Supernatural Breakthroughs

In this profound episode of Supernatural Breakthrough, we explore the crucial distinction between the soul and spirit and how each manifests differently in our lives. Many people confuse the two, thinking they are the same, but as we discuss, there are significant differences that shape our experiences, desires, and purpose.

Mariana, Joao, and the team dive into how the soul encompasses emotions, free will, and mind—shaped by traumas, conditioning, and belief systems. In contrast, the spirit is connected to a much higher realm, reflecting God’s breath and operating from a different dimension. We unpack how people may achieve material success and soul-level desires, but feel unfulfilled because true joy and purpose come from spirit-level manifestations.

This conversation also addresses love, forgiveness, and healing, showing how soulish love is conditional and fragile, while spiritual love, through Christ, transcends emotions and extends beyond our human capacities. We end by exploring how the body, soul, and spirit can be brought into alignment under the authority of the Holy Spirit.

If you’ve ever struggled to understand the difference between your soul and spirit, or why some manifestations feel empty while others feel eternal, this episode is for you. Tune in and gain a deeper understanding of how to align your life with the power of the spirit and experience true fulfillment.

What was Covered:

  • The difference between soul and spirit: emotions, free will, and higher realms
  • The limitations of soulish desires and achievements
  • Personal experiences with disillusionment in manifestation and success
  • Spiritual manifestations and the power of the Holy Spirit
  • The enduring, selfless love that comes from the spirit versus the fickle nature of soulish love
  • The role of forgiveness and the greater capacity that comes from the spirit
  • How the body, soul, and spirit can come into alignment under God’s will

Bible Verses Referenced:

  • 1 Thessalonians 5:23 – "May your whole spirit, soul, and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ."
  • Romans 8:6 – "The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace."
  • John 3:6 – "Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit."


  • Understanding the Difference Between Soul and Spirit
  • Manifestations of the Soul vs. the Spirit
  • Radical Love and Forgiveness Through Christ

What is Supernatural Breakthroughs?

We are a podcast that aims to provide raw, real conversations about deep topics that concern a Christ-centered lifestyle.
We want to go where no one else wants to go, and we want to showcase conversations and topics that are not easily discussed. We do this by going in depth and providing a well thought and expressed conversation about these topics.

Welcome to supernatural breakthroughs, where we have real, raw and unfiltered conversations about our Christ centered spiritual journeys. Discover mystical stories told by truth seekers on their many spiritual quests. We trust that these stories will help you on your own personal journey of discovery.

The soul and spirit manifestations are vastly different. So let's unpack this topic. This is going to be interesting, perhaps. Let's begin with, well, what's the difference? What's the difference between soul and spirit? And then later we're going to get to, how are the manifestations of each different? So who would like to get that conversation going? What's the difference?

For you guys, I'll admire, and I have most of this say, but I think it's an amazing question because most people actually get it mixed together, and I hear a lot of people use it interchangeably. They say, my soul this and my spirit that, but they're talking about the same thing, whereas there's other people I've met that actually make a clear distinction. And I think Mariana can explain that in a really good way.

Well, we are spiritual beings. We have a soul and we live in a body. Our soul has the emotions, the thoughts and the wills, the free will. So everything in our souls is according to our belief systems and our fragilities and the life that we are building through the moment that we come alive, until the moment that we realize who we are in spirit. We are pretty much living completely by our soul realm, which mean that we have limits, belief systems, and some diseases or fragilities in our emotions that most of ourselves have. Obviously, we are going to do pretty much wrong things. And also, we are not even being allowed ourselves to live with the free will. Why? Because we do have some kind of traumas and fears and lack of love in terms of emotions and so on.

Limitations within us, which is going to compromise our free will, pretty much. So that is really something. That is, unless we come into a point of being pretty much conscious about who we are and we take care and heal our souls, we are in a huge struggle. Bullshit.



So let me recap. So the soul is encompassing the free will, the emotions, the mind. It has all these things like our conditioning, the programming, the traumas, the generational stuff. And it has a certain capacity. Now, according to some who see in the spirit, the soul looks like the spirit. And so what we're talking about here is a lot of people are doing things in the new age movement. They're doing all types of. They're doing the traveling in the astral traveling, perhaps it's soulish. It's not spirit, but then perhaps calling it spirit. So if that's the soul, well, then what is the spirit like? What's the big difference here? What's the spirit?

I think to answer that, it's also important to understand that body, soul and spirit are plugged into different dimensions or like different levels of existence. So the body is really plugged into the physical. The soul is, like John is saying, traveling the astral. So the astral is like a realm where spiritual beings and places and planes reside. But, but then the spirit is a step further. The spirit is plugged into a much higher, holier and purer state of existence. And that's the light of God.

And so it's breath, isn't it? It's like he breathed his spirit in. So the frequency.


The capacity is like way higher.

Much higher. Yep.

Okay, so we could unpack this a lot more distinctions, but let's perhaps go into the manifestations and then we can see how that if that also brings more definition for the distinguishments between soul and spirit of. So in my coaching career I've worked with a lot of people who have had the capacity to manifest at the level of the physical and the soul quite successfully. They've achieved millions of dollars, they've built incredible businesses, achieved high positions in their sporting careers and so forth. So in the kind of material sense, soulish sense, they've accomplished what their hearts desires were in a lot of ways. Now, the interesting thing I've noticed in this is that some people are content with that and others, and I believe is their spirit is awakened to some measure. They're disillusioned. Hang on.

I've achieved all the things that I wanted to manifest, accomplish. And something doesn't feel right. Something is missing. There's a vacuum, there's a void. I remember once I was in a co working space in Bali and I had a very deep conversation very quickly with a random gentleman. He walked out to me. I don't know why he opened so deeply, so fast to me, but we just had this very deep topic where he communicated his disillusionment with manifestation. So I don't know if he'd been studying the book the secret for those familiar with that and so forth, but he actually was claiming to have mastered manifestation. And he's saying, I've achieved all these things. I've accomplished this, this. But I could perceive he felt empty. And I just said that to him. I said, so what's the problem. It's not fulfilling you. Right?

And he said, yeah. And so it was a very unusual thing, because a lot of people are fighting to manifest and achieve. And I understand that it'd be nice to have that car and hike one. But this guy was doing it very adapted. It maybe had some capacity to do it, but he just felt completely disillusioned. He just was not happy. It was not fulfilling him. It wasn't hitting his buttons, so to speak. Bewildered. I've done it. I've accomplished it. And a lot of times we do have to accomplish certain things at the level of the body and the soul to realize, this is not it. This is not the fantasy I was chasing. This is not the thing. So if that's the soul, what would be manifestations of the spirit and what's the difference?


Cause they're vastly different.

No, vastly different. It's more difficult, I feel, to put in words, what is the spirit? The spirit is the bread of the living God inside of us. Right. It's the thing that definitely will come to him straight ahead when we passed away on physical death. And the soul is the one that we go, or heaven or hell. Right. But in terms of. I can give an example about love. There is something that we speak so much about. If people put love in terms of the soulish realm, they will put it according to emotions. You know, oh, I feel in love. I feel love for this. I feel love for that. I feel lack of love. And then I will figure out some partner to have some kind of love or whatever. I love this. I love. Love is not emotions.

And most of the people that live in the soulish realm, they think that love is emotions.

And that can be so easily damaged if someone doesn't do this. Right, or you do this.


You've hurt me, I'm out.


I don't want to deal with that pain or that betrayal. I'm done.

Exactly. But then when we come further into this spiritual realm, we can understand and perceive that love is a choice. And by choosing love as God, choose loves us. That's why he gave his own son for us. Right? We can do this choice by free will to love one another. I can say I don't like you so much. For instance, Jovan, I don't like you so much in terms of. This is an example. I love you, my Joan. Just an example. I don't like you so much. But sometimes we cannot relate so much with all of us. In the same way, I can feel I like more these people than these people.

Let me see if I'm understanding this because for me it's slightly different how I think of it, but this is what I think I'm hearing you say. So correct me if I'm wrong. You can almost draw upon a much higher power and capacity to love someone because you have the power of Christ in you.


And there's more voltage capacity to choose to love as opposed to if you are just at the level of the soul.


It's too fickle.

Without emotions, without selfishness, without any kind of thing that is for me. I just. I cannot. I don't need to relate daily with somebody, but I can completely love. That's why God asks us to love God and love each other. And by that we don't mean to. I appreciate everybody in the same way because we resonate in different levels, but love.

But it's like you're so. The love manifesting from the spirit, from hearing, has much more capacity because it.

Comes through the source and. Yes, absolutely.

And it can reach more, endure more, last more.


And we've heard radical stories of this in the christian world. Like, I mean, I would just hearing some stories of just incredible amounts of forgiveness where people have been beheaded in african nations and them washing the feet of the widows, washing the feet of those who massacred their husbands. That's not a normal love. Because from the soul realm, you're finished. You're not going to be able to recover from that at the level of the soul. But when you're tapping into this spiritual love of Christ, you can go beyond the manifestation. The penetration is deeper.

Yes. May I add something? Because what I'm hearing you say, and you're helping me to see, is that the manifestation of the soul is from one order of things and from the spiritual is another order or rank of things. The spirit manifestation is from a completely higher order in the sense that the soul will only be able to bring what is within time and space. Limited things, temporal things, as beautiful as they may be, families, jobs, cars, whatever, but they fade away. One day they will all fade away. They're under the subject of decay. But what is manifested from the spirit is eternal. It's powerful love, powerful forgiveness, powerful healing. And these things can only be drawn down from a much higher realm than the one we're currently in.

And so the spirit is plugged into that place, whereas the soul is more connected to this current time and space that we're in.

These are some of the things that baffle scientists. I mean, we've got so much documented evidence of very powerful people moving with the Holy Spirit that could do miracles and things that just doesn't make sense to the mental faculty of the soul. I recently even had a friend of mine, she was in hospital and they could not find her blood, so they were going to give her a blood transfusion. And she prayed to God. And the miracle happened where her blood. She just felt something shift in her. And all of a sudden they retested her blood because she didn't want to get a blood transfusion. And the blood was completely perfect. The doctors didn't accept this. They were very. They wanted more tests, more tests. But she was able to leave the hospital and she felt like a different person.

Now, that doesn't make sense, you know, that something else at the level of the spirit has done a type of miracle that, you know, scientists, doctors, couldn't quite comprehend through their frameworks of their soul, of what just took place. To me, that's another example, a manifestation from the power of the Holy Spirit. And there's many of these stories, many, many. So they're manifestations that go far beyond, as you were saying, jawal. They're from the eternal realm where the voltage of power is completely different. What I'm finding in my life is I'm not so long, I'm not so much interested anymore of my own soulish creations and desires. Doesn't mean that I won't play and create some things. Yeah, I will. But I'm much more interested to see what is the Holy Spirit or Christ wanting to manifest through me.

And so it does develop this affection for partnering with the spirit or submitting to the spirit, however you want to think of it and watching the manifestations change and differ. And they're quite different.

Absolutely. It's fantastic. And I want to add as well what Joan was saying, that when we come making some decisions by, for instance, forgiving others, if we go into the soul realm, pretty much you have people saying, I will not forgive this person ever, and all these kind of bad feelings. But when we come from the spirit, it will be much more easier because first of all, it's a wise decision, and then we will have peace on our own, and we'll create an environment that only through the spirit you can create by the soul, you'll put pretty much the focus on yourself, again, is selfish, right? The soul is pretty much selfish if you're going like that. And in case of love, an example is when you make the decision of being with a partner for the rest of your life by your spirit.

It is an alignment of purposes, and then you'll be with this person until the end of time.

It's much spiritual mission.

Exactly, because exactly you have this decision, this understanding that purpose is something very deep from the spirit.

What I'm hearing both of you say, when John talked, Marianne talked, is that, well, manifestation seems to come from desire. Desire is the first thing that precedes manifestation. You want something and then you see it happen. But it seems like the desires of the soul, from what I'm hearing you guys say, is that the desires of the soul are all. Can only go so far. They can only look at your well being, or maybe even the well being of those around you, but they won't go much further than that. That's just, let's say, the realm of the soul, how much it can accomplish, but the desires of the spirit completely go beyond that in the sense that it's a selfless desire. Like Mariana says, it goes beyond the self because you're tapping into something that's much higher than you.

And so instead of you mustering up, the desire is you're actually becoming a vessel for the desires of God's heart to flow into the world. And I think I just learned of the words of Jesus where he says, not my will, but your will be done. And that's a very high spiritual statement in the sense that I let go of any self preference and I let fully the desire of God's divine love come through.

And that's in the garden of Gethsemane. He's praying just to bring a bit more context. And it's like, take this cup of. So his soul is saying, look, if this is possible, please take this cup of suffering. I don't really want to do this if there's another way, but not my will, that talking from his soul, but your will be done, spirit. But yeah, of course. He completes his mission, goes to the cross, and, you know, the rest is.

Saves all of humanity.

There's all just that small thing. But let's flip the coin a little bit here. Does that mean our soul manifestations are all wrong and we should, like, demonize and despise our soul's desires?

Definitely. No, no, we shouldn't despise our soul's desire.

Where's the balance then?

Okay, in my opinion, the balance is, first of all, we must know who we are and having our identity firm in Christ so the spirit can be strong. And through this we have the conscious and responsibility to heal our soul. Because when we heal our soul. The free will flow in a very beautiful way, aligned with the will of God, so your spirit can move, and your soul, that is your identity. That's why you're unique. So it's very important, but not in a selfish way, or not in a sikh way, but in a truth and with the alignment with the will of God.

So it's almost like I have heard this and I have experienced this in varying degrees, but the goal is to have the body submit to the soul, and the souls, our spirits, is in partnership with the Holy Spirit. And so that then brings into almost like a very advanced multidimensional chiropractic alignment. I'm just coming up with other flies, like, you're being adjusted, and it's like, okay, so the soul is not bad. We listen to the soul, we value the soul. But what I'm hearing is, amaranth is like being very mindful that we're not looking to satisfy, pacify the kind of hungers of the soul in a way outside of the spirit. Otherwise, we're just going to be using people, projecting. It just goes around and around.

Yep. This is amazing. And it's interesting, I think that if we're truly connecting authentically, not in a bypassing way, but authentically connecting to the level of the spirit manifestation, then also what you receive in that place does trickle down into all the other levels of being. So if I'm fulfilled in spirit, I also find my soul is being fulfilled, because it's like a cascade trickling down into all levels, all the way to the body. Even the body begins being healed with higher levels of vitality. So it's really about, for me, plugging into that power source, that current, and then from that place, it flows into every other part. And every other part is welcome. My soul is welcome. My body is welcome. But like John says, they're all in submission and alignment with the Holy Spirit.

Seeking first, seeking first the kingdom, and then all things shall be added to you.

This is it. Deep, beautiful. So we hope that brought some more understanding, awareness of the distinctions between the manifestations of the soul realm, which are more things of a kind of lower nature. We're looking to gratify the limitations of that. It's not necessarily wrong, but it has its place, it has its limits, and then the manifestation of the spirit, which are coming from a lot higher frequency dimension. And then the ultimate goal is to bring the body, soul and spirit into alignment.

That is true.

Thank you for listening. And we'll see you again soon.

Thank you.

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