Check the Net on Impact 89FM

The Check the Net crew went LIVE on Sunday night to discuss the bracket reveal! A night of surprizes, jokes, mild chaos, throwbacks, debates, and cameras! A special thanks to Eli Flikkema for running our camera system tonight.

Creators & Guests

Colin Pearson
Host of the Check The Net Podcast, featuring all things NCAA basketball
Derrick Mitchell
Msu’25 | @BigTenPlus | @SSR_MSU | Mi
Eli Flikkema
Kylee Tabler
msu jmc’26

What is Check the Net on Impact 89FM?

Are you a fan of college hoops? Check the Net is a podcast that covers everything about the world of college basketball. Whether it is discussions regarding top teams and weekly rankings, updates on transfer portal and coaching news, or commentary on the latest major stories from around the game, Check the Net has got you covered. The podcast covers both men’s and women’s basketball across all Division I conferences. Check the Net is available through Impact 89FM’s website, as well as via all major audio platforms.

Kylee Tabler:

Colin, speak, bro. Are you not gonna do an intro? Hey.

Colin Pearson:

Hey. Here we are. Alright. Live from the basement of Holden Hawk. Going down.

Colin Pearson:

Check the net. Impact 89 FM's college basketball podcast. I'm your host, Colin Pearson. I'm joined today by my amazing cohost, Kylie and Derek, and a special guest. Thank you, Eli Flickema, for running our camera system today.

Colin Pearson:

Yay. You got anything to say, Eli? You wanna introduce yourself quick?

Eli Flikkema:

So happy to be here. Resident Iowan in the studio will be chiming in later.

Colin Pearson:

Also That's awesome. That is Love crazy.

Derrick Mitchell:

W intro, we're happy to have you. Yeah.

Kylee Tabler:

Yeah. Ate that.

Colin Pearson:

Love an Iowan, especially when we've got some Iowa teams in here. Oh. It's great. It's the best. We're gonna get started right away.

Colin Pearson:

I'm gonna let Kylie and Derek take it away while I go run and grab some DoorDash.

Kylee Tabler:

No. It's not ready. I just updated.

Colin Pearson:

Never mind. No. No. We can start out, though.

Kylee Tabler:

Oh, I have a new dasher? She's there, though. It's okay.

Derrick Mitchell:

Progress. We're gonna get food.

Kylee Tabler:

That's awesome. I just need food, bro.

Derrick Mitchell:

I just I just wanna try

Colin Pearson:

I want my Baja Baja.

Derrick Mitchell:

Try those churro twist things.

Colin Pearson:

I don't know what it is.

Kylee Tabler:

You got. You got the Cinnabon bites, not the the cinnamon twists.

Colin Pearson:

This is normally the time of the podcast where I would start editing out stuff.

Kylee Tabler:

You were talking about wanting Cinnabon bites.

Derrick Mitchell:

I was talking about the twists.

Colin Pearson:

You ordered a

Kylee Tabler:

12 pack of Cinnabon bites. I got you the 2 packs.

Derrick Mitchell:

Thank you, I guess. I still appreciate your

Kylee Tabler:

service. Welcome.

Derrick Mitchell:

But I wanted the twists. Everybody in the audience, I wanted the twists. Let the record show. Derek's disappointed.

Kylee Tabler:

Let the record show, we DoorDash this on my account with my credit card.

Derrick Mitchell:

Yep. So I'm appreciative. We we all wanted the twist.

Kylee Tabler:

Me wanted the twist.

Colin Pearson:

I'm in another call.

Derrick Mitchell:

I just wanted the twist.

Colin Pearson:

Should we react to some stuff? I mean, this is

Kylee Tabler:

a rack and reaction show afterward. You're done.

Colin Pearson:

Well, no. It doesn't have to be.

Derrick Mitchell:

It's not even remotely close.

Colin Pearson:

Let's talk about, reactions to the 1 and 2 seeds, first of all. The one seeds Yukon Houston Purdue those were all expected. Oh for sure. Yeah, I'm a little surprised by North Carolina only because of Iowa State's performance against Houston the other day.

Kylee Tabler:


Colin Pearson:

Yeah. North Carolina did not win their conference.

Kylee Tabler:


Colin Pearson:

But I I also understand the committee's choice to not put 2 teams from the same conference.

Kylee Tabler:

Yeah. It's fair.

Derrick Mitchell:

It's fair.

Colin Pearson:

It makes sense. How do you guys feel North Carolina will do? I mean, they're mostly A lesser of a really initial.

Derrick Mitchell:

They have a lesser of a bracket, so I think they could do some damage. Cooked in

Kylee Tabler:

the second round. Well yeah. You know?

Derrick Mitchell:

That's a that's a different thing. Yeah. But being nonbiased, I'd probably say that Northwestern I mean, North Carolina got placed in a certain bracket that's better. A certain side that's better.

Kylee Tabler:

Yeah. In that consistency,

Colin Pearson:

that's what I'm saying. There's definitely a weak corner of this bracket, and it is the west. The west racket Look

Derrick Mitchell:

at me. It's all epic.

Colin Pearson:

I mean, you got the 2 seat Arizona who's been falling apart.

Kylee Tabler:

Yeah. No. They're rough.

Colin Pearson:

We got Oh, yeah. Kylie and Derek who are falling apart. We've got This is

Derrick Mitchell:

how we usually are. Yeah.

Colin Pearson:

Yeah. So

Kylee Tabler:

When are we?

Derrick Mitchell:

When are we not falling apart? See, but you guys can

Colin Pearson:

see live on camera this time.

Derrick Mitchell:

That's fine.

Kylee Tabler:

I'm on very low sleep.

Derrick Mitchell:

Me too. But when Colin starts his meetings, like, starts the intro of check the net, me and Kylie you're laughing completely. Yeah.

Kylee Tabler:

Tired of time.

Derrick Mitchell:

He's gotten used to, like, doing it while we're laughing.

Colin Pearson:

But Yeah. Yeah. I turned off the mics. I turned off their 2 mics.

Derrick Mitchell:

Wow. Good.

Colin Pearson:

Good. I didn't know that.

Derrick Mitchell:

I didn't know that.

Colin Pearson:

Oh, I did. I started doing that.

Derrick Mitchell:

That's crazy.

Kylee Tabler:

That's smart.

Colin Pearson:

I was smart because through the intro without, like, dying the clock.

Derrick Mitchell:

For real, bro. Yeah. It's

Colin Pearson:

it's bad, y'all. It's funny. It's great.

Kylee Tabler:

It's great.

Colin Pearson:

It's great. It really is.

Derrick Mitchell:

It's character.

Colin Pearson:


Kylee Tabler:

Yeah. We build character over here.

Derrick Mitchell:

I checked on that. We build character. I don't wanna quote that again.

Colin Pearson:

Alright. Yeah.

Derrick Mitchell:

I'm just gonna let her add that.

Kylee Tabler:

This was the worst idea

Derrick Mitchell:

we've ever had. Best worst idea. I cannot wait

Colin Pearson:

let's let's talk a little bit about the 10 seeds. I'm trying to see where

Derrick Mitchell:

it's at.

Colin Pearson:

Because why did they choose to do first four as 10 seeds?

Kylee Tabler:


Colin Pearson:

a very interesting choice.

Derrick Mitchell:

It's a interesting take. I was just saying.

Colin Pearson:

A really interesting choice, and I definitely wanna talk about that for a second. Mhmm. Because usually, if you guys are regular to the bracket, it's an 11 seed, maybe a 12. They've done a few twelves in the past. I have never seen it go go as high as a 10 seed.

Colin Pearson:

This is No. Really weird, kinda unprecedented. And also the teams that they chose for it were not what anyone was really expecting. Yeah. I'd say 2 of them were expected and 2 of them were not.

Colin Pearson:

The 2 expected ones were the 2 Mountain West. Mhmm. Boise State as a 10, Colorado State. Both those make sense. You know, the mountains wets is a very strong conference.

Colin Pearson:

Both those making it in make sense.

Kylee Tabler:

Colorado? Thumbs down.

Derrick Mitchell:

Yeah. I'm not I'm not going for that.

Kylee Tabler:

I'm not I'm not rocking.

Derrick Mitchell:

Not rocking with it.

Kylee Tabler:

But I'm also not rocking with Virginia. Yeah.

Colin Pearson:

Yeah. So I don't know. With Virginia.

Derrick Mitchell:

How did Virginia make this? But I don't know how the

Kylee Tabler:

Every year people

Derrick Mitchell:

30. Just to go on the first.

Kylee Tabler:

That's the thing. To go out and play in.

Colin Pearson:

Here's the thing. Net rankings has them at, like, 54. They are unreasonable. Like, this is not a reasonable pick to put in the tournament this year.

Kylee Tabler:

Much better teams with higher net rankings that should be in here. Indiana State.

Colin Pearson:

Yep. Yeah. I mean, we're all high school.

Derrick Mitchell:

They're not in. I agree. That's my opinion.

Colin Pearson:

Country's a little bit surprised by that. Yeah. Especially with Virginia

Derrick Mitchell:

being the team otherwise. About it. I don't know how they didn't get in. That's just

Kylee Tabler:


Colin Pearson:

This is a team that

Kylee Tabler:

them analysts talking, you know it's bad.

Colin Pearson:

Yeah. That's really Some of those my job. I I mean,

Kylee Tabler:

what would your where would you have put in the US AM?

Derrick Mitchell:

Yes. Okay.

Kylee Tabler:

See, I'm not hating on you for real. Okay. Thanks. You're welcome.

Colin Pearson:

Alright. Eli, what you got?

Eli Flikkema:

Where would you have seeded the Indiana State sycamores? It's a fantastic question.

Colin Pearson:

I would've put them right where Virginia is.

Derrick Mitchell:

Put them at 10. That's where I would've been.

Colin Pearson:

I think exact same seat as Drake makes perfect sense. Yeah. You know? Yep. They went back and forth all season.

Colin Pearson:

They had overtime games. Like, that's

Kylee Tabler:

It just lucked out on who ended up winning their conference tournament.

Derrick Mitchell:

Like, yes.

Colin Pearson:

And, like, that was a great game. I think Indiana state proved themselves worthy of being in the tournament through that. Yes. Especially with the second half because the first half was all Drake called day. Yeah.

Kylee Tabler:

Yes, sir.

Colin Pearson:

Yeah. That's that's an interesting one.

Kylee Tabler:

Yeah. I'm gonna move to talking about how much I hate Marquette at a 2 seed.

Colin Pearson:

Go for it.

Kylee Tabler:

Yeah. Go for it. Because why? Why is this necessary? They got cooked by Yukon.

Derrick Mitchell:

Are we living off the hype from last year? That's what I'm asking because Marquette doesn't have to be at 2. To come to the lead.

Colin Pearson:

I they do deserve to be a 2. Why? Frankly, I think they are that kind I don't know who else you would put a 2.

Kylee Tabler:

Let me look at the 3 seeds. Yeah. Give me a second. Let me doubt Jesse's.

Colin Pearson:

Baylor, Illinois, and Kentucky. Okay. I don't see any of those set up at a 2. I think they are the weakest 2 seat, but I don't see any of the other teams moving up.

Derrick Mitchell:

It could be just because of the slate of teams that are in the tournament right now. Yes. Could be just because of the slate.

Colin Pearson:

That's that's where I'm at for that. It's like It's

Derrick Mitchell:

kinda a take.

Colin Pearson:

I don't see any other teams that could be the the 2 seed there.

Kylee Tabler:

Maybe Kentucky? Maybe? Thought maybe Creighton.

Colin Pearson:

But Marquette that. Marquette and Creighton are in the same conference. Marquette and Giddish higher. You can't That's why

Kylee Tabler:

I said that. But Can't do that. My only thing was that Marquette Creighton beat Marquette twice. And

Colin Pearson:

They did. That's hero.

Kylee Tabler:

And they beat Yukon.

Colin Pearson:

But Creighton also had some worse losses. And so you gotta take that into account.

Kylee Tabler:

Yeah. But Marquette was on that losing streak without Kolas.

Colin Pearson:

Yep. That's So Without Kolic. He's back, though.

Derrick Mitchell:

Well Are they still lost? I'm not

Colin Pearson:

I'm not gonna talk about still l's.

Kylee Tabler:

The dasher's on the way.

Colin Pearson:

Guys, we've got Taco Bell on the way.

Eli Flikkema:

Yep. I could absolutely see an argument being made for a 2 seed for your big 10 champions, Illinois.

Colin Pearson:

That's that's a really good point. Our big 10 champions.

Kylee Tabler:

Okay. Who's going to get it? And it's not me.

Colin Pearson:

Not it. I can go if you guys wanna talk.

Kylee Tabler:

We can yap.

Derrick Mitchell:

We can yap.

Kylee Tabler:

We always get I

Colin Pearson:

know you guys can. Do you

Kylee Tabler:

want? Nah. You said you'd get in the building. I trust

Colin Pearson:

you. I'd get into the building. Okay. I don't

Derrick Mitchell:

know. I don't know, Colin.

Colin Pearson:

I don't know who can building? I I know I can't.

Kylee Tabler:

Do you want my ID just in case?

Derrick Mitchell:

Her ID.

Colin Pearson:

I have my ID.

Kylee Tabler:

Just do it just in case.

Derrick Mitchell:

Please take her ID.

Colin Pearson:

Give give give give.

Kylee Tabler:

Do it. Do it.

Colin Pearson:

Wish me luck, y'all. The ID.

Kylee Tabler:

Hopefully, it's not snowing because it has been. Hold on.

Derrick Mitchell:

And a 100%

Colin Pearson:

of them was Here,

Kylee Tabler:

do you want my phone? Hey. Hey. Get the hey. Get the link.

Derrick Mitchell:

It might be Joel for Colin.

Kylee Tabler:

Get the link. Copy it from our the group chat, and you text it

Derrick Mitchell:

to my dad. This is crazy work. Yeah. Plugging it, sir.

Kylee Tabler:

I have no service. Tabbler. Missed it to my dad. Love him. I have no service in this basement.

Kylee Tabler:

Absolutely That's why we can't be left alone. No. Their losses were all relatively good big ten losses. I mean, Purdue twice.

Colin Pearson:

But I

Kylee Tabler:

think if they wanna match up with them again, they'd win.

Derrick Mitchell:


Kylee Tabler:

I don't really know who else their big ten losses. Oh, Michigan State, another tournament team. Did they lose to Wisconsin? No. Or they sued okay.

Eli Flikkema:

On February 21st, Illinois lost at Penn State.

Kylee Tabler:

Every team gets a rough loss. You know? State is absolutely due lost to Ohio State.

Derrick Mitchell:

And, I mean, Michigan State has some very tough losses having us a lot of tough losses. Let me change that.

Colin Pearson:

A lot

Derrick Mitchell:

of tough losses that kinda had me on edge if we're gonna make the tournament. Like, us, 30 minutes ago, we were like, are we making the tournament or not?

Kylee Tabler:

We got to because it they announced the last, the corner.

Derrick Mitchell:

Last no. I don't know if we're doing it or not.

Kylee Tabler:

That's the problem. I might have cried a little bit. I would've a little bit.

Derrick Mitchell:

Literally said, this is a I was gonna run outside and start crying because I am not gonna do this in this thing.

Kylee Tabler:

No. It can't be it can't be here.

Derrick Mitchell:

It can't be is over.

Kylee Tabler:

Never is over. Never is over. Is never over.

Derrick Mitchell:

Is over. Is never

Eli Flikkema:

Izzo is never over. Illinois's other big ten losses include a home loss to Maryland on January 14th That's terrible. And an away loss in over time to Northwestern on January 24th.

Kylee Tabler:

Well, that's a that's another tournament team.

Eli Flikkema:


Derrick Mitchell:

I can't describe Maryland at all.

Eli Flikkema:

That's pretty Somehow another tournament team.

Kylee Tabler:

Yeah. That was an interesting one. I don't know, man.

Derrick Mitchell:

Bad they did in the big 10th. I was

Kylee Tabler:

Their their last, like, few games were bad.

Derrick Mitchell:

I don't know. I think their I think their season carried them. I'm gonna say that.

Kylee Tabler:

Their win against Purdue carried them right at the beginning of the year Yeah. All the way.

Derrick Mitchell:

It was huge.

Kylee Tabler:

Yeah. I was a fan of it.

Derrick Mitchell:

Like, if you beat for I mean, of course, you are because I'm a fan of whoever beats Purdue in the big ten Yeah.

Kylee Tabler:

Sure. In the country. But Yeah. Literally anywhere.

Derrick Mitchell:

They only have a couple and 3

Colin Pearson:

losses 4 losses Purdue in the season. 4. 4.

Derrick Mitchell:

Yes. So well, yeah, because of the tournament. But all those losses, I don't care who does it. I'm happy for you if you'd be You

Kylee Tabler:

get my round of applause. Get your flowers. Beautiful. Your flowers. Like doing

Derrick Mitchell:

my hand like that. But you get your flowers and produce is the worst team in the big time even though they're the best team in the big time. I just don't

Colin Pearson:

like it.

Kylee Tabler:

Based upon the big 10 tournament, incorrect. But

Derrick Mitchell:

Yep. Yes.

Kylee Tabler:

You know, when when put up in in a head to head with some other teams who I mean, they played tournament teams. So but put up against those tournament teams? Womp womp.

Derrick Mitchell:

There's a way to stop Purdue. It's just you have to be super efficient to do it.

Kylee Tabler:

Yeah. And I think that it's gonna be become, exponentially easier now that we are in to march with the NCAA tournament Yes. Refereeing.

Colin Pearson:

Yes. But

Derrick Mitchell:

we're not change of refs. Can we actually talk about this?

Kylee Tabler:

Talk about it.

Derrick Mitchell:

Yeah. Because the just the Michigan State game I'm gonna talk about. That game was so poorly ref. Every time Mahdi Sissoko even put his elbow on Zack Eady, it was a foul. And that's just a problem for me because every single time, just a mistake or any other team in the big ten plays Zack Eady, all their centers get in trial immediately off rip.

Derrick Mitchell:

It's just files after files after files. And it's not just Zack Eady. It's all of their players. They flop a lot. I was watching lawyer play the entire time, and he is a flop merchant.

Derrick Mitchell:

Mhmm. Smith is too. Braden Smith.

Kylee Tabler:

He is too. Lance Jones.

Derrick Mitchell:

So oh, don't even give me a starter on who I don't like him at all. But Lance Jones as well. All of them are just flat merchants. It's actually a skill, and I hate that he taught their coach taught them that because it's so

Kylee Tabler:

It's smart. I can't.

Derrick Mitchell:

Smart, but it is the most annoying thing to watch. Like, I can't stand watching Purdue because they're so good. They don't really need to do the things that they do because they have Yeah. So much talent, so much shooting, so much whatever you wanna say. Mhmm.

Derrick Mitchell:

But they're so bad.

Kylee Tabler:

If they didn't get all

Derrick Mitchell:

of these calls

Colin Pearson:

I think I've

Derrick Mitchell:

ordered it. Woah. For a Baja blast. That's lit.

Kylee Tabler:

Yeah. And, like, if they didn't get all of the

Derrick Mitchell:

Now this is how

Colin Pearson:

we live and

Derrick Mitchell:

check the net.

Kylee Tabler:

Yeah. We live in luxury here. Oh, Colin, thank you for texting my dad. You're the best.

Derrick Mitchell:

Bring it in right here. Right here, Colin. Right here. Thank you.

Kylee Tabler:

Our guy. Our guy.

Colin Pearson:

Our guy.

Derrick Mitchell:

That's our host right there, Colin Pearson.

Kylee Tabler:

Can we no. I'm not gonna just thinking about what you thought his last name was

Derrick Mitchell:

I because I was thinking about saying it during the thing. I was thinking about saying it, and I didn't. For his introduction, Colin, you said

Kylee Tabler:

that. Recycle.

Derrick Mitchell:

Like, I was thinking about the well, that would be nice to have that when I was announcing Colin's name,

Colin Pearson:

but, you

Derrick Mitchell:

know, we don't have that.

Kylee Tabler:

Yeah. Like,

Derrick Mitchell:

Who got chips?

Kylee Tabler:

I think it comes with, like, the can someone hand me a Baja?

Derrick Mitchell:

I didn't

Kylee Tabler:

He got asked for those.

Colin Pearson:

I I didn't ask for that.

Derrick Mitchell:

I got a How did I start squealing? Nobody clipped that.

Colin Pearson:

I didn't ask for that.

Kylee Tabler:

Everybody clip that. Y'all better be going to work.

Derrick Mitchell:

No one clip that, please.

Eli Flikkema:

The official recording of this stream will be made public after the conclusion. Alright. Alright.

Kylee Tabler:

I'm you know what? I'm a clip it. I'm clip it.

Derrick Mitchell:

Know what

Colin Pearson:

that is.

Kylee Tabler:

Can I add?

Derrick Mitchell:

Is it Baja Black? No.

Kylee Tabler:

I just got my Baja Black.

Colin Pearson:

Oh, yeah. You're not getting one

Derrick Mitchell:

of these because because you're gonna clip it. One of these.

Kylee Tabler:

Yikes. Yeah.

Derrick Mitchell:

Thank you.

Colin Pearson:

Okay. So that's

Kylee Tabler:

Back to big 10 refereeing while Colin distributes, the Taco Bell and Barrie. Little bit distracted.

Derrick Mitchell:

You guys are It's Kylie one under Bob West. Oh, we're yeah.

Kylee Tabler:

Renting about Big 10 Rufe.

Colin Pearson:


Kylee Tabler:

Yeah. Well, we said it's

Derrick Mitchell:

got mad.

Kylee Tabler:

Yeah. No. We were

Derrick Mitchell:

getting heated in here. Understandably.

Kylee Tabler:

It's because it's just so I'm gonna touch my names on that one. Wait. Can I have it?

Derrick Mitchell:

Sure. Did you start tucking that one?

Kylee Tabler:

No. No. No. I swear. I just put the Alright.

Kylee Tabler:

Run it back.

Derrick Mitchell:

My name is now Kylie.

Kylee Tabler:

Run it back. I did not drink out of that.

Derrick Mitchell:

My name is currently Kylie because

Kylee Tabler:

We switched identities. Yes. You guys didn't know. I mean We're identical twins.

Derrick Mitchell:

I was about to say that. We're identical twins. We live in a

Colin Pearson:

different life. That, like, 4 times on this podcast.

Kylee Tabler:

We look so much alike. Like, it's so hard to tell us apart.

Derrick Mitchell:

Yeah. It's like it's crazy. Like, I have blonde long hair,

Colin Pearson:

and Yeah.

Derrick Mitchell:

I have highlights as well. I don't know if you have highlights or not, but, I am I'm not gonna say that. But we are identical toys.

Kylee Tabler:

I'm wearing glasses at the moment.

Derrick Mitchell:

Yep. You are.

Kylee Tabler:

I'm cooking.

Derrick Mitchell:

With straight old grease.

Kylee Tabler:

Anyway, back to big 10 refereeing.

Colin Pearson:

Big 10 refereeing

Kylee Tabler:

is very

Colin Pearson:

different from the NCAA referee.

Kylee Tabler:

And that's why Purdue is gonna struggle hardcore.

Colin Pearson:

And that's why they did last year.

Derrick Mitchell:

You know

Colin Pearson:

what I mean?

Kylee Tabler:

Like, Carson Cooper caught a stray elbow and got a bloody nose in that game. Mhmm. And it was a foul on him. How? My bad.

Kylee Tabler:

His face got away.

Colin Pearson:

That that one.

Derrick Mitchell:

I had his face. And then, like, when he took his hand, I was like, oh, that's what bad. That's bad. That's just what Purdue does.

Kylee Tabler:

How would you like phone?

Colin Pearson:

I do. I just said it right there.

Kylee Tabler:

Oh, thanks. Could you get in the building with your ID? What kind what kind

Derrick Mitchell:

what kind of taco is that? Is that hard, soft? Kinda what kind of

Kylee Tabler:

Is it a gordita? No. It's not. It's a chalupa. Right?

Kylee Tabler:

Got a chalupa.

Derrick Mitchell:

Got a chalupa.

Kylee Tabler:

Did you say that?

Colin Pearson:

I should say we are not sponsored.

Kylee Tabler:

No. We're not. We're just

Derrick Mitchell:

We are not sponsored.

Kylee Tabler:

Hungry, Collins students. Want to sponsor?

Colin Pearson:

If We're open. You should.

Kylee Tabler:

I love it.

Derrick Mitchell:

Collins DM slash email is open. It's gonna pop up right here.

Kylee Tabler:

C recycle 1

Derrick Mitchell:

c recycle 123@gmail. If you wanna talk to Colin about this

Colin Pearson:

fucking shit.

Derrick Mitchell:

Yeah. As you can tell, we love your food. And drinks.

Kylee Tabler:

I yeah. If I could get a Bob Hov blast fountain

Derrick Mitchell:

Bob blast fountain, that'd be fire.

Kylee Tabler:

Yeah, dude. I'd want I take that so quick. I

Derrick Mitchell:

enjoy it. I enjoy it a lot.

Kylee Tabler:

We have one in every single recording. Alright. Do you or have you had those?

Derrick Mitchell:

Nope. I think it's time for a taste test.

Colin Pearson:

Alright. Yeah.

Kylee Tabler:

Or have we stopped

Colin Pearson:

talking about basketball? In this?

Kylee Tabler:

Yeah. Oh. Have you been to Cinnabon?

Colin Pearson:

No. Just try it.

Kylee Tabler:

They're actually hit or miss. He's like, they missing.

Derrick Mitchell:

I didn't get my reboot up.

Kylee Tabler:


Eli Flikkema:

Alright. Call

Derrick Mitchell:

me Keith Derek Lee.

Kylee Tabler:

Real. Follow him on TikTok.

Derrick Mitchell:

Don't do that. Don't do that.

Colin Pearson:

Derek on TikTok. It's funny. It's great.

Kylee Tabler:

Let's talk about Keith Lee. Don't follow Derrick.

Derrick Mitchell:

What a hater, guys. But I'll give this a 7 out of 10.

Kylee Tabler:

That's fair.

Derrick Mitchell:

Alright. The stuff on the inside isn't sweet enough for me. I get it. It's, like, tangy.

Colin Pearson:

Yeah. In my opinion, I'm

Derrick Mitchell:

not a big tangy guy when I come to my sweets. I just wanna be sweet. So in my opinion, 7.7.25 out of 10.

Kylee Tabler:

He ate that for real.

Derrick Mitchell:

Straight up. I ate it as well as the

Colin Pearson:

beginning of it.

Kylee Tabler:

I just don't know. With these, like, early seeds

Derrick Mitchell:

I got a transition.

Kylee Tabler:

Gotta transition back to basketball.

Derrick Mitchell:

Sorry. I don't know why I did that. We

Kylee Tabler:

just eatin'. We munched in for a I just feel like these 2 seeds are quite weak, in my opinion.

Derrick Mitchell:


Kylee Tabler:

I think at least at least one

Colin Pearson:

of them Shout

Derrick Mitchell:

out to Marquette.

Kylee Tabler:

Is not gonna be coming back from at least one is not making it out of the first round. I

Derrick Mitchell:

have to answer that.

Kylee Tabler:


Colin Pearson:

Alright. So I gotta ask which one.

Kylee Tabler:

I I can I can make a case for honestly 3 of them, to be fair? Like, I think out of out of all of them, I think it's probably gonna be Arizona. As of late, they've been, like, really, really struggling. Like, insanely struggling. With a loss to USC, who'd they lose to in the Pac 12 tournament?

Kylee Tabler:

I don't think I didn't watch the Pac 12 tournament at all.

Colin Pearson:

Who did who lose to?

Kylee Tabler:


Colin Pearson:

Arizona. Great question.

Kylee Tabler:

Yeah. I wasn't watching the Pac 12 tournament. I was doing other things. But yeah.

Eli Flikkema:

Impact 89 would like to officially say, rest in peace, the Pac 12.

Kylee Tabler:

Yep. Yeah. Alright. Goodbye.

Colin Pearson:

Yeah. They lost to USC, by the way.

Derrick Mitchell:

Won't be missed, but our opinion.

Kylee Tabler:

In the in the Pac 12 tournament, they lost to USC again.

Colin Pearson:

Oh, no. They they beat USC. They lost to Oregon. Sorry.

Kylee Tabler:

See, like, that's not good. The outlook for Arizona

Derrick Mitchell:

That's not good.

Kylee Tabler:

Is not good. So as the 2 seeds I know Tennessee has also been falling apart. However, I think if they get in gear we've seen teams really pick it up when it gets to the tournament. Like, I'm just gonna talk about, Wisconsin real quick, watching them in the big 10 tournament.

Colin Pearson:

Oh, yeah. Holy cow. Wisconsin. Changed.

Derrick Mitchell:


Kylee Tabler:

So I think that's, like, a super positive thing that can come from Tennessee.

Derrick Mitchell:

About your defense as well. When it comes to Wisconsin, their defense really picked up. Mhmm. The guards is really what I'm talking about. Their defense went crazy.

Derrick Mitchell:

And Mhmm. Making that last stop, stealing the ball, and then coming the other way, that was beautiful.

Kylee Tabler:

Amazing. That

Derrick Mitchell:

was just cinema. So that's honestly my

Kylee Tabler:

It was a movie.

Derrick Mitchell:

It was a movie for real, and I couldn't stop watching it. That was one of my top games of the year for especially for the big ten tournament. That was my top game, actually.

Kylee Tabler:

Oh, absolutely. It was it was

Derrick Mitchell:

really great. Michigan State, but, yeah, that was a great game.

Kylee Tabler:

Yeah. Literally an amazing game.

Derrick Mitchell:

I honestly was so glad that I watched that one. That was

Colin Pearson:

you know? Chefs kiss. Beautiful.

Derrick Mitchell:

Chefs kiss. Chefs kiss.

Kylee Tabler:

No. It was just it was great. So I really think that when it gets, like, down to it, like, there's gonna be teams that can really, really pick it up. And I think Tennessee is one of them. They have so much talent.

Kylee Tabler:

Like, I can't discredit, like, what they have. Like, don't connect. So good. Like, he really is. Like, he would be my player of the year if I had to vote for anyone.

Kylee Tabler:


Colin Pearson:

He he is my associate. Good player. Definitely definitely a lot of talent from Tennessee right there.

Derrick Mitchell:

Yeah. Who are you guys' top five favorite players in college for basketball right now?

Kylee Tabler:

You gotta say football,

Colin Pearson:

but, like, get

Derrick Mitchell:

out of here.

Colin Pearson:

Yeah. I Basketball, though. Gosh.

Derrick Mitchell:

What do you guys like? What do you guys don't like?

Kylee Tabler:

Oh, well, we all know who we number public enemy number 1 in this room. We all know who it is.

Derrick Mitchell:

That's all. Don't like is easy, but who do we like?

Colin Pearson:

Look. I actually I actually do like Edies. I don't know.

Kylee Tabler:

He could be so good.

Colin Pearson:

The rest of the rest of his team is really good.

Derrick Mitchell:

I'm getting nice.

Kylee Tabler:

He he could be good. Like, I'm not gonna lie. He could be really good, and I'd probably like him if he had this, if he developed, like, the skill and discipline. Mhmm. To be an actual center, in my opinion.

Derrick Mitchell:

The footwork, the grind, the spinning, the technique. He doesn't

Kylee Tabler:

have to be a problem. Sort of range. Like, you don't even have to have, like, a 3 point range. Just at least the free throw line. Like, he can make free throws.

Derrick Mitchell:

Like, he's here. Shooting there? That's what I'm saying because it's kinda the same thing.

Kylee Tabler:

So Right. So I think he'd be better if he developed, like you know, I'd like him more, but that's not all his fault, so I'm not gonna, like, fully hate on him for that.

Derrick Mitchell:

It's where he ended up being at Purdue and having all those shooters and all those guards who can shoot the ball that well. He doesn't need to. No. So Mhmm. I mean, it's an easy drag and pull.

Derrick Mitchell:

Like, he passed to Edie, passed it right back to Smith, lawyer Yeah. Whoever you want to, they because they can also do ball. So it's really the team he got placed on.

Kylee Tabler:

Yeah. Of his environment. Yeah.

Derrick Mitchell:

But when he gets to the NBA, if he does, it's not gonna be that way.

Kylee Tabler:

People, looking at, like, the latest, like, whatever, like, analysis, people are saying that he is gonna be there. Like, their teams are teams are gonna take him. Yeah.

Derrick Mitchell:

Oh, yeah. I think 2nd round

Colin Pearson:

I mean, he was player of the year. You can't not take him.

Derrick Mitchell:

Not take him. Yeah. He's gonna help some teams that need it. Yeah.

Colin Pearson:

But it's a I don't think he'd help the Pistons.

Kylee Tabler:

Anyone can help the Pistons. I could help the Pistons.

Colin Pearson:

I think if there's anyone the Pistons should take, it is well, maybe not this year because I believe he's a junior, but Cam Spencer, Yukon.

Derrick Mitchell:

I'll actually like that thing.

Colin Pearson:

Guard from Yukon. He is very, very good at have

Derrick Mitchell:

a lot of cards, you know.

Kylee Tabler:

That's Yeah.

Colin Pearson:

They need Can he play the 3? Like because we have Kaye

Derrick Mitchell:

and we have Ivy. So True. Don't know if

Colin Pearson:

they I don't know.

Derrick Mitchell:

Fit in that range. All I'm saying is I don't know if we can add another

Colin Pearson:

He's a better player, though, in my opinion. Mhmm.

Derrick Mitchell:

I'm not excluding

Colin Pearson:

that. Honestly, Donovan Klinghen wouldn't be a bad center for either.

Kylee Tabler:


Derrick Mitchell:

We need one of those. James Wiseman is the worst number one pick ever.

Kylee Tabler:

Yeah. I mean, it's just

Colin Pearson:


Derrick Mitchell:


Kylee Tabler:

This one will be interesting. Favorite player, so I don't I already like

Colin Pearson:

I already said Cam Spencer.

Derrick Mitchell:


Kylee Tabler:

like Calc Brenner from Krayon.

Colin Pearson:

Oh, I

Derrick Mitchell:

like that one too.

Colin Pearson:

That's that's a good pick.

Kylee Tabler:

Yeah. He's really good. Very talented. I don't know. I feel like I don't play pay enough attention to, like, individual players.

Derrick Mitchell:

I like Kentucky's, power forward. I'm playing on his name.

Kylee Tabler:

I like Reed Shepherd.

Derrick Mitchell:

Yep. That's what I meant. That's what I meant. But

Kylee Tabler:

Yeah. No. Reed Shepherd's really talented. They think he's going to the league already, and he's only a freshman. I don't like that.

Derrick Mitchell:

I like think about Rob Billingham now. I think he's gonna go to the league, and he's only a freshman. But Mhmm.

Colin Pearson:

I really don't like that. I feel like you gotta have more time to develop. But at the same time, I understand. Like

Derrick Mitchell:

I think the one and done age is kinda moving. Moving out of the one and done age more and more because there's so many generational talent players that can go and be lottery picks, but they're just not. Mhmm. Because taking another year is very helpful, and players are starting to actually realize that instead of people wanting to go and done so quickly. I think that's changing now because it's more of a impact when you stay, learn the ropes a little bit of just basketball at a high level then go to the pros, and then you can actually make more of an impact if you wait another year.

Derrick Mitchell:


Colin Pearson:

Some people And NIL helps out a lot.

Derrick Mitchell:

NIL helps

Colin Pearson:

out a lot.

Derrick Mitchell:

That's really what it is. Mhmm. People are saying because they can get paid.

Kylee Tabler:

Fair. They they can get paid a lot more as in a as a college athlete than they can as, like, I don't know, the G League athlete or like

Derrick Mitchell:

thing that we're talking about because when she goes to the pros, she's not gonna make as much

Colin Pearson:

money as she is. I think she will.

Kylee Tabler:

She probably will.

Derrick Mitchell:

She will because of, like, other brand deals sponsorships and endorsements.

Colin Pearson:

But the names she's made for herself will make the

Kylee Tabler:

WNBA popular. These players are starting especially with the WMB with, like, the women's players. Yeah. Love love the women's players. Yes.

Kylee Tabler:

A lot of them are signing more brainless because they're becoming more prominent athletes, which is so exciting because

Derrick Mitchell:

It is.

Kylee Tabler:

Who just signed on? Oh, what's her name? She's on South Carolina's team. She's great. Mhmm.

Kylee Tabler:

She just signed on with Curry's brand. Nice. Brand, which is great.

Colin Pearson:

That's awesome. That is great.

Kylee Tabler:

They're getting a lot more and stuff, which is super exciting.

Derrick Mitchell:

There's clout around them, and it's, like, kinda gaining every single month, and there's more and more clout, and I like that.

Colin Pearson:

Alright. I've gotten a question from the audience. My grandpa. Pop Mike, love you. So a question for your group.

Colin Pearson:

How deep do you think the big 10 teams' tournament runs will be?

Kylee Tabler:

Oh, here we go.

Derrick Mitchell:

Here we go.

Colin Pearson:

And that that is a great question

Derrick Mitchell:

Great question.

Colin Pearson:

That I really was trying to avoid answering.

Kylee Tabler:

Do we be optimistic, or do we be like

Colin Pearson:

I think we'd be realistic. I'll I think we'd be realistic. Okay. Northwestern, let's let's just start top left corner because I I have it pulled up.

Kylee Tabler:

I think they're out the 1st game.

Colin Pearson:

Florida Atlantic is gonna take them down. I I don't see them going that far. They're a good team, but I I think Florida Atlantic's better.

Kylee Tabler:

I agree.

Derrick Mitchell:

Said northwestern, and I'll kinda take I did say that, like, off off air.

Kylee Tabler:

I said northwestern. And Nickel. But

Colin Pearson:

For North West. You did. Yep.

Derrick Mitchell:

And he owes me a shiny one if I have to actually find a way to do it. But now I'm gonna stick with my take, but, realistically, I don't even know the ones who can go very far. Even if they do win, they're

Kylee Tabler:

Yeah. Very next round, game.

Colin Pearson:

Their their next round is Yukon. Included. Like, that's Yeah. It's over. I mean do that.

Colin Pearson:

Maybe Stetson will win. You never know. This is March. But if there's any 16 seed to win, it's not in my opinion, it's probably not Stetson. No.

Colin Pearson:

Not at all. Yeah. So Northwestern, probably not making it that far. What about Illinois?

Kylee Tabler:

This is where it gets interesting.

Derrick Mitchell:

It does. I like them.

Kylee Tabler:

I I do too.

Derrick Mitchell:

That's the thing.

Kylee Tabler:

I think they're making at least in a at a minimum to the sweet sixes.

Derrick Mitchell:

Minimum sweet sixes, but

Kylee Tabler:

I don't know about far. Iowa State.

Colin Pearson:

Iowa State's a better team. I think Iowa State

Derrick Mitchell:

They're They they lose here, though.

Colin Pearson:

I'll be honest. Iowa State is my champion right now.

Kylee Tabler:

I have I my bracket's not done. I'm just gonna be so real right now.

Derrick Mitchell:

Mine is

Kylee Tabler:

were yapping.

Colin Pearson:

Mine is by far not finalized.

Derrick Mitchell:

Mine is not finalized. I'm gonna change it a couple times before I actually say this is my final bracket.

Colin Pearson:

Here's here's my issue is Illinois, BYU, that matchup,

Kylee Tabler:

BYU is a lot of shooters.

Colin Pearson:

Yep. Is a ton of ton of great shooters. But, I mean, Illinois is definitely good in the paint game. They have. And they drive.

Colin Pearson:

BYU is one thing. When they're on a good day, they can beat Houston. Kansas. They can beat any top team. Yes.

Colin Pearson:

On a bad day, they can lose to UCF They're

Derrick Mitchell:

low low.

Colin Pearson:

Or West Virginia.

Derrick Mitchell:

And I So

Kylee Tabler:

West Virginia.

Colin Pearson:

Here's here's the question is, like, will they be on a good day? And that, I think, is what it comes down to.

Kylee Tabler:

Yeah. I think

Derrick Mitchell:

I think Illinois is due. March, though, but I mean, we'll see.

Kylee Tabler:

Necessarily true. I mean Depending on the team. Yeah.

Colin Pearson:

When was the last time BYU was in the tournament? I don't because they they switched to the big 12 this year, and they were in the West Coast Conference before with Gonzaga and Saint Mary's. So they haven't made it in years. Mhmm. Yeah.

Kylee Tabler:

I forgot they'd switched conferences.

Derrick Mitchell:

Yeah. I did too.

Colin Pearson:

So that's the other thing. No one on that team has experience in the tournament, which means I think Illinois could have that.

Derrick Mitchell:


Kylee Tabler:

I think they're losing the next game, though.

Colin Pearson:

It's Iowa State.

Kylee Tabler:


Colin Pearson:

I Yep. They just have them as my champion. There's no question.

Kylee Tabler:

They had a bad draw with that side, because I think if it was any other Yeah. 2 seed, I think Illinois is coming out of it.

Colin Pearson:

I I agree. Yeah. But Iowa State Mhmm. Should have been a one seed.

Derrick Mitchell:

Yep. Yeah.

Kylee Tabler:

Frankly. There there is good debate

Colin Pearson:

for that. Yeah. It's a really good debate. North Carolina did not win their conference tournament, and Iowa State beat Houston by 30 in it. Yep.

Colin Pearson:

Okay? Like, that's that's all I'm

Eli Flikkema:

And the big twelve is undeniably the best basketball conference in the nation.

Colin Pearson:

Oh, yeah. There's no question.

Derrick Mitchell:

You can't really dispute

Colin Pearson:

that. Mhmm.

Kylee Tabler:

Yes. Our our island is so happy over here by Iowa State.

Colin Pearson:

Yeah. Eli's a little bit disappointed that you and I made a run and then didn't make it all the way. But Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Colin Pearson:


Eli Flikkema:

We lost to Indiana State in the NBC tournament, and then they didn't even put Indiana State in.

Colin Pearson:

Which is very disappointing.

Derrick Mitchell:

That's right.

Colin Pearson:

That's alright.

Kylee Tabler:

Maybe next year.

Derrick Mitchell:

Maybe next year.

Kylee Tabler:

That's so sad.

Colin Pearson:

That's really sad.

Kylee Tabler:

That's so bleak. I'm sorry.

Colin Pearson:

What about Michigan State?

Kylee Tabler:

Can we save them for last, please?

Colin Pearson:

Yeah. Let's save them for last. That's a good idea.

Kylee Tabler:

Alright. Let's go to Nebraska just because I'm

Colin Pearson:

staring at them

Kylee Tabler:

right now. Yeah. I think they're making it out of the 1st round and then getting cooked by Houston.

Colin Pearson:

Yeah. Right now, that's exactly where I have Nebraska. Me as well. Hey.

Kylee Tabler:

Nebraska ball. One win, though? A tournament win?

Colin Pearson:

Look. I'm

Eli Flikkema:

gonna have to w for them.

Derrick Mitchell:

Yeah. I

Colin Pearson:

think I'm only mad at them. I think they drew a very easy pick, because Texas A&M should not even be in this tournament, let alone at a 9 seed.

Kylee Tabler:

Because they're favored.

Colin Pearson:

Which is absurd. That is crazy. I understand that. Texas A&M has 4 losses to quad 3 teams. That's so bad.

Colin Pearson:

4 against quad 3. They have a losing record. That's terrible. Know how they they have a 9 and 9 record in the SEC. Like

Kylee Tabler:

How are they in?

Colin Pearson:

I don't know how they gotten that large bid. I'm baffled by this.

Kylee Tabler:

Yeah. That that's a flabbergasted, befuddled. I I am all of them.

Derrick Mitchell:

I can't even, like, talk about

Colin Pearson:

it. Figure out why Texas A&M was even let into the tournament in the first place. All of the metrics favor Nebraska. Mhmm. Why is Texas A&M favored here?

Kylee Tabler:

I don't because people are haters.

Derrick Mitchell:

I think that's it. Now The committee They hate the big 10.

Colin Pearson:

Texas A&M hate the big 10. Texas A&M has gone on, like, a run over the last they've won 5 of their last 6.

Kylee Tabler:

But They played.

Colin Pearson:

They played Georgia, Mississippi State tournament team, Ole Miss twice, and then Kentucky. And they and then they lost to Florida in the SEC tournament.

Derrick Mitchell:

That's a difficult schedule.

Colin Pearson:

I see it. Like, before that, they the 4 games before that, they lost to South Carolina, Tennessee, Arkansas, Alabama, which 3 of those are not bad losses. Wasn't it? Arkansas. Wasn't it

Kylee Tabler:

a ranked team at some point?

Colin Pearson:

It was. Yeah. Very beginning of the year.

Eli Flikkema:

So were we?

Colin Pearson:

Yes. Exactly. South Carolina, Tennessee, and Alabama, they lost by, like, 20 to each of those. So, like, I don't see how this team is in the tournament. So Nebraska, I have them win that.

Kylee Tabler:

Faith in Nebraska ball. Faith in

Derrick Mitchell:

the Boston 10.

Colin Pearson:

Is a dominant team. Oh, yeah.

Eli Flikkema:

Nebraska's worst losses are probably a trio of road big ten losses to Rutgers, Ohio State, and Maryland.

Colin Pearson:

Who all heated up at the end of the season. I don't know how to feel.

Kylee Tabler:

I okay. I know you hate Ohio State. I wanted them to cook. I, low key, wanted them to win a big 10 tournament.

Colin Pearson:


Kylee Tabler:

I know that would've hurt our chances because I dislike it when, you know we had a lot of, like, upsets this year in tournament.

Derrick Mitchell:

Shot ruined my life.

Kylee Tabler:

The I mean, I was very, very disappointed.

Derrick Mitchell:

Yeah. That was

Kylee Tabler:

But they heated up, and I kinda wanted, you know, a good run. Like, they had they had a great one last year too at the end of the season.

Derrick Mitchell:

Did. Yeah.

Kylee Tabler:

I mean

Colin Pearson:

Speaking of a good run, Wisconsin.

Kylee Tabler:

Good transition. Thank you.

Derrick Mitchell:

Great transition. I knew he was.

Kylee Tabler:


Colin Pearson:

How do we feel?

Kylee Tabler:

I don't know.

Colin Pearson:

Because they're playing James Madison. Big one. They got a terrible pick

Kylee Tabler:

in Yeah. Which I'm sad about because they're they looked really good. They're yeah. They looked great over the past Honestly,

Colin Pearson:

a little bit of confidence. Yeah. The big 10 tournament, they've just gone crazy.

Derrick Mitchell:


Colin Pearson:

But they've been so up and down this season.

Kylee Tabler:

I know. Yep.

Colin Pearson:

They're on a hot streak right now.

Kylee Tabler:

They might be on the upswing. And if they're on the upswing,

Colin Pearson:

I think they win.

Derrick Mitchell:

Perfect time to do that.

Colin Pearson:

But if they're starting on their downswing Mhmm. James Madison is

Kylee Tabler:

Oh, a 100% set. Yeah.

Derrick Mitchell:

If they get punched in the mouth in the beginning, I don't know if they're gonna come back from it. No. Against a team like James Madison, I don't think so.

Colin Pearson:

And James Madison starts out hot Yeah. And Wisconsin does not.

Derrick Mitchell:

Yeah. So on the game. Depending on the game, but you can't start off slow with a Not a good playing a team like this in the tournament, you can't start off slow. If you're

Kylee Tabler:

dead, it's you. You cannot start slow.

Colin Pearson:

If you give James Madison just

Eli Flikkema:

a given.

Colin Pearson:

A lead at the beginning, they're gonna hold that lead till the end.

Derrick Mitchell:

5 minutes.

Colin Pearson:

And we've seen that. You know? We've seen it, Bonnie. I mean, they've

Eli Flikkema:

seen it in the breathless center.

Kylee Tabler:

Oh, don't talk about it.

Colin Pearson:

I've seen it live in person.

Kylee Tabler:

We were that was the most frustrating thing I've ever witnessed in my entire life.

Colin Pearson:

Well, that

Derrick Mitchell:

look. That was the worst game I've ever

Colin Pearson:

seen. Say right now, it feels a lot better to know that they are a tournament team. Yeah. And, like, that they won their conference, and they've only lost 3 games all season.

Derrick Mitchell:

One was destroying Michigan State fans.

Colin Pearson:

Makes me feel better about that loss.

Kylee Tabler:


Derrick Mitchell:

Because at the beginning of the season, I was like, okay. Well, you know

Colin Pearson:

We're cooked. Take the 4 away from us.

Kylee Tabler:

Like, that's a quad 2.

Colin Pearson:

She flushed it down. That's a quad 2 loss. Whatever, man. They were a quad 4 at the beginning of the year when we started. Yeah.

Colin Pearson:

And that was

Kylee Tabler:

They're not.

Colin Pearson:

They're they're quad 2.

Derrick Mitchell:

In the tournament, so it won't say anything to me.

Kylee Tabler:

Yeah. I think I think of j I think if JMU makes it past Wisconsin, I think they're winning their next game, but I think they're done against Houston. Because I don't You think they're beating Houston?

Derrick Mitchell:

No. The next game. The next game.

Kylee Tabler:

That's what

Colin Pearson:

I was saying. Because I don't think they beat Duke?

Kylee Tabler:

Oh, I don't have Duke making out the first round.

Colin Pearson:

You have Vermont taking over too. Potentially. Yes.

Eli Flikkema:

Kylie is wrong. This is

Colin Pearson:

That is crazy. No. That's a hot take right now. Excited. That is on record.

Derrick Mitchell:


Kylee Tabler:

on record. I'll leave it be on record. I hate Duke. I I'm a hate I

Colin Pearson:

know you hate food, but Duke, but I respect Duke.

Kylee Tabler:

No. I got it.

Colin Pearson:

That's it.

Derrick Mitchell:

Like, I don't like Duke either, but they're a respectable team. Like, that's all I'm saying. They're good. Especially in the tournament, they're kinda made for this.

Colin Pearson:

Kyle Filipowski?

Kylee Tabler:

Oh, I I believe you.

Colin Pearson:

A terrible person, you know, as we've seen over the last little bit. He's a he's a bit of a crybaby. Over here. But, like, he's a phenomenal player.

Kylee Tabler:

Oh, yeah. But, like, there's a lot

Derrick Mitchell:

of games

Eli Flikkema:

where his

Derrick Mitchell:

legs in and stop tripping people.

Kylee Tabler:

But they're they're

Colin Pearson:


Kylee Tabler:

There's plenty of games where he's their entire team. Not all of them because they're he they do have some other good guards, and I'm not gonna

Colin Pearson:

discount that.

Kylee Tabler:

He can't be,

Colin Pearson:

though. That's fine against a team like Vermont. Yeah. Look. Vermont, if they had gone up against, like, a Kentucky, would be I I would pick Vermont, because Vermont is one of the best defensive teams in the country.

Colin Pearson:

But Duke knows how to play defense too. Yes. And Vermont doesn't know how to play offense. The way Vermont wins is by playing insane defense and just, like, barely squeaking it out. Okay?

Colin Pearson:

Against a team like Duke, I don't think they could do it.

Kylee Tabler:

The score's gonna be, like

Colin Pearson:

It's it's possible. The 13. But it's I think he said that a couple of days ago. You said it

Derrick Mitchell:

was gonna be, like, a 15 to 10 score, and you're so right.

Colin Pearson:

I I also wanna that, when we were watching this come out, James Madison popped up, and I go, look. The next game's gonna be Duke versus Vermont. He called it. He called it. And then they revealed it, and it was.

Colin Pearson:

Alright. But back to the big 10 team.

Derrick Mitchell:

Buy a lottery ticket. So because that's

Kylee Tabler:

It's impressive.

Eli Flikkema:

If we're talking about things we're calling, I called Stetson ASON champions before the ASON tournament even started.

Colin Pearson:

You did. You did. Which You were mad at. Very surprising because I was, like, there's no way. They're, like, 4th in the ASON.

Colin Pearson:

And here we are.

Derrick Mitchell:

He knew.

Eli Flikkema:

I just believed in the Hatters. I did.

Derrick Mitchell:

Yeah. Great game.

Colin Pearson:

That is elite. I know we talked about it a few episodes ago. You know? It's great stuff.

Derrick Mitchell:

Can we talk about Oakland University?

Colin Pearson:

We could talk about Oakland.

Kylee Tabler:

Representing the state of Michigan.

Colin Pearson:

Before we move on to the next big ten school, let's let's talk Oakland.

Eli Flikkema:

So Let's talk baby 10.

Kylee Tabler:

Yeah. The

Colin Pearson:

Verizon League, we're just naming the baby 10 now, Eli. Yeah.

Derrick Mitchell:

I don't know what talk about Akron too.

Kylee Tabler:

The Mac, except hold on. Before we talk about that

Derrick Mitchell:

Shout out, Toledo.

Colin Pearson:

Shout out, Toledo. Getting getting

Kylee Tabler:

cooked in the

Derrick Mitchell:

1st round against Kent State.

Kylee Tabler:

And then Bowling Green getting cooked right after by Kent State too.

Derrick Mitchell:

Flame off more than anyone in the state of the state.

Kylee Tabler:

In the state of Ohio. Was gonna bring if they would've made it, I was gonna start I was gonna bring my Toledo stuff up here. I'd have been rocking it.

Derrick Mitchell:

I am I wish you so well.

Colin Pearson:

So You know what? I'm ready to do, Kylie? One camera.

Derrick Mitchell:

That'd be beautiful. You know what

Colin Pearson:

I'm ready to do? I'm ready to make a t shirt that says death, taxes, and Toledo losing. And And

Derrick Mitchell:

I will be the 1st person to buy that.

Kylee Tabler:


Colin Pearson:

No. I will. I'll buy you one too. Oh, yeah. Thank you.

Colin Pearson:

We'll we'll both wear them and just Custom make. Troll Kylie all year.

Derrick Mitchell:

Beautiful. Just beautiful. All this year and next year.

Colin Pearson:

Yeah. I'm sure it's gonna be next year too.

Kylee Tabler:

Gonna do it again?

Derrick Mitchell:

Like, 5 and 5 on doing that?

Colin Pearson:

I think I think they're 5 for 5 with the last 5 years. Yeah. Just I think they're

Derrick Mitchell:

5 for 5 on doing that specific thing, losing at the right at the beginning. Yep. Gain momentum.

Colin Pearson:

And they were they're always, like, the 1st or second seed in the Mac tournament.

Kylee Tabler:

Yeah. They

Colin Pearson:

come out. Right away.

Derrick Mitchell:

Yep. Good time. They're so promising, and then they're just not.

Colin Pearson:

And then they just fall apart.

Kylee Tabler:

Season great. Like, they had a really good day.

Colin Pearson:

Great season. Great season.

Kylee Tabler:

Come on.

Derrick Mitchell:

You can't say anything about that. Nope. It's just they're Yep. They just sell.

Kylee Tabler:

Oh, every year. Maybe with conference expansion, they can sneak in at one point.

Colin Pearson:

But I

Kylee Tabler:

love that. Be the only way, apparently. Apparently.

Colin Pearson:

I think the mess is gonna help up sneak in.

Derrick Mitchell:

Nope. No. Man, they're gonna put the hammer down if it's over.

Colin Pearson:

Frankly. It's

Derrick Mitchell:

somebody of your dreams because they're done.

Kylee Tabler:

I'm never gonna see it. I'm gonna die, and I'm never gonna see it.

Derrick Mitchell:

You're not gonna see

Colin Pearson:

it. Maybe someday. Kindly.

Kylee Tabler:

Never in my lifespan. Man.

Derrick Mitchell:

You're never gonna see Toledo holding a trophy of any sort. As No.

Colin Pearson:

No. They they held a new back trophies. Season. Regular season. Yeah.

Colin Pearson:


Derrick Mitchell:

I mean I mean I'll give a tournament. Credit. Alright? I'll give

Kylee Tabler:

them credit. We're never we're never winning a tournament.

Colin Pearson:

They could win a preseason tournament or an early season tournament. I could see that happening. I could see that

Derrick Mitchell:

happening. Yeah. Maybe in the maybe in 70 years. Okay. No.

Derrick Mitchell:

I think they could

Eli Flikkema:

do it. I think they

Derrick Mitchell:

could do it. Actually, it was help I was supporting Toledo this entire season.

Kylee Tabler:

He was.

Derrick Mitchell:

Colin was not.

Colin Pearson:

Colin was not. I was absolutely not.

Kylee Tabler:

He was not.

Derrick Mitchell:

I picked Toledo for multiple picks, and I agreed with Herb.

Colin Pearson:

I was hated.

Derrick Mitchell:

I actually like Toledo.

Colin Pearson:

Yep. Alright. We got 2 more big ten schools to talk about. Which one do you wanna talk about first?

Derrick Mitchell:

We didn't talk about Oakland.

Colin Pearson:

Oh, yeah. Let's talk Oakland quick. Yeah. And then we'll get into the 2.

Derrick Mitchell:

And I guarantee you, they can actually be Kentucky. That's who I have chosen right now.

Kylee Tabler:

Agree with that.

Derrick Mitchell:

That's all I have to say about it. Great.

Kylee Tabler:

So we can go Agreed.

Colin Pearson:

Go ahead. I don't think so.

Kylee Tabler:

I think it depends. Okay.

Derrick Mitchell:

They play Michigan State very well. They lost, but they play Michigan State very well, and they they Yeah. They're good they're good at adapting. They have a good coach as well.

Colin Pearson:

They are a good team. Yes. Kentucky is a It's a great kid.

Derrick Mitchell:

Kentucky, frankly.

Colin Pearson:

Well, I mean, you know

Kylee Tabler:

mean, it they're young.

Colin Pearson:

They're they're young. They have the chance to make mistakes.

Kylee Tabler:

All they can do is score. They have zero defensive ability for the most of the time.

Colin Pearson:

0 defensive, and they are very new to the tournament.

Derrick Mitchell:


Colin Pearson:

So So? New teams to the tournament

Kylee Tabler:

that tend to not

Colin Pearson:

do as well. Mhmm.

Derrick Mitchell:

This is

Kylee Tabler:

the time for Oakland to shine.

Derrick Mitchell:


Kylee Tabler:

Let's go.

Derrick Mitchell:

This is the time for Oakland to shine. In my kinda weird bracket, I'm gonna choose Oakland. In my normal bracket, I'm not choosing Oakland.

Colin Pearson:

But I'm going I'm going

Kylee Tabler:

You're selling. You're selling. You're selling to the hype. You're selling to the hype. Stop right now to the Kentucky hype.

Kylee Tabler:

Pick Oakland. I know you want to.

Derrick Mitchell:

I don't

Colin Pearson:

I'm not gonna turn turn

Derrick Mitchell:

this to

Colin Pearson:

here, but it's

Derrick Mitchell:

right there.

Colin Pearson:

Alright. All I'm gonna say is, like can

Derrick Mitchell:

see it, but that's Oakland.

Colin Pearson:

You can you can pick Oakland all you want. I already have 3 12 seeds winning. Yeah. So we're not gonna pick Oakland as well.

Colin Pearson:

Can we

Colin Pearson:

get an Eli camera quick? Yeah.

Kylee Tabler:

I know. Turn it.

Colin Pearson:

Turn that camera. Yeah.

Kylee Tabler:

Look at

Colin Pearson:

Just just disappointing. It's just pure disappointment. To the Like, if

Kylee Tabler:

you said that counts

Colin Pearson:

I had disappointment. He's so disappointed in me. And you know what, that might change out the course of the week.

Kylee Tabler:

He gonna keep it.

Colin Pearson:

Depending, I most likely will keep it. The thing that will change is like which 12 seats. It's not how many.

Eli Flikkema:

Are you telling me you're picking UAB?

Derrick Mitchell:

You see, we were talking about this earlier, and he loves picking his 12 seeds.

Colin Pearson:

I really love the 12 seeds.

Derrick Mitchell:

12 seeds upsetting everyone, so why can't you choose Oakland?

Eli Flikkema:

Listen. That's James Madison. Choose all those 12. Seeds choose

Colin Pearson:

The 3 12 seeds I picked are McNeese, Grand Canyon, and he's James

Derrick Mitchell:

Madison. He's cheesing with McNeese.

Colin Pearson:

Yeah. You know I am.

Colin Pearson:

You know I am.

Derrick Mitchell:

We were watching the Alright. We were watching the opening of all the brackets and letting us know the seatings, and he was cheese when McNeese got

Colin Pearson:

You see, the issue is yeah. McNeese. The main issue I have is, like, they're up against Gonzaga. And that scares me. Believe McNeese.

Colin Pearson:

That really does scare me, but I do like McNeese. I have them going sweet 16.

Derrick Mitchell:

I think you should believe Oakland. I believe McNeese.

Colin Pearson:

The JMU.

Kylee Tabler:

Who do

Kylee Tabler:

you not believe? Who are you not

Derrick Mitchell:

believe by?

Colin Pearson:

JMU. Oh.

Derrick Mitchell:

Grand Canyon does not

Derrick Mitchell:

move me.

Colin Pearson:

Grand Canyon does for me

Derrick Mitchell:

They move me a little bit.

Colin Pearson:

Buzzer against Saint Mary's.

Derrick Mitchell:


Colin Pearson:

I think Saint Mary's is overrated.

Derrick Mitchell:

I think it's who they're playing more than just them even though they're still a good team and a record.

Colin Pearson:

UAB in any of those other games, I think, could probably win. San Diego State's better, though.

Kylee Tabler:

Yeah. It's it's

Kylee Tabler:

honestly that simple.

Colin Pearson:

Like, that that's where I'm getting my logic here.

Kylee Tabler:

How much how much they lose to New Mexico by not a lot.

Colin Pearson:

Not much.

Kylee Tabler:

I think I was I was really watching that.

Colin Pearson:

Yeah. The Mountain West I

Kylee Tabler:

don't wear Mountain West.

Colin Pearson:

Was all very close games for the most part cookie in their tournament.

Kylee Tabler:


Colin Pearson:

Let's talk Purdue. Because because why not? I know I know you guys don't wanna talk about Purdue, but I know you also really wanna talk about Purdue. And we talked a little bit earlier.

Kylee Tabler:

Hating on Purdue all the time.

Eli Flikkema:

Before we talk about Purdue Yeah. The final score of the Mountain West championship game was New Mexico 60 8, SDSU 61.

Colin Pearson:

Okay. So, yeah, relatively close game.

Kylee Tabler:

Not too bad.

Colin Pearson:

I have Purdue not making it to the 2nd weekend. I have them beating the 16 seed and losing to Utah State.

Derrick Mitchell:

There it is.

Kylee Tabler:

Ladies and gentlemen, that is probably what is going to happen. Yep.

Colin Pearson:

They could also lose to TCU. I could see that.

Kylee Tabler:

I feel like I haven't watched TCU at all, at least the men's team.

Derrick Mitchell:

Once. And

Colin Pearson:

I have some more.

Kylee Tabler:

Oh, I have. Who I forgot who I watched them beat. Hold on. I watched them beat someone good. I don't remember who.

Kylee Tabler:

Because they kept moving in and out of the top 25.

Derrick Mitchell:


Colin Pearson:

They were in and out.

Derrick Mitchell:


Kylee Tabler:

Of the literally of 25.

Derrick Mitchell:

Who were their best matchups? Or Kylie too. Who were their best matchups this year? Like TCU.

Colin Pearson:

Well, they're in the big 12.

Kylee Tabler:

Why do I

Colin Pearson:

think they

Derrick Mitchell:

beat everyone?

Kylee Tabler:

I think they beat Kansas.

Colin Pearson:

They probably did. Yeah.

Kylee Tabler:

I think they beat Baylor too.

Colin Pearson:

Most likely.

Kylee Tabler:

Yeah. They were beating some people. I was like, yeah.

Derrick Mitchell:

Baylor. Course.

Colin Pearson:

TC But then they also lost to other teams because it's the big 12.

Kylee Tabler:

Right. I mean, you can't.

Colin Pearson:

That's that's definitely a team I could see beating Purdue. Utah State, same here.

Derrick Mitchell:


Colin Pearson:

You know? Yes.

Kylee Tabler:

So just

Colin Pearson:

Utah State and an 8 seed really surprised me. I felt like they were easily a 6 seed.

Kylee Tabler:


Colin Pearson:

Because they won the Mountain West.

Kylee Tabler:

Yeah. That's that's interesting for

Colin Pearson:

Like, that's gonna

Derrick Mitchell:

be 8.

Colin Pearson:

That's really weird. There are 6 teams from the Mountain West in this tournament, and why is Utah State at an 8? At 8. And San Diego State at a 5. Oh, yeah.

Kylee Tabler:

Like Yeah.

Derrick Mitchell:

Can't be doing that.

Colin Pearson:

Like, that that just surprised me a little bit. New Mexico had an 11. Lobos. You know, I love that they made it in. That made my day.

Derrick Mitchell:

A little low.

Colin Pearson:

Well, Nevada, 10 as well. You know? And so they they stuck all of the mountain west way, way down. Colorado State at the 10, and

Eli Flikkema:

Boys usually

Colin Pearson:

Boys is dead at the 10. Yeah.

Kylee Tabler:

Because they'd be hating on the mountain west. Because they know if they would've put them higher, they would've just ran through.

Colin Pearson:

And so I think they I think they are going to run through because now they get to set up against, like, 7 seats, and that's that's exactly where you wanna be in.

Eli Flikkema:

I don't see a single Mountain West team losing their first game.

Colin Pearson:

Frankly, yeah. He's germaphobe. There's a little bit of chaos going on behind that camera. I don't know. Never anything.

Colin Pearson:

There's never chaos

Derrick Mitchell:

in between. Between me and Kylie are like kumbay and you. Can we quote that? Can we

Kylee Tabler:

Somebody cut that. Somebody cut that.

Derrick Mitchell:

Don't clip that for the love of me.

Colin Pearson:

Me and Kylie are like kumbaya and you.

Derrick Mitchell:

Wasn't that decent, though?

Colin Pearson:

No. That was that was decent. That was

Kylee Tabler:

don't lie. No.

Colin Pearson:

That was great. Oh, you're shaking.

Derrick Mitchell:

You sit over there now.

Colin Pearson:

Collin since

Kylee Tabler:

This is my seat.

Derrick Mitchell:

No. This is my seat.

Kylee Tabler:

My seat. I I was here before you.

Derrick Mitchell:


Kylee Tabler:

My seat.

Derrick Mitchell:

And? Dang.

Kylee Tabler:

My seat.

Colin Pearson:

Easy, y'all.

Kylee Tabler:

My seat. I will be here longer than you.

Derrick Mitchell:

I got hired on staff.

Colin Pearson:

Derek does get paid

Kylee Tabler:

for this. Got a promotion, guys.

Colin Pearson:

Oh, I don't know. I don't know about for this, but Not for this specifically. Radio station, he does.

Kylee Tabler:

Guys, we're we're Nepo

Colin Pearson:

boys and

Derrick Mitchell:

girls over at Impact.

Colin Pearson:

Thank you.

Derrick Mitchell:

Yes. The boys and girls over at Impact. Thank you. Yes. Thank you so much.

Derrick Mitchell:

Yeah. Gotta love them. And Colin. Colin has something to do with it. Thanks.

Derrick Mitchell:

Colin's in the room.

Colin Pearson:

I was.

Derrick Mitchell:

Deciding on my future. You know what I'm saying?

Colin Pearson:

Because because I have that permission. You definitely do.

Derrick Mitchell:

As he's somebody clip him shaking his head.

Kylee Tabler:

Beautiful. We formed they formed a coup.

Derrick Mitchell:

And what is that? You don't okay.

Colin Pearson:

Let's talk about these fartons that somehow a conglomerate? No. It got Who? What is that? Like, you overthrow the ruler.

Derrick Mitchell:

I've heard that in high school, like, once or twice.

Eli Flikkema:

Let's talk about the Michigan State Spartans.

Colin Pearson:

Let's do it. For showing us that way.

Kylee Tabler:

I'm in pain.

Colin Pearson:

No. I really love the Michigan State Spartans position.

Kylee Tabler:

Their chances.

Derrick Mitchell:

It's a love hate relationship.

Kylee Tabler:

Look. Truthfully.

Colin Pearson:

We talked about the west being the weakest corner, and that that is exactly where Michigan State is.

Kylee Tabler:

That's a great spot

Colin Pearson:

for us. Is. Mississippi State probably shouldn't have made the tournament, so going up against them is great.

Derrick Mitchell:


Colin Pearson:

I love being the underdog. That makes my day.

Kylee Tabler:

Okay. They cook but didn't Mississippi State just literally cook Tennessee, or am I tripping about that?

Colin Pearson:

They did, but Tennessee is falling apart.

Kylee Tabler:

Cooked them twice. I watched them cook Tennessee twice.

Colin Pearson:

They did twice in a row.

Derrick Mitchell:

Yes. Right? Gonna be easy.

Kylee Tabler:

No. I think it's doable.

Derrick Mitchell:

It's doable for

Colin Pearson:

MSG. A manageable one

Kylee Tabler:

to make it far.

Colin Pearson:

And then North Carolina, we talked about them being the weakest number one seed. That that's right. There's a possibility. Right. Who's next?

Derrick Mitchell:

There's chances opening.

Colin Pearson:

Do I see Howard or Wagner beating North Carolina? No.

Kylee Tabler:

Come on, Howard. Let's go.

Colin Pearson:

Frankly, I didn't see I don't see a 16 seed winning this year.

Kylee Tabler:

No. I don't really either.

Colin Pearson:

Because there's just been too much crazy stuff

Kylee Tabler:

in last year. And and and then we got moved.

Colin Pearson:

That's true.

Derrick Mitchell:

Yeah. That was insane.

Colin Pearson:

Because if there was any if there was anyone Literally. To beat them, it was not early Dickenson.

Kylee Tabler:

Great timing.

Colin Pearson:

They did. So Yeah. You know? So

Kylee Tabler:

March. Love it. Right. Because was it yeah. Never mind.

Colin Pearson:

What's your what's your ceiling for Michigan State? Oh,

Kylee Tabler:

so I think way things can shake out

Derrick Mitchell:

Yeah. This is hard.

Colin Pearson:

I don't know.

Derrick Mitchell:

Should give 2 answers.

Colin Pearson:

Because I really answer and your normal answer.

Kylee Tabler:

Fake answer,

Derrick Mitchell:

your biased answer, and your

Kylee Tabler:

Depending on how this all

Colin Pearson:

shakes out. I have the same answer for as a fan, as a biased fan, and as just being realistic.

Kylee Tabler:

So I think as a biased depend looking at how I think things might be going, I think, oh, no, our our ceiling could be final 4.

Colin Pearson:

That's where I'm at too. Mhmm. That's because think

Eli Flikkema:

of that.

Colin Pearson:

Mhmm. I don't look. I don't think we can

Kylee Tabler:

be the other side of that one. I guess there is a chance. I don't know. No. I don't know.

Kylee Tabler:

You never know. That's the thing. You really don't.

Colin Pearson:

Between Yukon and Iowa State and Illinois and Auburn, San Diego State

Kylee Tabler:

You never know. That We need Illinois.

Colin Pearson:

Florida Atlantic. That corner of the bracket is the most stacked corner I've ever seen.

Derrick Mitchell:


Colin Pearson:

There's no reason for that corner of the bracket to be as stacked as it is.

Kylee Tabler:

They did that. A bunch of haters.

Colin Pearson:

They definitely did that on purpose.

Derrick Mitchell:


Colin Pearson:

gonna be an interesting corner.

Kylee Tabler:

Oh, yeah.

Colin Pearson:

But ours, I

Kylee Tabler:

I yeah. The ceiling is fine.

Colin Pearson:

Frankly, Saint Mary's doesn't scare me. Alabama, I think

Kylee Tabler:

It's all has been it's all offense.

Colin Pearson:

Back and forth.

Eli Flikkema:

If we

Kylee Tabler:

if we lock them on defense, I feel like we'd fine.

Colin Pearson:

Yeah. Our defense is strong, and they play Charleston right before that

Kylee Tabler:


Colin Pearson:

Or in their 1st round. Charleston is very good on defense.

Kylee Tabler:

Always be in the tournament. Good for them.

Colin Pearson:

You know? New Mexico scares me a bit. Yeah. But Clemson doesn't. No.

Colin Pearson:

Baylor, we beat him by 30.

Derrick Mitchell:

We'd do it again.

Colin Pearson:

No no comment. Dayton, Nevada,

Derrick Mitchell:

sure. Why not? Throw them in the mix.

Colin Pearson:

The only other one that I can see is Arizona.

Kylee Tabler:

No. They're getting coached by, Long Beach.

Colin Pearson:

That that's the question. Do they make it that far? Because I don't think so. Play Arizona, we're falling apart. We did it before.

Colin Pearson:

We'll do it again. Oh, that's I

Kylee Tabler:

don't know.

Derrick Mitchell:

That was bad, man.

Kylee Tabler:

I we were still close, though.

Colin Pearson:

It was a close game.

Kylee Tabler:

Even though we fell apart, we were still within, like, arms

Colin Pearson:

So and that's that's assuming we make the elite 8, that we'd play Arizona. And that's assuming they make the elite 8 with New Mexico, Nevada Right. Dayton, Baylor Baylor. All those teams. You know?

Derrick Mitchell:

With this bracket and Izzo being Izzo, I think it's I don't wanna say I'm on the hype train right now, but I might be. So

Kylee Tabler:

I yeah. Always on the hype train over here.

Derrick Mitchell:

I am. I have to.

Colin Pearson:

We have a comment from my dad. Yes. Did DoorDash deliver something crazy? MSU in the final 4, question mark, question mark, question mark, laughing emoji. Yes.

Colin Pearson:

Yes. Yes.

Kylee Tabler:

They yeah, they delivered crazy over here.

Derrick Mitchell:

Yeah. So once I saw who we're in and the section we were in.

Kylee Tabler:

It's wraps.

Colin Pearson:

It's the section that we're in.

Derrick Mitchell:

That's what it is.

Colin Pearson:

Yeah. Any other corner of the bracket We

Kylee Tabler:

might I don't. We might we might make it out the first round in any other spot

Colin Pearson:

Yeah. On lane.

Derrick Mitchell:

This specific spot, if we lock in on all cylinders of everything If

Colin Pearson:

we play like we play against Purdue.

Derrick Mitchell:

We need our shooters to shoot, and we need our shooters to be confident. And if they're confident and they're shooting the ball wall and we're playing defense and running in transition, there's nothing this team can't do.

Kylee Tabler:

We need our post to defend. Please. Please. Please. Please.

Derrick Mitchell:

That's not even talking about the issue for me is

Colin Pearson:

we don't have consistency.

Kylee Tabler:


Derrick Mitchell:

And it's never been that. No. If the centers are playing well, the guards aren't. And if the guards are playing well, the centers aren't. And if our bench is playing well

Colin Pearson:

Our starters aren't.

Derrick Mitchell:

Is falling apart. Yeah. So that's really what it is. If everybody can play at a high enough level in

Colin Pearson:

March even a reasonable level.

Derrick Mitchell:

A reasonable level Like they did against Purdue. Yes. If everyone scores the way they need to be, then we can have Trey Almond come off the bench and put up 12 points.

Kylee Tabler:

Cooking all the time.

Derrick Mitchell:

He can cook Mhmm. I think

Colin Pearson:

yeah. Or anyone else. Or anyone else? It doesn't matter who you need. Cooler can do that.

Colin Pearson:

I don't

Kylee Tabler:

know why. My gosh. Yes. He looks It doesn't matter who it is. Yeah.

Derrick Mitchell:

I just need somebody to step up in a way they haven't before Mhmm. In the tournament because that's what you need. Somebody to come off the bench, somebody unexpected to put up 10 points.

Kylee Tabler:

Like, Koehler looked really promising against Minnesota.

Derrick Mitchell:

He did. If Koehler can get to his paint spot area and do a little

Kylee Tabler:

Oh, he's good. Yeah.

Derrick Mitchell:

What I'm saying. He can do

Eli Flikkema:

a lot.

Derrick Mitchell:

He can get us 8 to 10 points. Mhmm.

Colin Pearson:

Yeah. You know,

Kylee Tabler:

I'm not gonna freshmen need to come to play because they can also do some really

Derrick Mitchell:

Booker is going

Colin Pearson:

to be

Kylee Tabler:

things for us.

Colin Pearson:

He's started playing really, really well very recently.

Derrick Mitchell:

Yep. This last stretch of about a month, he's been playing fantastic. So

Colin Pearson:

That's where we've kinda excelled. Yeah. All of a sudden, we have one more player.

Kylee Tabler:

Also, we have a center who can shoot from the outside that unclogs that lane. That's Beautiful.

Derrick Mitchell:

When we played Purdue the first time this season, not in the tournament Mhmm. He brought out Zach Eddy a lot, which helped our paint game. And he shot well. Confident. And he shot well as well.

Derrick Mitchell:

He was, like, 3 for 4. He shot

Colin Pearson:

a lot

Derrick Mitchell:

of good threes. He had 12 points too. Fantastic play from Booker. And if he keeps doing that, it opens up our offense a 100%.

Colin Pearson:

Yeah. Eli, what do you think? I know you've been watching Michigan State Basketball right next to Kylie and I.

Kylee Tabler:

Yeah. We all state All

Eli Flikkema:

season. Yes, sir. Back to the ceiling or floor question. I am I believe that we could get through through the 1st weekend, bare minimum, as long as we can lock in against North Carolina. None of the 512 Or

Colin Pearson:

Howard, I mean.

Kylee Tabler:

You never know.

Colin Pearson:

Be quiet, Colin.

Derrick Mitchell:

It's March, but geez, man.

Colin Pearson:

Alright. Alright. Sorry. I'm kidding.

Eli Flikkema:

Saint Mary's, Grand Canyon, Alabama, and Charleston don't scare me. But you know you know who scares me coming out of the southern half of that

Colin Pearson:

Arizona. Regional?

Eli Flikkema:

The New Mexico Lobos scare

Kylee Tabler:

me. Lobos.

Colin Pearson:

You know, that's real, actually.

Derrick Mitchell:

That is actually without that up bad too.

Colin Pearson:

Yeah. Because they probably shouldn't be in 11th seed. No. That's too long. Be much higher than that.

Colin Pearson:

After winning the Mountain West

Kylee Tabler:


Colin Pearson:

They're the lowest seed in from the Mountain West.

Kylee Tabler:

That's a that's a joke, honestly. Like, that's ridiculous.

Colin Pearson:

That's truly a joke. Like, San Diego State, Utah State, I can see those being above, but, like, why is Nevada a Mhmm. Whatever. In a 5, bro. Why are the other 3 tests?

Kylee Tabler:

Proven myself in this tournament. If I'm them, I'm like, I should have been a much higher seed.

Derrick Mitchell:

Oh, yeah.

Colin Pearson:

They got something to prove. They're going against Clemson, who's frankly not that good. No.

Derrick Mitchell:

Put that chip on your shoulder. I think they deserve to do that. And then

Colin Pearson:

they go against Baylor who we all know can fall apart at a minute's notice. Yeah. Or can go crazy.

Kylee Tabler:

Yeah. Baylor's so hit or miss. Yep. They're when they're when they're on, they're so fun to watch. Mhmm.

Kylee Tabler:

They really are.

Colin Pearson:

I don't think I could put Baylor going far just because I don't trust them. Yeah. You know? If they they could lose 1st round, and then there's my entire bracket.

Derrick Mitchell:

Consistency is worse in Michigan State.

Colin Pearson:

And so And

Derrick Mitchell:


Kylee Tabler:

And that's hard to

Derrick Mitchell:

do. Yes.

Colin Pearson:

So I would rather put someone else going far, have them losing early, and then if they go far, I'm losing that way rather than Mhmm. Yes. My bracket being busted 1st round because they lose to Colgate.

Derrick Mitchell:

So do you take Baylor?

Colin Pearson:

No. I I take him over Colgate.

Derrick Mitchell:

Okay. Okay. Okay.

Colin Pearson:

No question.

Kylee Tabler:


Derrick Mitchell:

was wondering when you have them leaving.

Colin Pearson:

I have them losing to New Mexico.

Derrick Mitchell:

I like that. I think that's Again, it's back to the trust factor. Watching Baylor is, like, just you're set to cry. Yeah.

Colin Pearson:

Like, you're set to just New Mexico's losses have all been close, and they've all been to those top teams. You know, they usually go the mountain west went 1 and 1 with each other, like, all season. Yeah. Everyone. Yep.

Colin Pearson:

So So I don't know.

Derrick Mitchell:

It's just competitive, and they know how to play competitive teams like that. So Yeah. And Baylor is just once if they get played up against the wrong defense or wrong system or wrong scheme

Colin Pearson:

They're they're not

Derrick Mitchell:

coming back. Yeah. They're done. They're done. Yep.

Derrick Mitchell:

And if they get deficits, they just don't look like they have any No.

Colin Pearson:

They have nothing left if they're getting to a deficit. And

Derrick Mitchell:


Colin Pearson:

That's how the Mountain West plays is they play go on a run. Yes.

Kylee Tabler:

Yeah. Run up

Derrick Mitchell:

a run. Spark basketball.

Colin Pearson:

Yeah. So And it's a little sloppy. It is. But it's good for beating teams like Baylor.

Derrick Mitchell:

Mhmm. It for the tournament as well. Okay. Because runs are really what the tournament is and what happens most of the time is that one team goes in a run, and they don't come back.

Kylee Tabler:

Because you don't have time to bounce back. Like, you don't. Like, you are on you're in crunch time. Like, you have to play your best basketball every single minute.

Derrick Mitchell:

Start of the game, you're on crunch time. That's how the tournament is.

Colin Pearson:

Mhmm. So

Kylee Tabler:

Yeah. So it it can bring out the best in teams, and it can bring out the worst in teams.

Derrick Mitchell:

Michigan State.

Colin Pearson:

Alright. Let's talk first four picks. Who are you guys picking for oh, let's just start with, what is that? Montana State versus Grambling State?

Kylee Tabler:

Hold on. Hold on. Hold on.

Colin Pearson:

I've picked I watched

Eli Flikkema:

the second half of the Big Sky championship game.

Colin Pearson:


Eli Flikkema:

Go for it. I have never seen I've never seen a team fall apart like the University of Montana Grizzlies, and I've never seen a team take advantage of that like the Montana State Bobcats.

Colin Pearson:


Eli Flikkema:

So as soon as Montana State sees a chink a chink in that defense's armor, it's in for the kill immediately. But they can struggle to get moving at times. They remind me a lot of Michigan State, honestly.

Colin Pearson:


Eli Flikkema:

Because we love to stay 2 points behind the whole game and then go on a 10 point run because we we it clicks. Mhmm. So Montana State is constantly waiting for that click,

Colin Pearson:

which That's interesting.

Eli Flikkema:

Would you never know if they're gonna find that against Grambling State?

Colin Pearson:

Grambling State, honestly, had a pretty good season. They're just in a weak conference. Yes. You know, they're they've had a they're 20 and 14 record overall, 14 and 4 in their conference. They're in the SWAC.

Colin Pearson:

But, like

Kylee Tabler:

Hey. I

Derrick Mitchell:

Shout out the SWAC.

Colin Pearson:

I agree. I saw the last half of Montana State play as well. I didn't see the first half. I haven't paid attention to either of these two teams all season, frankly.

Kylee Tabler:

For real.

Eli Flikkema:

Why would you?

Colin Pearson:

But seeing Montana State play like that, you make a really great point, and I think they could. I don't think either of those two teams has what it takes to beat Purdue in them.

Kylee Tabler:

As much as I would love

Colin Pearson:

Next round. So that's that's just off the table.

Derrick Mitchell:

But, like I would love to see it.

Colin Pearson:

Yeah. No. Yeah.

Kylee Tabler:

Like, uh-uh.

Colin Pearson:

Like, Purdue doesn't have the chinks in the armor that Eli was talking about. Even

Derrick Mitchell:

There are no chinks.

Colin Pearson:

There are

Derrick Mitchell:

cracks, honestly.

Colin Pearson:

So There there is a crack.

Kylee Tabler:

It's refereeing. It's officiating. Yeah. That's the crack.

Colin Pearson:

And they can they can overcome that. I'm not worried about Purdue in that first round.

Kylee Tabler:

Yeah. But after that.

Derrick Mitchell:

But after that

Kylee Tabler:

Purdue hate will continue for the rest of my life.

Colin Pearson:

How about Howard Wagner? You guys

Kylee Tabler:


Colin Pearson:

The meowaks?

Kylee Tabler:

Heard of them before.

Derrick Mitchell:

New England. I'm taking Howard

Colin Pearson:

for Northeastern

Derrick Mitchell:

because they have a great Name. Business program.

Colin Pearson:

In in my opinion, Howard was a 15. See it. I'm taking them.

Kylee Tabler:


Colin Pearson:

Yep. Yeah. It was in my opinion, Western Kentucky or South Dakota state should have been that 16. But Mhmm.

Derrick Mitchell:


Colin Pearson:

mean, what's what difference does it

Kylee Tabler:

make when you don't know what you're talking about? Yeah. We don't. I'm not the committee.

Colin Pearson:

Know what

Derrick Mitchell:

we're talking about.

Eli Flikkema:

Listen. Listen. Listen. Listen. Wagner may not be in New Jersey, but they are on Staten Island, and that is close enough.

Derrick Mitchell:

Oh. You may have too.

Eli Flikkema:

Fear New Jersey basketball teams in March.

Kylee Tabler:


Colin Pearson:

Particularly low seeded ones.

Kylee Tabler:

That's real.

Colin Pearson:

Like, maybe the 15 Saint Peters, for example.

Derrick Mitchell:

Yes. Oh, so happy to see him

Kylee Tabler:

back again.

Colin Pearson:

Especially against Tennessee. Like, that's a team that could lose.

Kylee Tabler:

That is a They

Colin Pearson:

have fallen apart at the end of the season this year. They've got just nothing going. No. You know? No momentum.

Colin Pearson:

No. And the Saint Peter's coming in, that that's I mean If there's a team that should be scared right now of that kind of an upset, it's

Eli Flikkema:

Saint Peter's fresh off of knocking off the, like, 22 and 6 Quinnipiac 1 seed in their conference tournament

Kylee Tabler:

I saw that.

Eli Flikkema:

Winning their conference title. They are they have the momentum.

Colin Pearson:

They definitely have

Eli Flikkema:

the momentum. Just got upset by Mississippi State.

Colin Pearson:

So Exactly.

Derrick Mitchell:

Twice in a row. Twice. Mhmm.

Colin Pearson:

Like, that's that's not the matchup that Tennessee wanted No.

Derrick Mitchell:

Right there. Not at all.

Colin Pearson:

Yeah. Let's see. Those the other the 10 seed, I know that's still Always giggling, bro. So weird to me that we've got 10 seeds as our other first four matchups. I hate it.

Kylee Tabler:

That's heinous.

Colin Pearson:

It's so bad.

Kylee Tabler:

Can we please talk about Virginia and Colorado?

Colin Pearson:

Oh, let's talk about it. Colorado state is going to blow them out of the water.

Kylee Tabler:

They made the tournament. I called it right at the beginning of the year before any game started. I go, I don't care how bad they are. They're making the tournament, and they did.

Colin Pearson:

I know you called it.

Derrick Mitchell:

Sad. They're losing. I don't

Kylee Tabler:

They're gonna lose.

Derrick Mitchell:

But, like agree because it's sad.

Colin Pearson:

I think I think Colorado State makes a run, makes it to the 2nd weekend before losing to Creighton. That's what I've got right now.

Kylee Tabler:

Low key, that's not bad.

Colin Pearson:

That's not bad. I don't know what's that, you know, can blow anyone out of the water in the mountain west, and they have for the second half of the season And Texas got shots. Better teams. They're tournament. Stop fraud.

Colin Pearson:

They were ranked, like, 2 weeks ago. Yeah. I don't know how they got a 10 seed and last 4 in. Like, that Scratch

Derrick Mitchell:


Colin Pearson:

I'm I'm so confused. They were ranked 2 weeks ago. Like, this is not

Kylee Tabler:

I the dude, the committee knows what they're talking about. Trust the committee.

Colin Pearson:

I don't trust the committee.

Derrick Mitchell:

Let the committee cook. That's why they're the committee.

Kylee Tabler:

They always be cooking. Every single pick they make, A 100%

Colin Pearson:

accurate. Really hoping Virginia just just falls apart. Colorado State takes that. Anyone Clip it. Anyone got anything else for that?

Kylee Tabler:

No. I'm just happy Virginia made it in to prove my point.

Colin Pearson:

Great. Let's go with another Mountain West School and another Colorado. Oh, Eli.

Eli Flikkema:

Speaking brief women's committee news, Michigan State is making the tournament.

Colin Pearson:


Eli Flikkema:

And we are playing the North Carolina Tar Heels. Oh. The the Michigan State women are not like the Michigan State women are also a 9 seed.

Colin Pearson:

Also a dinosaur

Derrick Mitchell:

snake. Oh.

Colin Pearson:

Alright. Alright. Alright. Alright. We're gonna take, like, a 15 minute break starting at 45 to look at that bracket.

Colin Pearson:


Kylee Tabler:

We can always come back to this one.

Colin Pearson:

We can always come back to this. No. You know, we can talk for hours.

Kylee Tabler:

This is gonna be a all night ordeal.

Colin Pearson:

Alright. Boise State, Colorado. I think, again, the Mountain West was underceded here. Yeah. I, again, don't think Colorado I mean, Colorado kinda deserved to make it.

Colin Pearson:

They were in the Pac 12 finals. I get why they made it. That that's a team that does make sense to me why they would make it. Correct. However, Boise State, they were like, they're 27th in the country on the net.

Colin Pearson:

They've been back and forth in and out of the rankings.

Kylee Tabler:


Colin Pearson:

Why were they a 10 c? I I can say the same thing again.

Kylee Tabler:

The committee. Do you think they you think they beat Florida? If I have

Colin Pearson:


Kylee Tabler:

Yeah. I agree. Yes.

Colin Pearson:

Do you

Kylee Tabler:

think they beat Marquette?

Colin Pearson:

No. No. Get smoked by Marquette. Yeah. There it is.

Colin Pearson:


Kylee Tabler:

Marquette don't move me. But but

Colin Pearson:

I know they don't. But

Kylee Tabler:

Yeah. Yeah.

Colin Pearson:

You know, I have Marquette in my final 4.

Kylee Tabler:

That that does not

Colin Pearson:

We'll talk we'll talk final fours in just a second.

Kylee Tabler:

Oh, my dude. I'm I I don't know.

Colin Pearson:

Kylie, get going.

Kylee Tabler:

I can't.

Colin Pearson:

Stop yapping and get working on that.

Kylee Tabler:

Be for real. I can't multitask.

Colin Pearson:

Speaking of

Eli Flikkema:

Marquette, I would love to discuss what a lot of people see as some disrespect to the Big East. Only 3 Big East teams are in the tournament.

Colin Pearson:

Yes. And that's There

Eli Flikkema:

are an additional 3 that were on the bubble, and it popped underneath them.

Kylee Tabler:

Yeah. It's because of the bid stealing. Because I think if it stayed the way it was supposed to, couple of them probably

Colin Pearson:

made it I could've seen Saint John's in instead of Virginia. I could've seen Saint John's in instead of Colorado. I don't think I could see any other big east team in realistically.

Kylee Tabler:


Colin Pearson:

I know Villanova was The

Eli Flikkema:

names thrown around are Seton Hall and Providence.

Colin Pearson:

Yeah. I

Kylee Tabler:

just I'm gonna give a no on Seton Hall. Yeah.

Colin Pearson:

I think that's too many bad losses.

Kylee Tabler:

Too many bad losses. Providence, that can go either way. So yeah. I guess some disrespect to the big east, but there was just, like, yeah, a lot of stuff happened.

Colin Pearson:

There was a very clear, like, 3 front runners in the big east, and no one else was, like, even reasonably close. There was such a big division between the top and the middle that

Kylee Tabler:


Colin Pearson:

I don't think

Kylee Tabler:

Yeah. And when you got teams like Oregon winning the Pac 12

Derrick Mitchell:


Kylee Tabler:

And you got teams like NC State Yeah. Winning

Colin Pearson:

Like, you

Kylee Tabler:

yeah. Like, come on. Even, like, Florida be. Even Florida wasn't supposed to win. No.

Kylee Tabler:

Like, I mean, it it's

Colin Pearson:

Florida was on the bubble, and they took one of those spots. You know?

Kylee Tabler:

Got some sacrifices you gotta make, and, unfortunately, the big east was a sacrifice. We all thought Michigan State could have been a sacrifice. That's what we were freaking out about the entire time. So so

Colin Pearson:

Frankly, I didn't think

Derrick Mitchell:

Somebody has to take the sacrifice.

Kylee Tabler:

I thought mountain

Colin Pearson:

west was going to get 5 and big east was gonna get 4.

Kylee Tabler:

I'm happy that it did not shake out that way, though, to

Colin Pearson:

be honest. I'm glad that they're putting some respect on the mountain west because those are teams that really deserve that. Yeah. Especially when you look at some of the out of conference games that they won.

Derrick Mitchell:


Colin Pearson:

Like, it's just unreasonable to put them all at 10s, but we can stop talking about that because I've said it, like, 4 times.

Kylee Tabler:

How's a broken record over here about the

Colin Pearson:

mountain west? Bit like a broken record. You know? About the boat west.

Kylee Tabler:

Dude, I can't decide who's gonna

Colin Pearson:

be in the final 4.

Kylee Tabler:

I've got my Dude, this the east the east the east section is so hard to

Derrick Mitchell:

decide from. Terrible. I gotta decide on it.

Colin Pearson:

The east is really hard, but I

Kylee Tabler:

have difficult.

Colin Pearson:

I have my clear number 1 in the east, I think.

Kylee Tabler:

I I the thing is is that the clear number 1 and 2 should be in the final 4 together. Yes.

Colin Pearson:

They should. They should be in the national championship game.

Kylee Tabler:

They should be playing each other.

Colin Pearson:

Frankly, the number 3 could be in there too and same with the number 5. Yeah. You know, San Diego State, Illinois, Yukon, Iowa State, all 4 of those deserve to be final 14.

Kylee Tabler:

That's just so

Colin Pearson:

And it's going to be a sweet 16 matchup of course.

Kylee Tabler:

Like, that's just

Colin Pearson:

ridiculous. Could also

Kylee Tabler:

Yeah. Have done that.

Derrick Mitchell:

It's just a very tough bracket over there,

Colin Pearson:

that part. In Washington state, number 2 in the Pac 12 got a 7 seed in that corner.

Kylee Tabler:


Colin Pearson:

Wow. Like that. I I do like Auburn at the 4. I like Yale at 13. You know, I think Auburn beats Yale.

Kylee Tabler:

I agree.

Derrick Mitchell:

I agree.

Colin Pearson:

I'm so glad Yale won their tournament because I could not have imagined Brown in this tournament. That that buzzer beater for Yale really, like

Kylee Tabler:

Colin was so heavy.

Colin Pearson:

I was a little bit worried

Kylee Tabler:

there. K. Can we can we chat about Kansas briefly? Because Yeah. How do we okay.

Kylee Tabler:

So do we officially know if Hunter Dickinson is cleared for the tournament or not?

Colin Pearson:

I don't think we do. Okay.

Derrick Mitchell:

Not yet.

Kylee Tabler:

Because that'll be minus that. Like, that'll be a huge thing.

Colin Pearson:

Yep. That's that's definitely a big big question.

Kylee Tabler:

Yeah. If he's in, they might get a little less cooked, but they're not gonna be getting very far.

Colin Pearson:

Yep. Yeah. There was an article yesterday that says he's questionable, because he what what happened is he dislocated his his shoulder. Yeah. He's undergone an MRI.

Colin Pearson:

They're still waiting on the results.

Kylee Tabler:

Bro, I think I got my MRI results faster.

Derrick Mitchell:

Shut out Kansas facilities.

Kylee Tabler:

Yeah. Y'all come on. Pick it up. I need

Colin Pearson:

to know. Pretty certain that he should be practicing full speed by the start of the week. Okay. The available Makes

Kylee Tabler:

one sense.

Colin Pearson:

For the NCAA tournament. And he should be relatively fine.

Kylee Tabler:


Colin Pearson:

Back close to a 100% is what they're expecting is what, Bill Self is expecting, actually.

Kylee Tabler:

That's good.

Colin Pearson:

That's good. That's that's promising for Kansas. Yeah. I didn't think they were gonna lose to Sanford either way. No.

Kylee Tabler:

I don't know, man. With them, they're just But Samford

Colin Pearson:

yeah. Kansas, man. Samford has a very good offense, but not a great defense. And so Mhmm. That one doesn't worry me.

Kylee Tabler:

I'm not even close to my final 4. I can't make decisions. I'm not built for this.

Derrick Mitchell:


Kylee Tabler:

I'm not built for deciding things.

Colin Pearson:

Well, Derek, do you have yours?

Derrick Mitchell:

It's bad, so I'm reworking all of this. Because I showed her, and

Colin Pearson:

she's laughing.

Derrick Mitchell:

I did.

Colin Pearson:

You're gonna laugh at mine too because this is very, very preliminary, and it will

Derrick Mitchell:

likely change. Somebody on this shirt who was in the I

Colin Pearson:

can't I can't say they're not in my final 4 right now.

Kylee Tabler:

The chips.

Colin Pearson:

You know, right now

Kylee Tabler:

championship, but

Colin Pearson:

I have them beating

Kylee Tabler:

They kinda cook it.

Colin Pearson:

An 8 seed, a not a 1 seed, a 12 seed, and a 10 seed. So

Derrick Mitchell:

Mhmm. Mhmm.

Colin Pearson:

I can see him beating, you know, that Interesting. That's who I have them beating up to. So Can I can I get

Eli Flikkema:

can I get Eli cam again?

Derrick Mitchell:

Yes. Yes.

Colin Pearson:

Eli cam. Let's do it. We're all just The disrespect. We're

Derrick Mitchell:

all just taking in too much green. I don't know. Because

Kylee Tabler:

Hey, man. It's Saint Patrick's Day.

Colin Pearson:


Kylee Tabler:

Here's We bleed green up here.

Derrick Mitchell:

Oh, I bleed green anyway. But

Kylee Tabler:

Y'all try the green canes lemonade.

Colin Pearson:

Here here's the thing. In In that corner of the bracket

Derrick Mitchell:

saw that, and I didn't get it because I'm not trying that. But I saw it. And I

Kylee Tabler:

tried it. In that in

Colin Pearson:

that corner of the bracket, my round of 32 teams are 123 and then 9, 1011, 112, 13 right now. And that is not how it's going to end up shaking out. No. And that is not something that's finalized in my head.

Kylee Tabler:

You have Arizona beating Long Beach State? Yes. Nope.

Colin Pearson:

That Okay. Well, that's just the one you're gonna disagree with?

Derrick Mitchell:

That's the I don't

Colin Pearson:

all That's the one

Derrick Mitchell:

you could actually choose. You choose that one to disagree with?

Colin Pearson:

I have Charleston beating Alabama, Grand Canyon beating Saint Mary's. I have New Mexico.

Kylee Tabler:

I have Grand Canyon beating Saint Mary's also, and I also have New Mexico beating Clemson.

Colin Pearson:

You have Nevada beating Dayton?

Kylee Tabler:

I do.

Colin Pearson:

Okay. So why are we disrespecting me here?

Kylee Tabler:

Why I'm picking. Because I think if any 2 c's getting upset, it's Arizona.

Colin Pearson:

That is 10, 11, 12, 13. And you have Michigan state winning the first one? That's 9. Yeah. Okay.

Colin Pearson:

So don't Yeah. Don't disrespect me. Pretty much

Derrick Mitchell:

the same thing.

Kylee Tabler:

Yeah. Pretty much, but, like, come on.

Colin Pearson:

What do you mean come on?

Derrick Mitchell:

You're agreeing technically with your choices.

Kylee Tabler:


Colin Pearson:

You just you just verbally agreed with all of my choices.

Derrick Mitchell:

What you're hating for no reason?

Kylee Tabler:

That's what I do.

Derrick Mitchell:

Yeah. Well, I

Eli Flikkema:

will not stand by and watch 15 Saint Peters get disrespected this.

Kylee Tabler:

I know. I Tennessee always moves me.

Derrick Mitchell:


Colin Pearson:

to I don't know what it is. The question. Do we have 2 15 seeds that make it?

Kylee Tabler:

That's the thing. Because There's a very big possibility that can happen. Chance.

Colin Pearson:

I wouldn't say very big.

Derrick Mitchell:

Yeah. Very big.

Colin Pearson:

Yep. That's a that's a bit bit much.

Kylee Tabler:

I'm still gonna say it. I think there's a there's a really, really good possibility that 2 of them can make it out. And it ain't from and it ain't from the top 2.

Eli Flikkema:


Kylee Tabler:

It ain't from the top half of the bracket.

Colin Pearson:

Yeah. I think Iowa State Marquette are both, the better teams.

Kylee Tabler:

At the at the yeah. Like, come on.

Colin Pearson:

Speaking of Iowa State, do you guys wanna hear my final 4?

Kylee Tabler:

Yes. Yes.

Colin Pearson:

Alright. I have Iowa State and Marquette in my final 4 right now.

Derrick Mitchell:

I'm not agreeing with Marquette.

Kylee Tabler:

I am also not.

Colin Pearson:

Are you guys ready for the other 2?

Kylee Tabler:

I well, you said Michigan State.

Derrick Mitchell:

Well, I don't

Colin Pearson:

wanna It is Michigan State.

Kylee Tabler:

That, I can't I'm not gonna hate on.

Colin Pearson:

And Utah State.

Kylee Tabler:

USU. That's an interesting one.

Colin Pearson:

Why is that?

Derrick Mitchell:

That is a lukewarm tip.

Colin Pearson:

I Right

Derrick Mitchell:

in the middle.

Colin Pearson:

Here's here's what I've got for you.

Derrick Mitchell:

Very lukewarm.

Kylee Tabler:

You think they're beating?

Colin Pearson:

Utah State won the Mountain West. Yeah. I think they easily beat TCU. Not not easily. I think that's going to be one of their more challenging games.

Kylee Tabler:

They beat TCU.

Colin Pearson:

Yes. They beat Assuming they beat TCU, I think they take down Purdue.

Kylee Tabler:

I agree.

Colin Pearson:

I think McNeese state will

Kylee Tabler:

Here it is.

Colin Pearson:

Here it is. I think Utah State meets McNeese State in the sweet 16 there.

Kylee Tabler:

In the sweet 16.

Derrick Mitchell:

You have them in the sweet 16.

Eli Flikkema:

Will be hand safe.

Colin Pearson:

And I will be sitting there in the stands at that game. I will buy a McNeese State shirt, and we will cheer.

Kylee Tabler:

Yes. We will cheer.

Colin Pearson:

Who's weird? I do have Utah state winning that game.

Eli Flikkema:

If we watch Utah state or McNeese win that game, we should just all get McNeese's shirt.

Kylee Tabler:

Matching ones. Yeah.

Colin Pearson:

And then I have Utah State beating Creighton in the elite 8 right now.

Derrick Mitchell:

Check the mail.

Colin Pearson:

I have Utah State beating Creighton.

Eli Flikkema:

I have not obstructed my final 4, but Creighton will be in it.

Kylee Tabler:

My guy over here.

Derrick Mitchell:

Right here.

Kylee Tabler:

Eli behind the cams. My guy. I think I think

Derrick Mitchell:

expect that completely.

Kylee Tabler:

Yeah. I think Craines can make a final 4.

Colin Pearson:

I think they can too, but I think I just have Utah state right now.

Kylee Tabler:

He's moved by McNeese in Utah state.

Derrick Mitchell:

That is the most

Colin Pearson:

I'll be honest. Craziest stuff I've ever heard of. I am definitely debating putting Creighton in instead of Utah state.

Kylee Tabler:

It I think there's one that can go either way.

Colin Pearson:

Yeah. I'm not there. I really don't have a pick for my championship game on that side yet, but I do have Iowa State winning it. There's That's my clear number 1 especially with how they just beat Houston by 30 points

Kylee Tabler:

Yeah. I know that was very convincing.

Colin Pearson:

One of the hottest teams in college basketball right now, if not the hottest. Mhmm.

Kylee Tabler:

I wish they were not on the same side as UConn. That's that's

Colin Pearson:

the thing. That's a great finals.

Kylee Tabler:

Like, are you kidding? That would

Colin Pearson:

be a great final 4. That'd be a great finals. And It's

Kylee Tabler:

just not gonna happen.

Colin Pearson:

It's gonna be in the lead 8 instead if it if it happens.

Kylee Tabler:

Because scriptwriters are against us, man.

Derrick Mitchell:

They've been listening and choosing the opposite.

Colin Pearson:

They were, like, check the net here. They're watching live right now Mhmm. And picking every single one against what we are doing. Yep.

Kylee Tabler:

They're saying they're rubbing their hands together. We're gonna

Derrick Mitchell:

roll it out.

Colin Pearson:

Virginia in the final 4.

Kylee Tabler:

Oh, don't even put that out in

Derrick Mitchell:

the world.

Kylee Tabler:

I don't want that.

Derrick Mitchell:

Take that back.

Colin Pearson:

Purdue wins the championship.

Derrick Mitchell:

Stop that. Take that

Colin Pearson:

back, Coast.

Derrick Mitchell:

Take it back, Coast. That's horrible.

Colin Pearson:

Michigan State loses by 40 of Mississippi State.

Kylee Tabler:

I'm trying. I'm trying

Derrick Mitchell:

in the club over here.

Colin Pearson:

How dare you pick

Eli Flikkema:

against the number 1 overall 9 seed?

Kylee Tabler:

Yeah. How dare you? How dare you do that

Colin Pearson:

to our

Kylee Tabler:

baby boys?

Derrick Mitchell:

If you if Michigan State loses in the 1st round, I'm gonna take it to the bar, and I'm reading.

Colin Pearson:

Alright, y'all.

Kylee Tabler:

I'm shaving my head.

Derrick Mitchell:

Derek, what's your take? Too. So alright. So I had

Colin Pearson:

Kylie's laughing. This is this is Did

Kylee Tabler:

you change your finals?

Derrick Mitchell:

I did.

Colin Pearson:

Are they both in the final 4? And Kraton. They are

Derrick Mitchell:

still in the final 4. So I have Yukon and Creighton for the championship game.

Colin Pearson:

You think the big east really has been disrespected?

Derrick Mitchell:


Kylee Tabler:

At least Creighton at the minimum.

Derrick Mitchell:

Creighton at the minimum. Yeah. I had you kinda taken on Michigan State.

Colin Pearson:

That's You know?

Derrick Mitchell:

I had them losing.

Colin Pearson:

A possibility.

Derrick Mitchell:

And none of you are gonna agree, but I had Duke playing Creighton. And

Colin Pearson:

I have Duke in my elite 8. I can see it.

Kylee Tabler:

They're not moving me, bro.

Derrick Mitchell:

You have them No. No. No. I have them. Let me let me let me just tell me what your bracket is now.

Kylee Tabler:

I have them now beating Vermont, but

Derrick Mitchell:

then I have them Good.

Colin Pearson:

That's a step forward. Hey.

Kylee Tabler:

I have them,

Colin Pearson:

Losing to James Madison? No. Wisconsin.

Kylee Tabler:

I have Wisconsin coming out

Derrick Mitchell:

of town. I had Wisconsin winning too.

Kylee Tabler:

If they keep playing the way they're they played in the big ten tournament, I think they're coming out of

Derrick Mitchell:

the game.

Colin Pearson:

If they will, though.

Derrick Mitchell:

I think they can shut down their guards very easily.

Kylee Tabler:

Hope they do. If I need Max Kledgeman to come to play.

Colin Pearson:

The consistency is what gets me. James Madison is one of the most consistent teams.

Eli Flikkema:

Of Duke.

Colin Pearson:

Yeah. But

Derrick Mitchell:

I think James Madison winning is You

Kylee Tabler:

think Duke is very possible. Duke's beating Houston?

Derrick Mitchell:

Yes. That's a crazy take, but I I clicked blue. So yes.

Colin Pearson:

I have Nebraska ball. No. I'm kidding.

Kylee Tabler:

I'll get Nebraska in my final four.

Derrick Mitchell:

I have Nebraska beat.

Colin Pearson:

No. I'm just kidding y'all.

Kylee Tabler:

I have Houston, but yeah. In Houston.

Derrick Mitchell:

Oh, okay.

Colin Pearson:

Alright. Kylie, what you got?

Kylee Tabler:

My height yeah.

Colin Pearson:

Kylie, is it Creighton? I think Is it Creighton?

Kylee Tabler:

No. They'll be in my final 4. They're I don't have them yet. Really?

Colin Pearson:

They'll be

Kylee Tabler:

in my final 4. I think it'll be Creighton.

Derrick Mitchell:

Let's hear it.

Kylee Tabler:

I can I moved by Michigan State, clearly? Now this is where it gets hard because

Derrick Mitchell:

It always gets

Kylee Tabler:

I think I

Colin Pearson:

think if Michigan State was placed anywhere else in the bracket, there would not be No. Even considered for that.

Derrick Mitchell:

Path. No.

Colin Pearson:

No. But Kylie, go for it. Sorry.

Kylee Tabler:

So I I have in my elite 8 so I'm gonna talk about the my 4 over here. I have Houston going up against Texas Tech.

Derrick Mitchell:

Bro, what?

Kylee Tabler:

So I think I'm gonna probably plug Houston in the final

Colin Pearson:

4. Okay.

Derrick Mitchell:

That was interesting.

Colin Pearson:

I like Kylie. What? I can see Houston in the final 4, but against Texas Tech.

Derrick Mitchell:

I guess

Colin Pearson:

Texas Tech is where it's

Derrick Mitchell:

getting me. I don't

Kylee Tabler:

well, I have Texas Tech beating NC State. I have Texas test Texas Tech beating Oakland, because I have Kentucky, Michigan, Oakland. That helps. Yeah. And then I have losing?

Kylee Tabler:

Yeah. And

Colin Pearson:

You got a good you got a good deal.

Derrick Mitchell:

Anybody was gonna do that, but that's cool, though.

Kylee Tabler:

Me. And then I have I'm

Derrick Mitchell:

switching because I have to.

Kylee Tabler:

My guy. Yeah. And then I have

Colin Pearson:

95% of people disagree with you on that one, Kylie, but that's That's

Kylee Tabler:

okay. I don't need to align with the massive. And then I have Texas Tech

Derrick Mitchell:

people who take take chances. Good grief. Good grief. Chances.

Colin Pearson:

You have Texas Tech beating Marquette?

Kylee Tabler:

Yeah. Marquette don't move me.

Derrick Mitchell:

Honestly, they don't either. I have them losing in the second. They don't

Colin Pearson:

move me.

Kylee Tabler:

They they moved me a little bit more than they moved Derek, but they don't move me.

Colin Pearson:

They're final four to give them to me, but whatever.

Eli Flikkema:

They're moving

Derrick Mitchell:

So to Cancun because they're gonna be out in the second half. One. My opinion. My opinion.

Eli Flikkema:

So Colin, where does Houston lose for you?

Colin Pearson:

Houston loses to Duke.

Derrick Mitchell:

They lose to Duke for me as well.

Kylee Tabler:

That's not bad.

Colin Pearson:

That's in the sweet 16.

Eli Flikkema:

I'm just saying, every time Houston has lost this season, they followed it up with, like, a 6 or 8 game winning streak where they absolutely demolished over their

Colin Pearson:

hair loss. This is true, and they did just lose.

Kylee Tabler:

So I think it's pretty fair to put them in the final 4.

Colin Pearson:

You you make a good point. You may have persuaded

Eli Flikkema:

disrespected Houston in the big 12.

Kylee Tabler:

They're out for

Eli Flikkema:

Houston scored 41 points.

Kylee Tabler:

Yeah. Okay. That was just domination.

Eli Flikkema:

Like, so not a team I wanna be playing next week.

Derrick Mitchell:

Lightly at all when they lose. No. No matter what

Kylee Tabler:

happens, it's a great thing.

Derrick Mitchell:

Yeah. It's great.

Kylee Tabler:

But Yeah.

Derrick Mitchell:

They're just take it to an extreme,

Kylee Tabler:

and it's a

Colin Pearson:

little more scary. Yeah. I might have Houston over Duke now that you've mentioned that. I still have Marquette. Final 4.

Colin Pearson:

Yeah. Well,

Kylee Tabler:

he died. Am so torn between Yukon and Iowa State because of Iowa State's, like, recent performances. Like but Yukon has been so consistent all this year. Who are their 3 losses?

Colin Pearson:

What's this? Good teams.

Kylee Tabler:


Colin Pearson:

Krayton and, like, 2 others.

Kylee Tabler:

Hey. Creighton's a tournament, Tammy.

Derrick Mitchell:

Creighton's a tournament. Creighton's a final ball. Yes.

Colin Pearson:

I'm looking it up. I don't

Kylee Tabler:

hear nothing.

Derrick Mitchell:

Championship. I wanna hear it.

Kylee Tabler:

I don't hear nothing about Creighton.

Colin Pearson:


Derrick Mitchell:

You have

Kylee Tabler:

big east tournament.

Derrick Mitchell:

This is my this is the worst thing I've actually ever made in the history of the Rockets.

Colin Pearson:

Yukon has also lost to you ready for this? Seaton Hall Okay. Kansas.

Kylee Tabler:

Well, you say Kansas is a. Bet. No.

Colin Pearson:

I said Kansas is a bet. No. I kinda forgot that they lost to Kansas. I was thinking it was someone like Butler. Not bad either.

Colin Pearson:

Yeah. I was thinking it was someone like Butler or Xavier.

Eli Flikkema:

They also lost to Seton Hall in December.

Kylee Tabler:

Yeah. Yeah. That's a lot.

Colin Pearson:

That was and Kansas was before that.

Kylee Tabler:

So what are Iowa State's losses? They've lost 2. Houston once.

Colin Pearson:

But also beat them.

Kylee Tabler:

Also beat them.

Eli Flikkema:

They've beat Houston twice. Twice.

Derrick Mitchell:


Kylee Tabler:

I don't know. That's where that's all I know. That's where I stopped.

Derrick Mitchell:

That's where I cut the line.

Kylee Tabler:

I'm dead.

Colin Pearson:

They lost to Kansas State.

Derrick Mitchell:

Why do their team from last year lost?

Eli Flikkema:

November, they lost to Virginia Tech.

Kylee Tabler:

Let's go.

Colin Pearson:

They have lost to Baylor

Kylee Tabler:

a while ago.

Colin Pearson:

And BYU both Baylor, BYU, both teams.

Kylee Tabler:

Tournament teams.

Derrick Mitchell:

I'm not

Colin Pearson:

they lost one to Oklahoma.

Eli Flikkema:

And they lost one to Texas A&M also in November.

Colin Pearson:

Aggies. But all of these Aggies. For the most part are tournament teams.

Kylee Tabler:


Colin Pearson:

Yeah. You know?

Derrick Mitchell:

So I

Kylee Tabler:

think this I

Eli Flikkema:

don't know.

Kylee Tabler:

Pretty comparable here.

Derrick Mitchell:

For sure.

Kylee Tabler:

I don't know.

Colin Pearson:

I don't know, man.

Kylee Tabler:

Probably gonna change. I'll go with Yukon for now. I'm gonna let I'm a let my father move me here and give it give Yukon a shot. It's gonna just gonna be a great game. Like, are you kidding me?

Kylee Tabler:

That's me.

Colin Pearson:

That that would be league game. A phenomenal game. So

Kylee Tabler:

Yeah. Yeah.

Colin Pearson:

Alright. Kylie, what are your other 2? Michigan State and

Kylee Tabler:

And Creighton. Michigan.

Colin Pearson:

And Yeah. Let's just kinda reveal that one. They can

Derrick Mitchell:

make it.

Kylee Tabler:

Fangirls over here. We are fangirls. I really don't wanna put

Colin Pearson:

them in my final 4. 4. It's hard.

Kylee Tabler:

Because I don't I don't want it to meow.

Colin Pearson:

I really don't want I don't want it. But I the more I look at it, the more I'm like

Kylee Tabler:

You got it.

Colin Pearson:

Beat North Carolina, there's

Kylee Tabler:

It it's Yeah. They've got it.

Colin Pearson:

I don't think Arizona is making it that far. Nope. Not far enough to Round of 64. It's the

Derrick Mitchell:

path it's the path that's most important.

Colin Pearson:

Think they're making I think I think they're long being state.

Kylee Tabler:

But Has it in us?

Derrick Mitchell:

What is wrong with you? I'm kidding. No. I'm not.

Kylee Tabler:

They lost you at 50 last year, man.

Colin Pearson:

Yeah. But it wasn't to

Derrick Mitchell:

Long Beach state. To Long Beach

Kylee Tabler:

I don't care.

Colin Pearson:

Should've been, like, a 12 c last year.

Derrick Mitchell:

Exactly. They were disrespecting

Colin Pearson:

last year.

Derrick Mitchell:

Disrespect. Dude, I don't care, man.

Colin Pearson:

Long Beach State probably deserves They were 10 and 10 in the conference. Yep.

Derrick Mitchell:

I think they deserve where they're at now.

Kylee Tabler:

Listen. They've fallen apart. Arizona is not cooking.

Derrick Mitchell:

What is Long Beach State?

Colin Pearson:

Suit yourself, ma'am.

Derrick Mitchell:

Yeah. Prove the haters wrong, which

Colin Pearson:

is us.

Kylee Tabler:

All the time.

Colin Pearson:

Y'all wanna take a quick 15 minute break and then get to the women's side? Sure.

Kylee Tabler:


Colin Pearson:

Alright. Eli, we good on that? Yep.

Eli Flikkema:

We will be right back.

Kylee Tabler:

Bye, friends.

Derrick Mitchell:

Adios. Goodbye.

Colin Pearson:

Alright. I think we're back.

Kylee Tabler:


Colin Pearson:

Welcome back, everyone. Welcome back. Welcome back.

Kylee Tabler:

We're back, department. I'd like to file a claim.

Colin Pearson:

Yeah, Kylie. What's that claim? We're we're starting off

Kylee Tabler:

hot. Alright. Back.

Derrick Mitchell:


Colin Pearson:

Kylie, what's the claim? Sorry about that.

Kylee Tabler:

The claim is South Carolina's winning the whole thing.

Colin Pearson:

Oh, gosh. That's a terrible claim.

Kylee Tabler:

Wow. That's that's rude.

Colin Pearson:

No. I get it. They're undefeated, but, like, they're not gonna stay that way.

Eli Flikkema:

I would like to inform Kylie that her claim is insured, her premium is covered, and she is

Kylee Tabler:

correct. Yep. Yep. See, I'm gonna support here. I'm not the only one.

Derrick Mitchell:

Covered. I'm supporting because of who is in my championship. That's the

Kylee Tabler:

reason why. See? It's only Colin who's not moved by any.

Colin Pearson:

I'm not.

Kylee Tabler:

He's not moved by South Carolina or Dawn Staley.

Derrick Mitchell:

Colin's not moved by anything.

Colin Pearson:

I'm moved by Dawn Staley. I'm not moved by her very, very young team.

Kylee Tabler:


Colin Pearson:

I so?

Kylee Tabler:

They they made the

Colin Pearson:

they made the final four national

Kylee Tabler:

championship when the last group of seniors were freshmen as well.

Colin Pearson:

Yep. Yep. Okay. Okay. Yeah.

Colin Pearson:

You you make a point. You make a point.

Kylee Tabler:

Girl Ziya Cook was playing. I My hometown girl.

Colin Pearson:

I picked Notre Dame over them. She know you.

Kylee Tabler:

Nope. She, we never played.

Colin Pearson:

W Blaze. Oh.

Kylee Tabler:

I mean, real.

Derrick Mitchell:

I'm kidding. Yeah.

Kylee Tabler:

No. We never played, but I got you know? Gotta support. Gotta support.

Derrick Mitchell:

Yes. You do. Mhmm. Support the GOATs.

Kylee Tabler:

So, yes, I I have South Carolina winning it all. Alright. Staley will always move me. I don't care if they're really, really bad. I will pick them all the way anytime.

Derrick Mitchell:

Suit yourself. Suit yourself 7,000,000 and 5 times, so I understand your take on that. You haven't switched up?

Kylee Tabler:

Never will. I'm loyal to her and only her. Any other basketball team? Uh-uh.

Derrick Mitchell:

A person that doesn't know you. You are loyal to the I mean, I'm loyal

Colin Pearson:

to the boys. How about the, the team that they have a 5050 chance of playing the next round? Are you loyal to them, the Michigan State Spartans?

Kylee Tabler:

I absolutely love this team, and I love Robin.

Derrick Mitchell:

Shout out, Mojo.

Kylee Tabler:

My girl, Robin

Colin Pearson:

Frey, like, she's lay.

Kylee Tabler:

However, Camila Cardoso's back for that game. And,

Derrick Mitchell:

Even past that.

Colin Pearson:

It's just like, I

Derrick Mitchell:

no disrespect to Michigan State. I love it all.

Kylee Tabler:

No. They're so fun to watch. Their defense is solid. I love watching them play.

Derrick Mitchell:

When they go on go out transition,

Colin Pearson:

it's it's it's wraps, but

Derrick Mitchell:

it's this is this is South Carolina where

Kylee Tabler:

we are now. League.

Colin Pearson:

Alright. So

Kylee Tabler:


Colin Pearson:

Hot take. I'm taking Presbyterian over South Carolina. I'm done.

Derrick Mitchell:

Alright. Alright. Alright. Alright. Starting off so cold.

Derrick Mitchell:

So hot on the men's side, cold as can be on

Colin Pearson:

the women's side. So we all know there

Derrick Mitchell:


Colin Pearson:

less upsets on the women's side. That's just usually how it goes. Mhmm.

Eli Flikkema:

So let's start with a quick overview of your 4 one seeds.

Colin Pearson:

That's that's a good

Kylee Tabler:

smart I

Colin Pearson:

like that.

Kylee Tabler:

Predicted all 4 of them. I'm gonna put that out there right now.

Colin Pearson:

Oh, yeah. Yeah.

Derrick Mitchell:

I knew you were gonna start with that.

Kylee Tabler:

Yep. I gotta flex how how smart I am.

Colin Pearson:

Kylie, go for it. Miss Yappington. Yeah. Because I'd like to hear your reason for Texas.

Eli Flikkema:

Break them down, girl.

Kylee Tabler:

They won the big twelve tournament. I told you that's exactly what's gonna happen.

Colin Pearson:

I I know you said that. Yeah.

Derrick Mitchell:


Kylee Tabler:

Correct. I'm not saying that I agree with it. I'm saying that I knew it was gonna happen, and I predicted it.

Colin Pearson:

The Kylie has people on the committee that she knows. She's texting them.

Derrick Mitchell:

She's texting them right now.

Kylee Tabler:

Have an in with a committee.

Colin Pearson:

She's like, hey. I picked this, so you have to pick that.

Derrick Mitchell:

The committee texting her. Just letting y'all know. Mhmm. Be I'm being transparent with everyone. That is the committee.

Colin Pearson:

Definitely not her family.

Derrick Mitchell:

Definitely not her family or Yik Yak.

Kylee Tabler:

Yik Yak. Yik Yak.

Colin Pearson:

Oh, wow. And

Kylee Tabler:

I love Yik Yak. Anyways, I

Derrick Mitchell:

don't even know what that is.

Kylee Tabler:

Sponsor me. Yik Yak, please.

Derrick Mitchell:

What is Yik Yak?

Kylee Tabler:

It's like an anonymous, like, where you can post anonymously like, a forum. It's so funny.

Colin Pearson:

On a forum?

Kylee Tabler:

It's Michigan State's forum. So people from Michigan State post on it.

Derrick Mitchell:

Yeah. Open it. I don't

Colin Pearson:

have Yik Yak either, Derek. Yeah. I don't know.

Derrick Mitchell:

I just don't seem I don't know.

Kylee Tabler:

He's not moved by Yik Yak. It's fine.

Colin Pearson:

I'm not a

Derrick Mitchell:

Reddit Yik Yak type of

Kylee Tabler:

Oh, I'm not on Reddit.

Derrick Mitchell:

Well, I'm not saying I'm not a forum type of person.

Kylee Tabler:

I haven't been on here in a while. So anyway, clearly, South Carolina is our number one overall

Derrick Mitchell:


Kylee Tabler:

Overall seed. Obviously, I have no service.

Derrick Mitchell:

I'll show

Kylee Tabler:

you a jack later. South Carolina is our number one overall seed. Yep. No one can dispute that.

Derrick Mitchell:

I beat.

Kylee Tabler:

Like the the undefeated team in that.

Colin Pearson:

If you if you stuck South Carolina 2 seed, there'd be revolts.

Kylee Tabler:

I would revolt. I would be at and every member of the committee's house. Like, I would be petitioning outside.

Derrick Mitchell:

This is why that might be taken as a threat. The FBI might be on your doorstep. Not

Colin Pearson:

Nah. It didn't happen?

Kylee Tabler:

It didn't happen.

Derrick Mitchell:

Didn't happen

Colin Pearson:

if it's not a threat? Another one that might have caused some riots, Iowa.

Kylee Tabler:

I mean, they won the big 10 tournament.

Derrick Mitchell:

I don't know what else you could say about that that's bad and why they shouldn't be at 1.

Colin Pearson:

Like, they deserve the 1.

Kylee Tabler:

Winner of the big 10 tournament, like

Derrick Mitchell:

That's true.

Kylee Tabler:

Between Ohio State. Iowa, Ohio State, and potentially Indiana. Even Yep. Nebraska. Indiana was kinda big ten

Derrick Mitchell:

tournament, should be higher than a 6.

Kylee Tabler:

Yeah. Case they made of how well they played in the big ten tournament, should be higher than a 6. Yep. But that's just in

Derrick Mitchell:


Colin Pearson:

But that's just in the tournament because they didn't have a amazing, amazing season. I They did. See them as

Kylee Tabler:

a good season.

Colin Pearson:

A good season, not a great season.

Derrick Mitchell:

That's what I'm saying.

Colin Pearson:

There's a lot of great teams out there. You can't tell me the Pac 12 is not deserving of

Kylee Tabler:

No. No.

Colin Pearson:

No. No. I'm not

Kylee Tabler:

saying that.

Derrick Mitchell:

Of the spots that they got. Yeah.

Kylee Tabler:

Yeah. No. No. No.

Colin Pearson:

Alright. So South Carolina, Iowa, Texas. Speaking of Pac 12, USC. Yeah.

Kylee Tabler:

They won the tournament. Yep. So, yeah, I mean

Colin Pearson:

I mean

Derrick Mitchell:

We've had 3 of those, and they're all they're

Kylee Tabler:

all They're all there.

Derrick Mitchell:

They're alright.

Kylee Tabler:

All 4 of these teams won their conference tournaments.

Colin Pearson:

In that The women's side does not have as many upsets. We all know that. Yep. Usually. I shouldn't say that.

Colin Pearson:

It is

Kylee Tabler:

it's the March tournament saw upsets for the women's side. Big ones.

Colin Pearson:

It's March, you know. You never know what's gonna happen. I've picked out a few of them on my bracket. I don't know what I always pick out a few.

Kylee Tabler:

Let's talk about Colin Love and his 12 seeds again.

Colin Pearson:

No. Actually, you should talk

Kylee Tabler:

about that. You took that back?

Colin Pearson:

Yeah. I did. Woah.

Kylee Tabler:

It's because we heckled you.

Colin Pearson:

Yeah. You know how many 12 seeds I picked, guys?

Kylee Tabler:

How many?

Colin Pearson:

0. Woah. You know how many 13 seeds I picked, guys?

Kylee Tabler:

How many 13 seeds you picked?

Derrick Mitchell:

Oh, no. Oh, no. No. I'm

Colin Pearson:

just kidding. He went down 1, and then You have 4?

Derrick Mitchell:

Just kidding. Just No.

Colin Pearson:

No. I picked 1 13 seed. Which one?

Kylee Tabler:

Out of 10th year.

Colin Pearson:

I picked Marshall.

Kylee Tabler:

That's not a bad one, especially with Virginia Tech's best player being out.

Colin Pearson:

Virginia Tech's best player's out, and Marshall

Kylee Tabler:


Colin Pearson:

Is a really, really good team. That's very lukewarm on frankly, you know, they've dominated the Sunbelt all year. They've got some of the top players in the country. They they can beat Virginia Tech. They're gonna have to fight for it.

Derrick Mitchell:

Oh, yeah.

Colin Pearson:

But with Virginia Tech's top player out, that helps a lot.

Kylee Tabler:

Oh, yeah.

Derrick Mitchell:

Yes. It does.

Kylee Tabler:

That's that's a very fair I think out of all of the upsets you could pick for that, that's, like, the most probable.

Colin Pearson:


Derrick Mitchell:


Colin Pearson:

Like, I don't see UC Irvine beating Gonzaga. Nope. Or, like, I Fairfield and Indiana could be an interesting one. I think

Kylee Tabler:

with a I think a healthy Indiana takes it easy. Yeah. Maybe not easy, but takes it.

Derrick Mitchell:

But Jackson State versus

Kylee Tabler:

I believe they are healthy.

Colin Pearson:

Fairfield does only have one loss all season. What? And some of the best defense in the country.

Kylee Tabler:

That's like, who have they played?

Colin Pearson:

Yep. That's that's that.

Derrick Mitchell:

That is the question I was

Kylee Tabler:

waiting for. Fairfield, I love you. I love you with all my being. However, I'm going

Derrick Mitchell:

to the question. Yeah. Who who have you played?

Kylee Tabler:


Colin Pearson:

And, not not many people, frankly.

Kylee Tabler:


Colin Pearson:


Kylee Tabler:


Derrick Mitchell:

Don't do that. But Yeah.

Colin Pearson:

Their their Agreed. Their only power 5 team that they played, they lost by 3 points. It was to Vanderbilt, who is a tournament team.

Kylee Tabler:

Oh, they're a okay.

Colin Pearson:

Ranked at the time, But that's that's about it.

Kylee Tabler:


Colin Pearson:

So and Vandy is a 12

Kylee Tabler:

In a play in.

Colin Pearson:

In a play in game. So it was a 3 point game. It was very early in the season. I think it was, like, their 2nd or 3rd game. So who knows?

Colin Pearson:

I do still have Indiana over them because Indiana is

Kylee Tabler:


Colin Pearson:

That good. Yes. I think if Fairfield had gotten Kansas State, I think they could've beat him. But, yeah, that's what I've got.

Eli Flikkema:

Fairfield beat Rutgers.

Kylee Tabler:

Rutgers is sorry, guys. Rutgers is Garbo.

Derrick Mitchell:

It's got awful.

Kylee Tabler:

Yeah. Just like

Derrick Mitchell:

so I got a But

Eli Flikkema:

Rutgers is a

Colin Pearson:

power fighter. Oh, I did

Kylee Tabler:

sorry. I must have missed that one.

Derrick Mitchell:

Year no. Like, this year

Eli Flikkema:

specifically just Oh, man. Fairfield also defeated the Saint

Derrick Mitchell:

John's women.

Colin Pearson:

That's that's a more interesting one. Yes. Mhmm. You see, I just completely missed

Kylee Tabler:

Call Gary.

Colin Pearson:

Of those. I see them now. Yeah. They they smoked Rutgers. Disrespectful.

Colin Pearson:

Yeah. 24 points.

Kylee Tabler:

Yeah. That tracks.

Derrick Mitchell:

That tracks. Yeah.

Colin Pearson:

Yeah. That's really interesting. Okay.

Kylee Tabler:

It still does not move me. No. Indiana on top.

Derrick Mitchell:

Same spot. Same spot.

Colin Pearson:

Kylie, did you pick any upsets

Kylee Tabler:

in that first hold up.

Colin Pearson:

1st round?

Kylee Tabler:

I mean, if you consider Michigan State over North Carolina, yes. I mean,

Colin Pearson:

a 9 over an 8. I don't

Kylee Tabler:

let me see.

Derrick Mitchell:

You got

Colin Pearson:

a question

Derrick Mitchell:

state over South Carolina?

Kylee Tabler:

No. I told you who's winning. I have Middle Tennessee over Louisville.

Colin Pearson:

That's an interesting pick.

Kylee Tabler:

Just because as of, like, me watching Louisville, they are very hot and cold on their play.

Colin Pearson:

Yep. So I will say I also picked them. Whoo. They have a very similar offensive, like, amount of points per game.

Kylee Tabler:


Colin Pearson:

And the big difference is that Middle Tennessee's defense is way better.

Kylee Tabler:

Yeah. Yeah.

Colin Pearson:

They're holding opponents to 54 points a game. That's Like Nice. I get it that their opponents are not the same level as the ACC, but the ACC is on a down year of sorts. Yeah.

Kylee Tabler:


Colin Pearson:

So that I I also picked Mill Tennessee. I think they're losing to LSU the next round. I don't.

Kylee Tabler:

Well, yeah.

Colin Pearson:

Yeah. It's LSU.

Kylee Tabler:

Right. I have UNLV beating Creighton, which

Colin Pearson:

I also have that. Columnist too. Yep. I have UNLV in my elite 8 right now, and I'm going to chain I take that back. I'm keeping it.

Colin Pearson:

No. Sorry. No. UNLV, I have in my sweet 16. Sorry.

Colin Pearson:

I just completely misread my bracket. I have LSU beating them.

Kylee Tabler:

That's interesting.

Derrick Mitchell:

I That is interesting. You

Colin Pearson:

I think they beat UCLA.

Kylee Tabler:

Interesting. I don't know about that. But, I mean, it's worth considering.

Derrick Mitchell:

You too. So but I don't know.

Kylee Tabler:

It's it's worth considering.

Colin Pearson:

So UCLA, I feel like, just isn't going to be expecting that.

Kylee Tabler:


Colin Pearson:

And UNLV has 2 losses all season. You know? They've been ranked

Derrick Mitchell:


Colin Pearson:

And they've been playing well.

Kylee Tabler:


Colin Pearson:

Pretty well dominant over everyone else. So there's there's where that is. They score more points per game, and they hold opponents to less points per game. That's kind of the statistics I'm going off of. Mhmm.

Colin Pearson:

UCLA has also lost 2 of their last games, both to highly ranked teams. 1 in a double overtime match, 1 by 2 points, but they haven't exactly, you know, held some of the bottom of the Pac 12 teams to

Derrick Mitchell:


Colin Pearson:

lot of points. Mhmm. You know? Yeah. The 5345 win over Colorado is not exactly convincing to me.

Kylee Tabler:

That's fair.

Derrick Mitchell:

I have to

Colin Pearson:

give you that.

Derrick Mitchell:

Yeah. You know?

Kylee Tabler:

The stats have

Colin Pearson:

The 6658 win over Arizona, not Yeah. Not feeling that one. You know?

Kylee Tabler:

The play in team. Yeah. I would say the stats have, UCLA 83% for UNFI.

Colin Pearson:

No. That's how many people pick them.

Kylee Tabler:

Oh, I thought it was the the stats. Maybe I'm

Colin Pearson:

No. That's users picking.

Kylee Tabler:


Colin Pearson:

And, of course, in the women's side, most people are going to pick the higher seed. That's just

Kylee Tabler:

A given. Colin, however, does not believe in that.

Colin Pearson:

I don't.

Derrick Mitchell:

I Colin's gonna do his thing.

Colin Pearson:

Mhmm. Yeah.

Kylee Tabler:

And it might work?

Derrick Mitchell:

And it might work.

Colin Pearson:

So It

Kylee Tabler:

might not.

Colin Pearson:

My dad my dad asked, who is Kylie picking to win at all? Hashtag curse of Kylie.

Kylee Tabler:

Don't don't don't don't

Derrick Mitchell:

don't don't don't don't don't don't don't don't

Colin Pearson:

don't don't

Derrick Mitchell:

don't don't don't don't don't don't don't don't don't don't don't don't don't don't don't don't

Colin Pearson:

don't don't don't don't don't

Derrick Mitchell:

don't don't

Colin Pearson:

don't don't. Bring it up when South Carolina's in the in the conversation here.

Derrick Mitchell:

That's a beautiful that's a beautiful thing to say.

Colin Pearson:

You know? I really I really do.

Derrick Mitchell:

Who I think is winning.

Colin Pearson:

I this is you know, I picked Notre Dame over South Carolina, and, frankly, I might pick Indiana over South Carolina.

Derrick Mitchell:

Colin, give me depths.

Colin Pearson:

You know? At this rate, you know, with Kylie's record now granted, she has gotten better

Kylee Tabler:

My record is significant.

Derrick Mitchell:

Second half year. She's gotten significantly better. 52

Colin Pearson:

now. Something like that.

Derrick Mitchell:

Yeah. It's better than 0. It's it's better than 0. The streak has been broken.

Kylee Tabler:

Every time I've

Colin Pearson:

The streak was broken.

Kylee Tabler:

Every every time I've ever said that I'm picking South Carolina in a game this year stop it. Don't even bring it up. Every time I talked about, South Carolina winning this year, and you guys have been like, nah. Nah. Nah.

Kylee Tabler:

Nah. Nah. Nah. Nah. Nah.

Kylee Tabler:

Nah. Nah. They won. So I

Derrick Mitchell:

think They are undefeated. That helps.

Colin Pearson:

That's very true. That was

Derrick Mitchell:

a tough

Kylee Tabler:

for every other team except for this one.

Derrick Mitchell:

Oh, no.

Colin Pearson:

Can we can we talk about some of their closer games? Like, you said they were going to what was that? Against Tennessee? Smoke them. I don't think I say that.

Colin Pearson:

I believe you did. I believe

Derrick Mitchell:

you did.

Colin Pearson:

And it was a one point game?

Kylee Tabler:

Oh, yeah. The buzzer beater.

Derrick Mitchell:

Mhmm. That's that's smoking for sure.

Kylee Tabler:

All I'm gonna say is now we know okay. Hater. All all we know now is that South Carolina can win games in crunch time when they're, like, down or struggling. That's all I know. They can overcome an obstacle.

Colin Pearson:

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Kylee Tabler:

And they came out and beat LSU the next game.

Derrick Mitchell:

Obstacle's small.

Colin Pearson:

Also a close game.

Kylee Tabler:

Well, I'm not it was a which is fine because it's LSU and South Carolina, both very good teams.

Colin Pearson:

So A few weeks ago, I will say they smoked Yukon, like, like, 80365.

Kylee Tabler:

And Colin was like, nah. It ain't happening.

Colin Pearson:

I picked UConn in that one.

Derrick Mitchell:

Alright. Then no.

Colin Pearson:

No. No. No. No. We don't have to talk about that.

Colin Pearson:

Back to the curse of Kylie here.

Kylee Tabler:

You picked LSU.

Derrick Mitchell:

I'm I love how you flipped the script. How to quit by the cow.

Kylee Tabler:

Gotta gotta get

Colin Pearson:

Oh, no. Oh, no. Who's the real curse here? Is that

Kylee Tabler:

Hey. I I'm not I'm just probably still cursed on the men's side. Let's be for real here. I am

Colin Pearson:

On the men's side, there's no question.

Derrick Mitchell:

Win the Michigan State season.

Kylee Tabler:

I definitely did.

Colin Pearson:

And Toledo's For that matter.

Derrick Mitchell:

Oh, well

Kylee Tabler:

They ruined their own season.

Derrick Mitchell:

Season was gonna be ruined regardless of Kylie picking them or not, but you probably had maybe 2% of something to do with it. Yeah.

Colin Pearson:

Yeah. Kylie, I see a pattern here with you cheering for Toledo and them losing.

Derrick Mitchell:

So maybe you should stop.

Derrick Mitchell:

Last, like, 5 ish years, 10 ish years. You know? 20? How old are you?

Derrick Mitchell:

How rare Your entire existence?

Kylee Tabler:

Probably my

Kylee Tabler:

entire existence.

Derrick Mitchell:

Grain on this Earth. So next year

Kylee Tabler:

My whole 20 years old and

Derrick Mitchell:

do our first predictions for the season, and you better not choose Toledo for anything. And we'll see how it happens.

Kylee Tabler:

Guys, I can't.

Colin Pearson:

There you go. Rudy against Toledo.

Derrick Mitchell:

Rudy against Toledo and pick anyone else.

Kylee Tabler:

I'll pick BG. My sister will be there actively next year.

Colin Pearson:

There you go. Yeah. There you go.

Derrick Mitchell:

You have an active inside.

Kylee Tabler:

Kirsty, bowling green

Colin Pearson:

And Kylie instead. Kylie, if Toledo makes the tournament next year

Kylee Tabler:

I will never

Colin Pearson:

ever have your fault.

Kylee Tabler:

Root for them again. I will burn all of my Toledo stuff I have at home.

Derrick Mitchell:

And you have to do that

Kylee Tabler:

Live. Live.

Derrick Mitchell:

Yep. I wasn't gonna say that, but you did.

Colin Pearson:

I'll do it live.

Kylee Tabler:

It'll be a video. I'll do it.

Colin Pearson:

It's fine.

Derrick Mitchell:

Just I was making a GIF.

Kylee Tabler:

Another GIF.

Derrick Mitchell:

We need this.

Colin Pearson:

Is he so funny. I hope you guys saw that on the Facebook or the We're making it again. You know? I did post it with this, with the announcement for this Yeah. Live show.

Colin Pearson:

It was great. I have one other big upset that I picked. I have a few other small upsets, you know? Okay. But the the big one I picked was Green Bay over Tennessee.

Kylee Tabler:

I have that.

Colin Pearson:

That's nice. Also pick that? Yeah. Okay.

Kylee Tabler:

I am debating between Green Bay. I'm debating on Green Bay over NC State as well.

Colin Pearson:

That's Okay. I have NC State in my final 4.

Kylee Tabler:

So Interesting.

Derrick Mitchell:


Kylee Tabler:

A rematch of the championship?

Colin Pearson:

NC State, Notre Dame. Yep.

Kylee Tabler:

Interesting. Okay.

Colin Pearson:

And I have Iowa, Ohio State, actually, on the other side.

Kylee Tabler:

That that's

Colin Pearson:

I don't

Kylee Tabler:

know if all that's gonna happen either, but

Derrick Mitchell:

That's pretty funny. Look. I stopped that.

Colin Pearson:

Scripted That's the script.

Kylee Tabler:

If it's scripted, it's South Carolina, Iowa.

Derrick Mitchell:

Talking to the committee, but I'm not. Alright.

Kylee Tabler:

We got ends over here.

Colin Pearson:

Yeah. Derek, you

Derrick Mitchell:

would Get

Colin Pearson:

get the program, Derek.

Kylee Tabler:

Get the program.

Derrick Mitchell:

No. Slide the digits. I wanna talk to the committee, man.

Colin Pearson:

But, yeah, I have Green Bay. Frankly, they should not be in 11th seed. They should be higher than that.

Kylee Tabler:


Colin Pearson:


Kylee Tabler:

And Tennessee, I don't think, has had a great showing this year.

Colin Pearson:

Really? They haven't? And they've kinda

Kylee Tabler:

like succeed?

Colin Pearson:

I don't remember what they've done in their last few games.

Kylee Tabler:

Lost on a buzzer beater.

Colin Pearson:

Yeah. Well yeah.

Kylee Tabler:

Why would nobody guard someone with the ball?

Derrick Mitchell:

Like, that is honestly

Kylee Tabler:

She had so much room. I know she doesn't shoot, but my

Colin Pearson:

goodness. It's so goddamn good. They gave

Derrick Mitchell:

you that to guard the person. Mhmm. Yeah. They teach you that in

Kylee Tabler:

basketball 1 1.

Derrick Mitchell:

If somebody has the ball with the last seconds, they kept the possibility to make the shot guard.

Colin Pearson:

Yes. So here's the thing with Tennessee. They've lost, like, one in every 3 games for the last, like, 2 months. Just made me mad at the foot. You know, they lost they lost to South Carolina twice in the last 2 weeks.

Kylee Tabler:

Yeah. My team cooking.

Colin Pearson:

And then 2 games before that, they lost to LSU. Cooking. 2 games before that, they lost to South Carolina again. 2 games before that, it's

Kylee Tabler:

a Carolina again. Last stretch.

Colin Pearson:

2 games before that was Alabama. 3 games before that was Ole Miss. Oh. 2 games or 3 games before that was Texas A&M. You know, they they've been losing, like, once every few games.

Colin Pearson:

And, I get it. They just lost to South Carolina. But, like

Kylee Tabler:

It's still not promising.

Colin Pearson:

That's not exactly where you wanna be at the end of your season. No. Yes. Especially going up against a team with a strategy you haven't seen

Kylee Tabler:


Colin Pearson:

Right. Because Green Bay definitely plays a different style of basketball than the

Derrick Mitchell:

SCC. Mhmm.

Colin Pearson:

They play a lot more defense and a lot more, a lot less physical on offense.

Derrick Mitchell:


Colin Pearson:

You know? They play very physical defense and a lot less physical on offense. And I don't think Tennessee is quite ready for that, and I think it might cut catch them off guard.

Kylee Tabler:

Yeah. Yeah. I I can I completely I can agree with that?

Colin Pearson:

So yeah. I'd also like to comment record versus top 25. Tennessee is 1 and 8. Green Bay is 2 and o. Let's go.

Colin Pearson:

The fact that Green Bay played 2 top 25 teams and beat them both is still weird to me.

Kylee Tabler:

Well, one of them was Iowa.

Colin Pearson:


Kylee Tabler:

The great state of Iowa. Yeah.

Colin Pearson:

State. So The whole state.

Derrick Mitchell:

Uh-uh. Yeah. The whole state.

Colin Pearson:

Eli's over here just, like, grinning from ear to ear.

Kylee Tabler:

Eli, do you have

Colin Pearson:

Iowa winning at all? Iowa. He said no.

Derrick Mitchell:

Of Iowa's winning at all?

Kylee Tabler:

Any of the Iowa?

Colin Pearson:

Eli, who do you have right now in your head?

Eli Flikkema:

Gut reaction to this bracket. I kinda like Ohio State.

Kylee Tabler:

That's not bad.

Colin Pearson:

That that's not a bad pick. I actually like it. That's that's a really that's a solid pick.

Kylee Tabler:

Ohio State, Yukon's gonna be a great game.

Derrick Mitchell:

That's gonna be just

Colin Pearson:

if if that happens

Kylee Tabler:

Unless you're accused of beating Yukon, which there is honestly in my eyes of 5050 chance.

Colin Pearson:

Truly. Yeah.

Kylee Tabler:

That's a coin flip.

Colin Pearson:

Yeah. It is. And that's a sweet 16 matchup. That's a really weird sweet 16 matchup. But a fun one.

Colin Pearson:

It's a fun one, though.

Kylee Tabler:

Super fun

Colin Pearson:


Kylee Tabler:

I yeah. I'm picking honestly, though, I'm also picking Bretchman over Duke.

Colin Pearson:


Kylee Tabler:

Yep. Go Spiders.

Colin Pearson:

Okay. That's that's definitely not the pick I would've made. Yeah. ACC is stronger than you know, a 10 in the women's side.

Kylee Tabler:

But Duke does not move me.

Colin Pearson:

Well, I suppose.

Kylee Tabler:

On and by any stretch of the imagination. But I really have been impressed with them all year. So it's like

Colin Pearson:

Yep. Yep. I don't know. That that's a tough one because

Kylee Tabler:

It'll be interesting. I think, honestly, I think the 10 seeds are solid.

Colin Pearson:

The 10 seeds are solid.

Kylee Tabler:

Do I have them all upset?

Colin Pearson:

I have Maryland winning. I have UNLV winning. I do not have Marquette or

Kylee Tabler:

Do not Yeah. The only one I don't have is Marquette winning. I have every other 10 seed winning.

Derrick Mitchell:

No. I don't have Marquette winning either.

Eli Flikkema:

Creighton does not move me as a 7 seed. Green Bay Green Bay beat Creighton when they were ranked.

Colin Pearson:

That's one of

Eli Flikkema:

their ranked wins. Yep.

Kylee Tabler:

Oh, yeah. I remember that.

Colin Pearson:

That is one of their ranked wins.

Kylee Tabler:


Colin Pearson:

Yeah. Who was their other one? Hold on. I'm looking back now because I'm very curious.

Kylee Tabler:

Green Bay? Their other rain went Iowa.

Colin Pearson:

Oh, yeah. It was Iowa.

Eli Flikkema:

Green Bay also lost to UNI. So

Colin Pearson:

They also, beat Washington state, another tournament team.

Kylee Tabler:

Oh. Okay. That's nice.

Colin Pearson:

So that's an interesting one to take a look at. Green Bay did not beat Iowa. I don't

Kylee Tabler:

think they did. Maybe I'm tripping.

Colin Pearson:

No. You're No. You're tripping. I'm 1. Kansas state.

Colin Pearson:

Kansas state

Eli Flikkema:

made Green Bay ranked win over then 23rd ranked Creighton. Yeah.

Colin Pearson:

I think Washington state may have been ranked at the time as well. Ah. Back in November because the Pac 12, almost every team was ranked at that point. Yep.

Kylee Tabler:

Just put them all in there.

Derrick Mitchell:

Just don't

Kylee Tabler:

Shove them all in the top 25. They're fine.

Colin Pearson:

Pretty much. I think that's what happened. But, you know, they're taking down teams by quite a few points.

Kylee Tabler:


Colin Pearson:

Yeah. They are pretty consistently around that, like, 70 to 90 points on offense and holding everyone to somewhere around that 40 to 60 on defense. Yeah. Like, that is that's impressive even against some of the top teams. Their losses have come to, like, DePaul and Maryland

Derrick Mitchell:


Colin Pearson:

And Yikes. Milwaukee, actually.

Kylee Tabler:

Okay. So I'm Milwaukee.

Colin Pearson:

They lost on March 2. And then they came out and just smoked everyone in their tournament. But

Kylee Tabler:

As they should. As they should.

Eli Flikkema:

Is Milwaukee a tournament team?

Colin Pearson:

No. No. No. Very much not.

Kylee Tabler:

There's no way.

Derrick Mitchell:

Sadly, there's no way.

Kylee Tabler:

What do we feel about the, the 12 seed matchup against Baylor? Because if I think I think if Columbia wins, that's

Colin Pearson:

The 12 seed matchup?

Kylee Tabler:

I I think it's an interesting game if Columbia ends up winning their, game.

Colin Pearson:

Let me

Kylee Tabler:

Is that Vancouver?

Derrick Mitchell:

Road? Yeah. Vancouver. Yeah.

Colin Pearson:

No. Vanderbilt.

Kylee Tabler:

Oh, what am I Vanderbilt.

Colin Pearson:

That's Vanderbilt, guys. What are

Kylee Tabler:

you guys

Eli Flikkema:

looking at?

Kylee Tabler:

If I see VV again, it looks like Vancouver.

Derrick Mitchell:

That's what I thought.

Colin Pearson:

Happens to be in Canada, which does not play in the NCAA.

Kylee Tabler:

Geography challenge, people. Let me tell you. I don't know where anything is.

Eli Flikkema:

Good grief. That 12 seat playing game is Vanderbilt and Columbia. Yeah.

Colin Pearson:

And it'll be a good game.

Kylee Tabler:


Derrick Mitchell:


Kylee Tabler:

Honestly, though, I think either one of them is gonna give Baylor a run for their money.

Colin Pearson:

Oh, for sure. Really?

Kylee Tabler:

Yeah. Colin's like, nah.

Derrick Mitchell:

I was like, there's no way. I disagree. I

Colin Pearson:

disagree. Yeah. Frankly, I think Columbia could. I don't think Vanderbilt could.

Kylee Tabler:

Yeah. Yeah.

Colin Pearson:

But I do think Vanderbilt could beat Columbia.

Kylee Tabler:

Interesting turn of events.

Derrick Mitchell:

That is that is something right there.

Colin Pearson:

And so I think I'm going to have to make that pick a little bit later when we see.

Kylee Tabler:


Colin Pearson:

I also don't feel like it's likely the 12 seed plays a 13 seed

Derrick Mitchell:

in this one.

Kylee Tabler:

That would be crazy.

Derrick Mitchell:

That would just

Colin Pearson:

because I feel very confident in Marshall.

Kylee Tabler:

I'm in I'm gonna be I'm gonna be so honest. I'm quite impressed with the lower seeds. I have more than I usually would be in the women's tournament.

Colin Pearson:

Yes. Even, like, UC Irvine against Gonzaga. Yeah. Like

Kylee Tabler:


Colin Pearson:

They have a chance or South Dakota stay against Utah.

Derrick Mitchell:

Yep. Yeah.

Colin Pearson:

You know? Gonzaga Yeah.

Kylee Tabler:

I'll be so upfront. I have Gonzaga in my elite 8.

Colin Pearson:

That's that's real.

Derrick Mitchell:


Kylee Tabler:

I see that. Upfront.

Derrick Mitchell:

That's not bad.

Kylee Tabler:

Yeah. You know? So

Colin Pearson:

But could they lose to UC Irvine? Probably. I'd I'd say it's it's a possibility.

Kylee Tabler:

Mhmm. You

Colin Pearson:

know? Will they?

Kylee Tabler:

Probably not. I hope not.

Derrick Mitchell:

I hope not.

Kylee Tabler:

I hope not.

Colin Pearson:

Yeah. There are a few that just don't impress me as much.

Kylee Tabler:


Colin Pearson:

Jackson State, 14 seed, playing UConn. That's not

Kylee Tabler:

Well, I mean and most people playing UConn UConn don't impress me either.

Derrick Mitchell:

Well Yeah.

Kylee Tabler:


Derrick Mitchell:

That's just a hard thing. It's a hard way to get impressed.

Colin Pearson:

Mhmm. The 11 seed Texas A&M, that's not happening. No way.

Kylee Tabler:

No. Whoever wins the play in of Auburn and Arizona,

Colin Pearson:

no. Yeah. That one.

Kylee Tabler:

That's a rough one. That's a rough plan,

Colin Pearson:

in my opinion. That's a really rough plan.

Derrick Mitchell:


Colin Pearson:

Yeah. And it's it's not gonna be an easy one for either team, and it's not gonna be a fun one for

Kylee Tabler:

And then and then they're following game.

Colin Pearson:

Yeah. I I do think it's really interesting that they stuck that first four in the same corner of the bracket too.

Kylee Tabler:

I know. I like

Colin Pearson:

I don't know. Yeah.

Kylee Tabler:

I don't know. This woman's bracket's very interesting. I wanna recap on the fact that Colin thought I was ridiculous for not putting Connecticut at a 1 or a 2 seat. And let me remind everybody, they are a 3.

Colin Pearson:

I I stand with the second

Kylee Tabler:

seat. Gonna be.

Colin Pearson:

Nope. I I stand with Okay.

Derrick Mitchell:


Colin Pearson:

stand by with what I said. The committee stands with Kylie.

Kylee Tabler:

The committee stands with Dave.

Derrick Mitchell:

You just tapped in.

Colin Pearson:

Mhmm. We

Kylee Tabler:

we locked in. We together.

Derrick Mitchell:

Alright. Houseway.

Colin Pearson:

I kinda gave up my final 4 here, but, Notre Dame, NC State, Iowa, Ohio State.

Kylee Tabler:

I I love just some conference matchups. Sounds great.

Colin Pearson:

Which it sounds silly.

Derrick Mitchell:

Who do

Kylee Tabler:

you have winning?

Colin Pearson:

Notre Dame.

Kylee Tabler:

That's fair.

Derrick Mitchell:

I I think

Colin Pearson:

over Iowa.

Kylee Tabler:

I think if Notre Dame was in, again, any other spot besides with North Carolina, I think they have a good spot. Sorry. Bobby.

Colin Pearson:

They are with North Carolina.

Derrick Mitchell:

Also with that. But

Kylee Tabler:

on the any other, like, cylinder besides with South Carolina, I think they definitely make it final 4 at the minimum.

Eli Flikkema:

Who's the rest of your final 4, Kylie?

Kylee Tabler:

Undecided. None of them are decided besides South Carolina.

Derrick Mitchell:

Looking at the second half here.

Colin Pearson:

So Alright. Derek, what you got now?

Kylee Tabler:

What do you have?

Colin Pearson:

Nothing. No.

Derrick Mitchell:

Alright. Stop it. Stop it. I have South Carolina and NC State, South Carolina winning, and then I have Iowa and USC with Iowa winning on the other side.

Colin Pearson:

Iowa and USC, you said? Yeah.

Derrick Mitchell:

Okay. Yeah.

Kylee Tabler:

That's a pretty slay, like, championship.

Colin Pearson:

Those are all teams in my elite 8.

Derrick Mitchell:

That's just what I'm thinking right now. I don't have this is likely to change. Oh, yeah. I don't have any Mhmm.

Kylee Tabler:

I will.

Derrick Mitchell:

As of now, but this a lot of this is gonna be changing because

Colin Pearson:

My elite 8 is all 4 one seeds. Because it's hard to do. And 2 threes.

Kylee Tabler:

Do you have Texas making the elite 8?

Colin Pearson:

I do. Houseway. My I'm I'm really debating here between Texas and Utah and Gonzaga.

Kylee Tabler:

Mhmm. And

Eli Flikkema:

I can absolutely see Gonzaga in the elite leagues.

Colin Pearson:

I have that. I could see I could see Utah in there as well, though.

Kylee Tabler:

Yeah. Utah and Gonzaga's gonna be a fun game.

Colin Pearson:

And I could see Texas in there as well. And so those are all going to be very even matchups. I think Texas, you guys are sleeping on them.

Kylee Tabler:

I mean, I did predict them as a one seed, so I wouldn't necessarily sleep it off.

Derrick Mitchell:

But Okay. Fine. I will continue to snooze. I'm kidding.

Kylee Tabler:

I will be.

Colin Pearson:

But, like, this is a team that, you know, takes down every other team in the big 12 by quite a few points.

Kylee Tabler:

Yeah. But the big 12 was not grand this year.

Colin Pearson:

No. But, like, the the margins of victory have been crazy.

Kylee Tabler:

I mean, I I just think, like, for a lot of them, you have people that are in tougher conferences.

Colin Pearson:

Yep. Oh, yeah.

Kylee Tabler:

So, like, especially with okay. Hater.

Derrick Mitchell:

I'm not haters. I'm not

Kylee Tabler:

haters. Haters.

Colin Pearson:

Thank you.

Kylee Tabler:

Especially, like like, the Pac 12 always. Like, they're the marches to victory are gonna be a lot less.

Colin Pearson:

If if you're going off of that, if you're going off strength to schedule, all I gotta say is Gonzaga doesn't beat that.

Derrick Mitchell:

No. No. There's no one. No. No.

Colin Pearson:

If that's if that's your logic here, I'm not following. No.

Derrick Mitchell:

I did not understand.

Eli Flikkema:

Yeah. I I am actually really interested in the 8, 9 matchups on this women's bracket. I think a lot of these are very compelling.

Colin Pearson:

Kansas, Michigan will be fun.

Kylee Tabler:

I've picked all nines.

Derrick Mitchell:

I have picked all

Colin Pearson:

nines too. The way it's

Derrick Mitchell:

gonna be fun. I chose Alabama, though.

Colin Pearson:

I picked Alabama. For that. Yep.

Derrick Mitchell:

I chose Alabama.

Colin Pearson:

Alabama and Florida State

Kylee Tabler:

Yet to watch them play.

Colin Pearson:

I could I could see either of those 2 teams,

Derrick Mitchell:

frankly. I have Michigan steak bringing the brooms off of that one. Woah. Woah.

Colin Pearson:

Yep. I have Princeton. Theron Halleck master class.

Kylee Tabler:

Literally. Literally. It's really

Colin Pearson:

too bad Princeton is right next to Iowa because

Eli Flikkema:


Derrick Mitchell:

A back to road.

Kylee Tabler:

That'd be a fun game, though, too.

Colin Pearson:

Princeton, Texas would be a phenomenal game.

Derrick Mitchell:

Oh, yeah.

Kylee Tabler:

That's a 9 getting getting the broom out in

Colin Pearson:

my opinion. Exactly. It is. But Yep. But that's not where

Kylee Tabler:

they're at. I wish it was,

Colin Pearson:

but no. Wish. Alabama or Florida state versus Texas

Kylee Tabler:

And I think we all know who's won in that.

Colin Pearson:

Texas. Yep.

Kylee Tabler:

Yep. No. I definitely think Michigan's beating Kansas, especially based upon their big ten tournament performance. I mean, the

Colin Pearson:

the thing is when you look at all of their metrics, they are, like, evenly, evenly matched teams.

Kylee Tabler:


Colin Pearson:

Yeah. Yeah.

Eli Flikkema:

I'm just not sure Kansas wants it as much as Michigan does.

Kylee Tabler:

That's true.

Derrick Mitchell:

That's true.

Colin Pearson:

Yes and no.

Derrick Mitchell:

The big ten just is a little bit hungrier than a lot of other conferences.

Kylee Tabler:

Michigan had been like, literally was getting cooked all year in the big town.

Colin Pearson:

Mhmm. Yes.

Kylee Tabler:

They're they're ready to win, bro.

Derrick Mitchell:


Colin Pearson:

Yeah. They're 9 to 9 in the big town. Yeah.

Kylee Tabler:

No. They had a rough year. Their most notable win, Ohio State, which is fair because it's a great great win.

Colin Pearson:

Great win. But they Ohio State also came back and beat them later. I'd say their most notable win was Indiana at the very end of the season.

Kylee Tabler:

That was

Colin Pearson:

pretty yeah. That was a good one. 6956 is a pretty solid win.

Kylee Tabler:

Back from a 17 point deficit too.

Colin Pearson:

That that one is what stands out to me, and I think is what ended up pushing them into the tournament or at least into the 9th seed.

Kylee Tabler:

Oh, definitely. For sure. I they were because I think they were, like, the last

Colin Pearson:

They were last 4.

Kylee Tabler:

The 4 buys.

Colin Pearson:

They were last 4 buys.

Kylee Tabler:

Okay. Originally. And that'd be up. Promoted them a little bit.

Colin Pearson:

But, like, Kansas at the same time, you know, this is a team that has lost 2 of their last 10 only compared to Michigan's 5 of 5. Woah. But they were to Texas and Baylor. Mhmm. Like, those are both phenomenal teams.

Kylee Tabler:

Yeah. The 2 notable teams.

Colin Pearson:

You know? And they've beaten pretty much everyone else.

Eli Flikkema:

Did they have any standout wins in that span, or was it just the drags of the big twelve?

Kylee Tabler:

It's the Oklahoma. Trenches.

Derrick Mitchell:

Absolute trenches. Mhmm.

Colin Pearson:

That's all I got. Oklahoma, TCU, but I can't consider that one a crazy

Kylee Tabler:

one anymore. So on the TCU train,

Derrick Mitchell:

bro, and

Kylee Tabler:

they didn't even get

Colin Pearson:

so luckily.

Derrick Mitchell:

I remember that. I was

Kylee Tabler:

on the TCU TCA trade until they needed open tryouts.

Derrick Mitchell:

Yeah. The second I saw that notification, I was like, alright, bro. They done. Like, we yeah.

Kylee Tabler:

I think Arizona also had open tryouts.

Colin Pearson:

They did. Mhmm. Yes. But Arizona didn't have open tryouts because they had to forfeit games.

Kylee Tabler:

Yeah. There's a big difference.

Derrick Mitchell:

For a different reason. Yeah.

Colin Pearson:

You know, I think TCU should have had open trials prior to that.

Kylee Tabler:

They really thought they could hang on.

Colin Pearson:

And that that may have, you know.

Kylee Tabler:

It could have been too if they really didn't know, like, the legality and, like, the rules behind that. That's

Colin Pearson:

that's a good point.

Kylee Tabler:

Because they're maybe they're like, hey. Listen. Like

Colin Pearson:

because that is the first time we've had that.

Derrick Mitchell:

Yeah. Period.

Kylee Tabler:

You know? Yeah.

Eli Flikkema:

Thinking about realignment, I am really excited for Utah and Colorado to juice up big 12 women's basketball next year.

Kylee Tabler:

We yeah. We need some spice in there.

Colin Pearson:

Yeah. Especially with Texas leaving. Yes.

Kylee Tabler:

Yeah. That's a big thing.

Colin Pearson:

Texas and Oklahoma both leaving. Where are they going? SEC. Interesting. That's gonna be great.

Derrick Mitchell:

Oh. Okay. That just shakes up a lot of choices.

Colin Pearson:

LSU and South Carolina and Alabama.

Kylee Tabler:

That's great. That that's a good good conference there.

Colin Pearson:

I mean, come on.

Kylee Tabler:

That'll be fun.

Derrick Mitchell:

Show me the money. That's great.

Colin Pearson:

That that conference is going to be fun to watch. And I am

Eli Flikkema:

very excited to welcome USC to the big 10 and UCLA.

Colin Pearson:

Yeah. Yeah.

Eli Flikkema:

Big 10 women's basketball is going to be lethal next year.

Derrick Mitchell:

So many different matchups and different choices you can make now. It's gonna be great.

Kylee Tabler:

This year's just a lot of notable players are leaving

Eli Flikkema:


Kylee Tabler:

Is the thing.

Colin Pearson:

That's true.

Kylee Tabler:

Like, we're losing probably our the most notable player. Yeah. She's gone.

Colin Pearson:

Caitlin Clark.

Kylee Tabler:

We're also losing JC Sheldon from Ohio State. Yep. Great player. Love watching her.

Colin Pearson:

But here's the thing.

Kylee Tabler:

I think Indiana's got quite a a couple seniors as well. And They do. We've got Jazz Shelley, I believe, from Nebraska as a senior. Year.

Eli Flikkema:

But here's the thing. Freshman greats in women's basketball this year.

Colin Pearson:

True. Yes. Like Juju Watkins.

Derrick Mitchell:

Yes. Oh, you can't tell me that you're not even you cannot even say I'm

Kylee Tabler:

a be so say her name. I'm gonna be so for real. I really think USC is gonna come in next year and dot me at the big 10.

Eli Flikkema:

Yeah. Yeah.

Kylee Tabler:

Like, hands down.

Eli Flikkema:

There's there's gonna be a big scary logo on the Georgia Watkins' jersey next year, and I am afraid.

Kylee Tabler:

I am too. Yeah. Them and UCLA both because UCLA had a really good year.

Colin Pearson:

And they are not losing

Kylee Tabler:

all of them. Losing, Maryl, anybody. So that's

Colin Pearson:

gonna be

Kylee Tabler:

packed on the nation.

Colin Pearson:

A full conference realignment episode once this tournament's over. Oh, yeah. Because even on the men's side, I mean, you've got Mhmm. Washington state joining the West Coast Conference with Gonzaga and Saint Mary's.

Kylee Tabler:

That's not

Colin Pearson:

a problem. Could be a 3 bid conference next year. Wow.

Kylee Tabler:

Mhmm. Especially with, them wanting to expand Yeah. The tournament.

Colin Pearson:

Mind you, ACC has 4 bids this year.

Kylee Tabler:

Like Thumbs down.

Colin Pearson:

And and who are they who are they gaining again? Stanford. Stanford Cal. Oh. And SMU.

Derrick Mitchell:


Kylee Tabler:

go SMU.

Colin Pearson:

Can I just say, though, Stanford and the ACC for women's will be phenomenal?

Kylee Tabler:

Yeah. Oh, yeah.

Colin Pearson:

So fun. I'm so excited for that as well. Mhmm. Yeah. I don't know I don't know what to say about that.

Colin Pearson:

That's gonna be fun.

Kylee Tabler:

Mhmm. Yeah.

Colin Pearson:

It's just gonna be crazy.

Kylee Tabler:

This is so interesting, man.

Eli Flikkema:

On the women's side Basketball realignment is much more exciting on the women's side than on the men's side.

Kylee Tabler:

I agree with Ashley's completely.

Colin Pearson:

I mean, you've got Arizona, and that's Arizona to Texas already. So yeah. They're replacing Texas and Oklahoma with Arizona.

Kylee Tabler:


Colin Pearson:

so weird. Sort of Colorado. Colorado. That's Yep.

Derrick Mitchell:


Colin Pearson:

What you've got. That's

Kylee Tabler:

That that's it. That is all.

Colin Pearson:


Kylee Tabler:

I feel like the, like, the Pac 12 merging with the Big 10 in basketball specifically, ankle men's basketball, ankle too much.

Eli Flikkema:

Yeah. But but we're getting the reigning Pac 12 champions, the Oregon Docks.

Kylee Tabler:

Let's go.

Colin Pearson:

That kills me, man.

Kylee Tabler:

Our team.

Colin Pearson:

I don't understand how they're the reigning champions. I don't

Kylee Tabler:

Bids dealers.

Derrick Mitchell:


Kylee Tabler:

We love our big stealers.

Colin Pearson:

What? What? How? Yeah. Yeah.

Colin Pearson:

Let's just let's just Leave the bad taste to my mouth.

Derrick Mitchell:

You know, I Fuck, man.

Colin Pearson:

I'm gonna need more Taco Bell to wash that taste out, you know.

Derrick Mitchell:

More Taco Bell is crazy.

Kylee Tabler:

Please sponsor us. Please. I'm deserve it. Begging you. Yeah.

Kylee Tabler:

I feel like for the most part, it's easier like, it's so much easier to decide on the women's side even with upsets. Because I feel like I can look at it and be like, yeah. It's gonna happen. Like Oh, man. Gut.

Kylee Tabler:

Like yeah.

Derrick Mitchell:

Men's, it's so much harder in a way.

Kylee Tabler:

Like Actually, the conference tournament season.

Colin Pearson:

Are there any, like, mid range teams that you guys think could make crazy runs on the women's side? Whoo. I'm looking at 2 right now.

Kylee Tabler:

Let's who are you looking at?

Derrick Mitchell:

Yeah. So Syracuse. Bounce off.

Colin Pearson:

Syracuse is the first one. K. What

Kylee Tabler:

do you what do you mean by runs? How far?

Derrick Mitchell:

How many games?

Kylee Tabler:

How are we talking

Eli Flikkema:

about? Suite 15.

Colin Pearson:

Suite 16. Let's just say that.

Kylee Tabler:

You have them beating Yukon.

Colin Pearson:

I I have I don't have them beating Yukon.

Derrick Mitchell:


Colin Pearson:

have Yukon winning.

Kylee Tabler:

Oh, okay.

Colin Pearson:

But I do think that there's a possibility they could. I know they competed well earlier in the season against Yukon or not Yukon, but a lot of the other top teams.

Derrick Mitchell:

You You

Colin Pearson:

have them beating Yukon.

Kylee Tabler:

Saying. Okay.

Colin Pearson:

K. I'm

Derrick Mitchell:

losing after, but I have them beat Yukon.

Kylee Tabler:

But they win.

Derrick Mitchell:

There you go.

Colin Pearson:

That's all

Derrick Mitchell:

that matters.

Colin Pearson:

So they definitely fell off at the very end of the season. But I think they're a team that could go far. NC state's a 3 seed. I have them in my final four. We already talked about that though.

Kylee Tabler:

Indiana. Where do I hold where do I have them? Let's see.

Colin Pearson:

Losing to South Carolina, probably.

Kylee Tabler:

Oh, yeah. Anyone that is in South Carolina

Colin Pearson:

is losing.

Derrick Mitchell:


Kylee Tabler:

Easy decision. Didn't even click on any other team.

Colin Pearson:

Do I?

Kylee Tabler:

All the way.

Colin Pearson:

I think, yeah, the only team seated lower than a 5 in my sweet 16 right now is UNLV.

Kylee Tabler:

In your suites you have u oh, you have them upset at UCLA.

Colin Pearson:

I do. Wow.

Kylee Tabler:


Derrick Mitchell:

I understand.

Colin Pearson:

I think they're an underrated team.

Kylee Tabler:

I have UCLA in my elite eight.

Colin Pearson:

Beating LSU? Yes. Really?

Kylee Tabler:


Colin Pearson:

I don't think they're beating LSU if they make it that far.

Kylee Tabler:

I don't know. I don't know. I think it really depends.

Colin Pearson:

I wanna see the LSU Iowa rematch. That's frankly, that's what I'm really manifesting here.

Kylee Tabler:

In that movie.

Colin Pearson:

What's fair? I mean think they're gonna win? I don't know if LSU will be the beat you know? Right right now, I have LSU playing, Rice, then Middle Tennessee, then UNLV. So like, I feel like they can win those pretty pretty easily.

Colin Pearson:

Even, like, if they face off against Louisville or even UCLA, I think LSU's got those. You know?

Kylee Tabler:

I feel like with with, LSU, a lot of the time, I feel like at least when I especially when I watch the South Carolina game, I think their guards are very quiet.

Colin Pearson:

Mhmm. They are a little bit of a, like I won't say inconsistent, but, like They like They're not they don't play as a team as much as I'd like them to.

Kylee Tabler:

I agree. Yeah. Because, like, I was I'm always relative like, impressed with, like, Angel Reese's ability. I was really impressed with Anisha Marro watching her play.

Colin Pearson:

Very good. Some of the best players

Kylee Tabler:


Colin Pearson:

college basketball here.

Kylee Tabler:

I was very impressed with her.

Colin Pearson:

But their balance is thrown off. Mhmm. And Right. So I think they easily beat, you know, some of those lower level teams. But as soon as they come up against Iowa

Kylee Tabler:

It's it's it's a struggle.

Colin Pearson:


Kylee Tabler:

Mhmm. I think I think just because I have UCLA beating UNLV, I think if they face l UCLA and LSU play, I think that'll be a struggle.

Colin Pearson:


Kylee Tabler:

Like, I really do. Because UCLA, oh, what's her name? Oh, no. I'm so bad with names. They've got they've got a, really tall.

Kylee Tabler:

Tall girl.

Derrick Mitchell:

Yeah. I don't know her name.

Colin Pearson:

The really tall girl? That one?

Kylee Tabler:

I forget her name. Yeah. She's a freshman too. I mean, she's young, but she's very good.

Colin Pearson:

Lauren Betts?

Kylee Tabler:

Yes. Yeah. Yeah. She I mean, she is good. So I think, you know, she can give Angel Reese some problems similar to Camilla Camilla Cardoza.

Derrick Mitchell:


Kylee Tabler:

Yeah. So How tall

Colin Pearson:

is Lauren Betts? Because she's really tall. I

Kylee Tabler:

don't know.

Derrick Mitchell:


Kylee Tabler:

Let's how tall?

Colin Pearson:

I'm gonna look up.

Kylee Tabler:

Okay. You can? Alright. I'm gonna look

Colin Pearson:

67. 67.

Kylee Tabler:

Has Camille Cardoza 68? Yeah. I wish I was that tall.

Colin Pearson:

She's she's a great player.

Derrick Mitchell:

Yeah. I well, I play basketball.

Kylee Tabler:

I play volleyball. I'd be up I'd be up there.

Derrick Mitchell:

I'm hoping for show. Mhmm. But I'm turning in Xavier Booker

Kylee Tabler:

for Real. He cooking.

Derrick Mitchell:

Straight up.

Colin Pearson:

Yeah. So Lauren definitely definitely a good player.

Kylee Tabler:

Mhmm. Oh, yeah.

Colin Pearson:

She could she could give LSU a run for their money a little bit on the defensive side, I think.

Kylee Tabler:

Mhmm. Yeah. No. She's she's a very strong defensive player, which is really impressive for being a freshman.

Colin Pearson:

If they get that far because

Kylee Tabler:

UNLV Yeah. UNLV is good.

Colin Pearson:

Best defensive teams in the country, one of the better offensive teams. Yeah. Yep. They've played next to no one, but, I mean

Kylee Tabler:

I mean, fair.

Colin Pearson:

2 losses total. Mhmm. That Yeah.

Kylee Tabler:

I mean, that helps

Derrick Mitchell:

a little bit.

Kylee Tabler:

The number. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Kylee Tabler:

I don't know who to who to who I think is gonna do play, play better, Ohio State or Connecticut. Like, that your Yukon. That's who I have.

Colin Pearson:

That that is a really interesting

Kylee Tabler:

that's for Fun matchup. Really fun. But I just don't know who I think is gonna do better.

Colin Pearson:

I'm gonna end up flipping a coin, and whichever team wins that coin flip is going to the final 4.

Derrick Mitchell:

I like it. Think

Kylee Tabler:

you think

Colin Pearson:

you think

Kylee Tabler:

you think they're beating USC?

Colin Pearson:

I think they either of them could beat USC.

Derrick Mitchell:

I like that.

Colin Pearson:

I really do. USC is a great team.

Kylee Tabler:


Colin Pearson:

I think they're too young. Same same logic as South Carolina. Really? You know, I think they're too young and they like, they will get in their own heads a little bit being in the tournament going far. You know?

Colin Pearson:

That's that's something that tends to happen. Yeah. And maybe not with Don Staley's team. But

Kylee Tabler:

My girl.

Colin Pearson:

US USC, I don't trust as much. You know? Always. And so that one yeah. Mhmm.

Colin Pearson:

Yeah. Yeah. That's what I've got there. I'm also very confused by USC being a number one overall. Uh-huh.

Colin Pearson:

Not not very, but a little bit. Mostly because, like, their net is at number 10.

Derrick Mitchell:


Colin Pearson:

Like, they just don't have the stats on their side.

Kylee Tabler:

Yeah. I think I really do think that the committee was like, well, whoever wins wins the Pac 12 tournament Yep. Is getting a one seed. I mean, you you kinda gotta.

Colin Pearson:

Like Yeah. Stanford, though.

Kylee Tabler:

Because I think nobody thought it was actually gonna be u u USC. I think they really all thought Stanford was gonna win. But, I mean, they were saying that I mean, even if USC wasn't the well, I mean, they're a 2 seed. So, I mean, they're up there. I mean and there was talk of putting having 2 Pac 12 teams be 1 seeds.

Colin Pearson:

I I think that would have made more sense

Derrick Mitchell:

for sure than Texas.

Kylee Tabler:

Think people would have been mad about that, though. Mhmm. 2 same I know the Pac 12 is

Colin Pearson:

a strong

Kylee Tabler:

it's the same logic for not having 2 big 12 teams as one season on the men's side.

Colin Pearson:

Yeah. I suppose.

Kylee Tabler:

So, I mean, I know we all hate that too. So there's like

Colin Pearson:

It's a good comparison, I think. Absolutely. You're definitely definitely making

Kylee Tabler:

a good comparison. I know what I'm talking about. I'm over here.

Derrick Mitchell:

She is.

Colin Pearson:

And it's the same reason Ohio State got a 2 instead of 3 because Yeah. That lost to Maryland in the big 10 tournament by Mhmm. 21 points. That was That

Kylee Tabler:

pushed Maryland into the tournament.

Colin Pearson:

Oh, realistically, yes. Yes.

Kylee Tabler:

Because I think if if they didn't, they would have been, first four out.

Colin Pearson:

Yeah. Yeah. Do you guys have Maryland winning that first game, though?

Kylee Tabler:

I do, but it's I've I really wanna change it. But the only reason I have them is just based upon their play in the tournament.

Colin Pearson:

I have Iowa State. I'll be honest. Too. I

Kylee Tabler:

don't know. It's fair. Can't. Dude, I I

Colin Pearson:

Iowa State played well in their tournament as well.

Derrick Mitchell:

Not past that. But yeah.

Kylee Tabler:


Colin Pearson:

Their law 2 of their last three losses came to Texas.

Kylee Tabler:

Right. Yeah. That's a lot of times to play Texas. Yeah.

Colin Pearson:

Like, in one little city. And, like, they weren't terribly competitive against Texas, but, like, they were competitive enough. Mhmm. You know? Yes.

Colin Pearson:

So that's an interesting one. Yeah.

Kylee Tabler:

I mean, regardless, whoever wins that game is losing to Stanford.

Colin Pearson:

Yeah. How far do you guys think Iowa is going? Because this is a team where, like

Kylee Tabler:

Oh, I think

Colin Pearson:

feel like they've kinda, you know, they've lost their groove at a few points recently.

Kylee Tabler:

At minimum, elite 8.

Colin Pearson:

Like that overtime versus Nebraska. Wow. And that lost to Nebraska. Mhmm. The lost to Indiana.

Colin Pearson:

You know? Minimum lead 8.

Derrick Mitchell:

I could I'm not gonna say maximum final 4. I don't know. I don't know.

Eli Flikkema:

Yeah. I can see them losing in the sweet 16 to Kansas State. If Kansas State is or even, heck, Colorado. If Colorado's on their game against Iowa in the sweet 16

Derrick Mitchell:

That's a hot take.

Kylee Tabler:

That that I don't disagree.

Derrick Mitchell:

Disagree either Mm-mm. With how inconsistent they've been actually playing Mhmm. Yeah. I actually might

Kylee Tabler:

I mean

Eli Flikkema:

I I believe they'll get out of the 1st weekend. With Virginia or Princeton, we'll give them a game, but I think Iowa can handle it. Yeah.

Colin Pearson:

Yeah. It'll be a game. That's for sure. It'll be a good game.

Eli Flikkema:

Colorado or Kansas State have both of those teams have beaten Iowa this season. Right? I know Kansas State has

Kylee Tabler:

Kansas State has Colorado Yeah. No.

Colin Pearson:

I don't think Colorado beat

Kylee Tabler:

LSU when they were number 1. There the first game out.

Eli Flikkema:

Yep. I I just truly believe that either of those teams has a they have the capability to beat Iowa.

Colin Pearson:

That that's a fair point.

Eli Flikkema:

Yes. Especially because Iowa will that 3 16 is away from home court. That's in Albany

Kylee Tabler:


Colin Pearson:

Where It is. Neutral court. Yeah. Very, very neutral court.

Kylee Tabler:

To beat Iowa, you need to stop the supporting cast. You need to stop, specifically Hannah Stalky.

Derrick Mitchell:

Stalky. Yep.

Kylee Tabler:

Like, that's specifically her.

Colin Pearson:

Pretty much. Yeah.

Kylee Tabler:

But yeah. Because if you stop her, it's it's hard. But you know? So, yeah, I think if they can do that, then they're cooked.

Colin Pearson:

Here's here's my other comment, though. Does Iowa really have an away court at a neutral court, or is it more of, like

Kylee Tabler:

I think

Colin Pearson:

in Albany that's a home court.

Kylee Tabler:

I think in Albany, yeah.

Colin Pearson:

That's a home court. Oh, yeah. The number of Caitlin Clark supporters around the country That's true. Versus, like That's true. Kansas State or Colorado, anywhere near New York.

Colin Pearson:

Traveled Yeah.

Derrick Mitchell:

That is true.

Colin Pearson:

Caitlin Clark or

Kylee Tabler:

yeah. Caitlin Clark or

Derrick Mitchell:

Mutual or Fox court is home court for how popular she is.

Colin Pearson:

I fair. That's that's my thought process there Mhmm. Which is why I I would say if They if they beat Princeton slash West Virginia. They go find a 4 Because as soon as Iowa gets on a on a roll you know there's no stopping.

Derrick Mitchell:


Colin Pearson:

Yeah, you know they can they can take down Kansas State, Colorado, if they're on a roll at that point. LSU, easily. They can take down, frankly, anyone else.

Eli Flikkema:

And and after that overtime win against Nebraska, that revenge win against Nebraska, I think the ball is rolling. So

Colin Pearson:

That that's where my mind is at. Mhmm. Like, I I think the one team they could underestimate is Princeton or West Virginia.

Kylee Tabler:


Derrick Mitchell:

It's gonna be early, though. Like, if they underestimate anyone, it's gonna be early because when

Colin Pearson:

we start rolling It's gonna be someone early because they're not underestimating Kansas State.

Derrick Mitchell:

Oh, no. No.

Colin Pearson:

They're not underestimating Colorado, LSU. No way.

Kylee Tabler:

Like, when they get to that point, it's, like, not happening.

Colin Pearson:

Yeah. I think they're going to be better off playing the top teams than anyone in the middle.

Kylee Tabler:

Oh, yeah. Definitely.

Colin Pearson:

So that one match up in the middle with Princeton, West Virginia is the one the one one that I can see I would, like, truly being struggling until the final 4. Yep. Mhmm. Maybe LSU. Mhmm.

Colin Pearson:

Maybe. Maybe. Elite 8, you know, or UCLA if that happens to be who makes it. But I think LSU.

Derrick Mitchell:

I think LSU makes it too yet.

Colin Pearson:

LSU is a little bit disrespected to that 3 seed there. But I get it. They've had some losses. You know?

Kylee Tabler:

They've just been so up and down, and so many things that have been happening off the court too.

Colin Pearson:

It's the off the court stuff.

Kylee Tabler:

I think that's all the worst. Thing about it. Because if I feel like if something comes up again, like, anything, they're, like, they're out of their groove, and they're, like, done for.

Colin Pearson:

Yeah. So Alright, y'all.

Kylee Tabler:

I don't know.

Eli Flikkema:

If we wanted to transition back to men's, we we do have the official last 4 in, first 4 out, if we wanted to talk about that.

Kylee Tabler:

Yeah. Who are the first 4 out?

Eli Flikkema:

Yeah. Your your first full your first team out is Oklahoma.

Colin Pearson:


Eli Flikkema:

Your second team out is Seton Hall.

Colin Pearson:


Eli Flikkema:

Your 3rd team out is Indiana State, and your 4th team out is Pittsburgh. Why?

Kylee Tabler:

Why? What?

Colin Pearson:

Where's Pittsburgh coming from?

Eli Flikkema:

Pitt is 40 in the net. Great. Virginia is 60.

Derrick Mitchell:

Virginia is Virginia is

Eli Flikkema:

not the last team in. Colorado State is the last team in. Wow. Virginia is the second to last team in.

Kylee Tabler:

Yeah. The Virginia What?

Colin Pearson:

I'm not gonna lie.

Kylee Tabler:

This is

Derrick Mitchell:

great. Alone. Unname alone. Unname their state, their country, their city. I don't know what's going on.

Derrick Mitchell:

That's just crazy to

Kylee Tabler:

me. Their mascot, their colors.

Derrick Mitchell:

Their mascot, their fins.

Colin Pearson:

The cavaliers do not deserve to be in, my friend. Good grief. What?

Derrick Mitchell:

Not the last

Kylee Tabler:

one. State not being the first team out is so sad.

Colin Pearson:

Yeah. That's terrible. Having them as the 3rd team out. Like They

Kylee Tabler:

should be in as long as they

Colin Pearson:

I can see. What was the other one? Saint John's? No. No.

Eli Flikkema:

The first team out was Oklahoma. Oklahoma. Oh my god.

Derrick Mitchell:

Good. Okay.

Kylee Tabler:

Keep them don't let them in the tournament.

Derrick Mitchell:

That's funny.

Colin Pearson:

Frankly, they should never

Kylee Tabler:

have been ranked in the top 25.

Colin Pearson:

Exactly what I was about

Derrick Mitchell:

to say. Ranked

Colin Pearson:

Okay. Let

Kylee Tabler:

me just get out my you

Derrick Mitchell:

guys breathe.

Kylee Tabler:

No more boomer sooner. Let me get out my rage.

Colin Pearson:

I am not allowed caffeine.

Kylee Tabler:

I'm dead, bro.

Colin Pearson:

My parents will tell you that. I don't drink caffeine. When I have it, I get crazy.

Kylee Tabler:


Colin Pearson:

I'm not sleeping tonight, folks.

Kylee Tabler:

That's right.

Colin Pearson:

I'm gonna get a

Eli Flikkema:

text from

Colin Pearson:

them in about 3 minutes.

Derrick Mitchell:

I'm almost sitting in a crash. Mhmm.

Colin Pearson:

No. I'm a little I'm dead, man. I'm so tired. But yeah. So

Kylee Tabler:

That's annoying.

Colin Pearson:

Last 4 out. That's really weird.

Derrick Mitchell:

That is weird.

Colin Pearson:

I I really would've thought Indiana State would be the be up there.

Eli Flikkema:

Your your other 2 last 4 in are obviously then therefore, Boise State and Colorado.

Colin Pearson:

Yeah. Yeah. Those 2 make sense.

Derrick Mitchell:

Yeah. It makes sense.

Colin Pearson:

Really, the only one I can't see is Virginia.

Kylee Tabler:

Get them out of here.

Derrick Mitchell:

Well Get

Kylee Tabler:

them out of here.

Derrick Mitchell:

I just hope next year, it's just a tad bit different. We could start sweeping. We could start booming them out a little bit. Yeah. Boom.

Derrick Mitchell:

Just boom slowly.

Kylee Tabler:

Boom. But

Derrick Mitchell:

you gotta get them out.

Kylee Tabler:

But if the alternative was Oklahoma

Colin Pearson:

That's a good point. What

Kylee Tabler:

I mean. I mean

Colin Pearson:

I would rather why.

Kylee Tabler:

I do be hating Virginia a little less. And you need it for, you know, the typical March Madness lore to have them in and lose

Derrick Mitchell:

in the 1st round.

Colin Pearson:

Typical March Madness lore.

Kylee Tabler:

Like, I'm sorry.

Colin Pearson:

So who's Purdue losing to again? Literally. What's that? What's the GCU. McNees?

Colin Pearson:

Is that what we're deciding on? But

Derrick Mitchell:

in Quebec, 2 and 3.

Kylee Tabler:

No. They will not be losing to McNeese.

Derrick Mitchell:

No one's losing to McNeese. Okay.

Colin Pearson:

No one.

Kylee Tabler:

I am am not moved by McNeese ever in my life.

Colin Pearson:


Kylee Tabler:

Once they win

Derrick Mitchell:

I wish

Kylee Tabler:

they can move me.

Derrick Mitchell:

I wish Colin's face was on the camera when he when he saw McNeese get the nickname. Geekin'.

Colin Pearson:

I know. Oh my god.

Derrick Mitchell:

When we

Colin Pearson:

were watching the show

Kylee Tabler:

recording, he was

Derrick Mitchell:

a geekin'. So beautiful.

Colin Pearson:

I was I was thrilled. And at the exact same time smile.

Derrick Mitchell:

I never smiles it like that.

Colin Pearson:

Pure heartbroken because it was against Gonzaga.

Derrick Mitchell:

Oh my gosh, McNees. That is so funny. My god. Yeah.

Colin Pearson:

I was so disappointed to see it was Gonzaga, though.

Kylee Tabler:

I mean, real.

Colin Pearson:

Like, you know, that's not the team

Derrick Mitchell:

you wanna be picked against.

Colin Pearson:

By the way.

Kylee Tabler:

McNeese champion.

Derrick Mitchell:

McNeese champion now.

Colin Pearson:

It just yeah.

Derrick Mitchell:

It's rated they're not a champion.

Colin Pearson:

So at this point, I am picking McNeese.

Derrick Mitchell:

McNeese Michigan State championship game? Simply for the plot.

Kylee Tabler:

Who who are you picking in the McNeese McNeese Michigan State championship game?

Colin Pearson:

Yeah. Exactly. Clearly, Iowa State.

Derrick Mitchell:

Are you picking the person on your shirt

Kylee Tabler:

or the The person in your heart.

Derrick Mitchell:

The person in your heart. Choose.

Colin Pearson:

I'm picking Iowa State. You know that.

Kylee Tabler:

Hey. Listen. We're talking about the bracket that we none of us I have goofy bracket.

Colin Pearson:

I have Utah State beating McNeese. Thank you very much.

Kylee Tabler:

I can't believe you have them making it

Colin Pearson:

that way.

Eli Flikkema:

Not welcome.

Derrick Mitchell:

Exactly. Like, that far is crazy. Mhmm. I have them getting bounced. I'm sorry, but

Eli Flikkema:

I cannot believe the committee would include 4 MSUs in the tournament and make it so only 2 of them can reach the final 4.

Kylee Tabler:

That's, yeah, that's messed up.

Colin Pearson:

That that does hurt my feelings just a wee bit.

Kylee Tabler:

They just gotta prove we're the better MSU in the first half.

Colin Pearson:

Only 3 of them can We do. Only 3 of them can meet can make the round of 32. Mhmm. Like, what are we doing? Yeah.

Colin Pearson:

It's not fair.

Kylee Tabler:

Get, you know, get them all out of here. The biggest

Derrick Mitchell:

the best MSU is gonna smack that

Eli Flikkema:

8. Only 2 of them can make the elite 8 even. That's

Colin Pearson:

the stress. Eli, I think you're missing 1 because

Eli Flikkema:

Morehead State's MSU. Morehead State where I 14th State, Illinois.

Kylee Tabler:

They're they're not me they're not making it out the first. Shush.

Derrick Mitchell:

Oh, they're not out. Don't shush.

Colin Pearson:

We we can have 3 MSUs

Eli Flikkema:

in the final 4. 3 MSUs in the final 4.

Colin Pearson:

Yeah. Okay.

Kylee Tabler:

They are getting cooked by Illinois. Let's be real here, people. Come on. They're getting cooked.

Colin Pearson:

Yeah. I mean and if we're if we're having 3 MSUs in the final 4, the 4th is obviously James Madison who's gonna take down all of them. So

Kylee Tabler:

Our team. Our team. JMU. It's my people.

Colin Pearson:

Yeah. Your people, Kylie.

Kylee Tabler:

Not my people, JMU.

Colin Pearson:

You know people at JMU?

Kylee Tabler:

That Kendall Vertez from Dance Moms is on the dance team at JMU.

Eli Flikkema:

Oh my god. We're filling out that final 4, we might as well include an MU and let Marqeta do.

Colin Pearson:

No. Oh, no. It's true. I don't care

Derrick Mitchell:

about that. That's what I've got. No.

Colin Pearson:

That's what I've got.

Derrick Mitchell:

I'd agree until Marquette came out of your mouth. I'm sorry.

Kylee Tabler:

Any other m team can go in. There's none over there.

Derrick Mitchell:

There's not a single one.

Colin Pearson:

Not a single one. If I had another

Eli Flikkema:

choice, I would have made it.

Kylee Tabler:

You know, at this point, put put Longwood up there. Get them in our final four, our dream final four.

Colin Pearson:

Each state.

Kylee Tabler:

My dream team.

Derrick Mitchell:

Smackin' Arizona

Kylee Tabler:

So fast.

Derrick Mitchell:

Truly clearing Nevada.

Colin Pearson:


Derrick Mitchell:

Annihilating New Mexico and not beating Michigan.

Colin Pearson:

The the absurd bracket may or may not

Kylee Tabler:

have McNeese. Like Going all the way.

Colin Pearson:

Like, frankly, I think there are 3 15 seeds that could win.

Kylee Tabler:

I love that. No. That's great.

Eli Flikkema:

Is it everybody but South Dakota State?

Colin Pearson:


Eli Flikkema:

No. I believe in SDSU over Western Kentucky.

Colin Pearson:

I Yeah, yeah, I don't know South Dakota State did not convince me in their games They were not not convincing to me.

Derrick Mitchell:

That's fair.

Kylee Tabler:

I keep getting, like, so confused with South Dakota State and San Diego State.

Derrick Mitchell:

I swear the SDS.

Kylee Tabler:

I'm like, stop that enough.

Colin Pearson:

And why are they in the same corner of the bracket?

Kylee Tabler:

Can we

Colin Pearson:

have a can we have an SDSU matchup in the elite eight here? No.

Derrick Mitchell:

Please. Absolutely not.

Kylee Tabler:

It's not happening. That means that means South Dakota State would beat your champion.

Colin Pearson:


Kylee Tabler:

Let it happen.

Colin Pearson:

If that means a 15 seed is making the final 4, I will take it.

Derrick Mitchell:

So where are we putting Oakland?

Kylee Tabler:

My champion, Golden Grizzlies.

Derrick Mitchell:

Patty, beating Kentucky. They're loud and not

Colin Pearson:

going to

Eli Flikkema:

the o eight. They're destroying

Derrick Mitchell:

Destroying Texas.

Kylee Tabler:

Yep. They are not

Colin Pearson:

making a bad meeting

Derrick Mitchell:

in Florida,

Colin Pearson:

and we're being duke. You think Florida? Where do you have Florida? Wait. You

Kylee Tabler:

have Florida beating Marquette?

Eli Flikkema:

I I have Florida beating Marquette.

Colin Pearson:

I don't have a lot

Eli Flikkema:

of money. Beating Marquette.

Kylee Tabler:

But I have Marquette winning, but then getting schmacked by Texas state.

Colin Pearson:

Boise State beating Florida. Are you kidding me?

Derrick Mitchell:

What's going on here?

Kylee Tabler:

I also have Boise State

Colin Pearson:

or Colorado. Florida.

Eli Flikkema:

Am I watching chief. Florida play. Did you watch Florida play in the SEC tournament? No.

Derrick Mitchell:

I don't

Kylee Tabler:

I don't like Florida.

Colin Pearson:

Yes. I did. But I also watched the SEC.

Derrick Mitchell:

For a destination.

Colin Pearson:

I have seen the SEC play, and I am not convinced by them whatsoever.

Kylee Tabler:

My favorite destination, Florida.

Derrick Mitchell:

No. Hawaii clears.

Colin Pearson:

But can I add them Hawaii?

Kylee Tabler:

Why are they not gonna be?

Eli Flikkema:

Can we get a spring break destination final 4? FAU, Florida.

Colin Pearson:

Okay. Florida Atlantic, yes. But I don't know. San Diego. Oakland.

Derrick Mitchell:

I can't never go there if you guys are listening.

Eli Flikkema:

South Carolina out of the Midwest region. Never go.

Colin Pearson:

Why would

Eli Flikkema:

you Arizona.

Colin Pearson:

Hold on. Woah. Woah. Woah.

Derrick Mitchell:

Woah. Woah.

Kylee Tabler:

Hold on. Where is Oakland located in?

Colin Pearson:

Detroit. It's like For the likes of Detroit. It's Pontiac? Well, it's Oakland. Northwest of Detroit?

Colin Pearson:

County. By Pontiac.

Kylee Tabler:

I don't live in Michigan, people.

Colin Pearson:

No. Kylie and I are from here. It's Detroit metro area.

Kylee Tabler:

Michigan Girlies.

Eli Flikkema:

Oakland sounds like a university that AI would generate.

Kylee Tabler:

Real. Did I just think about, you know, when the Raiders were in?

Colin Pearson:

So does Fairfield. Yeah.

Kylee Tabler:

That's it.

Colin Pearson:

Yeah. Yeah. Fairfield's weird.

Eli Flikkema:

In the day. Fairfield.

Derrick Mitchell:

It's in Rochester Hills, which is close to, like it's in Metro Detroit. Yeah. That's where Oakland is. Nice place, though.

Kylee Tabler:

How how big is, like, the Metro Detroit? Like, what's, like, the where is it stopped?

Derrick Mitchell:

It's huge. It's like

Kylee Tabler:

It's all of Michigan.

Colin Pearson:

Pretty close to Lansing. Pretty close

Kylee Tabler:

to Lansing.

Derrick Mitchell:


Colin Pearson:

It It goes Like, Howell and Ann Arbor.

Derrick Mitchell:

Like, Saint

Colin Pearson:

Clair Shores.

Kylee Tabler:

Ann Arbor is heavily Metro Detroit.

Colin Pearson:

Does Flint consider yeah. Flint's Flint's usually considered. Detroit.

Eli Flikkema:

So yeah.

Colin Pearson:

Yep. It's Same with, like,

Eli Flikkema:

Port Huron. Port Huron is Metro Detroit.

Derrick Mitchell:

It's a big glob

Colin Pearson:

The 69 is kind of the border.

Derrick Mitchell:

Yep. Mhmm.

Colin Pearson:

Now they're just using State everywhere. Lansing.

Kylee Tabler:

Yeah. They're just, like, yapping about the state of Michigan.

Eli Flikkema:

What do you mean? We don't have you like him right now, but I'm giving my best. These are Michigan words, and I don't understand them.

Kylee Tabler:

Don't under As

Eli Flikkema:

we speak.

Kylee Tabler:

Don't understand them.

Colin Pearson:

The Iowan over there is confused. Oh, sorry. The Ohio's the Ohioan is less confused. Yeah. I am less confused.

Colin Pearson:

But still because

Kylee Tabler:

I've been some of those places.

Eli Flikkema:

I've been to places, man.

Derrick Mitchell:

If you wanna get

Kylee Tabler:

I've been to Flint.

Colin Pearson:

Oh, I I do like downtown Flint. I worked there a little bit last summer. Nice place. I was told

Derrick Mitchell:

you, you go see U of M Flint, and he does not like the place.

Colin Pearson:

Specifically, right downtown. Like like, right right downtown.

Derrick Mitchell:

You gotta box it off, though.

Colin Pearson:

Pretty much.

Derrick Mitchell:

You can't go outside it because you'll see some stuff you don't wanna see.

Colin Pearson:

But I do like downtown Flint.

Derrick Mitchell:

Let's look and see what downtown Flint looks like.

Colin Pearson:

Can't be that good. Guys, this is unraveling really quickly.

Kylee Tabler:

Yeah. Hold on. Let's let's stop talking bad about Flint.

Colin Pearson:


Kylee Tabler:

I've been there once. It was fine.

Colin Pearson:

Final takes on the women's slash men's sides.

Eli Flikkema:

I want don't go there. I want everybody which which one bid league team do you think is gonna go the furthest? Oh.

Colin Pearson:

That's that's a really, really tough one.

Eli Flikkema:

I'm gonna go with James Madison University.

Colin Pearson:

I disagree.

Kylee Tabler:

I have them losing.

Derrick Mitchell:

I have them losing, but I like the take.

Kylee Tabler:

Yeah. Honestly, that's a that's honestly

Colin Pearson:

very clear. Take. My issue is Golden grizzlies. I feel like Drake

Derrick Mitchell:

is one of the only teams that actually could.

Colin Pearson:

Yeah. But Drake It's

Derrick Mitchell:

like Drake.

Colin Pearson:

Would be Yeah. A good option if they weren't playing Iowa State.

Derrick Mitchell:


Colin Pearson:

Florida's not in one Not in one big.

Derrick Mitchell:

My mother. I don't care. I know. I know. I know.

Kylee Tabler:

Listen to this fan over here.

Colin Pearson:

No idea what you're talking about. I I do honestly feel like Grand Canyon could go.

Derrick Mitchell:


Kylee Tabler:

do they play?

Colin Pearson:

Saint Mary's first then the winner of Alabama Charleston.

Derrick Mitchell:

And then Yep.

Eli Flikkema:

Us, theoretically.

Kylee Tabler:

Interesting. I've got us some Long Beach State University.

Eli Flikkema:

Honestly, I can see Grand Canyon.

Kylee Tabler:

I could see Grand Canyon. I have I

Derrick Mitchell:

could see GCU. Yep.

Kylee Tabler:

They're they're they, I don't I don't know who's gonna win. Alabama or DCU.

Colin Pearson:

Grand Canyon's one of the best offensive teams in the country. Yes. They're high scoring, and they're hard to keep up with. You know? So that's

Kylee Tabler:

beat Alabama, another high scoring team.

Colin Pearson:

But Grand Canyon plays a semblance of defense.

Eli Flikkema:

Alabama does not.

Kylee Tabler:

Alabama does not.

Derrick Mitchell:

Alabama does not. Exactly.

Kylee Tabler:

So They don't need it. They're like, we don't need defense. We don't

Derrick Mitchell:

need defense.

Colin Pearson:

So I'll be honest. I think Charleston would beat Alabama.

Kylee Tabler:

Interesting. I've never Charleston

Eli Flikkema:

plays defense.

Colin Pearson:

Charleston does play defense. Charleston is also a little bit rough around the edges, but they're not

Kylee Tabler:

Those are the good teams.

Colin Pearson:

They are not the team they were last year, but they are still a very good team. So

Kylee Tabler:

That's fair. Who'd they they lost in the 1st round last year, didn't they, though?

Colin Pearson:

Yeah. They

Kylee Tabler:

They were a 5 too. No. No?

Colin Pearson:

They were the 12.

Kylee Tabler:

Oh, why did I think they were a 5?

Colin Pearson:

They played a 5.

Eli Flikkema:

Couldn't tell you.

Kylee Tabler:

They were they were moving me. I think, oh, because I did one of those autofill brackets for fun because I always do one, and they had Justin winning the whole field. And I looked at

Derrick Mitchell:

it and

Colin Pearson:

I go, Look. They they entered the tournament with the best record in college basketball.

Kylee Tabler:

I think, honestly, they're like, oh, yeah. No. They beat everybody.

Colin Pearson:

Pretty solid. You know?

Kylee Tabler:

They don't beat everybody. They beat everyone in their conference.

Colin Pearson:

Yeah. Do I need to mention McNeese? Don't. Please don't. Stop it.

Colin Pearson:


Kylee Tabler:

Awesome stop it

Colin Pearson:

y'all saw that one coming then stop

Derrick Mitchell:

it now.

Colin Pearson:

Maybe maybe a hot take oh Yale. If they get past Auburn, I think they

Derrick Mitchell:

The door is right there, if you will.

Kylee Tabler:

You can

Eli Flikkema:

I thought you were head over heels for San Diego State UAB?

Kylee Tabler:

I am. But Now he's head over heels heels for,

Derrick Mitchell:

the whole team. BSU. BSU.

Colin Pearson:

The more I think about it, the more I'm like, frankly, the Ivy League could have been a 2 or 3 bid league. What?

Kylee Tabler:

I would've put Princeton in.

Colin Pearson:

I would've put Princeton in.

Eli Flikkema:

Princeton didn't even make their conference final.

Kylee Tabler:

I still would've put them in.

Derrick Mitchell:

Still would've put them in.

Kylee Tabler:

They were top of their I still would've put them

Colin Pearson:

in. But Princeton, Cornell, and Yale all,

Kylee Tabler:

like Yeah.

Colin Pearson:

Back and forth all season. I think

Kylee Tabler:

Princeton I think here's, like, if it was Princeton instead of Yale, I could see an argument for against Auburn. But since it's not

Colin Pearson:

Here's here's the thing, though. Yale beat Princeton.

Kylee Tabler:


Eli Flikkema:

But But

Kylee Tabler:

Princeton also beat Yale.

Eli Flikkema:

Auburn flattened the SEC tournament. Yeah. They are on a hot streak.

Kylee Tabler:

They really

Colin Pearson:

did. They did, didn't they?

Kylee Tabler:

Yeah. I don't I have them losing to Yukon.

Eli Flikkema:

I think I'm with Kylie.

Colin Pearson:

Yeah. Yeah.

Kylee Tabler:

I have them beating the winner of SDSU and UAB.

Colin Pearson:

Who is? I have SDSU. K. I have San Diego State.

Kylee Tabler:

12 seeds like Collin Pearson over here.

Colin Pearson:

I no. I also have San Diego

Eli Flikkema:

every 12 seed except UAB.

Kylee Tabler:

I think, honestly, nah. Jam JMU is not moving me against against the Wisconsin I saw in the tournament. But No. However.

Colin Pearson:

It depends on which Wisconsin shows up.

Kylee Tabler:

I really hope it's the one I saw in the tournament, or I'm gonna be really upset. I'll be angry.

Derrick Mitchell:

And it honestly wouldn't make sense if it wasn't the one we saw in tournament. I did not build on that.

Kylee Tabler:

Barely lost, and now they're like, alright. Now we need to How

Colin Pearson:

do you not build on that? You've got, like, not that long.

Kylee Tabler:

We need

Derrick Mitchell:

But that should be good. Keep the stents up. That's all I'm saying. If there's not a lot of time to to, like, slow your progression down.

Kylee Tabler:

The guards look good. I mean, Chuckie Hepburn looked really good today. Max Klesman always comes in. I mean, when he has a good game, the rest of our team has a good game.

Colin Pearson:

Like, AJ Store.

Kylee Tabler:

AJ Store.

Colin Pearson:

His He cooked it. The shop.

Derrick Mitchell:

Off today. Nuts.

Colin Pearson:

He went off today.

Kylee Tabler:


Derrick Mitchell:

That And when he's scoring, the entire team is

Kylee Tabler:

Just going for it.

Colin Pearson:

Illinois, Wisconsin today was one of the best basketball games I've ever watched. It was Yep. Nice. It was phenomenal. That was a quote from earlier, Colin.

Colin Pearson:

Yeah. I texted them that. If you did. I was like, this is an instant classic, and I texted them that at halftime. Thank you very much.

Kylee Tabler:

Run it back.

Colin Pearson:

Run it back. Great great game. I feel like a few of these games could be really, really fun games too.

Kylee Tabler:

I agree.

Colin Pearson:

Illinois, Ohio or Illinois, Iowa State

Kylee Tabler:

That's gonna be such a fun game.

Colin Pearson:

Yukon versus whoever they play, just all the entire tournament. Yeah. Like Florida Atlantic, Yukon could be a fun one.

Derrick Mitchell:


Colin Pearson:

San Diego State, Yukon. Auburn, Yukon. UAB, Yukon.

Eli Flikkema:

A national championship rematch in the sweet 16, that's gonna

Kylee Tabler:

be a

Colin Pearson:

good game.

Kylee Tabler:

That's kinda nice.

Colin Pearson:

Yeah. That is So here's the thing.

Kylee Tabler:

The script writers might be into that.

Colin Pearson:

Yeah. They're cooking. They're cooking. Florida Atlantic San Diego State rematch at that point. Exactly.

Eli Flikkema:

They really just put all of last year's final 4 in the top left corner.

Kylee Tabler:

Did, which is kinda nuts,

Derrick Mitchell:

to be honest. Matter of real.

Eli Flikkema:

If only Miami were here.

Kylee Tabler:


Colin Pearson:

They kinda they kinda

Eli Flikkema:

fell off

Colin Pearson:

a little bit.

Kylee Tabler:

Bad year.

Colin Pearson:

Yeah. So here's the thing, though. What Atlantic, I don't think will beat Yukon. No.

Kylee Tabler:

Derek has them. It takes a Northwestern. Bet a whole nickel.

Derrick Mitchell:

We went a full circle on that. Because I switched that since then. Hey. You still owe me the nickel if

Kylee Tabler:


Colin Pearson:

Yeah. Put

Derrick Mitchell:

Atlantic Coast. Care about the bet. Just saying that

Kylee Tabler:

bring it up.

Derrick Mitchell:

That's fine. Yeah. But good grief. Kylie, don't

Colin Pearson:

let me forget about that because I will be Venmo requesting Derek for 5¢ at

Derrick Mitchell:

the end of the week. I'm denying, though. I'm denying that. So it has a Venmo request. Con, you're getting cash from me.

Derrick Mitchell:

You're getting a coin.

Kylee Tabler:

You're getting cash.

Derrick Mitchell:

The whole nickel. You could have the whole nickel.

Eli Flikkema:

Just hand him a dollar and ask for change.

Colin Pearson:

I am 95¢. Cents. Yeah.

Kylee Tabler:

And then call him and give it back to him in pennies.

Eli Flikkema:

Yeah. Exactly.

Colin Pearson:

We can be petty here. If you wanna be petty, I

Derrick Mitchell:

can She's starting the pettyness. Don't put that on me.

Kylee Tabler:

Give it to him in a check.

Derrick Mitchell:

Alright. I see this I see this do not listen to her.

Colin Pearson:

I will not cash that check. I will hang it on my wall. Alright. Alright. The 5¢ check.

Derrick Mitchell:


Colin Pearson:

Listen. This is horrible.

Eli Flikkema:

Do we wanna do we wanna briefly cover realignment? Because I know it's not as impactful on the men's side, but

Colin Pearson:

I need to be something important. I think we should talk about that in a future episode.

Kylee Tabler:

So post season and talk about realignment?

Colin Pearson:

Post bracket. Post Post bracket. Post bracket. You know? We'll have time to talk about that.

Kylee Tabler:

Couple, I think, before we go home.

Colin Pearson:

I think we've got 3.

Kylee Tabler:


Colin Pearson:

2 or 3. So

Kylee Tabler:

Before we all skedaddle for the summer.

Colin Pearson:

So I think that's a good one for right after the tournament. Eli, you're welcome to join us.

Eli Flikkema:

I'm just gonna put the bracket up so everybody can see where future teams would be. So, you know, Texas, current 7th seed will be in the SEC next year.

Colin Pearson:

Oklahoma, first four out. Mhmm.

Eli Flikkema:

Always. Oregon, 11 seed.

Kylee Tabler:

Make the tournament Why is

Derrick Mitchell:

Oregon maybe Virginia can see because they won the Pac 12

Colin Pearson:

as well. Why did they win the Pac 12 is my better question. Excellent question.

Kylee Tabler:

They win the final Pac 12.

Colin Pearson:

Yeah. Arizona in the Big 12 will be fun.

Kylee Tabler:

That's that the big 12 is getting more intense.

Eli Flikkema:

I don't under

Kylee Tabler:

Bringing in Arizona. Conference.

Derrick Mitchell:

Yeah. I don't understand that.

Colin Pearson:

It's, like, frightening.

Kylee Tabler:

Like, you can just literally throw all of them into the top 25. That's gonna be a you can just give their entire conference.

Colin Pearson:


Eli Flikkema:

the big 12 is adding 2 more tournament teams.

Colin Pearson:

Yeah. Yeah. 2 out of the 4, and then the other 2 are not, like, bad teams. Yep. No.

Colin Pearson:

Arizona State has some of the best traditions in college club.

Eli Flikkema:

Dude. And Utah had flashes of greatness this season.

Kylee Tabler:

They looked yeah. They had some moments that

Colin Pearson:

go. They were the 5 seed in the actual tournament.

Kylee Tabler:

Something like that. Yeah.

Colin Pearson:

Yeah. So that's Love Arizona State Tuto. The big 10 is getting weaker.

Eli Flikkema:

Adding some underwhelming basketball programs.

Kylee Tabler:

Always. When don't they? Washington

Derrick Mitchell:

Oh my god.

Colin Pearson:

Don't. UCLA.

Eli Flikkema:

I mean, if UCLA would snap out of

Derrick Mitchell:

it, it's

Colin Pearson:

Same with USC.

Derrick Mitchell:

But Basketball is gonna suck. That's all I'm gonna

Colin Pearson:

say. Will cook.

Eli Flikkema:

Women's soccer will cook.

Colin Pearson:

Well, women's soccer will cook. I mean, soccer too.

Derrick Mitchell:

Men's soccer too. But It's gonna make every other goal besides Scoops

Colin Pearson:

more fun. Softball will cook.

Kylee Tabler:

That's too. UCLA.

Derrick Mitchell:

And our basketball team. Yeah. I don't even wanna talk about it, for next year.

Colin Pearson:

We don't have to talk about it for next year. We can talk about it for this year. And our final four picks. Yeah. Don't remind me.

Derrick Mitchell:

We have the road. Touch my shit.

Colin Pearson:

I hate I hate the road, but we do have it.

Eli Flikkema:

Listen. Tom promised. Okay?

Kylee Tabler:


Eli Flikkema:

In October,

Colin Pearson:

he promised.

Kylee Tabler:

Anything, and I believe him.

Derrick Mitchell:

Right. Because it's big Izzo.

Kylee Tabler:

Like, that's that's, like yeah.

Colin Pearson:

It's busy. You know, January, February, Izzo.

Eli Flikkema:

I I would like to leave it on the fact that it is the month

Colin Pearson:

of Izzo. Yeah. That is. Yeah.

Eli Flikkema:

Alright. 26th. 26th. And it's it's open.

Kylee Tabler:

20 6th. We got, you know, we got, games cooking up this week. So excited. Ready to watch all of them.

Colin Pearson:

Oh my gosh. Let's go. Our next episode is going to be after the first two rounds. Yeah. Probably Wednesday morning, frankly, is when I'm gonna release it because we're most likely recording on Tuesday night.

Derrick Mitchell:


Colin Pearson:

Monday is just pure chaos for all of us. I will be at Iowa State while they're playing. So,

Derrick Mitchell:

This man

Kylee Tabler:

He will not be here.

Derrick Mitchell:

You know,

Colin Pearson:

it's gonna be be here. If they I'm gonna find a T shirt for Iowa State, and I will wear it to our next podcast because You have

Derrick Mitchell:

to get the rest

Colin Pearson:

of one. Assuming. Assuming they win, I will wear it.

Kylee Tabler:

Yes. I mean, listen.

Colin Pearson:

Not gonna work out.

Kylee Tabler:

State could be moving some people. You you never know.

Colin Pearson:

Right now,

Derrick Mitchell:

there listen. It is

Eli Flikkema:

not that far of a drive from SGA's campus to Omaha. There could be there there will be Jackrabbit fans in that building.

Colin Pearson:

True. It's a shorter drive from Iowa State's campus to Omaha.

Eli Flikkema:

There will be lots of fans in the building. There there will It's even shorter from Drake to Omaha.

Colin Pearson:

It is. And then poor Washington state is just at such a disadvantage.

Kylee Tabler:

Yeah. Aren't they always?

Colin Pearson:

Yeah. Yeah. Pretty much. Kinda

Kylee Tabler:

In this tournament, they are at a disadvantage. Big one.

Derrick Mitchell:

Oh, yeah.

Colin Pearson:

Y'all, should we close it out?

Kylee Tabler:

Probably. Alright. I'm ready for

Colin Pearson:

a visit. Thank you guys all for joining us on this live episode of Check the Net. It's been a long one. It's been a great one. We're excited.

Colin Pearson:

It's March guys. This is crazy. So yeah. Thank you guys for joining us on this week's episode of Check Than That on Impact 89 FM, and live on Twitch. Let us know what you think by connecting with the station, Facebook, x, Instagram at w d b m, and at impact 89 FM.

Colin Pearson:

And guys, we made it.

Kylee Tabler:

We did it, guys. We did it.

Colin Pearson:

It's March. It's tournament time. We cannot wait to talk about it more next week when the chaos has started, when the madness is going.

Derrick Mitchell:

It's already started, and I'm excited. Yeah.

Colin Pearson:

It's gonna be fun, guys. This is gonna be fun next week on Check The Net. Thank you all for joining us. Have a great week.