Perfect Mode

Tune in as we explore the life-altering exploration into "Mastering the 4-Day Fast" with special guests Devonte Bennett Bey, Andena Sananda Kumara, and Danielle Sherrill. Get ready to unlock the secrets of holistic well-being and inner harmony as we dive deep into ancient wisdom and practical insights. Tune in or miss out on a journey that will reshape your reality forever!

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Creators & Guests

JClay's music ignites a transformative experience, fostering spiritual growth, mindfulness, and a positive mindset through powerful and uplifting rap.
Troy Washington
Real Estate Broker
Andena Sananda Kumara
Andena Sananda Kumara (aka Angela Anderson) lives her truth, Soul Integrated, as an Embodied and Heart-Centered Conduit of Divine Frequency; activating, within those in resonance, a many-fold experience, sparking awareness of the Innate Truth of the Human Collective Beingness as Extension, or Fractal, of the Divine Source of ALL Creation in Manifest Physical Form. To this end, Andena serves as Quantum Energy Alchemist for all that is of The Energy of Oneness, sharing wisdom on the open subjects of Freedom, Love, and Oneness as Realized by the Authentically Embodied Soul on Earth.
Danielle Sherrill
Danielle Sherrill, a resilient soul from Chattanooga, Tennessee, encountered a near-death experience at the age of 15, during which she underwent a ""walk-in soul"" phenomenon. However, it was during the full solar eclipse of 2017 that the dormant essence within her became activated, flooding her with ancient memories and unlocking a profound remembrance of her true self. Now, as a devoted student majoring in social work, Danielle is driven by her own transformative journey to extend compassion and support to others facing adversity. As a Reiki Master, she channels healing energies, guiding individuals towards holistic well-being and inner harmony. With each step, Danielle illuminates the path for others to find solace and spiritual growth, drawing from the depths of her awakened consciousness.
Devonte Bennett Bey
Devonte Bennett Bey is an accomplished author, parent and marriage educator, and Marine Corps veteran. His expertise has led to media features on Good Morning America, Fox News, and other outlets. Additionally, he serves as a men and youth mentor as well as a martial arts instructor, empowering others to reach their full potential.

What is Perfect Mode?

"Perfect Mode" invites you on a transformative odyssey to discover the extraordinary within the ordinary. Hosted by the dynamic duo of JClay, a rapper with a spiritual twist, and Troy Washington, a realtor with a mindset of abundance, this podcast is a sanctuary for those seeking to elevate their existence. Together, they explore the realms of personal growth, mental clarity, and spiritual enlightenment, offering unfiltered insights into living a life unchained by societal expectations. Tune in for your weekly dose of inspiration and embark on a journey to align with your highest self.


If I reminded you that you are perfect, would you argue me down or step into your perfection? Welcome to perfect. Welcome to perfect. Where there are no excuses, no expectations, and we explore the world without limitations. I'm Jay Clay, rapper, a spiritual teacher, with my co host Troy Washington, your friendly neighborhood realtor.


Let's be real. So let's be perfect. Perfect. Perfect. Perfect.



Troy Washington:

Welcome to perfect mode. Welcome to perfect mode. And first off, I wanna start by saying we love y'all. We're grateful for the opportunity to be here, to be here with y'all, and sharing our thoughts, and hopefully helping you realize that you are perfect. And the reason why I can say that unapologetically is because I know for a fact you are one of 1.

Troy Washington:

You are numero. You cannot be duplicated, replicated. And the only reason you would think that you're not perfect is if you're looking at this person, this person, and that person or that person and saying that I'm not them. But guess what? You are you, and that's all you need.

Troy Washington:

And, of course, it's yours truly, Troy Washington, your fully neighborhood realtor. And I have my boy, Jay Clay, spiritual rapper and teacher. And I'm going ahead and give you a couple of the guests that I'm gonna throw in there as well. And this is the thing I wanna make sure everybody's special, and it's always special to have special people among us. We have my girl, Andena Kamara on with us, and she's a quantum energy alchemist and and much more.

Troy Washington:

There's no there's no bio that you can send me that could ever illuminate the person that you are. So that I'm a leave that right there. And then we also have my girl, Danielle Sherrill, who is a Reiki master. And, again, no bio that I could y'all could ever send me could ever illuminate who you truly are because you are greater than any words that could ever be on the page. So what's going on?

Troy Washington:

How y'all doing today? Yeah.

Andena Sananda Kumara:

Happy day. Feeling good. Feeling good. Feeling surprisingly good considering all things considered. Right?

Andena Sananda Kumara:


Troy Washington:

That's right. That's right. And and today, what we're gonna talk about and just kinda lead y'all into it and for everybody that's joining us is a journey of a one day fast, a 2 day fast, a 3 day fast, a 4 day fast, and where you made it is the story. And the reason why I say it that way is because every day that you wake up, you are an inspiration or a story for someone to behold a witness. And so I want us to all talk about this mastering the 4 day fast and what we've gone through.


Shout out to Jeff for supporting us. Yeah, if you like what we do on the show, consider joining our patreon. The link is in the description. A small donation can make a big, big, big difference. So, yeah, but yeah, I was gonna say, and I want to say shout out to all the perfect people in perfect land.


Remember that this is an open forum. So if you have any wisdom to share in the comments, feel free to share like, my sister who was also doing the fast and said, I am perfectly hungry. Hey, everyone.

Troy Washington:

And and 2, I wanna piggyback on j 2, man. Shouts out to Jeff, man.


So, I I I guess to start off, like, what what's everybody's surprising thing so far on this fast? Like, like, couple of things that surprised you about this process.

Danielle Sherrill:

Yeah. I think, I'll go if that's okay.

Troy Washington:

Yeah. Go ahead.

Danielle Sherrill:

I think the the first thing that surprised me, so I've I've done a couple of 24 hour fasts before, but this one aligned with my moon cycle, right on the day of my moon cycle. And I remember, last time that I saw a perfect mode, I don't know if it was a live or just an on an Instagram feed with you guys, and I had chimed in and asked you questions. I had I had mentioned to Jelani before that I was in my moon cycle, and I wanted to kinda see what that looked like with my cramps and my hormones and all that. And so it's pretty cool how it aligns this time and I noticed that I noticed that a lot of my cramping had alleviated, but I also noted noticed that there was something happening within my physical vessel, like, on Friday when it started. So I went 58 hours, and I I had lemon water and celery juice this but on Friday, when I began, it was a lot different because I also went to work.

Danielle Sherrill:

And I I felt as though I was able to continue functioning, and I was able to facilitate a group on, like, spirituality and all those things. But I felt like there was a recalibration happening within my being. Mhmm. Almost as if my spirit or my life force and my physical vessel were shifting. And I'm trying not to use as many filler words, but I am.

Danielle Sherrill:

It's gonna be me like Troy told me to be. So I noticed that that that was happening, and then I noticed that there were a lot more waves going on. So it was as though I had set the intention, you know, there was a spiritual intention behind it. And I noticed the farther that I got, like, into Saturday, that there with the waves, it was like I would get a high wave, and then I would get a low wave. And it was just up to whether or not I wanted to listen to my body and listen to, again, the re calibration and the refining that was going on.

Danielle Sherrill:

So that was pretty cool and that was super different. And that actually surprised me too, because when I started to listen, I was like, okay, it's time to take an Epsom salt bath. That's what I did, you know, and it felt the guidance felt clearer. I knew when I had got the highway, it was time to hop on my computer and do schoolwork, which I did, and I made a 100 on my quiz, you know, and then it was time, you know, to calm back down. And it was just listening listening to her, listening to the vessel.

Danielle Sherrill:

And so that was really cool. That's never happened before. So

Troy Washington:

I'm I wanna, touch on that, then I want an and Donna to come in and give yours. But and and I'm just telling you this based off of the because just kinda give you a little backstory. I started doing the 3 day fast probably 2 years ago, and I went an entire year doing it every month, and then, yeah, I think it was a year and a half, actually, and then I stopped. But the thing that comes to my mind when I hear you talking about riding the wave, it makes me think about whenever I'm fasting.

Danielle Sherrill:


Troy Washington:

Well, I'll put it like this. Let me let me go back. Whenever I'm not fasting, there are a ton of things that run through my mind that I overlook all the time. Right? And, I won't say that I always go to food because of that.

Troy Washington:

But what I will tell you is the times when I'm fasting, I tend to I don't wanna say make myself busy, but I tend to listen more. Right? I tend to say, you know, these things that I've been wanting to do, just go ahead and do them because what's gonna happen is it's going to make me not think about eating, number 1. And that's the that's that's what it kind of, that's what it makes me think about. And I I just love the fact that you can correlate the actual true want of your soul to that.

Troy Washington:

But, Donna, I want you to go ahead and tell us about your experience as well.

Andena Sananda Kumara:

So I am, well into day 3. Like, I'm fully fully present. I'm fully fully doing this thing, and I'm really it's, like, really surprised me, the level of, the level of satisfaction, the level of contentment that I have at this point. So before starting this, I set an intention. Like, I set an intention behind the fast because it's for me, it's it's not about just doing something for the sake of doing doing something or doing something for the sake of proving, the ego proving itself in any way.

Andena Sananda Kumara:

It's about doing it with purpose to bring about something. And so the intention that I said initially starting out the gate was for clarity. And so as I was standing in the kitchen, as I was preparing for this because I've I've done this one day fast with Jay before. And when we first started out, I was like, I am not making it through the one day fast. I don't even wanna do the one day fast.

Andena Sananda Kumara:

Right? But this was somehow different, and this was kind of aligned with where my guidance wanted to take us as far as clearing the channel. And so I I sat within myself. I said, you know, plants absorb what they need from the ether. They they get water, but they, they they take through photosynthesis what they need from the from the environment itself, from the sun, through the sun, and all those things.

Andena Sananda Kumara:

So I commune with the plant kingdom, and I said assist me in absorbing what I need from the ether. And with that, in that respect, I haven't had this overwhelming draw or this overwhelming need to consume food. I haven't. I haven't had that at all. It hasn't hit me in that way.

Andena Sananda Kumara:

And so, through this process, I just kept my water. I I normally do a ritual of tea in the morning. I have a a cup of drink green tea in the morning. And so I I kept that. That's something I just continued, to do, but it's just kinda carried me.

Andena Sananda Kumara:

And it's been kinda surprising because I thought to myself, who thought who could've thought I would've made it through 2 days without eating food? But I haven't even felt the sensation of hunger because when I'm sitting here, I'm just absorbing what I need. And so Jay knows that I'm really clued into my guidance. My guidance is very present. And so as they speak, as my guidance speak, my body moves in response.

Andena Sananda Kumara:

And so what I found is that where I would need a breath in order to get myself centered and aligned with my guidance, well, that hasn't been necessary. I haven't even needed a breath because my guidance is right here, proving to myself that that that, clarity is being established, that that channel has been cleared. And so while I have that that immediate response from my guidance. It's like always, there. So I'm finding myself sustained and I realized I was operating on another level, surprising myself.

Andena Sananda Kumara:

When I went with my family yesterday, we went out, to some bookstores and we went to, Panera for them to eat. And, my husband's like, you're gonna eat? And I'm like, no. I'm just gonna sit here and have my water. And they got pizzas and everything, and the pizzas look so great.

Andena Sananda Kumara:

But even though the pizzas look so great and smell so great, I'm thinking to myself, I'm gonna wanna eat. But that wasn't the case. What happened was this. It was almost like I was taken to a place where I could feel the energy of them, and they were so in a place of enjoying their pizzas. I could feel that energy.

Andena Sananda Kumara:

I could I could smell the frequency. It was like I could taste the frequency of the food itself. And as I sat there, I was moved to take these really deep breaths, and it was almost like I was consuming energetically. I was consuming energetically energetically where they were eating physically. I was consuming in that way, and I found myself so overwhelmingly satisfied in that moment.

Andena Sananda Kumara:

It was a different experience for me. It was something I've never experienced, with that level of intention before. And so it was it was kinda like I was showing myself how that breatharian lifestyle works because there are many people who adopt that breatharian lifestyle. And I was like, oh, this is a real thing. This is this is how I could work this for me because every cell of us is a portal into the field itself.

Andena Sananda Kumara:

We are we exist as part of the field, and I think sometimes we use food as a crutch. Like, food can be the middle man itself, you know, as far as our perception of needing to fuel ourselves energetically, but realistically, all exist as part of the field. And so that's been my focus, absorbing what is needed from the field itself. And I find myself absolutely sustained in that. So I'm I'm on day 3, powering through day 3, and well on the way through to move through, day 4.

Andena Sananda Kumara:


Troy Washington:

Now I and I I wanna, jump in. And I and I and I and I know the and I don't know Devonte. I see you, brother. We finna bring you in too. We got another special guest, The plan analogy is everything because that's you know, when I think about I'm just gonna speak on America.

Troy Washington:

You know what I mean? Because this is where we are right now. But consumption of things is not always just receiving what you need. We're always going out to get more. And when I think about a plant, I never seen a plant get up, walk out of its roots, and go get some water.

Troy Washington:

So, I mean, allowing egoism. So number 1, setting intentions is always the best way to go. But sometimes when egoism leads you, somewhere, you have something to find out. And so for everybody that's trying to do this because they want to prove something to their ego, come try it out and see what you find out in in your way.


Yeah. And

Troy Washington:

and I wanna bring I'll go ahead.

Devonte Bennett Bey:

Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead.

Troy Washington:

Go ahead. Go ahead. Now you you can go ahead. Because I was gonna bring in Davonte.


Well, yeah. Bring bring in Davonte. Let's let's let's add him in. Yeah.

Troy Washington:

You see it? What's up, man? We got, my boy, DeVonta Bayon, you know, a father, mentor, you know, an author. This man does it all. How you doing, brother?

Devonte Bennett Bey:

I'm good. Can you guys hear me clearly? My Internet Yeah. Went in and out because some some rain came, and it it just, like, took it out while I was in the car, so I had to move. And now you guys everyone just kinda came in in the middle of the introduction, so I'm good and clear.

Troy Washington:

You're good to go, buddy. Yeah. You're good. Yeah.


I'm so, well, right now, right now, what we're doing, we just asking everybody, like, what's the what's the surprising thing so far that they experienced during the fast? So are you still fasting? And if so, like, what's the, what's the surprising thing you've experienced this particular fast?

Devonte Bennett Bey:

Alright. So I had to switch my fast because Ramadan starts today. And my wife may


we lost you. You cut out.

Devonte Bennett Bey:

Very clear to me that I was very sad if I fell on our pre Ramadan feast. And and and, yeah, she kinda convinced me to hold the fast to start the water fast. I'm a start my water fast on Monday. I did all of Friday, and I was like, okay. I was try just kinda try to prepare myself because I was like, I'm gonna really be sad now understanding.

Devonte Bennett Bey:

Like, Friday was good. Friday Friday was very, like, it it was hard. I was hungry. I wanted to I wanted to partake, and I was like, I I gotta do this. I I so much that I was gonna do.

Devonte Bennett Bey:

I didn't realize that it conflicted with the dates. And then Saturday hit and Saturday morning, we was like, nah, dude. You you you about to go out another 40 day fast. Eat you something real quick. Do something and start it.

Devonte Bennett Bey:

So I'm starting over tomorrow. Or I'm at So start quick.


Just just for those who don't know, how is fasting with Ramadan? Like, well, like, is it just water or is it I know So so fasting

Devonte Bennett Bey:

with Ramadan is we cannot eat from sundown or sunup to sundown. So I'll wake up for Ramadan. I'll normally wake up around 5:30, pray, and then eat. And then I don't eat again until the sun goes down, until sunset Can you drink? Or whatever time.

Devonte Bennett Bey:

I can't drink water.

Danielle Sherrill:

Okay. What? Wow.

Devonte Bennett Bey:

Yeah. Not throughout that time. So this is this is my 3rd Ramadan. I started doing Ramadan, 3 years ago.

Troy Washington:

And You lock it up


for a second. Right.

Devonte Bennett Bey:

Yeah. Adapt it to my friend because I yeah. I I had never done it before, so I I had to adapt a little bit. But Yeah. This year, this year is kinda different because I'm on the road this year.

Devonte Bennett Bey:

So I've actually I'm used to kinda eating less already, and my only thing is just my schedule. So I'm just I'm just hoping that this year, I know it's gonna be a little bit more difficult, but my attention with it this year is way more clear. It's it's way more clear than it's ever been, and it's way more, like, when when when me and you had talked to Lonnie, you were saying your intention has to be clear. That's what that was one of the things that had triggered it in me because it was, like, my intention for doing the fast right now starting it was more of a, let me make sure I'm I'm doing it for this podcast as as instead of more so let me do it for God. Let me do it for what I'm supposed to be doing it for and get right.

Devonte Bennett Bey:

And so it it it hit me and I was like, alright. We're gonna go ahead


and I'm just gonna I'm

Devonte Bennett Bey:

gonna switch it over. I'm already I'm already I extend my fast every year. I do 40 days instead of 30 days. But I'm like, let's go ahead and add this aspect of it too. I'm a do a water fast on one of the on the first four days.

Devonte Bennett Bey:

We'll kick it off with that no food. And, I mean, for me, I'm I'm down for that. I like doing challenging things, and I I love the I love the I've never done 4 days, but I've done 3 day water fast. And I know about and and, you know, right? Correct?

Andena Sananda Kumara:

A donut. I

Devonte Bennett Bey:

know about what you guys and Dina was talking about, which is having the clarity to be in the area and kind of feel and, like, what breathitarians do. And I I I love that clarity. There's something about that clarity that I miss every time I start eating food again. But it it's almost like a forgetful thing. Once I started to consume food again, I start to forget the clarity that I have.

Devonte Bennett Bey:

It's it's just interesting. So I'm looking forward


to really diving in this

Devonte Bennett Bey:

first four days and do that. Yeah.


That's awesome.

Troy Washington:

So, so so so so shout out to you, and I appreciate you even though, you know, the the net connection ain't, where you would like it to be that you still, jumping on it and trying to give us a little insight on, you know, your thinking. And, also, for the fact that you were actually gonna try to do it prior to Ramadan, I think, is a a a real true testament of your your mental power. You know what I mean? What you know you're capable of and and and just taking control. So, shout out to you, man, and, I look forward to hearing even more about that as as this journey goes on.

Troy Washington:

And, Jay wanna say real quick about the Go ahead.


The history of us fasting together. So, as Troy said, like, a few years ago, he did it for a year and a half. I think I did it like a year of that with you. And then we just kinda stopped or fell off whatever reason. And so recently, I was doing an activation with that Andona, and she had brought into the group.


She was talking about fasting and just the spirit of fasting, and how, you know, it should be considered on a regular basis. And, it's something clicked when she said it. I was like, you're right. And and we brought it I brought it back to Troy, and we're like, yeah. Let's just do Mondays because I think Troy was still doing Mondays, but then we said, let's just add on.


Let's let's bring back the 8th, 9th, and 10th. So I say this to say that it is all come full circle. Shout out to Andona for that, but just bringing the fast back into the awareness. And and in in a way that's why we're all back here just for this this how do I say? Time to reconnect with ourselves, with our people?

Andena Sananda Kumara:

Yeah. You know, I I think it's it's about bringing in a level of consciousness because a lot of times we consume things so unconsciously. Right? But really, at the crux of it is being intentional about why you consume what you consume. And are you really satisfying a need for yourself, or are you functioning out of habit or your habitual patterns?

Andena Sananda Kumara:

And for me, this has been more about breaking up those patterns, those habitual loops and patterns of thought of operation because it's in breaking those things up that you allow yourself to pause for a moment. And in the pause that you have opportunity to question and to really assess where you are within your life. And it's in those moments within that gap that you have an opportunity to clearly see the self, to clearly see who you are, to draw yourself within, and allow yourself to begin to explore what it is to be truly and fully you. When you when you are inundated with the patterns of life, you you you don't even have a question because you always know what's coming next. But with this pause, you allow yourself to take a moment to go within, to allow that hunger to bring you within the self and really sit with yourself and begin to question and go down the rabbit hole.

Andena Sananda Kumara:

So for me, that's been, the bigger picture, and that's why I've, set it up on my like, from my from my point of perspective to introduce it to my audience, so to speak, to begin this water fast, just to allow it to be a moment to break up the habitual loops so you can have an opportunity to see yourself because it's in that space that you allow yourself to expand consciously. Yeah.

Troy Washington:

Now, I wanna I wanna you go ahead, Danielle.

Danielle Sherrill:

I I I love what you were just saying. The the observation of it and how clarity is being brought up because that's something that I experienced. I experienced it more so around. I noticed, more around 36, 37 hours. Something always happens for me around the number 37, and that's when I had looked at the app that we were using, and it was 37 hours.

Danielle Sherrill:

And I was I was more, stepping back and observing the thought patterns that were running through my mind. And I was able to more look at them and and not just observe them, but kinda say, nope. You know, swipe left, swipe right. You know, I don't I don't that doesn't that's not serving me. It's not serving my highest good, and it's not gonna serve anyone else.

Danielle Sherrill:

You know? And so I love that you were just mentioning that too, because I feel like through after the 24 hours into the 37, there was more of a space being held for me to to sit with that and not just like sit with that but have more of a choice with it and saying, you know, that's not what, how I want to continue to perceive, you know, life or reality or experience and I didn't have to. And so I was able to move out of that. And so today, after coming out of it, I've noticed that those those thought patterns, that whole thought paradigm that may have been fixed into, you know, my my my mental thinking, isn't really there right now. And I think that I've been able to step back, and it's almost like I've been able to stand more in some sort of power of being like, you know, that's not how I want to see it, and I don't have to see it like that.

Danielle Sherrill:

Yeah. So that's pretty cool that you mentioned that. I love that.

Troy Washington:

So so I'll say this because I want I wanna, I wanna ask Jay Clay, you know, what was, surprising to him as well. But just to kinda touch on what you guys are both saying from my perspective about being habitual. And this is the this is the reality of this fast. And at least for me and I I think for everybody because y'all just said it. You don't realize when something is so prominent in your life that you taking that thing away sends the wave through everything else, everything changed, not just the fast.

Troy Washington:

It it it wasn't just the eating because a part of being habitual or being in a a a a set structure, once you take once you shake that structure up, everything else has to move as well. And so, like, you just shook up your entire life by being able to do this. And that's the reason why even for you, Danielle, when you were able to listen to the wave, you probably would be full or you probably would be thinking about eating or you would probably be thinking about something that's tied to because whenever I eat, I think about relaxing. But whenever I'm not eating, I don't. I and and it is not that the things that I'm thinking about are not relaxing.

Troy Washington:

It's just the the thought of doing something relaxing does never cross my mind. It's more about being, like, you guys are saying connected. What am I going to connect to next?



Troy Washington:

go ahead, Dan. I want you to talk about what's, been surprising for you.


Yeah. So so one surprising thing was so so real quick, my my intention was as well just to connect more with God. Like, the the God energy similar to what Andona said about, we can we can just absorb all we need. I feel like we're inside of god, and so everything we need is just already here for us if we just tune into it. So, but what I noticed the first couple of days, the first 48 hours, it was like I stepped back into myself in a way.


It was like I was closer to myself. Like, we were like this. Me and my inside self, but the world almost didn't exist. It was like we were going through this together. But then around the 48 hour mark, it was I think that the sun was setting at that time and I was just I was just doing nothing but staring out the window, just looking.


I was just just standing there, just enjoying the moment. And what ended up happening was there's like a tone I hear when everything is still and I I I I call it god. I I don't know what else to to call it but it's so subtle that when it's not there, I don't really notice it. And I and I and I I didn't notice before that I hadn't been experienced this before the past. Like, I I normally do all the time but I guess before somewhere along the lines, I I just wasn't connected in that way.


And so at that 48 hour mark, it it clicked and I could hear it and it was just very peaceful and calming and yeah. So that that was that was surprising just the the whole process of that.

Troy Washington:

And, I I I'll tell y'all. I mean, there are a a number of intentions that I set for myself during this. And but one that I I guess I'll I'll speak about was the fact that again, you like we said multiple times that we've done this fast a number of times. And the one thing that I want to I want to make sure that I did this time is stop making something everything. And what I mean by that is, just to fast alone, just thinking about, even when when you were talking about it, Davonte, and I wanted to chime in on this as well.

Troy Washington:

But saying something is gonna be hard or saying something is gonna be a challenge. And so when I walked into this fast, I said, you've done this a number of times, Troy. I said food is not even an option. Because I knew that if I didn't say that, I was going to start thinking, like, man, this is 4 days. You've only done 3 days.

Troy Washington:

This is gonna be 4 days. It's gonna be a challenge. And so from day 1, I said, it's it's just like any other day. Your food is not an option, and it's just like any other day. And the most surprising thing of it all and I and I wanna tell y'all that I'm an active person.

Troy Washington:

You don't look on my social media. I coach multiple teams. I'm a real estate broker. I have a team. I'm literally always going.

Troy Washington:

So to to I said that to say that I haven't sat down all weekend. I even have games today. I have 2 games today for my kids. I was in tournaments all yesterday. But I can sit right here, right now, honestly, and tell y'all that I am not hungry.

Troy Washington:

I am really not hungry. Even so much so yesterday, we started our tournaments at 8 in the morning, and we didn't finish until, I think it was around 2 or 3. And, you know, I'm at the game, and I and I told Jay Clay this is as well. And like I said, trying to to to realize that making something everything is not an is not an option. But I've been congested since, last week.

Troy Washington:

And, another intention that set for this is to say, I'm not taking any medicine during this fast or anything. I'm gonna see what happens to my body along the way. But between my tournaments yesterday, I'm up screaming I'm up screaming at the game. Right? Hey.

Troy Washington:

Do this. Do this. And then when the game was over, I sat down, and then I was kinda I was kind of, I don't wanna say down, but I kinda felt energy drains. Right? And the first thing that I told myself was, oh, I'm on the energy drain because I haven't eaten anything.

Troy Washington:

Now mind you, I told y'all that I've been congested and stuff. Right? And whenever I'm congesting and stuff, I feel down or energy drained. And I told myself in that moment, I said, you know what? How do I know it's the fast and not the congestion?

Troy Washington:

How do I know it's either or? But I'm defining it however I want to to to set the stage to make things difficult for myself. And then I told myself, you know what? This ain't nothing. And, again, I went on with my day, and I I was surprised that when I got in the car, I told my wife when we was riding we were celebrating because we won a championship.

Troy Washington:

Shout out to my son. I I I I she's like, we're gonna stop and get some McDonald's on the way to the house. I was like, okay. Cool. And I said, once we pull up into this drive through and get this food, my stomach is going to grab.

Troy Washington:

And lo and behold, when they got the food, I smelled that my stomach growled, and that's when I knew that I was in complete control. Because I understood that I was dictating all I was dictating everything that was going on with me and around me. So, again, the most surprising thing for me at this moment outside of everything that I just told y'all is that and I and I and I and I don't say this to encourage anybody. I'm just telling you the earnest truth. I am not hungry so much so where I feel like I could actually go another day right now.

Troy Washington:

But go ahead, Jay.


Yeah. So I I I wanna ask on that just to to everyone, and we'll start with Danielle. Like, did did you exercise or were you did you do any physical things, and were you surprised that your energy level through it?

Danielle Sherrill:

So this fast, I did not exercise. I did, my guidance was to rest and relax more. So I did more yoga than anything. I did stretching and really nurtured and took care of my physical vessel. The time before when I fasted the 24 hours, I worked out, and I probably worked out harder than I usually work out.

Danielle Sherrill:

So it was a little bit of a different experience. This experience with this fast for whatever reason, and it's always my intention is always to connect deeper with source God, always to connect deeper with any sort of spirituality, you know, always for clarity, whatever that may look like. And this fast was completely different from the ones before. And, so, I was just, I was leaning into that and it by listening to that, it I think that it it probably benefited my experience if I would have done what I intuitively was like, what I intuitively thought not to do. You know, if I would have done what my intuition was telling me, you know, if I would have done something then different than what my intuition was telling me, then it probably would have looked a lot different from where I'm at today.

Danielle Sherrill:

So hard to get that out. But yeah.

Troy Washington:

No. It's I love that.

Devonte Bennett Bey:

Oh, go ahead.

Troy Washington:

Oh, I'm sorry. Okay.

Andena Sananda Kumara:

I'm sorry. I get I

Devonte Bennett Bey:

I I yeah. Go ahead.


I thought Troy was about to say something.

Andena Sananda Kumara:

So I could go. Okay. So I didn't do anything different. I didn't do anything different. I didn't even focus on, the duration of it from, like, my perspective because my mindset was the only thing that exists is now.

Andena Sananda Kumara:

So I didn't let myself get caught up in the duration. So I didn't even download the app. It was like, I don't even wanna hold myself to a time limit. Right? There there are people who don't keep up with birthdays.

Andena Sananda Kumara:

I'm one of those, and I've I've heard Prince talk about this too. They don't keep track of birthdays because it holds them to a, collective perception of aging and time. And so in that perspective, if you adopt that to yourself because it becomes that belief that you hold, then you age according to the the collective standard, right, for aging. But if you let that go, then you age by your own definition. So within this fast, I didn't even hold myself to a concept of time.

Andena Sananda Kumara:

I didn't even look out and say, oh, I got this far to go. I got this long to go. I didn't keep track of anything. I just allowed myself to stay present fully, within the moment and take it moment by moment. And from that that perspective, I didn't experience anything in relationship to, the duration, itself.

Andena Sananda Kumara:

I didn't feel the effects of that. I just allowed myself to be, present within the now. Yeah.

Devonte Bennett Bey:

I I can agree with the that's kinda where Ramadan that's that's where it takes me whenever I fast, but that's where specifically Ramadan takes me and where I know this next 4 days of the fast is gonna take me. Because it's it's it's always a it's kinda just reconnecting back with your with yourself. You guys are thinking about habits earlier, and I realized when I started to realize, when I really started doing Ramadan or fasting, I guess, was that we have a lot of I have a lot of habits that I habitually just just eat. Like, I just habitually eat something or habitually want a snack or habitually get hungry, not because I I'm actually hungry, but because I'm this is out of habit. It's it's 12 o'clock.

Devonte Bennett Bey:

I should be eating. It's not eat. Like, it's like but for once once I started getting past those habits, I started willing to dive deep into being consciously aware of them. And like you were saying, Troy, my stomach's about to be hungry. And then acknowledging that, like, okay.

Devonte Bennett Bey:

Well, it it felt like like for me, the fasting period kinda feels like, the hyperbolic time chamber. Like, I'm just in a a space where, like you said, time doesn't really exist, but I'm kinda getting in tune with God and myself in a sense to where I come out of the fast feeling renewed or like a new person.

Andena Sananda Kumara:

Yeah. Yeah.

Devonte Bennett Bey:

Like energy energy levels, Like I said, the last the last several times that I or the last two times I did Ramadan, I came out of it feeling more energized, more refreshed. The last time I did the, 2 day water fast, I came out of it feeling just clear. And and I don't think we realized how much, like, mental energy actually mental habitual mental energy we waste thinking about the wrong things because of, like, food and whatnot. How how much that traffic really bogs us down. It's like Yeah.

Devonte Bennett Bey:

Having that Internet, like, honestly.

Troy Washington:

Yeah. I

Andena Sananda Kumara:

wanna I wanna I wanna I wanna speak to what Troye spoke about because he mentioned the stories, the stories that we tell ourselves, and we live according to those stories. Right? So if you have that thought or that belief about a certain thing, you're gonna live that out. That's why you subsequently live that out. That's how it works.

Andena Sananda Kumara:

That's how it is to be a deliberate creator within this life experience. Our thoughts do create our experience of life. So you have to be mindful of the stories that you tell yourself. The my the story that you tell yourself to set up this segment that you are about to walk into and live, you have to be conscious about that. And I think that's what this past brought about is that moment to take stock in what's the story that I'm gonna tell myself in order to get through this next, this next couple of days of things.

Andena Sananda Kumara:

Like, how am I gonna set the stage for myself to walk into this space? I played that game, like, really, I played that game in order to test the limits of what we should, experience or what what we could do. Like like, can I really because I have this image of myself moving into that breatharian lifestyle? Could I really do that? And so I use this as kind of a test to say, what what can we do?

Andena Sananda Kumara:

What can we do? What limit can I set for myself? And so I set the stage in terms of the story that I wanted to live out. That was part of the intention set in process. So I think that plays a vital role being aware of those, stories.

Andena Sananda Kumara:



Yeah. So so check this out. Like, Thursday so so I have, like, a workout program I'm I'm doing. And Thursday, my workout was, no. Friday, my workout was yoga.


It was like the 1st day of the fast. And in my mind, I was kinda telling myself I I feel weak. I'm a little bit hungry, all of this. So I kinda have did the workout, like, the tough poses and stuff. I was like, no.


I'm just gonna focus on stretching low impact. So, and then my my other my other workouts were kinda low impact. So today was the start of the the let's get back into it, week. And I was talking to Troy and I was even talking to Danielle too and I was like, I don't I don't


know if I'm gonna


do my workout. I got all this energy now, but I'm I'm scared. I'm gonna lose it. I'm a do all this. And so, Troy, he didn't say it like this, but this is how I heard it.


Stop being a punk. Your mind controls your body. He was like, I still do my I still did a 100 push ups a day, a 15050 push ups a day. I'm not even hungry at all, all of this. And I was like, yeah.


You're right. And so I I did my workout, and I I went past, like, all my previous limitations, like, rep wise and everything. And afterwards, I I feel so energized, and I don't feel hungry at all. Like, the only thing I was after the workout was thirsty, which I drank water, but I wasn't hungry at all. And and and and I I was grateful for that reminder that, yeah, it is the story you tell yourself that makes a difference.



Troy Washington:

So so I I'll jump in on this too, and I wanna shout out to Andona and then I'm gonna shout out to Jay because the funny thing is those are not the words that I said, but those are the words that I was saying. So just so you know, it it translated, but just kinda give y'all a little bit of more of what I what I told him this morning. But what he said was what I said, though, just so you know. But I literally told him. I was like and and it goes back to my intentions as well.

Troy Washington:

Not making something everything. Yeah. Every single day and and this is a shout out to Andona too. Right? When when she was talking about being present, being in the now, I like to think of it as realizing the truth.

Troy Washington:

Right? And the reason why I say it this way is because we will sit and lie to ourselves and act like something's wrong when we're right here. We will sit and act like something like we'll start to tell stories that are not real when we're really right here. And so when I when when he talked to me this morning or ended in the same when I was talking to myself, the how can I say that I cannot do something when I'm right here? Like, I'm I'm I'm talking, I'm looking, I'm seeing, and I'm feeling.

Troy Washington:

And I'm questioning at the same time, but I'm really right here. It don't go together. That's not the truth. And so that's you know, the message that I conveyed to him is the same message that I conveyed to myself. And so and, again, when it came to intention setting, I told y'all before that I said that food is not an option.

Troy Washington:

So when I took that away, I knew that me right here, right now, intention is always to be happy. Intention is always to be energetic, to be loving. And so regardless if food is involved or not, how can I not be me right now? And so, another part of that was for myself, I love to exercise. I love to work out.

Troy Washington:

But I also know that just like when I was at that game, when I sat down and I wanted to give myself an excuse, I I I I could've I could have spoken to existence. Well, I'm not going to have the energy to do 150 push ups a day. Right? Mhmm. But the reality of it was that was not true because it was only a projection of what I thought was possible when I'm knowing that I can make whatever I want right now be.

Troy Washington:

And so every night, during this time, to answer your question, Jay, I got down on the floor, and I went and did my push ups to for myself to motivate my kid because I got my kids doing it as well. And not only that, I went in, grabbed my dumbbells, and I did all the weight training that I normally would do every other day. And, again, I said all that to say that back to Andona again when you talked about intentions, intentions are everything. Know what you wanna look like right now and just be that. When I talked to Jay Clay this morning when he was questioning if he should work out, He was literally questioning me without he was questioning himself without the energy in the world.

Troy Washington:

Meaning, like, he was like, man, I don't know. And and my and and what I saw in him was like, well, you don't look like you're missing any energy right now. You don't look like you're tired and you you don't have it right now. Like so just be you right now, and that's gonna take care of itself. So, you know, that's kinda how I see things and, shots out for that was a good question, Jay.

Troy Washington:

But go ahead. You can go ahead and lead in there again.


Yeah. So so I guess then so that's a good transition to, like, any tips for for anybody that's considering doing this. Like, are there any tips? And I I know we kinda touched on it by, like, mindset and intention, but is there any other tips that can definitely help? And, Devonte, go ahead.

Devonte Bennett Bey:

No. I I think, for me personally, I think it's those 2 and and now story. I never really realized the story that I told myself. Like, I I tell myself, you you had mentioned earlier that, like, that I, the mental capacity it takes to be, like, oh, it's a hard thing and go into doing that. Knowing that I was gonna do it before Ramadan.

Devonte Bennett Bey:

For me, because I didn't do the fast, I've got I kinda had to get over the hump of feeling like I let myself down. Because the story


I told

Devonte Bennett Bey:

myself is I do hard things. I'm a marine. Bro, you ain't gonna tell me I like, I'm a marine. First off, I I take the hill. K?

Devonte Bennett Bey:

And I take the hill surviving. Number 2, I can do all things through Christ.

Troy Washington:

So it's

Devonte Bennett Bey:

like, I can't tell myself that I can't do this. Like, that's and that's looking at the story of how I've told myself that, that's how I've really gotten through a lot of things. That's how I've gotten through most things is, no. I this is this is what I do. I'm Devonte Bennett Bay.

Devonte Bennett Bey:

I do hard things. That's what it is. And and that being able to to show myself that is how I've been able to kinda, like, shout to you, Troy, for saying that and having your sons do it with you or your son do it with you because that's how that's how I try to have my sons do it. Like, legit. Just like that.

Devonte Bennett Bey:

Like, I'm a show you. If I if I do it, if daddy doesn't, you you can't excuse it. And so if if daddy believes that I can do all things through Christ and I don't prove it, then I can't expect you to be able to to prove it too or to be able to live up to the reputation. So I I gotta prove it.

Troy Washington:

And and I and I wanna shout out to again, and and and this is only just to to build on the story that we tell ourselves. Everybody doesn't feel like they can do all things. Every it's proven. You can just look around and, you know, most people don't feel like they can do all things, so you never have to label anything as hard. And I'm saying that to you to let you know that you don't have to say I can do hard things.

Troy Washington:

You can say I can do all things. And the reality of it is you separate yourself automatically. Right? You you just to be defining something that's hard creates a challenge that's not real. Because, again, the truth of the matter is whatever's been in front of you, you've been able to do.

Troy Washington:

So that's just my thinking, brother. I mean, you can do it how but I that's just how I see it. Nothing hard for you because you don't.

Devonte Bennett Bey:

I like that because that's that's mindset. It's it's having that those little minor tweaks are what makes it

Troy Washington:

all the difference. It does go from it

Devonte Bennett Bey:

it goes it takes you back to, like you said, I can do all things. I never looked at it like that. Because it's like, you don't have to label it. It's it's another thing to do. It's that's literally it's just another check-in the box to do.

Devonte Bennett Bey:

And it's dang. I like that. That simplifies me. Keep it keep it super simple.

Andena Sananda Kumara:

I I can say let's let's take it a step further than that and you realize that you are all things. Like, I am all things. Right? I am all things. Yeah.

Andena Sananda Kumara:

Like, I am all things and I think through this fast, you have the opportunity to connect, to fully connect with your god self and sit in that perspective, that divine essence itself. Sit in that perspective, and then you can see the identity for what it is and see the games that the games that the identity will play with itself. And you have the opportunity to assess those games from that ascended perspective, that divine essence itself from that soul perspective. You have an opportunity to see that identity play those games with itself, but neither one is, you know, better or worse than the other. Right?

Andena Sananda Kumara:

It's the fullness of who we are and through assessing those, those illusions that we play, do we have opportunity to see truly who we are as a being? Right? We have the opportunity to see that and bring it in alignment with the fullness of the subtle essence

Troy Washington:

of self.

Andena Sananda Kumara:

So it's allowing yourself to see the full depth and breadth of you backing out completely like Jay said in the beginning, backing up and seeing yourself from that observer perspective, that true observer perspective and seeing those gains, assessing those gains, and bringing those illusions into alignment with truth. Yeah.

Troy Washington:

And and and, Donna, I wanna to ask you to elaborate for the audience. Right? When you say stepping back and viewing it from the bird's eye view Mhmm. And, you know, for someone that wants to do that, you know, how do they because, you know, again, we're we're giving tips on the fast, and to step back, you know, the the vantage point that most people have is, man, that's that's that's crazy. That's tough.

Troy Washington:

So how did

Andena Sananda Kumara:

I step

Troy Washington:

back to see that?

Andena Sananda Kumara:

So number 1, you gotta acknowledge yourself as a divine being, a fractal of of the source, an individuation of the creator itself. You are not separate from the creator of all things. You are an individuated aspect of the source. You have to acknowledge that as the who and the what of you. Many people see god as an external aspect of themselves.

Andena Sananda Kumara:

You put yourself in separation. You create the separation on your own, but you have to bring that back into a state of wholeness and acknowledge the fullness of who and what you are as extension of the source. God, you are god being lived from your unique vantage point. That's it. Acknowledge that fact.

Andena Sananda Kumara:

Only from that perspective can you step back into the fullness of the oneness, the unified field. You can't do it if you haven't come to terms with who you are. There is no God that exists outside of us. We are that. We are the embodiment of that.

Andena Sananda Kumara:

We are the unique embodiment of that. So you have to acknowledge that first and foremost. Only then do you have the awareness to be able to step back into that fullness. You can't do it if you haven't come to terms with that. If you are worshiping a god, plant praying to a god, seeking and begging and all these things rather than summoning from the power that you are, from that true power that you yourself embody as an extension of the divine source of all creation, then you can't do it.

Andena Sananda Kumara:

You can't get there from there. You have to step into the acknowledgment first.

Troy Washington:

So and then, yeah, we're gonna come to you with your tips as well, But I wanna paint the picture for everybody, what I hear what Endana just said. And I'm a I'm a take it to my house so that way y'all can all see it. Right? We like to do puzzles in my house. Right?

Troy Washington:

And we put a puzzle on the table, and every day, everybody puts a piece of the puzzle together. Right? So I would tell you to imagine God as a million piece puzzle, and you're one of those pieces.

Andena Sananda Kumara:


Troy Washington:

And, you know, a kid you know, my son, my my 5 my 6 year old now, he might knock pieces of the puzzle off the table. Right? And only that piece of the puzzle knows how that that that spot on the floor feels. Right. And you bring back that p you bring back that feeling so we all can understand from that spot what it felt like.

Troy Washington:

So just imagine yourself as being a piece of that million piece puzzle and you are connected, You just gotta remember that. Now, Danielle

Devonte Bennett Bey:


Troy Washington:

You know, what kind of tips do you have for anybody going through this as well?

Danielle Sherrill:

I just wanna say thank you. This all of this right here has been just amazing. I've been able to just sit back when some of you are talking and just meditate because I've been able I I can feel it. I can feel you guys. I can feel it, You know, like, we're talking about that God source within.

Danielle Sherrill:

I can feel it. I'm so thankful for this experience. So thank you for coming on here and speaking truth. But for me for me, my tip this go around, especially because I was like, oh, 24 hours, I can do that. You know?

Danielle Sherrill:

I've done 37 before because, like I said, 37 is just my number. But going anywhere past that was kinda like, oh, you know? And so something for me is that I don't like doing. I and I know I'm not actually alone. Right.

Danielle Sherrill:

But I like being in the spirit of unity with other people. So a community, kind of encouraged me. So I and that's what was offered to me, you know, when we when I saw you guys on perfect mode on Instagram and y'all were talking, and then it it continued to be offered to me that if I wanted to continue doing this and exploring fasting and how that could work within my life and my spirituality, that I could do it, you know, with you guys. And I don't really have a lot of people around here who are, like, fasting. I like to do it.

Danielle Sherrill:

You know? But but I did have you guys, and so I was able to tap into that. And and also, like, where we connected. Now I'm, you know, I'm friends with Jelani, so I was able to talk with him a lot, and we do a lot of voice notes and stuff. And so, you know, I got to I got to share that with somebody.

Danielle Sherrill:

Like, here's my experience, you know, whether it be a physical experience or a spiritual experience, I was able to share that and I was able to also kinda see where other people were at, you know, with the app where I joined the circle for it. And I was able to see, okay. Well, you know, they're doing it. And so when I was able to see that other were still doing it, not just looking at, you know, and measuring where I was at, but being able to see where other people were at on their journey and what their mood was, that was super helpful too, especially when, you know, through the times. And I didn't think I didn't think about food a whole lot, mostly because if it came up, I was like, I'm not I'm not looking there.

Danielle Sherrill:

I'm not looking at it. You know, just don't make eye contact. So I didn't think about it a whole lot until probably this morning when I was like, okay, like, I'm gonna feed her now. Yeah. But, like, I think it was a Friday when it was first happening.

Danielle Sherrill:

I saw somebody else and, you know, and it was in our little circle, our perfect mode circle app. And I I don't know the name of the app right now,

Devonte Bennett Bey:

and I don't know if

Danielle Sherrill:

I'm supposed to say it. But, you know, she had mentioned her mood was feeling hungry. And so it was good to I was able to see the 2 different spectrums, and I was able to hear from people in that, in the the spirit of unity in our communities where, like, some people were like, you know, I'm feeling euphoria, you know. And then she was like, I'm hungry.

Devonte Bennett Bey:

And so

Danielle Sherrill:

I was like, okay. So even, you know, I I'm in touch with that that God and that divine being, but something, you know, by also, you know, through the waves of being out here and, like, you know, out of a body and then coming back in. And that's what this new experience was for me. And then becoming, like, anchored into the body and and knowing that I can't escape the human condition right now. Even though I want to and I'm doing everything that I can to dissolve any layers of illusion through distorted perception.

Danielle Sherrill:

You know, I'm not gonna be able to be completely outside of this body until, like, I'm in my light body. You know, so something that helps me be okay was, like, in those waves where I was having a human experience, and I was like, man, like, I I feel a little light headed here or is this what is this headache? And then, you know, taking myself outside of that and ever being like, you know what? My tummy is grumbling. You know?

Danielle Sherrill:

Just realizing that it's okay. It's okay to have the human experience with it. You know, I'm not always going to be in so much control of it as much as, like, we want to and we want to be aware of it for me and I can only speak for me. You know, I want to be a master of that. That's where I'm continuing to try to get to, but it's just not, you know, through that.

Danielle Sherrill:

It's not where I'm at right now, and and that's okay. And so it's also okay. That's been, like, a huge journey for me after, you know, after having the awareness, like, that I'm not from here. I'm not from this realm, you know, as something that was really hard for me was being okay with being human, you know, and being in the flesh or whatever that may be. And I was, I just kept like pushing it away.

Danielle Sherrill:

So having help with that and knowing that it was okay, You know, and I this morning when I was, like, I'm gonna eat, I didn't. I was worried that I might, like, start judging myself or feel, like, worried that it wasn't gonna be good enough for you guys, but that's not how it was. That's not how it was

Devonte Bennett Bey:

at all.

Danielle Sherrill:

There was more support when I said, hey. Like, I just wanna let you know, like, in, like, 12 hours, I I may I don't know. There was more supportive, like, hey. Like, you do what you can do, and that's okay. You know?

Danielle Sherrill:

And that was what was so beautiful. It's like, okay. So I'll just be me and I'm just gonna this is what I did. And I did farther than I've ever done before and it was because I had help, you know, and because I wasn't alone and because there was a spirit of unity

Troy Washington:

what I feel and how I felt about what you're saying. So it's a couple of things that you said that I I think is very important. And, so number 1, when you talk about community, and this also goes back to, you know, on Donald's point when, you know, you're talking about the being a fractal piece. This is one of those things that we we forget with the puzzle piece that fell out on the on the floor. Right?

Troy Washington:

But the reality of it is each puzzle piece is in its own unique space. Yeah. And we you are always a master of where you are. Mhmm. You you are always like, I don't know what that spot on the floor feels like until you tell me.

Troy Washington:

Like Mhmm. That's what makes this special. And you being able to give that to me again, I can your human experience in life is light years different from mine. It's it's it's no way that I can experience the fast the way that you experience. It's not it's it's impossible.

Troy Washington:

It's too it's too much, it's too much that's going on through this time frame, that I can never understand, and I'm not supposed to. But the beauty of it is the if you realize, you know, that we're all a piece of that source and Mhmm. You bringing back what you have to bring is that important, your mastery shines. It's not about me being a master of that. It's about me realizing that I'm a master where I am, and I have something to bring to the table.

Troy Washington:

So I just wanted to tell you that, and, I appreciate you, not stepping away from it because you feel like you weren't supported because that's the only that's one of the things that we would never want anybody to feel. I support everybody being a master of who they are because I always have something to learn no matter what I deem something to be. Even changing my mind is a part of that process as well. So, I know, Dave, we at that point. Go ahead, bro.


Yeah. I wanna say since we at that point, I wanna say about the analogy of the piece of the puzzle, Piece the other way as well, PEACE, which I think is is cool. But since we we are getting close to the end, I wanna give everybody, like, a chance to just, you know, just just say something about yourself or just say something helpful, you know, to the to the audience, and I'll show at the bottom of the screen where people can reach you. Let's let's start with it, Donna.

Andena Sananda Kumara:

Yeah. You got it up on the screen. Those are all the things. I just wanna say, to speak to Danielle, what what you just shared, I think that's such a valid thing to, share and we're all here to be our, unique selves. We're here to embody us fully.

Andena Sananda Kumara:

Nobody else can validate you because nobody else is living life from your perspective, so live it fully. Because in in fully living that as authentically as you are able to hold, do you set the tone? You set the template. You give other people a a glimpse of what it looks like to fully align with your soul essence of self. It gives them the freedom, the space, the safety, that same thing in the people that exist around you through through resonance, through vibrational resonance.

Andena Sananda Kumara:

So do you. Be you to the fullest extent possible. Do you. Yes.

Danielle Sherrill:

Thank you. Thank you. And that's something that I've learned and that I continue to do, and I like how you just said that, it it it when I am living for my most authentic self, when I'm being my you know, learning who I am, my true self. Like, I'm able to hold space for other people to do that too, and that's something that I wanna be able to do and be able to continue to do. And I think that living in, like, this world of evolutions, there's still some things that need to be healed, but through having the experience of of healing them or walking through them, I'm able to help others, you know, and benefit others through my experience by helping them.

Danielle Sherrill:

Like, hey. This is how, you know, this is how I got through this, and and and you can come if you want. You know? And so that's really cool. And I really appreciate you speaking up, and I adore you.

Danielle Sherrill:

I adore you so much. Much. I do. All of you, but you too. So


Awesome. And, Davonte, you got any any parting words for us?

Devonte Bennett Bey:

Yeah. I'm just, I'm grateful to be here. Thank you guys for having me on the show. Thank you guys for the the support. Like, literally, the support aspect of this, the community aspect of this is huge.

Devonte Bennett Bey:

It's, that puzzle piece analogy is it's very important to know where you're paying and where you're, like, Dale was saying, knowing that what you've been through is able to help serve or help guide and help be a beneficial to other people. It makes it work. So I appreciate you guys opportunity to share that and rock fire fast and whatnot. Yeah.

Troy Washington:

Yeah. So I know we, man, I'll say this to y'all, man. We are grateful for y'all, being a part of this with us, being on the show with us, helping us to see us, and, you know, to the point of the show, you know, we tell everybody. That's the reason why it's called perfect mode. Because we want everybody to realize that you are the one.

Troy Washington:

You are perfect. You are unique. You are understand it's you. It's it is literally you. Without y'all, we wouldn't be here.

Troy Washington:

We'd be doing something, but we definitely wouldn't be here. But the reality of it is you make you make this everything. And the sooner you can understand that you are perfect, the sooner when you bring your piece of the puzzle back in, we can all you we cannot we can get it out, and that's what we want. We want everybody to understand that you are the master of you. And, you know, that's all I got for y'all today.

Troy Washington:

Jay, appreciate y'all again. We love y'all. And, Jay, you can go ahead and take us out.


Yeah. Yeah. I I wanna get say shout out to Loretta. She sent some some comments earlier. She said congrats, Danielle.


She also said and Donna, incredible. So, yeah, I wanted to to shout out Loretta. And, yeah, I appreciate everybody rocking with us as well. You know, if you found this helpful, hit the share button, like, subscribe if you're watching it on YouTube. And, yeah, just remember, you're a perfect creation made by a perfect creator.


So you might as well accept your perfection and enter perfect mode.


If I reminded you that you are perfect, would you argue me down or step into your perfection? Welcome to perfect, welcome to perfect, where there are no excuses, no expectations, and we explore the world without limitations. I'm Jay Clay, rapper, a spiritual teacher, with my cohost Troy Washington, your friendly neighborhood realtor. Let's be real. So let's be perfect.


Perfect. Perfect.