The Oren Cohen Podcast

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Let's discuss the lead magnet I'm creating for my course.


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What is The Oren Cohen Podcast?

I'm just a dude who likes to talk about nerd stuff and entrepreneurship.

Hello, everyone.

Welcome back to the Oren Cohen podcast.

This is day 28 of the 30 day
challenge where I'm creating

one podcast episode a day.

I can't believe we're in day 28.

It just feels like yesterday
I started this challenge.

two more days to go.

Today, I want to talk to
you about a lead magnet.

And, specifically, what is the lead
magnet I'm offering with my course.

So, you know that over the
last few days I've been working

on my interviewing course.


Now I want to warm up people
to the idea of purchasing it.

So, I've been writing a
free five day email course.

And, I've been setting it up
on Flodesk, which is the email

marketing tool that I'm using.

Once I finish that and I have
a landing page for it, I can

plug it into a Hypefury, which
is my tweets scheduling tool.

Once I do that, all I have to
do is keep putting out more

free content on Twitter or X.

Be it threads or posts.

And then Hypefury will recognize
those posts that are performing well.

And, through some kind of criteria,
be it likes or retweets, will

plug this five day email course.

I will need to keep putting content
into Twitter through Hypefury.

And Hypefury will bring more people into
my my free course and my free course

would lead them into my full course.

I'm aiming to release this.

As fast as possible.

Like minimum viable product MVP.

I'm not looking for perfect.

I want to advance faster than perfect.

And afterwards I'm going to start
seeing how people react to it.

And then through people's feedback, I
will try to make it better and improve

it and inform my next decisions.

So that's it for today.

Thank you so much for being
here and listening and watching.

Comment below if you have
anything that you're working

on, I would love to hear it.

If you have any feedback about these
episodes please share that as well.

You can find my newsletter link in
the description of this episode.

And I'll see you in the next one.

Bye for now.