We talk about saving money on auto insurance, homeowners insurance, and - yes - we talk about life insurance!

Unknown Speaker 0:00
The following is a paid program sponsored by your insurance connection. Please be advised that the voices and opinions you hear do not necessarily represent the views of K u and v Las Vegas, the University of Nevada, Las Vegas or the Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education.

Unknown Speaker 0:21
Good morning. This is your insurance connection. I'm your host, Donald Marquez, on your insurance connection. We talk about saving money on auto insurance, homeowners insurance. Yes, and we talk about life insurance. Welcome to the show.

Unknown Speaker 0:41
Good morning. This is Don Marquez with your insurance connection Welcome to another Sunday morning 8am to 830. We broadcast right here at can you envy 91.5 Jazz and more. You're listening radio station for talk shows music and a whole lot more. They call it jazz and more. Okay, it's a lot more to the talk shows. And I'm I'm the more Today I'm coming to you. My name is Don Marquez, and on my talk show. We talk about insurance that keep you updated what's going on in the insurance environment. Insurance has a lot of moving parts as we well know. But you know, I have people contacting me. And one of the things about their car insurance to concerned about is when you add a young driver on the policy, and you did not give him permission or, for instance, or if there's a driver in your household that's added on your auto insurance policy without your permission. Understand this every year, or every six months when your auto insurance policy renews, they do a household summary, the auto insurance company will run a what we call a household summary. Now they're going to run your driving record that people that are currently on the policy but if they see in the household at your address, that people are licensed drivers at your address, they will add them on your auto insurance policy. And why is that this is to protect you actually is to protect you to make sure if that person is driving your vehicle, it is protected. Or the person is on your auto insurance policy. They drive someone else's vehicle they also protect it. However, there are some moving parts with that as a lot of moving parts and insurance. As I stated earlier, if that person is living in your household with their own auto insurance, you provide proof of auto insurance with the auto insurance carrier that you have. And they'll be happy when one and happy to remove that individual off policy. However, there are circumstances where young teenagers and this is that happens quite often. They go out and get a driver's license 16 1718 I mean, they get their driver's license. I got my driver's license when I was 16. Today I turned 16 I think the next day I had my driver's license I was so excited. But back then they don't do like they do now we have computers now today.

Unknown Speaker 3:01
They the computer will pick up that's that young driver that just recently received a driver's license. And now add that person on the onto the auto insurance policy. Now you may call in and complain and say you know that person doesn't drive your vehicle. That person if they do drive, they may only drive once a month. But it's a reason why purchasing went through the test and got that driver's license. That's a reason for it because they want to drive they want to drive now if you don't want them driving your vehicle, it had been perfectly fine for them to go to the DMV department of motor vehicle and pick up an ID card. An ID card when they have a driver's license and they live in your household. They become your responsibility to not only you know driving the vehicle but driving other people's cars to they are protected. Now we do have a policy where we can call a what we call a non owners auto insurance policy. A non owner is mean that you don't own a vehicle. But you are insured. You don't own a vehicle but you you do have insurance. That means you can drive someone else's vehicle and you are protected. My name is Don Marquez, this is your insurance connection broadcast and right here in K u and v 91.5. Jazz and more Sunday mornings from 8am to 830. We do this every Sunday and you want it for more information you can contact me at 702-236-2624 702-236-2624 My Location is on the corner of Sahara Rancho and the US Bank building. Located on the eighth floor right across the street from the palace station Hotel and Casino all roads lead to Sahara Rancho. I'm one block west of the I 15 one block west i 15 You can miss a tall, beautiful brown building as US bank on the top. I work by appointment and my business hours are Monday through Friday, from 10am to 5pm. And some Saturdays, I will work some Saturdays will work for your convenience. I know some of you off on the weekends, but I will not work on a Sunday, I'm going home watching football. And you should be talking or doing something on the golf course or enjoying your Sunday evening going to church, cooking dinner or just relaxing on that Sunday morning. And the Vegas you know, we're in our season now where the weather's cool. People are getting out there walking, they're walking their dogs in the neighborhood, they're getting a lot of exercise. And you should do the same thing to as well take advantage of these cool days and they get out in the morning or the evening. And what actually anytime of the day, take a take a walk around your neighborhood get to know somebody the neighbors and you know, it's good good to get some fresh air in your lungs and make you feel a lot better. However, you know, in the insurance industry, in insurance industry, we find that that complaints a lot about you know, because when we add that person onto your insurance policy for auto insurance, the rate does adjust because that now that person is covered. And you know the rate is going up as a result of it. Now if you don't want that young person on your on your driving record, or on your policy, then you just tell them turn their driver driver's license, and then more than likely, they don't want to do that. But you have to understand the auto insurance companies, we'll see that person as a member of the household that will include that person on your auto insurance policy. So just be aware of that. If you're planning on getting a young driver or another member in your household, or driver's license, or if they already have a driver's license living in your house with you, and they change address to your address, then that could be a problem. They will add them on your auto insurance policy. Now let's say for instance, if you have a relative that's going to be here short period of time, maybe a few months living with you, they can actually get them a peel Box address instead of using your address. Maybe they in transition, they're moving one state to another. And you know they're staying with you for a short period of time. But they need the they should get them a peel box that way want in the few what your insurance rates down Marquez, your insurance connection, I'm an insurance broker, what is that? A broker shopped for the insurance for you, regardless of its Auto Home Life Insurance, I do the shopping for you, I represent multiple companies, from auto insurance, homeowners life insurance, I do the shopping for you. So if we shop for you for auto insurance and the rates is a little expensive, I can shop for it with a different company. I can shop with a different company. But keep in mind, my customers that I'm looking for it should be with their insurance carrier for at least three years. Because the companies I use are premium companies. And they're looking for that premium client. Now not to say that don't shop if you less than three years. But you know, it's an advantage when you want your insurance carrier at least three years for auto insurance and you carry the higher limits of liability. Now if you can the state minimum requirement, even you know whether you three years over three years or less with your current carrier, it really doesn't give you an advantage when you're shopping for car insurance. If you're carrying the state minimum requirement of 25,000 per person 50,000 each occurrence and $20,000 property damage. It really doesn't give you advantage to shop now when you see these commercials on television, you only pay for what you need 15 minutes will give save you so much that's a nationwide average. We're not in that nationwide average although we are part of the nation that you beautiful United States of America, but we pay some of the highest car insurance in the country right here in Las Vegas, Nevada. We really do and as a lot of reasons why we pay a lot of money for car insurance. But if you just move into Vegas, you know what I'm talking about because you probably thought the car insurance rates would be a lot less here than where you came from. Now you came from the Midwest, one of those towns Wichita, Kansas in the Midwest and you use a low cost and car insurance. Well that's a luxury that Wichita, Kansas, they're right here in beautiful Las Vegas, Nevada. I'm quite sure you got an insurance shock when you shop for your car insurance, or you are transferring your car insurance from one state to the next. Now if you are moving to Vegas, you do need Nevada auto insurance to go register your vehicles at the department of motor vehicle. Now keep in mind the state gives you 30 days to register your car in the state of Nevada. Now, a lot of you said well you know I'm away to my my plates expire and I'm gonna drive commute back and forth to work. You could be a target you could get stopped and it's a very expensive fine I've seen in fines up to $2,500, people were out of state plates and then commuting back and forth to work. And one day just one day to is driving a little bit too fast, and they got pulled over. And you know, and the police officer will ask you a series of questions. What do you live? What do you work, and then bam, so for 30 days, and, you know, depending on officer, what kind of mood that officer is in, they could give you a very expensive ticket, or they can let you off with a speeding ticket and a warning. Now, if you do receive a speeding ticket, right here in Nevada, we can get that reduced down to a parking ticket. I have a team member, her name is Christine Barnard, she is a team member of your insurance connection. And she can get that parking at excuse me, that speeding ticket reduced down to a parking ticket. 702-236-2624 is my contact phone number 702-236-2624. Christine banana, being a team member with your insurance connection, she also can help you with your will your trust, if you want to put someone on your house, right of survivor in lieu of death. In other words, you don't have a beneficiary on your home. So if you're the last surviving spouse, or you're a survivor of your home, and you don't want your home, going to probate, when you pass away, you want your home to go to your loved ones, if that's your intention. Now, if you don't have any loved ones in the email, you more than likely your house will go to the state or you can make arrangements to have your house donated and some type of charity or some type of foundation. There's many ways you could donate your house if you're the last surviving and no more relatives. And you know, the city and the state. They get it they get homes every single day. They really do a lot of times to family members thought, well, you know, my mom and dad was gonna leave it at home. But they didn't put me on a deed. Why is that? You know, this is how we take your final expenses. final expenses. That's very important word, final expenses, it take care of your expenses when you're gone. When you make your transition, when you pass away, there are a lot of expenses left behind. I can't I can't say it enough. I've seen it too many times in my lifetime. And also, you've seen it too, as well, a family member pass away or a friend or someone that you know, pass away and look at the debt they leave behind. One of the leading reasons for bankruptcies in this country is because of final expenses are not paid. And a person cannot afford to bear you at an average cost between 15 and $20,000. To bury someone today, let me say that again, because it's shocking today with the cost of burial loved one between 15 and $20,000 on a traditional burial. And you may say to yourself, Well, that seems extreme, but just think about it. You know, the service is used to for casket, the headstone the plot, all that is right about $15,000 right above $15,000. Now, that may or may not include the headstone, depending on how you how nice you want a headstone. And let's say right after the service, there's a repast that, you know, people want to eat, they want to come over, they want to drink, so you have to buy food, you have to pay someone to cater the food and, or you might have to rent a hall out for many people to come. And you know, just give thanks and just, you know, talk about the memory of the person that's lost. That happens all the time, you know, when people lose a loved one, you know, a lot of family members come in from out of town or friends show up at the services. And of course, you want to all get together and talk and, and eat and laugh and drink and all that costs money. So the repairs could cost you let's say three to $4,000. That's a $20,000 funeral. Now, if you don't have the money, what is your plan? You have to plan for your future in life, especially when as you get older, final expenses. A whole life insurance policy can take care of your final expenses. I can help you do the process. There's no physical to take just a few questions to answer yes or no answers. Are you're diabetic, yes or no? Are you a smoker? Yes or no. So we're very simple. And if you do smoke cannabis, and you only smoke cannabis, no cigars and cigarettes. We can rate you as a nonsmoker. We can rate you as a nonsmoker as information you can use my name is Don Marquez, if you're just tuning in, I broadcast right here K u one v 91.5. Jazz and more Sunday mornings from 8am to 830. And you know, I know it's early in the morning, it's probably a little brisky outside but it's okay. This information you can use my business hours are Monday through Friday, because I do receive calls on some Sundays and I will call you on a Monday to set up an appointment to come in and we or we could do the bid isn't over the phone, whatever it is auto, homeowners, life insurance, boat, and motorcycle insurance. These are the insurances that are offer, I use premium life insurance companies, premium auto insurance companies, homeowners to take care of your insurance needs. Now we will bundle the auto and home together to give you the maximum discounts. Now if there's a husband and wife, one, the husband has auto insurance and Company A, and the wife has her auto insurance with Company B, you spent a lot more money than you need to because maybe you just got married. Maybe we just got together, we can combine those insurances to one insurance company, you maximize your discounts because you're paying a lot more money when you have separate insurance companies, because I've had women tell me, I'm not going to be on an auto insurance policy with my husband. And I've heard husband said, I don't want my wife on my auto insurance policy for whatever reasons. So you everything is separate. Nobody can bring those together and save you some additional money. That's what my show is all about to inform you about insurance. And also, we can save you some money as well. But coverages are important as well. You know, if something happens, you know, I had this commercial to only pay for what you need. I don't know what that means. As a 26 years in our business, I cannot tell you what that mean. I don't know if that's saying by the minimum required by the state. And if you have a loan pick up collision and comprehensive deal, don't know what that means. I mean, only pay for what you need. Yeah, you could quickly find out if you're in a car accident, you're gonna need a lot of different coverages depends on how it happens. Depends on how it happened. Is it is it your fault, that the person hit you that with no insurance? Are you covered? Now when they say only pay for what you need, you may need all of it.

Unknown Speaker 16:49
You probably gonna need it all. If you talk to me, I'm probably gonna give you I'm gonna give you a call with all of it on there and explain every covers line by line. This is this is what I do. This is what I enjoy doing getting up in the morning, going to my office on the corner of Sahara and Rancho in the US bank center and explain to my customers their insurance concerns that you pay a lot of money for insurance you should know what you're paying for. That's what my slogan is no which man for not only give you only pay for what you need, but know what you are paying for. Because it is important if you're in a car accident, for instance, and you know you don't have to go into labor. Now you need your car towed. And a police officer Well, you know, we'll call the impound or tow truck to come pick up your vehicle but it costs money every single day, your cars and and the impound that cost you money. Now if you had 20 labor on your auto insurance policy, you can have the you can call the tow truck yourself. Before the officer call it tell the officer Listen, I have 20 labor on my car, I will have a tow truck here in no time. And they'll say okay, and then now you tell that tow truck driver, you had a car accident and you're impeding traffic, or you don't feel safe, or you know, it just you don't feel good in this environment. You had an accident, and you need some you need immediate assistance, someone will come out there right away. And if you do have a low profile vehicle, in other words, a low sports car, you know what I'm talking about the ones that low to the ground. And you could call and ask and request for a flat bed, tow truck flatbed we'll put your vehicle on the flatbed and take it wherever you want to take it and drop it off. That's better than putting them in in the impound because it's going to be a daily fee. And to my understanding the way they handle your cars and impound is not anything nice to just handle in any kind of way. But this is what I do as an insurance professional. Again, your homeowners insurance is important too, as well. We'll review your homeowners insurance to make sure you're not underinsured. A lot of people in the valley are underinsured with their homeowners insurance policies. It's unfortunate but they're totally under insured. What does that mean? I mean, he's your house is worth X dollar amount but your coverages are low. We don't know about the value of your home. Because of your home right here in Southern Nevada was beachfront property and anywhere it will be worth a lot more money, but it doesn't cost that much to rebuild your house. We're in it for an example. If your house was built in Laguna Beach, California, same house as you have same exact house that you have it would be worth millions of dollars on Laguna Beach, California, it would be beachfront property millions of dollars, but here is only worth $450,000. But you only have on a dwelling amount you have left you have about only about $225,000 of coverage on your dwelling. That's one of the most important coverages you know you have to review because you want to make sure if you do have a total loss, that you do have enough coverage on your home to cover the damages. Now if you're out there shopping for cut rate insurance only paying for what you need, then this can have happened to you, all of a sudden there's a total loss as a fire. There's a total loss and during the holidays, homes zoo catch on fire. People look careless lot of candles out, you know, your home catches on fire and everything burns up the President's everything little rocking horse. All the toys burnt out and he like, oh my God is not not that this cannot be happening. But all of a sudden now you find that you're not you didn't have enough homeowners insurance to completely rebuild your home. Now more than likely than not the home the homeowners insurance policy will cover most most of those those damages. But you may have a large deductible or may have a large amount of money you may have to pay into it to to completely rebuild your home. Because they'll tell you well, you know, your your homeowners insurance is not going to cover all of this damage. Because you had cut rate insurance. It happens it happens quite often. I've seen policies. I don't know how to get past underwriting sometimes. Now I didn't write these policies. But when I write a policy, I'm very comfortable with the results. Because I like to sleep at night. I don't like getting calls in the middle at anytime late at night or during the day. You know, I had a loss in you know, I find out my coverages wasn't enough to cover the damages. I've turned down quite a bit of business because I won't reduce the face amount on the dwelling amount on your house. I just say you know what? That, you know, this is not for me, it is not for me to write a policy for you would cut rate insurance on your home. You know your home is one of your most valuable assets. It truly is. Why would I want to risk and why would you want to risk saving a couple of $100 a year probably and have cut rate insurance on your home. Your home is your one of your most valuable assets. That's what you go home every day. You know, you watch television, as you finish watching television at night, you go go upstairs or go into your bedroom, lay down and relax and you know, get your peace of mind. You would not have peace of mind knowing that would cut rate insurance on your homeowners that you know now you have to come up with hundreds of 1000s of dollars or $50,000 to rebuild your home. That's not to your advantage. That's to your disadvantage. My name is Don Marquez, this is your insurance connection. My contact number is 70223622624 702-236-2624.

Unknown Speaker 22:32
I'm an insurance broker. A broker is I should have did this long time ago. I should. When I first started the business. I was Allstate Insurance Company, say there for seven years in the late 90s. And went to triple A insurance company to great insurance companies that I worked for. Had a lot of fun, and I met a lot of people. But in 2015, I decided to go on my own as an insurance broker. Any insurance companies that are represent, they want insurance agents with a lot of experience. I have 26 years of experience in the insurance industry 26 years, as a lot I've seen, and you know, it's a lot of hurt. So whatever going on with you, regardless of what it is, if you know if it's auto insurance, your homeowners insurance and or you don't know how much life insurance you need. And when I talk to people about their life insurance? Well, I don't know how much I need. You tell me? Well, I don't want to do a guessing game with you. What do you want to protect? So what I'll do is I will we call a household summary. Okay, a needs analysis. So we'll do a household summary is called a needs analysis. Okay, you want to pay off your mortgage, you want to Sydney might have enough money for kids to go to college, you want to have the money to pay off the car, credit card bills, and have some money left over to live. Not all is gonna be based on your health and your age, your health, the new age and the meds you take. Now, don't get discouraged. Don't get discouraged. Because, you know, a lot of you do qualify for a larger life insurance policy. But you said you said well, I don't know. I don't know if I can afford that. You know, it's a lot of money. But there's nothing wrong with leaving generational wealth behind. Look at a life insurance policy as a savings account. If you're not really good at saving money. Here's an excellent way to save money. I mean, just think about it. If you qualify for a $200,000 life insurance policy, and you're paying a premium each month. It's like you just put $200,000 in your savings account $200,000 in your savings account and your beneficiaries. When they receive the money they will Oh my god, it will thank you for it. I've been the funerals with no life insurance. And they had to take a collection the bury their loved one and it's not pretty. It's very difficult for the family highly stressed out. Everyone is stressed to the max because it now they wonder how they're going to make an online, the whole life is going to change about the move that sell a house, we have to move out our apartment or condo. I mean, everything changes, your whole life changes overnight. Because you didn't plan for the future. You did not plan, wait, let's make it easy. Let's find an affordable life insurance policy for you. That will fit in your budget. A friend of mine told me once he said, If you can pay for car insurance, you can pay for auto insurance, I mean life insurance, excuse me, if you can pay for auto insurance, and that's a car you should be able to pay for life insurance, who is the greatest asset you are? And are you gonna leave your legacy behind and tack Are you gonna leave your legacy legacy behind just in a whirlwind of, you know, people making decisions for you, that maybe not what you want it, but now you you left them with all these decisions to make. And it's very expensive decisions they have to make on your behalf. So now what your family members The holidays are coming up, talk to your family members about a life insurance policy, see who has and don't have a life insurance policy. You know, I heard Don Marquez on 91.5, jazz and more. And he said we should all have a conversation about who has life insurance. If you do have a life insurance policy, offered no obligation reviews, I'll sit down with you, you bring in your life insurance policy. And we'll go over your life insurance policy line by line. Now if we need to, no obligation, we will contact your life insurance company, and find out if you have a cash asset in a cash value in it or if you have borrowed money against your life insurance policy. Now keep this in mind when you borrow money against a life insurance policy. They do charge an annual interest on the money borrowed. Now, the lowest I've seen is about three and a half 4% on the money borrowed annually, not on average is about seven to 8% on the money borrowed that you borrow against your life insurance policy. Now, if you don't pay it, they will minus the debt owed on the life insurance policy. At that time when you pass away, minus any interest included is interest on top of the principal that you borrowed. Now we have what we call a rule of seven, have you borrowed a couple $1,000. And you haven't paid that money back in Iran by the seven 8% interest rate that $2,000 Borrow, in seven years could come could accumulate to $4,000 Because now the face amount of that money borrowed has doubled because of the interest. So the answers will accumulate. So keep that in mind. I've helped a lot of people over the years over many years, they borrowed money. And they said, You know, I didn't realize borrowing this money. I owe this much money back. I only borrowed 2000. But I know now about $8,000. I've seen that happen. I had one case where a lady borrowed $2,000. And if she didn't do something, that money that $2,000 was going to turn into $21,000 against a $50,000 life insurance policy. Because it was solely she took the money out years ago when she bought a home just to have a little cushion a couple of $1,000. That's all she took out. But it was getting ready to turn into 21,000. At a certain date. She heard my radio talk show she came in, I was able to get her some money from our current life insurance policy. And we wrote her a brand new policy. And the dad was gone. He said, Do I still owe the money? I say no, you're gonna get $3,000 back from your life insurance company that's gonna be your cash out. You know, your surrender value on your policy, you're gonna give me $3,000 Your debt is forgiven. Now you have a brand new life insurance policy. He was he was in tears at my desk. And this is what I do. I want to help you. I enjoy helping people. Let me help you through the process. Let's find your life insurance policy. So your family at that time you give them time to grieve. I've been through this I know the pressure of losing a loved one. You know, the grieving process should be peaceful. It really should be you sit in for a person shouldn't have to grieve for just a moment and then worry about how they're going to bury their loved one. And they'll say I don't care what happens to me because I'm dead. You should care when you say I don't care. That means you don't care what happens to your family financially. Let's talk about it. My name is Dawn Marquez. This is your insurance connection. 70223626247022362624 I know it's the holidays. Yeah, and I'm taking appointments during the holidays and the month of November and also the month of December. And also you know I'm gonna call him the first of the year and see what I'm doing what happens the first of the year you get New Year's, and then you go rolling the You know the Superbowl and then Valentine's Day and I mean there's a lot of there's a lot of things happen and then by then it's March April going in and that's tax season. So let's make an appointment. Let's talk about your car, your financial needs when it comes to life insurance, and we can reveal your home and auto insurance. I want everyone to have a beautiful day. My name is Don Marquez, this is your insurance connection. We'll do this again next week from 8am to 830. Until then, have a good week and keep it crispy. Thank you for listening.

Unknown Speaker 30:34
You have been listening to a paid program sponsored by your insurance connection. Please be advised that the voices and opinions you heard do not necessarily represent the views of K u and v Las Vegas, the University of Nevada, Las Vegas or the Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education.

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