Perpetual Success

In this episode of the Perpetual Success Podcast, join Ondine D as we explore the emotional highs and lows that accompany high achievement. Discover the paradox of reaching the peak of success only to find a void that asks, 'What now?'
  • Understand the emotional cycle high achievers experience from their intense pursuits of success to the anticlimactic feelings that can follow.
  • Learn about the dangers of relying on external validation to sustain feelings of success and how it can lead to stagnation and frustration.
  • Gain insights into how to reframe perspectives on success and the importance of internal validation.
Featured Stories:
  • Hear about Julia's experience with her team's mismatched energy levels post-success and how it sparked a revelation about celebrating and striving for more.
  • Discover strategies from expert sources like Carol S. Dweck’s "Mindset" and Angela Duckworth’s "Grit" on how to maintain a growth mindset and foster perseverance.
Join Us: Engage with the perpetual success community by sharing your own experiences on Instagram @ondine.d or respond directly to this podcast’s call to action by sharing how you navigate the high achiever's emotional roller coaster.

Subscribe & Review: Love the Perpetual Success Podcast? Don't forget to subscribe and leave a review on Apple Podcasts to help us reach more people striving for success.

Special Sponsor Thanks: This episode is sponsored by Randall M. Zamora Mentoring. Looking to make the leap into entrepreneurship or expand your business with clarity and strategy? Visit for a free strategic assessment call.
  • (00:00) - Introduction
  • (00:32) - Welcome address
  • (01:32) - Understanding the Challenge
  • (02:56) - The Pitfalls of External Validation
  • (05:19) - Resolution: Reframing and Internal Validation
  • (06:56) - Insights
  • (10:52) - CANE Mindset shifting questions
  • (14:37) - Call to Action
  • (15:14) - Closing segment

Creators & Guests

Ondine D.

What is Perpetual Success?

Chart your path to an extraordinary life of endless achievements with practical tips, powerful insights, and inspiring stories in each episode led by Mindset Transformation Leader, Ondine D.. Let's set our compass for Perpetual Success together!

00;00;05;07 - 00;00;07;20
standing at the peak of your achievement,

00;00;07;20 - 00;00;11;05
surrounded by the applause
and acclaim you've worked tirelessly for.

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Yet in that moment of triumph,
a whisper of emptiness

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echoes, asking, what now?

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This is the paradox of success.

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A journey both exhilarating and at times

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unexpectedly hollow.

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Welcome to the Perpetual Success Podcast,

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where we explore
the highs and lows of achieving greatness.

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I'm Ondine Dean.

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I'm your guide
through the relentless pursuit of success.

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we explore the emotional rollercoaster

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that high achievers, artists,
athletes, visions, crews

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ride in their quest for the next peak.

00;00;59;22 - 00;01;03;03
This episode is brought to you
by Random Zamora Mentoring.

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If you're passionate about serving others
and wellness

00;01;07;05 - 00;01;10;12
and are looking to make the move
to entrepreneurship

00;01;10;22 - 00;01;13;22
or would like to grow your existing

00;01;14;05 - 00;01;18;26
Randall's mentoring is exactly what you
need to gain clarity and to capitalize.

00;01;19;03 - 00;01;20;09

00;01;20;09 - 00;01;25;19
Visit Randall M's a more icon n book
a free strategy course assessment.

00;01;25;19 - 00;01;25;26

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So today we're talking about

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riding their high achievers
roller coaster of emotions.

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High achievers are no strangers
to that cycle of setting ambitious

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goals, pouring
heart and soul into their endeavor,

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and experiencing
the rush of surpassing them.

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And what follows.

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Success can often feel like an end
to combining for it.

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A moment where time seems to pause

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and the question what's next looms large.

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So let's talk about that peak of success
and the subsequent quest

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for what comes next.

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It's like being in an amusement park,
and you've been on a roller coaster,

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and the spiral climb,

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the rush of the peak, quickly
give way to the search for the next ride.

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You're never fully satisfied
that roller coaster was amazing.

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But what is faster,
bigger, greater gives you more.

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Just more.

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So we try to fill this void
very often with celebrations

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and external validations.

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We're looking for applause, accolades,
going up with people,

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collecting press review,
watching them, rewatching it.

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It's just a temporary fix
to permanent quest for full female.

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You can't let go of
that moment of exhilaration.

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And you're trying to fill this void

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now, relying on external validation

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to extend that peak moment

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may lead us into two traps

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one stagnation in our comfort zone,
and two frustration

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with our support system
pushing us for more.

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What do I mean by stagnation
in our comfort zone?

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Think of a music or movie star
who had one big hit only in their career.

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They had this one successful movie
or recording.

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There were celebrate it everywhere.

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They were invited to events,
and those moments

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were extending
the rush and pleasure of success.

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It can lead us to think, hey, I made it.

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This is it.

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I'm here.

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And the pitfall is that during
your next project, you forget to put in

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what made you successful
in the first place the motivation to drive

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and the discipline that allowed you
to create something extraordinary.

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These are replaced by comfort and comfort

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is what led you to your result
before your big success.

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That's one reason
why repeat success is so hard.

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It's very tempting to just let yourself

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be drawn by the applause

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I mentioned.

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The second pitfall it's

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not exclusive to the first one.

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That second pitfall
is to develop frustration

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with our support system,
pushing us for more.

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This is actually quite interesting
because it's

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the reason I wanted to do this
podcast in the first place.

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I was speaking with a client, let's call
her Julia.

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Julia mentioned
that she had just completed a work project

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with great results.

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Julia wanted to celebrate for a few days,
but the next day

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her team was focused on working harder

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and smarter to get even better result.

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At their next milestone,
there was a complete disconnect of energy

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state between Julia, who was imagine
imagining a laid back celebratory day,

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and her team,
who had celebrated and moved on.

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And guess what?

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Both parts thought they were right.

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And both were right.

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It's a delicate balance
between savoring success

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internally and externally, and thriving

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for growth internally.

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The key is to reframe
our perspective on success

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and to reframe
the role of those around us.

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If you've created

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a truly supportive
support system around you,

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then you must recognize
that they are not pushing you for more.

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Just for the sake of it,
they're celebrating your potential

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by challenging you to stretch further.

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Think of it for a second.

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Is it truly supportive
to let you slide into your comfort zone

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when they know that you're
in the perfect place to leverage

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your recent success
to push yourself for more?

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No, it is not supporting you.

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You will have people telling you
that you're right to celebrate longer

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and that you can work harder later.

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These people are people pleasers.

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These people are with you
because you make them feel good.

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They want to support who you are,

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not who you are becoming.

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As you become more successful.

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You'll notice
many people fall into that category.

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And those people will slow you down
and hold you back.

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This is why your internal validation
must have the loudest voice.

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You need to learn to celebrate
and keep working for more.

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At the same time.

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Maintaining perpetual

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success is about finding
internal validation

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and learning to embrace the push
for continuous growth

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as a form of love and belief
in your potential.

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At the end of the day,
it's about finding satisfaction in journey

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as much as
in the accomplishments of your life.

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There are reasons why it matters so much

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to find more satisfaction in the journey
that in the result.

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And it's not a gimmick
to make you lower the bar of your goals.

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And it's not some kind of feel good
sentence that it's all about the journey.

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It's actually quite the opposite.

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Let's take a practical example.

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Olympic champions.

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They train Billy and their training
consist of intense, consistent,

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focused action that are meant to generate
a specific result

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as they keep training
and adopting the training as necessary.

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Their chances of succeeding increase.

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Keep in mind
that this view is quite recent.

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Not so long ago,
we believed that people were either

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or not capable of great things or not.

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The book
Mindset The New Psychology of Success

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by Carl Dweck, helps us understand
how many high achievers were

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not spotted as talented
and where underdogs.

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According to our model,
these individuals have a growth mindset,

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meaning they believe that abilities

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can be developed
through dedication and hard work.

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This mindset become essential

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while facing challenges
and overcoming setbacks.

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If you succumb to the series
of extending your celebrations

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through external validation,
you start shifting into a fixed mindset.

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Stop thinking I'm there.

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I do not need to work hard anymore and
you won't see the next challenge coming.

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You'll find it impossible to overcome.

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Buster Douglas after beating Mike Tyson.

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If you want an example.

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Of growth mindset alone

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isn't sufficient to keep you going.

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Angela Duckworth in her book
‘Grit’ emphazises

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the importance of Passion and perseverance
over in our own talent.

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Think of it for a second.

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If you don't enjoy the training,
you'll likely work less inconsistently.

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You won't give it your full attention,
or you'll quit altogether.

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When you enjoy what you're doing in a way
or another, you'll stick to it.

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I love that Angela Duckworth.

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Passion and perseverance.

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Passion alone is not sufficient.

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Often you have to do hard things
that you don't love

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in order
to push yourself to the next level.

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Many high achievers

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have developed a habit of doing one thing
every day that they don't really

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want to do, and congratulate themselves
for accomplishing this task.

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This is a mindset

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trick to remind yourself
that you can be perseverant,

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and you are the kind of person
who sticks to your own commitment.

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So I highly recommend
you implement this practice, as it will

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serve you both to persevere on your way
to your next accomplishment.

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And as you celebrate and feel drawn
by the sirens of the applause.

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You'll push your limits
only if there is satisfaction

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in both the process

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and the results, but you don't really have
direct control over the results.

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They're a consequence of your work

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and sometimes other external factors.

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So you want to maximize the size fraction
of going through the process.

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So you keep going at it.

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By doing so you transform the ups
and downs of your success journey

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into a roller coaster
where going down is incredibly fun.

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Going up brings up
a strange sense of exciting apprehension,

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and being up there is like
time has stopped for a moment

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and you know you'll go down.

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It'll be incredibly fun again.

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Your listeners today for our mindset
shifting questions,

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I want to focus on the dynamic between
our desire to celebrate our achievements

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and those people who push us towards

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Let's address the emotional complexities

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and the search for external validation
using our keen system.

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And for those of you who are new
to this podcast, the Kane system is used

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to navigate your way
through perpetual success.

00;11;23;08 - 00;11;27;02
Kane is an acronym
to describe the four simple phases

00;11;27;02 - 00;11;31;22
that you can rely
on, any time you need to take a next step.

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These four simple phases are clarify,

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act, network, and your.

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When things get hard or when things are
so great, you don't know what to do.

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You clarify why you're here
and why are you going.

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You act and do the hard things.

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You network for the resources
to keep going and you endure.

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Where's resilience?

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So let's girls of perpetual success keen

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to navigate the roller coasters
of high achievement.

00;12;03;04 - 00;12;04;27
First off, clarify.

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Here's a question for you to clarify.

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Why are you here and why are you going?

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Can you identify moments

00;12;13;20 - 00;12;17;20
when external pressure actually propelled
you forward,

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even if it felt uncomfortable at the time?

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I would even say especially
if it felt uncomfortable at the time.

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Can you identify moments
where external pressure

00;12;29;29 - 00;12;32;25
actually propelled you forward?

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This will help you acknowledge
the beneficial outcomes

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of these external pressures.

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Now, once you're clear on why you're here

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and where you're going, let's focus on
what should what we should do.

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What are the hard things? Act.

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What steps
can you take to internalize validation

00;12;53;28 - 00;12;57;22
and celebrate your achievements
independent of external problem?

00;13;02;03 - 00;13;03;29
You want to focus here on building

00;13;03;29 - 00;13;07;19
internal mechanisms
for recognition and celebration.

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That's going to be crucial
for the rest of your journey.

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Now let's network.

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Think about who in your life consistently.

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Consistently I repeat consistently
challenges you to grow.

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And how can you view their behavior
as a form of support

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rather than pressure?

00;13;31;23 - 00;13;34;20
Who in your life
consistently challenges you to grow?

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And how can you view their behavior
as a form of support rather than pressure?

00;13;39;28 - 00;13;43;12
You want to shift perspective
on the intentions behind those

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who are pushing you

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because like, truly,
they're your support system

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and your.

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Let's take a moment here.

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When feeling pushed beyond

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your comfort zone by others,
what strategies

00;14;01;06 - 00;14;05;02
can you employ to maintain your inner
peace and focus on growth?

00;14;06;27 - 00;14;09;06
So you probably know
what you're currently doing

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when feeling pushed by others
to go beyond your confidence on

00;14;14;26 - 00;14;20;07
what new strategy can you employ to maintain your inner peace and focus on growth?

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Because here's the thing.

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Like you want to think
about those strategies

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right now when you're calm, it's
not going to happen on the moment,

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on the moment
you're going to default back to your,

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usual responses.

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Now, dear listeners, as you know, I'm

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extremely curious,
so I would love for you to share with me

00;14;44;11 - 00;14;50;23
how you implementing these new techniques
and these strategies into your life.

00;14;50;23 - 00;14;53;12
How are you implementing the change system
in your life?

00;14;53;12 - 00;14;55;28
I invite you all to connect on Instagram.

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My handle is add on the indie.

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Join me.

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Be part of a community

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of like minded people on your journey
through perpetual success.

00;15;05;19 - 00;15;08;29
If you feel a bit shy to share
all of those things on social media,

00;15;08;29 - 00;15;13;24
feel free to send me an email online
at Perpetual Success dot coach.

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Navigating the successful rollercoaster.

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Remember, the journey doesn't flatten
after each achievement.

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Instead, it's about embracing each phase,

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the peak,
the time for you, the fall and the climb.

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Embrace each phase

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as integral parts
of your perpetual success story.

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More importantly,
it's about transforming the whole success

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into a moment of curiosity.

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Next week, we'll talk about nurturing

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growth as a successful high achiever.

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And one last thing.

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Do you want to unlock the treasure
trove of exclusive content, personalized

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insights, and a closer look at the journey
through ritual success?

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Then sign up for the newsletter
at Perpetual Success

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dot coach slash newsletter.

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It's not just another email,
it's your weekly compass

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to navigate the path of success
with precision

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and clarity.

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Chart your path

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to remaining perpetual
success today and every day.