...But God

1 Peter 4: 7-8

Creators & Guests

Chad McBeam
Business Leader, Foster Advocate and Fighter of Human Trafficking, Chad enjoys hosting this podcast channel as a way to spread and highlight the great examples of those who live out their faith daily. He can also be seen on occasion on your TV or Film Screen or be heard narrating one of your books as his love of acting has stuck with him since his childhood.
Aaron Marcarelli
After getting his under-graduate degree from Cal State University San Bernardino where he played college baseball and received all American honors. he was a graduate assistant baseball coach at both Trevecca Nazarene College in Nashville, Tennessee, and at Whitworth University in Spokane, Washington.  He received his master’s degree in Teaching from Whitworth, with plans to someday be a head baseball coach at a university.  However, God had other plans.  Aaron started teaching English and History and coaching baseball and other sports at the high school level and found out how much he loves high school kids, and he has been doing that for the past 27 years.     Personally, heI has been married to his wife Sharon for 32 years, they have one daughter, Amanda Parrish, who has been married to Austin Parrish for 2 years. Aaron also has two grandsons Travis age 2 ½ and Aden who is 13 months and are blessed to have another on the way due in May. Aaron loves reading, golfing, and spending time with his wife and grandkids.
Linda Cowen
Linda Cowen of San Antonio Christian School is our gracious and talented art designer for the But God, weekday morning devotional series.

What is ...But God?

A weekday morning devotional series written by Aaron Marcarelli and hosted by Chad McBeam

“The end of all things is near; therefore, be of sound judgment and sober spirit for the purpose of prayer. Above all, keep fervent in your love for one another, because love covers a multitude of sins.”
1 Peter 4:7-8 NASB2020
Notice what Peter says about how we are to be of sound judgment and of sober spirit, it is only through prayer. That is the purpose of prayer. Prayer helps us to seek and harness the power of the Holy Spirit. How often did Jesus seek solitude and go off and pray? Too many times for me to count. Jesus was praying constantly. Prayer helps us to be strong and courageous, it helps us get through difficulties and gives us joy and helps us celebrate the triumphs. Prayers help us not to fear. 366 times the Bible tells us not to fear. One time for each day of the year including leap year. God knows we need him.
God answers our prayers! Sharon and I have been praying for a couple of months for guidance of when we should move out of our rental house that we have been in almost a year. We were praying that the owner would give us a 6 month lease. But he said he would only offer a year lease or a month to month. The month to month was way too much $. We really wanted to move in 6 months. God has other plans, and we could see he wants us to stay. We are resigned to sign the year lease. As soon as we decided to stay another year God gave us confirmation. Sharon met our next door neighbor and began talking to her. She and her husband are from Germany and don’t have any friends, so Sharon invited them over for dinner. God is so good. God answered our prayer, living here is not what we wanted, but it is clearly what God wants. We could clearly see that answer because we were fervently seeking God and His will for us.
Jesus did this on a much greater scale in the garden of Gethsemane. My mom explained it this way in reference to Peter 4:1 in response to Monday’s devotional, she explained, “when Jesus asked the Father to relieve Him from the suffering of the cross, what was His bottom line? He said that nevertheless He wanted to do the Father's will. Notice He didn't say "Well, because salvation will come to hundreds of millions because of my sacrifice-so I'll do it." Jesus first & foremost wanted to obey the Father. Obey Him because He loved the Father.” Here is what Jesus said in prayer at the hour of His greatest need “And He went a little beyond them, and fell on His face and prayed, saying, “My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me; yet not as I will, but as You will.”
Matthew 26:39 NASB2020.
The only way we can truly trust God, not fear and know His will, is through prayer, supplication and meditation upon His Holy word.
Lord thank you for giving us Jesus as the perfect example of your follower. In all things he sought you and your perfect will. Thank you for His sacrifice on the cross, which gives us the forgiveness of sins, and thank you for his resurrection which gives us eternal life with you! Help us to always fervently seek you and your will for our lives. Help us also to live and love like Jesus so we can boldly proclaim your name without fear. We pray all this in Jesus Name Amen…