Super Human Fathers

Welcome back to another episode of the Super Human Fathers Transformation Podcast, where we delve deep into the journeys of remarkable individuals who have overcome challenges and transformed their lives. In today's episode, we have the privilege of hosting a truly inspiring guest, Cory Tucker. 

Cory's story is one of resilience, growth, and the power of community. From struggling with self-doubt and addiction to finding strength in vulnerability and embracing personal transformation, Cory's journey will captivate and inspire you. 

Throughout the episode, Cory opens up about his longing for a sense of camaraderie and support, a deep desire to connect with a group of men who can share their wins and losses equally. He speaks passionately about the transformation he has experienced and his burning desire to serve and help others along their respective journeys.

Cory's love for his family shines through as he shares the impact of his physical fitness journey on his relationship with his daughter. Through shared workouts and a positive mindset, he believes children are influenced by their parents' joy and positivity.

Moreover, Cory's dedication to physical fitness takes center stage as he reveals the importance of discipline and self-care. He recounts his own journey from being overweight to embracing a healthier lifestyle, mentally and physically.

But it's not all smooth sailing for Cory. He candidly discusses his struggles with self-doubt and insecurity, as well as the lingering influence of his ego. Yet, he finds solace in the support of the men who surround him, acknowledging their positive influence on his growth.

Join us as we dive into Cory's remarkable journey of personal growth, improved relationships, and gratitude for the community that has played such a pivotal role in his discovery of self. This conversation is a testament to the power of transformation and the strength we gain when we open ourselves to the support of others. Get ready to be inspired by Cory Tucker's incredible story.

Creators & Guests

Kyle Carnohan
Kyle Carnohan is the Founder of Super Human Fathers
Cory Tucker

What is Super Human Fathers ?

These powerful interviews share the transformation of our brothers. They have sacrificed, worked extremely hard, and are ripped AF! You won’t want to miss a single episode.

Cory Tucker: I never even used
to look at my, my, myself in the

mirror when I brushed my teeth.

I really didn't.

And that, that, that was, I was there
for years and I, I do, maybe I do, this

is maybe a little bit weird, but I, I,
I've developed a very close relationship

with my ego May, and I even write to him
in my journal, I've given him a name.


. That's Henry.

Henry, sometimes he comes knocking
at the door and sometimes he

comes barging in, but now...

What do you write, what
do you write to him?

You know, I, I, I write to him about,
about challenges and about how, how I

put him at bay through, cause with your
failures, that motherfucker shows up.

With your successes, that
motherfucker really shows up, right?

Kyle Carnohan: Welcome to the Superhuman
Father's Transformation Podcast.

If you're listening to this, you're
about to witness some of the most

incredible transformations that have
ever happened on the planet, and just

by listening to this, you will be
inspired to have your own transformation.

If you're listening to this for the
first time, or you're one of the brothers

in the brotherhood, go leave a review
on the podcast and let the brother or

member know how amazing they did and
how incredible their transformation was.

I'm Kyle Carnahan, founder of
Superhuman Fathers, and not only

am I gonna change your life, I'm
gonna get you ripped as fuck.

Ryan Carnohan: Oh, what up?

My favorite time of the week.

How's everything?

How's everything going or
how's everything going guys?

Sorry, I a little stuttered there.

Trying to multitask here.

. How , dude, you getting
your steps in wrong?

Oh, dude, always, bro.

I got, I did all my calls.

I, I probably, I, I don't have
a counter on, but I've been

on it for like three hours.

I just,

Cory Tucker: I gotta move.

How many steps you getting in in a day?

Ryan Carnohan: Probably
between 12 and 15, 000.

So not, not, not Corey
Tucker status, okay?

You know, he has 14, 000 more, you know.

Cory Tucker: I got, uh, I'm
looking at 21, 984 right now.

Ryan Carnohan: Yeah, you know,
I should somehow, um, count

Matt time for that too, Jiu

Cory Tucker: Jitsu

Ryan Carnohan: time, you know?

Okay, if you guys are hearing this,
you guys see his results, right?

When you're going in a deep
cut, you see his results?

And you see how many steps he gets?

I know it sounds silly because all
these ladies are always talking about

their steps, all these old ladies,
you know, but there's something so

powerful in moving your ass, but not
in such a way that robs you of energy

or ability to push weight around.

Like you can walk forever
and you just burn calories.

Cory Tucker: So it's done for me for sure.

Like it changed.

It's, it's really changed everything.


Not only that, it gives you some
real good time to, uh, you know,

work on yourself mentally as well.


Ryan Carnohan: So you saw all the
picture, you guys see the picture here.

Hold on.

I'll share.

Give me a second.

I'm going to share the screen so
everybody can see this savage.

Ox would be proud of me.

Cory Tucker: Yeah.

Look at that!

Ryan Carnohan: How many days,
Cory, how many days do we

get, do we pull this off in?

Cory Tucker: Uh, I think I, I
think I, I beat it, I beat 90.

Ryan Carnohan: That is, and
we're going to talk about

Cory Tucker: this.

It was real close.

It was real close to 90, if not 90.


Ryan Carnohan: And it, it isn't, I, I
know that you, some of you guys are like,


Ryan Carnohan: been in here not many days
and I haven't seen results like that.

Well, he works harder than you, probably.

It is what you put into it.

Now, I would get messages from this guy,
working out with his daughter, doing

extra bonus burns, moving all the time.

Normally, how many steps
do you have in by what,

Cory Tucker: 9am?

By 9am, I'm at, by 9am, I'm
at like 12, 000 probably.


Ryan Carnohan: This is the
power, the bonus burn, right?

And so, hey, I'm talking to myself
here too, by the way, right?

I'm only at, you know, between 12 and
15, 000 steps, I'm on a cut right now.

I gotta get ready for Dallas, bro, right?

So, thank you, Corey, for your example.

We get those steps in, but um, There
is a story here too, um, I love the

messages that you would send me.

about working out with your seven
year old daughter because I have

a seven year old daughter and
they're modeling the self talk.

Um, there's just, we're, we're going
to dig in here because I know that

there's, there's something here and I.

I was at the skate park with my
daughter today and she's, she's

charging, you know, and I, I, I,
yeah, I have this, I can ask her, I'm

like, why do you like skateboarding?

She's like, well, because, um, I fall
and I, I learned something when I fall.

And I'm like, yes, you know, like,
you know, it's like, it's so evident.

She's just like, and, uh, I
can, I can, I learned patience.

I'm like, holy shit.

I, I did a lot of modeling myself,
talk with this one and my sons.

I have a two and a two year old and
another one that just turned five.

And I hadn't, I didn't
give him as much of that.

And so he doesn't, I asked these
questions and he's like, I mean, maybe

Cory Tucker: he's a boy.

I don't know, but that's

Ryan Carnohan: similar, but, but
it's, uh, it's really powerful.

Cause she's heard me on these calls.

See, here's me talking about these things.

I have opportunity to
share how I, how I think.

And so there might be a moment in this
chat where we go that direction because

I know that you've done that with your
daughter and she's been doing that with

you and it's been a special relationship.

But now that everybody's kind of coming
in here, um, I want to just start by

asking maybe where you were at and
how you found Superhuman Fathers.

You pull the trigger and and that's just
where we That's just kind of where I

want to know and what brought you to the
point of pulling the trigger and joining.

Cory Tucker: Um, yeah, you, you
want me to go ahead and get started?

Yeah, go for it.

Let's go.

You know, I, man, this, I could go on
forever about, you know, why I started.

Ryan Carnohan: And Corey, by the,
by the way, this is your interview,

so you take it wherever you want to.

Okay, do you, you, whatever you feel
like saying, I'm really good at pivoting.


Cory Tucker: you just go.

Yeah, you know, I, I'll
be very honest with you.

I wrote, you know, when you sent me that
I wrote out a bunch of shit and I, I've

been thinking about this for a while,
you know, um, and the reason why, why I'm

here, I'm, there's something universally,
there's something in the universe that

I really believe puts us where we belong
when we're ready to go there, you know?


I, I was unhappy as a husband, unhappy as
a father, unhappy in my job, unhappy in

my fitness, full of fear, worry, doubt,
indecision, zero courage, no action.

I mean, the list goes on and on and on.

I spent years.

Not even looking at myself in
the mirror when I brush my teeth.

And that's, I'm being really honest
about that because I didn't like what

I saw looking back at me, you know, and
I came, I moved to Los Angeles in 1996.

I came out here to, to act and I
did pretty good and not so good.

And you know, that kind of business
is very much like this, but.

I'm so far away from that and that
depression, um, I carry that constantly.

My job while I've been in Los
Angeles has been a bartender.

You know, I, I, I just carried that,
that weight of the not fulfilling my, my

dream, you know, and I, and that would
go out into every aspect of my life.

And I, I was just around alcoholics
and drug addicts and women, and,

and I found myself abusing all
of those, uh, uh, to no end.

Envious and completely envious of
other men's success, which is a

horrible, horrible feeling, you know?

I wasn't looking at, like, I really
wasn't looking at my failures and

my, like, from, I'm learning a lot.

I'm a little


Cory Tucker: behind you guys on the
reading, but I'm, I'm reading a lot.

I'm learning a lot from
this Outwitting the Devil.

What a fucking great book, man.

Oh, it's so good.

It is so good.

And, and it's, and it's, and, and
through this book, I'm, is it kind of

what I'm experiencing is really what
I'm experiencing right now, you know?

I, but at the time I wasn't
looking at my failures and my

defeats as part of my journey.

I was finding, I was, I was looking at
that shit in the bottom of a shot glass.

In the bottom of a beer
bottle, you know what I mean?

Filled my, my ego had completely
just taken over and I'm doused in

self pity and limitations and fear
and a lot of fucking fear, man.

And there's one, there's one quote in this
book where he talks about the state of

emergency and how it can either completely
paralyze you or you can take action.


And I was paralyzed, man.

My ego had completely taken control
over me and self pity and sabotage.

I mean, you name it, dude.

All of those reasons
are why I reached out.

You know, I started getting
into kettlebell workouts.

And I follow these dudes on Instagram.

And every once in a while, this big
fucking meathead would come on, come,

come, fireman would come across my
feed and he, you know, he'd be, he'd

be, you know, calling dudes out.

I can tell them to level up as
husbands and fathers and shit

spit coming out of his mouth.

And I'm like, who the fuck is this guy?

You know, I, I kind of going past and
at the time I was actually working with.

a coach, like a, a personal coach, but
we weren't, we weren't vibing at all.

And, um, you know, and then, and then
Kyle would keep, for whatever reason,

man, he keep coming up on my feed.

And I would see him working out with
his kids and in his driveway or at the

gym or next time I see him he's balling
crying because he just connected with his

son and he's talking about hugging and
stuff and I'm like, all right, I gotta, I

gotta start, I gotta follow this guy and
see what, see what, see what's going on

here, you know, and I called the number.

True story though, man.

I feel kind of bad about this,
but this fucking true story.

I call the number, I make an appointment,
and I get set up with this Michael dude.

And I'm like, I don't
want fucking Michael.

I want the Kyle guy.

I want the, I want the meathead fireman.

I want the guy to spit
coming out of his mouth.

That's the dude I want.

So I canceled.

And I, and I set up another appointment,
got Michael again, and I canceled.

And then I set up another
appointment, got Michael again,

and I'm like, all right, fuck it.

I'll talk to this.

I'll talk to this Michael guy, you
know, and I'll tell you what, man.

I'll never ever forget what Michael
said to me and I pulled my credit card

out like immediately when he said this
because we're talking and I was, I wasn't

like being cocky or anything like that
but I'm like yeah you know I work out.

It's funny, because you see the
picture of me when I started.

But when I was talking to him, I, I
wasn't, I knew that I wasn't where

I wanted to be, but I never imagined
that I could get in 90 days or less

to where I've got, where I've, where
I've now become, you know what I mean?

What I've, what I've become,
but I, I, I, he said to me, he,

and I'll never forget this man.

He said, what is your purpose?

Like, And I, I didn't have, I didn't
really have an answer for him, you know,

I was looking for this like profound
response for him, and I didn't have one

and I'll never forget, he said to me,
what if your purpose was your wife and

your, your kids, what if everything that
you do was with a purpose for them, and

it just, you know, the, the light really
just kind of, the bulb just went off,

and I, started thinking in that manner
about every thing that I did, you know,

honestly, from, from that point on.

And when we really got dialed in and
I, and I got connected with you and

I got connected with Chris, there's
been very few things that I've,

that I've, I haven't been 100% on.

You know, I had a bit of an issue at the
beginning getting my macros together,

so I literally just started making all
of my meals on Saturdays, and I eat the

same fucking thing every single day.

So if you're having a problem with
it, you need to get locked in on

your calories, then just do that.

It's the easiest thing ever.

And who gives a fuck?

You don't, you don't eat anymore for,
for pleasure, you're eating for fuel.

Completely, right?

So, and then, you know, I, uh, I,
when, when the challenge came out,

the 30 day challenge, I, I take
those, I'm super competitive, dude.

I take those things
very fucking seriously.

Let's go.

I wish my wife was here because I
could tell you like that day I told

her I said I'm winning that challenge.

I'm not, I'm not fucking
around winning that challenge.

And then that, that's when the 3.

30 wake up started happening.

And, you know, and that, that, that's
when the whole, the whole, you know,

look, when, when I started and that
purpose thing came in, that's really

when the mindset started to develop
by, you know, coming on these,

these zoom calls with you guys.

And, you know, there's
something really special.

really special about being around
a group of men who are equally, who

can equally share their strengths
and weaknesses at the same time.

I've never been around
that in my whole life.


You know, I've never, that's
never been something that I've,

that I've ever experienced.

And, you know, yeah, I, I don't know, man.

I, um.

Ryan Carnohan: Do you feel?

Do you feel like you've
become a man who can do that?

And were you not able to do that

Cory Tucker: before?

Not yet.

Not, not, not, I'm not there yet.

We all know.

I'm not there yet.

I'm, I'm, I'm getting there though.

Because, look.

My, I have one thing that, as far
as mindset goes, that was a question

that you had asked me to talk about,
you know, um, I was completely

taken over by my, by my ego, my ego
was constantly Bringing me down.

Like I said, I, I never even used
to look at my, my, myself in the

mirror when I brushed my teeth.

I really didn't.

And that, that, that was, I was there
for years and I, I do, maybe I do, this

is maybe a little bit weird, but I, I,
I've developed a very close relationship

with my ego May, and I even write to him
in my journal, I've given him a name.


. That's Henry.

Henry, sometimes he comes knocking
at the door and sometimes he

comes barging in, but now...

What do you write, what
do you write to him?

You know, I, I, I write to him about,
about challenges and about how, how I

put him at bay through, cause with your
failures, that motherfucker shows up.

With your successes, that
motherfucker really shows up, right?

And you know, but now, where I'm at
now, and I look, I'm an infant in this

group, I really feel that way, like,
I got a bunch of people Men around

me that are fucking super dialed in
that I'm drawing inspiration from the

we that, you know, and that's, that's
really another part of this that is so

incredible for me because I can go on here
daily and, and, and I know that I've got

this group of dudes that have my back.


And I'll tell you what the
difference is now with my ego.

I recognized that guy
when he's at the door now.

You know what I mean?

Cause I, I do everything in my home.

I do everything.

I do the dishes.

I do the laundry.

I do the grocery.

I, I pre make the meals.

I make my daughter's lunch.

I do it all, but there's times don't think
that there's not times where I'm thinking,

you know, where, where that, that thought
comes in this with fucking Henry's like,

Hey man, why are you doing all this shit?

You know what I mean?

You've done enough.

You've done enough.

Someone else's turn.

But now I recognize that what I'm doing
is setting the example rather than,

you know, feeling sorry for myself.

Acting with some, like, some
shitty passive aggressive

behavior towards my wife.

Or, or, or towards my kids.

You know what I mean?

And then running is out
buying a bottle of bullet.

You know what I mean?

Like, that shit's all over with
because I recognize, I recognize when

that, that voice is coming in now.

Ryan Carnohan: So, could you
argue that you kind of leverage

Henry a little bit to use him?

And if so, how?

How do you use him?


Cory Tucker: you know, we all,
we have to, it's imperative that,

that we have an ego too, right?

I, um, I,

you know, it's funny, I talked earlier
about being, I was in this real state of

like being envious of everyone, right?

And, and that would, there
would be that, that voice.

saying that I wasn't, you know, I'm,
I'm not as good as these people.

I'm not, I don't have
what, I don't deserve it.

I don't have it.

And I, I now, I don't envy any longer.

I now leverage the ego.

I'm drawing inspiration.

I don't, I'm not comparing myself to other
people now, which I think is a big thing.

Another big thing that I've learned
in this is, is, I don't compare

myself to anybody in this group.

It's not a comparison thing for me.

It's a, it's a drawing inspiration.

You know how you can get into that.

Oh man, I wish I had what that person had.

Oh, I don't have, I'm not
as ripped as that person.

It's not, it's, things have really changed
for me in that manner where I'm like,

I'm, I'm inspired by all of you guys.


I, uh, I draw strength from it
now rather than, you know, having

this, this, this voice telling me
that I'm not good enough for it.

I'm really starting to feel like I am, you

Ryan Carnohan: know.

I love that.

That's so, and I, I
experienced something similar.

A lot of this stuff that
you've mentioned, I think we do

experience and that's exciting.

You actually get excited for people
because you're like, there's my path.

What does that guy do?

Because we understand that the
identity is not the outcome, or the

outcome is not our identity, you know?

So they aren't what they've accomplished,
they are what their systems are.

And so you just go, well,
what is that guy's system?

Oh, if he has a system, I can
implement that system too.

And then I'm going to be
on the same path as him.

Yeah, man.

Yeah, you're spitting fire right now.


Cory Tucker: love this.

I'll tell you what, man.

And even through, um, you know, when
Chris, when Chris first hit me up

and said that, you know, I was one
of the winners of the competition

and that I was getting posted.

Man, I, yeah, I was like,
holy shit, I did it.

And I, you know, I did what
I said I was going to do.

And I also said that I was going
to do it in 90 days and I fucking

did it, you know, and I ran.

I remember running into my wife and
like showing her the text and, and my

wife grabbed me by the face and she's
like, God, you finally found something.

You finally fucking found
something, you know?

And she's like, I'm so proud of you.

And I got teary eyed and
I, I, I was just so happy.

And I'm not bullshitting you, man.

Within 10 minutes, Henry had me
believing that I didn't deserve it.

I'm not even kidding, because I, I
looked, it, it was, it was like all I

could think about for probably the next
10 days was, so what you got in shape?

You still don't have a
relationship with your stepson.

You still hate your job.

Like all of these things were going
through my head, man, to the point where

I told my wife that I was going to call
Chris and tell him that not to post me

and not to send me the t shirts and not
to do that, that I didn't, I didn't want,

I didn't want it because I wasn't, I was,
I was in my, it had taken over again.

You know what I mean?

It had taken over again.

I didn't feel worthy of it.

I didn't feel like I deserved it because
I, because I started comparing myself

to, you know, the relationship that
Kyle has with his wife and, and, you

know, and what you guys are doing.

I started fucking, like, all of
this chaos started coming again.

Like, that dude showed up and
busted through the door after

a great accomplishment, right?

And I remember telling my wife, and my
wife is like, you will do no such thing.

Don't you see what's going on around you?

Don't you see what you are doing here?

Don't you see how our lives are changing?

And she's like, you've changed this home.

You're, you're changing me.

And, um, and she's like, and your
ass is getting posted, you know?

And, and that was just such
an amazing thing, you know?

Um, yeah, yeah.

So I still battle, I still
battle, man, big time.

Okay, let's, this

Ryan Carnohan: is so beautiful.

I mean, that right there, you know,
bringing tears to my eyes, man.

That was a moment that every man wants.

And a recognition that every man wants,
but a realization, really not recognition,

a realization that every man wants and
the ability that he can impact his home

and Henry, like you say, comes in and
tries to rob you, this robs you of this

realization or the power that you have on
impact on your home and the whole world.

So when he comes for you.

And that's some deep, dark shit, and I
love, everyone in here could resonate.

There are guys in here that are like,
Oh shit, I was feeling that right now.

Like, the darkness.

You know it.

How have you learned, or what have you
developed, since joining the program,

to, to es to reframe, or escape,
or use, or whatever it is that you

do when he's really coming at you?

How do you continue on?

Cory Tucker: I,

what I, how I do it, I just, you
know, I talk to myself a lot.

Yeah, yeah, bring us in there.

I want to bring it, you
know, bring us into that.

What do you mean by that?

I talk to myself and I said that I just
remind myself that I am the example.

I remind myself that it
is my, that is my purpose.

To be the example, to set the example
for my kids in my home, that is my job

and I remind myself of that now and it's
more now because of how much I do it.

I'm more, you know what I mean?

How, how often I'm, I'm, you know,
I'm, I'm, I'm journaling like crazy

and I, and I'm, and I'm, and it's,
and I'm starting to love myself.

And when you start loving yourself
and you feel and you having moments of

being proud and having accomplishments,
not, not that you ever sit on that

shit, but that you take those wins.

You believe that you deserve them.

You're working hard and
you're setting an example.

Um, that's, that's what I've been doing.

I just remind myself.

Ryan Carnohan: Very, very powerful.

And it's the opposite of what
you explained about yourself

in the beginning of this call.

Cause you talked about
how you'd go sedate.


You'd go escape into a
bottle or whatever it was.

And now you face it.



You know, and you do it consistently.

And so, and what does Henry do?

Henry comes to rob you of the idea that
you have the ability to be the example.

No one watches me.

I'm worthless.

No one gives a fuck about me.

I have zero impact.

That's what he wants you to believe.

And you just stood up amidst that
and you say, no, I am the example.

And so he has a tantrum.


And you just sit there and amidst
it, your ability to continue on.

That's what makes you the example is
your ability to continue on amidst Henry.

Cory Tucker: Yeah, you know, it
was, he, he was so in charge of me.

And you know, look, Henry is me, right?

I, you know, I refer to him
as this, this other guy.

But yeah, if you're coming
in late, it's the ego.

It's the ego.

It's, it's, uh, it's, it's,
look, I, I, I kind of do that for

fun, but You know, that's that
clearly obviously is me, right?

I, but I, it was so heavy.

That dude was so fucking in charge of me
that he got me to a place where I wouldn't

even look at myself in the mirror, man.

And battling up from that is battle.

It's a fucking battle.

It's a, it's a, it's a every
minute of every day challenge.

And, and I think through
the consistent, yeah.

And, and, and another thing that
I love about this, man, what

are we on four zooms a week?

There's always dudes sending messages.

We're always in constant communication.

It is, is saved me, has absolutely
saved me this and it's, it's.

Un fucking real what is happening
in my life because of it.

My business, although I just got my ass
scammed for a shitload of money, I, I, my

business is, things are coming out of the
woodworks that I didn't even do anything.

I'm getting offered business from
people that I haven't heard from.

And it's because of what's
being put out there.

It's because of the energy
that's being put out and the

effort that's being put out.

It goes out there without you even
having to do anything with it.

I mean, I live here in
Venice Beach, California.

And I have a guy who's the president
of the Venice Beach Commerce

wanting to do business with me.

I never even, I don't even
know who this dude is.

And he hits me up today and he's
like, I have, I have business.

I want to talk to you about, and it's, I'm
in this out of home advertising business.

We do murals all over Venice Beach and,
you know, for advertising and this guy's

got properties and, and he's, uh, he's
the president of, uh, you know, Venice

Beach Commerce and he, he, I don't,
it's just, it's blowing my mind, man,

the things that are happening and,
um, and it, and it's all coming from

this force that, that we're building.

Together, you know,

Ryan Carnohan: it's very interesting that
your ability to stand and look at your ego

and face your ego was correlated with your
ability to look at yourself in the mirror.

Cory Tucker: Yeah, man.

Yeah, it's very

Ryan Carnohan: interesting.


Cory Tucker: and how I'm looking
at myself all the time, bro.

Like 5% body fat.

I can't get enough of my wife.

My wife's like, bro, put
your fucking shirt on.

No, she's actually not saying that.

Ryan Carnohan: Yeah.

She's like, keep it up.

But this is very interesting
because you now know your, your

value, you know, your impact.

And when you know your impact,
you can, you can tap into it.

When you need it.

And people need it, actually.

It's not even about you.

You don't need it, just like you said.

You're the example and you
are the savage servant.

And so when people can depend
on you as the disciplined man,

and it just, it emanates from

Cory Tucker: you.



Ryan Carnohan: need someone to serve them.

They go find the man that serves and
the man that can suffer, the man that

can look at his ego, the man that is not
thinking selfishly can serve everybody.

Cory Tucker: Sure.

And you know, with that
confidence, And when you walk

into a room, things are different.

People treat you differently.

Ryan Carnohan: Yes.


We'll dig into this.

I like this.

Give us either something.

What do you mean different?

This is fun.

Cory Tucker: I'm looked at my, my,
I, you know, I can give examples.

I mean, you know, I went for Mother's Day.


you want to present it.

Let's go.

Ryan Carnohan: I want to hear it.

Cory Tucker: My wife, my wife is
like, Jesus, man, you just walked in.

We went to out for Mother's Day with
my, my mother in law, my mother.

And there was like nine of us
and we were at a restaurant.

I walked to the bathroom and I came
back and she's like, every fucking table

that you walked by was staring at you.

on the way there and the way back.

And you know what?

I got fucking veins
popping out of my arms.

I'm walking with my head up.

Um, cause I'm feeling
fucking good about myself.

And when you have, when that, when you
get to that place, when things are just

different, you are treated differently.

And, and, and when, and there's
another thing too, I'm living my life.

With this, there's several things
that I, I do now that I, I make it a

purpose, like I really, really work
hard on helping people and what I've

done, what's happened from this, joining
this group that more than anything,

I've stopped thinking about me so much.

And what's wrong with me or what
I don't have or I, I, me, me, I've

really stopped saying those things.

I've really stopped
saying the word I and me.

It hasn't been about me.

And it's such a fucking relief.

It's so much weight.

What does that allow?

What does that allow you to do?

Or what is what's replaced that?

Because if that was that
time, that's energy.


Being of service, being of service,
washing all the dishes, doing all

the laundry, doing all the grocery
shopping, making all my wife's foods.

I'm, I, we call it overnight oats notes.

So on the top of my wife's
overnight You know, jars.

I have little notes for her for every
morning and I'll tell you that little shit

like that where I see my wife smile and
she's thanking me and she's telling her

friends and her family what's going on
and and my and my seven year old daughter

is out like you said doing sprints
with me and my son wants me to help him

put 10 pounds on so he can start the
basketball team next year and like all

of these things that just weren't you.

They weren't, they weren't, uh, and
it's about, then it's about them.


None of that's about me.


Ryan Carnohan: you don't
expect anything back.

This wasn't even on your radar before.

Cory Tucker: Oh, fuck no.

Not even close, man.

Not even close, man.

I'm, I'm, I'm, the, the wallowing in
the self pity if, if you're having

that it's time to get rid of it.

And it's time to start.

And the greatest gift that this
group has given me is the ability

to put myself in last place.

And be okay with it.

You know?

My family comes first, my wife
comes first, my kids are in, my kids

are in a very, very close second.

Uh, but I, that taking, taking that
I and me out of my, um, daily thought

process and that, and my conversations
that I'm, that I have with myself.

Most of the I and me are conversations
that I have with myself, right?

I don't have this.

What about me?

You know, like all that shit that
as soon as that goes away, the

weight gets just lifts off of you
and like good shit starts happening.

Good shit starts happening.

And it's a universal law.

And when you are helping people,
good shit happens to you.

Um, so I don't know, man, that's, that's,
that's what I got, brother, you know?

Ryan Carnohan: Yeah, I I love that.

And so let's say you have a guy,
let's say same age girl, whatever.

It's every same situation.

And he's asked, he's like, Hey, you
know, I, my wife doesn't respect me

or she's not giving me what I need.

Cause we all know you're getting
more of what you wanted in the

first place, not even needing it.




So there's guys, we're,
we're, we're in pain here.


What do you tell that guy?

Where does he start?

Because guys want to be selfless.

Maybe they want to, be able to serve
and do that and remember that shit.

But what, how did you start doing that?

Cause that sounds hard.

Cory Tucker: Yeah, it starts hard.

Well, I, I, you know, funny
enough, I, I, I, I really love the

idea of getting your body right.

Uh, you know, I think, I macros

And your workouts in that discipline
really floats into the rest of it.

Like, I think a good place to start, look,
uh, you know, I've been, I'm five foot

nine, you know, right now I'm like 145
pounds, dude, I've been 230 pounds before.

I was like, you know, we should
never be in that type of shape.

I really.

Disliked myself and how I felt
like with The condition that I'm in

now, I can, first of all, do more.

I feel better physically.

And when you feel better physically,
then I feel like you can start getting

into a place where mentally you can
start feeling better too, right?

And, you know, it's a,
it's a tough question.

How, I would, I would say you got
to start, you really, you know, I

just got done saying, take the I
in me out of this whole thing, but

you do have to start with yourself.

You must start with yourself and you have
to, the fucking discipline is critical.

Discipline is critical.

The discipline for me, uh, in, in what
I've done thus far with, with you guys

is, was, was, has been really one of
the most critical components of it.

The discipline with the macros,
the discipline with the working

out, the discipline with being on
the Zooms, um, you know, that's...

That has, uh, that's where, you
know, that's where you start.

And then you start, uh, putting people
before you, like you gotta, you know,

I started putting everyone else's needs
before mine and forgetting about mine.

And then weirdly enough, mine just started
getting taken care of because of it.

So, uh, you know, where do you start?

You gotta open up, right?

You gotta be available.

You gotta open up and be available.

And And, and know that you're cared
for and that you're loved, you know,

I don't really know any of that.

Ryan Carnohan: I want to present
you with another question.

This is good, because you're
talking about opening up.

How has it, maybe it hasn't, I don't know.

How has the response to, uh,
your wife's critique changed?

So if she was to critique you on something
right now, or counsel you on something,

how has your response changed now as
to what it would have changed before?

And what if it's something that you
vehemently, maybe that's the wrong word,

but strongly disagree with, you know?

Well, how would you handle that situation?

This is not a test, I'm just wondering.

This is kind of shit.

Cory Tucker: You know, I, I also
recognize that Again, I, I recognize

Henry when he is knocking on the door man.

And how I would've reacted to my
wife is something that we dis we

still disagree about shit every day.

You know what I mean?

Uh, but I'm, I'm, I am, I have the freedom
now to understand that it's okay and that

we don't, we don't fight, we don't argue.

We have, it's, we have communication.

with each other.

I don't I don't need to be right.

You know, that's a big thing
with she and I right now.

I don't, I don't need to be right, man.

Um, and it's okay.

And it's okay to, and it's,
it's okay to be wrong.

You know, a lot of times, you know, I
would, it was more of a, when we would

fight before she, we had a disagreement.

God, the difference now, she would,
she's in, you know, my, she loves me.

You know what I mean?

I think there was a lot of times
before where I questioned like how

my wife felt about me because of who
I was and the shit that I was doing.

And I was, I was scared.

I was fearful.

So, because I was scared,
and I was fearful.

I put up a guard, put up a wall, and a
wall that, you know, because I didn't

want to be hurt, and, um, now that wall
has been broken down, I mean, it's, it,

at least I, at least I can walk over it,
you know what I mean, to get to the other

side, and I, uh, I'm, I'm able to, we're
able to work as a unit because I have, I

have leveled up, I have changed, I have.

She's been waiting for this fucking
guy for, um, 12 years, my wife.

She's been waiting for
this dude for a long time.

But the cool thing about my wife,
and she's the most wonderful woman,

I don't, I'm sure you guys all
feel the same way about your wives.

My wife is, is, we're very lucky
because we're a bunch of fucking

knuckleheads, you know what I mean?

Like, uh, we got ball, these fucking
testosterone ripping through us,

we're just a bunch of fucking animals.

And we're lucky enough to have these
beautiful creatures in our lives

that, that recognize something in us.

Even when, even when
the, the bad is showing.

A lot, you know, my wife was able
to recognize that the good that

I have in me that I'm now able to
express to her because I'm caring

about myself a little bit more than
I used to a lot more than I used to.

And so I'm able to, I'm able to tell her
fuck I fucked up and be okay with it.

I'm able to cry in front of
her which I never did before.

She didn't see me.

My wife didn't see me cry.

Eight years into our relationship,
my brother, my brother died from July

1st, 2018, overdose, alcohol overdose.

That was the first time that I, I'd
ever showed emotion in front of my wife.


Now I'm crying in front of her all
the time and she's like, she loves it.

You know, we're just, we have this,
um, we have this newfound, and I have

a newfound respect for people and
for her and for my kids and I, and I

care about, you know, their thoughts.

Because before I was so
caught up in my own shit, man.

I was so caught up in my own
shit, I wasn't giving anyone

else time for theirs, you know?

And it was all, it was all like
this fear and this, this...

You know, this, um, this guy that was
trying to break out of this thing, and,

uh, thank God, man, thank God for you
guys, and thank God for this group, and

thank God for that, that big meathead
fireman spitting all over the Instagram

screen, and, and, I'm just, I'm just
really, uh, I'm in such a better

place as a human being because of all
of you guys, and I'm, I'm so fucking

grateful, and I hope that you all know
that, and I love you guys so much, man.

Oh, you

Ryan Carnohan: are, you are
loved, Corey, and this has

been a very powerful interview.

There's one last question I want to ask,
and then I'm going to open up to Kyle,

because I think he's going to burst
into He's in his head, his bald head's

about to blast into the screen here.

But I want to know this
relationship with your daughter.

This is very special, I think.

Oh yeah.

Was it, how has that changed?

Because I know she's always
been your little girl because

she's your daughter, bro.

It doesn't matter how much pain
you're in, she's always your daughter

and she's always comforting you.


But how has that changed and how
has she seen you differently?

What do you think compared
to what you were before?

Cory Tucker: I think that there
were times before that I maybe

even scared her a little bit.

Because she didn't recognize...

Because she's my right hand man, you know?

I understand that.

Ryan Carnohan: Mine is too.

You know that.

Seven years old girl?


Just the best.

Cory Tucker: Yeah, it's, there's...

I've never experienced a love like it.

My wife is very understanding of that.

I'm my daughter.

I, I, I want to live, you
know, it's funny because I hear

people die for my, I would die.

I want, I want to live for my, for my,
I want to live for my, Family now, you

know, I'll never, I'll never say that.

Oh, I'd die for them.

Uh, because I think it's stupid
now, you know what I mean?

Like I want to live for them.

Uh, my, my daughter sees like,
and now my daughter's like,

dad, look at your stomach.

Oh my God.

Look at your muscles.

I want to be like that.

When can I start working out?

Like, she's like, when
can I start training?

When, when are you going
to let me lift weights?

When he let me start like, so I, we
have these little two pounders and

she comes in and she works out in the
little two pounders and then, um, I'm

out in the alley doing sprints and
she's like, now she's, she's asking

me to do sprints before I even,
before I'm even doing the bonus burn.

She's like, when can we get
out there and do some sprints?

She, I, look, kids haven't got, you
guys all know this, they haven't

been tainted by the world yet, right?

So what they see, they do.

What they hear, they say.

What, how you feel, they feel.


So when you're feeling good,
your kids are feeling good.

When you're saying good things,
your kids are saying good things.

When they're hearing,
you know what I mean?

When they're hearing you say
good things, they're going to

turn around and say good things.

It's, and because of this positivity,
this newfound, like, happiness for myself,

it's only brought joy into my home.

For real joy into my home.

And, um, I think they
were all waiting for that.

Although my, my daughter got a lot
more of it than anyone else anyway.

Um, uh, I think they were all really,
you know, really waiting for it.

You know what I'm saying?




That's beautiful.

Yeah, man.

Now, if I could get my son to get
his ass up a little earlier in the

morning, we'll put those texts up.

Yeah, he's 14.

He's 14, brother.

I don't, uh, you know, I sure hope
I can, uh, I hope I can get him.

Hey, is your son, is your son home?


Kyle Carnohan: your son home?


Cory Tucker: You're muted.

I can't hear you.

Kyle Carnohan: You can't hear me?

Can you not hear me at all?


Cory Tucker: didn't get that.

Could you try again?

I can hear you now.

Hold on, hold on,

Ryan Carnohan: hold on.

Siri's doing

Cory Tucker: some weird stuff.

Sorry, are you guys there?

It's okay, Corey.

Oh, Jesus.

What the heck?

Can you

Ryan Carnohan: guys hear Kyle?

Hold on.


We can hear you.

You got me now?

There's some weird echo.

Yeah, there was an echo,
but we got you now.

Corey, can you hear Kyle?

Siri was talking.

I don't know what's going on.

We, we can hear you now.

I was going to

Kyle Carnohan: say, is your,
uh, is your son there right now?

Cory Tucker: No, he's not.

He's not.

He's at the, at the Donest.

Cause I got.

I got my two right here.

Yes sir.

Kyle Carnohan: And, uh, I want, I
want to, uh, offer something to you.


My son, my son, I mean, he's ripped.

He goes to gym all the

Cory Tucker: time, so does this work?

I know.

I see.

And, um, pull up for days

Kyle Carnohan: if he wants coaching
from my son, absolutely free.

He would love to just talk to 'em,
get to know 'em, teach 'em how to lift

weights, how to, how to eat macros.

I got a 14 year old, 16 year old.

They can get on Zoom calls together.

Cory Tucker: Oh man, that'd be great.

He's 14 too, so that'd be great.

Kyle Carnohan: Yeah, just have him, hey
man, I got, just tell him, that big, big

freakin dumb guy that I always talk to,
he's got these two kids, check him out.

And, uh, and, and, they'll just,
they'll just be his friend,

Cory Tucker: and teach him some shit.

Alright man, I'll tell him, I'll tell him.

Get him amped up.

Thank you so much, Mattel.

Kyle Carnohan: Yeah, and

Ryan Carnohan: I mean, now,
now, What's that, another?

I was gonna say, you
can take the floor now.

That was the interview, dude.

He crushed it, so You can,
you can say whatever you want.


Kyle Carnohan: I, I don't think
that we've had a transformation

like this to this level of
understanding yet, from so dark so


You know, a lot of our transformations,
we have, we have a few, but a lot

of our transformations that are
quick are guys that have like,

that are right on the

cusp, but you were


Cory Tucker: Very deep.


Kyle Carnohan: man.

You came out of the darkness
and just like exploded.

Cory Tucker: There was a lot of example.

There were a lot of examples, a
lot of, a lot of examples, man.

Like I said, I, I really, I
really flipped the switch on.

And this is really important, man.

I even wrote this down.

Don't compare, I have this,
I have shit written all over

my, my desk and my area here.

Do not compare yourself to anyone.

And that was a very big thing for
me coming into this group because

Envy no longer has any place
in my life, only inspiration.

And I.

I am very dialed in with that,
and I'm inspired so much by

the people in this group, man.

I'm so fucking inspired, it's
what, it's what, it's a, it's a,

it's a spark for me, it's fire.

It's the thing that, now, I'm even getting
up earlier now, so I can get extra time

in to read and journal, and I'm up at 3
o'clock every day before I, you know what

I mean, like, and I'm having no problem.

No alarm.

I'm up.

Let's go.

And it all has to do with, man, I was
waking up at eight or nine o'clock

before, maybe later before, not making
breakfast for my kids, like, and sneaking

in shots of bullet in my garage, acting
like, acting like my family didn't know.

That shit doesn't even exist in my
home any longer, you know what I mean?

And it's all because of the
leadership of this group and the

inspiration that I'm able to follow.

Crazy, crazy

Kyle Carnohan: how you
mirror this back to us.

And this is the power of this group

Cory Tucker: is like,

Kyle Carnohan: when we give,
you mirror it back to us.

And so then we, like I, when you're
speaking, I'm reevaluating my whole life.

I'm going, where can I be better?

How can I connect more with my kids?

How can I be better for my wife?

How can I increase my income?

How can I get more ripped?

How can I show up with more power?

These are the questions I'm
asking myself while you're

talking, which means one thing.


have become the source.

Cory Tucker: Yesterday, yesterday when
you gave me that challenge to do that,

uh, live Instagram, I'm like, ah, fuck.

I've never done that shit before.

All right.

All right.


And man, I'll tell you after
I did it, I felt so great.

I felt so fucking great.

And it was because I came
there to help, right?

I came there with the idea because I
thought about it and I'm like, I'm like,

I don't want to make this about me losing
fucking money because fuck the money.

You know, I don't want this to be about,
um, I don't want it to be about, about

me and like how can I present this to
help and encourage and let tell people to

first of all watch out for motherfuckers
because there's some scumbags out there.


But then to, to, to, to let him know
that there's a way to not allow that

Henry, if Henry was coming, baby, he
would have fucking come knocking through

the door with this kind of money.

I didn't allow it.

I didn't allow it.

I didn't allow it, man.

So you went,

Kyle Carnohan: you went from,
from chaos to acceptance.

Ryan Carnohan: This is, and this is it.

Your ability to return to your values
amidst chaos defines who you are as a man.

Cory Tucker: And by the way, uh, just so
you guys know, and I'm telling you this

universal power, there is universal power
in the shit that we are doing, because,

um, that money has been put back in my...

Business account.

It's pending, but the numbers are there.

Let's go.

So, we're on, we're on the
path of, of that coming back.

And my, and here's another thing
that's so wonderful about my wife.

She had that faith from day one.

I didn't, I didn't, I hadn't yet.

She lives in faith.

She has that power, man.

She has that fucking power
to live in this faith.

And I'm like, man, that's wonderful.

It's such a wonderful thing to be around
and I'm actually starting to be an

example of it myself now and the results.

are showing, right?

It's, it's, it's, and it's so much easier.

It's so much easier, and it's, it's
a lot more fucking fun, you know?

Ryan Carnohan: I should be on a shirt.

It's so much easier.

Kyle Carnohan: Where this
goes, um, we've only scratched

the surface.

I'm excited to see what happens
in the next couple years.

With your life, with your business,
um, it's going to explode.


Look, look, two years later.

Yeah, man.

Cory Tucker: It's insane.

Two years.


Kyle Carnohan: Two years in alignment.

Cory Tucker: Inspiration.

Kyle Carnohan: So, we're all
in the presence of greatness,

and that's how we become great.

And us with you here, we are
in the presence of greatness.



Let's go.

Ryan Carnohan: Thank you.

Let this be a reminder to all you
sitting in the darkness right now.

Thinking that you're too far deep.

Listen to how deep Corey was 110 days ago.

Or some shit.

Or months ago, or whatever it is.

And look at what he's spitting right now.

He's a leader to all of us.

So you're okay and you can leverage it.

Henry's coming for you.

Will you stand in front of him
or will you run and sedate?

Cory Tucker: Develop a
relationship with him.


You know?

Ryan Carnohan: I'll let
you run with that one.

Let's finish on that thought.

What do you mean?

Cory Tucker: I'm okay
that he's, he's there.

I, I, I think that there's a chan I,
I, I like, I, I like the challenge.

Keeps me on my toes.

I, I, I love that he's there.

I love that now.

I love, I know now that he has no, he
does no full power over me any longer,

but it doesn't bother me that he's there.

The challenge, the challenge is great.

I'll take the challenge.

Bring it on.

You're not going to defeat me again.

It won't happen ever.

It just won't.

Especially this thing that I've
been through in this last week.

No way.

It's okay.

You can knock on the door,
but you're never going to be

able to break it down again.


I won't allow it.


And if it ever starts getting
to that point, I have, like,

You guys, I now, I never had it.

My father left before I was born.

I never, I never been, I've never
had, I've never, like I said, I've

never been around a group of men that
are able to share their, their, their

wins and their losses equally, their
fear and their strength equally.

And it's, it's, it's something that
I've like craved my whole life.

And it's, it's for me, this is
just, it's become such a wonderful

experience and I want to, I want to
share it with everybody and I want to,

and, and I'm, and I'm here to serve.

I'm here to help.

And, um, I'm just grateful.

I'm super grateful for you guys.

Kyle Carnohan: You and I need to have
a conversation about your future with

the Warrior Monk Council.

Cory Tucker: I'm in.

Let's go.

I'm ready.

Whenever you are.

Ryan Carnohan: That was literally
gonna come out of my mouth.


Um, all right.

I have a hard stop at 615 and I just
realized I was selfish and didn't

let anybody ask any questions.

Is there anybody who want to say something
to Corey or have a question for him?

Cause I know we're all in
this process right now.

I got a little bit of time.

Isaias, get it brother.

Isaias Coppiano: What up
Corey, how you doing brother?

Cory Tucker: I'm good, man.

Thank you for your messages, man.

I, I'm really, I'm grateful, bro.

That, that, that touched me.

Thank you so much.

I want to say thank you to you.

Isaias Coppiano: This has been an
amazing Transformation Tuesday.

I think you just set a standard for
the rest of the Zooms because it just

feels so authentic what you talk about.

And I believe


For me, at least, it's so fucking hard
to make that introspection, I've done

it, you know, I've been five months a
year, I've been working my ass off in

me, and, but it just feels like the way
you talk, you've got deep, you know,

you've done some work, and what's an
advice you could give to someone who's,

for example, like me, for me, it's just
fucking hard to see myself sometimes in

my, in my weaknesses, and I just think,
and it's like, I got this barrier that I

just want to avoid going there, because I
know I'm going to suffer, but then I go,

then I go, okay, I find something, like,
I find this piece of light, But it just

feels like you have gone deep brother.

That just amazed me man.

Cory Tucker: You know what man, I'm
telling you, I, I, the only way that I,

I feel like I can answer that is, I'm,
I'm putting everybody in front of me.

I don't, I'm not, I'm not, I'm, I'm
thinking less about me and what I need.

I'm getting everything that I need
by putting everybody in front of me.

That's really, that's really the
answer that I think it was the best

for, for that question, uh, because
I don't, man, I'm, I'm, I'm a lot

less concerned with the things that
I don't have, you know what I mean?

Uh, because they're coming naturally by
putting everybody, my family and when I,

when I say everybody, I'm talking about
my wife and my kids and, and, you know,

the people that I've actually got a couple
of guys from here that are, that are

reaching out and I'm helping them out.

Man, this shit feels so good.

The less that I think about
myself, the greater I become.

It's fucking wild.

It's wild.

And I, I never expected that.

Trust me, man.

I'm 53 years old, dude.

I'm, I'm the old guy in this game.

You're young dude, man.

You got so much like ahead of
you so much time and, and, and

look where you're at already.

Recognize that.

Recognize that.

You're already, you're already a leader.

Look, you've, you've joined this
group at this, this young age, man.

Wait till you hit 53, dude.

You're going to be leading men and
it's, it's going to be amazing, dude.

And you have the, you have a magnetic
personality as well, the more you

talk on here, the, yeah man, so, yeah,
keep up doing what you're doing man,

you're not doing any, you don't, you
don't need any advice from me, you're

already doing what you, you need to do.

Isaias Coppiano: I need all the advice
from you brother, I just, for real man,

not, this is no flattery, I'm trying
to be authentic all the time and.

When you spoke about you being envy
about other men, I just thought you

need both to say that and to recognize
that and to make peace with that and

change that to the way that now you
get all inspiration and every word that

you say, I fucking believe you, man.

So I just want to say thank you, brother.

I appreciate your answer and
thanks for an amazing Zoom, man.

Cory Tucker: Thank you, man.

I appreciate you.

Thank you so much.

That's very good.

And congrats on getting
the fucking money back.

Let's fucking go.

Thank you, man.

I, uh, boy, as soon as that pending
goes away, I'm gonna be very happy.

But again, again, I made peace with it.

I made peace with it not
being there, you know?

So, and I would never have
been able to do that without,

without being here first, ever.

So, I thank you guys.

Ryan Carnohan: Let's go.

What an awesome question.

Um, if there's no more comments or
questions, I think we'll call it.

That was a very powerful.

This will be remembered, Corey.

Cory Tucker: Thank you
guys for coming, man.

Thank you guys for all showing up.

It means the world to me.

I appreciate it.

Great job, Corey.

Loved it.

Ryan Carnohan: Congratulations.

Thank you so much, man.

Of course.

All right.


Cory Tucker: go.


You guys have a great evening.

We'll see you.

Kyle Carnohan: I hope you enjoyed
this transformation from Superhuman

Fathers, and one thing I want you
to know is that anyone can do this.

Yes, even you.

Go to superhuman and
apply for the Brotherhood right now.

Overdub: Next Time on Super Human
Fathers Transformation Podcast

Rob Hale: you talk about the resistance,
and you know, you feel those doubts

multiple times a week, I feel, and
Um, I, I feel like in the beginning

I'd kind of gotten to a rhythm.

Um, I think I'd been going
for about a month and a half.

You know, kind of enough to get
into a routine and all that.

And that's about when our family was
scheduled to go on our, our ten, ten

day Disneyland or Disney World cruise.

Ryan Carnohan: You signed
up like right before this.

That's hilarious.

And I

Rob Hale: was, I was like, there's no way.

There's no way that I can.

You know, be the present dad and
be on this vacation and still kind

of be hitting these other goals
and, um, like, okay, what, what am

I, what, what are we going to do?

What are we, how am I
going to prep for this?

And, you know, I studied, I looked up,
like, foods that I might be eating,

and, you know, made a plan to go grab
a bunch of protein shakes before we

got on the boat, and stuff like that,
and took You know, bands and stuff so

I could make sure I get my workouts
and, um, I got on the boat and realized

that, you know, I don't have access to
the Wi Fi, I didn't have access to the

Superhuman Fathers app, my workouts, you
know, MyFitnessPal, all that was gone.

So I was like, oh crap, like, you
know, what am I, what have I done?

Like, I'm, I've kind of sabotaged
myself, but, you know, I just learned

to kind of trust myself, trust those
things that I had been learning, and...

You know, not like, throw in the
towel, not give up, and kind of going

through that with the seven day cruise,