Get Clear with Crystal Ware

The TRUTH about the #tradwife trend taking over social media

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In this episode of the Get Clear with Crystal Ware podcast, host Crystal Ware discusses the trending hashtag #tradwife, a movement that showcases women leading traditional, homemaking lives. Despite not being active on TikTok or Instagram, Crystal dives into why this trend has captivated millions, examining both the appeal and the widespread criticism it has received. She questions the media backlash and debates the notion that pursuing a traditional domestic life is in opposition to feminism or progress. 

Crystal uses examples from social media influencers who have embraced this trend, like Nara Smith and Emily Mariko, to explore its aesthetic and cultural implications. Throughout the discussion, she emphasizes the right to choose one's path, whether it aligns with traditional roles or corporate ambitions, and champions supporting women in any season of life they choose to embrace.

Key points:
  • #TradWife trend on TikTok
  • How this trend sparks discussions on traditional lifestyles
  • Importance of aligning choices with personal values.
  • Support for women in choosing their path whether it’s homemaking or professional success.
  • Criticism of the trend highlights societal biases and the need for respect for diverse choices in lifestyle. 
  • Overall message of empowerment, self-awareness, and authenticity in defining success and living a fulfilling life.

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Ever wish you had a mentor to help you become who you were meant to be? Crystal Ware is redefining what it means to become your best self, in business, life, and love and sharing everything she she knows to get YOU there faster.

Are you stuck? Feel like you are meant for more but not sure how to breakthrough? Every week, we will explore all of your questions on building a path to true happiness, achieving success and creating our dream life. Brick by brick, we will work through the issues and mindsets that keep us stuck, dive into finding our passion and how to take ACTION. Clarity (vision) + Confidence (Owning your worth) + Courage (to live life on your own terms and become your own CEO) propels you to your destiny. And the good news it: its all within you!

Each week, host, Crystal Ware, will bring you all of the practical wisdom to grow every aspect of your career and life including mindset, vision, goal planning, social media management, financial acumen and so much more. You'll also meet top business leaders, entrepreneurs, mompreneurers and innovative thinkers who invested in themselves and found their way success and happiness by leading on their own terms.

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The TRUTH about the #tradwife trend taking over social media

[00:00:00] Welcome to the Get Clear with Crystal Ware podcast, the place where we get clear on our goals, own our worth, and learn to be the CEOs of our own lives. I'm your host, Crystal Ware, lawyer and former Fortune 500 corporate leader. Who found the confidence to say goodbye to a lucrative career and start my own business.

Now I'm opening up the playbook and sharing everything I've learned to get you there faster. It may not be easy, but it will always be worth it because you are made for more. So put on your big girl pants, jump on board and let's reach for the stars. Are you ready to get clear? Welcome back to Get Clear With Crystal, where today we have a solo episode with me waxing eloquent about the trend taking over TikTok called hashtag trad wife, trad wives, trad whatever you want to call it.

And I've seen a little bit about this and

[00:01:00] started writing some articles and actually for my new website, the well defined woman. com I have some articles that will be coming out on this topic in the future that I've also actually submitted for publication in some other places because I just really think it's so fascinating how Crazy.

The mainstream media has been about this trend. What is the trend? It's essentially women presenting themselves very modestly, traditional ways of home cooking, tending to the children in many ways you would call it like just stay at home wives, but with like a more traditional spin on it. And, you know, people have come out so strongly against this.

That gave me pause. That made me think. What is going on here? I don't even have TikTok and you know, I'm not really strong or prevalent on Instagram. So I wanted to know why are there so many articles about this and why is everybody talking

[00:02:00] about this as a trending topic? And if you are on TikTok or you're on Instagram and you want to know what is the trad wife, it is Nara Smith.

Emily Mariko, I don't remember the mom's name that is behind Ballerina Farm, Hannah Nieleman, Kelly Havens are just some of the prevalent, um, folks on there with big followings. And You know, it's just like an aesthetic appeal. And I asked myself, what could it be about this that is really pulling women in?

What is it that is really making it? You know, where millions of people are following women like this. We've gone from decades, promoting women to pushing forward in their career, hustle and bustle, work hard, grow, climb the corporate

[00:03:00] ladder. You can do everything, be everything. Um, have it all, balance it all, all of those things.

Like just go, go, go, go, go. And I feel what we're finding here is this is flip flopping that. And so on the other side of that, we've grown generations of women who are trying to push forward, do it all, be it all for everybody. To be successful, to have a great career, to raise kids. And then social media comes along and we see these amazing parties that people are having, and we've got to have goodie bags and we need to have this perfect house and we need to dress a specific way and everything needs to be in order for that perfect look, the perfect aesthetic.

And what happens then we end up burnt out. And I think what is pushing people. To want to look at this aesthetic on video is the

[00:04:00] need to step back, the need to have some calm, to have a slower pace, which is just not where we are in life. And so I feel like that is okay for people. I, I'm not here to tell people, be like me, go to school, be a lawyer, work in corporate 500.

Yeah. You know, fortune 500 tried to grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, because even I had to decide to take a step back that I needed to be more present with my family, that I needed to work on things around the house and with my kids. And then I wanted to be involved in the school as well. And at some things have to give, right?

And so my goal is to help people. Find what is in their heart, what they want to do, how they want to live their life, how they want to build life and make it happen. So if that's be, you know, a fortune 500, you know, VP is like having guilt

[00:05:00] about wanting to leave their career and stay at home or take a sabbatical or do something else.

I'm here to help them. Feel like it's okay to show them what that looks like to show that them how that feels as well as helping women that want to get ahead in their career or want to start another business or want to do, you know, create a product, whatever it is that they think is for them, for their goals, for their lifestyle, for their life to be success and happiness and all the things that they want to have.

And that does not just look one certain way. Like my life has looked fairly. In line with one certain way, right? I climbed the corporate ladder and then I left to do entrepreneurial things and invest. But that doesn't mean that's for everybody and where you are in life and where you are in career and how you want to tailor or stair step.

We can always do something different and we can always shift gears. For whatever season of life we're in. So if that

[00:06:00] means that people want to acknowledge and feel that being a stay at home wife and mother is on their hearts and in their minds, like let's figure that out, I'm not against that. So when it comes to me seeing this trad wife trend, I can totally get why it's out there.

But what is shocking to me is how many. People are so against it and why they think this needs, you know, is dangerous. I mean, the headlines are crazy. Let me just pull up some right now to tell you what the headlines are. Being a trad wife means going back to a time when women had no autonomy and were fully dependent on their spouses.

Being a trad wife is dangerous. dangerous trend for Gen Z and millennials. Trad wives embrace leisure over feminism, divorce, disability, disaster, just a few reasons. The trad wife [00:07:00] trend needs to stop. So by and large, the articles on the trend are negative and I can't stand that. I don't want to make anybody feel bad about choosing a traditional path in life.

We need to live in a society where being a stay at home mother, a caregiver is just as recognized and validated and important. As being in the corporate work sphere, neither one is better than the other. So why is it okay to demean these women who want a traditional life, but it's not okay to demean somebody who works 50 hours a week and has a nanny as their caregiver, I'm going to pause there and just really think about that.

Why is it okay that we're doing that? We have to ask the hard questions when

[00:08:00] we see things like this. Now, I get it. There are question marks right on this. You are creating a different lifestyle. How does that work? Does it make you dependent on your spouse? And what does that mean? Being dependent on your spouse in and of itself is not a negative thing.

If you married the right person, if you married somebody that wants to care for your family and take care of you, why can we not rely on them? Should my husband not rely on me to give birth to his children, to keep them safe and healthy? It's give and take that is what a relationship is. And yes, we all have risks that we take and in opting to stay at home.

Sure. There is some element of risk there that should something happen to your marriage. Should things not go the way that you hope and want and plan when you get married, that can change and shift. Where you need to go in your life. Okay. And if you have to go back out

[00:09:00] in the workforce, but people do that all the time.

Those are not reasons to completely outweigh this as a decision point. You know, other people say that it's anti feminist. And I disagree with that. You know, what is feminism? It's allowing women the opportunity To do the same thing that historically men did and we by and large have those opportunities now and it's our choice on whether we want to participate in them.

Feminism should be about having a choice and do you really have a choice to be a stay at home mother if people are really denigrating what that means and what that looks like. So, you know, I think Everybody is entitled to their own opinion, but we have to ask ourselves why some people are so offended.

Why are some people so against it? You know, it's a very natural

[00:10:00] thing. And for me, I'm in a place where I really think. That our society and our culture as compared to some other modern societies around the world, we are not rooting into our home life. We're not rooting into health and family. Like maybe they are in Spain or France or Italy.

And. We're not cooking home cooked meals and that's why we look around and we have this problem with obesity and Cancer and other issues that trend that way because of the poor quality of food. So am I against these women? Showing us how to make home cooked meals Absolutely not. It's beautiful. It's valuable.

it's not always practical and believe me, I'm not going to sit around and make my children, homemade chicken nuggets when I can have barely naked from Costco. I'm just not going to do that, but good for you if you have the time and the [00:11:00] desire and the want to do that. Some people call it hypocrisy that these women are, saying, I'm a stay at home wife and I'm doing these things.

And then they're leveraging. Their lifestyle to create an income what I have to say for that is good for you girl Go get you some money and make it work for your family, which is creating content that other people want to watch That entails you Taking care of your family and creating home cooked meals I mean, it's not a big deal to me, but I just think it's really fascinating.

And I wanted to share that. I don't know that everybody, especially people that are not really on social media may not be that familiar with the trend, but I just felt like I had a lot to say about it. I was really put off by all the negative criticism. I can understand. A little bit of it, you know, that it's too much, that it's over the top, that it's cheesy, that they're trying too hard in some way that, you know, they're harking back till the 1950s, which I

[00:12:00] do think is.

To some degree true, but is it all negative? No. Is it all bad? No, it is. Is it the most dangerous thing that women are looking at are faced with today? Absolutely not. So if you see it, if you come across it, here's just a little bit of background. I would love for you to send us a message, check out the website, you know, send us any information or interesting articles that you have seen about the trad wife.

trend. And if you have something else to say about it, I would love to know. I love engaging with conversation with people and understanding other people's perceptions. And at the end of the day, I'm not here to judge that. I'm not here to worry about what that appeal is or all those kinds of things.

I'm here to support women. In whichever path that they feel is right for whatever season they're in, in life. And if the

[00:13:00] season of life is telling you, I need to slow down, I need to root more into my health. I need to figure out what is going to make the most impact on my family. And if that's staying at home and dressing conservatively and making sourdough bread, I say, go for it.

Okay. So keep getting clear, keep thinking about where you are and what season of your life is, um, because it's not a one size fits all. It's a, you, it's a, what fits for you. And that is what is going to make. The biggest difference in your life is understanding what success looks like, understanding what you need and what place you're in.

And once you understand that, then we can build around it. And that is what I hope for you. So continue on that path. don't take anything you see on social media too seriously. Be cautious of who you're following. And always ask questions. Why are people talking about this?

[00:14:00] Why is their opinion rooted that way?

You know, who do you trust? Who do you view? And I hope we create a good community of practical, simple, no BS information on how to root into your health, create your wealth, and do it all within the confines of a life that works for you. Continue forward, ladies. If you like this, make sure you share it with a friend and let me know what else we can talk about.

What is on your mind? See you later.