Powerful And Unpolished

Are you ready to dive into the mysteries that lie just beneath the surface? In this episode of Powerful And Unpolished, I take you on a journey where the hidden becomes illuminated. Ever wondered what secrets the ordinary world holds? Or how the unseen influences our everyday lives? Join me as we unravel these enigmas and explore the profound impacts they have on us. From the subtle energies we overlook to the whispers of intuition we often dismiss, this episode promises to challenge your perspective and ignite your curiosity. Tune in to uncover the layers of reality that often go unnoticed and discover the power lying dormant in the unseen. Let’s embark on this enlightening adventure together!

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What is Powerful And Unpolished?

Ever wonder why success doesn't always equal fulfillment?

Join Tim Salmans on "Powerful and Unpolished" as he challenges the status quo with this question: what if the key to fulfillment lies in recognizing and breaking free from energy-draining patterns? This podcast isn't just about success stories; it's about the unspoken challenges that high-achieving individuals face. Tim Salmans will unpack the complexities that cause frustration, offering tangible strategies to navigate personal challenges within professional landscapes while maintaining your authentic self. Subscribe now for a transformative journey - where authenticity meets success on your own terms.


Ever wonder why success doesn't always equal fulfillment? I'm Tim Salmons, and with 30 years experience as an actor and a career spanning work in the blue collar corporate medical field, as well as public service industries. I've seen and experienced the human condition at its best and worst. Here on powerful and unpolished, we will explore the everyday traps draining our energy and hindering fulfillment. This isn't just another success podcast.


It's about breaking free from patterns that hold you back and limit your potential. Join me on this transformative journey as we explore and identify limiting traps, detach from draining patterns and rediscover the power within, creating a life that is truly powerful and unpolished.


Good day, everybody. Welcome to Powerful and Unpolished. I'm Tim Salmons. I'm your host. We are taking today and gonna do a little riff session.


In this session, I've had a lot of conversations recently. I've got a new book that's coming out in January, and we're just finishing up the final edit and, having discussions with a variety of different people around the subject matter of this book, which the book is, called Inner Wisdom, Outer Impact. And it's really about the work that we do for ourselves, that we do with ourselves, that we do on ourselves. So in riffing today and kind of just saying, all right, let's see where we can take this, you know, for a re really little brief session here. And what comes up in a lot of the conversations that I've noticed of recently is a a certain theme.


So the theme that we're going to tackle today is called what's wrong with you. And the reason why I picked this theme is it's very commonplace that we are not the pinnacle or the essence of the potential of who we could be, or at least that seems to be the conversation, I should say. A lot of times, I do it myself, so I'm I'm just as much of a participant as everybody else. But I'm not sure that as many people are aware of it as as maybe I have a tendency to listen for is, people will often tell you what they're working on, what's what's not right, what's, you know, what they need to fix. And my question that I hope that you ponder for yourself is, what is the inspiration that you're not good enough, that this isn't, you're not an expert enough?


Or if you do do this, you go into sales mode and overpromote or or go into this is the latest term lately for some reason, hyperbole, but, it's really one of those those things where the world around us, the culture around us, likes to highlight things that are wrong, things that are struggle, things that people can fix. And these may be true in some reference to the spectrum that we're on. However, what if there was part of this spectrum or part of this this awareness that wasn't about gotta fix what's broken kind of mentality, that it was really one of those, wow, this is my opportunity for me to evolve. What if the person who is, I, I don't know. I mean, I'm probably gonna offend somebody right here and I'm not trying to, but, what if somebody was, smart, not very smart, in great shape, not in great shape, overweight, underweight, tall, not tall, whatever, whatever the issue is.


That's something that is on your path for you to build a relationship. Like, there are people who live in resentment to the lessons that have crossed their path that is part of their world. What I find though, and then that's sort of what brought me to this conversation today and this kind of exploration is the what is wrong with you is people that I often talk to it's, it's, it's commonplace. Oh, I'm doing great. Life is great.


All this is great. And then when you really get them talking about their struggles and their insecurities and their fears and their, need or want to fit in, then you really hear what's, what they're struggling with. What's what's not working. And a lot of times what I'm hearing is oftentimes these struggles that they're trying to these, these levels of measurement that they're trying to achieve, some, some ideal that they've either picked up for themselves or someone has helped them to come to understand about themselves, it's not their issue. So what I'm trying to say is they're trying to fix something or they're trying to amend something because they're not enough, maybe.


And the source of this not enoughness is coming from, I don't know, maybe how they're raised, maybe the friends that they hang around that are also self critical. Maybe they feel that being self critical of themselves is part of doing the work. And the interesting thing is, is it's like when I get into these deeper conversations with these folks, a lot of times, this isn't this wasn't their big biggest concern. This wasn't their, you know, oh, I have an extra £25 I wanna lose. So I'm really focused on losing weight.


I mean, if we go out into the world and we look in the world of of, you know, physical trainers, if you're just fixated on losing weight, you're kind of missing part of the big picture of eating healthy, having energy, having, vitality because you have energy, being more engaged with your physical performance of how you want to enact with engage or with the world. And that's that's part of what's available for us. And if it is if it is yours, if it is something that you feel that you want to come to terms with or you want to amend, you know, there's something that you feel isn't working that you want to fix, if you will, please by all means, make sure that it is your reason to create a healthier response to this rather than I'm just I need to lose weight. I need to make more money. I need a better job.


I need because as long as you are chasing someone else's expectation of you, even if you achieve it, it's only gonna be fleeting. It's only gonna land temporarily because it's really not you that's doing it for you. And a lot of times, you know, we we go on programs for personal, you know, improvement and betterment, which is great as long as that is what we are doing for us to grow ourselves deeper in the process of our lives on our own each individual path. Why I bring this up is it's, it it's so commonplace for people to, like, when you get into a real conversation with them, not them telling you how great their life is and all this, and then later on, you see the, all the cracks or you see all the cracks when they're telling you this. But it's not that, you know, we're sitting here necessarily in judgment of what's wrong.


We're human beings. All human beings are making judgments. I mean, unconscious bias takes place virtually all the time in some form or fashion. And by exploring and playing with this stuff, you really start to realize, wait a minute. What is it that you wanna do on your path?


What is it that you wanna grow or learn for yourself on your path? And maybe it does align with what the outside world has, has told us or has an opinion about us, but make sure that it's your reason for having a relationship with your evolution, with your your growth, with your own transformation. What commonly goes along when, you know, I wanna ask people, what's wrong with you? What commonly goes along with that is they then also wanna proceed to tell me how hard it is, how hard it is to to change. And it's like, yeah, it's incredibly hard when you're trying to change for someone else or you're trying to change yourself because of someone else's expectation of you.


It's absolutely incredibly hard. It's already challenging and hard in its own right. But when you're doing it to look good to the outside world, that's gonna be fleeting. But when you're doing it for your own vitality, for your own, growth and personal change, then that leads to the potential of sustained results. So I I just wanted to riff on this today.


I mean, I know this is kind of a little brief, podcast today, but really it's it's one of those things where quite often people forget. And, and it goes back to other podcasts that I've talked in. People take things for granted. And when they're really taking things for granted is when their thinking behind their thinking is I'm not right. Something's broken.


Because the world around us is constantly pumping us full of you're not taking the right vitamins. You're not taking the right drugs. You're not doing enough exercise. You're not eating the right foods. But if you do all this with us, then we can help you.


And the truth is, is they may be able to help you, but make sure that if you want sustained results, you get really clear to go behind the curtain, behind your curtain to explore what your driving force is to grow. Because if you're just trying to fix or change and it's not your instinctual motivation to do that, you're just kicking the can further down the road. You might have some temporary results. They might be nice. They might be great.


And I'm only sharing this because I'm looking in the mirror. I do this with myself. I am way more successful at accomplishing what's important to me when I know that I am creating my life into my future than when I'm trying to fit in and look good to the world around me, which I've pretty much been doing my whole life. And most people around me, I watch them doing the same thing. So, yeah, this is a this is an interesting little, theme for this session, for this podcast.


And like with anything I say, you can even play with it, put a little levity to it, have a little fun with it. What is wrong with me? What if it what if it was a facetious question? What if you're like going: You know what? I'm on my path of learning my lessons however I'm going to learn them.


What's wrong is me buying into other people's opinion of me and trying to fit into that mold. At least that's my answer for me. And so I say, give yourself a fighting chance when that I have to fix something, something's not right. Yeah. There there may be conditions that you have to give attention to, and you have to do some adjustments if you want the results that you want.


But when that continual reinforced something's not right, I need to fix something, maybe maybe really the opportunity is to find a a a deeper relationship with yourself and realize why am why am I the way I am right now? What got me here? And is this what I want? And if it's not, what do I wanna evolve into? What do I wanna create for myself?


And then I can be this is where you have a little fun with it. What's wrong with me now that I'm doing what I wanna do? What's wrong with me now that I'm showing up the way I wanna show up? We're all works in progress. We are never done.


This is a practice, this lifetime, this, your, your path, your experience. If you want the behaviors to grow, then it's your practice that needs to grow them because that's where your strengths come from. Otherwise we go and we look good to the world around us and then it all kinda comes crumbling down at some point. Unfortunately, there is that's a a storyline that's been repetitively repetitively lived over and over again throughout human history. So as with all of our podcasts, this is really just about being real, embracing who you are, giving some love and respect and grace to yourself, and be aware of the conversation that's going on in the mindset, in your mindset, in your head space, in your heart space.


And say, do I carry with me an energy, a fairly common thought, process, that asks, what's wrong with me? Or what do I need to fix? Or What's not right? Or What's broken? Maybe the question you could ask yourself would be, where do I wanna go, and what do I wanna do with this?


I know I'm not feeling the way I wanna feel right now. What do I need to do so that when I'm feeling the way I wanna feel, I'll be doing what I wanna be doing? Change your mindset, change your life. And if you want anything to change and maybe you don't want anything to change, which is fine, Make sure you're clear about that as well. You deserve the respect and honor of who you are and what you're here to accomplish for yourself.


So that's just little thoughts little thoughts for today. And there was no intention of offending anybody, but you know what? We're all on different paths. We all have different lessons, and we all have something to contribute to each other. If we open up to it, maybe it's not as hard as we keep reinforcing that it has to be.


We're already gonna put out energy. We're already gonna put out effort. We're already gonna put out our vulnerability. Why keep reinforcing how hard it's gonna be? That's a whole another discussion, actually.


It goes into programming and conditioning. So I'll leave you on this one. You know, just, I I just am grateful that you're listening in. I don't hold that there's anything wrong with you. I hold that you are on your life path, and the lessons that are there are able to grow you and show you a deeper essence for who you are.


That's how I hold you. That's how I I hold out light for you and wish you well now and always. So until next time, I wish you all the best. I hope that you are pulling apart and exploring, what's available for you in this lifetime as you grow stronger in who you are in this world. So until next time, cheers, and we'll talk to you soon.


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