Perfect Mode

Unleash the power of your actions with JClay and Troy Washington on 'Perfect Mode' as they delve into the critical difference between Inspired Action and Forced Action. Tune in and transform the way you approach life - your future success could depend on it!

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Creators & Guests

JClay's music ignites a transformative experience, fostering spiritual growth, mindfulness, and a positive mindset through powerful and uplifting rap.
Troy Washington
Real Estate Broker

What is Perfect Mode?

"Perfect Mode" invites you on a transformative odyssey to discover the extraordinary within the ordinary. Hosted by the dynamic duo of JClay, a rapper with a spiritual twist, and Troy Washington, a realtor with a mindset of abundance, this podcast is a sanctuary for those seeking to elevate their existence. Together, they explore the realms of personal growth, mental clarity, and spiritual enlightenment, offering unfiltered insights into living a life unchained by societal expectations. Tune in for your weekly dose of inspiration and embark on a journey to align with your highest self.


If I reminded you that you are perfect, would you argue me down or step into your perfection? Welcome to perfect welcome to perfect where there are no excuses, no expectations, And we explore the world without limitations. I'm Jay Clay, rapper, the spiritual teacher, with my co host Troy Washington, your friendly neighborhood realtor. Let's be real. So let's be perfect.


Perfect. Perfect. Perfect. Perfect.

Troy Washington:

Welcome to perfect mode. What up? What up? It's your boy Troy, and I gotta tell y'all, first off, let's start by first off, I gotta start by telling y'all that we love y'all. We're grateful for the opportunity to be here sharing our thoughts, hopefully, and helping you realize that you are perfect.

Troy Washington:

And the reason why I can unapologetically say that is because I know that you are 1 on 1. Numero uno. You cannot be replicated, duplicated. And the only reason, Jay, the only reason they would think that they're not perfect, if they're looking at the person next to them and saying, I'm not them. But guess what?

Troy Washington:

You are you, and that's all you need. And, of course, it's yours truly, Troy Washington, your friendly neighborhood realtor. And I have my boy, J Clay, spiritual rapper and teacher. And we're about to get on here and jump and talk about inspired action versus forced action, how to tell the difference. It's man, you wanna talk about hitting hitting me in my chest, inspired action versus forced action.

Troy Washington:

What up, Jay?


Man, what up? Happy day. Happy Sunday to all my perfect people in perfect land doing the perfect thing at the perfect place, at the perfect time. You're right where you're supposed to be at the right time, ready to just just be here and just spread this this love and joy to all. Yeah.


First off, real quick, shout out to our our Patreons. If you wanna support, support the movement, go ahead and, hit that link that's in there right there. Just click it. Then shout out to Jeff, our Patreon. Appreciate you.



Troy Washington:

Well, that's yep.


Yeah, man. Let's, so let's let's let's jump right into it.

Troy Washington:

Bro, so I'm a tell you. When I see the the the topic, like, a 1000000 different scenarios go through 1000000 different, ideas go through my mind. But, I mean, the gist of it, you know, inspire versus forced. And I know that a lot of times we talk about doing things that you love to do, and letting that be the you know, letting love lead you in your steps. And I was you know, that's just on the surface.

Troy Washington:

That's what what I think about. But what what where are you at with it, bro?


Yeah. So this is this is a combination of 2 things, but it is very similar. So recently, I have this series that I'm trying to pin like these episodes for and I have a few episodes done. And, when I went back and read one, I was like, nah, I could do better. Like I, I, like, I want to get it done.


So in some ways I want to force that action, but I was, I think I was typing it while I was laying down and I kind of dozed off a little bit. And then in it, in that dozing off, it was like, I had a conversation with myself. I was like, no, you should do this. You should do this. You should do this.


And it just came in. And the episode wrote itself. It was a great episode. It was better than ever. And that wasn't the first time I've had certain things like that happen where it's like, I don't it's that state between sleeping and waking where you communicate with your higher self and you get this just inspired action.


But not only that, on on the other side of it too, like, I I've been I've been coming to contact with a lot of people who are kind of fed up with their job, with their place of work. And they're, they're trying to find ways out of it and they're trying to force their way out of not force, but like, I gotta do this. I gotta work more. I gotta go harder. I gotta do this, which could be true, but there's a, there's an easier way, a better way and inspired action way where, like, there's no way I would have forced that.


For example, there's no way I would have forced that episode to be that good. Had I just like, just hammered at it. There's no way like that had I had to let go in a way, and and allow that to be. And in a way, that's that's what inspired action is. And I and I really wanna talk about it so we can so we can we can live where our path where our steps are ordered in a way where we're just being guided by that higher self that we get to enjoy every moment.

Troy Washington:

No. I I I think, I definitely think that that's dope that you were able to let go. And the funny thing is we had this thought process that when we let go that it's gone away, but the reality of it is it was your your subconscious mind is always doing its work, you allow it to and not, necessarily let your conscious mind battle it. You know? So I think that's that's, definitely a super, super dope thing.

Troy Washington:

Now I think that the thing that comes to my mind when I think about it when it when I think about my inspired actions versus my forced action, I think about trying to write a CD and just sitting down and finding a beat just because I like it and just saying, I'm going to make up a song for with this before I turn it off. And there have been many times where I could listen to that beat a million times. I can listen to it all day. I can sit down and listen to the same thing all day. And what I want, there's a lot of things that come to me, but what I want never comes.

Troy Washington:

And then I'll end up being frustrated, like, dang. I couldn't even come up with what I was looking for. But the funniest thing is when I take showers, something that I figured out over time, if I just play the music in the background and just get into my shower, I literally would come up with a hole when I've been but before the time I get out of my shower. And, the reason why I bring it up is because when I'm in the shower, I'm not literally trying to make up a song. I'm not trying I'm literally trying to get myself clean.

Troy Washington:

And so just allowing me to get to run play in the background or run-in my mind, I've always been able to overcome whatever hurdles that I have that were mental blocks for me because of me just being inspired to do it versus me forcing myself to go ahead and do it.


Yeah. Yeah. And and similar to that, like, speaking of of writing songs, so I've done the same thing where it's like, I'm a write a hit today. Like, I I I'm forcing it.

Troy Washington:

I'm I'm a no matter what,


I'm not stopping until I write a hit. Nothing's happening. I'm forcing it. It sounds forced. It doesn't sound like good music.


But then I had instances where I was just inspired to write a song. And once I was inspired, I set my intention. Oh, I'm gonna make this type of song, and then it just it just flowed through. And so it it sounds like it's more important, not necessarily to have a scheduled routine of work or action, but a scheduled routine to make yourself available to receive inspired action. Like you said, the shower, because in the shower, if you're if you're not rushing, if you're not rushing to be somewhere, you get to relax.


Like that's, that's your place. That's your your, it's just you. You get to just be with your thoughts. You have nice water, you know, going. It's a it's a it's a beautiful experience.


But oftentimes, we don't allow ourselves to get into beautiful experiences because we're thinking about all the actions that we have to do. And, and, and that that have to word is not even really real because we're not even doing anything with forced action anyway, except teaching ourselves that we have to force ourselves to do something that we don't really enjoy.

Troy Washington:

Yeah. And no. No. I and I agree with you 100%. And and the craziest thing about it is, even thinking about the enjoyment part of it, you would think that something that I want to do will and if I and I think that's the reason why the forced action starts to happen because you're like, well, I know I'm a be happy when I get done with it versus understanding that you know, one one thing that I love, I'm a basketball head.

Troy Washington:

And I'm pretty sure other careers talk about the same thing as well, but they always say, make sure you you love the process of what you're doing. So that way you're not looking for the love in the end, and you can really enjoy yourself. And I think that that another big piece of, when you're inspired to do something because the million things that we think about doing all the time, we don't always do them when we first think about them. Right? So that's the reason why I think that once something is top of mind, you take action because you're ins I would assume that you're enlightened and inspired to do it.

Troy Washington:

And and and it doesn't mean finish it or, do it to its completion. Do it as long as you're into it. Do it as long as you're inspired. And then you can remove yourself once you have something else that, you know, comes to the front and allow that to lead the way. Because if you free yourself, I feel like when you're supposed to, it still does work for you.

Troy Washington:

It's kind of like, what what do they call it? I can't think but, you know, I'm talking about go ahead, Jay.


Yeah. So so similarly, like, a lot of these things have a spiritual component to it and something that I that I've begun to understand is that we do have a higher self. Like, we we to be in this physical reality, so to speak. There's a part of us that is in that spiritual realm guiding us, but we don't communicate with each other through words. It's more through that feeling, through that action.


And when we're in certain situations, it's because our higher self already preapproved those situations. But sometimes what do we do? We judge it. We, we say, oh man, this looks bad. I'm I'm worried now.


I'm scared now. Like, you're you're doing all these things where you're adding interference. You're you're letting fear enter the situation. You're interfering with your communication. So now you can't receive the ease that this situation would have brought.


Like, you don't even allow yourself to be inspired because you would be judging everything that happens. But when we if we can remember that our highest self has predone the work so that no matter what situation we're in, even if, like, people have 10 guns drawn to us, if you can hold that a word, it's like, oh, my my higher self preapproved this situation. This is working out for my highest good. Then you can allow yourself to be inspired to do the right actions to get you out of this situation and the or get you closer to what you really want in the fewest steps possible. Shout out to him loud.


What's up?

Troy Washington:

You you know, the thing that I think about when you were talking about allowing your higher self to get you out of the situation, it makes me think we're listening to, you know, because I also feel like our higher self is continuously talking to us whether you have opposing thoughts or not. And, you know, in a situation, I think that we all well, I I guess I can't I can't say that we. I'm generally always optimistic initially. And then the pessimistic or opposing thoughts start to attack my optimism. I know I might just be making up words, but, hey, we're gonna roll with it.

Troy Washington:

Y'all know what I'm talking about. So, like, you know, that's the reason why I say who are you listening to? And, just a just another quick note on on, you know, our our self. Our subconscious mind, dog, is always running. That's the reason why you can see things that you feel like you've never seen before, and then they they feel familiar.

Troy Washington:

Because you can't turn that thing up. It's always witness. It's it's it's the biggest witness you have, and that's another reason why you provide a different situation, Jay.


Yeah. And and and so that that's why that's why I'm I'm drawn to that that state. So okay. When I told you what happened between the sleeping and waking state, I kinda went on the research rampage. I was, emailing people asking people about it.


And when I got back, it's like, it's that that theta state. And so what you said about your subconscious mind, like, it's it's always working. But when you're in that state between sleeping and waking, you dropped your guard. So when you dropped your guard, you're able to hear certain things. So, like, they say everyone is has all these psychic abilities, but the only reason we don't experience them is because we are we are not in it.


Right? Like like, we we put up all these walls through our judgment. We said, oh, that's crazy. That's evil. That's that's the devil or that's something else.


Nobody should be able to talk to a spirit that's not here. And we put up all these blocks. We have all this fear surrounding it that we don't have access to it. But when you're in between that state between sleeping and waking, you drop that guard and you're able to hear these divine thoughts. Now depending on the situate the circumstance, you might be able to take action on it or not.


Like, they like, some some experts said, keep a notepad next to your, you know Yeah. Your your event post, whatever. So you can write anything down. But it but it's interesting that our judgments are in a way stopping us from a lot of things.

Troy Washington:

So Hemlall said, I'm gonna talk about out of today's topic, but please help me to control my overthinking. This is what I'll say about it because it's it's it's it's funny because I'm talking about my subconscious mind and how it's always operating, and it's always being the biggest witness, which puts me in the the best possible position. But, also, I'm asking the question of who are you listening to? And I think that's where overthinking starts to play its its its, biggest role in our life. And the thing that I will say about it is, generally, whenever I'm optimistic, it is literally the way that I really want to go.

Troy Washington:

Like, I can't think of a thought there, and I thought that was of me or for me. I just couldn't figure out a way to offset what I was thinking at the time. So the reason why I bring it up here, Lyle, is that I would tell you that you you're worthy of the best case scenario all the time. You're worthy of whatever you feel like is the best case scenario all the time. And that's me saying that you can have what you want, but those opposing thoughts that are not you want, you have to set aside, but go ahead, Jay.


Yeah. So I I think this is very related to this topic because it's like we said at the beginning, it's not about it. It's not so much about, making yourself do certain actions. It's about getting yourself in a position to receive that inspiration and overthinking is is a block to that. So for example, like somebody might think, oh, I just did this and and made a $100.


So if I do this again, I could make, you know, a 100 more, a 100 more. But then but then I'm thinking about how taxing it is. And then I'm thinking about Jay Clay said, hey. You gotta do all this. And they're like, all these thoughts and you're you're overthinking where you're either doing inaction or you're you're not conscious of the action that you're doing now.


So it's it's not really doing its job. And the the only way to not overthink is to practice thoughtlessness, which is meditation, which is, which comes in many forms. It can be walking, it can be sitting still, it can be doing a month a mundane task that you're not listening to any music or anything, like, maybe just washing dishes or something. Like, it it comes in many forms, but anything that allows you to steal your mind because that's when the inspiration really comes. But it but but there's no way around it except to just practice it.


Like, you you may not be successful your first time or you may be, and then unsuccessful your 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th time and then, you know, get back to that success. But it's that's one of the main things that you just have to just practice it.

Troy Washington:

And I'll say this personally for myself, Himalaya is that overthinking I think that we all do it, number 1, but for my me specifically, it is the most stagnating thing in my life. The thing that stops me from doing everything is overthinking. I have the most elaborate thoughts and ideas. So I can say for my business this week, I'm going to create this, and I'm definite. I know that it's gonna work, and then I'll go into a phase where I say, okay.

Troy Washington:

Well, I need to make sure I do this, this, and this with that. And then I'll start thinking, okay. Well, what if I do this, this, and this? And then I start thinking, what about this, this? And then the next thing I know, 2 weeks have gone by, and I haven't done anything.

Troy Washington:

Because number 1, I already said that I wanted to do something. I already said it was going to make me feel good. I already said that it was going to work, and then I layered all my thoughts on top of what was definite to me already. And so, like I said, it's it's for me, being the most stagnating thing and, like, you know, again, there's a piece to this when we're talking about the forced versus inspired. I think that the the thinking part of it becomes the forced action after a while.

Troy Washington:

And so what I'm tell the the reason why I say that is because I'm forcing myself to think of a better way as if the way that I initially fit was not good enough. Go ahead, Jay.


Yeah. And and it's funny too because it's twofold. Like, so sometimes we'll get caught in a in a routine of we think we think we're doing something like we say, I'm gonna do this every single day without fail, no matter what. And in in some instances, that could be the thing to do if you're inspired from that. And that's that's the key word.


Like, you you have to have that inspiration for it. But sometimes you could be going through the most. I'm gonna do this every day, but I hate it. I hate doing this every single day. And then so what what ends up happening to it is in a way you become a slave to it.


Because if you you you made yourself believe that if you don't do it, you will somehow sabotage yourself. And then that ends up happening, not because you didn't do it, but because you made that association with your mind because of how powerful your mind is. And so to kind of remove that guilt from you, it it's it's almost very beneficial to listen to your higher self because you're because whenever you need certain advice, who do you go to? You go to the one that is best suited to give you that particular advice. Sometimes your inspiration will guide you to a person on this earth plane that does have that advice.


But again, we need to be mindful of, am I doing this because I, because I, I genuinely feel inspired to do it or am I doing it because that's what the whole world says I have to do. And this is the only way that I feel bad if I don't do it.

Troy Washington:

You know, the funny thing that it made me think of when you just said that number 1, go to the your higher self. Go to the right. But there have been many instances in my life, not myself specifically, but just people around me. And I I wanna say that it's been the same for me as well, where, you know, they went to the doctor, and a doctor told them something was wrong. And in that moment, they were like, well, they didn't tell the doctor this, but they were like, I don't think that's it gotta be something else.

Troy Washington:

Like, I just know that it's something else. What the doctor's telling me, I just know that it's something else. And, the reason why I point that out is because nobody has a better answer for you than you. That's my personal opinion. I think that the problem is that, number 1, overthinking psyches us out of what we know, But the other part to the, to the point that you were making was the thoughtlessness, meaning, you know, the lack, I mean, the freeing your mind.

Troy Washington:

And and and the reason why I say that is because how can you better find out more about yourself than when you stop judging it? And I I just, you know, I just wanna I just want to say that, and I wanna read what him now, says as well. He says, I was talking with a girl for about 15 to 20 days. I found she was on a breakup. I was so obsessed with her.

Troy Washington:

I helped her to move on, but later on, I found she back with her ex eventually. But I had a high expectations with her. I asked her out but she ended up ended up our relationship as friends but I think her a lot I think about her a lot but why am I being crazy? I only talked to her for 20 days. That look, this is look, I'm I'm gonna tell you like this bro, we like who we like.

Troy Washington:

It's just that's just point and blame period. And, you know, the funniest thing I gotta tell my my I talked to my son about this recently. I told him that it doesn't matter if somebody you for you to like them. And it's okay for you to let them know. And it's okay for them to not like you back the way that you like them, but that shouldn't change how you feel.

Troy Washington:

Now when you're talking about dating, that's a whole different story. But I think that you feeling crazy over somebody is a cool thing because it's you being able to express yourself in in a way that you feel like best way so that way you can move past it. And, also just by you being a good human being to help her get her something that she wasn't able to get past whether you help them get back together or not. Leslie, that to me, I think that's an inspired action when we talk about our show. Like, the outcome of it didn't didn't, dictate your actions in the moment you did them because you felt like it was the right thing to do.

Troy Washington:

And I think, ultimately, at the end of the day, whether you end up with this person or not, you can look back on it. Look back at yourself and feel proud that you were being who you wanted to be. Go ahead, Jay.


Yeah. We we had a show not too long ago. We talked about intention versus expectation and you mentioned him lullaby about you expected. You had an expectation with her like we can't have expectations because because it is no way to know it. We would have to be able to control every aspect of everything and it's best to just have the intention, like, you intend to maybe get with her if she is feeling you back.


But if not, I mean, like like Troy said, it's so much good and and love out there. Like, how do I say this? We are we are made of love by love for love, And we can still love others even if they don't feel the way back. Like, it like like Troy said, it shouldn't change how you change. Like like, there's so many people online that I never meet, that they've helped me in so many ways that they'll never know.


And I and I'm I'm greatly and that and that is not the right word, but I I I'm very appreciative of them, but they'll just never know because I I don't have a direct line of communication with them or anything. But that them not being able to communicate back with me in the same way does not change any of that, about my feelings toward them. And I say just enjoy it. Like like, take those feelings where where it takes you. Like, if you're if you're inspired to do something else or or speak with somebody else.


So, like, but but nothing nothing that infringes on anyone else's rights, if that makes sense. But, but yeah. Go ahead.

Troy Washington:

Yeah. And and just kinda, you know, come back to your last statement. You said I can't control my feelings, guys. That's why I'm overthinking. And, again, I would tell you don't control your feelings.

Troy Washington:

Like, it's okay for you to have all the feelings that you're having. It it's just there's along with that. I I think that, you know, the big piece of it. And, I loved when you were talking about expectations again, Jay. Like, when you were talking about controlling all aspects, like, I just bring it back to me.

Troy Washington:

I know that I can control all aspects of me, though I don't always control all aspects of me, and that's frustrating. And, if I know that I I I haven't learned to control as or expectations of myself, how could I ever expect anything from anyone else? That's number 1. But not but go ahead, Jay.


Well, I was gonna say to to that, I don't even know if I can control myself in every situation, like, because I'm I'm different people from moment to moment, at least from my perspective. It's, like, man, like like like, our feelings are our way of our higher self talking to it. That is that inspired act, or like like like certain feelings invoke certain actions that we're tied to or drawn to. And, again, we can follow that in in such a way that is positive for us. Like like you said, don't judge it.


Don't try to control it. Just just be in that space and see what it brings to you.

Troy Washington:

And so so so so that's both of us, and that's and that's the point that I'm making. If I can't control or have a true I mean, I can expect whatever I want to, but the reality of it is I cannot control the expectations for myself or the outcome for myself. How could I possibly ever do that for somebody outside of me? You get what I'm saying? And so him now and and that's what I'm saying.

Troy Washington:

Like, your feelings, fam, I know it it your feelings inspire action, but you're also wanting results at the time. Our action was, let me help this person get past it. And what I'm telling you is that's what it should have been. But the outcome of what that turned into, we can never judge. We can never determine because the reality of it is if if I can give the most, best case scenario hypothetical situation, right, this person does not feel the same way that you feel right now.

Troy Washington:

But what they get to do is witness you be the bigger person and help them. And then later down the line, fall deeply in love with you because you were the person that was always there. Again, I'm not saying that that's going to happen. I'm not telling you to expect that's going to happen, but what I'm telling you is you're expecting things that you don't even understand the greater picture of how it's supposed to operate or how it's supposed to work. This person could actually have a twin sister or anything and bring them your way.

Troy Washington:

So I just tell you that however you first of all, salutes to you for coming on the show and saying that you were crazy about it. That's letting me know that you're willing to express and be who you are, but don't let it be a a deciding factor on, what you think about your not crazy. It's okay for you to feel the way you feel. And regardless of how she feels, it's okay for you to express how you feel, but keep it moving. Go ahead, Jay.


Yeah. And, I've been amazed by the results of these inspired actions. Like, the inspired action that I've been taking just just putting myself in full force, like, all the way. It's had some profound effects. Now I've never expected any of this.


I'm just amazed to see what comes of it. Like, sometimes it might not be anything right away, but in a lot of times, it might change the direction of my life out of nowhere. And and similar to that, like, there's inspired inaction. And what I mean is yeah. Like like, we all have a to do this.


We all have stuff that is like, man, I gotta do this. But you have this inspiration from your higher self, though. Would it? Like, you just feel this strong feeling like, no. I gotta work on this now.


I gotta do this now. I gotta go to this place right now because I feel this overwhelming feeling. And when you do it, like, I'd want it's a relationship. You're letting your your higher self, your higher consciousness know, like, I trust you. I trust you.


Keep sending me keep guiding me because I appreciate this feeling that I'm in. And so it makes it easier to have that communication. And so when you do take the action that you put off because you have more inspired action to do, it's at the perfect time. And that also comes with positive results, positive effects as well. So it's it's it's all pretty cool.

Troy Washington:

Oh, my bad, Jay. So I and I'll read. He said, I I knew she doesn't deserve my tears, but I cried, sir. My feelings were genuine, but is it good? I only talked to her for 20 days.

Troy Washington:

So let me tell you about me real quick. My wife my wife, I moved I moved in with my wife. Well, first of all, I dated my wife for a month. 1 month, fam. I moved in with my wife after that month.

Troy Washington:

She got pregnant a month too. I never expected anything. I never knew how it was gonna go. What I was doing was I was just being me, the best that I possibly could be. It's okay for you to be sad or cry or, you know, get your feelings out in any kind of way that you feel is necessary.

Troy Washington:

And that's the thing I think the problem here is that you're judging yourself, but you're giving yourself a time frame of how long you gotta be with somebody to care about them. You're giving yourself a time frame I mean, a time frame of how long you gotta be with somebody before you're sad, before they go away. And all of these things are you're saying, well, I'm bad for this. But I'm telling you that you're good for it because to allow yourself to love somebody in 20 days just means you allowed yourself to be free. If you're gonna give yourself credit or or or ding yourself, just give yourself credit.

Troy Washington:

You were the way that we should be as people. We should be loving in all aspects. I'm not a big crier. At at the end of the day, if something hurts your feelings, then you should be able to express that and not judge yourself for like, look, people, fam, that I watch a TV show that I never met in my life. And if the story is compelling enough, I cry, and I never knew them.

Troy Washington:

And so it's okay. You know? Judge the way that you feel based off of whatever constructs that society has made us feel like. In the very beginning of me and my and my marriage, people would always tell us, dang. You was only with her for this long and y'all had this baby.

Troy Washington:

But for for me, I'd never allowed that into my psyche because I knew that it didn't matter. So I just caution you to judge yourself on things that you shouldn't even judge yourself on. You are an a grown up, and you can feel and do however you wanna do. Go ahead, Jay.


Yeah. And I I would say too, yeah, laugh when it's time to laugh cry when it's time to cry, but not even time when you have it, when you have that inspired action, it is what's for you. Like like like like Troy said, like it's no reason to apologize for anything that you want to do. It's you. Like, this is your experience.


And you you even say it, like, you said, like, you know, she doesn't deserve my tears. Like, we we we can't be judges of who deserves what, who doesn't deserve what. Because, again, we would have to know everything about everything, which we can never do. So it's not even it's not even about deserving anything. Like, you you have an experience you wanna experience.


You haven't, like, this situation is getting closer is getting you closer to everything you want because you are spending time in those feelings. Like, some people might numb those feelings completely and be like, no. I'm not I'm not gonna do this, but that that kind of blocks that. You don't wanna block anything. You wanna allow.


You wanna like, you're saying, my my higher self preapproved this. God preapproved this situation. So I'm stepping into it with with that knowledge. And, yeah, I might feel something, but it's meant for me to feel this, and that's okay.

Troy Washington:

Hey, bro. I I gotta tell you this. This is just the thought of my head because we're talking about the inspired actions. And I I wanna talk about the inspired action of crying. Right?

Troy Washington:

Just because it it's a part of, you know, the the topic right now. But there have been plenty of times where I was, no. You're not I ain't gonna cry now. You got me messed up. I'm too hard for this crime, baby.

Troy Washington:

You know, I wasn't trying to let it go. And, the thing that I could think about in my mind when I just look if I'm out of my body and looking back at myself, I can see my eyes watery, me fighting it, saying, no. It ain't gonna happen. And the amount of tenseness that I have in those moments, the amount of controlled, out of controlness that I feel in those moments. Right?

Troy Washington:

And then I can also go and look at the time right. Real thought. I can go and look at the times where I decided, you know what? I'm just going to let it go. I'm just gonna let the tears go.

Troy Washington:

Right? And in the moment, I can't tell you that I feel relieved. I can't tell you that I feel free. I can't tell you and, again, I'm crying about a a movie or something. Right?

Troy Washington:

But when I look back at myself, I feel happy. I feel happy that I was not blocked up. You know what I'm saying? And, again, I know in the moment, him loud, you know, the tears feel a little different, fam. But if you, there is a such thing of holding it in like Jay Clay said.

Troy Washington:

And I think that is a forced action, and I think the forced actions are the things that make us more miserable. You know, normally, when we were growing up, somebody would tell you, cry. Get it over with. You know, get it on there. Get that out.

Troy Washington:

Let that go. So yeah. You know, I I just know that whenever I was ever I've been able to just let it go, and I look back at myself, I feel free. I feel like I feel light. I feel love.

Troy Washington:

You know what I mean? But go ahead, Jay.


I was thinking, can we truly even really hold anything in? And what I mean is, like, we feel joyful. People could just see the joy on you. Like, you could just see it like it's one of those things. And okay.


You know, the the the type of music that I used to make before versus to the type of music I make now, in my eyes is very different. You know, it's more positive, it's more spiritual, all of these things. But again, nobody was surprised by this move for me. Nobody. And I like because I always wanna I was like, how people gonna react to me now coming out making this type of music.


And I say that to say that it's almost like people were waiting for me to make this type of music. They knew, like, oh, yeah. We were just waiting on you to just finish doing what you were doing. But I but you can say that about everybody and everything. Like, we we see people's higher sales.


We understand you're gonna go through things, but that's just to to get this out because you can't hide anything anyway. You might as well be who you are all the time.

Troy Washington:

Bro, when you talk about the outside, seeing everybody always sees other people's higher self. That's the reason why we're always appalled. Like, when somebody is going through some with somebody, hypothetical situation like a breakup, the person would tell that person, oh, you deserve better than that. Like, we're always looking for the up, or it's the reason why you sometimes feel like you can't do something, and somebody around you would be like, bro, I I knew you had that, or of course you got that. Or they will tell you that you can do it.

Troy Washington:

Or even sometimes you you let I'm gonna use singing as an example. Sometimes based off of the rest of the world, you might not be able to sing. Right? Based off what we're customarily used to, you don't you don't stand up to that based off of that only. But you will have people in your corner saying, no.

Troy Washington:

You be jamming. You go hard. You the best. And the the reality of it is, fam, we out that's all we can ever see. That's all we ever see.

Troy Washington:

And we just are not agreeable to it because we're at odds with ourself. We're we're more focused on the forced action versus inspired. Like, that's supposed to inspire you, but in yet and still, I will come back and say, well, I think I should do this because of this. And that's where we get it all mixed up. Go ahead, Jay.


Yeah. And and, he now said, thank you, sir. Thank you for sharing your time. Thank you so much. But I think I'm never gonna like anyone like her.


And that's cool. I mean, if if that's what happens, that's what happens. If that's what doesn't happen, that's what doesn't happen. Like, it it's even liking is a it's a giving action. Like, it's not it's not it doesn't have to necessarily be reciprocal.


We all like what we like. We all like who we like. We all love who we love. We all love what we love. And, you know, it's a the act of the act of liking and loving is a very beautiful thing as long as we're not tying expectations to it.


We we could that that that is an expired inspired action in itself because it can lead us to wanna be better. Like, yeah, I I I wanna be better so I can be more in tune or on the same frequency with the things that I love or the people that I love. So it's I I say use it.

Troy Washington:

And and this is what I would caution you too. Number 1, I'm a tell you off top, love, fam. Be, you know, be sad, be happy, just allow yourself to be what you are. But I would tell you when you say I would never I would never, someone like her again, I don't think that you even knew that you were gonna like her like that. And that's the funny way that life is, especially when you're allowing yourself to be.

Troy Washington:

If you have love in your heart, bro, you always gonna be able to love again. It's just kinda how how it goes, I feel like. And, I think that, you know, just again, I don't know you, but I do know that you had an inspired action to help somebody that was in need. They went through something, and you were the person that stepped up. Along the way, you do you developed some type of expectation.

Troy Washington:

But even outside your expect, you still were helping her because in the moment when you were helping, you weren't getting what you expected. You just still decided to be a good person whether you were looking for an outcome or not. There's a lot of people that want something, but they don't always help. And and then not only that, this person is thankful for you for you being there, and I think it makes you feel good. And and all that ties together, love just kinda happened.

Troy Washington:

Well, you are you, man. You are you. And you might not decide that you won't like anybody, but I think that if you continue to be who you are, you will fall right into the right boat again. And I think that it's gonna be, whenever it happens, it's gonna be everything that you always expected. So, you know, just just remember the higher version of yourself.

Troy Washington:

I always go ahead, Jay.


I love that you said that that that, you probably didn't expect to to like her in the way that you did. And that's what life like like, we we're not so tied to the past and we're we're free to just be in this moment. Our higher self guide brings us all kinds of things that we never expected to like or never expected to love in every moment. And we just like, wow, this is amazing. I didn't know I would enjoy this.


And then we then we get caught in our thoughts. We try to force the action again. We try to force recreation. We say, I want to recreate these same circumstances because I had so much fun this particular time. I don't I don't trust my higher self enough anymore.


I want to do it myself now. So I'm gonna I'm gonna force this reaction and you like, oh, it's not the same. Why is this not the same? It's because we're trying to force it instead of just allowing just just allow things to be and trust like you will see it all unfold beautifully in a way that you could have never dreamed of or even crafted it if you were the the crafter of it yourself.

Troy Washington:

So I I will come back and ask oh, well, let me read with him a sec. Because I I wanna make sure we can continue to acknowledge. Since you're involved with us, we appreciate you. Said it feels like a heavy rock in my chest. And, again, I I know it sounds crazy for me to tell you that that's okay right now when it feels like that, but the judgment of thinking that we don't go through things, again, is another thing that I would just caution you to do.

Troy Washington:

It's okay. Like, whenever I kick when I'm walking around my house and I kick and stub my toe, it hurt. It hurt, and it just don't go up. But it the thing is I've learned something new. I learned how to walk around my house more efficiently.

Troy Washington:

You know, I I I I I can can take the good with what happened. And as much as I don't want my foot to hurt, it doesn't mean that it was bad for bro, your heart gets stronger. That's all I can do. And, again, it it's all based off of you being the great person that you were in the first place, and and that's just kinda how I will leave it. And and, you know, back to the inspired action part of it, you know, we talked about this before on the show that when something is at the top of your mind, why not move?

Troy Washington:

You know, why not allow that to be like, you got a million thoughts, and one thing came to the top of your mind to do it, and that could just be watch TV no matter what it is. But I think that's where our greatest joy lies. And, you know, I just I I I I I try to push people to recognize that listen to yourself. So that way, you can move accordingly. Go ahead, Jay.


Yeah. Yeah. And and I have seen that play out like you said, like, it could be watch TV, something that people think wastes time. But, like, you're inspired action, as long as you don't judge it, it can be anything at all, which can only be for a second just to flip to a channel. Well, I know nobody really flips the channels anymore, but, like, to get you to to look at something that spark something else like, oh, yeah, I got time right now.


I can do this now. I can work on this now and you get excited. Even yesterday, I was working on something that I had not worked in a long time. The day flew by, it was the perfect day. I was so grateful for yesterday.


And now I'm I'm grateful for the day, like, that we get to speak about this topic and break it down because sometimes I don't always remember. Sometimes I'm forcing myself into action into routine just because I I I think it's better just because I think I need to be active. That active means something good, but it is not necessarily the case. Inspired action is the is the best thing you could do for yourself.

Troy Washington:

Bro, listen to me. You you you said something. And I I truly believe there's a domino effect always or a chain reaction or however you wanna look at it that happens within us. And so that's where the inspired action can really play a big, big role because there are things that I want to do that I will try to force myself to do, and there are things that are top of my mind. But when I say there's a domino effect, sometimes the thing that you decide to do that's an inspired action is tied to the thing that you want to do, whether you can see them or not.

Troy Washington:

Yes. Whether you recognize it or not, is is literally giving you the pathway. But because you're looking beyond your inspired action, you can't get there. And then you you you wonder why it you're it's forced. And, again, I'm gonna go back to me making music.

Troy Washington:

I know that I want to make songs. I know it. I will sit down, bro, and I will try, try, try. And there are other things that have come top of my mind, which is the reason why the song is not coming. I'm supposed to go take a shower.

Troy Washington:

I'm supposed to go help my kids shoot. I'm supposed to go like, all of these things that I wanna do right now, I'm like, you know what? I'm a hammer this in. I'm a make this happen. But the funny thing, bro, just last night, and I can't even lie to you, we were getting ready to no.

Troy Washington:

It wasn't last night. It was, it was Friday night. I was getting ready to go to, a party, And I, again, I wanted to write. I then couldn't write. I also didn't wanna go to the party either.

Troy Washington:

Right? But it was because of of that I wanted to go to support. Bam. Right? The moment I started getting ready for the party, bro, like, I'm getting ready, brushing my teeth, you know, all the kind of stuff.

Troy Washington:

The song came to me. It came, and I literally went in the living room and I was like, Chardonnay. I literally just made up the song in the first part of my verse because it just came and it was tied to the party. That's the funny thing about it. Like, if you hear the words of the song, like, it's tied to me going to do something that I wasn't ready to do.

Troy Washington:

And it it's just it's amazing how life can play itself and made no difficult. Go ahead, Jay.


Yeah. So, like, again, you you went to that state where you surrendered to the moment. Like, sometimes when people have free time or something, I gotta make the most of this moment. I gotta conquer the moment. I gotta I gotta win.


And it's a different energy than surrendering surrendering to it or allowing it to be letting go. And because you accepted that, okay, I'm going to go to this party. I won't be able to work on the song now. I've accepted that. I work on it later and you're just doing those mundane tasks, like, you know, getting ready, brushing your teeth.


You didn't have that that guard up. You didn't have that resistance, and it allowed it to come. So, like, again, the the more we can allow ourselves to be in that state, the better. And it it really doesn't even take long to to get into, you know, it it could be meditation. It could be whatever.


Like like, sometimes when I sit to meditate for a particular time, like, if okay. Put it like this. If right now I just went to meditate just for no set time, I might not have certain ideas that come into me. But let's say I say I'm a sit down for 15 minutes because I I I have to surrender to the fact that I'm gonna be just sitting there for 15 minutes, a flood of ideas come. Like, and I don't even know how to explain it.


That is like, oh my god. This is crazy. I wanna get up right now, but I already surrendered to, you know, being in this place for 15 minutes. So it's it's it's interesting how it it all works. And and it's all a play in our mind too when you when you think about it.


But, but, yeah, go ahead.

Troy Washington:

Okay. So I wanna, I wanna read what him last said again. It says, yeah. I I really I really tried my best to distract myself, and I do have some advice for you real quick. This is gonna be my advice to you.

Troy Washington:

I want you to write down 10 things that you love. Not 10 things that you love more than her. I just want you to write down 10 things that you love. And, the reason why I'm telling you that is because I assume when you tell me how you felt about this person, you love this person too. But I think love and Troy Troy thinks love is out of right?

Troy Washington:

So right now, 10 things that you love. And every single time you think about her, do something that you love. You'll know exactly what they are. And and my hopes for you what's gonna happen because you can never predict. But I just think personally for myself when I'm doing things that I love because there's a lot of things that I love, I don't think about the I just don't whenever I'm making me like, when I'm really into making music, there's nothing around me that could come into my side and distract it.

Troy Washington:

Whenever me and J Clay was out selling CDs, hustling, like, I was in love with that process. Time flew. I didn't even have to eat because I was so enthralled in the thing that I love, and I just challenge you to write down 10 things. And every single time you think of her, just do something that you love to do and allow that to lead you. Hopefully, it inspires other actions or unlocks other doors to help you to move beyond that.

Troy Washington:

Go ahead, Jay.


And this is the cool thing about this whole situation, right? So we give meaning. I say this all the time. We give meaning to everything in the world. Like, this podcast means something to me.


It's something that I associated with myself. Like, you you can't make it mean something. I have to we we all do this for ourselves. So everybody we're interacting with, we're not even really interacting with them. We're interacting with our idea of them.


And so Man. You loving this this woman, you're actually seeing a part of yourself. Like, you're you're loving who you get to be, the idea of who you get to be, with her or around her. And so even if that if you can even realize that it's still you that you're loving, like, you're worthy of this love, I feel like that that can help you too because it it's there's no separation between us and what we interact with. Because, again, we are the filters of everything.


We are the ones giving me meaning to it all. So you're you're seeing this other aspect of yourself that is worthy of love that you get to express that you get to to feel. And, and again, that's why I say fill it. Like, however, it feels whatever form it comes in, just be in it. Like, don't don't try to force it.


Don't try to distract yourself away. Just surrender to it, and you will be guided for the for the rest.

Troy Washington:

Man, when I tell you that you hit that, the the the the perfect words and this is not just for him now. This is all of us. We're loving who we get to be or who we think we get to be when we're with that person or that thing. The reason why I had to bring that back is because forced action is just we're in love with the thoughts of who we think or what we think we're going to where we think we're gonna be at once this action is done. And, man, you hit that, bro.

Troy Washington:

Like, you hit the nail on the head with that. And, Tim, if you're going to define things that's what that's what I said earlier. If I'm going to be able to give something a positive or a negative and, again, this is just based off of me. Why am I not going to say that whenever I'm around Jay Clay, which is the reason why me and him go hard like, it the reason why I think that me and him are so tight together, me we have such, of a connection is because my own thought process I don't know what that could be, honestly, other than if we literally voice it to each other. But my own thought process is, man, we are a hybrid.

Troy Washington:

Together, we go hard. And the reason why I know J. Clay is shaking his head because I know that he's heard me say this a meal times. My own thought process is with this person, I go hard. So when I'm around them, it all it it doesn't matter what how he acts or what he does.

Troy Washington:

I'm always good. It's the same thing in a relationship or when you're with your friends. When you're going out if if you if you're going out in with a group of people, you can literally say, we go hard tonight. And when you go hard, everything around you like, you you will feel that energy. You're making you're setting the stage for yourself of what it's supposed to be.

Troy Washington:

So I bro, you you hit the nail on the head with that, and I just love the fact that you said loving who we think or what we think.


And it's funny because again, it works the other way. Like, you could be going out with a group of people you like, it's gonna suck because so and so don't be there. And what happens? Because again, you gave you gave meaning to it. That's what's gonna play out, instead of surrendering and saying, hey, even though being this person might not have got along before, I don't know what this means.


This could be something new. This could be a new opportunity. I surrender to the moment. I'm gonna I'm gonna allow whatever to be. And when you do that, again, it changes things drastically.

Troy Washington:

So I'm gonna bring something back to inspired action based off of what we're talking about. Yeah. Why not when you have the inspired action to bring intentionality to it, define every way that you like you would like it to be. So I'm inspired to write right now, and I can say, man, I'm finna write. This is finna open up all the doors to everything else that I was looking for.

Troy Washington:

And then just write. You know what I mean? But if I'm inspired to write, of course. Right? Like, having that positive definition of of everything to come.

Troy Washington:

Go ahead, Jay.


Yeah. Right. But but but no forced expectation. Like, no can No expectation. Right.


Like like a general expectation. That's cool. Because it's it's like the details can be whatever. And and I'm with you there. Like, you get to define it that way.


Like, every time I write, it does something good for me. And and it it can, like, even like, you can instantly get receive that, and that's just enough to have that that after effect, that ripple effect.

Troy Washington:

You know, the reason why I I know this to be true is because throughout the years that we've been working out and stuff, I've literally said over and over again, at the end of the run, I feel so good. I said that. Right? And the funny thing is, often do you hear me say in the middle of my run or when I run, I feel great. And that's a definition.

Troy Washington:

Like, I'm I'm defining that at the end. This is how I feel when I can really say that anytime. Shout out to Betty from Brooklyn.


Yeah. Yeah.

Troy Washington:

Yeah. I got


it. Yeah. But that's that's the beauty of it all. Like, we really don't have to do anything because we're because when we we take that approach, we're gonna be inspired to do everything. And it it is when you had an inspired action, you just do it differently.


Like, you you you do it a lot differently than that forced action. Even if you got a day job, like, if if somebody like you gotta do this this way like this, you're not happy about it. It's not gonna be no love and joy in it. So the results won't have love and joy in it. But if, like, you have just an inspiring idea even at work and you like, oh, I'm a work on this.


I'm not gonna tell nobody. Like, it it will have positive effects. Not not even not even if you recognize for it. Just you know that you're capable of these things now because you you followed this action.

Troy Washington:

Again, just practical ex explanation, bro. Just you and me alone. Many times going out to the club, we was like, I already wanna do this. And it was not it was not what we wanted. And there has been times when we were like, oh, we turning up today.

Troy Washington:

And we went and we had the most again, the expectation of what really is gonna happen, we had no clue how it was gonna turn out. But because we define us, ourself, me I he might've said it, and I might've said it to myself. He might've said, man, this is gonna be turned up, and it it, transferred to me. And I was like, man, this is gonna turn up. So we both had that same belief.

Troy Washington:

When we got there, I don't know. We turned it up. We turned it up because we said how it was going to be. Our intentions were not it was inspired. And it's just it's just one of those beautiful things, bro.

Troy Washington:

But go ahead, Dave.


Yeah. Yeah. I I agree. We were inspired just be because of what we set for each other. Like, that intention that we said, they're like, okay.


Cool. This it's gonna be what it is. And and even even that, even when we didn't wanna go to the club, we surrender to the moment that, okay, we're going. There's nothing we can do about it. Guide us in a sense, you know, like like Here

Troy Washington:

it's how it go.


We we're we're gonna be searching for opportunities to make this fun. And it's not often people do that. Like, sometimes people like, I'm not gonna have fun no matter what. I I'll prove to you so much that this is not fun that I won't have fun. Like and it's like you're you're doing yourself a disservice when you could just just let go.

Troy Washington:

I I again, I know we're saying let go, bro, but I love the fact of looking for fun. And the reason why I say that is because the way that I look at it is I don't even say looking for fun in my mind. I say looking for myself because there is a version of me that I want to see in all instances no matter what. Right? That means, like, whenever I show up to the club, there is something that could make me happy.

Troy Washington:

There's something of me there, but I can literally be shut off from it. And that's a forced action that, like, being shut off is forced. That is forced. That's the reason why I salute him loud for a crime because you can shut yourself off. You can cut it's it's not of you.

Troy Washington:

So, you know, I I salute you on that, man. It's just it's real good that you were able to be yourself. Go ahead, Jay.


And I'm so grateful, though, that I learned that lesson as a young kid, with my sisters. Like, they like they might do something to me before I went to bed or something. I'm mad. I'm sad. I'm like, man, I'm never gonna be I'm never gonna forgive them or something like that.


But then the next day, they might have an inspired action idea that it's like, dang, I can stay being mad at them, or I could just have, you know, fun right now. It's like, dang. I'm gonna have fun. You're forgiven. And it it it's because again, like, you surrender to the moment, and we we we all have experiences like that.


We've done this as a kid. It's just something in us as adults. We we allow society to teach us that, like, no, you can't forgive people. You can't you have to always be mad and hold this grudge and and and do this. And it's that's not the case.


So yeah. And shout out to, Imla. He said, I I loved her, sir. I really loved her. Love does not have to be a past tense lover.


Even though even if she's not with you, it's you can still love her. Like, you you get to love, which is a privilege and is is is beautiful.

Troy Washington:

Yep. I mean, I I again, I don't I don't know. Like I said, I told TJ the same thing. Like, bro, you can like whoever you wanna like. Like her.

Troy Washington:

That don't I mean, this is it's fine. This don't have expectations, but why is your like, in my mind, and this is what I try to tell him, whenever I think about love, I think about being happy. That's just me. So just be happy. Like, if you're in like, if don't wanna love you, then I wanna say that she's missing out on anything.

Troy Washington:

But if I'm gonna give you something, she's missing out on the love that she could be having as well. And that's just kinda how it go.


That's on her. You

Troy Washington:

that's on her. But you being a look like look. I love a lot of people, but I don't love them romantically. And I don't have an expectation for them, but I just love them. And guess what?

Troy Washington:

They love me back. I just I get to and be happy myself. Man, I love man, I love Clay. Man, I love Betty. Man, I love them.

Troy Washington:

They love me back cool for them, but if they don't, that's their fault. They don't love me. They don't got nothing to do with me. You know what I'm saying? So, you know, it's okay.

Troy Washington:

It's okay. It's it is really okay. And I I and I understand the sentiment of wanting to be loved back romantically in that way. But guess what? Everybody gotta find that in their time because it could have been a time with this person.

Troy Washington:

You just don't know that they were with this person, and they were in love with you because and and they were with that person because they couldn't have you. We don't know, you know, if it's not truly expressed. So just be okay with your love and your sadness and your crying in and out because you are the number one and the most important thing. You deserve to be able to feel all emotions. Go ahead, Jay.


And and and just this is start wrapping things up. The most important thing that you can do for yourself is getting yourself in a state where you can allow yourself to receive inspired action. And again, that's a it it's almost a state of thoughtlessness where you where you calm your mind, still your mind, and you don't have to do anything elaborate to do that. Like, you don't have to sit still and meditate unless you want to. You you could you could just you could be taking a shower and going for a walk.


It could just be just sitting still, relaxing, like, any any anything for that. But if you especially if you have something that you need to do, like, something like, man, I feel like I'm stuck. I need to do this. Don't figure out a solution. Figure out a way to get into that state to receive the inspired action, and the solution will come to you.


But yeah. Go ahead.

Troy Washington:

Say this. I know we gotta get out of here. This is how Troy figures out his inspired actions versus his forced actions. If I think that I wanna do something and then the moment I decided I'm a do it, I don't wanna do it, that's not something that I'm inspired to do. I'm just letting you know.

Troy Washington:

It's still because there are things that come to the top of my mind because I'm forcing myself to overthink. And if I decide, okay. This is the top of my mind and I don't wanna do it, it's not inspired. But I tell y'all, man, I'm grateful. I I'm grateful for this conversation.

Troy Washington:

I'm grateful for my boy, Jay. Grateful to be here because without y'all, we wouldn't be doing this. We can do something, but we definitely will be here. But, thank y'all for helping us realize our perfection as well. So, Jay, you can go ahead and take us out, brother.


Yeah. Appreciate y'all again. If you found this helpful, hit that share button, like, subscribe, all that good stuff. Check out our Patreon. It's dope.


We got shirts coming. Some more shirts coming. But, anyway, appreciate all y'all. And remember, your perfect creation made by a perfect creator, so you might as well accept your perfection into perfect mode. Yeah.


If I reminded you that you are perfect, would you argue me down or step into your perfection perfection perfection? Welcome to perfect welcome to perfect where there are no excuses, no expectations, and we explore the world without limitations. I'm Jay Clay, rapper, rapper, and spiritual teacher

Troy Washington:



Perfect. Perfect. Perfect.