, and I say it wasn't hard, but it wasn't easy. It's knowing your information. The biggest thing that you should do as a CEO of your business, and I know you're gonna wear many hats, but your CEO hat, you need to know all the information in your business. Not not necessarily metrics.

Mick Hunt:

The information that the metrics are telling you because to me, that's the key.

Tim Calise:

Yep. Spot on. And I have a great resource for anyone who's listening. I put this all on one page. It's good for you.

Tim Calise:

It'll clarify your thinking. It'll also be an asset and an artifact that you can use with your team. So if you go to timcalise.com/audit, that's timcal ise.com/audit. You can download that for free. I'll make it available to your audience.

Tim Calise:

It's a great there's a little video attached to it, and you can walk through, and it'll actually help clarify a lot of these milestones and actions you should be taking.

Mick Hunt:

That's awesome. So I'm gonna make sure that link is in the show notes. And then, also, within the Mick Unplugged community, so those that are members of the community, I'm gonna make that link directly available as well. And then maybe I'll get Tim to come in the community and kinda talk through that and give him some time to to go through the services that he provides.

Tim Calise:

Yeah. Be happy to.

Mick Hunt:

Amazing. So really quick rapid fire with Tim Kalise.

Tim Calise:

Alright. Shoot.

Mick Hunt:

Your college or university you graduated from?

Tim Calise:

George Washington University in Washington, DC.

Mick Hunt:

Love it. Your favorite college sport?

Tim Calise:

I was a rower. I was a division 1 athlete in college. I was rowing.

Mick Hunt:

K. Rowing. Yeah. Your favorite college basketball team, and why is it the University of North Carolina?

Tim Calise:

My favorite college basketball team, I actually grew up a UNC fan, and this is, like, back at back in the day. So I would I will go with UNC.

Mick Hunt:

I will go with UNC. Thank you. Thank you. I don't even have to edit that out.

Tim Calise:

Not not to not to to pander to the audience, but

Mick Hunt:

No. No. No. No. No.

Mick Hunt:

If you could give 2 tips to an aspiring entrepreneur, what would those two tips be today?

Tim Calise:

Make offers before you build, and don't take it personally. You are not the business.

Mick Hunt:

That was a mic drop, Tim. We're gonna go deep part 2 of this, we're going deeper into that because, again, people get in the way, and that's why they don't scale. Tim, where can people follow you and find you?

Tim Calise:

Yeah. Instagram, tim.calise. Facebook, Tim Kalise, and, LinkedIn, Tim Kalise as well. You can find me on all the major platforms.

Mick Hunt:

Awesome. What do you have coming up in the future?

Tim Calise:

I've got some big things coming. My vision in the next 5 years is to build a, private equity portfolio doing a 100,000,000 a year in revenue and doing that with as the number 2, 2 aspiring entrepreneurs. So I work as the collaborative partner to, service business owners.

Mick Hunt:

Awesome. Everyone do me a solid and make sure that you are following Tim, but not just following. Interact and engage with Tim because he is one of the most engaging folks that you will find out there. He's not just, you know, go to my website, get this. He actually has dialogue with the people that engage with him.

Mick Hunt:

So so do me a solid, don't just follow, but engage because we all want that and need that too. Tim, brother, I appreciate you. I can't wait to do part 2. Like, this honestly has been one of my favorites. And I'm saying that and not editing that out.

Mick Hunt:

This has been one of my favorite episodes because we're giving the people what they want. So I appreciate you, brother.

Tim Calise:

I appreciate it. Looking forward to to coming back for round 2.

Mick Hunt:

You got it. And to all the listeners and viewers, remember, your because is your superpower. Go unleash it. Thank you for tuning in to Mick Unplugged. Keep pushing your limits, embracing your purpose, and chasing greatness.

Mick Hunt:

Until next time, stay unstoppable.