Art of Spousing

Do you long for a marriage that not only survives adversity but thrives in the face of it? Are you seeking inspiration and guidance to strengthen your relationship? Look no further because today we have a special guest, Jeremy and Kourtney Roseberry, who will be sharing the key to achieving a resilient and flourishing marriage. They have overcome immense challenges and will reveal their solution for building a marriage that withstands any storm. Get ready to unlock the secret to a marriage filled with unwavering perseverance, vulnerability, and a deep-rooted faith that leads to an unbreakable bond.

Marriage Reboot Discovery Call
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Life Plan Discovery Call (With Lisa)
Life Plan Discovery Call (With James)

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Kourtney IG: @kourtney.roseberry

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What is Art of Spousing?

Art of Spousing is for marriages that what to move from being mundane to becoming masterpiece relationships. Hosts James and Lisa Duvall share truths and lessons learned from their 30 years of marriage and over a decade of teaching, coaching, and speaking on marriage.

It was as we've looked back in that

season, it was survival mode to get back

to normal. I was trying to find normal and

doing anything I could, even pretending

that I wasn't paralyzed, that I can stand.

That was a big thing, and that was a big

celebratory day that I could stand and

that I could take a few steps, but I took

that and I wanted that to turn into I'm

good. I'm ready to come back and lead

worship on platform, and I'm ready to come

back and work in the office 40 to 50 hours

a week. And in hindsight, I was not ready.

Welcome to the Art Espousing Podcast.

Thank you for taking time to listen. Today

we're excited about the content we want to

share with you. We believe it's going to

be helpful. To your marriage practice.

Yeah. If you're new or newer to the. Show,

we want you to know that the reason we do

this podcast is because we really believe

that every marriage can move from mundane

to masterpiece level. But we know

personally that a work of art doesn't just

appear, it requires intentionality and

practice to be crafted in shape. So our

goal with every episode is give you tools

to practice that will help your

relationship not just survive, but truly

thrive. We just finished up a fantastic

week in both Atlanta, Georgia, and then

Columbus, Ohio. Oh, I o. Uh huh. We had a

great opportunity to be at Chick fil A's

windshape retreat center. So beautiful for

a marriage collective. We've got to

reconnect with some friends who have been

guests here on the show, like Howard and

Danielle Taylor, shanti Feldhan and Travis

and Adele Graham. And we got to meet some

new friends we hope to introduce to you in

the future. I love people in the married

space. Yeah, it was awesome. It was a

great time, and we do look forward to

introducing you to some of those friends.

But today we have Jeremy and Courtney

Rosemary on the show with us, and you're

really going to be inspired by their

story. But before we go there, we always

want to take a moment to talk about the

marriage reboot seriously, a game changer

for married couples. This is a two day

intensive with Lisa and I, where we focus

on defining the purpose and vision for

your marriage. Yeah. The reboot process is

designed to bring clarity and

breakthroughs to every aspect of your

marriage. Together, we will craft plans

for multiple domains of your life and

marriage, creating a solid framework that

will help you manage and continually renew

your relationship in. The future so you

and your spouse get our undivided

attention as your dedicated marriage

coaches for two full days and then we

follow it up with coaching on the back

end. We'll guide you through a journey,

helping you identify where you've been,

define where you are now, and discover

where you truly want to be together. The

experience is designed for marriages in

all stages, but we know that the marriage

reboot will make a huge difference in your

marriage. You can find out more at art marriagecoaching. You can

also message us on Instagram, where we'll

send you a link to schedule a 30 minutes

call with James and I to hear more about

the reboot. Now let's jump into our

conversation with Jeremy and Courtney

Rosebury. Courtney and Jeremy, it is so

great. To have you on the podcast with us.

Thanks for spending some time with us

today. Yeah, so good to be here. Thanks

for having us. Love you guys. We've known

each other, I guess, for about a year,

maybe a little bit over a year. And I

remember the first time, Jeremy, that you

and I were having coffee together at a

Starbucks and you began to unpack your

story with me. I knew then that we needed

to get the two of you on the podcast to

share your journey because it's going to

be so encouraging and helpful for couples

who are listening to the podcast today. So

thank you for being with us. I'd love for

the start by our audience, getting to know

you a little bit. So take us back to the

beginning trip down memory lane. Tell us

your marriage story and kind of a little

bit about yourselves. Yeah. Courtney and I

met in 2008. At the time, I was living in

Dallas, and I was 25 years old and Court

was 19. At that time, I had been in

ministry for seven years, single. My

parents were always asking, is there a

girl who are you dating? And I just chosen

not to date anybody. And then, as it would

turn out, Courtney and I, we met at a

beach wedding, a wedding that I wasn't

necessarily invited to go to in Destin,

Florida. And Court was the maid of honor,

and we met on the boardwalk right by the

beach. And a friend of mine introduced

Courtney to me, and all we got was our

first name with each other. When she

walked away, I said, who is that? Who's

that girl? And my friend told me, that's

Courtney, she dates God. She's never held

hands with the guy. And all I thought in

my head was, I have to get to know this

girl. And the only thing I had after the

wedding was, it's Courtney with a K. And

she's on MySpace. If you guys remember

MySpace. Courtney, do you have anything to

add to this? Is this accurate? It's

accurate. I did not remember him at Me,

but he found me on MySpace, and we dated

on MySpace for a month. And after that, I

asked question after. Question to get to

know her. Yep. And we had our first date a

month after that, and we were verbally

engaged on our second date. So met to

married in five months. Yep. Wait a

minute, your second date, you verbally

committed to marry each other. Yeah. So if

we rewind back to MySpace, she sent me her

phone number, and I finally called her one

night, late at night, I think it was nine

or 10:00, I was finishing something at

church, she answered, and we stayed on the

phone till 07:30 a.m. The next morning.

That was our first phone conversation

together, which turned into me asking her

on a date. So I drove. I have to rewind a

little bit. Whenever I went on MySpace, I

looked her up and she was living in my

hometown. And so I noticed, because I'm

living in Dallas, Texas at the time, but

I'm originally from South Louisiana, and I

noticed on MySpace she's from the same

hometown. It's called Rain, Louisiana.

Rain is not known for much. It has a

Piggly Wiggly. And the town got really

excited whenever they got a Taco Bell. So

for her to be from Rain, Louisiana, and

I'm finding her on MySpace was a big deal.

So when we had our first date, our first

date was 17 hours. Her mom actually said,

don't come home until, you know, if you

want to marry this guy. Wow. She had never

really dated in high school, which was

just for me, just this treasure. That's

why I was pursuing her the way I did. My

first MySpace message was, hey, my name is

Jeremy. Don't worry, I'm not a creeper.

Which was kind of creepy to say. We met at

the beach wedding. You're the most

beautiful girl I've ever met. I'd love to

get to know you more, if you'd be

interested in that. And then we actually

made a book of all of our MySpace messages

in our 1st 16 days of getting to know each

other. Yeah. That's incredible. It's kind

of funny that you first met at a beach

wedding because you guys both are such

beach people. We are. We love the beach. I

have a clarifying question, though. I know

all listeners are thinking the same thing

I am. So did you actually grow up in the

same town and didn't know each other?

That's right. Actually, the private

schools that we went to were like rival

private schools and really small private

schools. Wow. But there's an age gap

between us. So Jeremy played his senior

year. He played sports against my older

brother, and my mom has video footage of

that, but I'm like a 7th grader at the

time. That was our second date. Whenever I

figured all of yeah, we. Figured all of it

out. And her mom asked me what high school

I went to, and then she said, oh, I think

I have video of my son playing basketball.

And sure enough, she not only had video of

him playing basketball, but Courtney was

in the stands, eleven or ten years old,

and I was on the basketball court playing

her brother, 1716 years old, very small

town. Small town. Okay. Another clarifying

question. I'm wanting to know because you

were dating God right, when you met him

and then you actually came to this

decision pretty quickly. I mean, that's a

pretty fast turn. So how did God let you

how did you break up with God? I was going

to say that, but. Then I'm like, so how

did the turn happen that you're like, this

is it. Because obviously if you're that

committed to the Lord and know it, that's

a decision that you're making. So I'd love

to know how you came there. Yeah. So not

to go all the way back to the beginning or

anything, but as a really small child, I

remember my mom giving me the best advice

ever and she said, hey, every night when

you say your prayers, pray for your future

husband. And that stuck with me my entire

life. So I always prayed for my future

husband all the time. So when I met

Jeremy, it was like we had this connection

real spiritual. It was just I can't even

put it into words, though. But on our

first date, it's the first time and only

time in my whole life I heard God's

audible voice and he said, this is him.

You will marry Jeremy. And that was on our

first date. So I had no question, I had no

what ifs. It was like, no, I heard God. I

heard God like I've never heard, know,

speak anything else before sitting on. Top

of the library that we weren't supposed to

be on our first date. We did. We trusted.

Yeah. Our first date, we were driving past

a library that was under construction.

Courtney had said, I want to work there.

And so I just pulled the car into the

construction parking lot. It had caution

signs and I got her to get out of the car

and walk past all the 20 foot ladder,

climbed a 20 foot ladder on top of the

roof of the building and, yeah, we spent

the evening getting to know each other,

just talking. Yeah. So when I think about

God giving you such a clear directive,

this is who you're going to marry. I'm

thinking about your story and I'm thinking

that really matters because I'd love for

you guys to go into a part of your

marriage story as you enter into marriage

and why that statement is really going to

shine through, I'm sure. Yeah. That

statement shined through on our second

date where we were verbally engaged,

because for both Courtney and I, god had

spoken to both of us very clearly about

each other. He'd spoken to me just two

weeks prior to us meeting through someone

who came up at the end of a worship set

and pulled me to the back of the church

and said, I have a word from God for you.

And I honestly was thinking, oh, no, not

another word from God. And she looked at

me and she said, you've been single for

seven years, and God wants to let you know

he's sending your bride to you very soon,

and she's going to understand the same

intimacy that you've had with me. She'll

understand the same. And so whenever the

first thing that was told to me about

Courtney was, oh, that's Courtney, she

dates God. And that's what caused me to

want to pursue her and for court. She had

also had something very similar just six

months prior to meeting me. And that's why

God's speaking that to her heart and God's

voice. Yes, that is a thread through our

story, for sure. So now today we are

celebrating 15 years married. Coming up

very soon. We have two kiddos, one who's

ten and another who's eleven. We have

owned four houses. We have moved twelve

times in five states. Louisiana, Texas,

Alabama, Indiana. Now Florida what we like

to call paradise. This is home. This is

where we love to live. And our story being

married, it does take a turn. 2017, we

were living in Alabama at the time, and I

had kind of grown up. I had had back

issues and had what doctors say spinal

stenosis with a little bit of nerve

pressure and pain. However, before 2017,

Courtney and I, we had only known God's

favor, his voice leading us. We had not

really either of us experienced any

significant personal trauma. We're very

fortunate to grow up in protected, safe

families. Families very vanilla. Yeah. We

had only experienced if we asked God for

it, he gave it. And so sometimes I've

tried helping others, saying before that,

I had only known favor without having to

fight for it. And then 2017, I'm on staff

at a church in Alabama, and I had been

praying to be healed from back pain that

I'd had since I was a teenager. And

surgery was recommended when I was in my

early twenty s, and at the time I was 33,

medicine had progressed quite a bit, and

so the availability of surgeries were just

so many more that wouldn't require such a

long recovery. So Courtney and I

interviewed a few doctors, and then we

made a decision that I would have a very

simple microdisectomy four hour outpatient

surgery. I would be leading worship in

seven days. And as we were preparing for

this, courtney reminded me I was planning

on actually going on a missions trip just

a few weeks later, post surgery and all of

that. To say, the day that I was in pre

operation, I remember looking at Courtney,

and I'm an enneagram seven, so I defer

nervous energy with jokes, and I looked at

her and I said, well, what's the worst

that could like, I'm not going to be

paralyzed. And that is one of the very few

things of the next few months that I

actually do remember, because just a few

hours later, waking up from anesthesia I

was, in fact paralyzed, waist down. I

remember waking up and grabbing Courtney's

hand and saying, hey, I can't feel I can't

feel my legs. I can't feel saddle areas.

Something's not right. The doctors met

with us, and they let us know that the

condition was a condition called

caudiaquana. A condition that you sounds

made up. It does. And we didn't know what

that was. And they even expressed in that

moment. We found out later not many

doctors know much about it. It was like we

say that winning the lottery in reverse

the chances of it. It's a neurological

condition that basically crimps all your

nerves at the base of your spine, and it

can cause various neurological issues of

which many affect your lower waist areas.

Full paralysis or partial. Most of the

doctors are letting us know in that

moment. Some people live their whole lives

with the condition, and it never clears.

And then others, over several years, it

alleviates. So there was a lot of question

marks in that moment that all of those

conversations and even the next four

months, a lot of it I don't remember.

Courtney and other friends have had to

fill me in on conversations that were had

full conversations. Well, your world just

completely turned upside down. It did.

Yeah. And at the time, the kids were

little. They were only four and five years

old. So yeah, it was crazy because he was

supposed to be walking. It's an outpatient

surgery. Like we hadn't planned for

anything to ever gone wrong. And then

after this surgery, the doctor suggested a

second surgery, which I was not in favor

for. No more doctors. We believe this will

just the doctors think it'll clear on its

own in time. We don't know what the time

frame is, but it should get better. He

opted for the second surgery. She begged

me not to. I begged him not to. So he had

the second surgery, and he ended up

getting a spinal infection from the second

surgery, which led to needing a third

surgery to clean out the infection, which

led to Hickline. Hickline got infected. He

was doing in home nursing care with IVs.

And that lasted a good bit of time. Yeah.

Months. 22 weeks. All three surgeries were

within three weeks of each other. The

month of May was nothing but surgeries and

doctors and hospitals. I was the patient

that all of the nurses said, we don't want

to see you back here. Yeah, it was months.

The few things that I do remember I

remember laying on our couch, and I had

asked Courtney, what do you remember? She

said, I remember you crying a lot. I

remember seeing emotion that I had never

really dealt with before. Extreme

depression, extreme uncertain of why God

had allowed it to happen. And I remember

laying on our couch in our living room in

Alabama, and I would lay there. I'd have a

pick line in my arm. I'd have a wheelchair

next to me, we'd have a medicine bag

that's dripping antibiotics in me for I

think it was twelve weeks while the nurses

would come in during the day at the house.

And I remember looking at and Courtney

knows this. I remember looking at this

clock that we had in the living room while

asking God, what's happening? While

questioning. Can I play with Grant Amelia

again? Can I pick them up? What does it

mean to be a husband to Courtney in this

condition? Hearing the voices of the

doctor saying, knowing the different cases

of how long there are some who live their

whole lives fully paralyzed and then some

that it took so many years, I try and ask

God, like, what am I still useful in

worship ministry and as a pastor? And I

remember in that season laying and just

looking at that clock and it didn't have a

seconds hand. So I'd watch the minute hand

move very slowly and then I'd fall asleep

on the couch from medicine and pain meds

they'd given me. And then I would wake

back up and I was still in the same

condition day in, day out. Those are

things that I remember during that season.

Very the lowest, most painful time of my

life. And even since one of the lows for

myself in that season was I remember being

in the wheelchair. And I remember I

couldn't find Courtney because Courtney

was my everything. And by that I mean

everything. She was my nurse, she was the

person who prepared all the food, and she

was the person who got pill bottles and

medicine and made sure everything was

sterile and clean. I remember I couldn't

find her in the house. And so I got myself

into the wheelchair. A very low moment. I

don't remember what week or month it was,

but Courtney needed a place that she could

cry without me seeing her cry. And I

remember I had to wheel myself through the

house and wheel myself into her master

bedroom, through our bathroom and then

into our walk in closet. And Court had

kind of found this little spot that she

would just go and just cry in the closet.

I remember I couldn't get out of the

wheelchair to comfort her, to put my arms

around her. I remember in that moment, not

really even knowing what to tell her, I'm

usually the voice of optimism. I'm usually

the one who's all faith and all optimism

and all God's going to do it and just

really not knowing, seeing her, seeing

that her world had been completely the

foundation of stability, had just been

completely removed. Very low moment in our

story. But even through all of that, I can

remember that even from the very

beginning, there was a lot of not knowing,

a lot of fear wanted to take hold of us.

But I remember beyond like a shadow of a

doubt, just knowing this peace, this

overwhelming peace that just really made

no sense to anybody else around us.

Everybody else around us probably thought

that we were they probably thought that we

were being very ignorant and just trying

to stay so faith filled and trying to

really say, no, God's got this. We were

believing for a miracle, being ignorant.

And people were like, I think you all are

just being ignorant of the facts. And

facts are court, you're not even 30 yet.

Jeremy's still very young. He's only 35.

You're pretty young to be disabled and you

need to think of your future. And I just

remember having this overwhelming peace

that no, like, God's got this. And it

doesn't make sense to the natural. It

doesn't even have to make sense to your

family and friends. But when God speaks to

your heart, you just know. And that's

really where I was most of the time now.

Sure, there was overwhelming times where

I'm like, all right, life is heavy right

now, taking care of the kids, wondering

what's our marriage going to look like at

the time, what were we, seven years

married? Still very young in marriage. We

found in that season, as we've looked

back, we found the foundation that you get

to walk on in your faith in God. And if

your faith doesn't have a foundation, it

has nothing to stand on. Then we had to

find in that season of walking through a

very dark valley that, oh, this is the

foundation that our faith can stand on. I

remember us both having conversations

about, we don't know if today's going to

change, we don't know if tomorrow is going

to change, but we're going to trust that

God's going to heal. I do remember Court

saying, I know God's going to heal you,

which for her takes a lot of faith. Yeah,

I'm an Enneagram six, so I have a plan for

every kind of disaster that you can even

just imagine. So having this unwavering

peace does not come natural to me. So

that's how I know it was supernatural, it

was God. I know that that came from having

just a lifestyle, having the word of God

in you. It's not like if you're going to

walk through something hard, it really is

when it's going to happen. And having the

word of God in your heart is really why

you need to have it there. It's like for

when those hard times come. And that's

what we were able to really just stand on.

So where did it take a turn then? So we've

got to this low place and what transpired

that turned physically and upward and

spiritually in an upward trajectory? It

didn't for a moment, in answering you very

honestly, it did not. The practicalities

of life stayed very low and we chose to

choose joy. And I remember me, I even

bought a T shirt that I wanted people if

they saw me in the wheelchair, I wanted

them to see choose joy because it's a

choice and it's not happiness, but it's

just joy because happiness felt far ways

off. Joy, though, was different. So we

started game nights at our house. On

Tuesday nights, we would invite a few of

the college kids to come and hang out and

just play games and I would just sit

there. I don't remember them, honestly,

but I know we did that. We would still

have couples coming over and they would

bring dinner and they would hang out at

the house. Again, I don't remember it.

I've had full conversations with people

that they've let me know, and a few of

them have blackmail video of me saying

certain things. And so many things didn't

change in the natural. But we made a

choice together. And that, I do know,

changed a lot. I remember Courtney came

home and she bought some henna tattoos

that had joy and faith and happiness. And

that became just something I was doing

with the kids at their age just to try.

She was amazing at trying to just include

me and trying to help be the buoy for my

personality in our relationship. I've

never had to be the cheerleader. That's

always been Jeremy. He's the optimistic,

happy, fun, fun one. So for that season, I

had to put that on. It was very know. I

think from the very beginning, we've

always been a team and you have to know.

Yeah. And in answering your question,

Lisa, it got better slowly over time. It

wasn't fast. The church that we were part

of went through two seasons of 21 days of

prayer. And I remember watching the whole

church pray, and they would pray for us

specifically. And over time, my body at

least the paralysis, started to heal. And

the way I started walking initially was

actually with still paralysis taking

place. And that was through physicians who

let me know. You can retrain your brain to

actually walk without being able to feel

your legs. And they weren't wrong because

that's actually what I started doing, was

standing behind the wheelchair. So in

answering your question, some of it just

came small incremental with both Courtney

and I, never stopping communication with

each other and checking in with each

other. Some of those check ins were very

hard. A lot of those check ins were very

raw about just day to day life. We did

have quite a few people that offered to

come and live in and help court and

Courtney took them up on that help because

I can be a little needy whenever I'm in a

wheelchair. Yeah. It sounds like you all

stayed connected in communication,

obviously, raw communication, honest

communication. But then are you even

knowing that he's not actually registering

and remembering anything? Right. That's

actually really good because he was really

good at just like he's got a big

personality and I think he was able to

convince everybody else that he was doing

really well because he was on a lot of

medication. The doctors honestly were

going to keep him fully medicated for

however long just because of the severity

of this incident that they couldn't figure

out, really. So you wouldn't have known

it. He was just highly functional, never

really missed a beat. Just wanting people

to come over and hang out and wanting to

stay active and going like, I'd have to

take him out. And he couldn't drive, so I

was driving him just to keep you. We went

to the ninja warrior gym. We went ice

skating. Well, he didn't, but he's all

about activities and things of that sort

because he was living, like, staying at

home and not going to work. So he was

getting really restless. I was able to

kind of catch on that things weren't

really with you going so smoothly because

for a while he's the leader of the house.

Right. I support 100%, but he does a lot

of the leading, and then when I figure it

out, I'm like, wow, his clarity is not so

great there. The medication is really

blocking a lot of what's going on. I'm

lucky that he is a talker. He's a verbal

processor. So that is a big, big part of

just how we stayed connected is that he

didn't close off of what was going on in

his head. You really shared all the

things. Yeah. I love it. So how long

before you finally got full function back?

You weren't suffering prosth? How long was

that whole season? You didn't go back to

work until November? Yeah. In going back

to work, I fought to go back to work, as

it was told to me in a later season, I was

not myself and how diligent I was to make

sure that I could go back to work. I was

not ready to go back to work. Okay. May to

november. May. November. But you would

have thought from the outside that he was

completely fine by july. You would have

thought if you weren't living in our house

and seeing the condition of the bathroom

alone, the wheelchairs, the walkers, the

IVs, everything else, you would have

thought, oh, he's 100%, unless you were in

the house. And for me, it was as we've

looked back in that season, it was

survival mode to get back to normal. I was

trying to find normal and doing anything I

could, even pretending that I wasn't

paralyzed, that I can stand. That was a

big thing, and that was a big celebratory

day that I could stand and that I could

take a few steps. But I took that and I

wanted that to turn into I'm good. I'm

ready to come back and lead worship on

platform and I'm ready to come back and

work in the office 40 to 50 hours a week.

And in hindsight, I was. Not ready. I was

pushing from my oversight, and my friends,

even at the time, they said we were

talking to someone who was not who we've

known you to be. We were talking to

someone who was very driven and very

stubborn, and I've had to ask for

forgiveness from those seasons. Yeah, I

came back too soon. I was still having to

use medical assistance to use the restroom

all the time. But because I was back, I

didn't want anybody to know that only

Courtney knew that I was still using

medicinal assistance to function in any

capacity. I was often trying to drive into

the office and just threw my guts up in

the toilet and then trying to come into a

meeting at a church where everybody's

looking all put together and we're about

to talk through the service flow. And I

was throwing up from pain meds and the way

that my body was responding to them and

how I was taking them. So even in the

middle of saying, god, you're healing me,

honestly, I think it's just my own

insecurities, my own not fully trusting

God that he was going to take care of me

and my family. My own drivenness from that

trauma, especially in seasons of looking

back and saying I was fully responsible

for even the next seasons that followed in

our marriage and how it affected us. But

today, obviously, I'm healed. And God

slowly brought healing about through my

physical body and in our marriage. And

we're so much better for it today, for

that season. It's actually something we

look back on and we say, had God not

allowed that, we would not be where we're

at today. We would not be as healthy as we

are today. Had God not allowed that test.

And that's what we refer to it often as

is, are you okay? If God says, I just

allowed that to happen, to test your

heart, to test your values, to test your

character, to test your marriage, are you

okay? And there were many seasons that

Courtney and I were like, we are not okay,

with that being the answer that you

allowed that to happen. We're not. Today,

almost seven years later, we are getting

closer and closer to saying, thank you,

God. Thank you that you allowed that test.

Thank you for what that test produced in

us. When we talk about intimacy or

connectedness, people talk about it in

different ways, but we talk about there is

spiritual connectedness, emotional

connectedness, recreational, which I feel

like you guys even your activity, your

spirit of doing activities that you're

trying to actually keep those going and

then the spiritual intimacy that you have

the makings of forging a very deep,

intimate, connected life. Just even in our

own personal marriage story, my background

and upbringing wasn't protected. So I'm

entering into marriage with a lot of

emotional baggage that we have to actually

work through, which actually is what

caused us to have a lot of conversation

and grow in communication and James long

suffering and patient and all that. It's

just a part of our story and it's a part

of, I believe, why we have a deep intimate

connection again in all those areas. God

used all of that, even all the we talk

about physical touches, non sexual touch.

But Courtney, you've probably touched him

a lot, getting him moving. There's a lot

of close proximity that. You just go, it's

really cool in light of how we view

intimacy and connectedness, that God was

actually keeping those together in this

rawness of communication of where you are

and even saying, hey, this may be God's

story for us and we don't agree with this

right now. And that's real. That's real

life. It sounds like you guys coming out

of this actually came out more intimately

connected than you went into it. We agree.

And I'm guessing without being too

personal, there probably wasn't much

sexual intimacy when you're paralyzed from

the waist down. No. That's why I think

sometimes people get all messed up when we

talk about intimacy because it's all about

sex. But actually you guys have come out

more intimate in your marriage as a result

of this season. Right? Right. That's

beautiful. I've had Courtney look at me

several times now since in a fight,

honestly, and she'll look at me and say,

you're my person. That's awesome. Which

means we're going to make it through this

conversation. I love that because we've

made it through much worse before. Oh,

stars in heaven. You guys have. Yeah. I'd

be interested as you think back through

that season and if you were to project

into maybe people who are listening today,

what are some things that you've taken

from that season that would help you

through another crisis or that would help

somebody who's maybe going through a

crisis right now to walk into that? So

what really helped us, and I think it

really can help pretty much anyone else

out there going through something is

James. One, two through four. And I like

the way the message says it and it says,

consider it a sheer gift. Friends, when

test and challenges come at you from all

sides, you know that under pressure, your

faith life is forced into the open and

shows its true colors. So don't try to get

out of anything prematurely. Let it do its

work so that you become mature and well

developed, not deficient in anything. I

love that. And the part that really stuck

out to me was don't try to get out of it

prematurely because when you're going

through a trial, I'm like, when is this

going to be over? What's life going to

look like after it? But if you get out of

it prematurely, the Bible says you won't

be mature or well developed. And, I mean,

that's what we want. We want to be mature

and well developed. Yeah. Our advice that

we would give to another couple would be

conversation. It's the ultimate of your

relationship, the quality of that

conversation. It's okay if that

conversation is working through not seeing

answers. It's okay if it's a depressed

day, having quality conversation. One

thing that Courtney and I did twice also

through that conversation, was we had

quite a few times we weren't getting

along. The stress was too much either on

me or on her. And I remember we held our

own marriage conference at our house

because we couldn't go anywhere. And I

remember I initiated that. And I told her,

I said, hey, we can't go anywhere and

we're not talking very well, so we are

going to and we found a marriage

conference online that they had it on

YouTube. And I just said, hey, if you're

okay with it, at night, we're just going

to watch the first session, and then we're

going to pray, and then we're going to go

to bed. And we did that. We actually did

all six of that. And I'm not going to say

that that alone changed everything, but

that definitely was something we look back

on and we've told other couples who are

going through impossibility situations,

whether medical or just in their

relationship, and saying, sometimes you

can't wait for the next marriage

conference. You actually kind of need to

bring it to you. And that's the beauty of

the technology age we live in. They're

online. There's so many resources, so

many. And those resources for us brought

back quality words into our marriage,

brought back quality thoughts, and helped

us regain some language of keeping us back

on track. And I know another scripture

that we've lived on is three stranded cord

is not easily broken. But what I love to

say and I've got to see in myself, I'm

easily broken, and I don't want to speak

for you, courtney's easily broken, but

Jesus at the center, he's not broken. And

that I think God allowed that for Courtney

and I to realize that that, oh, there's a

three stranded cord. If it's just two,

we'd have broke a long time ago. If that's

all we had to rely on was my strength and

my optimism and my ability to make things

happen, well, I think God brought my

humanity out in that. And if all we had to

rely on is Courtney's incredible

assessment of threats that could come and

stability and foundation always being

there, well, we could find that too, is

broken without Jesus being at the center.

And so for any couple who's listening,

know that you're already broken. Know that

you're already not enough. Give yourself

permission to be that. Give yourself

permission to be human. Give yourself to

be permission to be what god created you.

He created you from dust and dirt, and he

put you together and molded you together,

but he also breathed his spirit inside of

you. And that's that third strand that he

put inside that's not easily broken and

allow outside voices to speak into that

part of your marriage, speak into that

center thread of your marriage because

sometimes you're going to go through

seasons that you're going to be broken on

both sides. The other two halves are going

to be broken. That's awesome. Well, thank

you guys for being on the show today so

much. Appreciate you guys and look forward

to continue watching your marriage

journey. Thank you guys. Thank you, Jeremy

and Courtney for being on the show with

us. We love that we get to watch your

marriage masterpiece up close and personal

from now on. I am completely inspired by

their love for each other and just their

resiliency. Through all of that. We would

love to hear your thoughts and answer any

questions you have about. What we've

shared today. You can email us at hello at

art or direct message us

on instagram at art espouspousing. Yeah.

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