Clydesdale Media Podcast

After a crazy week Scott Made the decision to drive to Knoxville Tennessee and cover the North America East Semifinals

What is Clydesdale Media Podcast?

We cover the sport of CrossFit from all angles. We talk with athletes, coaches and celebrities that compete and surround in the sport of CrossFit at all levels. We also bring you Breaking News, Human Interest Stories and report on the Methodology of CrossFit. We also use the methodology to make ourselves the fittest we can be.

To the Clydesdale Media

Weight Loss Journey,

where Scott does his weekly

check-in with nutrition

coach Cheryl Nassau every

week live on our YouTube channel.

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what's going on everybody

welcome to the Clydesdale

media weight loss journey

my name is Scott Switzer

I'm the Clydesdale she's

Cheryl Nassau she's my

nutrition coach we're here

doing our check-in and

before we get to that got

new merch today got the new

Clydesdale media logo

sticker browned in the blue

and we've got the yellow

square Clydesdale media

If you want some, they are F-R-E-E free.

All you have to do is DM me.


Free shipping?


That's sweet.

For our listeners,

it's the least I could do.

That's sweet.

You know,

normally you get those free things,

and they're like,

but you have to pay the

$495 shipping and handling.

I'm even paying for the stamp.

I love that.

That's awesome.


I'm excited to connect with you today.

It's been a little bit.


we haven't talked since... We

didn't do a podcast last week, did we?


it's been a wild week that we'll

probably get into in future weeks.

Yeah, I know.

My work has been utterly insane with...

And just so people know my day job,

I do testing for our

systems at the state of Ohio.

And when those systems go down,

then you have to test

immediately to make sure

everything's back up and

running correctly.

And then when they go down again,

then you have to test again

and again and again.

And that's pretty much what

my last week and a half has been like.

And so last week I decided

to hop in a car and go to Knoxville.


And that's kind of like,

so we missed our podcast last week.

Your check-in day is Wednesday, Thursday.

So typically you fill in

your form for me on Wednesday.

I review it, send you notes,

reach out on Thursday.

And yeah,

literally I had the feeling

that something was off

because you didn't message me at all.

And then I texted you and I

didn't get a message back.

And then the next thing I

knew you're in a car in, in a,

in a Knoxville.

And this is what's so hard

is like communication.

is like the easiest way to

just like make sure that

everybody's on the same page.

And I like just had no idea

what was going on.

And I was worried sick about

you as your coach.

So, you know,

when I'm pulled in to work in

the server area,

I can't even take my phone

in with me because in that server area,

I can't have my cell phone.

Got it.

So like when, when I get called in there,

I have no choice, but to be,

and I have other stuff going on,

like family stuff that I

can't even take it in with me for.

So that's what happens.

I get in there and then I

can't look at my phone.

I can't do anything.

I just have to work on what

I'm working on and I can't

leave till I can leave.

So yeah, that's what,

that's what happened last week.


It was just like, for me, you know,

like I'm going through,

and this is me being transparent.

Like I'm,

I'm being 100% honest right now

on the air, which is hard for me.


I'm going through a really tough time


My mom's very sick.

And last Thursday I had an

appointment with you and I

wasn't going to give up that commitment.

And I was at the hospital

with my mom on Thursday.

And I'm like, I got to take this call,


I walked out the room

And I'm like calling you and

I'm being honest because if

I'm not honest, it's not,

I'm not going to make this about that,

but a simple like message, like, Hey,

I'm not gonna be able to

take the call today.

Cause I'm like trying to,

I'm at the hospital right now.

Who's not doing well.

And I'm like feeling like, all right.


And then like, I just,

it was something that I had

to be honest about that.

I, as your coach,

like that was something that I was like,

dang, I couldn't even get a quick, Hey.

Can't talk right now.

Hey, I got to reschedule my appointment.

I'm leaving, whatever,

because I did keep that

commitment to you.

And as a coach who cares,

that's something that I

have to be honest about.

So that was just something I

wanted to mention.

Well, I apologize.

And 98% of the time I work from home.

And so like,

it's never a problem for me to

be able to text or whatever

during that time if something gets busy.

this is just that one

instance where I'm locked

in a room and can't take my

cell phone in.


And, and I agree.

I totally understand,

but I like had to tell you

what I was feeling on the other end.

I'm like, this sucks.

So, so kind of going away from that,

you know, is you had an amazing weekend.


So let's,

let's talk about how much fun you

had this weekend at semifinals.

So I did have a lot of fun.

Of course, in Scott Way,

I can't do anything easy.

I get there.

I'm walking into the venue

on the first day and I step

in a giant hole.

My ankle,

my knee buckle and then I try to

catch myself and I torqued my back.


I didn't even get into the venue.

I was walking

had just got to like fender

village and I step in this

hole and then and jamie

said when she saw the way I

tried to catch myself she

knew like I was toast that

sucks so it didn't really

hurt that much that day it

just it got worse as the

weekend went on and then it

was just like getting into

squats positions to get it

to stretch and getting into

other positions to get it

to stretch all weekend and

I still had a really good time,

but it was like,

now I have this thing

hanging over me through the

whole weekend.


Um, now kind of shifting into nutrition,

it's been a rough couple of weeks.

I, the logging wise, it sure has.


Um, I don't,

I have not had a lot of

control over my time over

the last couple of weeks.


But I,

I have done really well making the

best of what I had.


And I, and I agree that that's,

that's kind of what I

wanted today to be about is, you know,

when it comes to these

journeys that people are on

is it's not always going to

be smooth sailing.

You're going to hit road bumps.

You're going to,

you're going to have times

like this where it's like

just off track a little bit.

It's okay.

it's not failing.

It's not winning.

It's not anything.

It just is what it is.

It's that, you know,

it's been a little bit of a

rocky couple of weeks, like full trends.

It has been, you know?

So I think that it's okay to

say like right now,

like I'm so physically and

mentally exhausted by other

things going on here that I

haven't been as focused as

I should be where I know I need to be.

But it doesn't mean,

I'm completely derailing.

It just means that I haven't

been making that push to

make the next step happen

because my mental and

physical batteries are drained.

Does that kind of resonate?

This is probably going to go down a road.

I don't want to go down today, but I mean,

we're here and I'm having

some mental issues with

everything going on around me.

And then

And this was the straw that

broke kind of the camel's back.

So we would go to the venue

early in the morning and

our hotel had breakfast.

So I would grab a scoop of

eggs and either bacon or

sausage and then go to the venue.

I had beef jerky and apples

and stuff in my bag to kind

of live on until I got to dinner.

We'd go out to dinner and...

the waiter or waitress would

come to the table and they

would automatically assume

that the dinner I ordered

was for Jamie and the

dinner that Jamie ordered

was for me because I'm

eating the chicken and the

fruit plate and the

coleslaw and Jamie's

getting the steak and the

fries and all that kind of stuff, right?

And it just hit me hard this weekend.

I'm working my ass off so

hard by making these changes,

and I feel like sometimes

it's for naught.

Does that make sense?

It just hit me in that

moment this weekend.

Here I am.

I have to be so careful

about every little freaking

morsel that I put in my mouth.

And the progress is so freaking slow.

Go ahead and finish.

Because I wasn't going to cut you off.

I thought you were done.

That's it.

I'm really proud of you

right now for sharing that.

And you're right.

It's not fair.

And I think I've said this before.

That people judge a person

by what they see.

Without knowing where that

person's been and where they're going.

No idea at all.

The external shell doesn't matter.

I just want to cry.

I just, all I want to do is cry.

Like, I feel like I just, I'll be honest.

I feel like, is it even worth it anymore?



Like I'm, I'm here.

I am working my ass off every effing day.

And I didn't think we were

going to go here today, but we're here.

And I think we needed to be

here and whether it's on air or not,

this conversation needed to

happen because it is really hard.

It is really fucking hard to make changes.

And you're right, progress is really slow.

But what's the alternative?

What's the alternative to

just not doing anything?

Where do you go then?

What's the alternative to,

and we're going to talk

about simplifying things,

but what's the alternative

to just throwing in the towel right now?

I'm not going to throw in the towel.

No, I know you're not.

But what I'm telling you is

when you're in these places, for one,

your feelings are valid.

You were judged this weekend.

And that's a fucked up thing

for anybody to do.

Excuse my language.

You were judged and that

makes you feel

uncomfortable because

you're busting your ass and

you're still looked at like,

The guy that needs to lose weight.

And even so much that it's

that like it just

illustrated how meticulous

I have to be to make any progress.

Well, what do you when you say meticulous,


Let's talk about this.

Because I had this

conversation with a client

of mine last week.

She said,

I just feel like I'm working so hard.

I'm working out every single day.

Instead of sitting in my lunch hour,

I go to the gym.

I'm meal prepping.

I'm doing all this stuff.

And it's just, I don't even know why.

I'm like, well,

what do you think people do

that are fit and healthy

and live a healthy life do?

They do that.

But I used to love working

out and now it just hurts.

Like everything just hurts.

Like I step in that hole on

Friday and then everything

I try to do fitness wise hurts.

Your body's in pain, inflammation,


All of that.

And then you go to a

restaurant and you have to

replace the fries with

broccoli and do all these

extra steps that other

people don't have to do.

And it gets you nowhere.

But when you say that other

people don't have to do,

who are you referring to?

I'm just venting.

I'm not asking it towards anybody.

Guess what?

A lot of people do that.

It just might not have been

the people sitting at your table.

So even though you might

have been the one at the

table that was swapping

French fries for broccoli,

it doesn't mean that there

were two other tables right

around you that somebody at

the table was also the only

one swapping out French

fries for broccoli.

It can feel very lonely sometimes.

When you're watching people

around you just free with

food and not thinking about

it and you're putting in

effort and you're like,

I just want to be like that.

And I'll be honest,

a weekend like semifinals,

I probably would have told you, hey,

enjoy a couple of fun meals.

Don't sweat it.

You come back home,

you pick up where you left off.

The whole weekend had an

element to this and it

wasn't even all nutrition.


So I'm just, it just was a pile on.


And I went off on it on

Saturday night show.

I mean,

I had security called on me at the

venue for following the

instructions I was given.

I didn't even watch that yet.

I had to catch up.

I had them called on me and

told where and what,

And you, you've been a part of my team.

So you will actually understand this.


I was told this person was

trying to tell me where I

could do an interview and

where I could not.

I was following the

procedures given to me by

the head of media for the

syndicate crown and the

head of media for CrossFit.

I asked them to go talk to them.

I then get talked to by the

head of media from the

syndicate crown asking me

to do it in another venue.

And I said, that's fine.

I said,

I just don't want to be picked on

as the one team that has to

do it this way and nobody else.

Oh, no, no.

Everybody has to follow these rules.

The only people allowed in

that area will be medical.

The same people that were

allowed to do stuff last

year were allowed to

continue to do it the

incorrect way this year.


And I'm just tired of always

being singled out as the

people who get talked to.

And then you go to dinner

and then this happens and

it's just a pile on of more, right?


It's that, it's that feeling.

And I think we've been here

before where it's like,

you're always being picked

on in some way.

Like, it's like, this is it.

It's nobody with authority.

It's yeah.

It's just a little miss

puffy pants on the podcast.

But she had no authority to

tell me what to do.


But yet makes my whole

afternoon miserable because

of her perception.



It's so hard, Scott, because like I said,

a fat loss journey,

a weight loss journey does

require sacrifice.

Anybody who says that they

don't have to work hard for

weight loss is lying.

There's decisions that are

being made on a daily basis,

especially because most people,

when they gain weight,

there's other influences.

It's not just you in a bubble, right?

There's so many things going on.

And I think that you were

kind of like at your breaking point,

like work has been crazy busy.

Your wife has been going

through a rough time.

Hopefully she's on the mend.

Hopefully things will be

getting better with that.

You know, like the decision to travel,

even things like podcast

sponsorship and all of these things,

these moving pieces.


And this is good for

everybody to hear because guess what?

If it's not the person at the dinner table,

it's the person at the pool

party that says something to somebody,

you know, it's, it's all of those things,

or they're the one at the pool party.

That's not eating the snacks

or at the barbecue.

That's not eating the snacks.

Everybody experiences this

stuff in different ways.

It's it shows up in

different ways and it

affects them in different ways.

And we all have a choice to be like,

all right,

I know that this sucks right now.

Like I know I've kind of

just been out of my element, but like,

I'm gonna get back to my program,

back to my structure.

And when you're feeling that fatigue,

that's what I'm here for.

And I know that like,

I probably was the last

person on your mind to

reach out to that night, but man,

a text message of like,

just had a really tough night.

Like I was at the dinner

table and I'm like making good choices.

And I just felt like, I don't know.

I just felt off.

Like it could have been all it was.

And then I probably would

ask you what happened, you know, but it's,


I just didn't even know how to

process it myself.

I don't,

I don't know.

Well, that's why it's,

it's crazy how I didn't

know where today's episode

was going to go.

I mostly just wanted to kind

of get you back into the swing of things,

but this is all making sense.

It's, it all, it's all making sense.

Like just the whole lead up to this call,

this talk today, you know?

So, but you know,

I think it's also important

right now to look at how

far you've come and, and know that like,

all that's behind you.

You've done all that hard

work leading up to this.

And what you're doing isn't really,

I think also sometimes when

you're in a place of overwhelm,

the simplest things can

feel so overwhelming.

So like, for instance, on my end,

if I was like,

I just feel like I have to

be so meticulous.

Like I'm the one at the

table that's swapping out

French fries for broccoli.

You're like, on your end, it's like, well,

was that really

That hard or did it just

feel hard because you're

feeling like you're being a

problem to the waitress or

the waiter and that you're

the one and that you're

kind of like people are

looking at you for the judging thing,

the judgment thing.


It's it's that stuff.

It's it's knowing that it's

not even about the meticulousness.

It's about we think.

things are harder than they

really are because of how

they're affecting us mentally.

And, you know,

it's really hard to just keep going,

but that's where resiliency

and that's where people

become successful.

It's actually leading into

that discomfort and being able to say,

all right, like I can feel a certain way.

And guess what?

On Monday morning,

I'm going to wake up happy

with my decisions.

you know?

So I don't know.

It was a breaking point.


It's okay.

I'm telling you, it's okay.

I'm telling you as your

coach that I'm proud of you.

I'm proud of you for being able to be like,

all right.

Like I freaking like,

I've been so freaking busy

with everything.

And like, just,

it's been not my priority right now.

And I,

I'm like recommitting to

like back to routine.

You don't have any travel on

the schedule until the games.

Are you going to the games?


the only travel I have is just a day

trip with my mom to the U S

Olympic swimming trials.

Oh, fun.

When is that?

Uh, June 15th.


All right.

So, but other than that,

nothing until the games,

are you going to the games?

I have not made that call yet.


Is it going to be one of

those last minute get in

the car and go to Knoxville

type of things?

I cannot drive to Fort Worth.


So I have to get a plane

ticket if I'm going to go.

Well, regardless,

we got a couple of months.

We got about eight weeks or so.

One day trip, 4th of July, easy peasy.

Now I say easy peasy,

but just because you don't

have any trips doesn't mean

that you're still not going

to have daily stressors.

And the next thing that to

talk about today is I forget the quote.

Have you read the book Atomic Habits?

Oh my gosh, Scott.

If people on this podcast,

if you guys have not read Atomic Habits,

you need to read Atomic Habits.

And if you don't read, audio book it.

You won't want to turn it off.

If you're anybody that is into self-help,

self-development, personal growth,

the book will change your life.

But he talks about the fact

that we do not rise to the

level of our goals.

we fall to the structure of

our systems or something

along that way is that the

people that are most successful,

they don't just become

successful by focusing on the goal.

That's funny.

They focus on putting

systems in place and

following routine with that.

Like for instance,

I work out every day at noon,

whatever that is for you.

I eat at these times of the day,

every day.

whatever it is.

And I think that right now it's been,

your routine's been a

little thrown off and that

you're not in your routine

and your group because of

your work schedule and everything.

So what we really need is like to pivot.

How can we make things super

easy for you this week to

nutritionally just recommit

to getting back on routine

with your tracking and your

nutrition and all that stuff?


I came home to no groceries in the house.

So the first thing I have to

do is go get groceries.


and then I need to start logging again.

I have what I ate today.

I ate like normal stuff that

I eat all the time.



So you had some food at home.

Well, breakfast,

I had eggs and egg whites

because my wife doesn't eat

the egg whites.

So that was, there's plenty of that.


and then I, I had, uh,

there was some chicken breasts left.

So I had that with a salad for lunch.


You have dinner tonight or not?

I do not have,

I have no uncooked protein in my house.



I have like one hamburger that was

leftover from before I left

and the chicken I used up today.


So are you planning on going to the store,

getting takeout?

What's the plan for tonight?


So I don't have a car until

my wife gets home.

I'm hoping to go to the

store or do an Instacart to

get some groceries here

within an hour of getting off this call.


So again, worst case scenario,

you get takeout tonight to

make it easy for yourself.

Can you find a place locally

to get some healthy takeout?

Sure can.

In fact, let me be honest,

you can order from a Chinese restaurant

and get steamed chicken and

broccoli and rice and

likely have leftovers for tomorrow.


And you could totally use

whatever sauces you have at

home to jazz it up.

And then you can still get

your Instacart if you want,

or you can order that,

stop at the grocery store.

Now you don't have to cook

and you have your groceries.

So you can totally make

something like that work.

go to the grocery store,

pick up your groceries,

grab a rotisserie chicken.

You know, I mean,

I know you had chicken for lunch,

but you can do that every day now.

So you could also make a flatbread pizza.

That's a fun meal, you know, lavash bread,

some marinara sauce, turkey pepperoni.

It's easy.

Like keep it easy for yourself tonight.

And, you know, or, you know,

you can grill up some

burgers and have a burger

tonight and have a burger tomorrow,

you know, like,

Whatever is easier.

I don't know what your

schedule looks like the rest of the day.

Now that I'm doing all the cooking,

I cook a bunch of burgers

and a bunch of chicken at

the beginning of the week.

And then I can chop up the

burger if I need to,

chop up the chicken if I need to,

or just eat them as is.

And then I supplement with

other cooking throughout the week.

But I don't want to cook every night.


So I think that simplicity

tonight might be cancel cooking tonight,

get something pre-made,

even if you're getting

pre-made from the grocery store.

Um, and then, then you can cook tomorrow,

you know, buy the groceries today.

So all you have to do

tomorrow is cook them.

And now tomorrow is already Wednesday.

So you're really only cooking.

Well, even if you cook extra,

you have stuff for the weekend.


So it's not like the weekend

has to be any different than the weekdays,

you know?

So, um, but yeah,

I think the main thing today is to like,

first of all,

I'm glad that we went down

this rabbit hole.

I think.

Well, it's obvious as treat yourself,

get some steak.

Didn't he hear that?

That's what started this

whole emotional rollercoaster.

Well, you can totally have steak.

Try leaner cuts.

Uh, stick to top sirloin.

Top round is a horrible cut of steak.

Don't ever get, unless you're,

unless you're slow cooking it.

Top sirloin is probably

going to be the leanest and

still give you some good flavor.

Um, or like a flank steak is,

is pretty lean too.

But, uh,

I actually did have a steak in Knoxville.


Nick, just so you know,

we did go to Outback one night and I,

and I did get a filet.

That's good.


So, I mean, I think that, you know,

get yourself some stuff, um, uh,

gym wise.

So how's the body feeling?

So it's,

it's getting a little bit better

every day.

It's just the back.

The one thing I will say is

for years I would go to

these events and my feet

would be killing me.


My feet were fine all week.


And I did a, um,

I did a lap like every heat

where the press pits were,

there was like little boxes

you could be in.

So I'd go sideline, upper sideline,

finish line, then go back in an interview,

take them back around,

get to do the interview, then pop out.

But, and I did that lap for every heat.


And I was killing it.

That's funny.

So I guess my question is,

are you able to get back in the gym?

So I'm taking Julie to work

the rest of the week so I can go at noon.

I love it.

And then we're having a

summer kickoff party Friday night.


That's awesome.

I think that mentally,

that's what you need right now.

I think that mentally,

you need to kind of be around...

some other people that, you know,

like Scott, I know this journey is hard,

you know, and like, you know,

you're very,

brave for putting yourself

out there the way that you do.

And the whole reason we

started this show was

because when you had that goal of like,

I want to lose a hundred

pounds by the next CrossFit Games,

I was like,

I want you to have the

accountability you need.

And I knew that this show

would be one more thing to

hold you accountable to

those promises to yourself.

And so I knew that was going

to come with some transparency.

But I also knew that other

people were also going to

be there to support you.

And I know everybody that

watches the show that I

talk to wants nothing but

the best for you.

And they want you to be successful.

And I get a lot of comments

on how your journey has touched people.

And so I know that it can

feel like you're working

hard and getting nowhere.

But I also want to remind

you that you're inspiring a

lot of other people out

there to work hard and be

patient in the process.

And all of that stuff.

And that's not any pressure on you.

That's just letting you know

that people do value your hard work.


I can say my fitness level was better

this year at semis than last.

And that's even with AFib in the middle.

Because I did those laps and

then the media room was two stories up.

So I would do those stairs up and down,

up and down all day long.

And it never, ever affected me.

That's awesome.

So I think that this week for you,

it's simplifying dinner tonight,

getting a plan in place for

the rest of the week.

And I'm going to be texting

you every day this week.

Like let's get on the food

tracking journal.

It doesn't,

even if you have to like

eyeball things sometimes,

cause you're busy.

I don't care.

It's not about perfection, right?

It's, it's about just being consistent,

you know?

So we'll see where things are at.


And not stress about things.

No stress.

No worries.

Be happy.

As Bob Marley says, right?


Mark Moss is talking about

the Uplift Challenge.

If you guys don't know about that,

Mark has a charity called Uplift.

It's about suicide prevention.

And they put out a monthly

workout that the community

can do together.

So make sure you check that out.


I will also promote that on my podcast,

Uplift Challenge.

Yeah, in the past few months he's had,

like Rudy Berger did the workout,

Scott Tetlow did the workout,

like created the workout.

Is there a website for it?

They're on IG as Uplift, all caps.

I'm looking for them right now.

If he has a website,

I'm sure he'll put it in the comments.

Yeah, that's what I was hoping for.

I would totally also promote

that on my challenge right now.

It's actually brought to you

by Wadzomi this month.

Uplift WOD.

I found it.


I'm following you guys now.


I'll take a look at that.


Something to do.

Brought to you by WOD Zombie this month.

That's awesome.

All right.

Two of my favorite people

working together.


WOD Zombie's real name is Nick, right?



I wanted to make sure I said it right.

And Mark Moss is the one that runs Uplift.




I just started following them.

All right.


This week, back to tracking.

You got this.

How's your work schedule?


Today was a lot of catch up.

I think I'm actually going

to have a couple days.

I don't want to say it.

You don't want to jinx yourself.

I don't want to say it.


But I do have a project I

have to run in like a week.

Are you in the office or at home?

I'm at home right now.


This week though, pretty much?

And the only time I get

called in is emergency.

So like, I won't know unless it happens.


So like last week when you

had to like take the,

couldn't have the phone or

that's probably not going

to happen again this week.

Hopefully, hopefully,

hopefully as long as all

the servers stay up and running.


All right.

So then this week,

let's just try and hammer it.

Remind yourself of where you're going.

You know, like don't let,

you're going to have

thoughts and emotions.

I know you got a lot of

stuff on your plate right

now and it's hard to stay focused.

I totally get it.

Like I told you in the beginning,

like it was hard.

I was,

I was taking work calls at the hospital.

I, I totally get it.

Like right now that's a

whole nother thing that I'm taking on.

And all I've been doing

right now is like food and

training is on autopilot.

on autopilot.

I'm not worried about making

progress in the gym right now.

I'm worried about not regressing.

I've made too much progress

in the last six months that

I don't want to see myself go back down,

back down.

So I'm like,

I'm just holding on tight and

maintaining right now.

So in fact,

I've been doing a lot of the

same workouts.

I know that sounds probably

counterintuitive to a lot of CrossFitters,

but just another tip for you, Scott, like

My Mondays, I'm like, all right,

I'm going to do this

workout that I did last Monday.

Again, this Monday,

because I don't have to

think about it and I'm just

going to do it faster or in

a different rough scheme.

Like that's kind of what

I've been doing because

it's been taking the

thinking out of it for me.

So just a little tip for you too.


Well, I will let you know how it goes.

Um, again, taking Julie to work the next,

the rest of the week so I

can go to the gym and I

can't wait Friday night party.

That's awesome.

I have to catch up on the podcast.

I haven't gotten to listen to any of them.

I actually haven't even

finished watching the semifinals.

I've watched bits and pieces

of it while I've been doing

either Zone 2 training or whatever.

I'll put it on.

Yes, Wad Zombie Nick.

This is my gum of choice.

Trident Spearmint flavor.

It's been my choice for I

don't know how long.

I had not been chewing gum

I used to all the time and then I didn't.

And then I had it this weekend and it does,

it is a game changer.

It really is.

I am a gum junkie.

I will tell you this.

I cannot work out without gum.


there's been times where I've gotten to

the gym and I'm like, Oh, I forgot gum.

And I'm like,

I'll like literally go to a

gas station before I go to

the gym if I forgot it.

So always have gum.


I love, I like the ice breakers.


I like the Trident Spearmint.

This flavor tends to last the longest.

That's why I like it.

Denise Moore,

Trident Cinnamon is my go-to.


the cinnamon and the other flavors

don't really do it for me.

I've had the 5 Gum, too.

That's also a good one.

I like that one, too.

5 Gum was my good luck gum

when I pitched softball.

The blue 5 Gum,

because our uniforms were blue.

And, uh,

and we won three city

championships with me chewing that gum.

Do y'all remember the, uh,

this is totally off topic.

Remember the zebra gum?

That has 15 seconds of flavor.


And you would just like

chain shoe it because like

the flavor would rot so fast.

That was like my favorite or like, uh,


Zebra fruit stripes.


Those are them.

And then there was another one, the, uh,

the bubble tape that was like the big,

the role.

And it'd be like, you pull it out.

I remember that gum too.

That's a little after my time.


That's that 10 years

difference between our age.


The bubble tape gum.

And then there was the, well,

there was always the double

bubble that was like rock hard.

Like you would have to like

really bite it to like,

to like get it to soften up.

And then it would finally like,

and it also lost its flavor

in like two seconds.

But yeah.


I, um,

the big revelation for so

like when I was a kid it

was either like the stick

gum like wrigley's or any

of those and then in your

trading cards you got that

hard oh yeah piece of gum

yeah um and then when they

came out with big league

two like our lives changed

I remember that gum too yeah

Yeah, gum, man.

Definitely gum is a game changer.

It's funny because it's a great way.

If you're a snacker and you

just randomly snack throughout the day,

I think it's a great way

while you're dieting nutritionally.

I'm not telling people if

you're hungry to just chew gum,

but if you're used to snacking,

it can kind of stop you

from just grabbing things.

It kind of keeps your mouth busy.

Anyways, gum topic.

trying to think that was

that was really the gum big

the the zebra gum and then

I mean obviously yeah there

was juicy fruit and uh for

a little while there I was

into extra used to make a

uh like a dessert gum line

and this was like recent

years like in the last 10 years or so

And they had like a,

I think it was like a mint

cookie or a mint ice cream one.

Mint chocolate chip ice cream one.

Don't even ask me,

but I got into it for a little while.

I think I remember that.

And it was really good.


It tasted like.

Yeah, it did.

It tasted like chocolatey ice cream.

It was weird.

But yeah.

Now I got you on the Ninja Creamy,

which is.

Yeah, which I haven't made any in a while.

I need to make some.



I got to get on.

I think I got a bad batch of

black cherries.

That's why my black cherry didn't work.


Did you get frozen ones?

I did, but it tastes alcoholic.

Like they ferment it or something.

That is weird.

That is strange.

That's not good.

Try one of the cherries

outside of the... I did.

That's why I think they're bad.

Oh, okay.

That'd be a good way to try it out first.

I was like, it's like doing a shot.

I actually saw a recipe for

a strawberry ice cream with

like fresh strawberries.

And I know you like fruity.

I was going to send it to you.

I haven't, I have, I saved it.

I haven't sent it to you yet.

The peach truck was here

right before I left for Knoxville.

I was like, man, peach,

fresh peaches and ice cream

would be so good.

That sounds good.


But I'll have to see if they're,

cause they come like every

couple of weeks here.


Straight from Georgia.

That's awesome.

That's awesome.


They're not cheap, but hey,

if they're fresh and juicy,

they'd be really good in ice cream.

Well, cherries aren't cheap here.

Are cherries cheap there?

Well, frozen are fine.


They're not even selling

cherries here right now.

They sell cherries here,

but they're like $6.50 a pound.

It's like crazy.

Yeah, we can't even get them right now.

Yeah, so they do have them here,

but they're expensive.

My mom loves them,

so I had bought them last week.

But yeah, they're expensive right now.



I think that next week we're

hopefully going to have a

good a good week.

I think that this week was

this week actually was a

really good week for you, Scott.

I think that people often

think that the progress is

made with like the success,

but the progress is really

made with like the

transparency of today's episode, I think,

is where things are changed.

I'm going to leave you with

this one funny story.

All right.

So Sunday, middle of the night.

So into Monday,

Jamie's plane took off at

like four 30 in the morning.

So I dropped her off at the

airport around four o'clock.

Now Knoxville's airport only

has two gates.


That's pretty quick.

Doesn't take you very long to get through.

So I dropped her off and I'm like,

you know what?

I'm just going to head for home.

So I get in, there's nothing open,

nothing open at four

o'clock in the morning.

So finally,

like a McDonald's is open on

the interstate and I pull

off to get a coffee and an egg McMuffin.


and I take one bite of the egg

McMuffin as I get back out

of the interstate,

I'm already gone and it's all eggshells.

And I'm like spitting in my car,

like trying to get them out.


And I was like,

this is the capper of my

nutrition weekend.

I can't even get an effing

McMuffin sandwich that is

not full of eggshells.

Well, I mean,

I guess the good thing is

that they're cracking eggs

to make the egg patties and

it's not like some, you know,

like egg product.

That's not real eggs.

So I guess, you know, that, you know,

what's funny about that, dude, like

you know the whole carnivore

diet thing there's a guy

that I follow on instagram

and he's really into the

carnivore diet and he was

like I don't even know what

it was he just like it just

he's really bizarre I don't

even know if I follow him

or I just happened to find

him and he's like

showcasing his meals and

he's like I even left the

eggshells in for extra

crunch I'm like you did

what for extra my teeth

make me want to vomit why

would you people are just

I mean, I know they're edible, but whoa,

like let's, oh,

I'm going to use eggshells

as croutons now on my salad.

Like random shit, people.

I just don't even, I don't even know.

At that point,

like nutrition is no longer enjoyable.

Yeah, agreed.

Like let's just start eating

the banana peel.

I would rather eat a banana

peel than an eggshell.

I would agree.

Actually, I don't know if I agree.

I don't know if I could eat

either of those things, but yeah.

So anyways, I agree with Denise.

I thought that they were

like already paddied up and

and they could have been.

But you just got a bad batch, I guess.

When I worked at McDonald's,

we cracked eggs on the McMuffin.


See, I see.

I worked at Burger King and we did not.

We had these round frozen

egg patties that would come

in that we would heat up.

That's what we had.

They were like these round egg patties.

So the round eggs at McDonald's are real.

If you get a folded egg,

it is a solution that you pour.

That's interesting.

Just so you know.

If you order a real egg,

you get the round one on a McMuffin.


You know what else is crazy

about fast food?

Like looking back,

when you make sausage at home,

you don't deep fry sausage.

But at Burger King, we deep fried sausage.

I've never deep fried sausage.

Neither have I. But when I

worked at Burger King,

that's how we cooked it.

Took the sausage patties,

they went in the deep fryer.

Denise wants to know how

long ago that was.


you and I are the only ones old

enough to know about that stuff.

How old is Denise?

She is a master's athlete in the 65 plus.

She made the CrossFit Games.

That's awesome.


Or like the third or fourth time.

That's awesome.


So does she know she's in

the same division as Paula?





So she just turned 65.

I think Paula just recently aged up.

I could be wrong.

I don't remember.

I'm not sure if Paula was in

60 to 65 or 65 plus.

She's one of my clients.

So Denise...

You, uh, I worked at McDonald's in 1988.

I was three years old.

That's crazy.

I worked at Burger King in 2000 ish,

2001 ish,

somewhere in that area around 2000.

I worked there for like

three and a half years.

I actually loved my job at Burger King.

I'm going to be honest.

It was a fun job for me.

So I hated my job at McDonald's.

I ditched them and went to Wendy's.

I loved it, man.

I had fun people that I worked with.

And the fact that I ate fast food,

I ate so bad.

Man, I was a bad eater.

If you'd have known me then,

you would have never

thought I was going to be a

nutrition coach.


Well, when I started at Wendy's,

I probably was 180 pounds.

And those chicken nuggets

are so damn good.

Yeah, I agree.

Wendy's chicken nuggets are the best.

I would 100% agree.

Once I was old enough to

look at the McDonald's

chicken nuggets and be like,

these are a weird color.

I was like,

I don't think I want to eat

these anymore.

And then,

and I had the Burger King and the

Wendy's ones,

which were like all white meat.

I'm like, that's my jam for sure.

And then we used to sell

Otis Spunk and Meyer cookies.


You take two of those and

squirt a Frosty in the middle.

Oh my God.

Sounds amazing.

That we would eat those all

the time when I worked at Wendy's.

Those freaking muffins,

those Otis Funkmeyer muffins,

those are like a thousand

calories in a muffin.

I would eat one of those for

breakfast easily.

I have not had anything like

that in years.

I know.

I just, I can't even.

It's funny because I'll have

clients that'll put that

kind of stuff in their food journal.

I'm like,

I couldn't even think about

eating that right now.

It didn't even come to my mind, but.

It shocked me that Wendy's

didn't sell ice cream

sandwiches with the Frosty

and the cookies.

They would have made a mint back then.


They probably would have.

Wendy's has gotten a lot bigger now.

At 17, I worked at a bakery.

Not all raisins and apple

pies were raisins.


that doesn't, that's not nice.

No, it's not.

Anyways, we're getting off topic,

but it was good to end on a good note.

So, all right.


I think we're in a good spot this week.

I think that,

I think that we feel good

about going into this week.

Do you feel a little bit better?

I feel a little bit better.

I was going to say, you know,

I was going to say,

I was talking to a client

before this and she asked

me how I was doing.

I was like, honestly, not doing great.

Got a lot of stuff in my mind.

And I was,

I could lie to you and sugarcoat it,

but that's not going to help anybody.

I think that the main thing

is sometimes you feel

better when you just get it out,

freaking get it out.

And that's what you needed to do today.

So I'm proud of you.

So let's do it.

I got it out.

So with that, everybody,

thank you so much for being here.

You guys are always the best.

Thank you for the encouraging words.

And we'll see everybody next

time on Clydesdale Media

Weight Loss Journey.

Bye, guys.