Wake Up Classy 97 The Podcast

Wake Up Classy 97 with Josh & Chantel from Wednesday, October 23rd, 2024 / It's our 100th episode!!! Boo baskets are a bit much, what would you do with unlimited PTO, there’s a lot of noise so why not try silence, Josh’s hands smell like Ramen, what do you think your spouse’s voice sounds like, Josh is going to shave off his eyebrows, Chantel built a little craft cart, we’re spending too much money on batteries, can we slap each other at work, remember magazines, Chantel grew up in a bowling alley, and goldfish crackers are not good no matter what you call them.

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This is wake up classy 97, the podcast, a replay of today's full show. And Chantel, today is a very special day. Why is it a special day? Because it's our 1 hundredth episode. Let's go.

Big 100, 100 episodes of Wake Up Classy 97. We've been making the podcast now since mid May. Congratulations to you. Congratulations to you. I tip the hat, madam.

I tip the hat like this. What's going on on today's show? It's Josh and Chantel, and it's Wednesday, October 23rd. Today on the show, boo baskets are a bit much. Yeah.

Don't set yourself up for this disappointment. What would you do with unlimited paid time off? Now you said you would just Unlimited. Use it all the time. Unlimited.

That's just not having a job. Yeah. That's fine. You're gonna get terminated, and then you're gonna be on permanent vacation. Couldn't give me unlimited.

To as a benefit so that you could feel like you had control of your time off. Settle down. There's a lot of noise, so why not try silence? Yeah. It might do some of us some good.

You know, maybe. Josh's hands smell like ramen. Yeah. Wanna smell? No.

What do you think your spouse's voice sounds like? What do you think your voice sounds like? You got a little English there. I don't know. I don't know why.

My name's Joanne. My name's Chantel. Josh is gonna shave off his eyebrows. I don't think that's a great idea. I built a little craft cart.

We're spending too much money on batteries. Yeah. What's the deal? Can you slow the battery roll? Just take them out during the day.

No. Too much work. Can we slap each other at work? No. Probably not.

Remember magazines? Yeah. I do. Do you? Yes.

I do. Mhmm. I grew up in a bowling alley. Yeah. Yes.

You did. I did. And Goldfish crackers are not good no matter what you call them. And what do we call them? Chilean sea bass.

Happy 100 episodes. Thanks for checking out the show. You can hear it live every weekday morning on Classy 97 and on the free Classy 97 app. Just download that in your app store. If you're new to the podcast, welcome aboard.

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Mhmm. Mhmm. It's Wednesday. What? It's early.

Mhmm. Mhmm. Mhmm. What? I don't know.

Why? I don't know. It's it's kind of a fun way to open the show Is it? With some mhmm. Mhmm.

You knew it'd be happening on a Wednesday. Did I? Yeah. It is, National Mole Day. Like, the animal?

Yep. Okay. Not the skin tags. Is that I don't know if that's what they're classified as. I think skin tag's its own thing.

Let's look up mole definition. Alright. You do that. Well, I tell you, it's also National Paralegal Day and National Boston Cream Pie Day. Now Go ahead.

The Boston cream pie they have a picture of here looks like a giant moon pie. Moon pies are so delicious. I know. But there's no marshmallow in there. Just that Bavarian Boston cream custard.

Oh, so good. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I want some of that.

It's international snow leopard day. Hold on. Sorry. I'm looking up moles. Yeah.

Double task. Also, it could be moles like if you were a spy, like an undercover spy. Not that. No. How do you know?

Because it has a picture of the animal, and it says in the world of atoms, there's a magical number that gives substance to chemistry's dance, a secret ingredient to understanding matter's recipe. I don't know what that has anything to do with a mole. I don't either. You know how when you Google something and then it gives you, like, the top questions? Uh-huh.

This one says, is it attractive to have moles? Moles, often confused for beauty marks, can be attractive, But there are some people who have the unfortunate luck to get moles that are not so pretty to look at. I didn't yeah. Alright. Like, witches.

Here's here's the deal. Mole day is not about the animal. It is not about the skin, thing you're talking about. Yeah. What is it?

It is celebrating is it Avogadro's number, which is 6.02 times 10 to the 23rd power. It is the basic measuring unit in chemistry. National Mole Day was created as a way It's not the animal or the skin tag at all. No. Again, skin tag's not it.

I don't know what it is then. Anyway, it's a chemistry thing. Oh. Uh-huh. Okay.

One mole Well, I'm gonna stop looking. One mole is a mass in grams whose number number is equal to the atomic mass of the molecule. It goes on. Yes. He started getting real smart, and then I stopped paying attention.

That's fine. It is chemistry week, so that would make sense that mole day would be during chemistry week. It's croc day. Oh, no. The shoe.

Not the animal. Not the gator? Not the crocodile. Dang it. The shoe.

Croc Hunter Day. No. That's not today. It's just croc day. Crikey.

Crikey? That was my best impression. Listen. I've been hearing it all morning What? Since we started talking a few minutes ago.

National TV talk show host day, and it is the iPad day as well. Your favorite TV talk show host? More importantly, who was your mom's favorite TV talk show host? Because you know that your mom had TV talk show host. My mom loved Sally Jesse Raphael and Phil Donahue and Oprah.

Yeah. It's probably the same list. What happened? What? I just had something a tickle in my throat.

Alright. It's the same list. Everybody watched red glasses, not a you know, gray suit and, and and a big hair. I don't know. They're like the Mount Rushmore.

Are they? Yeah. You're missing one, though. Maripovich, probably. I bet.

Montel. No. I don't think. What Jerry. Jerry.

Jerry. Yeah. What was his last name? Springer. Springer.

Yeah. That's right. Alright. Good morning. It's Josh Chantel.

There is a trend right now called boo baskets. Alright. I have opinions. Oh, you do. I have thoughts.

What are your thoughts and opinions? Why are you doing this to yourselves? I know. I know. I know.

You're setting yourself up. Yes. You are. Because here's what I know, about things that we do to ourselves. Mhmm.

You overpromise. You overpromise. And then you burn out. And then yes. Absolutely.

And then the next year With setting yourself up. People are like, oh, I've come to expect that thing that you did last year. And you go, oh, I don't wanna do that thing that I did last year. Let's take for example, a tradition started in our house for birthdays. And now as our kids are older, they go to bed later.

And it's not as easy It's not as easy. To do. But it is kind of easy. So It's not hard. What Josh is talking about is when when my kids were very little, I thought it would be cute to crepe paper their door Mhmm.

While they were sleeping so that they could wake up on their birthday and bust through the crepe paper. And where did you see this on the Internet? I don't know. Yeah. I don't You may remember.

My kids were lit they were little, so, you know, early mid 2000. The Internet was just a baby then. Yeah. So I don't know. I don't know where I saw it.

It has turned into it's super fun, and the kids have, like, learned to expect it, and they get excited about it. Yeah. At one point, Emory even said, I can't wait to go to bed so you can start crepe papering my door. I know. And then complained because we were being too loud.

Yes. So now that they're older, they know it's coming, and so I don't necessarily have to be secretive about it or wait until I think they're asleep. I'll just I'll be like, go to bed so I can decorate your door. And I'll be like, okay. Oh, good.

It's a big deal. So this boo basket Yeah. I I feel like especially Halloween, and I've said this before, you're Halloween ed out by the time Halloween arrives. It's true. Between the decorations, the school parties, the trunk or treats, the Buick zoos.

Yeah. The the running around town in your costume, the trick or treating at the Home Depot, whatever you see. Yeah. There's so many Halloween activities that you're already Yeah. The hay rides, the apple picking.

Like, I'm not saying any of these are bad, but you're so wiped out. You do get the most to celebrate. You do get the most value out of your costume if you hit up all those places. That's true. So if you're gonna spend $50 or more on a costume, you might as well go to all the things.

Wear yourself out too. If you don't know what a boo basket is, this is a a basket that you It's a bucket. It's a bucket or a basket that you fill with special treats for the loved ones in your life. I've seen men doing it for their wives on TikToks where they put in a candle and Yeah. A coffee card and a blanket and just cozy things.

Yeah. If you're doing it for your kids, it's like fun little Halloween treats and come on. I don't know. What are we doing to ourselves? I feel like it's just too much.

If you wanna do it, that's fine. No shame. What, I'm not gonna be partaking of the food that you started this to sell more stuff in Halloween? Exactly. It's gonna get out of control.

I I'm telling you. We're gonna go, hey. People want this stuff. We're gonna we're gonna start making all this extra stuff, and then you're gonna feel like you have to do it. Right.

And then you're gonna wish you hadn't. End up in a landfill. And There's too much making our people not healthy. We got too much stuff in our world. Too much stuff and too much sugar.

But is it also just influencers that are like That's insane. Here's my boo basket. See how my boo basket is better than your boo basket. It is. 100%.

And then there's gonna be boo basket sections of stores set up with all the stuff. They're gonna they're gonna bring out all the Halloween colored Easter grass. You know, they're already making this stuff. This stuff is already happening. They're going like, oh, people want this.

Let's get it in the stores. I do not expect a boo basket from you, Josh. I don't want one. Does that no. Now listen.

No. No. No. No. No.

That this is not a trap. I don't need more crap in my life. I'm telling you right now. Okay. Very good.

Sounds good. I'm trying to declutter our house, not get more. Well, I we have enough blankets. I have enough mugs. I don't need any candy.

I I don't need any of this. Okay. Good to know. This is not a trick. You bought me a a package of mints.

I'll count that. There we go. And you got a thing of Carmex. So we we good? Yes.

Alright. Win win. You know when you're, like, getting, excited about some luck you might have Yes. And and you, you decide, hey. I'm gonna go down to the store, and I'm gonna test my luck.

I'm gonna I'm gonna grab a lottery ticket and just see what happens. Okay. There's a guy in Illinois, who was picking up groceries at the grocery store, and he said, I'm gonna, run over and I'm gonna buy a lottery ticket. But the machine got stuck on the lotto game instead of the choice that he wanted to make. Oh, no.

And so he couldn't buy the ticket that he wanted, and so he was like, well, he was frustrated. His wife, he said my wife and I are now laughing about how angry I was about the broken machine. Turns out He won. He won $9,200,000 Come on. Yeah.

Buddy. Because the machine was broken, and he had to get a different kind of ticket and then ended up winning $9,000,000. Yeah. Who's laughing now? Yeah.

He said I was frustrated, but I bought a ticket anyway. And it turns out that was a good move because, when he scanned his ticket the next day, $9,200,000. What it does when you win $9,200,000 because Yeah. And then this is in Illinois, how it works. In Idaho, they scan it.

It goes, woo. Like that when you win. It's very exciting. I know if you win a buck, it does that. But if you win 9.2, I would hope that it would be better than that.

It makes the same noise. It's one noise. Yeah. 9,200,000 because he was frustrated at a broken machine and was like, well, I'm gonna spend my money anyway. I already put it in there.

Buy this. And he got, he got real lucky. Good job, bud. He he wishes to remain anonymous as would I. Would you?

I would remain anonymous. Yes. Now there'd be signs. What kind of signs? Oh, people would know.

Because you'd start buying a bunch of stuff. A bunch of stuff. You'd have a new truck? Have to roll no. I have a new truck.

I'm good with my truck. Okay. What would you buy? Mhmm. What would this what would be the signs?

They'd be real subtle. Like? A different pair of pants. Oh. For example.

Everyone's gonna know you won $9,000,000. Eventually, they're gonna be like, is he wearing new socks every day? Day? Who's And he's got new pants? No one's gonna notice your new sock Perfect.

Or your new pants. Flying under the radar then, aren't I? Yes. So clever. I am.

It's good news to get you going. So the question is, if you had unlimited PTO Oh. What would you do with it? I would use it every day. So you'd never work?

That's very irresponsible. Why? Unlimited PTO? Yeah. Don't give me unlimited PTO if you don't think I'm gonna use it.

Well, you're not gonna be employed. If you're just you're never there. It's not how it works. Fine. I'll work some days, I guess.

Or to give me unlimited PTO and then take it all away. No. Yet. Listen. There there are companies that exist that, they offer as a benefit to their employees unlimited PTO.

Okay. And what they found is that on average, the employees that have access to unlimited PTO are taking 16 days off per year. That's it? Yeah. That's it.

And it's only 2 days more than, you know, the standard of standard 14 days. Okay. I'm trying to think how much PTO I've used this year. I don't think I've taken that much, actually. I think it's been about that.

I think it's been about 16 days. Probably less. I bet it's less than that. What would you do with unlimited PTO? I would find a way to take more 3 day weekends.

Oh, yes. I would be using it more regularly for that. Like, if I could squeeze in one, maybe 2, 3 day weekends a month. That's that's the key. I think at least 1 or 2 days every month.

You have to And then a couple of times a year, I'd take a full Week. A full week. Yes. That's what I would do. I'm on that same train.

But I would I would find a way to make that schedule work to where 1 or 2 weeks per month or 4 day weeks. Okay. So that I and and I would vary it up. Sometimes I'd take a Friday. Sometimes I'd take a Monday just to kinda mix it up a little bit.

Okay. That that makes sense. That tracks out. I like that. I like that.

That's what I that's how I do. Way of thinking. I because I, you know, I still have a job to do. Hey. When can we take some PTO?

Oh, the holidays are coming. Yes. We've already put in some holiday PTO. Did we? Yes.

Oh. Oh. And then this year, Christmas and New Year's fall right smack in the middle of the week. I know. And that's always a mess.

Always difficult, isn't it? Yep. Yep. It is. That's how I would handle my unlimited PTO, though.

Is it? Mhmm. Good job. Yeah. Thanks for asking.

I like, driving in the quiet, and it kinda weirds you out. It doesn't You're like you just like to listen to nothing? That's what you said to me. You just like to listen to nothing? The thoughts in your head?

No. Which which as we were we were driving, just a couple weeks ago, headed to Utah, and I was kinda just vibing on nothing for a little while. And you were like, really? This is what we're doing? I I gotta listen to something.

Pod let's turn on a podcast or a I get too bored just thinking my thoughts. Yeah. So I don't get stuck in my thoughts. I just nothing. I know.

But how do you just enjoying nothing. See, it's a thing that that I don't know if all men are capable of, but the majority of men can just shut it off. Yeah. I don't know how. Yeah.

And most women would agree how. Correct. Yeah. Teach us teach us your ways because There's no there's no, like, I do this. I just don't do it.

That's really all there is to it. Sure. You just Easy peasy. Just don't do it. Like, I could sit I could sit in the backyard in a chair and do and think about nothing.

I don't I don't know how. I don't know how. I really don't. Because I'm thinking about what's going on 3 weeks from now. What happened 3 weeks ago?

Why? Same as your brain works. It just is there. I don't shut it off. It just is there.

Can you stop it? It's a trend they're calling speech fasting, which I think is interesting. This is sort of the inverse. This is where people are staying quiet until lunchtime. Well, that doesn't work for us.

I know. I have a job to do early in the morning. I like to take my speech fasting later on in the day, and that freaks people out. Like your sister, who goes, what's wrong with him? Yeah.

When you Nothing's wrong with him. When you get quiet, everybody's like He's been talking all day. What's the matter with you? Are you mad? No.

Are you upset? No. I I'm embracing the silence. There are certain times when I do need quiet. When I first wake up, I don't talk.

I'm not gonna talk to you, so don't talk to me. But that's where this whole idea of speech fasting comes from. And then also when I get home from work, I need a little bit, like, a 10 minute decompress time where I'm just like, okay. Here we go. And I just kinda like to veg and just Yeah.

For, like, 15 minutes, be like, don't nobody talk to me. Just leave me alone for a minute. There was a study they did a a few years ago, and they found out this is from the National Library of Medicine. So they have a whole bunch of medical books in there, I guess. And they said that limiting speech can reduce your cortisol levels.

It can also, in a controlled environment, participants reported the silence led to less annoyance and fatigue compared to working while talking. Just Yeah. I mean, again, our job is to talk. If we we just opened up the microphones and sat here in silence, people go, what's happening? Hello?

So it won't work for us to try and do this in the morning, but, it's a good idea. It's like, it's like going to nature. You gotta get some nature. You gotta get that fresh air, that oxygen, that connect with the earth thing. It's like that.

Don't like silent there are people that I know that just don't like silence, and they just fill the silence with talk, talk, talk, talk, talk. I I'm not one of those people. I'll talk if I want to, but there's a lot of times I'm like, yeah. I can be quiet. I don't mind the quiet.

Except that then you're alone with your thoughts, and then you don't like that. That's different. You were talking about driving. That's different. I mean, at work.

Yeah. You were talking about being quiet at work, and that's what Or anywhere. Just just try it. See what happens. Before.

I really I don't mind the quiet. I don't mind being alone with my thoughts either. I've changed my mind. Okay. Alright.

For now. Until later on, when you're thinking about it, you're like Riding. When I'm driving, I get bored, and I'm like, okay. I need something else to. Let's sing a song together.

Loud music lady. Yes. You like the loud music? Yes. Like, on your way to work in the morning, your Bluetooth connected to my truck this morning because we were parked too close.

Okay. And, it was too much. No. Yeah. Well, I don't control the volume in your truck.

No. No. Just even the musical selection. Like, I'm like, I just it's too much. It's too early.

Awesome punk rock stuff. Oh, yeah. It was. And I and I'm like, no. I don't need this right now.

Oh, I did. I blasted it. I know. That's not how I do it. Well, that's how I do it.

I ride to work, and it's real quiet. I know I've ridden to work with you before. And You think it's weird. I just wanna go back to bed when I rub in here. I need to wake up.

Gotta be alert. Not a bunch of loud music. That's not what does it. You get in here. You get things set up.

You get your day going. You turn on the microphones. You turn them up, and then you go, like, yeah. Let's go. That's when the energy hits for me.

Energy hits in my car, man. Yeah. I know. It's too much. That's when I start yelling at people on the on the road.

Like, go faster. Mhmm. Yep. You don't have to stop to turn. That's a true statement.

Cooked some dinner last night? Yes. You did. It was delicious. Homemade ramen.

Yeah. Homemade ramen. And, it was nice. It was good. You got the leftovers for today?

I did. Which you're excited about? I am. Okay. Good.

Here's the thing. I really love cooking, but whenever I cook something that isn't I guess it it doesn't really matter. It the smells carry on. And I know I've washed my hands a couple of times. Oh, just a couple?

More than a couple. Like, it's been a few 3 to 5 times since I made dinner that I have washed my hands, and they still smell like ramen. I had the I had the it's the garlic. You like the smell, and I don't like it. I made dinner on Monday night.

Right. And, yeah, same thing yesterday. I'd washed my hands a bajillion times, and I still was like, it's still small garlic on my fingers. Over here. I got my hands.

I'm just resting on my, you know, my elbow, and I'm like, why do I smell raw it's all over. It's garlic, mostly. Is I like it, though. I like the smell of garlic. I don't I I get cold sores.

Why do I wanna wash off? I don't know. What were you saying? Oh, I get cold sores pretty regularly, and I have tried every trick in the book to get rid of them. And somebody said once that you could rub raw garlic on them to help, and you hated it because I was rubbing it all over my lips.

Just raw garlic. But I was like, smells like garlic. Yeah. It's nice. I like it.

My thing. I don't know. I heard there's, like, this old wives' tale thing you could, like, rub a spoon, and, if it's a if it's actually, like, stainless steel or something It'll hook it take the smells away. We'll try that. That'll work.

I don't know. Give that a go. It's a weird thing. Do we have stainless steel silverware around? I have no idea.

I'd have to read the backs of all the silverware. I just can't be bothered. I'll just keep scrubbing my hands. Yeah. Maybe you should just wash your hands more.

I have a lot with soap even. Like like I'm supposed to. But are you rubbing try with Dawn dish soap because that gets oil off of Dawn. Because it's tough on grease. Yeah.

I don't know. I gotta try something. Something's gotta start working. Or just embrace it and enjoy it. I don't know.

I mean, it's not bad. It's not a bad smell. That's for sure. But it is definitely, so it's got to have smelling. Yeah.

What are you doing? Oh, smells like ramen. Smells like garlic. It's it's pretty strong. Like, when I make Indian food, strong, and it's on your clothes.

That's that's the curry. The curry lingers. Mhmm. For days. You get, like, 2 days of it.

And it's on yeah. You're right. It's on your clothes. Yeah. It's in your hair.

Everywhere. My hat smells like it. So worth it. I know. It's delicious.

I'm gonna go wash my hands again. Maybe you should wear gloves. Then they're gonna smell like the inside of a glove. I don't want that rubber glove smell. No.

I I don't know what to tell you then, bud. You're too complicated. I know. If you had a voice for me, and I know you do, what does that voice sound like? What does that sound like?

No. I don't know. It changes all the time. I I I'll you'll say something, and I'll go, oh, okay. You'll go.

And you go, I don't talk like that. And I go, okay. Don't talk like that. I don't know. It just whatever in the moment happens.

That's the voice that you say that I have to me if you're complaining about me to somebody else. Which I don't do because that's rude. That's nice, Josh. Yeah. I don't complain about you.

Aw. Like, my wife She's over here like You can take my wife. Please take her. You know, that old joke. I don't.

Take that old ball of chain. I don't know that joke. You don't. Yes, I do. Okay.

It doesn't it's fine. You do. You do. That's the one I probably use the most. It's lovely like this.

Okay. I'm okay. I'm the baby. You know, all that stuff. I'm trying to think of the voice that I have for you.

Oh, I'm sure I've overheard it. I've overheard it. You're walking down the hall and go, why are you talking about me? Like, I don't live in this house. That's what happened last night.

I know. You're right. I'm showering, And I get out, and it's all steamy. So I turn on the fan, and I and I come out, and I walk upstairs. And you and Emery, oh, he's finally done in the shower.

Like, I live here. Not Yeah. That's not you said you're fine. No. That's not even what we were talking about.

You said you were gonna go take a shower, and then I never heard the water turn on, but I also needed to take a shower. I know. So I was waiting for you and waiting for you and waiting for you. Fan coming on thinking I was just starting. Correct.

Yeah. No. It was the end. It's the fan at the end. And that's what I was complaining to Emery about.

Yeah. No. I heard He thinks he's gonna I'm a go take a shower. Mhmm. And I'm just gonna start after 10 minutes.

Yeah. I was in the hallway standing there. No. You're always around when I don't want you to hear something. Exactly.

I live in a house. And it's a small house. Yeah. So you hear everything. This is true.

You hear the things they don't want you to hear. Like, when you're talking bad about me, and I'm around. I wasn't talking bad about you. To our own daughter. What a shame.

I would never. You probably would never. That's correct. There are things that you have to do when you're married to somebody that you don't necessarily I was gonna say don't enjoy doing it, but I kind of enjoy doing it. Okay.

Hold on. Let's go back in time. Last night, after I showered, I noticed, and I've noticed a couple of days ago, some eyebrow hairs that are blocking my vision. And I hate it, and I and I see them, and then I, like, brush them back, wipe them like that. Okay.

And that kinda sorta helps for a little while till a till a breeze comes up, and then I go, there's that hair again. And I told you a couple of days ago, I said I got some eyebrows that are just not having it right now. This is bad. Yeah. And you said, yeah.

You look you look ridiculous. I did not say that. Yeah. You were like, you should probably get a different face. I did not.

Fine. I understand. I like your face. I get it. Right.

It's a good face. Have good eyebrows. Honestly, I haven't noticed there are days where I do notice your crazy eyebrows, but I haven't noticed in a while. So Well, I did. So last night, I said, can you help me with these eyebrows, please?

You're always tweezing stuff, so I said, let's just you got them in your hand probably already. Just help help me out. And you're like, let's go to the light. This is awful lighting. I was tweezing my eyebrows last night watching a movie.

Nobody helped me tweeze my eyebrows. I had to tweeze my own. Yeah. For the record. Okay.

You don't want me to do it. Yeah. I kinda do. No. You don't.

Why don't I? I'll probably pull too much. You've got them all shaped. No. I'm just trying to pull out the weird crazy long ones that happen.

K. So we go to the light where you have enough light to be able to see the eyebrows. Mhmm. And how many did you pull out at once? Because it felt like all of them.

Not my favorite thing in the whole wide world to have eyebrow hair pulled out. It hurts. I'm sorry. And You And then you don't rub it. Like, you you pull it, and then you're you're supposed to, like, rub it so it doesn't hurt so bad.

You're, like, pulling it, and then you're, like, looking. Like, ah, does that hurt? You like that? It's like a crazy person. I I would never.

I saw it in your eyes. You were like, I hope it hurts. I said, oh, I'm so sorry. No. You did not.

Nope. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. No. And that's too much.

You've gone too far the other way. I don't need that. I'm just saying after you pull it, just push on it so it doesn't hurt so bad. Okay. Because it hurts really bad.

Why can't you push on it? I do, and I go, ah, and then you look at me like that. You laugh and you go, what a loser. That guy can't handle pulling an eyebrow hair. Well, I mean, I don't push on mine when I tweeze mine.

I just get the job done and then move on. It hurts so bad. It doesn't hurt that bad. It hurts. I mean, it kinda hurts, but you asked me to do it.

Still feel it now. Yeah. Because I look like a crazy person. There was okay. There were 3 that were kind of right together, and I said, I'm just gonna grab all 3 of these.

Bad idea. There was so I did grab all 3 of them at once and yanked real hard. Yeah. I know. That one you had to fit about.

It hurts. They look nice. Look at how nice they look today. Don't have crazy eyebrows. I just have normal, nice, trimmed, freshly tweezed eyebrows.

Our dog could use a groom. She's looking a little shaggy. And you said, I could either look like the dog Yeah. With her crazy eyebrows or just shave them all off. Which do you prefer?

You've got 2 choices. Why? Do I Crazy dog eyebrows, or I'm just gonna shave them and have none. And you won't know if I'm surprised, excited, angry. You'll have no idea about my emotions because I have no eyebrows.

I bet I'll know. As as quick as I grow those long ones, how fast do you think eyebrows go back grow back? Because I think it's slow. I think it's a slow process. I think if you shave off your eyebrows, you're going without eyebrows for a minute.

Let's find out. No. Shave off your eyebrows. Let's see. Please?

No. Not doing it. Then we don't have to worry about tweezing, Josh. Not doing it. Just try it.

You think I look weird without a beard? Wait till I have no emotion. I'm trying to picture it right now. See, when I'm sitting at the desk right here, I can only see because there's a computer blocking half of your face. So I really can only see your eyes.

Yeah. So I'm trying to picture you with no eyebrows. I'll shave my head. I'll shave my beard off. I'll shave my eyebrows and just go completely no hair on my head and face.

You're gonna be real cold this winter. Yeah. Because I won't have eyebrows. They keep me warm and toasty. I built something last night.

What'd you build? With my own two hands. With the with those two hands right there? Two hands. These big, strong hands.

Is that what it says? No. Not these two hands. It's you're talking about Never Ending Story? No.

I'm talking about these look like big, strong hands? Oh, I thought that was Bane from Batman who said that. Bane talks about his mask. Oh. And that no one cared until he put it on.

Oh. Oh. I don't know that Bane talks about his hands. Hands. What's that from?

I really think you're referencing, the rock guy in never ending story who has big strong hands. Okay. That's probably what I'm And and I get where it sounds like Bane the way I just said that. It is The Never Ending Story. You're right.

You're right. Good job. Thanks. I don't like that movie, so I'm sad that I've quoted it. No.

It's a great movie. No. It's brand name. Anyway, I built a cart. A oh, yeah.

You did. The little, the little craft cart. I needed a little extra storage in our kitchen, and I said I'm gonna buy this cart, and I'm gonna put it together. When you bought the cart, I didn't know it was going in the kitchen. I would have recommended something different.

What would you do? You were buying it for your craft room. No. So I thought you were gonna wheel or craft it. Something larger that would hold all the bins that you wanna put on it.

I thought it was gonna be big enough to hold all the bins I wanna put on it. But So I would recommend you put that one in your craft room when we find something better for the kitchen. Well, yes. After I put it together, and I went, this is kind of what's the word I wanna say? Measly?

Not measly. I'm I'm just listening. It definitely is not gonna hold the weight of every it holds the bag of potatoes real nice. And did you notice that those potatoes are probably about done? Yep.

But you put them on the card anyway. Well, when I put them on the card, I went, oh, hello. It was they were all looking back at me. Eyes. They got so many eyes.

Yeah. Yeah. When I put it together, I went, this is not what I wanted. It's too small. It's really measly.

That's the only word I can think of. Even the word? It's just weak. Like, it's not gonna be strong enough to hold the things I need it to hold. Right.

Well, you had a big, like, silver bucket thing that you tried to put on the top shelf that wouldn't even fit. Look. I I wanna change out. We've got that, the, like, bar thing I built on the side of the kitchen. Mhmm.

I wanna change that out. I wanna get a a rolling cart like what we have down in your craft room. Okay. I think that's one, it's got the butcher block top. I like that a lot, so it'd be it'd be a good food prep space.

It's on wheels, so we can move it around. I like it too. Big storage, and so there's a lot of benefits, I think, to one of those. K. That's what I wanna get instead of that little measly cart that you got.

I did like, you were showing it to me. You said, 2 things. You said it's a little shaky. That's yes. It was shaky.

And then I said, well, are are your bolts and everything tight? They were not. So I tightened those up, and then it was a bit more sturdy, not as measly as it once was. Hard to put those together with one hand, with just 2 handed things. I needed another person to hold it in place.

I needed 3 hands. And then Emery said, well, what about me? I was here. She was busy. 3 hands.

Yeah. I did it with 2? No. To put I needed somebody to hold the tray Yeah. And to put the screw in and then to put the nut on.

Right. So I had to do all three of those tasks with my two hands. Yeah. You just tightened this the nut and the screw. Like the step you missed was going back and tightening everything out your fill.

The tray in place. No. I know. Once you have everything hand tightened, you go back with the tools and tighten everything. I just hadn't done that yet.

Bro, the other thing you said was, it's my dance partner, and then you swung it around on its little wheels in the in the kitchen dancing around with you. Yeah. That was fun. It was fun. No.

It's fun and exciting. Yeah. I know. It was. So there you go.

Okay. Well, help me find something else then because that's not gonna work. Yeah. And, also, I don't think it's gonna work in my craft room either. So I built that cart for nothing.

For nothing. What am I gonna do with it? Dance partner. Yeah. I found some floating candles that are battery operated.

I found these at a thrift store. Uh-huh. And they were $6, I think, for a pack of 20. Did we get 2 back? Yeah.

We got 2 packs. No. I just got 1. Are you sure? Positive.

100% sure. Okay. And I was like, these are gonna be so cool for Halloween. I guess I hang witch's hats from the ceiling, and I was like, I'm gonna hang these candles from the ceiling. It's gonna be awesome.

And it came with a wand To turn them on and off. To turn them on and off. They're Harry Potter themed, but they're not licensed by Harry Potter. So But it's super cute. They're fun.

It is fun. So I hang them from the ceiling. And now as they've been floating from the ceiling for a couple of weeks now, I feel like $6, was a rip off. That was too much? Yes.

$60? The amount of batteries I've used and had to replace. Because here's what happened. There is a wand, essentially a remote control that you're supposed to use to turn on and on these candles. It worked for about a day, and then that wand stopped working.

That is correct. Now what's weird is that the the wand has, like, a light on it, and you the light works when you push the on, when you push the off. And then it it also just has, like, a light mode where you can be like, look at my wand. Yeah. Castes spell, leviosa.

Oh. All that stuff. You know? You can you can pretend you're Harry Potter. Yeah.

So the wand works, but it doesn't turn off the candles. No. It doesn't turn them off. And you have to, like, turn them off individually by pointing the wand at them. It worked the 1st day Yeah.

And then it hasn't worked since. Pretty much. And so those candles are on all day every day, which again is fine, except I've had to replace those batteries twice now. You could stop replacing batteries. No.

But they're so cute. And I have I know. What? A week left until Halloween. Correct.

So I have to at least leave them up until Halloween. Yeah. Which you can. Which I will. The amount of work it took for me to take the fishing line and hang them up there.

Correct. I'm like, this was too much work to just take these down or leave them floating without any light after the batteries died. I'm not gonna do that because that's totally lame. But the amount of batteries I've had to use, it's a good thing I got them on a deal is all I'm saying. I have an idea.

What is your idea? Take the batteries out during the day. No. Also, there's 20 of them, and I can barely reach because I've had to get a chair to hang them up. And so when I have to replace the batteries, I'm standing on my tippy toes Mhmm.

And I don't wanna pull them from the ceiling, so I have to very lightly hold them to replace the battery. Mhmm. I'm not taking the batteries out every day. Get out of town. You know how much time that would take?

No. They're just gonna stay on, and I'm just gonna buy more batteries. It's my fault for trying to solve the problem. That's that's what that was. Everybody, that's what it's like.

When you try to solve a problem with a different solution, then We'll come up with a better solution. You didn't want a solution. I think you just wanted to get it off your chest. No. I I want the solution to be to make the wand work again.

That's what I want the solution to be. I want the ability to turn them off and on with that wand. Can you go to the thrift store and see if they have another $6 box to get another remote? Possible. I'm just I'm throwing it out.

It's a different kind of suggestion. That's a good suggestion. I don't mind that suggestion. Then you'd have 20 more of them or whatever. And I don't need 20 more.

40 of those things floating around? The battery in the remote. That's what I can understand. I it makes no sense. They were $6 in the thrift store for a reason.

I know. And then here's what's gonna happen. I'm gonna put them all away for the season. And then next year, I'm gonna be excited when I open that box of decorations and be like, oh, my candles. I've totally have forgotten all about the battery system.

Yeah. I'm gonna suggest you put a sticky note on the box that says remote doesn't work. Remember? Okay. I might I might have to do that.

Yeah. You should. National slap your coworker day. So yesterday was slap a tall person day. Oh, throw a tall person day.

It was throw a short person day on Monday. Then it was like smack your tallest friend day, and then, today is slap a coworker day. Now This sounds like a great way to end up in HR. Right? I don't know why this is a day or how this became a day.

I also do not recommend that you do this to anyone. No. But Let's not. Since you are my coworker No. No.

Just one little slap. No. Please. Hey. I'm so glad you asked, though, and didn't just walk up and do it with your camera rolling because that's typical behavior.

It says, as much as we love National Slap Your Coworker Day, keep in mind that there's still rules. Don't do it. You can only slap 1 person each hour. What? But you can slap them once for each offense.

If your supervisor tries to intervene, you can slap him or her too. Just bear in mind No. That there may be consequences. Putting these rules out? I don't know.

It's the national today.com. It's the national slap your coworker day website. Official. Of course. Look.

I'm gonna tell you right now. Tell me. Don't slap anybody. Don't slap anybody. Don't be slapping people.

But, also, Josh, you're my coworker. Let's, again, remind you that no. Just a love slap. It's a there's no such thing. We could make it a thing.

Let's not slap me or anyone else. Alright. Don't slap anybody else. Yeah. I don't know why this is a thing.

Here is how you should actually celebrate. You should watch a 3 stooges marathon because they Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Yeah. Affected the science of slapping. Sure. You should also practice practicing your slapping technique. How if you can't slap people?

You could slap a pillow. It's the soft pillow slap. Take it out on the pillow. How do you give a good slap? Is it is it a flat palm?

There are 2 kinds of slaps, aren't there? What is it? The forehand and the backhand. Oh, yeah. A backhand slap is like a knock it off, and a forehand slap is a is a you should not have done that.

Mhmm. At least that's what it sounds like to me anyway. A backhand slap is a stop it. I don't think I've ever given anybody it. You backhand slap me all the time.

What? Not my face. When? All the time. No.

If I'm standing close to you and I say something, you backhand slap. This It's a no it's a natural reaction. It's more of a push away. Mhmm. That's not I would not classify that as a slap.

It's a push away. Like, get away. No. Yes. No.

Yes. I will capture it on body cam. I'll release the footage of me being backhand slapped for saying something too close to you. Bro, Bro. It's a push away.

It's not a push away. Yes. It is. A push away is It's a shoe. Is it this?

It's a shoe. Like this. Like, get away. No. That's not it.

It's not, oh, get away. Backhand. Shoo. I'm not a fly. You don't shoo me.

Shoo. Shoo. Buzz off. Shoo, bud. Fly.

Shoo, fly. Don't bother me. Do you remember when magazines were a thing? And you remember when people would come around to your door and say, hi. We're, selling magazines so I can get a trip to Hawaii.

And if you subscribe, you'll help me get there. Yes. Ugh. Do you remember when you could go to any doctor's office and there'd be a stack of magazines? And you'd be like, yes.

Right. And you'd it was always family circle, people. Yeah. Us Weekly. Always dumb ones.

And I'd be like, what kind of magazine selection is this? Life. National Geographic. What magazines did you have in your house? Did you have any?

I personally subscribed to Rolling Stone for a while. So I had that. Fancy. I know. I had the, the Britney Spears issue.

I had that. I I don't know where that went. That's probably in my box of stuff that disappeared. It's probably in the garbage. Yeah.

Yep. But that's, that would be kind of a cool collector's item, I would think, at this point. But I liked Rolling Stone because the magazine was like a big square. It wasn't your typical small little newspaper, like or or your typical magazine size. It was big like your newspaper is what I'm trying to say.

And I and I thought that was cool. I'm trying to remember some of the other, magazines that I there was always a Fingerhut catalog around. My mom always had People. She always she subscribed to People Magazine, so I always like to search through that. But I always liked 17 Magazine.

Did you ever No. Look at that one? No. No. I did not.

Well, then you're lost there, bud. The you know what? You wanna know my interaction with 17 Magazine? You making me take quizzes. Yes.

That's the totality of my experience with 17 magazines. Oh, it says here that He's into you. Yeah. What what is this? If.

I don't need to take a quiz to find out if she's into me. It's fine. It's kinda sad. There's a few doctor's offices that you can go to around town, and they'll have, like, some old magazines just kind of haphazardly on the table. But nobody's looking at them anymore because everybody's got their phones.

This is correct. Everyone's just on their phones. Nobody's looking at magazines Right. Anymore. There was a time when I worked at a school, and for some reason, we would get a magazine at our school that was Appaloosa Monthly, I think is what it was.

Is this the horse magazine? Yeah. It was all about buying horses. And we didn't pay for it. I don't know how it came to the school.

But it did. But it did. And pretty regularly. You're saying monthly, it showed up? Monthly.

It showed up. It's a lot of horse magazines. I know. And I would secretly take them. Well, I asked around the school, hey.

Is there anybody Who's who ordered this magazine? Nobody claimed it. And then I said, well, I'm gonna send this to my sister. Yeah. So you mail it to her.

So I mailed it secretly to my sister for a couple months, and then she was like, what is this? Why am I getting this? I was like, ah, so that is weird. You subscribe to a horse magazine? Somebody wants you to buy a horse.

That's so strange. Yeah. And then she finally got on, and I miss those horse coming from you? Yeah. I miss those horse magazines.

Who do you think is getting the mail now? You don't work there anymore. I don't. Somebody else is getting that horse magazine, and they're going They're still coming. Think Chantel signed up for this horse magazine?

Because somebody did. I grew up in a bowling alley. Let's just end the whole thing right there. And just listen. I know it's true.

It's a weird way to start a sentence. No. It isn't. I mean, not totally. It's it's definitely, I mean, it's a fact It is.

That you did indeed grow up. I did. My mom worked there, and I was there a lot of the time with her. All the time. Yeah.

Okay. Great. I was there all of the time. Yeah. There was an arcade in the bowling alley, and one of those arcade games was a game called Mortal Kombat.

Yes. Now I know the game. Combat got a lot of, bad reviews when it first came out because From who? Some people said it was too graphic, and they said it was too violent. Sure.

And it tried to get banned in a lot of different places. But because it got such bad I think the game was like, ban me. It didn't try to get banned. Well, a lot of people tried to ban the game. There you go.

Because of the bad reviews, it made a kid like me go, well, now I'm curious to know what this game is. See. Okay. And so I would ditch my doctor Mario game sometimes and be like, what's mortal combat doing over there? What's it up to?

What's going on in mortal combat? What was happening in mortal combat? Mortal combat was happening there was a lot of fights happening in mortal combat. Yeah. There is somebody made an AI celebrity Mortal Kombat.

Okay. I'm kinda I'm interested. I am also interested. There is a 2 minute video of what the menu would look like, and it's got character And this is not a playable this is just something that Somebody just made, like, a menu of what it would look like. Like, when you see like, what if baby bunnies were Harry Potter characters?

Like, AI does weird stuff like that. Yeah. Okay. Got it. They've made characters like Taylor Swift and Beyonce.

Okay. They've made Kanye West and The Rock and Snoop Dogg, Lady Gaga. They've even made Oprah. Will Smith has a superpowered slapping hand. A superpowered slapping hand.

Alright. And I I know this isn't a real game. But you wanna play it? But I desperately wanna play this celebrity mortal combat. It sounds pretty cool.

I know. So I get that. I see what you're saying. Did you play Mortal Kombat? Occasionally.

I was more of a Streetfighter kid. Oh, yeah. I really liked, I really liked Street Fighter, Hou'Duke and and all that. Yeah. That was really kinda my speed.

I liked Street Fighter too. So I did that. And then a lot of, like, miss Pac Man and, Pac Man himself. And I just felt like that rampage game was a lot of fun. I never played mortal kombat because, again, my mom said, stay away from that game.

It's too violent. Okay. But my brother would play that game, and that's when I would sneak over and be like, what's this Double standard. Want me to play this game. What's the double standard, mom?

He was older than I was, so he couldn't. So? I don't know. But I was happy that he got to play because that's when I got to watch it. That makes sense.

That game's not so that game's not so scary. Maybe he wasn't very good at it. He probably wasn't. Because you didn't get to see all the scary stuff. He's like, that game is weak.

I'm gonna play again. I also like that 1942 game where you're an airplane and you fly. It's top down, and you just, shoot, like, battleships and stuff. That's a fun game. And when I say we played them, we didn't we didn't play that.

We didn't ever have any quarters. And so you just Oh, you just stand there. Pretend to to play. I see. Did you ever play, the Ninja Turtles game?

No. Great game? Gross. What about, the off road game? It had, like, a red, yellow, and a blue steering wheel Yeah.

And a gas pedal? Yes. That was a good one. That was a good one. Off road.

That was fun. And you'd end up coming around corners. You're spinning your wheel real fast, to make your little Toyota truck go and turn a corner and continue on the little thing. Yeah. Sure.

I did that. So good. You didn't you didn't have coins. I forgot. You don't know how the game actually works.

Sometimes I got coins. Mom, can I have a quarter? I was there all day. I did I only got, like, one coin every now and then. Oh, man.

I was there a lot. And when I say I grew up in the bowling alley, I was there a lot. There were way cooler places to hang out. Where was I gonna go? I was 8 years old.

Backyard. Mud puddles. I had to be supervised. Yeah. Clearly.

Would you rather this or that? Would you rather this or that? Would you rather fly like a witch on a broomstick or transform into a black cat. Now I feel like you asked me about flying on a broomstick versus something else the other day. Sleeping in a coffin or something.

No. That was flying on a magic carpet. That's right. I'm still taking that broom. You are over a black cat?

Yeah. What? I don't wanna be a cat. Why? Boring.

Cats have the best life ever. Are you crazy? They get to be jerks, and it's expected of them. Or I can fly around on a broom. People still love them because they look so soft and cavalier.

Or I can fly around on a broom. You only get Guess how many other people can fly around on a broom? 0. Guess how guess all my traffic woes are gone. Fly right where I need to be over the top.

I don't even have to wait for traffic lights. Bye. It's gonna be real chilly. I'll wear a cool cloak. I don't think a cloak is gonna keep you warm.

It will. That's what it's designed for. While it's blowing behind you in the breeze? Looking super cool. I'm taking a cat.

Yeah. You would. I would take a cat. You know why? Because if you transform into a black cat, then you just hide in the shadows.

Boring. And then you can spy on people. Like, fly. And then people are afraid of you because you're also a cat also a black cat. Superstition and all that.

Yeah. Or or I could fly on a broom. Way cooler. No. Way cooler.

Plus you could scratch people. Yeah. Plus Janet Jackson wrote a song about a black cat. So she never wrote a song about a witch flying on a broom. No.

Because she didn't know about it. And I could laugh like that while I'm riding on my broom. Oh, no. How about that? You think I cackle like a witch?

You had a little bit of a early cackle, and then you mellowed out. But in the beginning, you went That is more Skeletor than witch. Yeah. That's that's right. He man?

Yeah. I would fly on the broom. Hands down. Cool for you, bud. Thanks.

It's would you rather this or that? Listen. This might be a hot take, but it's one that I stand by firmly. Oh. What is it?

I don't like cheese flavored crackers. Okay. I don't like Goldfish. I don't like Cheez Its. I don't like white cheddar popcorn.

Ugh. Okay. I'm kinda with you on that boat. I don't opt for those snacks. But you'll eat Goldfish, and you'll eat Cheez Its.

But it's not my first choice. I also don't care for Ritz crackers. Also, Ritz crackers Yeah. Are delicious. Goldfish, have you tried the, they have a holiday flavor.

I gotta find out what it is. Well, I know they make different flavors. They do. Have you heard their latest thing? No.

They're renaming themselves temporarily. So back in 1962, when they launched, they launched in 1962? Yeah. They Old fish? Yeah.

And they targeted adults. They they they said, you know, this is something that you could just snack on. It's a it sort of then became a snack for kids over time, and now they're like, hey. We're we're not just for kids. We're more than Goldfish is for adults too.

Adults can like Goldfish. Okay. So they are renaming themselves temporarily to Chilean sea bass. The recipe isn't changing. The shape of the fish, still the same.

It's the exact same. A goldfish, as we found out, fits perfectly inside my ear. Your ear is goldfish shaped. Yeah. It is.

But, Chilean sea bass. You can find this on store shelves. It's a it's a name that just you'll remember. The top. You'll you'll remember and love it.

And doesn't it make you feel like you're not eating a child's snack? The snack gets smiles back. Chilean sea bass. Yeah. You open up a bag of Chilean sea bass, and you just really have yourself a time.

I am trying to find there is a flavor of Goldfish because, again, it's not my first choice of snack either. I stay away from those cheddar snacks because it's not my jam. But they do have a Goldfish flavor. Oh, golly. What is it?

It's so good. I don't know. Is this a this is a temporary name change, Josh? The Chilean sea bass? Yeah.

So they've been expanding beyond their flagship crackers in recent years as part of their push to make it a $1,000,000,000 brand, them being the Campbell Companies. They're part of the Campbell Company. Last year, Campbell Company invested a $160,000,000 in Pepperidge Farm's factory located in Utah, churns out 5,000,000 goldfish per hour. It churns out 1500 goldfish a second. Churns.

I like that you say churns out Mhmm. Like it's butter. Yeah. Do you know how many 1500 Goldfish a second being made in the in the u factory in Utah. They have a lot of flavors of Goldfish.

I know. So many. They have a fudge brownie flavor of Goldfish. You might like that one. They have a pizza?

No. No. Thanks. They have explosive pizza. That sounds worse.

They have s'mores. They have vanilla cupcake. They have slime and sour cream and onion. No. Dang it.

I really cannot find They also do Old Bay and Frank's red hot sauce flavors, and then they make big goldfish that they call megabytes. Anyway, Chilean sea bass in a bag. That's gross. I don't like it no matter what you call it. It's just not it.

Chilean sea bass. That flavor is like the only one I can find is their new holiday flavor that's like maple syrup, and that's not it. Nope. I won't do that. I can't remember.

It's like a I don't know. It doesn't matter. It's good. Chilean sea bass. The snack that smiles back.

Yum. Chilean sea bass. Alright. That's gonna do it for today's show. Something very exciting, Chantel.

What? And I know you're sad that the show's come to an end. I don't know. I am sad. I have fun with you.

Oh, well, that's so nice. Today is a special day. I said 2 nice things. No. You say no nice things.

Today is our 1 hundredth episode of the podcast. Oh, look at us. I know. I was gonna bring confetti and party hats. You should have.

I didn't. Yeah. You thought there might have been more to that excuse. I No. I just didn't.

I didn't do it. Oh, no. But it is an exciting time. I'm excited. I'm proud that we've done a 100 episodes.

I think it's really cool. Exciting. How many show shows have we done? 100. We've done over 500 actual shows.

Gonna be celebrating 2 years soon. Right. So that's a big day too. Maybe you could bring confetti and party hats that day. Maybe.

You won't. I but but I didn't. Yeah. But 100 episodes of the podcast. So one once we're done with the show here, we're gonna post it online.

And if you have never listened to our podcast, it's a replay of the whole show. We take out the music and the commercials, so you just get the parts where we're talking. It's about an hour long or so, and that lets you listen any time of day on demand. So if you, don't wake up at 6 because you're like, who does that? Phrasey maniacs, but you wanna know what's going on on the show at 6, you can go back and listen.

Or if you heard something today you wanna listen to again or maybe you caught half a conversation, it's all there for you. It's wake up glassy ninety seven Fun one. Podcast. It's always a fun one. There are moments.

There's a 100 great episodes that you can listen back to. They go clear back to May. I'd say 90 good episodes. You think there are 10 no go's there? Mediocre Mediocres at best.

I I don't know about that. But you can go listen to all of them. They're available anytime. You can get them on Apple Podcasts. You can get them on Spotify.

You can subscribe on YouTube Music. There's Amazon Podcasts. There's a 1000000 different places to get them, and you can find the podcast everywhere. So just search for wake up classy 97, the podcast. Subscribe.

Get alerted when we do new episodes. Rate the show a 100 episode, Chantel. Woo hoo. 100 episodes. Too bad I don't have confetti or a noise maker.

Somebody forgot. I'll make my own. When? Now? Yeah.

Right? This moment? Lulu. Oh, lulu. I like it.

That's the 100 episode Lulu. Lulu. It's a little bit stat firey, isn't it? Get a lulu? Lulu.

Lulu. Alright. It's gonna do it for us. Have a great day. We'll see you back here tomorrow.

Alright. Bye. Loodle loo. Thanks for listening to Wake Up Classy 97, the podcast. If you enjoy the show, please share, subscribe, and rate the podcast.

Wake Up Classy 97 is hosted by Josh and Chantel Tielor and is a production of Riverbend Media Group. For more information or to contact the show, visit riverbendmediagroup.com.