Noon Hour Of Madness & Mayhem

This week, Peaches and Victor dive into everything from frustrating Tuesdays to the surprising world of guesting on podcasts. Victor’s gearing up for an appearance on Fueled by Weird, while Peaches dreams of scoring interviews with radio royalty like Ryan Seacrest.

The duo relives nightmare restaurant experiences (looking at you, Planet Hollywood) and wonders why Vegas keeps charging premium prices for mediocrity. They also tackle food truck hype, the challenges of being a high-roller on a budget, and the impracticalities of camping at rock festivals with CPAP machines.

Plus, Victor rants about YouTube card-counting tutorials, and Peaches debates whether $20 tacos are worth the hype. All this and more on The Noon Hour of Madness and Mayhem!

What is Noon Hour Of Madness & Mayhem?

The Noon Hour Of Madness & Mayhem can be heard live on KBEAR 101 weekdays at 12pm MST. Viktor and Peaches talk about a wide variety of topics depending on the day and you never know what to expect!

The noon hour of madness and mayhem powered by Jalisco's, the podcast. Alrighty. It is it's Tuesday, isn't it? Unfortunately. Wish it was Friday, but whatever.

I wish it was Friday. Man, I'm so thankful that we're not even there. I don't know. I don't know. I got a case of the Mondays.

I got a bad case of the Tuesdays. The terrible Tuesdays is is Casey Peaches. Yeah. Busy day, tiring day. So much going on around here.

And, like I told you a minute ago, I added more on my plate. And tonight, I'm going to be on another podcast, Peaches. Oh, yeah? Gonna be on the fueled by weird podcast. Oh, good for you.

Yeah. Thought it would be fun. I saw, Chris Daily. He's a a K Bear listener, and he's done this podcast for quite a while. Saw him share an episode recently, and I don't remember if he said something like, if you know any good guests, let me know.

And I was like, hey. I'd be on. And he's like, well, okay. Be on the show. Cool.

So I don't know what it's gonna be like. You know? I've never generally, it's me hosting. You know? Yeah.

I don't I don't tend to be a guest. Generally, it's us coming up with the questions for the people. Yeah. It'd be so nice to be a guest on a podcast. Oh, yeah.

I'm looking forward to it. All I gotta do is just kick back and answer stuff, I'm guessing. So, I'll let everybody know when it's posted, but the podcast is called Fueled by Weird. You could find it everywhere podcasts can be found just like our podcast. Right.

The noon hour of madness and mayhem podcast. And pretty soon, I'll be launching my own podcast where I'm interviewing even more people. But this I think, for the most part with my podcast, the guests know how to talk and take over the show. Well, you'd hope. I'd hope.

Because they're radio people. Luckily, my friend John, who's the first guest, he has been in radio for quite some time now, and he knows how to generate a conversation, keep it going. Yeah. For the most part, he was asking me questions towards the end. Alright.

And I'm like, no, dude. This is about you. We're, like, we're trying to highlight what you do with Valentine in the morning and all that. Well, that's the thing with a podcast. Podcast shouldn't be an interview with a bunch of necessarily questions.

It should be a conversation. It was. It was definitely a conversation between 2 guys in the radio business, and that's what I wanted was a deep dive into the radio world. I might actually have you on the show too. Alright.

Bring me on. I'm I'm ready to be a guest. I wanna get Lou Brutus on. I wanna get Jose Mangan on. I my my aim for right now is to go towards, Menace from The Woody Show to discuss social media.

Cool. That. Cool. So as you can hear, we are currently churning out all kinds of content. We don't just do radio anymore.

We're we're doing everything we can to entertain you 247. I would love to try to get Ryan Seacrest. I feel like that would be a fun time. It's possible. You know, he probably only get only gets asked to do boring interviews about pop music and things like that.

He might actually be pretty interested in talking radio. And he would definitely be interesting to hear his stories about working in radio from the very beginning on star 98. Yeah. I'd be very not the star 98 here in town. Everybody.

No. But the star 98 down in Florida that actually matters. Oh, I mean, It's fair. It's fair. If you need pop music, you listen to z 103.

That's the only station that matters in the market. It's like night and day between star and z. Come on now. What? In Florida?

No. No. No. And z z, you know, here versus the one here. That's what I'm saying.

Yeah. Does z one zero three so much better? Well, yeah. That's what I'm saying. No question.

If you need pop music, you go to z 103. I mean, yeah, there's not really I mean, all the other pop stations out there, they're kind of all the same. Z one zero three is different. It's a it's a little bit different. Yeah.

And, you know, like, for example, I threw some of the songs from Wicked on z 103. Oh, you have to do musical. It's the most popular thing out there right now. And it you know, at first, I'm like, okay. These will sound weird because they're musical songs.

Yeah. They're with the big grand But endings and things like that. You played the We Don't Talk About Bruno song on on z before. Yeah. And then, the Peaches song.

You know, Jack Black Peaches. The greatest song there is. That one drove management crazy, and I I was trying to fight for it. But I was like, alright. If it's gonna drive you guys that crazy, we'll stop playing the Peaches song on z.

But I thought we should have, you know, really pummeled that one to death. Of course. Because it was the most popular movie at the time. Yeah. You gotta say, hey.

It's Idaho's number one hit music channel. If we're not playing the number one hits, we cannot call ourselves. That's right. The only reason we aren't playing a hit is because it's a rap song with too much bad language. Oh, they gotta they gotta tone it back.

I did see Megan Thee Stallion in the spirit box. I was listening to that song. I'm like, man, I wish I play this on game air. So many just vulgar lyrics. I know.

Most of well, not most, but a good portion of the really popular songs out there have just vile language. Right. So can't get away with it. Artists. Yeah.

Settle down. Come on. Victor, what you got? What do I got? I got a plan.

I got a plan, dude. I got a plan Arthur. I got a plan. We need money, and that's what my plan involves money. People are modding red dead redemption 2 right now by, changing the horses into giant frogs.

And Arthur's just leaping around on the gun and saying I do need to start playing with mods on my PC for red time. It would be fun. Yeah. I don't know how this happened, but last night, as I was getting ready for bed, somehow I started watching YouTube videos about counting cards when you play blackjack. Okay.

You are so bored. You are just a guy by himself not knowing what to do, and you're not wanting to admit it at all. I was in bed, and I'm like, alright. I want some noise on while I go, you know, try to get tired. Noise.

So you choose that out of all things. There's so many ASMR channels, white noise channels I don't like that stuff. You can turn on. Yeah. Imagine falling asleep to someone and, like, whisper it in your ear.

Yeah. I don't like ASMR. It makes me, makes me creepy crawly for some reason. I told you about my me and my friend, we did that YouTube channel, ASMR of Suburbia, where we just did, like, these horrible, horrible scenarios, but in ASMR version. Yeah.

Like, like, Phil Swift is trying to settle his divorce or something like that. It was something stupid. But he was trying to settle his divorce his divorce by using flex tape or something. So I take it you've never watched any YouTube videos about counting cards when you play blackjack. That's too complex.

I'm okay. I don't think it's too complex. After I was watching and this is from someone who's very forgetful. There's these pretty easy to follow systems for how to do it. What blows my mind is it's blatantly obvious for the most part when somebody is counting cards because they all kind of follow the same betting techniques and things like that.

How some of these people get away with it, I don't know. Because it's not, like, illegal. And they won't, like, you know, try to get you arrested if you're caught doing it. They just come up to you and they're like, alright. No more blackjack for you.

Why don't you go play craps? Well, I know. I mean, if you go to Vegas and you do super well at any one of the games, they just kick you out of there. Dana White got kicked out for making a whole bunch of money off Vegas. There's that heavily tattooed guy that's a professional gambler.

I forgot his name, but, yeah, he's been kicked out of Vegas. I think he's permanently banned from any gambling in Vegas. Yeah. And it's not like they did something illegal or made the money. They just did really well.

And so with blackjack, I mean, you can get an advantage. And I think if there's a way to get an advantage, they should allow you to do it or just get rid of the game. You know? If if people can easily learn how to count cards, why wouldn't you just is the game that popular that Like, blackjack's the easiest one to remember. Yeah.

Yeah. It's one of the only, table games that I know how to play. Besides spinning the wheel, bet it all on black, and Yeah. Even then choosing that, I well, I'm I'm the worst when it comes to poker and all that. Yeah.

Poker, I'd know how to play pretty decent. I don't. But, like, craps? I've tried to learn craps, and my brain is craps apparently. Minus 2.

Minus 2. Because, yeah, I've I've never been able to figure it out but I guess in Vegas there are places you can go to learn how to gamble. Like, you know, you just roll in and, I don't know if of gambling? Is that what it's called? Of gambling.

Something like that. I've never gone to that because I don't gamble because I always lose. Yeah. Me too. I I don't care about gambling.

I'd much rather go to Vegas and go to a nice restaurant or go to see something weird that you don't ever see anywhere else. I like just wandering around for sure. Just wandering around, looking at weird stuff, looking at weird people, laughing, you know, going, what what is wrong with these psychopaths on the street? And, have you seen the instant transfer on some of those slot machines? No.

Like, one guy instantly transferred, like, $20,000 from a savings account or whatever into the slot machine? Shouldn't allow that. They shouldn't at all because gambling addiction is very real. And You should have to go and shamefully punch your information into an ATM. But the the the these types of dudes, like, you see them and you go, okay.

These guys clearly own a boat in Florida. They have $20,000 they can throw away. That's what the guy looked like in the video. I could be dead wrong, but he looked exactly like that peak Florida man in his Probably. Late to early 6 maybe, like, late fifties, early sixties that has kids my age, maybe.

He's just blowing their inheritance. Yeah. He's just you know what? I'm living it up. I made a whole lot of money with outdated technology.

I sold telecommunication systems back in the eighties, made a ton of money, and now I'm just living in, Daytona Beach or something like that. And I'm gonna go sit at the $500 minimum bet table. Right. Dude, it's crazy when you walk past the high roller room and you see the limits. You know?

If if you're betting blackjack a minimum of $500 a hand. I've always wanted to go in there and ask, what do you do for a living to be able to spend money like this? You gotta think maybe it's some sort of, like, technology bro, something like that. Like, some guy stranded in Silicon Valley that, you know, does Could be, yeah, all kinds of things. And you hear about a lot of celebrities that have gambling problems Oh, yeah.

Yeah. Losing a lot of money. Right. Yeah. Gambling's, you know, it's it's not really great.

So the best way to gamble, if we're gonna throw it out there, is to try to gamble for free. Sign up in the KayBear apps for $50 in lotto tickets from the Idaho Lottery. You don't have to buy them. Somebody's gonna win them. We're giving them away with Cannonball, KBAIR, and Alt.

They're right behind me. All these tickets are right behind us. Yeah. See? So you won't be out any money if you lose, but you might also win.

It's kind of a funny prize because we could be giving them nothing. What what would suck is that, like, we have a $200,000 winning tickets just sitting behind us, and we can't use it. We can't claim anything. We can't do anything with it. It's just sitting in these red envelopes right behind me.

You you shouldn't tell people where it is. I guess I better, you know, hide that, peaches. I don't know what happened to them. It's the noon hour of madness and mayhem powered by Jalisco's. Now, Victor, I watch entirely different YouTube videos compared to you.

Every single time I eat food, I, for some reason, just gravitate towards videos that are all about food. And there's this guy named Dylan. He's this dude that travels around the country, and he'll go to these different restaurants. And there's a restaurant I forgot exactly where that's half laundromat, half restaurant. Okay.

It's called, like, Henry's it's Henry's something. But, like, it's a really cool thing that they they can sell you detergent. They can sell you the the to do laundry, but at the same time, you can get great food over there. Do they make a Tide Pod sandwich? Oh, that's what they should do.

Something like that. They should. Yeah. The Tide Pod shake. It's the blue and green.

Something like that. But I've been watching all these different, YouTube videos of guys going to restaurants and these food trucks. And food trucks, for the most part, they're always expensive. It's utterly ridiculous how food trucks are so overhyped. My friend, Matt, loves them.

And every single time I go back home, he's like, we gotta try this new food truck in LA. And I'm thinking, I don't wanna spend $20 on some, like, little burger from a food truck, and I have to wait 45 minutes for it. You know, I and I guess it kinda all depends on said food truck. There was one here not that long ago. It was the one day that it was in town Mhmm.

Right outside grocery outlet, that main lobster food truck. And I went and got some food. It was, like, $40 for not only the 3 tiny street tacos, but then also the, the tater tots and a drink. No. No.

No. No drink was there. It was just the tater tots and the tacos. $40. Yeah.

And I'm like, well, that's the last time I'm ever going to a food truck. Yeah. I like watching YouTube videos when people are eating too. I'll sit down to eat, and I'll throw on YouTube. And it's like, oh, there's a new beard meets food video.

And you watch that guy eat, and you're like, I don't feel nearly as bad for eating Taco Bell. Yeah. He makes you feel great about mowing down fast food because he's eating, you know, man versus food style portions. He was eat yeah. I think he set the record at one of Gordon Ramsay's restaurants that's called pizza because he's the most uncreative guy when it comes to naming restaurants.

Gordon Ramsay Pizza, and beer and meats food ate, like, 40 slices, which was the record that they have on the wall there. Yeah. And I wonder if you were just in Vegas. I wonder if is that restaurant in Vegas? You know, maybe.

But there's so many different options in Vegas. It's overwhelming. Yeah. Exactly. Is the same way.

When I think about going back home all the time, I'm like, where do I wanna go wanna where do I wanna go eat with my friends? And sometimes they my friends wanna go here. I'm gonna go here. When they come back to Idaho Falls, it's like, oh, there's 2 stops. And there's, I mean, there's still plenty of options, but it feels so minimal compared to something that big.

Oh, yeah. Well, and in Vegas, everything's gotten to be so expensive. Oh, yeah. You know, that's the part that sucks. There's a lot of good places I would have liked to have eaten when we were there, but we looked at some prices and we're like, no.

So we ended up put it back. That's why it's We ended up rolling off the strip and just going to, you know, like local cafes and things that were, you know, kind of in the normal area of town and, saved a good amount of dough and got big meals. You know, I've ate really good on the strip before, but you're splurging. And I remember one time we went to Planet Hollywood in Caesar's Palace. The wait, like, it wasn't like we had to wait to get a table.

We had sat down, and we waited and wait. I I don't even know how long it took to get our food, and the food was garbage, and it was so I was furious. That was I think my worst restaurant experience Wow. Was Planet Hollywood in Little Caesar's. I was so angry by the end of it.

The worst experience I've ever had was this with this place called Ruby's in Southern California near Long Beach. They opened up a new location because the one at the end of the Seal Beach Pier burnt completely down. So this new location was beyond crowded. I don't know why we decided to go here. It's typical that we just sat in the red booth right there in the very beginning, waited for our chance to get a table, and then we waited, like, almost an hour for service, and nothing happened.

We almost left. Yeah. I I would have left, you know, but I had the kids, and they were starving, and they really wanted to eat Planet Hollywood, so we waited. But another thing that was just distracting and annoying is you've been in a Planet Hollywood, haven't you? They got all, like, movie they have movie props and things like that.

It's kinda like Hard Rock Cafe but for movies. I've I've been to, like, a gifts a gift shop in LA called Planet Hollywood where they have, like, the Terminator statue and the alien versus predator statue. Yeah. Yeah. So they had I think it was from demolition man, if I remember right.

But above us, inside of this thing that was shaped like a giant clear hockey puck, naked Sylvester Stallone, dummy. Just right above us. I'm naked. I I don't know. Wanna see Rocky?

And, I mean, thankfully, it wasn't anatomically correct or, like, the legs would cover things up. But it was just you got naked Sylvester Stallone looking down. I'm raging because there's no food. And somebody ordered a chicken sandwich, and it was the most hilarious chicken sandwich I've ever seen because it came on a regular bun. But it had a whole chicken breast that like, look at this peaches.

Yeah. It's stuck out of the sides. It leaned over the plate. Seen something like that before. Gigantic.

Shaped like a UFO, like a tiny little bun and then the big rim around. But it was so huge, and it was, like, undercooked. It it was terrible. It was terrible. So Meanwhile, you're raging.

I'm raging. You look up. You see naked Sylvester Stallone above you, which, by the way, the person designing that restaurant, you had to think, what were they thinking? Type of things. He's like, let me put, like, a naked Sylvester Stallone mannequin above everybody.

Yeah. No. And it was just happened to be the table we were at. They probably had naked Arnold or something about the first table. Couldn't that be, like, indecent exposure?

Even if it is a mannequin? Like, you're still showing kids. Like, your kids were there. Well but, again, you you couldn't see any private parts in the in the dummy. Couldn't.

Okay. Yeah. That that's why I'm like, it wasn't really anatomically correct, or they had it covered up. I of all people. But, yeah, it was still him.

That's like me choosing, like, a naked Pauley Shore out of in the corner or something like that or, like, somebody you wouldn't want to see naked just in the restaurant. Oh, yeah. And it was very expensive. Very expensive. Course, because they they had that excuse.

Oh, it's Vegas. We can charge you up the, you know, what, and then people will still be stupid enough to pay for it. So, yeah, I'd make sure this was before Yelp. So I'd make sure to look into You sent a letter. Reviews before you go to a restaurant because, I don't know.

Maybe we caught them on an off day, but I was so mad. But you also can't really trust reviews anyway just because people, for the most part, write reviews when they're mad like what you just did. Yeah. You're not motivated to write a positive review. No.

I don't know if I've ever written a positive review. Exactly. You know? It's just when you get really angry or something's really broken that you leave a review, so Yeah. The new nower of madness and mayhem powered by Jalisco's I Am Peaches.

I'm Victor Welt, and I'm excited again, Peaches, sort of. Sort of. So, you know, I was bummed. Sick New World got canceled just because I wanna see acid bath. I didn't have $400 for a cheap ticket.

Cheap ticket. But I was gonna try to do, like, the media thing and go, well, that brought the number of acid bath shows down to 1, Sonic Temple. What about welcome to Rockville Incarceration, Louder Than Life? That's right. That was announced today.

I'm sorry. I didn't even Yeah. I completely just ruined the break. I'm sorry. No.

You didn't ruin it because that's what I was gonna say, like, 2 seconds later is that they announced 3 more shows today. Big Danny Wimmer presents rock festivals. Welcome to Rockville in Daytona, Florida. Incarceration in Mansfield, Ohio, and Louder Than Life in Louisville, Kentucky. That's one of those places.

Incarceration. Sorry. Go ahead. I was just gonna say, why do all of these festivals have to be in these places I don't wanna go? Like, incarceration's where a lot of content creators go.

I know Jake the Viking goes there. I know Jose metal ambassador Mangan shows up there. Oh, yeah. I know a lot of you know, those like that Emma Girl on Octane that does one show during the entire week, but for the most part, all she does is post selfies of herself on Instagram because there's always those dudes on Instagram, hey. Hot stuff.

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. But, like, incarceration seems like a fun festival overall. That'd be the one place I think I would get a tattoo.

I'd be like, okay. I have to get one here. Yeah. But then you can't move around at the show. You're all inked up.

Do I move around at all? No. I guess not. I that's what you do. You get a tattoo then jump in the pit, and you're like, look at how my tattoo turned out.

Or you get you set up a tattoo, booth in the pit, and you're getting tattooed while people are bouncing off of you and the artist too. Yeah. It's almost like when Steve O was in the back of the Jeep Yeah. Getting tattooed. That's a great tattoo.

Yeah. I'm wondering if I could go to Columbus, Ohio, Daytona Beach, Florida, Mansfield, Ohio, or Louisville, Kentucky, what would be best? I mean, you would think maybe Florida. Right? But I bet Florida's miserable and hot and humid again.

When is that show? May. May? It's May something. What city is it again?

Daytona Beach. Well, I actually know a listener that just moved down there, Tristan. He used to be he used to be here in Idaho Falls. He just moved to Florida. So he's a Florida man now.

He's now a Florida man. You could hit him up and be like, hey. Good morning. Let's go to whatever festival this is. Daytona Beach weather in May.

The first thing I see in bold, it's hot. Oh, great. It it averages between 71 and 82 degrees Fahrenheit. You can expect about 3 to 8 days of rain in Daytona Beach during the month of May. Oh, jeez.

So it could get canceled, like days that get, rained out, or it's really hot and humid. That don't sound good. Yeah. Florida to me I mean, you'll you'll probably knowing your luck, knowing our luck, we'll we'll both go down there. Hurricane comes through.

Yeah. Exactly. Like like Jade in New Orleans. We get stuck down there. When is hurricane season in Florida?

I guess it just happened, because they just had a a number of them. So May might come But then you go down there after a hurricane and everything's all torn up. It's ravaged. People are sad. You know, their homes are gone.

Well, I've been watching or I finished up watching that It's Florida Man Show on Max. Mhmm. And for some reason, that show does make me wanna visit Florida just because it's so unhinged. I read these Florida stories, and I'm like, man, the amount of people they could add to GTA 6 and just as playable characters. Like that guy that was high on meth that just walked into somebody's home with no pants on and was holding their carpet cleaner, you could have him be a character.

I mean, there's really no better place for a GTA game than Florida. Yeah. So Yeah. I think it's gonna be crazy. I'm I'm really excited for it, especially, you know, having ran through GTA 5 again recently and now playing San Andreas.

You know, you combine that with all the Florida band mayhem, I think it's gonna be completely off the off the rails. I just Google searched it for you for Mansfield, Ohio for incarceration for the month of May. Is that when it takes place? Because in May, they have a lot of rain too. Incarceration's in July.

Oh, probably hot and humid. AccuWeather says, let's find out. Because that's, you know, like Oh, these are these are Celsius. I was about to be like, 25 degrees. What are you talking about?

We don't know how to do that math. This is America. It is Fahrenheit. Yeah. What what's a kilometer?

That type of thing. That's right. It looks like it's gonna be pretty hot. Uh-huh. Just hot and dry in Mansfield, Ohio during the month of July.

And I'm really hoping that acid bath will just announce a tour where they play shows inside of a venue. Yeah. Daily high temperatures are around 81 degrees in Mansfield, Ohio, rarely falling below 73 or exceeding 89. So you're it's a little hot. Yeah.

And we won't well, maybe by July, we'd be a little bit more acclimated to warmer weather. It'd probably be super hot here. Yeah. Probably be worse here compared to there. In May?

May, it's probably July. Oh, July. Yeah. July could be scorching here. So I don't know.

None of these really appeal to me just because I'm not interested in the cities and the weather sounds like it's I don't I'm such an old, you know Oh, I get it. But, like, how do how do me and you, like, sleep at a festival? Because we have CPAP machines. Don't we need to have some sort of generator next to us? I know they make batteries for them, but I'd still I ain't gonna sleep in a tent.

I don't do that anymore. I'm too old for that. You can't plug it in to your car. Oh, you probably have to go to the hotel. But Yeah.

Just have to get a hotel, and I'm sure they're outrageous. Yeah. You saw how expensive it was for a stupid car show in Vegas. Could you imagine one of the biggest rock and metal festivals there is? Well, Tyler was telling me when he went to Sick New World that, the same place me and Nick stayed with the SEMA show in town when they had Sick New World right across the street from Circus Circus or not Sick New World when we were young.

Yeah. Yeah. But, he said they were charging $900 for Circus Circus. That's ridiculous. $900.

You can't do it. You just can't do it's so beyond dumb how they wanna just exploit people's finances all the time. That has to be why Sick New World got canceled. Well, I I was reading here. They're trying to blame Metallica and Linkin Park.

They're like, oh, yeah. They both wanted $5,000,000 each or something. Know you guys offered to give them it already. They were already all of that had been signed. Metallica and Linkin Park are both set.

They don't need the money. They're they're just fine. I feel like Mike and Mike and the rest of Metallica maybe not Lars. May maybe maybe Lars wants all the money he can get. I'm sure for those bands, that's like the going rate to play a big Metallica.

Yeah. Yeah. For sure. So, you know, I'm gonna I would imagine it was a ticket sales problem. I I don't know that.

But Nobody has the money anymore because all these shows are getting announced for all these different bands. You know, we're for the longest time, we didn't have any tours happening. Mhmm. Then now you see all these tours getting announced because bands need the money, and people can only go to select few. We're lucky enough that we're in this industry where we can go for free.

And I forget that most of the time where I talk to people, and I'm like, hey. You're going to this show? No. I can't afford it. What do you mean?

They can't afford it. Oh, that's right. Yeah. I know it. To come in here.

We are lucky that, a lot of places, you know, they're like, hey. K Bear in the house. You know? Because I wouldn't get to see a lot of shows otherwise. Yeah.

You know? But so to drive and pay the gas, and that's a lot of money too. And I can't imagine paying for a ticket and driving down there. Oh, dude. That, money that we paid to go see the King Crimson Beat Show, I mean, it cost me so much money to go to Vegas.

I mean and we tried to stay cheap. It's not like I was out, woo hoo, chucking money in the slot machines. You did get me a fridge magnet. Appreciate it. Fridge magnet.

That was coolest ones I've ever seen. It's a burger just on the side of my fridge now. And it's like, yeah, I mean, not just a flat magnet. It's a A 3 d burger. It's a 3 d burger.

It's Yeah. It's great. So fantastic. No. I have that right there in the front of my fridge now, on the door with, all the other fridge magnets that I do have.

I think I put all the ones you've given me so far in one location. Like, my friend went to Texas, and all he got me was this lousy magnet that's right there. Fenway Park's right there. Yeah. And I got that at Fenway Park.

Yeah. I've been to Fenway Park myself. It's it's pretty crazy how old that baseball stadium is. Yeah. The Yankee Stadium used to be older, then they tore that one down and built a new one.

And, I'm sure you tried sitting in those seats. No. I didn't go all the way in. I just You should've. Because they had a game going on, and we were going to the show at the, the MGM at Fenway venue.

You gotta think. We're lucky. We're lucky because we weren't in a time of baseball where you went to or We would go to places where we would go to places like the movie theater or a baseball game where we'd have to wear suits with a stupid fedora hat in the middle of summer. You think going to a rock show in July in Mansfield, Ohio would be miserable to go to? Could you imagine, like, showing us one of those in a full on 3 piece suit, you know, with a briefcase walking around?

Be terrible. I because it was May in Boston when we went, and it was hot outside. Right. Like, it was cooking. So, yeah, having to wear a suit to a baseball game sounds awful.

A great time. Jelly ho or something like that? Only here to see the games. Amen. The noon hour of madness and mayhem powered by Hallease Ghost is a production of Riverbend Media Group.

For more information oh, wow. It swallowed my spit wrong while I was still talking. That's funny. Alright. Okay.

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