The Expert Podcast

Episode Show Notes / Description
  • Exciting Update: Electronic Vehicle Titles Are Here!
    • Electronic vehicle titles are finally becoming a reality.
    • We've been collaborating with major vendors like DocuSign, CarMax, and other automotive professionals to make this happen.
  • Benefits for Dealerships and Consumers
    • Dealers are excited about the transition as it simplifies handling paperwork and reduces the burden of managing physical titles.
    • Consumers will benefit from reduced paperwork and streamlined processes.
  • Impact on Dealerships
    • Dealerships that process hundreds of vehicles monthly will find electronic titles a major relief.
  • Consumer Experience
    • Electronic titles will help eliminate bureaucracy and red tape, making the title process easier and more efficient.
  • Timeline and Implementation
    • The adoption of electronic titles may vary by state and could take a few months to years.
    • Initially, the change may impact dealers, then auctions, lenders, and eventually consumers.
  • Learn More
    • Visit for more information on the Electronic Title Conversion project.
    • Stay updated on the progress and benefits of electronic titles.
  • Personal Consultations Available
    • Access live one-on-one consultations with licensed experts in various fields:
      • Licensed Private Investigators
      • Licensed Commercial Insurance Brokers
      • Certified Real Estate Title Examiners
      • Certified Civil Court Mediators
      • Licensed Building General Contractors
    • For personalized advice and information, click the link below to arrange a consultation at

What is The Expert Podcast?

The Expert Podcast brings you firsthand narratives from experts across diverse industries, including private investigators, general contractors and builders, insurance agencies, vehicle specialists, lawyers, and many others.

Well, it's finally really happening: electronic vehicle titles are almost here. We've been working in collaboration with many vendors, including DocuSign, CarMax, and many other major automotive professionals to get electronic titles working. Now dealers are starting to get ready for this. Many of our dealer clients are looking forward to this tremendously because dealing with papers and documents, and having to have paper titles all over the place, is a pain in the neck for a dealership that might process hundreds of vehicles a month. So having these electronic titles is going to really be a load off the shoulders. Even if you're a consumer, it's going to eliminate a lot of paperwork.

Look, every time we do a title package for somebody, we have a package of paperwork that has a folder with two sides on it. This is going to eliminate a lot of bureaucracy and red tape for you as a consumer to have electronic titles. Depending on what state you're in, it may be a while—maybe a few months, maybe a few years—and it may only start with dealers, then auctions, then lenders, and then filter down to consumers. But finally, it's here. Our collaboration with eART (Electronic Vehicle Title Conversion) that you can find on our website,, is finally getting to the point that electronic titles are a reality.

We appreciate all your support and following us, and watching how these titles work. Knowing that in the future, getting a title is going to be a lot easier than it is now. Thank you for watching. Remember, you can access live one-on-one personal consultations with a licensed private investigator, a licensed commercial insurance broker, a licensed certified real estate title examiner, and a certified civil court mediator. If you have a need to talk to an expert in any of these fields, or even a licensed building general contractor, you can click the link below to and arrange a live one-on-one undivided attention with a licensed expert, where you can ask any questions, get information about your situation, and we'd be glad to help.