Awaken Your Sacred Soul System - A Podcast, with Kate Darnell

Questioning your brilliance? 😲

Show Notes

This week Kate asks whether you're questioning your own brilliance.  It happens, we're human!!! 
Kate shares some tips on what to do when you start questioning yourself, justifying why you can (or can't) do something or are comparing yourself to others. 
Kate encourages you to utilise your brilliance by aligning with your Sacred Soul System, to keep going, to keep trusting and being.
Find all the golden ways you can work with Kate here

What is Awaken Your Sacred Soul System - A Podcast, with Kate Darnell ?

Join Kate Darnell this summer and beyond for interviews, high vibe energetic processes and practical ways to live spiritually from soul, with complete and utter love for YOU! Let's take a collective breath, a pause, a moment for you! We hope you enjoy this energetic, uplifting and inspiring series.

Hello Golden One,

Living our brilliance can be exhausting, especially when we so easily forget just how magnificent we are.

By now in our lives it's so likely that we have certifications and qualifications; we have the attended graduations, we have worked out what we are naturally gifted and talented in and we likely have a few passions! We may have started our own soul led businesses, created offerings, made and shared our art AND in one way or another we have probably given our all to something or another.

Despite this we can so often we find ourselves still justifying why we can [or can't] do something. We will easily compare ourselves to others or allow someone else to dull our brilliance and question our abilities.

If you have found yourself questioning your brilliance of late gift yourself some time and space to...

Meditate - Sit still, bask in nature, journal - speak to your guides!

Connect - Make time for the people in your life that truly see and celebrate you (remember that sometimes this will be with your paid coach, counsellor/health care practitioner - AND there is NO shame in this - in fact it's an opportunity to rejoice in having the right and aligned people in your life!)

Allow - Gift yourself the time and space to go gently and cut yourself some slack!

We all have divine light, wisdom and magic to share with the world. This can and will manifest in wild and beautiful ways!

First we need to embrace our gifts, skills and abilities. Next we must choose to allow it all to be, finally, prepare to step into the spotlight of our divine life AND claim ALL we are here to be.

Questioning your brilliance?

We all do and all will...time and time again...we're human!

Don't forget the greatest leaders, movers, shakers and change makers are the ones that will keep going! They will take deep and great care of them and allow all to be; not despite of what others are saying or how they are feeling but...because of them!

May you begin to utilise your brilliance by aligning with your Sacred Soul System, to keep going (at a time and space that works for you), to keep trusting (in a way that is aligned and true for you) and being (by embracing your brilliance and loving your whole self).

I'm here and so honoured to be working in my brilliance to support you in SHINING and living life [even more] golden.

If you are feeling ready to say yes to you and your brilliance, send me an email for all of the golden ways we can work with each other in 2023 and beyond.

Have a beautiful week!

In Golden Light,

Love Kate xoxo