Sports Round Table from The State News

Host Nick Lundberg and football beat reporters Alex Faber and Jenna Malinowski discuss MSU's first football game against Western Michigan University this past week.

Show Notes

Host Nick Lundberg reviews women's and men's soccer games and the volleyball season. Football beat reporters Alex Faber and Jenna Malinowski join him to discuss MSU's first football game against Western Michigan University and what people can look forward to with the rest of the season. 

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The State News sports reporters discuss all MSU sports.

Nick Lundberg 0:11
Good afternoon everybody. My name is Nick Lundberg and this is roundtable. Your midweek sports update on all things Michigan State. This is our first episode of the year and I'm excited to get the show off with you guys. So first we're gonna start with women's soccer. Over the weekend they lost a number 11 Arkansas on the road after starting the season four 0-1 after they lost a close game, one to nothing over the weekend to Arkansas. Lauren Kozal had a great game. She's been fantastic all season, and they will look to get back in the winning column this week on Thursday night at seven at home against Oakland. On the men's side of things. They have lost three straight there since army playing army their first game of the season was tough, but they played tough opponents against number four ranked in the country Notre Dame and number 14 ranked Akron next game will be this Friday at Bowling Green. And then on the volleyball their sixth and oh this season for the first time since 2012. And it's Leah Johnson's first season at the helm. And their last one was three to two over VCU on Saturday. This weekend. They'll take an ACC road trip to North Carolina and Duke and now I'm joined by MSU state news football beat reporters Alex Faber and Jenna Malinowski How are you guys doing today?

Alex Faber 1:26
Pretty solid. It was a pretty exciting first week pretty competitive for a Mac opponent I guess but it was a good.

Nick Lundberg 1:32
That's good to hear. So we're gonna get into some headlines from the game. And first off you can't help but overlook various knows injury. Big supposed to be a big key after moving from safety to linebacker this year. out for the season. The linebacker position is deep Who do you guys or Alex? Who do you see taking over for a spot?

Alex Faber 1:52
Yeah, I mean, you already mentioned that. It's definitely a loss it's going to be felt Mel Tucker was talking about at his press conference Monday. He you know, he's a gym rat. He's the kind of guy who you point towards since I work like this guy. He's a workhorse. So it's a big loss. But in terms of positions on defense that can afford to lose a barter I'd say linebackers up there. Behind him. We have off more cattle holiday all American freshman dudes just a savage famously plays without the gloves. I'm not too worried about that. Ben VanSumeren and it's also a name that kind of surprisingly, had a really good game Friday night after Darius Snow went out. You had him come in. I think he had 11 tackles finished which was tied for the team high. It was really improved from last year's campaign. Yep. Aaron Brule is from I think Mississippi State guy I'm really excited about he might not play as regularly as a guy like Cal Haladay, but they're bringing him in as like a defensive brush bat specialist and he got a sack as well against Western. So I think they've been a lot of depth position. I'm pretty excited up to Kobe Whitman. I know he famously transfer started doing defensive end this past week, but he's another guy who can step in that linebacker role. So like I said, if there's a position that MSU can afford to lose defensively, it's a linebacker.

Nick Lundberg 3:03
Yeah, I was just going to talk about Ben VanSumeren and his impact, he seemed to just be flying all over the field. And I know that Mel was you know, they were wringing his praise after the game just he was seemed like he was everywhere and after really not seeing much of him on you know, besides special teams last year, seeing him out there playing on the field and making those plays was you know, impressive to see. So now another injury we knew that isn't as serious as they were Henderson but somewhat could argue it's more impactful because he is a captain he was a longtime captain last year he's everyone knows is the leader of the defense and a secondary that was supposed to make a big jump this year compared to last year and having him out who knows how long is you know Mel likes to say he's sore, which could mean anything right at this point, but having him out seems to be you know, not ideal at this point in the season but maybe some guys like I saw Kendall Brooks jumped on the field freshman Jaden Mangum was out there. Who do you guys are Who do you see Alex moving forward?

Alex Faber 4:04
So the the guy that's immediately going to step up is going to be Angelo Grose Jr. he's not the most exciting option but he finished with 11 tackles he's reliable back there. He's probably going to be your go to option but you mentioned that they've got a lot of young people at the position whereas linebacker they've got some older guys, they've got depth. They're going to be playing some young guys Jaden Mangum is a guy you mentioned that really excites me. Hamp Fay started as a quarterback and MSU now he's listed a safeties a guy who can see some reps so the safety position is definitely pretty thin. Xavier Henderson I think is probably going to be felt a little bit more than Darius snow at least immediately. But in the meantime, I guess it's going to be exciting to get guys you know, like Jaden out there and get some playing time. So it's gonna be interesting to see against an opponent like ours.

Nick Lundberg 4:49
And we're it's yeah, it will be interesting to see how they do against you know, a weaker team like Akron and then you head to Washington on the road. They just Indiana trance for Michael Penix, we saw what he could do in from couple of years prior being in the big 10 You know, he can light it up. So, and with our past defense, especially now with Henderson out, it's going to be interesting. It's going to be an interesting battle. At first people thought kind of riding off the game, you know, coming into the season like we're Washington's not ranks, it's not going to be a big deal, but I really think this game can be it's can be a trap game for MSU especially now that Henderson is out and we know that Penix can whip the ball around. So I'm excited to see how that game turns out in a couple of weeks.

Alex Faber 5:31
It's pretty similar to that Miami game last year where I think it's we're gonna learn a lot about the team. I think you quickly tough road environment. I know it's the PAC 12 And we make jokes, but MSU doesn't have a good track record going out west so it's gonna be a good test to see. Is this team as legit as last years.

Nick Lundberg 5:46
And moving on to someone you mentioned, Alex. We'll talk about this with Jenna, uh Jacoby Windmon. He transferred from UNLV recently switched from linebacker defensive end, absolutely, just played-played his heart out against Western had seven tackles a sack and a forced fumble and won countless awards. Jenna what did you see from his performance?

Jenna Malinowski 6:07
Yeah, Mel Tucker definitely knows how to work the transfer portal. Obviously defense was an emphasis over the off-season after last year, it seemed to be kind of their weaker point. But they were not shocked at all to see that from Jacoby Windmon. He got everyone's attention with those four sacks against Western and I mean after the game I mean, he-Mel just really emphasize how much of a team player he really is and how little time he had to switch from linebacker to defensive line to go and get those sacks and they knew that he'd be a good matchup against westerns, freshman quarterback and he was okay with doing it. Just because it was what was best for the team. And they obviously you know, found a strong player that can play that D line and you know, might have to jump back to linebacker with the injury just now. So I mean, Mel knows what he's he got from him, Jacoby proved himself week one and he's going to be a force going forward and which is what the defense is going to need if they're gonna step up after all these losses.

Nick Lundberg 7:09
Yeah, definitely. Versatility is a key part of that, because losing Snow, you need all the depth you can have. And he showed he can play linebacker pretty well at UNLV. But I'm excited to see what he can do at defensive end. And it was a historic day for him as he was he tied for the second highest single game sack total in program history, one behind Travis Davis, who against Ohio State in 1987. And he was also named the Walter Camp Football Foundation National Defense Player of the Week. And he's a seventh Spartan to do that since 2004. And first since when we all know canine went crazy against Michigan last year with the five touchdown and canine actually ended up being the waltz cam Offensive Player of the Year that year. So hope maybe hopefully, Windmon can keep this up and you know, look, keep going forward with this, these totals into the season. But another thing I'd like to get into is the impact BT Jordan has had on the new hire. We all know he's a pass rush guru coming in and he's worked with actually I saw on Twitter he's been working and I think it was Louisiana with Brule and Windmon since they were in ninth grade, so it's really surreal to watch or at least for them and must be to come from all the way back then freshman in high school to now they're basically seniors in college and just you know, now they're these guys are put on NFL draft boards right now that must be the effect of BT Jordan met I just I can't speak enough about that higher

Jenna Malinowski 8:36
Yeah, Mel was getting into it the other day saying that Windmon might be their best pass rusher pass rusher they have on the team this year. And he said that I mean that's what they're going to need to have going in to the next couple of games and the rest of the season honestly, because I mean he put it best he said the key to defense and I'm not sure this is direct quote but he basically said the key to defend the defense is going to be stopping the quarterback or stopping the run game and making the quarterback throw and Windmon is obviously proved that he can do that and uh going forward if they can, you know keep that going. And not the other teams run game and make them pass what they did with uh Western they're going to have to just basically stop that and Windmon and the other guys are obviously have stepped up as well and they're going to have to just continue that and put a stop to it.

Nick Lundberg 9:28
Another side of the ball I kind of want to get into Payton Thorne's day there was you know, he the stats were pretty impressive. Just two I believe 233 yards for a touchdown and interception that wasn't you know that he probably should have ran it and he could have had a first down if he just ran it but decided to throw over, you know, across his body and just wasn't the best drone was picked off and some other missed opportunities down the fields. Some overthrown balls wasn't the pay. I mean, it was just the first game of the season. So we will, I'll give him some leeway. But it really wasn't the Payton Thorne there was a lot of points such on the board, I can just say. So what are you seeing? What do you hear about his performance?

Jenna Malinowski 10:11
Yeah, I mean, with the you know, kind of walk gravis, you go into the NFL, they were looking to Payton Thorne to be the leader of the offense this season. And Mel still has that confidence in him. He still is happy that Payton is the leader of the team. But Thorne, I mean, he said it himself was disappointed in his overall performance against Western he thought he could have done better. And I mean, he did take that hit pretty hard in the ribs. He said, but I don't think that it had a huge impact on his play. He was able to bounce back and he was kind of overthrown before that. So I think he's health wise. 100%. But he, you know, he definitely had some overthrows he had some, you know, first game jitters. But I mean, you don't really want to see that from your veteran quarterback. But I think that he'll this Akron game will kind of give us more of a view into what we're going to see from Thorne this season, especially as a leader and Mel even said earlier that he just he always leads by example, but off the field, he's been a lot more vocal. And I think that's really what the team is going to need is that leader that's going to you know, get them on the field and have that motivation and momentum ready to carry them forward.

Nick Lundberg 11:23
Yeah, he did take a pretty big hit. I was surprised when speed had that tackle. And they called, I think it was It wasn't targeting it was like a late hit. And then I was like, okay, that's, you know, iffy that's 5050 and then Thorne just got lit up on that one, but good to see that he's okay. But, and people forget, he's still only a junior. He still has one year left of eligibility. So I mean, who knows, after this year if he has, if he, you know, continues to put up these kinds of stats, but you know, gets better as the season progresses, who knows he could leave for the NFL. Moving into other pieces of the offense, Alex, a lot of firsts happened the weekend we had Jalen Berger's flushed first touchdown Daniel Barker's first touchdown. Both transfers both big 10 transfers. Jeremy Bernard the freshman got on the board first out of everybody, which was a surprise to me. And then Keon Coleman's first touchdown in Spartan Stadium. Take me through, like, what are your thoughts on these guys performances?

Alex Faber 12:19
So it's really interesting to see a Michigan State team with as many playmakers I was a fan of Michigan State during the San Antonio era. And even at the best, you didn't really see that many. I mean, you guys had guys like Aaron Burbridge and LJ Scott, but they are more vocal points to the offense. This is an offense that can afford to spread around the ball to a lot of different the receiving corps can be really lethal. I mean, Trey Mosley I mean, he had the touch on the on but he had a relatively quiet night up until that fourth quarter Jay Reed, I think only had 31 yards um he wasn't especially effective, but with two of your best receivers out you have you have guys like Jeremy Bernard who step up and you have guys like Keon Coleman, who looks legit. I mean, there was a he could have had more if thought, If Payton Thorne was on target in that first half. I think he could have had a few more yards too. So this receiving corps is is downright elite, I think. And again, it just comes down to playmakers all over the field. It looks like MSU might finally have a tight end again, for the first time in a while and Daniel Barker. That's really exciting. I think Josiah Price was the last tight end, I can remember that that actually had an impact. So those guys really excited me on the ground. Um, Jalen Berger looked good. Lost a fumble, I think but you know, he had that really good run near the end to kind of, you know, seal things up just not the same as Kenneth W alker and I really want to I want to see more of what what this offense can do. Without the running back, I guess. I don't know, I think Jalen Berger is going to be an important part of this offense, but the receivers have a chance to make it special, I guess is what I'm gonna say.

Nick Lundberg 13:48
Yeah, I want to talk about that fumble too, because like, it seemed they showed on the big screen that his knee looked down. And then another part of that was he was hanging. He was laying on a lineman for at least like three seconds and they feel like that the ref should have called it down. And so I feel like that fumble is more not really it shouldn't really have been a fumble so I won't blame it on Berger but he did look solid obviously he's like, No one can not a lot of people can replace K nine. But he did have he broke open some some big runs he showed pretty decent vision with basically it feels like the same battle lines and same as last year the performance they showed this game seemingly. It seems to be like this year it's gonna be like kind of a repeat of last year but he had some big runs. He got his first touchdown. He's his vision look good his his cuts look pretty solid and he's got some room to grow to so I was pretty pleased with his performance.

Alex Faber 14:43
One thing I want to see them kind of mix in Jay Johnson the offense too is I want to see him. I feel like he's a guy you can open up as like a receiver. I feel like you like you can get them in the flats. I think they need to mix that a bit more because like you said he has good vision and good, good caring except for that fumble and like you said that was a fumble little sketchy, but uh I want to see Jay Johnson kind of mix in the past year and see what Jalen Berger can do there. Add another layer to it.

Nick Lundberg 15:07
Yeah, and I mean, the guy and other transfers chaired for Sard, who we've heard that can be that kind of passing back rather than Berger's kind of just more run through your run through the gut and restarts like more, get him outside, he can make plays, receiving the ball as well. But another interesting thing I saw was they're using Barker out of the, like they were giving him carries early in the first half. And I was very I know, he's a very multifaceted tight end and pairing him with Malik Carr. Once Malik gets going this year could be pretty dangerous, especially in the redzone. We saw Barker, that touchdown but I was very interested to see that day was using him out of you know, the in the backfield and having a carry and I didn't I didn't know he was that explosive. So that was another interesting layer of Jay Johnson that will hopefully can continue to develop that.

Alex Faber 15:57
Yeah, that kind of surprised me giving giving a guy like it didn't work out very well. I think he had two carries and no yards, but uh it just shows me that Jay Johnson trusts him as an athlete, he must you must see something in practice. So keep an eye on Danny Barker the rest of the season. I agree that he could be really explosive.

Nick Lundberg 16:14
But enough about last week let's it's midweek so we can now we can think we can move on to this weekend, which is Akron zips, we moved up to the eight people to number 14 uh this season er this, you know this week and number 11 to the coaches poll and the polls favorites heavily. We're near five touchdown favorites, accurate and recently struggled against St. Francis. Any I know you you're writing a preview currently about it. But any, you know, little previews of the preview we can we can hear right now.

Jenna Malinowski 16:49
Yeah, I think this game is gonna be a test for MSU. But more of a kind of like a tryout for the games that will come after. I mean, Mel Tucker doesn't like to look past any opponent. And he said they have like a one game goal in mind, obviously. I mean, especially with the injuries, just knowing Henderson, they're going to have to, you know, see who's going to fill those gaps and I think this is the game to figure that out. When it comes to the zips there, they were to intend last season, they are obviously not as good as an ACC team that we played in Western and I mean, it was there to keep it close with us. So at some point, so they are obviously you know, are the better team in the Mac. So I think, you know, state's not gonna have any problems pulling off the wind here. But I think it's more going to be when it comes to Washington next week, like you said, that's going to be quite possibly a trap game when we figure out like what the team is really made of. But I think this week is like going to be the week where, you know, they we see more of more of a rotation between Berger and Broussard at the running back position more switches in and out on in the secondary just to see, you know, what, who's gonna fill those gaps and move on? And to week three, yeah, Michigan State is heavily favored here. And I don't see that changing coming in this week.

Nick Lundberg 18:03
Yeah, you never want to overlook a game as a football team. But this one seems to be you know, just the script is written as a W. So I am as a fan and as a journalist, I mean, you want to be more you know, looking forward to Washington because that's obviously going to be a test but you never want to overlook a game but I'm just I'm interested to see what different kinds of wrinkles people they're going to bring out especially because you can get creative at games like these when you know like, you're going to probably going to go up early pretty, like really early. So getting you know some freshmen in there, trying out some different teams in different looks. Getting some guys in different positions will be probably pretty helpful going forward. But like I said he teams can never afford to overlook any opponents. But thank you guys, Alex and Jenna for joining me today and for everyone for listening. See you next Wednesday for another edition of Sports Roundtable. I'm Nick Lundberg. Have a good one.

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