Strategic Farming: Field Notes

Strategic Farming: Field Notes Trailer Bonus Episode 29 Season 1

Getting ready for late-season insects

Getting ready for late-season insectsGetting ready for late-season insects


Dr. Robert Koch, U of M Soybean Extension Entomologist, and Bruce Potter, U of M Extension IPM Specialist discuss soybean and corn insects to keep an eye out for as we move into August. Soybean aphid populations have overall been low this year, but there are pockets of increasing population. Scouting is vital to determine where issues may be or if treatments aren’t needed. Other insects discussed include soybean gall midge, spider mites, and corn rootworm.

Show Notes

We want to thank our sponsors the Minnesota Soybean Research and Promotion Council, along with the Minnesota Corn Research and Promotion Council.

What is Strategic Farming: Field Notes?

Join the University of Minnesota Extension Crops team in addressing all your crop-related questions this growing season, from soil fertility, agronomics, pest management and more. We will tackle issues as they arise to help you make better crop management decisions this season.